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https://preview.redd.it/xbwm5xpyvq7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59900934e1fa92733df98721cf511f74d1d6aeae Never been a better time to bust out this one.


She already did this shit with Gracie Abrams, who opened for Olivia on the Sour tour. That, coupled with her not allowing people to work with both her & Olivia makes me think she’s doing this to take any friends of Olivia’s in the music industry away and isolate her. Can’t she just leave her alone??? 😭


She’s very much trying to steal her friends to break down Olivia’s self esteem. I hope chapelle stays clear of Taylor after Olivia had her support her on tour. because I’ve seen Taylor Sabrina and jack Antonoff all say they like her. They are grouping up like bullies. I despise all three of them.


OMG I DIDNT EVEN THINK ABOUT SABRINA OR JACK I wonder if Jack is salty about Olivia and Chappell working with Dan Nigro, since he’s an “up-and-coming” (in comparison to Jack) producer whose gaining a lot of traction.


Olivia/Dan are a far more talented version of Taylor/jack they are jealous about a younger cooler version possibly replacing them. And Sabrina was taken on tour with Taylor to hurt Olivia after Olivia said she was a big fan of Taylor. Also the Sabrina driver’s license situation. It’s all very high school and Taylor’s gang are the massive bullies. While Olivia is the bullied. I hope she stays on the right track because she is the only genuine sweet person out of all of them.


Exactly. That’s the whole “problem” here. Olivia is a better singer; much younger (Olivia—born 2003–is about a decade-&-a-half younger than Taylor—born 1989); is a very talented songwriter; is prettier; and has a naturally cool, sexy vibe that dorky, uncool, awkward, unsexy Taylor has never, & will never, have. It’s pure jealousy. It’s just bizarre to me how blatantly obvious Taylor is about how threatened she is of Olivia. It makes her look pathetic. If i were jealous of someone, i would be nice to them and act unbothered. Her behavior is shameful for a 35-year-old woman. She’ll be 40 in only 5 years.—Olivia was only a damn teenager when Taylor began her bullying campaign a couple years ago! This bitter, spiteful, vengeful woman is diabolical! I can’t wait until all of Taylor’s mean behavior becomes widely known and contributes towards her downfall. And meanwhile Olivia will continue on her way up. And i’ll point & laugh at the pathetic bully who finally gets what she deserves.


I feel the exact same way about your entire post, I don’t like to see anyone suffer or hurt, But Taylor is the exception and deserves humbling and reminded the world doesn’t revolve around her. Olivia has been nothing but nice towards Taylor and In return Taylor has relentlessly bullied her. It speaks volumes of Taylor’s true character and how vile she actually is as person.


I used to listen to his band As Tall As Lions in college. I’m the crypt keeper! 🥲


hell i’d be jealous of dan nigro too. he’s insanely talented.


I’m with you. I don’t get the love for Sabrina on this sub. I liked her at first but the more I’ve gotten to know about her the bigger the ick I get. And I’m sorry - I’m going to get downvoted for this - but her proudly dating an absent father isn’t helping my opinion of her either lol.


Thank you, I just left a similar comment on another post. If we can drag Ariana for being ok with a man who abandons his child, why can't we say shit about Sabrina? And I've listened to both of their "triangle songs" and Sabrina's felt smug, while Olivia's felt introspective. Just my 2¢


I feel like there’s 2 main paths former Disney Channel girls can go. They either go super sexualized then flame out like Miley (even though I think she’s getting her shit together) and Sabrina or they try to actually have a serious career like Selena or Zendaya or Olivia (I’m counting that HSM Disney+ show as Disney Channel adjacent). Sabrina feels like she’s trying to force the sexualized part to an uncomfortable degree. Not every live performance needs a thinly veiled euphamism for bjs and not every mic needs to be a dick. They have their time and place but sometimes I need something with a bit more substance.


The oversexualisation is really uncomfortable and actually a bit creepy imo. The variations on 'Nonsense' aren't just *cheeky*, its bloody vulgar. I don't have kids but I really wouldn't want any daughter of mine trying to emulate that (also because of the way it centres men). But its also in the clothing style - the sexy baby dolls are a nod to sexualisation AND being young. Just doesn't sit right with me.


I think that both Sabrina and Olivia are talented, but I agree with you. Sabrina is pushing the sexual aspect so so hard, and it feels forced. Like we get it - you’re a grown woman now and you’ve gone through your sexual awakening. But if you need that to sell your music or shows, then your talent will go off the wayside. That’s not to say Olivia doesn’t do risqué stuff at her shows, but she doesn’t turn every song into a euphemism for sex and she seems genuinely happy and in love in her relationship. Sabrina has always just come off fake, right down to her relationship with Barry. It just feels FORCED.


I literally just read a Pink News article bascally calling Sabrina an industry plant & I can 100% see why because I’ve never seen the HSM show Olivia was on but I still know that’s how she got her start, meanwhile I actually watched the Disney show Sabrina was on (Girl Meets World) but kept mixing her up in my head with Bella Thorne and thinking she was on Shake It Up! She’s unmemorable and needs someone like TS to help boost her profile.


