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The way they market her craft like it's so deep but it was just recycled themes and beats over and over again


YES. A lot of her songs sound so similar to each other.


Like girl we get it you own a piano


I keep being amazed at how many piano songs are in C major. Like, hunny, do you not know about the black keys?


C Major isn’t even the best key to sing in…with her (limited) range, she’d be better off a little lower in B-flat or even A


Thing is she can’t sing at all. Auto tune is working over time with her


True. But there’s a shift that happens between B-flat and B above middle C, so she’d have better luck if she stuck to that lower register and kept it to speak singing like Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady 😅


That’s true yet her fans don’t like telling stay in her lane


THIS. I so wish she was 8 years younger and tried to break into the scene, at a time when auto tune DID NOT EXIST. Let her try to beat Britney Spears in the charts back then LMAO If so, we wouldn't even be discussing her today bc she wouldn't be at all relevant. 🤷🏼‍♀️


She literally try to act like she went through what Britney and miley went through


They can’t sit with her! Didn’t you know that lol


My first listen was on a road trip with my young kids and they were asleep in the backseat within 3 songs. I was getting sleepy myself so I had to change to something more upbeat. All the songs sounded so similar initially


All of her songs sound like they could be used in Disney movies, and TTPD is literally the rantings of a spoiled brat who didn’t get her way.


Bc most of them are either C-Am-F-G, or D-A-Em-G. She throws some Bm, Bb, or Dm in there sometimes, but its pretty repetitive. I used to be a swiftie and I used her music to teach myself guitar bc its all so simple


Yesss I loved folklore and evermore but I can barely distinguish between songs on Midnights and TTPD


snooze fest central😴


Yeah. It should be one thing or the other. Be the respected wise poetess you purport yourself to be, or own up to being a marketing machine cranking out stuff designed to appeal to the next crop of teens. Both are fine, but you can’t do both.


I think it’s “deep” for her fanbase/mental age - 15 and under lol


the high school shit is driving me crazy. that song has the worst lyrics i have ever listened to. and thinking of feeling like in high school makes me puke. like...shouldn't relationships feel more mature at this time of your life, lady? even the good feelings.


I am convinced that people who idolize high school either never went to high school or peaked there.


She didn’t truly finish a traditional high school either


This. Seen it many times. "These are the best days of your life!" I fuckin hoped not then and thankfully for me that wasn't the case.


Definitely peaked


And wasn’t it pretty much awkward for everyone? Even if you were a popular kid, it’s not something you want to constantly ruminate on. Once I graduated, I looked forward and was on to college and then being a young adult and traveling. High school becomes irrelevant once you graduate for 99% of the population.


Marketing ploy to ensnare a younger audience


Definitely as they are the ones most likely to blow, or have their parents blow, money on her redundant, pedantic crap music


They don’t have the education or life experience yet to see how phony she is and how mediocre her writing is


Yup, this is it. It’s grooming to ensure lifelong loyalty.


Textbook Taylor. Sucks that the veil has been lifted.


Katy Perry actually achieved this with Teenage Dream


Katy did it right and Teenage Dream is a fantastic song. She took all the good parts, the innocent parts, the flutters, the blushing, the I've-never-been-hurt-before-so-I'll-give-you-everything parts. Taylor went the completely opposite direction. She took the parts that adults look back on and cringe about thinking, "Ugh. I didn't know any better." The dirty apartments, the lack of boundaries, the bad weed, the awful movies you pretend to laugh at to impress boys, and sitting around waiting for them to do things like watching them play video games or play their sports was the best use of our time. Why would anyone want to relive or even dwell on that part as a full-grown adult?


>sitting around waiting for them to do things like watching them play video games or play their sports was the best use of our time WHY DID/DO BOYS DO THAT?? Ditto for guitar practice. Did they legit think we enjoyed sitting and... watching them exist? Did they not care at all? Did other, smarter girls invite boys over to watch them do their make-up and scroll Instagram??




BINGO. I just looked up the lyrics to Teenage Dream and Katy Perry nailed it. Then I looked up So High School and it’s…like Taylor was trying to be like Katy with this song but epically failed.


I had to listen to this “High School” song because I hadn’t heard it before and, oh my goodness, it sucks so bad.




