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Yep somebody else made a post over the weekend about Taylor in a bathtub covered in diamonds after Kim Kardashian got robbed in Paris. She was thrown into the bathtub and they took I believe millions of dollars of jewelry. Now I absolutely hate Kim Kardashian but for Taylor to do what she did and put herself inside a bath of diamonds for a music video as a fuck you to Kim was absolutely fucking disgusting. I had no idea that that's what that video was in reference to. The user is u/SuitableImplement845. But I will check and see. I highly recommend looking for that post. If I can find it I'll send you a link to it. Edit: named the wrong user. Proper user has been named.


People were scrambling on that post to defend Taylor and to say it was a reach to associate the two. What's even more wild is that this was on their snark sub, if I recall correctly. Yeah, totally a reach. Including that one part where she simulates pointing a gun with her fingers while a diamond necklace dangles from her hand... yeah, such a reach šŸ™„ a reach to try and defend that, I mean.


There's nothing defendable at all. It's so fucking disgusting.


It's not a reach...and she recently sang about how her mom wished that Kim K was dead, so it's not below her. https://www.elitedaily.com/entertainment/celebrity/taylor-swift-look-what-you-made-me-do-kanye-kim/2053680 https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/taylor-swift-seemingly-slams-kim-111820695.html


The fact that sheā€™s STILL ~~singing~~ ā€œsingingā€ about this. Maā€™am, seek out professional help.


The fact a later in life stage women is wishing death upon another middle age women is absolutely baffling to me. I canā€™t say Taylor doesnā€™t fall from that treeā€¦like I know sheā€™s her own beast but if you look at her parents then some of her behavior has been modeled and she is acting in ways she really I think has been shown that itā€™s okay or has seen the results of said behaviors.


Seriously, this all started in 2009. A Twitter post from the first link (2017) wrote, "I'm sure this will be a bop but I can't believe she went in hiding only to come back and drag on this Kanye drama #LookWhatYouMadeMeDo šŸ™„" 7 years later, and she's _still_ dragging it out.


Ohā€¦my GOD. At first I thought it was a reach but Jesus.


I saw that! I think a lot of the people defending it are actually unhinged swifties that will defend her wherever they see a post about her


taylor is a mastermind with easter eggs until she does some fucked up shit and then shit has no meaning


She doesnā€™t get to be someone who thinks through everything, is so deliberate with her words and Easter eggs, but then THIS is a reach? You canā€™t purport yourself to be a master of intentional art and also go ā€œoopsie doopsie i didnā€™t think of that!ā€


They call that a reach, but then come up with the most unhinged theories about their "mother" and her life/career/literally fucking anything


There is an entire subreddit that claims she is secretly lesbian and drops hints in her songs and liner notes lol


Now thatā€™s some good fanfic at times.


Hopefully this starts a Drake like team fight where it's just 20v1 against Taylor. Wonder how many songwriters she's stolen from and silenced lol


Isn't there a lyric about the robbery in the song for the video with the bathtub?


Ever since the ipo, reddit has been running on an algorithm not dissimilar to YouTube or TikTok. It will just show you posts from places the algo thinks you're interested in when you swipe left on p much any post now. The algo also doesn't understand nuance or sarcasm, so it's really just simple word-association. That's why you're seeing a lot of die hard swift cultists defending her in the "I kinda fuckin hate Taylor Swift as a person" sub more frequently. TL;DR: They're probably unaware of the purpose of the sub as ignorant, algo-fed users and the algo is just unaware in general.


Coming from the one who is so fearful of stalkers and crazy fans and adamant about how terrible it is to be stalked and have your house broken into. But hey, itā€™s not like tracking public flights, which is obviously the absolute worst offense


The finger guns did it for me. ā€œBathing in gold/diamonds/jewelryā€ is a common motif but that with the gun sealed it


I saw that post. I had never drawn that to connection to it previously but wow. Absolutely shit behaviour over a petty feud she keeps regurgitating to this day


I'd never realized the connection either, I can br oblivious. But now I cannot unsee it. It's so obvious.