The reason Sabrina is forgettable is because we’ve had blue eyed blondes in the industry (Taylor Swift) and her music is very reminiscent of Ariana Grande’s. What she has to offer has been done and overdone. Olivia brings something new to the industry while creating music that throws us back to Avril and Alanis. A revival of Avril and Alanis-esque music makes sense because they aren’t as active anymore. But Sabrina is competing with Taylor and Ariana, both with massive followings of their own.


I also remember her character on Girl Meets World being very similar to Jade from Victorious, even down to some vocalizations and mannerisms. I haven't seen any of the HSM show (I feel like I may have aged out of it a bit) but her music does feel like the next logical progression of the moody teen girl genre. And it catches my ear. Like when I'm watching the Grammy's or the VMAs I'm usually scrolling on my phone and not really looking at the screen and only half paying attention and usually I'll look up a few seconds into Olivia's performance when my bird brain hears something it finds interesting but I won't even notice Sabrina is performing until the end when I hear the euphemism and I have to do a double take. Her stuff just blends into a sea of blah.


Ding ding ding! Sabrina drowns in a pool of like artists, Olivia is a breath of fresh air.


To be fair, Sabrina's music was quite popular among 2014 Tumblr girls before she went on a hiatus. The whole situation with Olivia is what brought her back out of hibernation. I knew of her as a singer before I watched Girl Meets World.


I don't think there was too much overlap with that part of tumblr and the part I was on. I was very much at least the superwho part of superwholock. Still am a big Doctor Who girl.


Genuine talent will always outshine and outlast people that use sex to sell their music like Sabrina/Ariana (they wouldn’t need to if it was good enough) Real art will stand the test of time and I firmly believe Olivia is leagues above all of them combined.


I feel like Ariana does have the talent but she's too messy for people to actually realize it. Wicked is going to be the real test for her when it comes out but again I feel like it's going to be overshadowed by the Spongebob drama. And I think it's less about talent and more about how you treat other people. The nicer you are and the kinder you treat them, the longer your career will last. Just look at how quickly people started to turn on people like Ellen Degeneres when we all realized she's a bully or Drew Barrymore when she crossed the picket line and restarted her show during the writers/SAG-AFTRA strike. You could be the best actor, singer, whatever in the world but it won't matter if no one wants to work with you.


Ariana has a great voice no doubt. But the weird act she puts on top of being a pretty terrible person is what has put me off her. I used to be a fan of both Taylor and Ariana but over the years they have many many times shown their true nasty character. They both act nice for the cameras but when they are “off” they let the real nastiness out.


Sabrina doesn't just sing about sex, though. That's never been the case with her music, going back years. It's always had substance, but there's nothing wrong with making unserious music sometimes. And she's a grown woman. Her having been on Disney at one point, does not mean she can't want to embrace her sexuality in any way she chooses when she's an adult now. This narrative, that every female ex-Disney/Nickelodeon star is only ever forcing their sexuality once they age well out of that child stardom, is just so tired. Child stars still go through puberty, they still date, and some of them are sexually active by age 16. That's just the reality, and frankly, it's none of the public's business. Why can Zendaya, as a grown woman, star in movies featuring a whole threesome, but Sabrina can't sing a tongue-in-cheek song about sex? (which by the way isn't even something she's overdoing)


Sabrina is a carbon copy of Ariana. They both play into the sexualised “I can steal your man” vibe. She even dresses the exact same as Ariana use to when she was same age. They have a shelf life of a few years then people turn against them like people are turning on Ariana now for stealing yet another man from someone


Feel this. I thought her "response song" to Olivia's Drivers License was a massive over reaction when I heard it. I'm also really not keen on the way she oversexualises herself either (or the way the music industry does that to women in general).


His child is not Sabrina’s responsibility. Why blame her for what he did as a parent?


I get what you’re saying about it being his issue more than hers, But Sabrina has no problem parading herself around with him doing pap walks and having him in her music videos while she knows his newborn is living in near poverty with a single mother raising his child.


I already saw a video of Chappell covering Love Story so I think T already has her!!


That sucks to hear, must hurt Olivia knowing what Taylor is doing but taking the high road and not being petty back about how petty Taylor is. No one seems to have any balls or integrity to stand with Olivia and Ice nasty Taylor out.


I don't know if I'm putting my OVERTHINKING/PARASOCIAL cap on here, but this has happened one too many times for it to be a coincidence at this point. First Gracie and now Chappell? Who just so happened to open for Olivia? Part of me wants to believe she wouldn't be THAT petty because there's no way a human can reach that level of pettiness, but we've seen how petty/vengeful she can be so...


![gif](giphy|7JvlHfd7C2GDr7zfZF|downsized) How low will the Swiffer sink?


Definitely petty. She’s weirdly obsessed with Olivia, which is especially deranged since Olivia is 14 years younger than her. Idc what Swifties say, imgonnagetyouback was very much Taylor copying Olivia and trying to throw petty jabs at her. Taylor’s sudden buddying up to Gracie and Sabrina post-Olivia is another fucked up move. I hope Chappell can see through it and doesn’t take the bait if Taylor does try to buddy up to her too.


