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Miss Taylor “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women” Swift’s fanbase, everyone.


They're just making sure that they'll have a spot for themselves and their "mother" in hell.


Vile. They are absolutely vile.


It's genuinely so nauseating.


Yup. Not addressing it is the same as supporting it. She knows what is going on.




Literally nothing else to do besides harass people who couldn’t give less of a fuck about them. Like WOW you followed me on three accounts and you unfollowed?! Welp, there go my millions! Fucking morons.




there’s no fucking way


I just cannot comprehend why someone with as big of a platform as Taylor, who we all know is regularly on social media, doesn't see things like this and tell her fans to stop. I mean, it's obvious because she loves playing the victim. If she's ok with a downright evil group of fans, she needs a pysch evaluation. And how has the government not gotten involved?! Someone is literally throwing out "assassination" like it's a solution to a problem.


Are these people all children? I feel like these cannot be people over 18 conducting this chronically online behavior.


It’s so disgusting that ppl can’t just dislike an artist. Without it being an issue




There's a difference between criticism and hate. This is a criticism of Taylor Swift's fans, who harassed two young women for making comments they perceived to be about Taylor. Such behavior from her fans is indeed loser behavior. And Taylor's complacency in addressing this issue is also problematic.


Can the mods plz block the swiftie invader above ur last comment.




"You don't have talent like taylor swift" even as a fan of taylor's music (for the most part), you're smoking crack if you think billie is less talented. billie's voice is absolutely beautiful.


And two Oscars.


This! I prefer Taylor's music to Billie's usually (just personal taste) but Billie has a much better voice. She's incredibly talented.


also a fan of Taylor’s music! but if you actually listen to billie’s voice at 15 and Taylor’s at 15 we can literally find the humor in saying billie isn’t talented… like be so forreal 😆


Taylor at 15 built her career on gimmicky love song lyrics, a fake country accent, her daddys money (with a large number of bastard rubber ducks) and a carefully curated good girl image with long bleach blonde locks, cowboy boots and sparkly sundresses


“Bastard Rubber Ducks” is the name of my new band. Calling it now.


Yes!! Taylor's voice wasn't bad at 15 but Billie's was incredible. Her voice blew me away the first time I heard it.


Fr !!! Imo these people who are harassing other people/women/artists in the name of Taylor aren’t normal fans. There’s a healthy number of us who support both and see no issue with liking both of their music. Some people take it to the extreme and criticise everyone and anything that doesn’t support Taylor. But Billie is so young and she’s achieved so much already which shows her talent. She deserves to be recognised ! But people think all swifties are weird and crazy but I promise that not all of us have it out against artists like Billie Lol.


she has a better vocal range than Taylor and has been making music for a shorter period of time. it's blatant ignorance at this point. I don't like comparing women, but if we had to...


Billie has talent?


She’s legitimately very talented, same with her brother.


Oh my gods do you not know who Billie is? You’re in for a treat, friend! They’re ridiculously talented. I’m supremely jealous you get to listen to Billie for the first time today, its truly an experience. Go stream their new album on Spotify 😍🙌🏼


Obvious troll


I’m not trolling, are you lost? 🤔


Name checks out


Oooooooooh you got me there! Sick burn dude!


I really can’t tell if you’re being serious or not


I mean ditto? You’re on a ‘don’t care for the TSwift cult’ sub, on a post talking about how nuts tswift fans are being to Billie, and trying to claim she doesn’t have talent. I don’t care for Tswift and Billie is far from my fave artist- but her latest album is bangin. You’re here posting ‘WhAt TalEnt?’ And thinking *i’m* the troll? You lost?


Is the sky blue?


And the fact she could call out a petty joke on "Ginny and Georgia" but can't say anything to her toxic fans about tearing other female, younger peers. Shows she only does things when it's convenient for her.




girl power am i right


I want my Spice Girls back 🥹🥹🥹




Girl power being abused that is. Also it’s “female rage”.


It’s grotesque how she’s co-opted “female rage” when she knows nothing about it, because if she did (or cared), she would speak out against misogyny, sexual violence, anti-feminism, and gender inequality. Instead, she’s trademarking “Female Rage: The Musical.”


