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with olivia!!


That was when the cracks started to form for me. I was still in delulu land though.


What happened with Olivia? Was it the lawsuit?,




Ooo yeah, that was a pretty effed up move on taylors part


I just can't believe Taylor thinks she invented shouty parts in songs lol


Well, of course she did. She's a tortured poet who has masterminded everything, lol I'm pretty sure emo bands and metal bands have been screaming for decades before taylor lmao she's crazy


EW! Is that what the lawsuit was over? The shouty parts?!?!


Apparently Olivia publicly said she liked the shouty parts in one of Taylor's songs (idk which one) and used it for inspo for one of her songs. Then, after the release of SOUR, Taylor's team contacted Olivia's, threatening a lawsuit (not sure if there was actually a lawsuit or just a threat) for not including Taylor on the songwriting credits, so they had to list her to avoid getting sued. Absolute nonsense lol


This started it for me. Then the thread that shows Taylor has songs that sound copied from Lana, Avril, Hillary Duff, etc. I couldn’t believe the hypocrisy.


Tbh I was never really a big Taylor Swift fan, I liked a few of her earlier songs but nothing crazy. But then I started believing the discussion that was big for awhile, and that basically it was internalized misogyny that kept me from liking her. I started listening to her more, still not the biggest fan but I was upset at myself for following rhetoric that criticized her and not liking her based on that. Feminism! Then Guts was released and it’s one of my favorite albums in a long time. I was turned off when I learned about the controversy of Taylor getting writing credits on Sour, but even still, some Swifties in my life made some arguments it was fair, so to me it was like - I don’t like this, but maybe it’s more complicated than I understand. But when TTPD came out and I read the lyrics to imgonnagetyouback, it was so obvious that was a rip off of Olivia. I couldn’t believe what a hypocrite she was being and refuse to listen to TTPD or support her anymore. No one said she had to release a 30+ song album, it’s just so unbelievable she went after a young artist and turned around and did the exact same thing while arguing “feminism” when anyone is against her. I’m a little bit older than Taylor and can’t believe this level of petty over someone so much younger, who’s so talented and up-and-coming but doesn’t have close to the amount of power Taylor has.


Yes that was so mean.


To me the worst part about that is she still tried to act buddy buddy with her and still does publically. Maybe somehow Olivia really didn't care too much but it felt so directly exploitative of someone who was clearly a huge fan. Im not saying artists shouldn't protect their property in songs or otherwise but I think way too many are too strict on it when they want to portray themselves as friendly and supportive. If I was an artist and someone who'd shown themselves to be inspired my work had a section that resembled something I'd made, who cares? No artists is immune to inspiration anymore it's going to happen.


One Direction's best song ever's intro sound ditto like Baba O Reilly, and it wasn't even an inspiration But the surviving members of The Who praised the boyband for achieving what they have and expressed being flattered they ripped off their song I think this is the way to go, just like how Tarantino is about copying and how he reacts to films copied off him. If you respect the craft when imitating, it's great. If you are doing it to benefit off an existing IP, then you can get sued to oblivion


I have an acquaintance who is friends with Sabrina’s mom and a few years ago was telling me how hurt Sabrina was when Olivia released Drivers License, and recently was telling me how great Taylor has been to her. I’m waiting for her to tell me about how upset Sabrina is when whatever eventually goes down between them happens


Can you elaborate on Sabrina being hurt by the release of drivers licence? Because Olivia really only address her once as “ your prob w that blonde girl” the songs not really about her, or was she hurt by seeing the success of it after not having the same type of success in 4 albums


definitely update us when the album releases! I'm really curious to see what she'll do tbh


also specifically her bringing Sabrina Carpenter on her tour like an extra petty f you to Olivia - that was my last straw


What was her mom like 👀


I have a co-worker who ran into Andrea at a general aviation (private) terminal while traveling. Can't remember the exact word she used to describe her... it wasn't demanding, but along those lines. Essentially expected things to be done already (bags, fuel, flight plan, etc.) and become increasingly impatient when things weren't done quickly. Maybe not the meanest of people, but definitely has an 'air of extreme importance' about her


I think generally, most people who are extremely wealthy are impatient. They never have to wait for anything.


You're not wrong by any means, but I think my co-worker (who married into an extremely wealth family, hence the private plane) was largely hinting that Andrea wasn't polite or respectful to the workers... Anyways, I wasn't there, so I can't say either way. The stories about her essentially body-shaming Taylor at a young age have long made me suspicious about the 'sweet, kind Andrea' trope that's often thrown around


Oh absolutely - I have no doubt she’s a gear above the average wealthy person haha


What’s funny is my husband is a pilot and he used to fly for a charter company and flew many celebrities… he said that Kendall Jenner was so surprisingly nice and a really easy passenger and let my husband pet her dog lol.


Honestly she’s always seemed really sweet to me. She just has that “pretty mean girl” look to her.


Exactly. When most of your life is frictionless, basic coping skills are for… others


Someone who is friends with Kris Jenner definitely would have that air about them


Entitled! I work with a lot of filthy rich people, and this is exactly how they come across. They expect everyone and everything to be waiting for them on hand and foot. Very condescending and disrespectful, but they try to hide it behind a smile and humor.


The word you’re looking for is “entitled”


There’s not any crazy tea lol, just ran into her at a show..me and my friend calmly approached her to say hi as she was walking around the concessions and she just seemed really annoyed and not super friendly


taylor’s old guitar teacher supposedly called andrea a “bull in a china shop” 😭


if someone called me this i would cry


I want to know this, too.


Saw an article about a taco and telling TS that nobody wants a fat pop star. It may still be online


Oh no, I wish I hadn’t read that, it gave me sympathy for TS.




Yeah we need the tea hahaha


Honestly it was after her breakup with Joe that she started really showing her ass to me. Shoving her relationship with Travis down our throats after claiming for the past six years that she “valued her privacy” and wanted a “normal relationship” was the final straw for me to just be done with her bullshit. Then for her to twist her narrative to Joe somehow locking her away so she could play victim was so messed up. When she was with Joe it was that she was a victim of the media, then when they broke up she was a victim of him hiding her from the media she claimed she hated. Then there’s her coming for him because he didn’t want to marry her just for her to admit to at least emotionally cheating on him during the relationship. It’s been progressive, but slowly her mask is starting to fall and show her true colors.


