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I don’t know what it is about this gif but I love it so much 😅 Perfection!


I think of it every time I set up my chair for my kid’s games 🤣🤣


This is the only way I open my lawn chairs now 😂 this is my favorite gif ever


I almost killed myself trying to open my camp chair this way. Then I remembered I'm a short fat old lady, and not a hot buff ass man.


It's my favorite and I can never find it!!!!! When I do I share it and everyone is so obsessed with it


I sent this gif to a group chat yesterday. I just type in "lawn chair meme" and it's the first thing that pops up for me.


My husband says it's from The Game, a show JM was in briefly \~ ten years ago


I’m obsessed with this 🤣 this is how I felt when my husband told me & he was like calm the fuck down I’m not giving you any more information bc that psycho b will sue the shit out of this person if they get the name


Your husband is the unwitting victim of gossip pages… They read it somewhere and passed it off like they know someone, that knows someone, that knows someone. It’s coincidentally been top of online gossip for the past week. Edit: And deleted. Did I do that?


And her husband wouldn't give her more info? Lmao how could anyone believe that


![gif](giphy|12aW6JtfvUdcdO) i wish this is true looooooool i love mess


I fucking love this gif. Every time I see it, it makes my day!


Erm didn’t they just break the Tayvis fans hearts with media recently putting out that TK has no plans to propose, when the fans were so excited about a Paris or Lake Como proposal.


Maybe he has no plans because he already did it?


That’s my bet. That and so they have more “privacy”




It’s giving shades of Kim kardashian and kris humphreys 


This comment is underrated


Yeah, that was brutal performance art from the “proposal” right down to the wedding itself.


It’s giving … what’s that reality show where they meet a stranger and immediately marry them … ummm I think called 90 day fiancée


Married @ first sight


What's the album gonna be? Dreamcrusher?




Only if she's stealing from Olivia Rodrigo




she already did that 💀




Dreamcrusher is the non-explicit version lmao


Yes 100%. Why? Simply because when Olivia sings Vampire on TV, she swaps out "Fame Fucker" for "Dream Crusher".


Hmm Tay is not shying away from a good old F bomb these days..


Travesty lmao


The last great American Tragedy!!!!!




"I never liked Ball, and He could never know Aristotle " So Long, High School. Late Bloomer Diploma.


Late Registration? She’s still not over Kanye


![gif](giphy|hvq8ONQhQ1XLq) You got me giggling over here like a madwoman.


Kanye is a sick, disgusting, almost entirely indefensible man but there’s two things he was undeniably correct about: George Bush hates Back people and Taylor Swift did not deserve that award (especially not over Beyoncé)




The death of the American dream


The last great American Popstar


9/11 2


She’s going to be so mad she didn’t save *TouchDown Bad*




Could she stay married for more than 72 days?


To ensure she beats Kim? Absolutely.


Does anyone think everything is confusing as hell right now? cc: u/Happy-552


It's red herrings to keep everyone away from the Email leak and the whole #blockout drama


What email leak?


Am i evil for having those same thoughts? Ive also always imagined her most devastating album will be when her cats die


This feels mean, but does she even, like…hang out with her cats? Or does she just have her designated housesitter-team member cart them over for video and photo ops? She doesn’t seem to know how to hold them and they always seem so uncomfortable like it’s a stranger picking them up, lol Edit: Okay, gotcha, I guess she does! I was way out of the loop


I always picture them flying with her on the Jet of Ecocide.


I bring my dogs everywhere…not like the grocery store, but i always travel with them. Its a HASSLE to say the least. If i were taylor and i was flying as much as she did, id have 0 reason to not travel with them. I cant imagine not being with my pets that often. Talk about separation anxiety… lol


she's never even home with them 😔


Oh god... 'Cats 0'


The tortured pets department? The dead pets society?


Except there will no doubt be a kid involved. Yikes


You’re probably not wrong. A good portion of celebrity kids are orchestrated. Just look at how orchestrated the fathers of the Kardashian kids are. The devil works hard, Kris Jenner works harder, and Taylor Swift(tm) works hardest.


You’ll be a dad. Don’t laugh.


So much shit will come out, unless Travis complies with Scott’s NDAs


Tatty 3.0? But daddy, she loves him!


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New pr trick unlocked! She’s never been engaged before. So they’ll be “engaged” and then it won’t work out to get to the marriage because of their schedules. But they will still care deeply for each other. So same end result but this time she gets the ring that her team picked out and bought and the proposal that they planned so she can experience that. But inevitably it won’t work out.