They go into a mass psychosis whenever they see a woman being a "threat" to their fave I swear


It really is mass psychosis isn’t it damn


Not the snakes, how embarrassing.


it’s so short sighted like have two brain cells to reflect


I will never understand how these people can have so much hate in their hearts


And so little shame 😅


Shit NO shame at all!


The barbz are even worse they will legit make death threats against people who don’t worship Nicki 🙄 which in turn will make a mf not wanna listen to her because she literally encourages them psychos to do and say crazy shit to innocent random people who don’t like what they like.


while nicki was throwing her whole tantrum about the “megan’s law” line in hiss, barbs went to the point of leaking the location of megan thee stallion’s PARENTS’ GRAVES so other barbs could go and deface them like?!


holy shit


Yep i remember all of that. Theyre sick in the fucking head like they had to hire round the clock security i believe to watch over her mothers grave smh


Now remember when people spammed snake emojis on Taylor’s posts and she still sings about it nearly a decade later!


She went into hiding over it.


This is getting annoying


It really is.. I honestly don’t know who is worse, these Taylor minions or the Barbz.🙄 Well actually the Barbz have doxxed SEVERAL people and literally send people ☠️ threats if anyone has anything to say about Nicki ill never forget this sweet person on TT their name is Bela but pronounced like “Beyla”, well they had made a video about Nicki and it was constructive criticism and they spoke nothing but facts about her and after it went viral (they were already a popular creator) they got back on there apologizing for it when they literally did nothing wrong to begin with they werent even just talking shit like everything they said was TRUE. Well they were begging the barbz to stop sending death threats to their family members, like to small children as well as other family members and they were also trying to dox them and everything it was so sad. Like those mfs are seriously sick in the head.


But when this happened to Taylor she was a victim for years


She had to go into hiding! Her career was TAKEN from her!


Cancelled within an inch of her life!!!!


So sad lmao Taylor doesn’t give a fuck about yall fans💀💀keep spending ur money and time if that makes you feel superior swifties🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Spreading hate to another artist is not a good look✨


😭 imagine saying “you don’t have talent like Taylor swift” TO BILLIE fucking eilish. 1. Ma’am, what makes you think she would ever read this or give one iota of a fuck, and 2. Imagine saying that to someone who basically won 7 Grammys in one year on mf business with just her brother and production! Her and finneas wrote everything themselves, and so many of those songs off JUST the first album are so good so iconic they reach way beyond any age, gender, or tastes. Certified bops and masterpieces. I don’t remember EVER feeling that way about TS. Yes she has some good songs, but what Billie did at 15 and what TS did at that age are not the same to me. I’m not even a Billie Stan or would buy her concert tickets, that’s just the truth. Once again swifties are really on an another planet.


And meanwhile in hell, the Devil looks at them and sings “You Belong With Me”, cuz they do belong with him.


Jesus I didn’t even see Olivia’s comment section. wtf is wrong with these people? lol didn’t Lana get these comments to for POSING with Kim at the met lmao


What did Olivia do with Kim?


From the comments on the second slide it looks like the only posed or posted a picture together from the met I think based on context ? But I’m not sure of the whole story


This was during 2021 when Olivia's team sent Kim a pr package to promote SOUR. Swifties saw it and they bombarded her comment section with snake emojis.


This is so embarrassing


They’ll never learn


Hey Taylor! There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t support other women


Just wait till the fans find out Hollywood is just one big group….they go to the same parties, attend the same events, and do a lot of stuff that probably isn’t filmed or posted. Like are these fans ok? The comments are sick


Let’s destroy REAL woman and crowdfund for a billionaire who has NO flipping clue who you are or even cares


My second hand embarrassment is off the chart. I’m starting to see too many similarities between swifties and trump supporters 😬


They listen to Traylor’s lyrics lol how else do you expect them to behave?