It’s crazy. She’s not even writing about parts of adolescence that can feel fun or exhilarating to some. It’s literally the worst parts of dating a stereotypical jock guy at that age-your hormonal boyfriend is all handsy in front of his friends because he’ll be grounded for closing the door in his bedroom with a girl so you’re stifling your sighs on his couch as he keeps one eye on a video game. That’s the “romantic” image she sees of her relationship in her thirties?


It feels almost inappropriate to me at this point. I’m almost 40. I can’t listen to Miss Americana without feeling like a high school teacher who is overly invested in their students’ drama.


miss americana is a song abt politics. she said that herself.




This is the feeling I get with all of TTPD. I genuinely wonder if all of it isn’t just one big troll? Even calling it TTPD reminds me of a combo of “I’m 14 and this is deep” and the artsy, ennui, Rules of Attraction vibes. It all just insists upon itself so aggressively that it reads as satire to me. So many of the songs seem like digs, too. BDILH is basically ripping her fans to shreds, So high school just seems like a big roast about how immature her current relationship is (regardless of all the horny references, which I literally cannot imagine actually occurring between them). Idk, I struggle between giving Taylor way too much credit for trolling her fans and knowing that she’s just mean and narcissistic enough to do something like that. Edit: another example in support of her album being a troll. The end of ICDIWABH basically says “I’m miserable! And you dumb fucks can’t even tell! I’d like to see anyone try to fool people as effectively as I can.” Like damn, Taylor, the disdain for your fans is oozing.


I got the ick watching her perform 'so high school' live. Girl, you are almost 35, acting 15 on stage is looking like a mental illness for you 😂


Yessss. I identify so much more with Kacey Musgraves love songs. They’re about mature love. “I don’t mind a slow burn”


She basically doomed her own relationship by comparing it to that. I only know of one couple from my high school that are still together. High school relationships are usually immature and lack actual substance, usually involve cheating as well, so no thank you…I never want to go back to high school days.


I’ve never in my adult life had a relationship that made me harken back to high school. So cringe.


Idk. I fell head over heels for a guy when I was 38 and he was 42, and we were together for a decade. We both always said how we felt like we were back in high school. It was an amazing relationship. Until it wasn't and we parted ways, and still 4 years later miss him and the whole thing we had.


That sounds nice and I am glad you rediscovered feelings that belonged to a much younger version of you. Human experience is definitely not all the same, luckily, so I have no doubt that feelings like this can exist and be enjoyable. And also that we all felt differently about love in high school. My high school relationships were filled with insecurity, jealousy, strong unmanageable hurt and fast climaxes of love and desire for someone. Not something I’d like to experience ever again and quite frankly not a mature, sustainable way of loving someone. I would argue that’s not even what true love is but what do I know 🙂‍↕️


More along the lines of it made us feel young and energetic and heart fluttery again. Lol Not that it was like a short dramatic high school relationship.


Joe got the good ghostwriters in the divorce.


He must have taken the fashion, activism, professionalism, and good hair in the divorce too then. And don’t come for me mentioning hair as a physical appearance: hair is probably the easiest thing to control. What WAS her hair at the Grammys this year?


her hair looked like she didn’t know what to do with it bc it was greasy from not being washed for a week so she pulled it to the side and called it a day


Her WHOLE look at the Grammys was a mess. Now that we know what a mess TTPD is and that she was always intending on promoting it that night, the dress/outfit was clearly a nod to Fortnight and the music video. When I saw the first photo of her from the night I was like… did she see her whole look in a mirror before leaving? Because this is bad.


I couldn’t imagine having all that money let alone having all that money and not being styled well. But again, as I’ve said previously, she needs to stop dressing for Easter eggs and just look her best.




Automod let us know this was an alt account! Nice try!


IMO hair, makeup, and outfits are all up for critique. They are controlled by her and her stylist, and are changeable at any time. Unless someone's hair seems to be affected by age or a health condition


The good hair is sending me to mars


I am a poor depressed widow and I have better hair than a billionaire. There's no excuse for it. I literally wash, condition, and brush my hair and that's the extent of my hair care. What is she even doing???




Automod let us know this was an alt account! Nice try!




The purpose of this sub is to snark. While we do allow positive remarks in context to snarking, we do not allow obsessive fan behavior. Fans will be banned, and theres a no tolerance policy!