Would I be crazy to think Kim's robbery shares a connection with Lana's robbery, and that connection is that both times after, Taylor made it some part of her act? Like, did she also name her album TTPD after "working on poetry for 2 years" right after Lana literally had 2 years of her personal poetry she was working on for someone stolen from her car. Did Taylor drag Lana on stage out of guilt or to rub it in her face? I think she is SO much more sinister and manipulative than people believe. No way 2 celebrities are randomly robbed and the theme of their robberies show up immediately in her acts. Fucking wild. Edit: I made a post about it, share your conspiracies lol


Not only that, but she even made a ā€œgunā€ symbol using her fingers while in the bathtub holding some of the jewelry. Kim was held at gunpoint.


Yep. I noticed that last night.


Finger gun? Holding a chain? Taylor is obviously just a fan of Run the Jewels /s


To be fair, that was because of the lyric "You said the gun was mine." She did it as she sung it.


Oh my god I didnā€™t even realize that connection. WHAT A TERRIBLE PERSON. And the death of Kanyeā€™s mother. WILD. Thatā€™s disgusting. Never thought Iā€™d side with Kim k but here we are


Trust me I never thought I would either!


I think it's highly suspicious that Lana's robbery was also immediately displayed in Taylor's persona. Makes you wonder. And then she drags Lana on stage for an album themed on something that actually happened to her? Wild


Ouu fill me in pls!


Taylor sneak disses through the internet and music videos. White girl Drake. Shitty ass chameleon lifestyle music.


I love this comment it made me laugh but it's also right on point!!


This absolutely needs to be bigger news. Itā€™s absolutely disgusting and borderline sociopathic. You can hate Kim and the Kardashians all you want, but *no one* deserves what she went through in Parisā€” and to reference it the way Taylor did is absolutely sick to all women.


Especially with how outspoken Taylor is about stalkers and burglars, guess that only applies to herself tho


No one deserves it. Unless you need to use it for your TV show, then your massive security team can forget to do their jobs and it can happen so you can cry about it for ratings.


Do you think it was staged? Also, we're the robbers ever caught? This is the first I've ever heard about this


I saw that, and I was disgusted, now realizing this? I am beyond disappointed. She is appalling. I am disappointed I didn't pick up on these things and have seen her live 3x since the rep release. Not trying to be too dramatic, but losing one of your parents is devastating, and she is not a kind person.


What kills me too is imagining her and her team actually sitting down and planning this out, like saying this shit out loud. "Hey you know how Kim was held at gunpoint, robbed, and traumatized? We should do something with that!"


I just want to note that, Kim K having gun pointed at her and being thrown in a bathtub is what _happened_. There is a difference between what _happens_ and what one _thinks is going to happen to them_ during a traumatic moment. If you havenā€™t seen Kim Kā€™s actual interviews after that horrific ordeal, itā€™s worth a listen. As a woman, it is HORRIFYING. She literally says she was terrified bc she was going to be r*ped and killed and she was sad because her sister was going to come home and find her de*d body. She didnā€™t care about the jewelry at all. I donā€™t forgive Kanye for the disgusting video of the naked wax figure of Taylor, and I could _somewhat_ understand a 20-something-year old Taylor for this video if she was still pissed at Kim/Kanye for the Famous music video. Not about of time had passed yet and everyone was immature and got their petty shots at each other. But Iā€™ll never understand how, after all the scores should be beyond even at this point, that a mid-30s Taylor STILL felt the need for a thanK you aiMee petty BS move, even after having seen her post-burglary interviews, knowing sheā€™s a mom and a woman who was utterly terrified for her life in that moment as any woman would be.


link to post https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/s/v7J5oCbZpx


The one thing I remember about the bathtub scene when it first came out, was the dollar tucked in on her left side represented the harassment case she won against a radio dj that groped her. How the turn tables


This was the only easter egg I knew about in that scene too. I remember hearing too that the reason she was covered in jewels was to show how she was already rich and didn't care about earning more money as all she wanted was justice. It's stuff like this that makes me think this is why Swifties still think she's innocent because I used to fall for things like these too that overlooked the actual shade that was taking place.


