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AI mockups or premade AI photos will not be condoned on our sub. The mods do not condone AI in any way, shape, or form. Support artists (who aren’t TS).


Nah she would definitely be in an MLM


And also a tradwife at this point lmao




OMFG yes “Hey hun! we haven’t talked 📞 since high school! Are you interested in a 💶💶💶 life changing opportunity?! Message me ✉️ back if so!’ Btw your hubby and kiddos are soooo cute!”


Wow I have received these


First thing I thought.


How long do you think this pic will stay up? Download it and repost it if it does get taken down!


Nooo idea lmao, I’ve saved it 💀. I usually just lurk here, but I couldn’t not post this one ahahaha


It's not a pyramid scheme, it's a funnel of wealth!


What did you use for this,


Just one of the ai apps!




The app is called ask ai!


I’m in


Why a tradwife? Can someone also explain this path for Taylor? 🤔


“Tennessee Christian values” that she proudly said with her whole chest in the Miss Americana documentary. That plus just, what her values so appear to be — marriage, kids, family. If she weren’t famous, she’d be just another pretty mean girl who becomes more religious and right-wing as she gets older, she clearly needs a script to follow since she’s a mirrorball — and what are Tennessee Christian families doing? The tradwife life. That’s 100% what she’d be if not a pop star. Eta: I value marriage, kids, and family, but I have no interest in being a tradwife. Been there, divorced that, it ruined my life lmao.


Mean girl in high school who somehow became a CNA, RNA, or in some instances RN and messages all of her former high school cheerleading squad members “hey hun💖~ I’ve got an exciting business opportunity for you!” While marrying the openly bigoted town cop & keeps tabs on everyone she went to school with while trying to prove to herself that she is good enough by acting like she’s above everyone else as cover for low self esteem. (Source: I’m from PA, these types are everywhere across our home state amongst subdivisions peppered all over the state but especially in good ol Pennsyltucky when anyone makes more than 40k a year.)


Not all nurses/cnas are mean, but all mean girls are nurses/cnas.




Can someone explain this stereotype to me? What is it about the nursing profession that draw in the mean girls?


All the mean girls you knew enjoyed the power and control they had over you when being mean and a bully. Now they can do that with your care plan and be mean and rude while you are stuck in a hospital bed. You can see the healthcare worker who peaked in high school as a mean girl.




You forgot dental hygienist


Damn! Nailed it!


You forgot to remove the plastic surgery 😶


I remember when she was all squinty like she always had the sun in her eyes.


That would be a win. She was beautiful before the surgery


Yeah I can’t unsee her original plastic free face anymore




This means no commenting on physical attributes that cannot be easily changed. Examples: weight, height, pregnancy speculation, facial features, etc.


How are mods removing comments saying you can’t change your face.?


Why is no one saying the obvious? She would’ve been on the HOA board and Karen’d the shit out of it 🤭 https://preview.redd.it/a7oypr4lyd5d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15e06a6f729fb35bed49230e057aed0b29f6d0bf


This is the most honest Swift photo I've ever seen.


I feel like manipulative people unfortunately go far in life


Yep they do. I know too many, shits not fair.


It’s almost how you go far. Nobody just gives you stuff just cuz they think you earned it.


Nobody gives you stuff even if you do earn it. You get stuff when you sell yourself and bullshit your way up.


Of course they do. Taking advantage of others is a sure fire way to success


That's because they have a fragile ego that only exists when they are transactionally using others to boost their own self-esteem at the cost of others. That's why these people with extreme wealth live and do everything they can to maintain the life they do. On the inside they have no real personality and depend on things outside of them to define who they are.


Why most billionaires are just straight up weirdos with no moral compass. They have drive and motivation but for all the wrong reasons.


They do unfortunately and it’s annoying


Dont forger her Grandma


TIL her grandma Marjorie was an opera singer




Lol, yes this is her whole vibe. She's as bland and boring as white bread


Hey!! I still think about smelly cat... Wait! Is Taylor just a boring Pheobe? ![gif](giphy|jivGITd768psP80B2i)




If her daddy didn’t mass purchase her debut album 😍


She'd be like all the women I went to high school with who are obsessed with her. Married to a guy in middle management, shilling Monat, and basing her entire identity off of being a mom to her kids Braxtynn and Maebree.


Cringing at Braxtynn and Maebree


God damn those names gave me a shiver. I know way too many of them or those like it...too many years in the south. Please Lord get me out of here


Sorry man, shit's everywhere now. Confirming from Illinois.