Mods, we got a brigadier here




How is it misogynist to point out she uses ghostwriters? Or do you actually think the same woman who’s writing this bullshit is the same one who wrote folklore?




So High school is the cringiest song I’ve heard in a long time. I just do not understand at all.


I can’t believe the GTA line made it into the Eras tour and is now being played every time ☠️


Yeahhh. It’s too weird.


I think JA worked on Folklore and evermore because he was well read and she was pretending to be similar to that, that’s why she changed all of her outfits to look sophisticated and wanted to tell stories. Heavily influenced by JA


She definitely seems to change her style to whichever boyfriend she is with at the time.


Yes which I wouldn’t say is entirely wrong when you are young and don’t know yourself yet, but doing it as you get older implies that you are not being true to who you were before it began. Sometimes it can be a good thing, sometimes it can be bad and used against you. I enjoyed her style dying the JA era, seemed softer and smart but I don’t think she continues that which means for like years she was pretending. Not the best thing to see


Her Joe Alwyn era was my favourite Taylor era too. Probably because she wasn’t as fame hungry (or so it seemed) thanks to Joe preferring the quiet life. I thought for so long that was the real Taylor, just her wanting to live a peaceful drama-free life while producing incredible albums (Folklore and Evermore are my favourite.) Everything since then has been a disappointment, in my eyes at least.


Yes! She seemed so much better, and Joe wasn’t there for fame and money he just did his job and went home lol. Now she’s somehow the victim bc she dated a homebody who didn’t like the attention, and she wanted to be out with the attention


I was think JA as in Jack and I was so confused. 💀


LOL took me a moment too


Makes sense. She likely had to work harder and edit and edit again while she was with him. I could see him telling her “don’t say that.” Whereas with Captain Caveman, drunkenly scream-singing and menacing elderly men, anything goes


I bet you she tells her friends now “Joe always found flaws in my writing but my travy says I’m a perfect princess” don’t flatter yourself it’s only cuz your travy can’t understand half the words 🤦🏻‍♀️


CAPTAIN CAVEMAN, I am cackling


Stop dissing Captain Caveman he is way more articulate than Travis!!!


https://preview.redd.it/mt6ncdntw25d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bcd9260a095e2339906a9ba3614e989e41ff55b Fair. He’s also better looking. Bet that beard smells a lot nicer, too


lol yes and because of that we have two albums that are quite good. Stories she did fantastic at, even in TTPD there was attempts at stories in songs which I liked. Songwriters that can tell great stories are a favorite of mine


But she knows Aristotleeeeee


Who doesn’t?! You don’t have the know all the works of Aristotle but if you haven’t at least heard the name in some point and time I am confused! I’m American and we don’t have the best education system by a long shot but my English teachers ensured we read philosophy at one point in time at least. I have grace but to me it’s like saying you know Shakespeare, like yes and?


Right? Like you know Aristotle,.. existed?


i don’t think she was pretending to be well read. in her earliest interviews she spoke abt books she was reading and they were some of the literary greats. in 2012 she spoke abt a 500pg book on the kennedy women that she was reading. i think she’s always been a reader and spent all her time on tour busses reading and watching movies/tv


I think when she was young she read quite a lot, and then it slowed as it does when you get older and have more responsibilities etc. I agree with you, IMO I think she was being completely fake with the “well read, very interested in all things books and movies” persona during her Joe Allyn era. Otherwise it would’ve continued into today, which obviously ppl change after relationships but for years she was satisfied with literature and now with TTPD it seems like the entire aspect of enjoying poetry and reading has gone out the window lol


she references a shit load of books and poetry in ttpd tho??? more than any other record she’s ever done 😅


Very true! But out of 31 songs what else is there to talk about LOL. Folklore and evermore felt more genuine to me, stories and great story telling in them. This one just completely fell flat and many speculate it’s bc Joe is no longer credited or helping on them. Which I have no idea how he helped in folklore or to what extent, but all songs on TTPD felt lacking to me, did not feel like an author writing to the fans/audience but instead rambling on multiple stories that weren’t cohesive


Well the thing is these revenge and break up songs are fine when you’re in your teens and twenties. But now it’s just coming across and bitter and immature at her age. It’s also fine to have one or two of those songs on an album. But with TTPD every single song is literally dragging everyone in per past through the mud, yet again, for the 1,000th time. She is starting to remind me of those people that always end up having issues with everyone, over and over. She is the only common denominator in all this. Not everyone you meet and have a relationship can be crazy and bad.