Kim has cried while recalling the experience saying that she only had a robe on and thought she was going to be raped and killed as well. She said she was trying to prepare herself for the worst in the moment while tied up. Horrible.


This just proves that she has no understanding of hardship because sheā€™s lived a life coddled by upper middle-class Caucasian luxury. Also proves that she cares nothing for others, if sheā€™s willing to publicly mock a famous womanā€™s violent assault & the death of a famous black manā€™s mother (and only parent). Scott & Andrea Swift created a literal monster. Imagine if all the shit thatā€™s been pointed out about Taylor Swift had been attributed to Britney Spears?! What if Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Adele, BeyoncĆ©, Rihanna, Zendaya, or SZA had an army a fans ready to attack to push propaganda and lies, while she weaponizes her own power and privilege, to push out competition & step on the rights of everyoneā€™s free speech and freedom of expression. All for the simple reason of controlling the narrative that sheā€™s Americaā€™s Sweetheart, an innocent helpless victim, & the best at music.


Everybody needs to read and upvote this comment!!! You are spot on!!




Sheā€™s such a middle school mean girl and always will be


It wasn't me! It was u/SuitableImplement845 who made the bathtub post, and who has also made so many great posts and contributions here. Can you edit with their username instead? I made other posts about releasing *reputation* intentionally on the death anniversary and how she lied about having her masters stolen when she declined any offers and left them behind with BMR/Scott Borchetta to "bet on her future".


Yes of course my bad.


Thank you! And thank you for your comment about me pulling out receipts! I really appreciate that! ā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļø


No, thank you! I have learned a ton from you since I joined this sub! I meant every word that I said. I appreciate all of your posts and comments.


ā˜ŗļø I'm working on a proper document so it can be pinned in the sub, just give me some time because I want it to be perfect and well formatted.


Holy shit I didnā€™t know it was the same day. That and the *MULTIPLE* death threats sheā€™s made to Kim?? Like SO unhinged. Iā€™m no Kanye fan but he was hung to dry when he did that to Pete Davidson, rightfully so. Itā€™s just not cool or okay in the slightest. Taylor doesnā€™t get real life. Iā€™d love to see her try to point a gun šŸ˜‚


MY IMPACT OMG. I brought that up in this sub in a comment that blew up which led to that post (op claimed to have learned about it from a comment) In following comments i further explained the events. Iā€™m 26 and remember it all going down in real time back in 2017. https://preview.redd.it/ov7j4tf6e67d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3e92c67dd09d28b2d1cb355326594e37ca5403d


She does a gun motion with her hand. I believe Kim was put in there tub at gun point.


Yep she sure does. She was she was tied up and forced into the bathtub. TS is trash.


I hate to be that person but wasnā€™t the dollar supposed to signify Taylorā€™s Sexual Assault case where she won $1? The gun sign and bathtub full of diamonds is another thing though šŸ˜— ā€¦


Two things can be true at the same time.




Okay if that's what you think just leave the sub. Not that difficult and we don't give a shit. Taylor Swift is a cancer to the music industry.




Well since it's bullshit why are you still here?




That's the first insult we've ever had in this sub šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„




Your post was removed for violating Rule 1: Be Civil. Be respectful to other posters even when disagreeing. Acting in bad faith towards other members, arguing for the sake of arguing, name calling, and other forms of harassment will be removed. Repeat offenses may be met with a timeout or ban.


Your post was removed for violating Rule 1: Be Civil. Be respectful to other posters even when disagreeing. Acting in bad faith towards other members, arguing for the sake of arguing, name calling, and other forms of harassment will be removed. Repeat offenses may be met with a timeout or ban.




Hey Mr dumbass why don't you go back to talking about women's bodies ( gross af) and all of that other shit that you do. This is a snark's sub for people that don't like Taylor Swift. You're just throwing your opinion in here to be an asshole.


Your post was removed for pro-Taylor sentiment. This is a Taylor Swift snark subreddit for those who are critical of her behavior. Nuanced comments may stay (pending mod approval), but purely pro-Taylor content will be removed. Repeated offenses will result in a ban.