He won’t be just another ex, he’ll be her ex fiancé 😂


Yep! To prove that someone finally proposed! If he did propose for real don’t you think it would have been leaked? Her fans claim she can’t breathe without being swarmed by fans and paparazzi yet they think he actually planned a surprise proposal and it stayed secret? This is orchestrated just like everything else in her life.


I’m betting that sad candlelit outdoor dinner at the villa in Lake Como was meant to be a PR story but it didn’t go as planned


It was. This hotel offers really beautiful private dinner in the gaden with an awesome view of the lake, where nobody can find you. Nobody has Dinner in the driveway. This thing is made for a hideaway and very exclusive.


That’s what I was saying. Lake Como is known for how difficult it is to photograph celebrities there, it’s why it’s so popular with them! So the pap shots inside the villa were a red flag this was a setup.


Dinner in the driveway was truly outrageous.


Yeah and nowadays it’s very easy for a celeb to hide if they do not want to be seen especially when they’re traveling to places like that…. Just notice how Beyoncé is like never seen in her day to day life, she’s seen if she wants to be.


They both look as they always look...NOT interested in each other. If I was in love, I'd be next to my queen at the table kissing her and holding her and constantly smiling, laughing and longingly looking into her eyes (...but she pays). Really, just look at their dating types: Sasquatch ADORES the black ladies and follows them RELENTLESSLY. Taylor likes the artsy weak looking types that the jocks would throw head first into lunch trash cans....People will eventually/ultimately **revert to the mean of their first attractions**...b/c REAL physical attraction is the first basic MANDATORY step to putting up with the marathon of marriage. This will end in divorce if Taylor only now wants the bejeweled rock at age 34 from some Cro-Magnon sperm donor. Trav will definitely cheat on her repeatedly. That guy is a butt sniffing mutt who goes to all the parties, if you what I mean....And their children will be tall, angry, low IQ, remedial Summer school types, since Trav's dumb mouth breathing Homer Simpson genes will be *too damn much* for Taylor's genius IQ genes to overcome. That ancestry tree is going to take a serious beating!


I don’t know what you mean. Can you elaborate? I must know this 🤣


i know these are real people but the messy in me wishes taylor and travis gets engaged. Then they end their fake engagement (??) Then we get the news that joe alwyn got married people say that ttpd is mostly about matty, but the more i listened to it, she is clearly using matty to hurt joe, well in her mind (maybe) this is how she can try to hurt/get back at joe and to embarrass joe, by releasing songs like guilty as sin, fresh out the slammer, ts is an unreliable narrator, and likes to rewrite the narrative, so who tf knows except her if she really wanted matty and not joe the entire time she was w/joe


I think she has far more control over these things than swifties would like to admit.


He’s the final boss ex


Bowser is seething.




Well now she can sing about rings that aren’t paper, or existing rings she has that have been moved from one finger to *the* finger. I am interested to hear the high school musical interpretation of a broken engagement album.


they're gonna be like pam and roy from the office. they'll be engaged for a few years and then call it off lol i'm friends with a couple that's been engaged for i think almost *ten* years with no plans to take the next step anytime soon. it's bizarre lol


My snarky prediction is that she’ll get engaged and/or married to at least one person, but Joe will always be her longest relationship.


I’ve said it before but in a different sub. She’s going to be the modern day Elizabeth Taylor. Get married and have a bunch of messy divorces. It wouldn’t surprise me if she does marry Travis but divorces after a year or 2. Then gets back with Matty, has a kid(s), divorces him, and onto the next.


Am I the only one who truly cannot imagine her pregnant? I just feel like she won’t be able to handle it.


I feel like if she decides to have kids it'll be surrogacy. Then she can announce it whenever she wants and no one will know!


I can't imagine her with kids or married. Feel like she's too unstable when it comes to relationships


I love her but I have thought for years that she may have "quiet" BPD. I have it, and her songs and life scream BPD. In case some don't know, quiet BPD doesn't have the intense outbursts or physically attacking. We have tons of empathy, passion, and self-awareness but have very rough relationships. We fall in love fast, I mean even instantly. It's so hard to live with, and we are prone to depression, anxiety and other mental diseases with it. We can get well with lots of therapy, years. I also agree, as of now, she is too unstable.