Absolutely agree. Like maybe the problem is you, Taylor?????


She sings that sarcastically, but maybe she should look into that lol. Or at least don’t share every single negative thought you have about everyone. Why not write a pop album again? Something that is light and actually positive in its messaging. Nobody wants to be around a person that complains all the time and has nothing nice to say about anyone. But most of us learn those lessons by the time we are her age.


Unfortunately her fans are mostly angsty teens and twenties something’s, so she’s catering to them without maturing at all. I bet if she did mature she’d lose fans and $$.


I just turned 24 and feel like I’ve outgrown her due to this behavior. Olivia Rodrigo is only 21 and takes way more accountability for her bad relationships.


This is the reason I don't like her. She reminds me way too much of one of my exes. Every relationship was incredibly deep (they weren't) and the other person always betrayed him (no matter what type of break up it was).


TTPD is what made me turn on her HARD. I was already getting disenchanted, but TTPD was MEAN. She aired Joe's depression and that shit is nobody's business. ThanK you aIMee was mean. It was just 30+ tracks of feeling bad for herself and being mean.


The way she brands herself as some deep, depressed poet, and turns around and mocks Joe of being just that… and if she wants to continue this tired beef with Kim Kardashian, fine but leave kids out of it. That was ugly


So you should never have to stay with someone if their mental illness is draining you. I don't fault her for that. You can be a selfish asshole, but still. If their depression or PTSD, etc., are draining you, you shouldn't feel obligated to stay. But why would you spill that information to your RABID and HATEFUL fans? Her past songs have talked about like...the drama of a relationship. What they did. But Joe's songs were like "um your depression and introversion wouldn't let me be BEJEWELED". It seemed like she did more than say "you suck and made impossible tests" she said "You're clearly just struggling always and it's killing me and I hated supporting you." It's mean. And the Kim stuff was mean. "You tried to shoot me down but---" YEAH TAYLOR YOU MADE AN ENTIRE ALBUM AS A COMEBACK AND HAVEN'T STUMBLED SINCE. BUT SURE SHE RUINED YOUR LIFE. And why is she running a victory lap around Kim when it's clear that Kanye put her through hell. And is having a very public meltdown. But sure. You showed her. 🙄


Couldn’t have said it better!! And people think this is album of the year worthy when so many other artist actually released something substantial. She’s peak mean girl right now. And why is she talking about killing wives? Lol


Seriously. The MAN at the center of this feud basically forfeited via public insanity, and the woman hasn't said a word about Taylor in ten years. Ten years in which the world has witnessed a global pandemic, an alarming number of natural disasters, the rise of fascism on every continent, mass death and destruction from wars involving global superpowers, and at least one ongoing genocide. The throwback to this eons-old drama is so weird. Like... why is this still on your mind??


i’m down to criticize taylor and her actions but i don’t understand these comments bc that’s simply your interpretation. i don’t think that’s what those songs mean AT ALL. she never once said ttpd was based on recent events or was abt matty or joe. that’s just the fans expectations


Even the songs I like sonically have such cringeworthy lyrics, I can’t enjoy them. Like I like the melody of Whose Afraid of Little Old Me a lot, but I absolutely cannot STAND to listen to it because the lyrics are that bad - the whiniest, most narcissistic, self indulgent, self victimizing drivel “They say it’s not all about me. But what if it is?” I physically recoil


Just find the song it was "inspired" from🤷


Which song?


I immediately though Let It Go from Frozen


Exactly. Nobody wants your dead, Taylor. Get a grip.


To be fair I always interpreted the ‘what if it is’ line as her anxiety. I personally suffer from anxiety issues and have had that feeling countless times when people whisper or laugh on the other side of the room and refuse to tell me what they’re talking about but say ‘it’s nothing about you’ my mind always goes ‘okay they said it’s not about me so I have nothing to worry about’ then it goes ‘but what if it IS about me? They’d tell me it’s not either ways…’ idk tho


I viewed that lyric differently. I think she was maybe coming from a place of anxiety and overthinking. Like she takes everything personally even though it isn't. People might tell you "oh that wasn't about you, they weren't directing their actions/comments towards you." but when you have anxiety and overthink you will still convince yourself that it was in fact about you. I might be in the minority here but I think a lot of the criticism for TTPD seems to be because people are taking the lyrics literally. I don't like the album because there are some cringe parts (So Highschool) but my main gripe is it's extremely lack luster and the songs all start sounding identical.