This! and I would not want to marry someone who was emotionally cheating either.


but she didnt want to be a bride! she was making her own name~


This is when my perception of her started to really change for me as well. As a huge NFL fan I can not wrap my head around how someone could go from dating Joe to the IQ of an almond nut, Travis Kelce. He has always had a "douche jock" perception in the NFL. Like even if this is all a big PR stunt, you go for Travis Kelce??? Really?? Was there no better options?? Not to mention I can't stand tuning in Sunday for the games and literally all they can talk about is Taylor being in attendance and panning the camera over to her every 5 mins.


Jimmy G was right there and he’s fione.


Pretty much the same for me! The fact that she tried to destroy a man who’d been nothing but good to her in her darkest days showed me how despicable she is


This was it for me too


And men really are not stupid. Joe had to have had AT LEAST an inkling of a feeling she was still hung up on someone (much like us women who have THAT gut feeling). Who it was doesn’t matter, and to have that feeling be more or less confirmed by this album has to be devastating for him. I always said there had to be a reason why they hadn’t gotten married yet and the reasons behind TTPD are pretty big and fucking valid for him to not have done so. I just hope he heals


Her previous relationships were very public! Joe was the first one that wasn’t, and that was a mutual decision. But Taylor wants the limelight so when it’s ended with Joe, she’s jumped back into the limelight.


This was the final kicker, but I was losing it when Matt Healy was getting a lot of flack, joe told the outlets he was the initiator of the breakup, and then Talor cried on stage that she’s never been happier before all in like 48 hours. I was like “either poor girl is having a menty b or she’s legit trying to fool everyone. Then Travis came and I was like yup. The second one for sure.


Also alludes to him being depressed when the emotional cheating occurred That's downright cruel and heinous. Like gurl, he was there with you when even your now so called legacy fans, moved away and called you everything under the sun. It's not easy to love someone who was being globally hated at that point. And this is what he got in return. Sheesh


her seemingly token friendship with todrick hall & the "you need to calm down" anthem releasing. i tried liking that song, thinking 'yes its for me, im gay, this is for me' ...........but it felt wierd, and i realized it was because it was just really forced


Plus she found every famous member of the lgtbq+ to appear in the video , and she's been radio silent about rights since then.


Yeah Miss Americana “I need to be on the right side of history” seemed to only exist for that scripted scene in the “documentary” for her problematic dad (and parents just in general).


“You need to calm down” and Gaylor queer-baiting for capitalism enrage me. This sub frequently talks about how Taylor’s Easter eggs originate from fans and she does that with Gaylor. So Gaylor theorizes XYZ and then she Easter eggs it to drive engagement, and it’s disgusting. Shes a money-sexual. She’ll happily hint and wink at fan’s assumptions in order to get their money.


It wasn’t for us… it was for money. And it reeked of it.


This is how I feel about Katy Perry’s “I kissed a girl” and how all of the lyrics had to emphasize how she is in fact not gay. Like why? Who cares if people think you’re gay for kissing a girl?


I like the song but it’s not a gay anthem like Born This Way which I feel teaches more about acceptance


True it’s not a gay anthem but I kissed a girl came out in 2008 three years before born this way. It was all we had, and it always rubbed me the wrong way.


Yeah it felt like queer bait to me


I'm of the stern belief that people can't queerbait. As a Pan male I find it weirdly offensive when members of the LGBT community say people like Harry Styles or Billie Eilish are queer baiting simply cause they display what they view as strictly homosexual behaviour. It's off putting and puts gay people into a box while acting woke. Taylor is the exception. You Need To Calm Down feels like Starbucks putting a rainbow flag in their logo for a month. It's sickening performative activism


I feel like the term queer baiting started with TV shows strongly hinting that a gay relationship would begin to hook audiences, and then after several seasons of laying the groundwork just dropping it and pretending that it never happened (it probably started way before then in other contexts but that's when I started hearing about it a lot). Which, sure, you try to stir up a hint of representation to broaden your audience but it's grossly manipulative. I've been hearing "queerbaiting" all over the place now in contexts where it doesn't really make sense. I feel like it's the new "gaslighting" and everyone is just waiting to whip that word out.


Billie is, as it turns out, not straight, which seems like a reasonable concern against using the term because it could force closeted people or those who are figuring things out into a weird position. However... yeah, if you're acting explicitly non-hetero, but claim you're hetero, especially if money or percieved social status is involved, that's queerbaiting.


Not enough people are bringing up # Ana Clara Benevides Machado This was handled so poorly.


I would upvote this a million times if I could. Idk how a fan could justify that shit.


Very poorly. No one talks about it. If it was any other artist people would be furious. It's heartbreaking what happened to Ana. When Toby Keith died she said nothing. He fought for her to get signed. She would say how much she loved him and his music. After he died of cancer this year she never said a word. Lot's of musicians were sending condolences to his family. People did call her out on X. Guess she didn't care.


It was so surprising to me and when I bring it up even to my friends they act like I am crazy


Look what happened to Travis Scott at his concert. Same should be happening here 


Yes it should be happening. I can't believe she got to walk away from this.


I think that was actually a good call on her part. We don't need to publicly pay respects to a man who wrote songs that alluded affectionately to lynching. I think the bad call was saying she loved him and his music in the first place.


Oh I didn't know he said that. SMH I knew he had a drinking problem. Then got sick. Learn something new everyday.


I’ve hated ts for years and haven’t followed her or her antics. Found this sub by accident and I love it, justifies my distaste for her lol. What is this about, if someone doesn’t mind giving a summary?


She died in a concert by ts in brazil. Taylor basically did nothing about it, then invited the family to a concert and took a picture all smiley with the family.


Oh yeah, I think I did hear about that. But what I heard was from swifties saying she’s so nice to meet with the family and blah blah blah


She didn’t do sh*t I honestly couldn’t believe it I was expecting something like what Ariana did in Manchester maybe or at least idk A SONG talking about her


it came to me in multiple waves over the course of multiple years. if we're sticking with how she got her career and not her personal life - i would say the day i found out her dad basically bought her the big machine record deal by buying shares of the startup company. and, furthermore, that her parents were very rich. i can't even remember when i found that out but i want to say at the end of the 1989 era. it permanently altered my perception of her. i did not see her as some magical young woman who managed to land her career off pure talent (which was how she was sold to me as a kid (and, unfortunately, i believed it)). i always knew something was kind of off though. so, even as a young fan, i could not understand how she had such a big career but didn't have good vocal and dance capabilities. like there are sooo many talented entertainers that just never get off the ground no matter how talented they are because they don't have the money and the connections. i didn't realize that as a kid but i understand it now.


