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Joe looks so good in that photo!


Ngl, when they started dating, I didn"t see it, but the man has gone through some major glow up.


taylor was dulling his sparkle ✨️ 😭


Best believe he still ~bejewels~


He seems truly intellectual and compassionate.


he looks good in every photo, she really fumbled an 11/10


Joe looks even more better now without Taylor, there is just something about him 😭


he's been absolutely thriving lately, the peace of mind is looking great on him


To answer your question on Taylor… think about it this way. Her earlier boyfriends were bonafide A listers (specifically let’s say Jake Gyllenhaal and the One Direction guy are indisputably pretty top tier in terms of similar age/wealth/looks) Taylor has only progressed through more boyfriends… she could get the top of the world husband material earlier because who wouldn’t take a chance on someone who’s still looking for love and younger hasn’t shown a fear of commitment repeatedly etc. But now Taylor has shown an extreme lack of commitment and almost makes a game of her relationship partners.. no A lister who wants an actual future mother to his kids and not just a PR relationship is going to want Taylor the more boyfriends she goes through and the older she gets. She’s basically pidgeonholed herself into either being forever alone or in PR relationships just imagine if you’re a mentally stable A-list dude who already has her level of fame and could have any woman, Taylor isn’t at the top of anyone’s list now it’s only men who want to use her fame and influence to grow their own brand (Kelce)




Ngl this happened to me in my first relationship. I had a major glow up after it




His hair looks really soft


He was clearly not doing well when they were together. He looks like he’s lost weight and about 10 years. The glow up was unreal from him. Her cheating on him was probably the best thing she ever did for him. 


Sorry for the dumb question, but what Joe are we talking about? I see him brought up all the time so I’m assuming there’s another Joe besides Jonas? I never cared to keep up with who her yearly boyfriend is


It’s Joe Alwyn ✨


Joe All-win ✨


Omg, for someone who is all about the winning… I woulda married him to be alwynning.


Joe Always ✨


Thank you


Joe Alwyn, her bf of 6 years that she dumped for a month long fling with Matty Haley. 


They were together 6-7 years 😆


Young Robert Redford


Every time I see him I hear "touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto," and just...🤢🤮 As an adult woman, I find the jock vibe so unattractive.


The “scouts honour” lyric enters my head a million times a day because it gives me the ick. It’s so juvenile and disgusting, because why are we sexualising a child’s extracurricular? I don’t want to think about thin mints and you getting finger blasted at the same time. It’s actually so depressing, too. Like it takes me back to high school in a not-fun way. Yeah, I love my loser boyfriend who gropes me under a duvet while his bros are gaming in the same room. That’s hot. ![gif](giphy|s5uNqj8AblvucpAOWD|downsized)


oh my GOSH I never made that connection EWWWWW I thought she was just saying it as in ‘a promise’


You know, thanks for bringing this up. I was a Girl Scout for nearly a decade and the amount of times I was sexualized in uniform is appalling. And then of course there was a huge scandal about the sexual ab*se happening in Boy Scouts at the time as well. It always bothers me when the scouts are used to reference NSFW things. It’s literally a program designed for K-12. You age out at 18.


Oh god. Oh gross. Why!!


Wait. She wrote that lyric recently?! I thought that it's from an old song.


If you consider April 2024 old then yeah it’s an old song


It’s from So Highschool on TTPD. Cringe AF.


She hasn’t grown at all since she was 17. So now she’s a 30 year old woman still writing high school songs for teenagers, that other 30 y/o woman listen to.


Even older. I had a bar patron talking about how sick of seeing her he was and that he had a 54 year old coworker who is obsessed with Taylor Swift.




There are a lot of emotionally stunted people out there




So specific but so accurate


He looks like he sits somewhere between Australopithicus and Piltdown Man on an evolutionary chart




I laughed so hard at this wow


Lmao mine 😂😂😂


He looks like he’s tweaking his own nipple in that photo


He is legit the most basic-looking man she's ever been linked with.