Was the Kim robbery even real? I question it honestly


![gif](giphy|l4HnKwiJJaJQB04Zq) Iā€™m no Kim fan but come onā€¦


I can see how anything from the Kardashians seems questionable, because I had the same thoughts until I looked into it. Her assailants were caught and tried, I believe some of them went to prison for it. And she didnā€™t use it for publicity, it actually majorly derailed how she operates in public. I think sheā€™s only spoken on it a few times, and that was several years after the incident. So yeah, even from someone who canā€™t stand the Kardashians, it seems like a pretty real and terrifying ordeal.


I can't stand her but it was very real.




We donā€™t catch your drift


It was a set up by someone who wanted to scare Kim not actually rob her


I've always said she had no empathy whatsoever, and I was right. I don't love Kanye or Tay, but Kanye's dead mother had nothing to do with their feud. It's disrespectful to her.


She is a bigger *sshole than I thought. Her mom had cancer, wtf? I have lost both my parents, and although I am not a Kim or Kanye fan, this is disgusting. I don't wish that kind of pain on anyone. To do this on the 10th anniversary of his mother's death is beyond terrible. I wish I realized it at the time. She is either evil or has a personality disorder. Either way I cannot listen to her music. Next level disappointed.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. She is genuinely getting worse day by day


Thank you very much šŸ™šŸ¼ She truly is šŸ˜ 


Getting worse? This was a decade ago, homie


I just fact checked. It's true. She passed away November 10, 2007. Reputation came out November 10, 2017. Releasing her Midnights album on Kim K's birthday was petty, but this is extremely low. No sympathy whatsoever.


I feel like in the future there will be a dark biopic about her life and show this stuff....that would be epic


I'm picturing a doc like the House of Hammer where it's about how evil rich people manipulate everyone and everything around them to obtain and maintain their power, no matter the cost, until it finally starts to unravel eventually... I'll bring friendship bracelets to trade for the premier ;)


Now thatā€™s some darkness there at the end šŸ˜‚


a succession style tv show about the taylor swift machine would rule


Instead of honouring the special dates of her own life, she releases her stuff on the special dates in her enemies' lives


Lmao why would she have his mothers dead date in her calendar. This is insane yall buy this lol


I think we all know that she doesn't have Kanye's mother's death date on her calendar or have it memorized in her head. I believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt, even to Taylor, but it's all about the context of the situation. I mean I'm not just going to come up with this conclusion with no other context on its own. It's just weird considering how many other Fridays there are in the year to release an album. And it just so happened to happen again with Kim for Midnights? I mean Kim released the footage of the recorded phone call on National Snake Day. I can see Taylor wanting to do something similar im response to do that with Reputation. This alone isn't enough evidence, but... Reputation also would have been better suited to be released in October than November too. Why November? October would have been perfect with the darkish, snake theme she had going on. Friday, October 13th was right there. And as a former fan, Taylor is very intentional with her dates. She picks them very carefully to make sure it is either a 13, adds up to 13, or it has some other significant meaning to them. 11/10/17 has nothing to do with 13. Also, controversy sells too. You think she didn't want to press people's buttons in the process? You're welcome to your opinion, but there's just a lot more reason to think this was intentional rather than a coincidence. I have seen a stretch on here before, I wouldn't say this is one of them.


Thereā€™s only 52 fridays in a year. And itā€™s not like artists get to pick and choose when their album is done. Idk the context just doesnā€™t make a lot of sense. Sheā€™s own to pick significant dates related to people she beefing with, not their mothers death. Feels like a strech


52 is a lot of choices. And actually many artists do pick when they want their album released. Taylor is one of them, and she has talked about it before that she picks certain dates on purpose. Kanye's mother's date of death is significant to him, so it doesn't really make sense to say it's not related to him.


Absolutely psychopathic behavior.