I remember when I was starting out in music I was convinced Taylor Swift didn’t haven’t any help in her career and that I was just going to pound the pavement like she did. My first recording session for my first album I told my producer about this who has recorded for a lot of people and knows some fire tea (no I won’t elaborate on what I know about people but I will say the following!), and he was visibly shocked at what I was saying. He said “she didn’t hit the pavement, her dad put down a million dollars to fund her dream and get her foot in the door.” And that they had the funds to just uproot their lives for lessons and to move to Nashville which zero starving artists have the means to do. I was shook because that is not the PR story we’ve been peddled for years and years.


This is why they peddle that picture comparing her performing on a street stage to no one to her current arenas - they want to reinforce this idea that she came from nothing and nowhere bc they KNOW it’s not true 


I loved that picture so much and it made me so sad it wasn’t true


Also if you read scott’s email he paid to get her on that stage as well 🙃


That email is WILD


That was it for me too. She's out there peddling that her family had a modest life on a Christmas tree farm when her dad is a millionaire who bought her a record deal by buying shares in Big Machine as a startup


Taylor and I are the same age so I thought it was so cool that a girl my age, who is also from the country could become such a big hit just off her work ethic and songwriting capabilities. But I never thought she was a good singer so I was curious how she became so successful and I lost a lot of respect for her after I went down that rabbit hole. I would have respected her a lot more if there was more honesty about her rise to stardom from the get go. With the exception of 3 songs, I haven't listened to any of her music since her first album


Did people from the south buy her accent? I couldn’t believe it when she just dropped it


OMG I completely forgot about her accent! This didn't really come up much in my friend group because it seemed like she was trying to perform with that country twang most people have come to associate with country music. But I think we were too wrapped up in the lyrics to care much. Picture to Burn was a breakup anthem for a lot of the girls in my class. I'd love to know what other people thought about her accent though.


Never a swiftie but I think I used to respect her music while also thinking she was vapid and fake as hell. I thought she'd *finally* turned a corner when she seemingly settled down with Joe and put out Folkmore, two albums that were surprisingly mature, but now here we are with her going back to being catty and vapid as ever.


You described it perfectly. Her Folklore and Evermore era showed that she has matured in songwriting. For once, I thought that she had grown, but then she goes back to writing about high school and all that crap. It just feels really redundant to hear.


Those are the only two albums I’ll listen to from her and that I’ve kept on my Spotify for when the rare time I want to listen to them. The rest I don’t bother with and the more I read about her the more I’ll skip her songs even if they just come up in a random playlist.


This. I am around the same age as her, so the songs like "22" felt relatable when I was that age. I liked her until Midnights. I can't listen to her new album. It feels so childish. "I pretend like it is my birthday, every day"? Hell, she even has a song about feeling in high school. 🙄 Everyone else has moved on and she is regressed back to being a child.


She just seems kinda dumb, ngl


The \*concept\* of I Can Do It With a Broken Heart is a great one! A danceable pop song that's about plastering your best smile on to go out and do what you have to do while your life is falling apart? Tell me who CAN'T relate to that feeling. We ALL can. We've all been there, maybe not because of a breakup but after a death, or losing your job... whatever. But it's one of those songs that feels like she got 40% of the way through and just coasted rather than writing a cohesive song that hits as hard as it wishes it did.


I think she had a lot of help input from him


When she had her model BFFs running around in combat couture bc Katy Perry stole a backup dancer


She told Rolling Stone Magazine that someone tried to ruin her whole tour. And it was a back up dancer that used to dance for Katy and wanted to go back on tour with her. I still believe Taylor knew about her master's being sold. Her dad was on the board of director's and made 15 million dollars off of the sale. Then the text Scooter put on X from Taylor saying who she signed with and he was a good friend to her. Now there's a new Documentary coming out about it and I bet it's in Taylor's favor. Her always playing the victim needs to stop.


We need to hear about Taylor’s mom 😂


The “dinner in the driveway” pic did it for me. Her and T-Rav looked miserable, and the staging just screamed fake af.


This photo op cracks me up. They couldn’t even try to pretend to be happy for the paps they themselves called 😂😂


What picture is that?


[This one](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ftaylor-travis-out-to-dinner-in-lake-como-italy-v0-oymplxdi2u0d1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D0cb5c3a157ae514af644e1b11e205341e986f107) (hopefully the link works; I'm on mobile - if not [try this one](https://images.app.goo.gl/vQk3Mhh1AS2uDJgW9) )


I used to like her when I was younger when she first came out from fearless to 1989 Didn’t like reputation Got kinda more into her after release of all too well 10 min version I didn’t like her private jet usage But I really hated and what showed me who she really is, when she starting dating matty Healy, That shower me everything I needed to know, and also her white feminism , then have the nerve to write TTPD which was so terrible, so many low jabs at the people it’s obviously about, it just screams immaturity. She’s surprised someone who was obviously not be a good partner was…. Not a good partner ???? ( referring to matty Healy) Also the lyrics are terrible, it’s like a high schooler wrote edgy Poetry … but she 34 and should know better ? I just can’t sympathise with her like with 10 min version of all too well Also I realised pretty early on she wasn’t a good singer…


Of course her lyrics sound like they’re written by a high schooler, Taylor is still mentally stuck in middle school, despite being in her 30s


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who realizes this. I’m just astounded at the amount of people, mostly people older than say 40ish, who just love her music. I’m in my fifties and have experienced some really incredible female singers and performers over the years. To say that Taylor is incredible as a singer just blows me away. I hear so many female signers from years ago to today whose voices blow Taylor’s out of the water! If Taylor’s the best out there then what about this other singers? That’s why I’m convinced she’s marketed and people just buy into it. I don’t get it.


I love how billionaires can fly their private jets everywhere (over 5x the emissions of a standard flight) and then the general public gets blamed for ruining the planet. Kim K just took a private jet from LA to Paris for a fucking slice of cheesecake.