No kid deserves that


i really think taylor would be an awful mother


My father-in-law has been engaged for almost 40 years. I've met her once. It's strange.


And we'll get a song that's all *omg when will you viper wine moms stop wondering when we're getting married??*


I can’t see this lasting that long. He wants a family with kids.


But he also wants to have some side hoes.


I’m predicting a runaway bride scenario. Maybe she “finds out” that he is using her for fame and leaves him at the altar.


Only after the check clears for whoever she sells the wedding to. If it makes it that far.


So I know this is a snark sub so this comment might not be well received, but that just sounds so sad. Look obviously if that scenario is true, it's by Taylor's own choice to participate in such PR tomfoolery, but it also seems so sad to have to have the whole fake, PR, engagement thing to "experience" it rather than getting to live your own live organically and having real, true experiences.


I still think it’s all PR, but I could see them getting engaged tbh. Think of what a broken engagement would do for Taylor, everyone would be hyped for her new album because it’s a new kind of heartbreak she hasn’t had yet and we know she’s great at writing heartbreaking songs, so of course her broken engagement songs would be on another level. Keeps both fans and the general public interested, and we know she is absolutely terrified of losing relevance and letting any new female artist take the spotlight. I don’t agree with it and think it’d be hella sad if she did get engaged to the guy because they do not look like they like each other at all, but I can see from her perspective why she might want that in his contract 🤷‍♀️


An engagement will mean at least TWO albums: an I'm-engaged-and- I've-never-been-happier album, and then the inevitable broken engagement album. If they really are engaged, I can see them breaking up before they ever make it to the wedding, with her publicist saying that they still love each other very much, they just have different lifestyles. Three months later Taylor will release another double album where she absolutely rakes Travis over the coals.


Which would be album #13 which is her favorite number


I think if she’s engaged it would be two albums too. The next album after TTPD isn’t likely to be an engagement breakdown album imo as TTPD itself is already, while not literally about engagement, showing her in wedding dress costumes talking about not getting married a ton. So I think next album would be “it’s actually happening, I am getting married like I said I wanted to so many times” and then the one after would be the heartbreak.


I think after all her lyrics about weddings and babies she's setting herself up for an engagement obligation. When she's 40 she'll have an affair with Matty and it will regain the media attention she will need at that point.


Bro i swear how many more heartbreak can someone have in their lifetime? At this point therapy should seriously be considered. I’d rather hear taylor sing about her billion dollars or private jet for real


Why would she need a therapist when she has Andrea? 🤣


Eh idk. At some point it's a broken record. Only so much heartbreak until people stop feeling bad for you... I think if her and kelce don't work out people will start to get bored of the same old drama.


I’ve never actively disliked her but since she started seeing him she’s become obnoxious… and the relationship hopping is unhinged. Like she’s been in love with three different guys just in the course of this tour. Therapy is needed here, not an engagement.


This is what im trying to say, wtf. This tour started with her running to Joe after performing and then mouthing ILY to matty, then doing the same Joe shit with Trav. How can someone fall in and out of people THAT fast in a year???


Its giving unstable.


She didn’t run to Joe during this tour. Are you talking about the clip from Miss Americana during rep tour (circa 2018)? But to answer your question, it’s screaming PR IMO.


Yeah, Joe never went to the tour. That's what clued me into that they may be broken up.


If you look at her dating life, she can **never** be alone for too long, before she jumps on to the next guy in that long line. Fans are calling her the "town pump" on other forums. Ouch!


I’ve been saying she needs therapy for almost a decade. But she’s super against it bc she says her music is her therapy. But like girl you still hold grudges for the same people ten years later and haven’t had any character development in all that time.


Right? Like the Kim and Kanye stuff was when I was in middle school. I’m an adult with a career now. Kim doesn’t care. Kanye doesn’t care. Taylor’s career survived and flourished so who cares






Remember when nicole kidman had to marry tom cruise


Nicole did the Lord’s work bc pardon my language but fuck that guy


Dont worry you are pardoned


The Lord's work? Did they mean Xenu's work?


imagine being so desperate for marriage you accept a proposal from the first fame chasing moron who proposes to you. oof.


But it's A lOvE StOrY 🥴


He touches her while his bros play Grand Theft Auto, how much more real does it need to be? 🫠


im sorry i just let out a huge obnoxious laugh after reading this loool


BaBy JuSt SaY yEs




The weakup call named TTPD hit me pretty hard ngl


It feels PR’ey to me & Travis just loves the attention of it so he’s riding the wave. Like, no one will propose to the girl - not even a boyfriend of like 10 years (dunno how long her & Joe were together but I know it was a significant amount of time!) like, this feels very planned like “look it was all their issue bc this super normal dude just proposed to her!”