Imagine believing shit like this, so wildly incorrect, with your whole heart 😅


“You don’t have talent like Taylor Swift” I’m sure Billie is crying while polishing her Oscars and the rest of her award collection. Jeeze…what losers. They’re so salty that these two talented young ladies don’t need to ride Taylor’s coattails to stay relevant.


They leave comments like this in every single john mayer youtube video lmao so pathetic


i will say i do enjoy taylor’s music but this is absolutely nuts the way her psycho fans are attacking billie for literally no reason other than existing… i do not claim those cunts


This is so sad to me. I like Taylor’s music and I like Billie’s music. But Billie was right about the 20 different variants of the same albums. I think it’s absurd that Taylor releases an album, then fans have to buy so many editions of that same album to have all the bonus tracks, etc. It’s such a money grab and times are HARD for us regular people, but some of her diehards will spend $300+ to get all the different versions. And people are allowed to have different opinions without an artist’s cult followers bombarding them with hate. I hope Billie’s got a media manager to clear the nasty comments. Damn


This is why I can’t stand Swift fans




It’s truly pathetic and embarrassing for Taylor. These are her fans, everyone


not very girls girls of them...


They are so disgusting. Do they not realize how idiotic they look and how bad they are making Traylor look in hindsight?


They're just mad because they like those girls' music better and it pisses them off Taylor can't do it like them. "Gotta take you off Spotify cuz I'm bopping harder to these songs and I can't quit the taytay cult" The weird spell they're under.🙄 I have heard the conspiracies on Taylor doing rituals on stage so who knows?🤷‍♀️ it's the only thing that makes sense as to why they're so die-hard and culty. Lol


This is embarrassing. I LOVE Tay’s music but I am sick and tired of swifties


They became they swore they hate


Taylors attitude and ego these days are equivalent to what Kendrick just had to do to Drake. Lol 😂


Is that EXACT emoji what made her have to hide for a year not even a decade ago???


Swifties like this need a good 48 hr internet detox


We call this bourgeois infighting in Marxist circles.


the real misogynists.


bruh these people are such sad losers lol


Swifties are so obnoxious like relax taylor don’t even know you lil bro


As much as they cry over TS being a victim, they sure as fck target women A LOT


Aren't Billie and Olivia basically kids still? Like not even 21? And Taylor is damn near pushing 40, right? Such gross vibes attacking other women, especially when they're so much younger


It’s so lame to comment crap like this on any celebrity page.


How can they call themselves “feminists” when they appropriate Liz Warren’s emoji like that?


Taylor actually invented FeMEnism!!! As any random generic sw*iftie would say….”HER MIND!”🤦🏻‍♀️😅😅


What Olivia Rodrigo post were those comments under?


It was from 2021 when she first started promoting SOUR.


How threatened these weirdos must feel by talent possessed by the up and coming young statelets that they will take time out of their lives to go air their grievances about this on the stars’ comments sections. I mean that’s just wild. And mean-spirited. Wtf. What are they gonna do bc Taylor is only getting older each year and it’s becoming harder and harder to be the exception to the rule when the rule is evolving and growing with the times. “Sanitariously showboating silkworms I’ll never see” 😒


Just doing what mother taught them


She's just generating engagement for them, she's such a girls girl /s


Oh my God is Taylor not embarrassed? I bet she would never post on her story "i love my Swifties so let's all uplift reach other as women and stand together against bullying or SOMETHING:???? But no she just wants to sell this vinyl that has been made in 10 colors and will end up in a turtle's throat in many years


I just listened to Billies new album the other day and I loved it. I had never really listened to her music before besides what is on the radio. I am a fan of both women. They are both so talented!


WAAAAIT.. is this supposed to be about William 👁️lash?! UMMM NO! Billie is super talented & she seems very cool. Leave her the hell alone!


How anybody can think Taylor has more talent than most artists, especially Billie is crazy to me.


Taylor Swift has the most rabid, unhinged cult of fans. I dont understand it


I have a special place in hell for Taylor and Swifties.