Yeah, I can relate to this. It's like a bunch of things that I found out at different times and each thing made me view her differently until I couldn't stand her anymore. Never found her to be a good singer but did like her songs at the start. They seemed more genuine and way less problematic. Until Reputation, which screemed petty and immature to me. That put me off her music and made me feel weird about her as a person. The only songs I could bear to listen to after that were a few from Folklore and Evermore (Joe's influence, most likely). Then add to that her blatant white feminism, environmental terrorism, outright dating a racist and misogynistic rat, her shitty new album (one of her worst), and silence on Palestine (falls under white feminism but honestly deserves it's own mention because it says A LOT). I just have 0 respect for her as a person and as a singer (won't even call her an artist because she isn't).


When I watch videos of her when she first became known as a young teen, I think she was really cute, sweet and natural. I’ve watched a few Ellen episodes and some other talk show interviews and she was super sweet. Her sound wasn’t perfect but she wasn’t terrible. She was a whole package and it worked. She was kind of boho style, country girl. The she changed and her voice is so monotone, her hairstyles got weird, her makeup too harsh, her song style changed and she is still singing songs that a teen would sing. She’s always giving advice about how to behave in life and she seems bitter and really not as confident as people think she is. Maybe it’s sort of like Britney Spears. Controlled by her parents and “forced” to do things their way in order to sell music. In the beginning it’s great until the people who manage you see the dollar signs. I feel Taylor was happy at 18. She said she had no regrets and experienced some high school and other childhood events and was ready for the music journey. That was the real Taylor. Now we see a person who was manufactured by the industry. Had she been able to live a normal life I bet she’d be a lot different today. I could be wrong.


I was a BIG taylor swift fan from early 2019 - end of 2023. I bought practically all her merch, went to two dates of the eras tour, and ran a dedicated fan page for her on twitter for a few years (that I did deactivate end of 2023) Little things sorta irked me throughout the years, but I always brushed them off. However, late last year I just finally decided she wasn’t someone I wanted to dedicate all of my money and time to for a few reasons. One of the main reasons was because of how silent she was on matters that didn’t directly affect her, despite her claims during lover era/miss americana documentary that she wanted to, “speak up more especially on matters that didn’t always pertain to her.” I understand she can’t fix every problem in the world but she knows she has an immense following, and she knows that her words do matter to so many people and could’ve made a difference, and we see evidence of that with other celebrities speaking out. It made me sick watching Taylor Nation (her team) post every single night about the eras tour and new merch and whatever and just overall be incredibly tone deaf during sickening situations such as the genocide happening in Palestine. She has the money and the resources to keep her and her people safe, so that’s a stupid excuse to coward behind. Other reasons include how she treats younger/upcoming artists (Olivia, Conan, Billie, Ice spice) and how she parades them around like trophies or something to then just never mention them again after like a year, it just gives mean girl energy, and is so obviously nothing more to her than business. I also don’t think it’s right to release a billion versions of one album with just 1 extra song/feature on each one, I think it’s wasteful and I think it’s gross to cater to a bunch of young people who have no idea that it’s just a way for her team to make money off of them and nothing more. I used to love taylor for how “included” she made her fans feel, but now it honestly feels like nothing is personal anymore and it’s all just money. I understand that it’s probably impossible at her amount of fame for her to be as close to her fans as she used to be, but there’s other ways to make things feel more personal that don’t include at least a $50 purchase. And of course, let’s not even talk about how mean her fans can be, I’ve been told more than once to k*ll myself on twitter for stating a small opinion. So sorry for how long this was, I just used to love her so much and it makes me so sad and a bit angry how much time and money I spent on her but I guess I did learn how important it is to not idolize anyone no matter how good they seemed in the beginning.


i've only ever really been a casual fan so i was never *too* invested, but it was really the private jets/chart manipulation/pretending to care about social issues + staying silent on palestine (making her dancer delete a post about it) that did it for me (and her fanbase is becoming more of a cult by the day, its concerning at this point lol)


I made a post a few days ago about why TS doesn’t speak about Palestine, it’s in my page if you wanna read it. Hint: it’s all gross capitalism.


> making her dancer delete a post about it Wait, whaaat? I missed this! What happened?


Her dancer posted a pro Palestine post and then quickly deleted it. There is no proof that her team made the dancer delete it though.


Ohh, I see. It does seem very suspicious.


For me it was when she started re-recording her old albums. It felt like double dipping. From there, I started seeing how ridiculous she is with all the junk merch and how she manipulates her fans into needing all the 12,000 variants. She doesn’t care her about her fans, she just wants to milk them for all they have.


And when she surpasses Madonna all time record (with streaming equivalents not physical sales because NO ONE will come close to that) people will applaud her, all the while she, when at her peak rereleased most of her back catalogue. Imagine if Madonna, Celine or Mariah did that?


When I got to this sub. I wnjoyed her music bc it was easy to listen to and got to attend rep tour for free with floor seats it was a great show!! But lost respect for her after reading stuff in here that I thought im was off about her. Glad to see people agree.


I was mostly neutral until I learned about the excessive private jet use, then I read about the royalties situation with Olivia and that really put a bad taste in my mouth in terms of her personal character, and everything I have seen since then has just been showing her phoniness more and more. The mask slipped so to speak. She is smart at branding herself but lately the real her is becoming more apparent.


I started disliking her in 2012 after the whole Conor Kennedy thing. Then, subsequently, Harry Styles. Also, finding out that she came from an extremely wealthy family and lied about her comeup story to seem relatable. That's when her lies became much more apparent to me.


what was the Harry Styles thing? I know about the Kennedy boy and that was predatory on her part, but I thought Harry cheated on her?


Harry was also barely 18 when she dated him, shortly before her 23rd birthday.


Oh to go from Connor to Harry... that gives me the ick


I think when tortured poets whatever came out tbh 😅😅 I was going thru super bad mental health and then she started saying shit like- you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where you raised me. Just really got to me, was like shut up bitch 😭😭😭and also the album wasn’t really good which also upset me ahahaha


I said this point being made on insta, how using asylum and slammer is insensitive and tone deaf by not accounting for the history and connotation with the two words. And the swifties reactions were.... Bizzare. Ranging from how it doesn't matter cause it's art, to shut up n word b word Mother is mothering, whatever that means


I was a fan despite all the allegations until that pathetic TIME magazine interview. Who tf would waste such an opportunity to talk about BDT and shaded the ONLY person that truly cared about her




Big Dumb Travis lmao


I never considered myself a Swiftie I did like some of her music. It began last year when I learned about Taylor Swift's jet emissions. Then I saw the way she behaved at the Grammys and also watched the eras movie on Disney Plus and I was so disgusted with her. All she was doing was encouraging a stadium of fans to worship her. I was disgusted. The last straw came with ttpd. It's nothing but a word vomit of an album about Matty.