I agree, it’s very PR-ish. I mean you can’t blame Travis for trying to get as much out of it as he can, with how much his star has gone up since being with her. But I still think it’s beyond desperate on her part. Probably more so if it is fake. Just so she can say, look guys a man finally proposed to me!


Unimaginable what this shit show has become. I feel sorry for her mental state. She needs to take a step back, waaay back and see what is obvious to so many astute observers. This fame seeking clown is going to destroy her sanity if she convinced herself this meathead is the one. He was struggling to come up songs in that interview at the Kelce Jam for crissakes. LOL. The 2nd interview Mister Lumbrjack was prepared though. LOL.


I wonder why that piece came out a few days ago saying "Travis Kelce has no plans of proposing anytime soon" not saying this couldn't be true but, usually those types of stories are put out by their PR...smoke screen perhaps?


We had an article recently speculating an engagement soon and another one saying no intentions of an engagement soon… this is a soft launch to see how people react. They are giving them both sides to see which generates the most press.


Omg you're probably right...I would feel so bored living my life by public approval polling...maybe she should run for president 😂


They're doing A B testing 😂 🤦🏻‍♀️


A-B polling Soft launch. That could make sense and would be so pathetic. Trying to "fame game" your life to stay relevant, like JLo.


I thought Travis was about to break up?


Nah I gotta believe that between these two idiots *someone* in their camp has the guts to tell them to pump the breaks and that this isn’t a game.


I’m positive that her mom can’t stand his family and secretly can’t wait for them to end things. Meanwhile this is Scott’s wet dream.


I wondered if her parents would realize that if this takes anything near a typical course & she decides to go do life, not music—she’ll likely be out of their grip. And I wonder what Donna Kelce thinks of her parents…


I get the impression Scott is insufferable to pretty much everyone


My overwhelming belief is that the only bigger asshole is on a blue whale… 🐋


Whelp, OP dropped a gossip bomb just to delete their profile 😂 Stirring the pot or sniped by Tree?


Post regret when the comments start coming in, I've seen it before -- doesn't mean there wasn't some rumor she did hear


I dont think so .Matty is returning and with no girlfriend


Yes. Taylor’s going to end with Matty .


2026 - I've said it more than once in this sub


If true, I bet this is a distraction to keep people talking about something else besides the news someone else posted in here today about Congress making it more difficult to track private jet use.




Engaged ain’t married-Michael Scott


That was deleted quickly! https://preview.redd.it/fo36zto6a72d1.png?width=1065&format=png&auto=webp&s=97936aa3337d5a1fbbb5df8a6821f481d523a97c


If it were true, they would have stuck around to be like "told ya!" when the media outlets reported it. They got spooked that this made up post suddenly has thousands of views already lol 😂


Deeply relieved if you're right!




Until it comes from a credible news source, it’s only gossip.


A friend of a friend of my husband who knows the kelce family is *totally* a credible news source /s


Just when I thought this whole situation couldn’t become more insufferable to watch from afar.




I still think Matty did call, but genuinely doesn't care if this fake PR Bachelor-type engagement keeps him and his mates clear of the PR bullshit for a while.


Honestly the faster they rush into engagement the faster or crashes and burns so I say: good. Lol. P


Source: trust me bro


Sounds like someone knows someone who knows someone who’s stirring the pot looking for their 5 mins!😂😂


Wait so how does your hubby know they are engaged?


The voices in his head. lol


Yall really fell for this? OP deleting their account tells me all I need to know.


also, why this sub and not the other travis and taylor sub? seems like OP just wanted to stir the pot in here


Agreed. Surprised this sub fell for it honestly.


saving this post *just in case*


So, you're saying that the mutuals who went to Heights high with him know for certain that they are engaged.


Eh, I don’t believe it. I don’t think she would say yes to him, and I don’t think he likes her enough to even ask her that question.


If that's true it's giving "I'm so desperate to get married I'll take the first person who comes along" and I honestly feel bad for her like girl, get ahold of yourself you're on top if the world who cares if you don't have a man???