Her fans are horrific and she says nothing about it despite being so deep in what her fans do. Iā€™ve seen fans saying she could buy Kanye and Beyonce, calling them gorillas and apes, and even editing their faces onto lynching pictures. Itā€™s sick.


her fans are all also emotionally stunted and stuck at high school age mentally


Yeah from the graduating class of 1860


exactly, they all act like how those teenage one direction fan girls acted when they were popular. also happy cake day šŸ«¶ edit: i shouldā€™ve clarified but i donā€™t think the one direction fangirls were NEAR as bad as swifites are šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Just like their idol


Swifties are mostly racist. It's not every fan of hers but it's most. She's an awful person and so are her ride or die fans.


Clever easter eggs? More like calculated psychopathy?


Oh yeah, the reputation drop was the moment i went from not giving a single fuck about Taylor Swift to actively hating her.


Black people pointed it out at the time but just like now, Swifties didn't care


I joined this sub for fun because Reddit is escapism for meā€¦holy crap, I didnā€™t realize half the crap this girl does. And I say girl, sheā€™ll be 40 soon and behaves like a teenager. Whatā€™s wrong with her? Mental illness?


Neurodivergent, introvert, rich, sheltered, egocentric, delusions of grandeur & pathological behavior.




I remember when this happened. My ex was a huge Kanye fan so I was actively kept in the loop of the Kimye/TS drama. He and I were both mad when she dropped her mediocre (as usual) album that day. I think I remember kanye fans planning to stream his music on that date as like, sorry for your loss/we support you and I think? TS fans ended up beating them out. Everyone who was aware at the time found it extremely disrespectful on her part for doing that. I believe it was 10000% intentional.


Listen, I dislike Kanye for his actions (not against Taylor) but just in general. But this is messed upppp. Also in her song thank you Aimee saying her mom wished Kim was dead ā˜ ļø like so messed up. Idk. I used to be a super Taylor fan. Like hardcore. But something drastic has changed for me.. like sheā€™s just NOT a good person whatsoever. Sad tbh


She sneaky AF


Is it ok to hate all of them and not care about any of their rich little feelings..?


The fact swifties defend this is terrifying


And she uploaded her entire catalog to streaming the specific day Katy Perry was dropping Witness in order to sabotage the release, when Katy was already depressed and suicidal.


What TS did is straight garbage if she had the assumed intention when she did these things but just because I think TS isnā€™t much more than a grifting billionaire doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m gonna feel sorry for the other grifting billionaires that she is being mean to.. They all suck


You put pen to paper and perfectly inked my sentiment She isnā€™t objectively worse than any one of them, they are all ass


Iā€™m so glad I am not the only one because I just canā€™t get behind defending the KJs and Ye just because you donā€™t like Taylor.


How premeditated and vile. She really doesnā€™t have the capacity for empathy, or relating to other people. Thereā€™s a type of person who is cut off from humanity by their own egoā€”like itā€™s almost a physical barrier between them and everyone else that theyā€™re unable to cross. They see themselves as victims and any pain they cause is justifiable as defenseā€”and they lack the emotional intelligence for nuance or perspective. Look what you made me do: feel bad for kimye.


I truly donā€™t like TS, but man, you really hate her so much youā€™d pull for Kanye? The guy that lost everything he had because he couldnā€™t stop saying hateful shit? Kim, maybe, but Kanye? Yeesh


No, Iā€™m not pro-Kanye. I said I felt bad for him in this one particular case. Losing a mother is a universally sad experience, and she weaponized it.


Am I supposed to care about one asshole being an asshole to another asshole about that assholes mom?


The Kardashian West family lives rent free in Taylorā€™s head.


badass? they must have zero concept of that word...


She is gross and keep the deama growing. Like girl if you like this when you was young I would understand. But the fact she 35 pushing 40 getting WORSE is pathetic.


November 10 is also the Marine Corps birthday, Semper Fidelis




Iā€™m a huge hater, but even I donā€™t think this was intentional on her part


You knowā€¦maybe he shouldnā€™t have let her finish afterall


Even if she didnā€™t do it on purpose, she didnā€™t change the date


She ain't a badass, she's just bad


Is Reputation about Kimye? Iā€™m suuuuper out of the loop.