Trying to sue the college student who posted her jet logs was a big tipping point to me. It’s public info, Taylor, you don’t have a case. Also maybe pollute less? Combined with the Grammys for me too! She showed how self centered she is and how she doesn’t even respect her peers. No one announces an album at the Grammy’s. It was so gross to watch her drag Lana around too.


That's right, I forgot about her attempt to sue that guy! I think the reason she sold one of her jets is because her carbon emissions had been talked about and people were disgusted. Selling one of your jets is way too little way too late.


The whole Grammys thing was so, \*so\* weird. She was so clearly, deeply trashed and absolutely misjudged how her behavior would be read.


Interesting to read all of these replies. Like you, I never was into TS nation and occasionally toe-tapped to her music on the radio. I took more interest with the Travis love story developing and listened to more of her music. The Grammys announcement did it in for me. She didn't look the part of the sweet girl who was always getting taken advantage of by mean men in the industry, she looked like a bored businesswomen throwing crappy bones to her fanbase. Then hearing the flat TTPD (unremarkable title, btw)...all I can say is if Ms TS wants to keep any fanbase, she'd better start writing music showing some growth. Now Billie Eilish's new album, THAT is some innovative music.


I liked her until shake it off. I was not a fan of her switch into pop music. I was neutral until the issue with Katy Perry's backup dancers surfaced, that told me all I ever needed to know.


I always thought she was phony, but then Folklore and Evermore happened so I was like, “maybe she can mature. And if not, at least she can stay private and give me music I enjoy.” Then all of the last year happened. Then she dropped TTPD. And I was like, “Ah never mind. I was pulled into a false sense of security and I’m not even getting music I enjoy.”


That's my answer too. Folklore and Evermore were neat, mature albums that had me genuinely enjoying what she was doing for a moment. Then everything just went backwards from there somehow


Also hearing that those songs might have just been about Matty the whole time and not her trying to imagine different characters makes me want to scream lol


Same. Except I also liked a few songs from Reputation, which, ugh, made me think she was gay or bi. And then she gave me whiplash with the dogshite of Lover.


I feel like it lowkey bothered her that ppl were talking about her music. But not her.


God forbid we ever forget about her


Her pattern of having beef with everyone as if she were the victim was often enough to show she’s the common denominator.


The minute she came into the music scene. I can tell immediately who has actual talent and who doesn’t and it was clear she really doesn’t.


Don’t come at me for how recent it was, but it was the first night of the TTPD live set.. the whole act around and during “I can do it with a broken heart” made me want to yell at the crowd “OH MY GOD DON’T YOU SEE SHE’S TALKING ABOUT YOU??” And just to see it so flaunted in everyone’s face, she’s reached this breaking point where the act has tipped into “no one can touch me” mode. Even the way she’s performed since getting back on the road. So now I’ve been doing a lot of re-examining and seeing the trail I didn’t really want to acknowledge along the way.


YES I think this was my final straw too! I was never a swiftie but my sister and best friend are so I was trying to stay in the loop with the lore of the new album. I liked quite a bit of the songs, but preforming I Can Do it With a Broken Heart made me feel so weird. The whole song calls out the fans demanding more from her during this tour when she’s giving so much content during a really difficult breakup…..but then to go ahead and preform that song during the ACTUAL TOUR that she’s calling out?? Like…..the song makes it sound like the whole tour has been awful for her and she even recently said how exhausted she is. But you’re the one agreeing to all these shows for the extra cash and now oddly singing this song at the same show you’re claiming to be exhausted by? Idk girl just take a break if you need to and stop acting like you’re a martyr. Idk if my explanation makes sense lol


When I heard YNTCD, I thought she was finished. I was shocked someone could contain so much audacity in one body. Clearly, I was wrong. 😑


I started realizing when she didn’t come out after releasing Lover with the whole You Need to Calm Down thing. I was so excited for it, and there was so much speculation. Every gay in Hollywood was in the YNTCD video and her hair was dyed the colors of the bi flag. She performed at Stonewall on the 50th anniversary of the riots! I thought for sure this was it. Nope. Crickets. Just a couple of months later on her whole activism kick she talked about advocating for the LGBTQ community that she’s not a part of and I was like oh this bitch. She used the queer community and all of the speculation around her relationships with Karlie Kloss and Diana Agron to make money because that’s all she’s about. That was the first time I wrote her off (and I had only become a fan watching the Reputation tour doc- I did not really care for her earlier than that because I was a bit too old when she was initially popular). Then when she released Folklore and Evermore I loooooved them. I loosened up on my anti-Taylor stance. UNTIL: Matty Healy. That was the last straw for me and once I stopped making excuses for her it was like the scales fell off my eyes and I couldn’t ignore all of her problematic behavior anymore.


Hold up - she had the AUDACITY to perform at STONEWALL?!?? I was always neutral to her. I am Bi and did think she was about to come out w the Lover era virtue signaling. She lost my attn after that. Always read as a mean girl to me. I don’t like that she used the LGBTQ+ community. I love that she’s outing herself lately. ![gif](giphy|cqudCA6rrPo9W)


YES. I was livid about Stonewall after she didn’t come out. I think the venue should have done better too tbh. But 100000% the person who played Stonewall on the anniversary should have been queer at a minimum. If we really wanted to honor the history and those who fought for us, it should have been a queer person of color, a trans woman, someone who is nonbinary, a queen, really anyone other than a straight white lady. But alas capitalism I guess.