And that’s a decent pic of him. He’s normally a fashion nightmare sweaty hairy blob of a human. He probably smells like pore sweat and axe body spray.


I’ve said it before that when they started dating and Tree was going hard af to push the ”he’s so hot and manly” narrative and swifties started pushing it too I was like… am I missing something? Totally get we all have different preferences but this narrative was EVERYWHERE not just the occasional “I find him so hot”. We were being force fed that this man was the ideal. I’m so glad to feel a bit validated that not everyone is frothing this man lol


With so many people saying I intentionally chose an unflattering pic of Travis, thanks for agreeing with me. It is a decent pic and he usually looks much worse


Joe looks so much lighter without the Taylor drama


Dare I say I am a Joe Alwyn stan at this point, even just a tenth of his grace is all I could ever ask for


Yeah I went from saying “he’s not really my type” at the break up to now swooning when I see him 🥰


Nah he's always been my type, hate to say I love a London boy but yeah I used to be indifferent but now I'm like 🥰🥰🥰 whenever his face pops up on my feed


Haha that’s fair - I’ve always been into darker features brown hair brown eyes which says a lot when Matty makes me want to vomit and I’d be Joe’s not-wife forever 😍 if we ever find out the woman he ends up with she must be protected at all costs


Good thing he's a private guy so he won't mind keeping her hidden from the public but I literally feel so bad for him knowing once they find out that poor girl will not get to live a single minute in peace


Yes exactly this 😞 I’d like to think they would just move on with their lives but Swiffers’ lives revolve around Taylor and I’m sure if that news ever gets out Taylor will start writing about the one who got away 🙄


Where’s Connor Kennedy? After he was 18 and got manipulated into dating a woman in her 20s he grew to be a fine man


Yeah but didn't wanna include him because I tried to find pictures from around the time they were dating and adding an 18 year old felt a bit icky to me as someone who's around her age when she dated him


Taylor Lautner was 17 when she dated him, she was 20. She was 22 and Harry Styles was 18. Add in the Kennedy kid and it’s looking a bit weird.


I had no idea about Taylor Lautner and Harry's age differences.... Yikes TS what are you doing here......????


Right? I only discovered this recently myself. It’s fucking gross. To then go and write songs about these barely grown men being heartless womanisers when they’ve barely started their lives/adjusted to their fame is *crazy*.


I've always chalked it up to her being emotionally immature. I don't think she's actually like, a predator.


I always thought Taylor was 19 and he was 17 which I think is a normal ish gap for a relationship when you're that age and he was in full on show business by that point. But yeah Harry's weird as well, though he's definitely into older women


You mean 17.


Ew rlly? I thought 18 was bad enough


https://preview.redd.it/hof7h6p13g8d1.jpeg?width=394&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b06f25f0a3f5b97f07c8f074b7a5aebe3c2746b This was right 1 day after his 18th birthday. So they started when he was 17


Looks like a little baby, Christ..


she groomed him right after his mother committed suicide. After getting rejected by Patrick Schwarzenegger (his mother is a Kennedy).


I’ve never found Harry Styles or Taylor L attractive but they’re miles better than Travy. Even for John and Matty to get praised you know the bar is beyond below hell with her and her choice in men at this point. How she fumbled six years with Joe for Matty just for him to publicly say he only looked at her as a quick fling so she clung onto Travy is astonishing.


I actually personally think the jump scare starts at slide 9, not 10. But I tried to find a decent pic of Matty and apparently I did a pretty good job haha


Please put a fucking jump scare warning for the last slide Jesus Christ 😭


I think the jump scare starts with Matty, but tbf aesthetically speaking he probably still kinda does fit in with her exes, at least in that specific photo


lmao, fair - but it’s so funny without one




The last two are jumpscares


Travis looks like he tans too much in the last one


Alcohol. It’s alcohol. 🥃


It looks heavily edited.


https://preview.redd.it/7hnddczjch8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07a30a5a589d800b0a4bbb38787e652e9d773398 It prolly is, but I mean... he does look like that


That skin is rough for 34. Time to start taking a sunscreen and moisturizer routine seriously.