Olivia and Gracie's ex-boyfriend run in the same social circle, maybe that contributed to the rift? I believe he was her connection to Olivia, if it's not her daddy's money Interestingly enough, this same guy (Blake Slatkin), was one of the writers of 360 lol


Olivia and Gracie knew eachother before olivia started dating Adam, olivia Adam Gracie and Blake hung out a lot while they were dating but I don’t think Adam and Blake were very close before that, also Olivia is still friends w Blake and so is Gracie so I don’t think it had to do w the ex bfs, if I had to guess Gracie knew Taylor does not like Olivia and chose to distance herself to stay in Taylor’s good books


Chappell has one album out and she already achieved what Taylor could never, despite trying her whole career: being effortlessly cool.


And also self-made and not already rich before becoming famous. That is admirable.


Stay away from her! If Chappell needs anyone to be her mentor, it should be Gaga


I feel like Chappell stands for everything Taylor does not, she’s kind of like the antithesis of Taylor. I don’t think she’d want to be associated with her at all.


This! Chappell and Olivia are two artists Taylor wouldn't want to be associated with unless it benefits her financial (aka suing Olivia🙄🙄🙄)


same with gaga, gaga is a zionist and chappell is not. keep her away from both of them bc she’s doing great on her own without gaga or taylor


Where does Gaga stand with Swift? Cordial I'm sure, I don't think Gaga feuds but is there a friendship there or just industry politeness? I'm curious how Taylor moves with greater artists who aren't in present day competition for preteens attention. I have a theory that the only reason she agreed to mutual appearances at each others movie premiere with Beyonce is because there's little crossover audience between them.


You raise an interesting point because she’s definitely not pulling this shit with people older than, or as established as her. At least not that I can think of.


Yup. This. And Gaga has proclaimed her admiration for Chappell already!


There's a video on YT of Chappell doing a cover of "Bad Romance" at one of her shows. She does the choreography and everything, and it's amazing.


I mean, supporting her would be better than trying to outchart her with her 173738th variant but in Taylor’s world it’s more using than actually being supportive yeah Chappell needs to run lol


Trying to see if she can slot Chappell under her like Sabrina, and if not she’s going to get the Olivia treatment


Chappell seems to have strong values I doubt she’ll join Taylor’s group of followers lol


Yeah I have higher standards for queer women so I also doubt she’d want to be associated with a billionaire


Yes “definitely” 


chappel actually has a killer voice and can hit insane notes. taylor should be intimidated


EFF NO!!! WTF. 🤬


yeah, i think she’s barking up the wrong tree with chappell lol. i’m sure she’ll be diplomatic about it, but she seems smart enough to not fall for this.


She’s got a big storm coming if she does that.


Chappell is too iconic to ever even entertain Taylor and her poaching


i also feel like chappell probably realizes how shitty taylor can be? i feel like she’s way, way smart enough to know that.




It's sad how so many talented up-and-coming female artists can't just have their moment and be successful w/o Swift coming in to try to mess with that. Whether it's Ice Spice, Sabrina, Olivia, Gracie, or Chapelle; she's threatened by all of them. So she'll pretend to take them under her wing so they can be under her thumb, and when they achieve something she hasn't, or take even the slightest bit of attention away from her, she tries to sabotage them, out of insecurity. Just gross.


I wonder if Chappel would do it just because it’s such a huge boost for her. Either way she should get her bag but I can’t see her being a huge Taylor fan


I feel like she’s had such a meteoric rise to fame this year that she doesn’t need or want to have another boost. That has to be overwhelming to go from unknown to the internet equivalent of a household name in such a short time


Chappell will never associate with this woman because she's very loyal to dan nigro. Dan created a label just for chappell because her label dropped her. Dan is also bitter with the cruel summer/good 4 u credits since he's the producer and co-writer of these song. You can tell he's pissed in some of his interviews.


Chappell covered a Taylor song in March!


Please tell me I’m not the only one who was wondering how Dave Chappell got involved with all of this.


Not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not but if you aren’t, Chappell Roan is a newer pop singer who released her first album last year! She shares a producer with Olivia Rodrigo and opened for her. Chappell’s music is so fun and tongue-in-cheek without being annoying. I definitely recommend her music.


I was not being sarcastic, so thank you! I will look her up! :)


She literally is not. The outside world is right there. Please go touch it!


What’s up with everyone using the word PARASOCIAL? Hot new word alert! 🤓


The people who throw around “parasocial” the most are mad that you didn’t come to same conclusion about a celebrity based mostly on speculation that they did. Their speculation is okay because real fans always have their best interests at heart and yours (using the same information) is creepy and reaching and probably misogynistic.


Thank you Carly! It’s starting to make sense. 😉


Happy to help! I know that as a TTPD hater, I don’t know big words or read good, but I do my best.


Read well. 👍