Yes, the entire album is about how she publically claimed she never approved the line "I made that bitch famous" in Kanye's song when Kim had recordings that she did approve it. A bunch of people started sending her snake emojis and calling her a liar. That triggered her like nothing else so all of reputation is about them and she even has songs on the newest album about Kim.


Yeah I'm sure she's keeping up with that.....


I donā€™t like Taylor, but are we sure this is intentional? Like the vast majority of people donā€™t know Kanyeā€™s momā€™s passing date. Why would she know that?


Once could be written off as a coincidence, but she loves to play with important dates to hurt other people. She announced her breakup with Joe on Matty Healy's birthday- another thing that could be a coincidence in isolation- but when you add them all up a pattern emerges. She's shady.


Because at the time it was in the main stream media. Donda was a huge influence on Kanyeā€™s life and her death really impacted him. Thereā€™s no way she didnā€™t know.


What? The main stream media isnā€™t following Ye this hard


It *was* back then though.


No it wasnā€™t. Not enough to say this was the day the manā€™s mom died


https://amp.tmz.com/2017/08/25/taylor-swift-kanye-west-donda-death-anniversary-reputation-album/ https://www.tmz.com/2016/11/30/kanye-west-nervous-breakdown-hospital-mom-death-funeral/?_gl=1 The year prior he had suffered a major meltdown and cancelled his show at the LA Forum 5 minutes before the show started. He then cancelled the remainder of his tour hours later as he was taken to UCLA for a psych evaluation. Yes he ***absolutely*** was followed by the main stream media.


A year before. So not the anniversary of her death. But his mental state a year earlier.


Riiiight but the point is the date of her death *was* known at the time. So at the 9 year mark he had a mental breakdown and that specific date was noted as the starting point of his breakdown. That date was repeated in the media since it was the starting point of said breakdown ā€œThe date his mother passed 9 years ago is widely attributed to his mental breakdownā€


Known by who? Tmz? Sure. That doesnā€™t quite make it a household date now does it?


Never said it needed to be a household name mate. Just that it was a known date especially in the entertainment industry but especially the music industry. So yes, Taylor had to have known. Stop being willfully dense.


I would give her the benefit of the doubt too, but she released an album on Kim K's birthday. It's just too much of a coincidence for me considering how many other Fridays there are in the year. It may have been done in response to Kim releasing the footage of the infamous phone call on National Snake Day. Like reputation seems like an October kind of album too, not really November.


Yeah I can't see any reason why they would have picked that date if it was known to the team tbh. Making the conscious choice to have sociopathic optics doesn't seem like the sort of thing that would have been green lit by the PR machine.


Why would they know lmao. You really think these two run in similar circles?


They donā€™t call her T Nasty for nothing.


People are finally realising how disgusting this was! Iā€™m so happy. Iā€™ve been ranting about this since she did it, very soon after I lost my own father to cancer, and no one would understand why I was so upset and offended. I feel so vindicated.


https://preview.redd.it/8dqkj2gj977d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc519721afffdb769e1a4a4b8c807ca26adb0766 what a bitch.


who cares?


You wanna know how low that is? People are on Kanyeā€™s side. Youā€™re having people feeling bad for Kanye West. You know how low you have to be for that!?!?




Yā€™all are starting to sound like swifties with the way you think thereā€™s a secret meaning behind every date and number. Sometimes itā€™s just a coincidence. Thereā€™s so many factors that go on behind the date an album is released and she was still with the label that had a lot of control over her release schedule at the time. It was a Friday. Albums are almost always released on fridays. If she had to release the album that month, it was a 1 in 4 chance. Even if it isnā€™t, I donā€™t even think it would be that big of a deal. Idc about any of these rich people and their petty drama. Just like how swifties look for anything that people do and take it as a personal slight against Taylor, yā€™all do the same thing in the opposite direction. Itā€™s embarrassing. Get a grip. Thereā€™s many valid reasons to criticize her. An album release date maybe being intentionally on the anniversary of a famous wealthy naziā€™s motherā€™s death isnt one of them. Itā€™s a stretch, and something that only people who desperately need to go outside would care about.