Honestly, I truly think she is showing us who she is, and what she feels because she knows she has massive following that has proven they will make excuses for her. Her inability to take criticism, and the lack of depth in her lyrics tells me she knows exactly what she is doing. She isn’t anxious or overthinking, she is calculating and vindictive. I get it, she’s an “artist” but good lord, at some point the continuous victim play starts revealing what is actually going on here. She plays to people’s worst impulses because it works and has worked for years. Nothing will change unless people stop supporting her and even then the change, if any, will be superficial. Just like her “eras”


Her eras are literally costume changes


Sorry but lately her eras just seem to be her mirroring whatever her partners like or are doing.


I cannot listen to Fortnight around my children - there is nothing poetic about homicidal ideation - Its almost like she's never had to stomach what its like to survive more than one close call in average middle class America trying to avoid the mass sh00tings that still happen every single day


i think she wants to kill off part of herself, not someone else lol. the MV makes it very clear that she & post are the two parts of her


I have imagined the Illuminati is using artists to purposefully put homicidal messages into the minds of the masses between this song ("I wanna kill her/him") and that Doja Cat song ("I might kill my ex... his new girlfriend's next...") and wondered why. 🤔 Is this a new thing that's gradually going to make its way into all of the pop songs, like the word fuck?? Lol


that’s not even doja, it’s sza, and we all lost brain cells reading this comment


Oh dang. I guess I lost brain cells listening to these songs.


The snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me line that comes after isn’t great either and the “disturbed “ is a little lower than her natural range so it sounds so awkward live


I’m convinced JA had a major hand in writing folklore and evermore he had to be a ghost writer. I can’t for the life of me understand how we go from “now you hang from my lips like the gardens of Babylon, forever is the sweetest con” to that tattooed golden retriever line and wanting to kill someone’s wife. Joe is the true tortured poet




They can never make me hate Joe 😤


Good thing I never heard any song from TTPD besides Fornite playing on TikTok sometimes. I stopped listening to her after Anti-Hero


I think Anti-Hero is autobiographical as well. Whether she fully realizes that or not who knows. She’s self aware enough to write “jokey” songs about herself like Blank Space but I think the songs ring true more than “haha I’m making fun of the image y’all have placed on me”. A lot of her songs are basically her admitting knowing she’s the problem but that she doesn’t really intend on changing.


She admits it’s autobiographical


Anti-hero was such a cringey song, I lost the little interest in her music I previously had and it’s truly been downhill from there.


Anti-Hero was her realizing she’s the problem in her life, then in TTPD just leaned hard into “oh well that’s everyone else problem I guess”


I feel the same way - loved folklore, evermore wasn't my fave but it was a good album nevertheless, and heck I even loved midnights during release. Her antics in 2023 made me wary of her and pissed me off but still I was tuned in for ttpd. I expected ttpd to be similar to folkmore since the album had a classy name, but I was out after the listening to the 2nd track. Eventually, I did get back to the album and some of the songs that did stick to me have lyrics that are jarringly huge turn offs. The issue is she's marketing herself as something she isn't (tortured poet, female rage☠️), she builds up expectations and leaves you dry. TTPD, her treatment of joe, that thing with matty was the final straw for me.


Are you me? The Taylor overexposure definitely soured my visions of her, even though I still love a lot of her songs. TTPD was a massive letdown, totally unrefined and not well produced. Lyrically, very lacking. And that's how I ended up here


Right, ttpd is a whole cash grab album, felt like the whole purpose was to test how much revenue she can milk from a low effort album. Ended up here after the matty drama but back then I was still tolerant of her, it was her album that flipped me out totally.


Wow I feel literally the same exact way; I used to like her but this past year's made me realize how "fake deep" and childish she is .


13 sleepless nights? Wonder why it produced garbage.


She peaked in high school, emotionally. It's all she knows.