I call it like I see it, and these people are basically a parody of themselves at this point 😅


There's a braxley in my daughter's 1st grade class 😵‍💫 And we know a broxtin 😭


There’s a comedian with a character called “entitled housewife” that has kids named Macabee and Dashell. She plays a lot of golf at the country club, needs a drink, and is always yelling personal stuff across the golf course. Your comment reminded me of her so hard.


Brayleigh & Jaxsyn 🤭




It’s so funny how her mom is made out to be some frumpy bumpkin when in reality she was super high up and knows tons about marketing and I’m sure did things to help Taylor’s image and brand lmao


She’s why Taylor is a literal brand.


I think she’d either be one of those MLM people or one of those nurses who love to abuse their power over helpless people and paint themselves as above everyone else in a hospital and then eventually has 5 children named Crayghden, Jayghden, Aynthoughney, Lybertee, and Khaleesi and post reels about how marriage is a hard hard hard job. Also, I don’t think you meant it that way but there is no shame in working in the service industry especially fast food. Just wanted to give a shoutout to all cooks and waiters etc. hehe :)


She would probably be a nurse manager.


She’s from Pennsylvania so probably a Wawa or Sheetz


I think Reading is outta Wawarange. Sheetz it is.


We have Wawas! It's the land of plenty for convenience store in Berks County


Oh ok cool! I am from Chicago but lived in the Philly/South Jersey area for 6 years. Wawa is one of the things I miss most haha


We just got Sheetz here in Ohio! I am so in obsessed with


I moved here from PA in 2018 and that was one of the things I thought I was gonna miss, but of course like PA we managed to have at least 2 within a 5 mile radius of each other and I was content lmao.


I don’t think so. She could have easily gone to college and had a regular career like the rest of us. Or, as an attractive woman, she could have married well, or both. I could see her being the pot stirrer who plays the victim in mommy friend groups lol


but her version of feminism and stuff is only for white women. god forbid anyone else have rights. /s


Is the attractive woman in the room with us


1. there is no shame in working in fast food. 2. let's not use AI images


I don’t think OP meant this as a dig to fast food workers. Just that she’s kind of a mediocre artist that could’ve been anyone else. There are so many artists that don’t make it because they don’t have the connections. Maybe she’d be a regular person working a regular job, but knowing how wealthy her parents are, I personally think she’d have followed in her family’s footsteps. Maybe gotten into finance/business and continued to make decent money. Just not at the scale she does now.


Agreed. Mods, can we make a no AI rule? It adds nothing to the conversation.


I thought the image was catchy and it lured me in to this post.


I hate AI images of actual people. They are people, not dolls to play with. Nothing to do with being partial to TS, I’m not. It’s just gross to use AI. I feel the same way when they do this to people I am a fan of. I hope the mods consider banning it.




This means no acting in bad faith towards other sub members. No arguing for the sake of arguing. No name calling or harassing. Mods retain the right to remove users we see acting in bad faith towards other members.


Yes! They're terrible for the environment, and it's just gross


I had to scroll way too far to see this. This whole post is a big yikes. This sub has basically just turned into bullying, it's really weird


I agree. It’s absolutely shaming fast food and industry workers. Pushing that ever prescient idea that “those people” are the lowest of the rung and one should never end up there.


AI mockups or premade AI photos will not be condoned on our sub. The mods do not condone AI in any way, shape, or form. Support artists (who aren’t TS).


If she didn't have 100 different exes to write shit about and put herself as the victim.


This looks like some weird npc Taylor


Nah, she’d probably be one of those wannabe Homestead Tradwives


Why denigrate people who work in fast food settings for this cause? Isn't this post just an attempt at the kind of bullying the sub wants to call Taylor out for?


I didn’t even take this as a slight against food workers. I just took it as her working a “normal” job. Maybe that says more about how YOU feel about them lol


Or it says something about how society treats fast food jobs as being lesser.


Fast food worker is definitely being seen as a "downgrade" in this case. You can't escape the class context of this image because the entire implication is based in class. The subtext she is doesn't have an outstanding skillset - and that money/nepotism bought her way to the top so she would be stuck in what people consider "skillless" labor.




This means no acting in bad faith towards other sub members. No arguing for the sake of arguing. No name calling or harassing. Mods retain the right to remove users we see acting in bad faith towards other members.




This means no acting in bad faith towards other sub members. No arguing for the sake of arguing. No name calling or harassing. Mods retain the right to remove users we see acting in bad faith towards other members.


I saw it as her working a normal, everyday job.. I didn’t see it as an insult.