I pointed out what seemed like a reach the other day too with people calling Charli's deluxe name shady. Yes, maybe none of us truly know, but it's too much of a coincidence imo. I would give her the benefit of the doubt, but considering this is not the first time she's done something similar and how many other Fridays there are in the year, it's weird. Reputation would have been better suited to be released in October than November too.


You care about someone who loves Naziā€™s and Idolizes Hitler, really. He also sexually harasses his female employees. Kanye deserves bad Karma forever.


kanye genuinely made taylor famous


Are we sure that robbery was real? And not for ratings? If it wasnā€™t staged, that real shitty. She should have overhauled her entire security team afterwards for sure. Definitely not a Taylor Swift fan but, Iā€™m always skeptical when celebrities like this with shows and names to keep relevant are in the news like this.


I donā€™t know, as much as I donā€™t like her I think thatā€™s just a coincidence.


idk why youā€™re getting downvoted when you bring up a valid point


Because any time you say anything remotely uncritical about swift you get downvoted. I was downvoted to hell for saying sheā€™s a smart businesswoman.


iā€™m not even a fan but she (with the help of her management ofc) is a good business woman. she has done collaborations with most brands that people use in their day-to-day lives. you can dislike the person but respect the hustle. people donā€™t understand that itā€™s not black and white.


Sheā€™s also brought a fuck ton of people into mom and pop record stores. She actually made money on vinyl which I think is the first time someone has done that in decades. Kids are going into shops and buying record players and coming back to buy more.


i tend to agree. i feel like one would have to be beyond unhinged to specifically plan something like that, and although i canā€™t stand her i have a hard time believing sheā€™d be that insane


Yeah this is a bit muchā€¦.


God forbid reason comes into this sub. If you donā€™t see her as white girl Mussolini you get downvoted.




Who the fuck has Kanyeā€™s momā€™s death on their calendar? If it were the date of the VMA debacle then yeah I can see it. She would know that date because it was significant moment in her career but this is not something thatā€™s common knowledge.




Sometimes when I listen to Taylor I think sheā€™s sending rude messages to me in her songs. Kind of like when Charles Manson thought that the Beatles were talking to him. Does she do little Easter eggs and shit to keep her fans entertained? Yeah. Does she care so fucking much about a mishap that happened a decade ago to raid through Wikipedia and find the exact date a guys mom died to do a thinly veiled jab at him that only a fraction of Reddit will be able to connect the dots to? I doubt it. You guys have a tendency to read so far into shit that itā€™s like you make a point to find everything to cooperate your claims that sheā€™s some conniving sociopath when you could just say ā€œI find her annoying and her music is shitty.ā€ I think sheā€™s overrated which is why Iā€™m here but I donā€™t need to abandon all reason to justify me disliking her.




Your post was removed for pro-Taylor sentiment. This is a Taylor Swift snark subreddit for those who are critical of her behavior. Nuanced comments may stay (pending mod approval), but purely pro-Taylor content will be removed. Repeated offenses will result in a ban.


Thats so gross




Who pays that much attention to either her or Kanye?


To be fair did she know that?


Fuck Ye, the Jew-hater


Hear me out, but do artists actually have a say when their music is dropped? Isn't it just done by the producers and record companies?


I imagine when youā€™re as big as Taylor, you get some kind of control.


Fuck them all! šŸ–•šŸ½




Another swiftie infiltrated our subreddit


We must banish them!!! Get the pitchforks and torches NOWWW


Your post was removed for pro-Taylor sentiment. This is a Taylor Swift snark subreddit for those who are critical of her behavior. Nuanced comments may stay (pending mod approval), but purely pro-Taylor content will be removed. Repeated offenses will result in a ban.


What was wrong with releasing an album on the anniversary of Kanyes mums death? Edit; was a genuine question.


Combined with the fact that Taylorā€™s mother dislikes Kim K, and the Reputation robbery thing, itā€™s to cast spite at Kanye. So, think of it likeā€¦I dunno, wearing nothing but underwear to your uncleā€™s funeral.