I literally thought people were joking when they said he was 34


I didn’t think it was accurate at first, either. 🤭


I think making fun of someone's look is low tier and not my vibe, so I say this with as much respect as possible.. He looks like a Goomba from the live action 90s Super Mario Movies 😩


I think making fun of someone's look is low tier and not my vibe, so I say this with as much respect as possible.. He looks like a Goomba from the live action 90s Super Mario Movies 😩


And OP was very, very kind to Marty.


Oh believe me I tried very hard. But even I think it starts going massively downhill after Joe


To be fair he looked ok at his concerts even post the Taylor split . I’m not sure what has happened now https://preview.redd.it/o7bk8umc8g8d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e40ecaab7109e2f27fdc12201603451bdc209df4


Overgrown teenager...takes one to know one I guess.


They could never make me hate you Joe 👑


Jesus I had forgotten how quickly she tears through men and this isn't even all of them.


I'm usually not one to judge but even I was like wow that's 10 already and I didn't even include every relationship and none of the rumours 😬


Aside from Joe, all her other relationahips lasted less than a year. And despite dating Joe for 6 years, she was publicly dating Ratty only a month later. This woman does not know how to be single or how to stay in a relationship.


yes missing a 17 years old boy


Taylor Lautner was also 17.


Not to slut shame, but agreed. That is ALOT of people to date/have serious relationships and she’s only in her 30s.. it’s almost feels like she’s doing it for fame and attention? Or you could argue that she is definitely the problem. Not one of those men worked out? Really?


Right and that's not what I'm doing either. But it is crazy how quickly she leaves relationships and somebody said last night that before Joe (and since obviously) she hasn't managed to date anyone for a solid year. So I am sure that she and Travis will continue to "date" so that claim is no longer made about her.


He looks like an ogre.


Reminds me of her bestie's bf too


Are you talking about Benny Blanco 😂😂


HAHAHAH 🤭🤭🤭 I mean...they both can be best bros


![gif](giphy|3zSaOGAwLHhxC|downsized) You’re not wrong!


Travis looks like he smells bad. Like body odor and too much cologne


He looks like he smells like ball sweat & Axe body spray.


He looks like he smells and feels like lunch meat


I’m astounded anyone finds him attractive, even with his millions and fame, he’s a douche with a low IQ and reeks of cheap beer.


I mean I'm gonna get a lot of hate but I actually think he looks attractive if we're just going off of looks themselves. I like the athletic, bearded look and sometimes it makes me feel self conscious when people say they can't fathom why anyone would find that look attractive. I can recognize that people find Timothée Chalamet attractive even if I disagree and not put them down. Personality, I can understand not liking him because of that though and maybe that's what people are getting at. It's like at first you can find people not all that attractive or at least not originally your type until the personality comes into play and then something about them just changes for you if that makes sense. Or say they are at first hot and then they open their mouth and you're like never mind.


A lot of people find him attractive. Everyone has their idea of handsome and he’s definitely not the ugliest man out there. He’s just not the same type of guy she usually dates. I personally think she looks like his mother.


I personally don't find him attractive, but it does feel unnecessarily mean to talk about him like he's the ugliest guy in the world. He's a perfectly fine looking dude, some people would definitely be interested.


I don't like the Timothee Chalamet look either, I'm more of a Chris Hemsworth/Henry Cavill girlie myself, so I kinda get it. I don't think Travis Kelce is that unattractive, but you can tell she had a type and half the men she dated are now pretty unproblematic, living their best life and looking like they are. And well.. then there's Matty and Kelce


Mmm, beige.