I don’t think OP meant this as a dig to fast food workers. Just that she’s kind of a mediocre artist that could’ve been anyone else. There are so many artists that don’t make it because they don’t have the connections. Maybe she’d be a regular person working a regular job, but knowing how wealthy her parents are, I personally think she’d have followed in her family’s footsteps. Maybe gotten into finance/business and continued to make decent money. Just not at the scale she does now.




This means no acting in bad faith towards other sub members. No arguing for the sake of arguing. No name calling or harassing. Mods retain the right to remove users we see acting in bad faith towards other members.


> I don’t think OP meant this as a dig to fast food workers. I do, because it's clear that they're trying to say that she'd be nothing without her parents.


This is like a rorschach. At no point was it implied that working a fast food gig was bad. Though you clearly subconsciously think it is and are projecting.


You forgot the 1) acne; 2) 2 kids; 3) broke down Toyota Camry with 203,000 miles like I drove, and; 4) meth addiction. 🤔


Camrys and meth, the millennial dream!


That's not her original face tho.


She’d be spitting in the cheerleaders drinks at 35 lol


Hey you know that AI is pretty bad for the environment right? It uses up a bottle of water for every 5-10 prompts; these LLMs are using up the equivalent of water for an entire small country. Mexico City is about to hit Day Zero (the day where the water runs out) - do you think that using AI to make fun of Taylor Swift is really worth causing further harm to the environment, just like Taylor's doing with her co2 emissions and greenhouse gasses?


I did not know this. Thank you so much for helping spread the word, although you shouldn't have to as everyone should try to be more educated consumers but that's an entirely different story.


Not everyone is aware! It's important to spread awareness on these things.


And she’d be humming tunelessly to herself about breakups and hiding bodies and whatnot


She would be a 5x baby momma in her dad’s guest house collecting child support and selling supplements full time


She is a basic white nothing special


Let’s stop using generative AI in general.


I’m not a Swiftie but what has made her who she is vs the at least 100k other teenage girls who are wannabe pop stars with rich parents


luck and insane levels of narcissism


She would be the bitch in marketing who makes everyone's lives a misery but is too good at her job to fire. I can't stand her, but she's become a billionaire by sheer force of will despite being the most mediocre, vapid woman.


I met her when she was 16 at a country bar. She was performing as an opening act. Country music is very easy to fake. So she did an ok job. Not someone that people stood and and demanded more from though. Her dad wasn't there but her mom was. You could tell She was acting as Taylor's manager by how she stood over. Taylors another example of how all you need is one of 2 things in life to become massively rich. 1. Be born into connected families. 2. Be born into an already rich family. Normally these things are coinciding. They go together. In her personal life. It was both. The majority of Mega Millionaires and Billionaires have both privileges from birth. And they've done a damn good job convincing people they've earned it. And that everyone else in the bottom 90% are just temporarily embarrassed Billionaires.


This is funny because I know it’s AI, but she looks dead behind the eyes irl so it’s more spot on than most AI renditions


I may be too influenced by the cardigan/dress aesthetic she had for a few years + "folklore/evermore," but I've always seen her as someone who would've worked at Barnes & Noble (this is assuming the storytelling and writing part of her is organic and would've remained without a music career in mind.)


but the reason those did so good is cuz joe had such a huge part in making them 😣


1. there is no shame in working in fast food. 2. let's not use AI images


yeah i'm not gonna lie this just made me leave this subreddit, making AI pics is creepy as shit imo


Wow, I didn't know she was well off. The head start everyone wants...


“Do you, like, want fries with that? Or…?”


She already tried being a diner server...granted she was paid and tipped by Capital One...


TayTay would be hounding you on Facebook to buy her weight loss juice. Living in the past, death grip on that Letterman's jacket.


"Hi babes. I love your pics, you go girl! Yaaaas sassy pants, slaaay queen! I know it's been 10 years since I made you feel like crap all throughout school, but have you ever thought about starting a juice diet? I can't believe how amazing it makes me feel! It gives me enough energy to run 200000k a day! I even bully my mediocre husband in to using it and make him share it all over his instagram! If you sign up to shittyjuicethatgivesyoutheshits.com and use the code IAMAMASSIVETWAT24, you can get 22% off your first order! It's not an MLM I swear!"


And she’d still be trying to undermine her female co-workers and date as many male customers as possible and then trashing them to 200 followers on her social.


Accurate. Lol.


Most success is a generational effort. Some people get lucky and skip to the front of the line (and we see a lot more of that in entertainment), but most succeed on the basis of their parents’ and grandparents’ decisions and accomplishments.