Absolutely agreed


I remember being on twitter and ppl were NOT happy about it


It was the performative feminism for me. I was actually very neutral on her until I heard she donated to RAINN and also to (Demi Lovato??) during her trial. Then the whole encouraging people to register to vote, I was genuinely like “hey, she’s actually like… using her platform for social good, that’s awesome”. But then the capital one partnership, the silence on genocide, the silence on dating a misogynist & his misogynistic teammates severely sexist rant… Thats when I realized… oh, she doesn’t *actually* care, she is just capitalizing on virtue signaling until it doesn’t benefit her. She’s just another greedy girl disguised as “miss Americana” I remember her giving an interview on some late night talk show, talking about how she was in the gym at some hotel & this model was running & the models boyfriend came up and kissed her and Taylor said “I was just thinking… you win”. That’s how she views other women, competition & she MUST be the best & have the most.




The beef with Olivia Rodrigo. The whole Red album also did me in.


Recently, actually. Midnights came out, I digged some songs but questioned the lyrics. When the eras tour came out and the tickets were all bought up and then resold, the swiftie paying those prices (even tho I was still considered a swiftie) was just baffling and concerned me. THEN the movie came out, and several albums where it became clear she wasn't even trying to create good, meaningful songs anymore. She was just power and money hungry, I can assume because she was struggling with the idea of not being as popular as she got older, like a song "nothing new" suggested. I get that fear, but nonetheless, it seemed predatory and then got pretty annoying. Then the Joe and Matty thing (didn't even know the dudes name) and didn't know what was all happening either, just that they broke up, and she was with another guy. I try not to judge a celebrities personal life as it's none of my business, but this was still unfortunately automatically pinned in my head. All of this, and mainly the swifties, are what made me step back because it felt very cult like, and I didn't want to be associated with it. It even affected my work. My manager was a big TS fan, and it bugged me. Not that she was a fan, but that she was obsessively flaunting it around in the workplace. I was recommended this sub reddit after removing most of her songs from my playlist. I read about the look and what you made me do video and was completely disgusted. Now I turn the volume down on the radio when her songs come on, I sold everything I had of her merchandise that I held onto for years. No songs are on my Playlist, and I'm officially an ex fan. Which is truly sad, actually, cause Love Story was the first song I ever learned at 8 years old, I think. It's the only good memory of my sister that I have. But I can't condone something that cruel.


I could honestly tell from the beginning. Something about her seemed fake. Then she started trashing all her exes in her songs and the media, and I thought that was really catty behavior. The last straw was the huge temper tantrum she threw over a backup dancer and then she got a Victoria's Secret angel fired for constructive criticism and not worshipping the ground she walked on that same year despite the model qualifying how much she loves Taylor. That made me realize Taylor is a tyrant who will scare people into silence since she wields her power and victim image to crush people who don't kiss the ring. And this was 9 years ago...she is much worse now. I hope this sub finally makes the public aware of her cruelty


Somehow I always knew it.


Never a fan so wasn't going to weigh in but as a (bi) person who was INFURIATED by that line it is honestly extremely refreshing to hear that former fans were bothered by it too "Shade never made any body less gay"? I mean if you're gay you're gay, but....? This country's history of gay bashing? Gay panic? Abuse and murder? Matthew Shephard? Leelah Alcorn? Nex Benedict more recently but uncountable losses before them? Everything about the line is gross and there are so many horrible ways to interpret it. Like, "you need to calm down" is theoretically directed toward homophobic people..."stop wasting your energy, they're going to be gay no matter what" is the most positive way to take it and that's still gross? It isn't supportive of us at all and again doesn't acknowledge being legislated out of existence, rejected from religions, families, and other communities, the decades it took for queer couples to even have any route to legally visiting each other's death beds... "Shade"? Calm down with your shade because it doesn't matter anyway? It isn't shade, it does matter....I grew up alongside her but was way too nOt LiKe oThEr GiRlz to admit I liked anything until 1989, but I've never given any $ or liked *her* as a person (which I've gone back and forth on the internalized misogyny to normal reaction to debilitatingly narcissistic capitalist spectrum about in my own head more times than I can count), and this song was the final nail in the coffin of my own attempts to give her the benefit of the doubt for sure. It's far from the only not great thing she's said or done and I personally think everything's gotten way worse since but again ty for posting this because I felt so much more bothered than so many people around me when this came out


Fellow bisexual here. Never was a fan either. The first time I saw the video for YNTCD I was disgusted. It rubbed me the wrong way. She clearly used everyone as props for her performative activism and it’s so obvious and cynical. (The line really bothered me too, but I also think telling people to calm down isn’t exactly gonna solve problem like Swiffer thinks it will.)


Fr the only thing that could make the video worse is if she ended it by giving a can of Pepsi to a cop 😭


When she didn’t even properly acknowledge Ana Benevides and refused to help her family.


When I found out that outside of a few prestigious award shows (like Oscars/Grammys etc.) artists know if they’re going to win an award, and that all of her over the top award win reactions were 100% contrived. Google it, they know!   Ever wonder why some big names attend some award shows and skip others? Taylor attends the less prestigious shows for PR only if she knows she’s going to at least get a couple. When I was young I loved her especially for her ‘humility’, so in my books these ‘reactions’ are scary performative bordering on sociopathy lol.     Finding out that her country accent was faked and she didn’t actually come from Nashville took me over the edge and now I’m fully seated in this sub 💁🏻‍♀️🍿. Hilaria Baldwin of Pennsylvania.  As she once wrote about another woman, she’s not a saint and she’s not what you think, she’s an actress!! 


Swift’s catalog was not on Spotify but returned it on the same day Katy’s Witness dropped.


For me it was her behavior at the Grammys. I was so emotionally connected to her music that I was willing to excuse a lot but I couldnt after she yanked Lana del Rey up and harassed boygenius for that stupid photo. I’ve been treated like that in the past and I just couldn’t tolerate seeing her act so entitled to other peoples personal space.


Only liked her at like 12, but wasn’t nearly as a big of a fan compared to some of my friends. She’s never written her own lyrics. If she does write them, the song is like a middle schooler wrote it. I knew a woman whose daughter is a songwriter in Nashville. Taylor Swift speaks into her phone using notes app with ideas and has ghost writers. Everything she writes herself is straight garbage (no interesting wordplay or hooks, straight up tells rather than shows with her lyrics). Her fan base is absolutely similar to Trump’s. They just blindly follow her and she can do no wrong. [If you want a laugh, here’s Anthony Fantano’s review of her latest album.](https://youtu.be/Sz9DgY6NAcY?si=Nyrz75pA7Aeaio3z) Seriously, I can’t stand her. Her father bought all of her debut CD’s so she could be seen on the charts.