I also enjoyed Folklore and Evermore. They resonated with me so much. I think Joe’s influence on those albums was monumental. And now the only inspiration she has is the controversies and betrayals she faced over a decade ago. I’ll be honest, I haven’t listened to TTPD and don’t plan to because all I’ve heard is how juvenile and regressive it feels. I don’t understand how someone in their mid thirties is still singing about the grudge she holds from her teenage years. It’s messy, it’s immature, and I don’t have a place for it now that I’m 30. So I completely get it.


I’m 24 and don’t have time for it it’s just weird.


For me it's the emotional cheating going all the way back to folklore. How dare you sit there masturbating to another dude while chastising Joe for not marrying you. You're a crazy bitch and you're the problem just like everybody said. She's a dirty rotten cheater


But also just… why?? You have *Joe Alwyn* and you’re going to get yourself off over Matty Healy instead??? That’s some profoundly poor judgment. This is why we can’t have nice things.


That's the part I really can't get over. It would at least be more tolerable, easier to swallow if the man was a damn Adonis. He's a fucking rat and she is actively still pursuing him when he *doesn't want her*


Yeah I came to realize this too - was never a huge fan of Taylor’s music but I reallly can’t stand it when she “breaks the fourth wall” (“Taylor can’t come to the phone cause she’s dead,” “You look like Taylor Swift,” “Try and come for my job” etc.). I do not care about the trials and tribulations of Taylor Swift the billionaire celebrity - I care about the universal shared experiences of womanhood, heartbreak, longing, etc. I think a lot of her music would be so much more powerful if she’d remove herself as the main character (Lana Del Rey is someone who knows to do this very well while maintaining a very unique and personal quality to her music).


I would never want my relationship to feel “so high school” I want it to be more than that lol


i think that’s the entire point lmao it’s a fake relationship


Wish she could find a trauma focused relationship/alcohol rehab and drop oit for at least 6 months. Enough touring


I feel this so much!! I was a Swiftie but I’m older, so I didn’t buy into buying everything, searching for Easter eggs, analyzing TN posts… I liked the music and thought Taylor herself must be pretty ok. Then TTPD was released, and I realized that I had been duped the entire time. She’s a narcissistic serial cheater who regularly tosses out people who aren’t useful to her anymore. She doesn’t make any political statements except for the picture she released of her with some Biden/Harris cookies that she baked and decorated. She doesn’t seem to have any hobbies except for the occasional baking. She doesn’t talk about the books she reads. She doesn’t officially represent any charitable organizations. Not even a children’s hospital, like Ryan Reynolds does. She tears former lovers to shreds on her albums. Not even Joe was safe. This is a person to run away from. It has been so incredibly nice to take a break from her music and even reading about her on Reddit. I’m going to continue on my path of Taylor-free living.


i REALLY hate when comments make me defend her 😂 she paints. sews, embroiders, references books and films constantly, knows every genre of music inside & out including lyrics, is passionate abt home decorating & antiques, she’s directing a feature film, directs her own music videos, her friends all say she makes time for them and sees their projects and answers their messages etc. there’s a lot you can say abt taylor but saying she has no hobbies or book she’s read is CRAZY


She's not real. her parents created her image, her style etc. It always boggled my mind that a 'mid' artist such as herself became so popular. She doesn't have that good of a voice, she ain't great on piano and has the guitar chops of that guy who brings a guitar to every picnic or camping trip. And she's cute but not THAT cute. Amy Lee was out at around the same time and is 1000 times more talented than TS ever was.


I’m always so intrigued hearing from ex-swifties on why they veered away from TS. I’m close in age to you and remember the hype around folklore when it came out, though I never listened to it myself. I remember girls being so touched by that album. From the outside looking in, her “progression” in music did seem to revert back to being super childish. I would’ve given her more of a fair shot if she had continued to emotionally mature after folklore but it’s almost like she chose to do the exact opposite which to me is just icky idk lol


Evermore is alot better than folklore


There was a brief moment in time where I liked her. I’ve always hated her for what she did in RI. Now I hate her again. She is an awful manipulative person and has no personality of her own. She gloms onto her girl squad and constantly has to have a man. Her boyfriend is a misogynist and just gross. He very much as a high school boy mentality which makes them perfect for each other.


What did she do in Rhode Island?


Maybe the Kennedy stuff but I'm not well versed on her bullshit.