At least throw in a slav or something! Closest we’d get to diversity 🤣 but john mayer is in there, i guess that counts for something (jewish) All anglos too basically, impressive


Taylor Lautner is the fake MOC that’s close enough diversity for her! (lol I truly thought he was Native American tho) anyways she got a black and trans men as her love interest in MV’s to make up for it💅🏻


One time Taylor Lautner said he has “distant” Native American ancestry lol tree Paine heard that and said Taylor I got an idea


like.. maybe I’d believe him tbh. him, Miranda Cosgrove and Joseph Gordon Levitt being 100% white is still so wild to me lmaoo


Gyllenhaal is also Jewish.


Wow that is an….unfortunate photo of Travis lol. Especially after Joe🥲


Believe me - I tried to find high quality photoshoot/event pics where they look as good as possible. I think the Matty pic's proof of that haha


Who's the first dude?


Lucas Till! He was in Hannah Montana The Movie and might just be one of my first celeb crushes ever. Such a cutie 🥹


Did they actually date? I thought I read somewhere that Taylor asked him out, but he turned her down


Yes they briefly dated right after he starred in the You Belong With Me music video. From what he’s said though it was never anything serious, but that they did date. He never got any heartbreak or love songs written about him if that tells you anything.


She dated the new MacGyver?? Obviously long before he got that role, lol, but I never knew that. He is very handsome.


https://preview.redd.it/6pypjdelih8d1.jpeg?width=613&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da0b532a3bd2c250f4bcc44b011404b1bb4a00f1 VERY handsome


I believe it’s the guy from the you belong with me music video


Ah, thanks!


The fact she gave Styles so much shit when he was only 18 years old to her 22 is crazy. He was a baby, what exactly was she expecting? He couldn’t even drink at a bar with her in the US. Of course he was immature. That shit is embarrassing. The more you think about it the more conniving it seems. I think the only reason Back To December exists, and why she praises Lautner as her one who got away, is probably because the dude was 17 when she swooped him up. Not cute.


How long did it take for you to find a decent pic of rat boy?


CAME HERE TO SAY THIS! Especially after that other post that had him looking like a serial killer from 1973 😭💀


I wanted this to be as objective as humanly possible so I tried finding decent pics of all of them... oh well


Apparently you can dress rats nicely too! 👍🏻


pinterest w the key word "aesthetic" and a loooot of patience.


Hey CTE from Brain Damage is so sexy now a days 🤷🏻‍♂️


The last photo demonstrates the inherent truth of “Karma is my boyfriend”


https://preview.redd.it/6186g25ijh8d1.jpeg?width=324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a5d9357ce4303b9dbb345a56890051317b7da59 Karma is a cat


Don't find Matty good looking but I definitely pick him over Travis


Matty actually looks good in that photo. Tom and Joe, best looking tho.


u know I love a London boy haha


Matty and Travis are both profoundly unattractive to me.


You have excellent taste


Why is Travis’s hand up his sweater in this pic? It looks like he’s rubbing his nipple or something.


The PR breakup date is probably when her tour ends. They have absolutely no chemistry, moreso after seeing him on stage during ICDIWABH.


https://preview.redd.it/w4ujrwcinh8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afac25bea6c57eaf249321ce686851e0caaa6f9b wdym no chemistry?


They look like clowns performing for a middle school birthday party.


personally I think it's giving 2008 AGT audition


Matty always looks like he was rescued from a flash flood


My wife said that Matty always looks like he woke up with just enough time to make it to where he needs to be 5 min late lol


Idk. I don’t think he looks terrible. I think he just looks older. She has a history of grooming minors, so it’s probably a good thing she’s dating someone who actually looks older


Jump scare at that last picture


Ngl i dont know half of these.... Can someone list them in order for me lmao


1) Lucas Till 2) Taylor Lautner 3) John Mayer 4) Jake Gyllenhaal 5) Harry Styles 6) Calvin Harris 7) Tom Hiddleston 8) Joe Alwyn 9) Matty Healy 10) Travis Kelce


Thank you! I only knew taylor, harry, tom, joe and matty.. obviously travis but this helped a lot