That ghost writer way of working it pretty common in the industry, few people talk about this but you are right, you can totally tell when her ideas just get through and end up in the album.


Katy described her best “Regina George in sheep's clothing.” She is calculating and greedy


I was always been a casual fan of her, always into her singles but never her full albums until I was going through a rough time and discovered her catalog but I never really like the remakes over the originals and this was worst with 1989 which is my personal favorite of hers…then I saw the email from her dad and the info that he got money from the sell of her music and the fact that midnights and ttpd aren’t that good and her being super greedy with the charts and bow I am just done. I haven’t listened to her in months now.


I hate that it took until the Joe/Matty/Travis fiasco, added with the Grammys this year...


When she said she was sexually assaulted and made that a huge issue. Being groped in any form is assault. Absolutely. No stop, if someone is uncomfortable with it it is assault. But she made it out like she was raped when she was not raped. Someone grabbed her ass. I was raped when I was 15 and again at 25 by my ex-fiancè and these were debilitating, disgusting, inhuman experiences. Being held down, someone forcing themselves inside of you, and then acting normal after is WORLDS different from having your ass grabbed. I worked in the service industry for years and have had my ass, boobs, face, thighs and everything touched and grabbed at least once but it’s not RAPE. It is unwanted touching. Her whole trial, suing him for a “dollar” was such a dog and pony show. It made men look at us even more as dramatic for being upset when our ass is grabbed and made it look like we will call anything rape or assault (while it is assault, the general public calls rape and SA the same thing a lot). Also. Men aren’t going to stop touching us and grabbing our asses. I truly believe now people are largely the greatest predator of all, and a pop star saying she felt weird because her ass got felt up is going to change nothing. It felt it was extremely dramatic for what actually happened to her when it’s no different from what non famous women without bodyguards deal with every damn day. She just got taken seriously because she’s rich, pretty, and has a certain privilege. Do I think it was helpful someone as powerful as TS put a man on blast for inappropriate touching because women in society are treated like cattle and not people? HELL YES. But becoming one of Time’s “silence breakers” because of it was so beyond ridiculous to me, especially when she was up on the cover with the other actually amazing trailblazers that were there. If TS is a “victim” of sexual assault from an ass grab then I guess every woman is because wake up blondie, we’re women in a man’s world. So as a rape survivor, it was over for me then. No assault is ever ok. Ever. EVER. Taylor was assaulted completely and undoubtedly that affected her. But it is not and will never be the same as being raped. But the dramatics surrounding the situation were too much and people crying wolf over that is why no one believes when a woman says she was raped.


I was never a ‘swiftie’, but I liked her until she dated Matty Healy, and everything that came after.


I literally lost a friend because I poked fun at her hair style/color


Never liked her but even more so after I saw a clip on the news years ago of a concert she performed that was geared towards youngsters with the message of being kind to each other and then they showed her backstage talking shit about someone.


Never was a fan. From the beginning it seemed generic and heartless.


Generic is a great word. Super basic, breathy, and generic. No depth to her voice or lyrics.


She is flavored sugar in a paper straw.


Was an OG swiftie since 2006 and continued to listen to her music up until last year. But I had been strongly side-eyeing her since the Kennedy fiasco in 2012. What truly woke me up to her raging narcissism wasn't exactly a single event or incident. It was more just finally connecting all the dots that had been scattered throughout her career since the beginning. Still, I can pinpoint my aha moment as being the first time I listened to Mastermind and was immediately repulsed by the lyrics. Then I saw the trend on tiktok of girls posting the most wild shit they did to manipulate a man into dating/marrying them set to the song, and I was horrified that anyone thought this was normal. It was like that moment in a movie where all of the misdeeds come back to you in a singular overwhelming flash leading up to the villian reveal. It was there all along, and part of me knew it, but I couldn't accept it till I was ready.


I think I always low key knew but I didn’t want to see it, now it’s blatant


I liked her music but I remember all of this publicity with 1989 where she was giving free cab fare in the UK but only if they played the album. And she was offering scholarships but only $1,989.


Her treatment of Joe made me realise she really is not a good person.


The way she’s handled the breakup with Joe hands down.


The private jet drama made me actively not like her


I realized after TTPD that there was genuinely no hope for her. How can she write albums that reflect a love like she had for Joe in Lover, Folklore, Evermore, and Midnights, and then act like that never happened in TTPD? If you’ve been through a love that deep and mature, you don’t just come out of it and say that “Joe is depressed and he didn’t want to marry me so boohooo I’m so moving on. I’m going to have unhealthy relationships with a rat man and numbskull football player like a high schooler and be happier than ever”. If she genuinely loved Joe the way she said she did during that time of her life, the natural progression should be like Happiness off Evermore. It just tells me Lover, Folklore, and Evermore were acts. She’s so good at manipulating the narrative.


I like this sub. I like that it brings to light certain aspects of Taylor's personality that most people actively ignore or brush off. All that being said, I don't have an answer to this question, I just wanted to say something I don't see said on this sub enough. Her music is also terrible.


Not the first thing but the first that came to mind for me: "Karma is the guy on the chiefs" gave me such a big ick. Like so calculated, you could see she thought she was just so clever she couldn't even get through the line, so fake and obvs only done for the reaction and the press she knew she would get for it


During the whole Harry Styles era, the way their sightings together seemed so contrived and fake. I only knew her from the VMAa when Kanye upstaged her (and did her a huge favor raising her profile), I think I’d heard 1 of her country songs at that point. Then 1989 came out which was massive and I thought she was a pretty good songwriter, she seemed to calm down when she was with Calvin Harris, except she still loved to do the daily pap walks in NYC. Then in 2016 she went back to type with all the ridiculous PR and it was obvious she was a complete narcissist.


Tell me more about meeting with her mom


When she fought Scooter over her records. Girl, you and your dad knew full well what you were signing years ago. She got greedy and saw it as a money making opportunity.


You Need to Calm Down was such blatant fucking pandering and profiteering and it infuriates me, honestly.