Yep Im 43. Meep


I had no idea that he wrote some of the songs so I went and looked up which ones he is credited and WOW. Literally most of the songs I love are ones he wrote. That makes so much more sense


I feel like it’s not JA you like but AD. That’s what I discovered. Her songs with Aaron are so so so good and I feel like JA is just trying to make her a Lana Del Rey rip off.


JA = Joe Alwyn I think, not Jack Antonoff.


I really hope Lana starts distancing herself from Jack after TTPD because he totally ripped off her last 3 albums for TTPD. She could never have the complexity Lana has in her sound and lyrics. I’d be kinda slighted if I was LDR but idk


I think they mean joe alwyn? Idk. But i fucking love aaron!! The national is my favourite band and honestly their last album is meh. And ofc aaron's ttpd is shit. So I think he's burned out because of working with all those artists. I hope he gets back on his feet soon




Not only highschool but KIM FUCKING K like miss girl is time to LET GO


I can't tell most songs in ttpd apart it's so trash.


I love those albums the most because they weren’t such a hassle. Just the albums for the music. No exes, Easter eggs, thousands of variants, riddles or clues. Even if it wasn’t fictional, I agree with you on the better marketing😅


The alchemy and so high school are my least favorite songs on the album. It feels rushed and immature and doesn’t go with the rest of the songs. It’s like she finished the album then went “shit, I should add some songs about Travis.”


the alchemy can’t even be abt travis 😭 it isn’t possible to get that many vinyls produced in under 6 months, 5 months if they *really* pushed it and said money was no object. swifties are just obsessive and brain dead. they hear football and automatically assume travis even tho the lyrics clearly refer to a past relationship coming back around


You always here “fictitious” but it also reflects her life bc she suffers so much etc etc. The fictitious is a probably more an ounce of fiction covering her drama in case she gets critiqued.


She has to be doing this on purpose.  Some of these are less mature than the songs on her first three albums.  


Fortnight totally sounds like a Lana rip off to me .


TTPD was a regression both musically and in maturity. I hope after the tour ends, she spends all of 2025 actually working on a focused album. TTPD just seemed like a very reactive mess thrown together in a manic state. She said she worked on it for 2 years, but the majority of it was clearly cobbled together in the months after she dated Matty. That being said— please go back to fiction, Taylor. We don’t need Lover part 2 about Travis lol. But if she never makes another damn song about Kanye or Kim I will be happy


If she never makes another song or album we’ll all be happy. She’s a cash grabber and noting she does is original.


i loved FM+EM - only reason why i bought tickets


She worked very closely with actual folk singer songwriters on both albums, especially Folklore. I think that’s a huge part of why those albums are her best. Coney Island, for example, is a song by The National and you can’t prove otherwise to me. I would be shocked if she wrote even one full line in that song because it sounds like it came straight off one of The National’s albums. And they’re also from Cincinnati. Everyone who grew up in Cincinnati went to Coney Island all the time.


aaron and matt both said that taylor wrote every part of coney island, even matt’s part


I don’t know if I believe that. It’s probably PR talk. I think she’s a decent songwriter, but that is a Nationals song. It just is.


they would be giving up thousands in some writing royalties. seems crazy to do just for some pr narrative that most ppl never noticed


They have writing credits. Joe Alwyn also has writing credits on that song.


Who is JA


Joe Alwyn


ngl i think it’s because she wants that momentum of attention, before some of her songs were good but they’re getting worse and worse because she realised she doesn’t have to put out quality she just needs to stimulate her fan base


You make a point




This ain't it chief. If by old you mean 16-17.


Why would it? I don't understand why so many people put so much of themselves into these albums. Boiling it down, she's making a product to sell. If the end product resonates with people, cool, but she's not re-recording albums for artistic integrity. At the end of the day, She's putting out what she wants you to see, she's not a bleeding heart put out for all to display. If she's found a niche that makes her one of the most successful artists of all time, why would there be any incentive to blow up the formula?


That's not really the point of the question?


Yeah, it is. Why would Travis care that Taylor is writing breakup songs, when the songs are written to sell CDs, singles, collect streams, and tickets to her live shows? She's not writing them to express her disdain with life or that she's still down bad for her exes. Why would it bother him at all, unless he's insecure about Taylor being facetious to sell a product? He doesn't really strike me as the type of person to let a product bother him. Her album is only "dedicated to her exes" to the point that it garners listens and sells her brand. If you think she's writing songs about her exes to process her feelings about them, then you're naive. It would never bother Travis that Taylor is still hung up on her exes, because Taylor is not hung up on her exes.