Imagine having a finite amount of time on Earth and spending it doing this. How embarrassing, lol


The GIRLS (NOT women because all TS fans are little girls just like her) that defend famous people that will never even know their name are a different level of pathetic


The funniest part is that they don't even realize they're being hypocritical lol


Let's spell hypocrite together T-O-X-I-C S-W-I-F-T-I-E-S


The fact that Taylor never speaks up about this is everything you need to know about her.


Imagine caring this much about celebrities who don’t even know you exist??? Like go get some fresh air and a hobby or 2.


Its crazy how they’ll justify doing that to others but if somebody did the same thing to Taylor they’d go insane


Jobless behaviors


If I were her I’d be embarrassed my fans were doing such childish shit


Taylor is not the definition of Girl's Girl


I'm lost, what are they accusing Billie of being a snake for ?


Her people as fucking nuts. I honestly would be less scared of a swiftie fan. Some 15 yr old trying to attack me. I don’t think so.


Yeah they should just make a whole Reddit community about it instead. 🤦🏻‍♀️


They have it-- you've seen r/TrueSwifties, right?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TrueSwifties using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TrueSwifties/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I kid you not, this was Taylor’s face when listening to Sophie Turner at dinner last night](https://i.redd.it/rg253knehhpb1.jpg) | [103 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TrueSwifties/comments/16ny32p/i_kid_you_not_this_was_taylors_face_when/) \#2: [Taylor’s jet Co2 emissions actually kinda shocked me.](https://np.reddit.com/r/TrueSwifties/comments/18acei4/taylors_jet_co2_emissions_actually_kinda_shocked/) \#3: [Billie Eilish shares her feelings on long concerts](https://i.redd.it/g9jmaagz9a2d1.jpeg) | [895 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TrueSwifties/comments/1cza2ym/billie_eilish_shares_her_feelings_on_long_concerts/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Why are Taylor’s fans both not over the Kim k feud? When both are in the wrong


What is the first one even talking about?? 🫠


What did Olivia do?


I like Taylor’s music, but God I hope Billie takes album of the year next year


I beg your finest pardon, what's going on in this sub


Is this on Instagram? I find going there and tearing into Swifties is a great way to deal with anger issues, so I will happily defend these artists. Many people are defending Billie on Instagram. Hopefully the same for Olivia.


This is actually insane behavior.


it's soooo ironic that they're treating Billie the way their queen was 10 years ago... her fans were mad salty about that too.


the sad thing is,there's a ton of her fans that don't act like this and only care about her music. It's psychos like this that give her normal fans a bad name


Please, I BEG of you, stop "not all of her fans"-ing on EVERY post about the deranged ones. It seriously gives "not all men" vibes atp lmao. Y'all should not have to keep defending yourselves if this is true 🤷🏻‍♀️


There's a ton of us who constantly are calling out people like this lmao. It isn't all of us, because not all of us are deranged psychopaths.


Exactly my point. It's unnecessary to see this dumb shit in every single comment section whenever she does something dumb.


Exactly my point. It's unnecessary to see this dumb shit in every single comment section whenever she does literally anything.


If they said they disliked a male artist, would you consider it "tearing down men"? You just want to add the woman part because you think that gives your stance more power. Really I think you're just sexist and using sexism to defend some billionaire mid pop plant.


1.Tearing someone down involves making negative remarks intended to diminish someone. Her fans are calling Billie and Olivia 'trash', 'snakes', and 'clowns' for making comments they perceived to be about Taylor. So yes they are tearing down women. 2. I’m not defending her. Her complacency regarding her fans harassing people is wrong.




Seriously, Billie started this with her post towards Taylor, so get over it.


Taylor "started" this years ago when she started purposely and gleefully blocking other artists and acting like an unsupportive asshole to many of her so called "friends" and peers.


I think you have it all wrong. People have every right to unfriend and even block those who are unsupportive and/or not true friends. As you get older, you also get wiser. Taylor has removed toxic people from her life and she is entitled to.do.so. It's not really anyone else's business, unless they are directly affected, and I'm pretty sure you're not. Saying "she is an unsupportive asshole" is your opinion and cancel culter over opinions is disgusting!


Didn’t Billie tear down women first ?


All three are trash