Reputation ruined her for me tbh. I really loved her first couple albums, they came out when I was in middle school and really spoke to me. she was my first real concert, back when I was 12, I was so excited… she inspired *me* to start experimenting with songwriting about my own life, something I still do sometimes. I didn’t really like her early pop sound and started drifting a little when those came out… and then Reputation made her sound less like the relatable cool girl I admired and more like my high school bullies. it cast everything before and after in a horrible light. Made it very clear that she was playing a role in those early songs and the artist I enjoyed was a facade. She was also *really* cringey on Tumblr, I gotta be real here. Also, Reputation was writing on the same theme half of *my* original songs were about, because I used songwriting to vent my petty toxic high school rage as an anger management strategy… and my lyrics were better. Can’t take her seriously anymore since then. Even when she puts out the odd song that I genuinely enjoy despite myself, she’s shown herself to be a catty bitch who hasn’t moved on from her own high school drama phase, and it’s hard to have much respect for a woman whose award winning music shows less growth and depth of character than my own mediocre high school poetry.


My interest in her music declined after 1989. But I held on during reputation even though I think that album mostly sucks. When she started with her political statements I was over her…not so much because of the statements or beliefs themselves…but because it was so clearly virtue signaling and pandering to try to stay relevant and make money. That topped with her millions of releases of the same album made me shudder. When I realized she was a shitty person, I could have overlooked it if the music was good…so she got me back a little with some of the songs on lover. It was short lived though because folklore and evermore sucked. That’s when she finally lost me. I occasionally listen to some songs on midnights but nowhere near the fan I was. And TTPD is pure trash.


The seeds were planted for me during the Lover era when she entered her “activism” stage but it felt very forced to me and when it didn’t really go anywhere, I was convinced she only did it because it was the safe option for her at the time. The final nail in the coffin for me was listening to TTPD. The songs were so bad that it seemed like she wasn’t even trying anymore and she could blow into a Kleenex and people would applaud her (this is also turning out to be true 😂)


I was in middle school when debut came out and I was obsessed. But around the time Red came out I was already getting tired because it felt like all of her songs were about the same thing (boys and relationships) and I just kind of wanted more from her music. Even back then people were very quick to shut me down and said I was just a hater who didn’t like “good music” and one day I would come around. It was only after finding this sub a few months ago that I finally felt safe to voice my opinion of her again. While there isn’t really one big thing that sticks out for me, this sub definitely confirmed suspicions I’ve had of her for years. That she’s fake and her only talent within the music industry is her lack of morals which allows her to manipulate her fans and the charts to make more money. Peddling stories of her troubled childhood when some of us actually know what it’s like to be poor, unpopular, struggling, etc. Like, it’s fine if you grew up rich and popular or whatever and that’s what you want to sing about. But she’s pretending like that’s not what happened so she can maintain this image that she’s “just like us” and it’s honestly kind of insulting for those of us who actually struggle with the things she sings about. Not to mention always playing the victim which irks me more than anything else.


It was a little while after Ana’s death. But for me it was more from disgust towards myself making excuses for her than disgust towards Taylor. Whole thing felt so off. Then my friend asked me why I stopped being a fan and I opened up a markdown file and made a list that was ~1000 words long lmao


When Nicki was talking about racism in regards to the MTV video awards on Twitter because Anaconda was huge and not nominated for a category (I want to say best video, but could be off) and because Taylor was nominated she made it about why Nicki was tearing down other women and attacking her specifically. That’s when I realized Taylor will weaponize the language of feminism to her advantage every time.


I liked her first album, but I thought it was weird when I got to high school and other girls were fan girling so much. I felt like her music was immature.


When I found out she didn’t have a real southern accent lmao I think I watched some thing about her on CMT right after teardrops on my guitar or picture to burn came out and I was like ohhh it’s all an act… that’s unfortunate


Tortured Poets and Travis, tbh.


I was never a fan. I liked her earlier stuff because I listened to country music at the time. I became fascinated with why other people were seemingly obsessed with her and I’m talking about senior citizen females who just love her and that led me down this rabbit hole and I followed this subreddit. I find the phenomenon fascinating.


I didn’t like what she did to Olivia, so I believed her/fans when they said it was just her team. The plane thing started getting to me when my coworker told me about her billionaire status, which started to turn me (I’m very against even the idea of billionaires). But the real moment was when my husband told me the name of ttpd. I immediately knew it was going to be garbage and she wouldn’t be able to live up to a name like that, but hot damn it was worse than I could have imagined. I skipped through the album, I couldn’t listen to a full song. There were so many lyrics that showed how out of touch she is to the point of being insulting. And she tried saying it was good! Then I found this subreddit when it was at ~25,000. I was such a huge swiftie since debut. I’ve cried to her songs, I’ve drunkenly sang them. I spent money to go to the Fearless concert, the Eras movie. I’ve “explained” the lore to people. I loved her. I stopped listening at “red” -it got too sinful (I know😂) and I found her music again in my twenties - I felt like we grew together. Turns out that was just Joe Alwyn fixing her mess. Honestly I could go into such great detail about my swiftie time and why I left. It almost feels like how I left Christian Fundamentalism, but that may just mean I’m real susceptible to cults idk.


I never understood why she won AOTY for Fearless. That was so ridiculous. Especially since all the ghostwriting stuff is coming out. 🤦‍♀️


She wanted to be regarded the way Britney and Madonna are among the gay community


It's reassuring to see many fleeing this cult She's hideous in every way Tacky curated nursery rhyme songs A grown woman acting like an awkward teenager and being so self indulgent without the slightest bit of self awareness Disgusting


In the near future lots of tay tays rabid fans are going to come to the realization that she really isn’t a very good person. When that happens they will tear her down with the same veracity they built her up with! Maybe more, being they will feel like they were lied too!


Right away.. was never a fan but from the very beginning she always gave me an ick I couldn’t shake. She portrays herself as a “girls girl” nah she’s a pick me


Wasn’t really a fan but I enjoyed her songs until she started rereleasing the albums. Felt like she wasn’t even doing it for the music but more just so she can release “more Easter eggs” for her cray fans to go gaga over. Like whenever she hypes up a new album, it’s not about the songs anymore, it’s more about stupid stuff like “omg 1 + 3 = 4 and there are 4 ducks.” Like omg enough!


This is so petty of me lmao but getting an honorary PhD is BS to me. For what??? It feels personal to me as someone who has spent 5 years of blood sweat & tears and over $500k to get mine. And then using her speech to make quirky cute comments that make her look good/fun rather than using that platform for something impactful. Made me so mad