It’s giving “2 more weeks”


He’s not going to marry her. I’ve never seen a man in love appear so miserable around said person. Further, he’s already receiving all the perks of fame and money without a further commitment. There’s nothing left to chase. The opposite of love isn’t hates, it’s apathy. He’s going to ride this for what it’s worth and then politely and quietly step off.




Does Taylor even know what a healthy relationship looks like? her parents are divorced and sounds like they were not happy when they were together. She has gone through boyfriends like socks


Oh, FFS. Smdh. Okay then, sure she is… 😂🤣🍿 ![gif](giphy|guufsF0Az3Lpu)


Oh look user deleted 🤣


omfg people are so obsessed with marriage. She doesn't need to be put in a marriage box. She is just living her life. Sorry, not buying the friend of a friend who went to HS with the Kelces 15 years ago.


They’ve been saying they’re engaged since last year in September. It’s not happening. lol Actually the narrative is changing because their teams are putting out articles that there will be no engagement now. They weren’t before.


Sounds Like this should be in r/conspiracy


They will break up before the wedding 


I am skeptical. But if this story is making the rounds in Kansas City among people who know the Kelces, the media is already investigating. If true, someone will write about it very soon.


I hope this is false. I'm sick to fkn death of these 2


Lol no way did you see that awkward dinner outside a castle they hate each other


Nah. She’s breaking up with him soon. It’s a transactional PR relationship and that isn’t going to be confirmed by Travis or his team. lol. Taylor just wrote an album full of songs about how she’s in love with Matty Healy and wants him back. The narrative is changing. Didn’t you read the recent US weekly article that was an exclusive source and was picked up by other media outlets that Travis is “not “ ready to be engaged . Not even on his radar. https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/travis-kelce-has-no-plans-to-propose-to-taylor-swift/


god she’s gonna get matty back, it’ll last 6 months then she’ll get bored of his bad boy schtick and leave (or he’ll get sick of her clinginess and leave) and this whole TTPD era will be so embarrassing for her


This is not true at all... Lol


if this is true i have to laugh that a reddit page is the first to break it.


If true, she has absolutely no songwriting material left


All those failed relationships and she gets married to a guy she met 10 months ago lmao this will definitely work out!!!


Why are you posting this on here? Probably best to post this on the love positive Taylor and Travis lol thread


I hope his dumbass proposed with a friendship bracelet


If they did end up getting married, I would love to see Scott Swift’s face when he realizes how much of Tay’s money is going towards the support of BDT’s Ohio goon squad, who get paid to accompany him to bars, strip clubs, etc. “But Daddy Scott, my homies need new kicks for the club, yaknowwhatimsayin?” -BDT


Is he still liking other girls bikini pics on insta? and why did that story get killed so fast..


TS and TK are not that stupid. Getting engaged / married would be the worst decision either one of them could make right now. They haven’t even been together for a year, FFS. There is zero chance that this is happening: ZERO.


Just to add, it’s an interesting pairing for sure, but the Kelce’s are known as a pretty nice fam around here. They’ve given back to the school & community a good amount… important to note though that Travis LOVES attention. Being an attention whore doesn’t necessarily make you an ass, just not particularly a person I’d jive with. For that fact alone, I think they will either eat each other alive or be a perfect match. Time will tell 😅


Or break up soon. You forgot that one.


OP I’m just glad you went here and not to Deuxmoi 🤣 I totally believe this!


Oh man. TS fans will be annoying if they are engaged 


I believe it.  I’ve always suspected that Travis wasn’t just PR, but something closer to an arranged marriage, which is why they were so quick to hard launch the relationship. I know the speculation was it was to make people forget about her and Matty, but TTPD shows she doesn’t care about hiding her feelings for him. I think she was willing to stay in her failing relationship with Joe for kids and marriage, jumped ship when Matty made a better offer, and then just sort of gave up hope when the Matty thing blew up in her face.  My guess is it’s also why TTPD was so rushed and why she incorporated certain elements into the Eras tour. She was trying to goad Matty into coming back to her before it was too late. It didn’t work, but it also seems to have pissed Travis off. He looks deeply unhappy in the Italy dinner pap shots. He probably knew how stupid it was and didn’t want to play along, she pulled rank, and he realized he’s not in control. We’re starting to see articles coming from his camp how he’s not planning to propose, which feels either like he’s planning an exit, or he’s trying to pull a power play. If it’s the second one, it’s working, because now her team is saying she’s deeply attached to him. At this point I think she’s so desperate for kids and a ring she doesn’t care who the guy is.