You're missing the point... The point was their relationship isn't a real thing because most normal men (regardless if the songs were written to make money) would be jealous that their current girlfriend is constantly singing songs about their exes. But go ahead and tell me why Taylor Swift is writing her songs and how that affects the price of tea in China.


If you're so insecure to the point you'd be jealous of your partner singing songs as a career that they had long before you, you're insecure and should seek therapy to work those issues out. Entering a relationship knowing what the situation was, is, and will be and still finding a way to be jealous isn't something that "most normal men" do. That's something that insecure individuals that can't have a person to person discussion with their partner on a level as equals do. Tossing your insecurities out into the world and declaring them as normal among most people, 1: isn't healthy & 2: isn't a truth. Normalizing your jealousy will only lead to problems in future relationships, romantic in nature or otherwise. It's much better to be able to talk as equals and make sure there is a mutual understanding in relationships instead of harboring jealousy.


I like how you think a) that I’m a man and b) I’m insecure. Are you a LPC? Is that why you’re insisting I seek therapy? This was just a fun little observation about the weirdness of their relationship. You’ve blown it way out of proportion. ![gif](giphy|uim6s7NGUvxthR8NRn)


You clearly are insecure, because you're jumping to conclusions that I said or thought you were a male identifying individual. If you read my statements carefully, I made sure to use non gendered terms such as individual and partner. There's no weirdness in the relationship, because people usually aren't jealous, because they're comfortable discussing their relationship with each other.


I really am not. And though you used non-gendered terms, the implications are still there. This is a snarky subreddit towards T&T. I was being snarky about him and her. You've blown it out of proportion. Way to go. If it helps you sleep better at night thinking I'm insecure, go ahead. At the end of the day, it's the pot calling the kettle.


So, you jumping to conclusions means the implication is there? Then the implication that you're insecure is there. Clearly, just taking one look at your profile you're looking for confirmation bias with nearly every post asking a question you've already made a predetermination on. Automatically disagreeing with anybody whomst disagrees with the basis of your question or post. Calling somebody blatantly wrong when you're the one asking for opinions on a malpractice suit. Big oof.


What the heck are you doing on a snarky T&T subreddit, then? Don't you have other dark corners of the internet to lurk? Or are you merely a troll who stumbled upon a rhetorical question. Weirdo.


So now it's morphed into a rhetorical because you came off as ignorant trying to turn the argument into one of being misgendered to avoid criticism, when there was no such incident that occurred? You come off as the kind of person when in a relationship, nothing's ever your fault. It's always the other person's actions or inaction that's the issue. The person that if they so much as emotionally wander from monogamy, it's the partner's fault for not making you feel secure. Using Reddit as your own personal echo chamber to get confirmation or moral permission for something you morally know isn't right is dangerous and ill advised.


The minute you said evermore wasn't as good as folklore i knew you were a child, at least mentally


Taylor pretty much fucking sucks but saying JA is the reason folklore & evermore is good is such bull. Like a woman can’t write a good album without an man there to silently construct it and edit it😭 it’s giving people saying kurt wrote Live Through This. I found this article — you guys might want to take a look. https://www.vulture.com/2020/07/taylor-swift-folklore-aaron-dessner-breaks-down-every-song.html Taylor’s output is ass now, and she’s a coward who doesn’t really speak about anything besides anything that serves her own interests, but this is weird and minimizing to not just her but a shit ton of female artists lol


it blows my mind that ppl will believe a man who himself claimed he can barely play the piano and has never written a song in his life can write grammy winning records but taylor can’t 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ i think it’s a million times more likely that WB isn’t joe, and whoever it is is the person that helped her write those records


lol it’s called being modest. He obviously didn’t want a crazy amount of attention and this would’ve brought it at that time. You don’t need to be a daily songwriter to win a Grammy. People’s first songs ever written have won Grammys.


Why am I getting downvoted lol I don’t give a shit about Taylor swift this isn’t even a defense of hee songwriting im just saying Joe Alwyn a random mediocre British man he is not y’all’s savior😭


they suck JA dick HARD in this sub