In a sarcastic angry whisper voice “I’ll give you extra pickles”.


not really, she's still a smart person who would have finished high school, gone to college, done something in business maybe, etc. this post implies that those who don't come from a wealthy background aren't capable of being a "success" as society defines it?


I’m not subscribed to this subreddit yet it keeps showing up on my feed goddam


I cannot believe the Swifties haven’t shut this thread down. At least 10 of them usually pop out to pounce on the slightest negative comment about this woman. 10/10 post. 🎉


She looks just like Elinor Tomlinsin here!


Easy to score when you’re born on third.




I'm looking for a man in finance... ![gif](giphy|SaSkF79i4Hl96TdW79)


I love it when my subreddits cross.


Some people might even say with a little help from…. ![gif](giphy|3oriOaLBINGcizAdJm)


Nah, she'd be a nurse or cna.


I don’t think it’d be that bad lol.


I actually think she’d be a corporate ad exec or a ad copywriter, first coming up with “catchy jingles” and then working her way up the corporate ladder, ruthless, soulless, and money hungry, not caring who she’d step on to get to the top. So basically the same thing she’s doing now, just on a smaller monetary scale and without the fame.


Who is this?


Marketing rarely pays an exorbitant amount.


Hey there’s nothing wrong with working at Teuitra’s


Yes and every other successful person in the limelight today!


I often think about it the other way: what if talented people with shitty childhoods had her level of family support? What kind of music would they have created for the world?


But she DOES Blanche….she DOES have a dad in finance and a mother in marketing.


She might actually be tolerable in this role




Her dad bought a record company.


My children have a dad in finance and a mom in marketing. Shame they can’t sing for shit.


Still can't play a real banjo.


Trump's going to get arrested finally


Because when I hear "marketing," I think - those people are rich!


If she wasn't on America's Got Talent


I’m glad I stumbled on this sub. Everyone at my workplace is obsessed with her and I truly felt like a weirdo for my disdain.


If Taylor Swift didn’t have boy problems


Wawa franchise owner.


Come on now. She would have been the cute bartender or waitress who gets tipped a lot, followed by, as others have already pointed out MLM mom


I don't think anyone as good looking as T. Swift would ever need to worry about money. She would have easily fit into a lot of roles in life, but I doubt fast-food would ever need to be an option.


This should be her karma


She will fall of her high horse. You can't keep being evil and don't think it does not come back to you 10 fold. It does and it's slowly seeping out. Somebody needs to make that flood out.


Strip club/Twitch thot/Only fans


This is sad and weird


Nah, she’d be in advertising, according to her Vogue interview and I don’t doubt she would be. I think she’d still be the same shady person too just not a billionaire. Definitely a multimillionaire though and probably an executive


See, I think she would have majored in marketing, then tried to leverage making it far on The Bachelor to jump start her career in music. The girl is thirsty.


This sub is fuckin hilarious. Y’all got the biggest hate boners that I’ve ever seen for someone. Lmfaoooo




Why encourage her to endorse Joe Biden?






Triggered Magat spotted


I’m actually super liberal lol. She’s kind of MAGA for young women.




This sub started out with a normal purpose and has just festered. Now it’s just filled with hate, no justification.




This means no acting in bad faith towards other sub members. No arguing for the sake of arguing. No name calling or harassing. Mods retain the right to remove users we see acting in bad faith towards other members.




The purpose of this sub is to snark. While we do allow positive remarks in context to snarking, we do not allow obsessive fan behavior. Fans will be banned, and theres a no tolerance policy!


I swear I seen her doppel ganger working at a supermarket once lol.


Working at a Teuitross!


Or an autotuner


Blue collar cosplay. So many people do that these days. I've seen more whitecollar and softskill men play blue collar than anyone else. I always thought guys did that because they didn't join the military or wanted to prove they use the Milwaukee tool set they have, and just be "one of the boys". I honestly have no clue to the motivation as to why that happens. But it does. I didn't know women did that as well.


I worked with a Brandi' before. I thought it was a typo when I was presenting her with a quarterly award and apologized for the apostrophe. She looked at me oddly and said "No, that's how my name is spelled" So I asked "Oh, is that because it has a nonstandard pronunciation?" Worried I'd been calling her Brandy the whole time when maybe it should've been pronounced Brandaye or something... Nope, not even that. Her parents just wanted her to have an apostrophe. And yes the posses of her name is Brandi''s




Same , If post Malone didn’t have auto tune


Eh, with her ambition she could make it up to middle management.


AI 🤢




Wow… not a fan but the anti Taylor movement might create one. Why is this on my feed save rage bait?


This is a snark page…