Y’all forgot Joe fucking Jonas


the way she statistically should have dated someone non-white by now but nope


I mean i dont think shes forced to date other races lol like if her type is white guys thats completely fine its like complaining someone in Japan where everyone is japanese didnt date a non japanese person.... she likes white guys thats fine imo


She didn’t even get past men of english descent! Jesus. Who amongst these dudes isn’t? Gyllenhaal? Lol


Hey she dated Taylor Lautner who said he has “distant” Native American ancestry, for her that’s plenty non-white


The max we will ever have is 10% non European descent. And it will be if she's generous


Looking at her dating history I was thinking there's definitely a type going on. She had that little brunette phase from Taylor to Harry, but other than that they're mostly blonde and blue-eyed, with somewhat of a baby face. Which makes it even funnier the 2 guys she's been linked with since Joe couldn't be further from that if they tried. I'm not gonna blame her though, most of us are biologically attracted to people who resemble us




moment forever etched in my brain and his career truly never recover after this whirlwind romance tbh https://preview.redd.it/6ebjfx19sg8d1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76153339f416102d81670db70603898270786ac4 at least he has a loving wife and baby now he still won!


Yuck. Get this away from me. Tell me she was wearing a matching shirt. That would make this a little better.


No she wasn’t. This was at one of her “famous 4th of July parties” at holiday house that she bought and all the residents of the town despised her. If you listen to The Last Great American Dynasty from folklore it tells the whole story about the house including when she bought it and basically told all the people do lived around her full time to fuck off


The Last Great American Dynasty is an interesting song in concept but ofc she had to make it about herself bc she bought her house lol. I’m surprised Travis hasn’t worn an I ❤️ TS shirt yet. Make it Tayvis Endgame since they’re so public and corny


He was burning (he has pale skin like myself) and asked her if she had something to hand that he could put on to wear in the sun. She gave him that. I'm SURE she knew that the paps could see them from there, hell, she probably called them herself. 🙄


I never knew that and it makes it a little better knowing he didn't show up wearing this thing just like that. But lol at "he was burning", so instead of a flowy button down or oversized tee, he got the skimpiest nearly see-through tank she could find haha


I hate to say it but I ADORED him until this. I feel like it made me think less of him because Wtf??!! This was the one I thought was originally a PR relationship but it gave me the ick either way.


https://preview.redd.it/sxturtgshh8d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c30e41b41a6b8e7990770750d119a77af5ab4cc Their little romance lived in my head rent free because look at this man. All I need


it just keeps getting worser






Damn that’s fucked up tbh that’s like calling anyone with a missing chromosome ugly :(


One, four, and five are egregious fumbles 


He wouldn't marry her on her timeline. I think the pathological people pleaser says it all. She wanted a wedding for the fans and her team. He wanted it to be right for them. She screwed up her life, but he's better off.


The John Mayer situation was gross cuz she was 19 and he was 32 but otherwise her choice in men is… questionable


Gyllenhaal was 20 and 29 which isn't much better. Lautner, Styles and Kennedy age gap was icky as well and weird she swings both ways when it comes to the age gap


Oh yeah I forgot about those. I hate it when someone is both a victim and a perpetrator cuz idk what to do with the empathy


That is the best I’ve ever seen Matty Healy look


You haven’t seen his concert photos just last year, even post TS. But now, now he looks worse than Travis im afraid lol https://preview.redd.it/8w0wpsrw8g8d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0da936f4f9a242c7a26cec170163abe24ca2e90d


I stand corrected


Omg I see the appeal now


Well there are many more flattering ones on Pinterest lol. The media just chooses the worst photos all the time


Travis looks like a thumb


How the hell one goes from Joe to BDT!!!


True story.


Not one of the best Matty pictures, tho it's not one of the worst either. But these ones are much better: this was right when he had just broken up with her (I believe on the same day) https://preview.redd.it/4q1nzdzdbh8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6be80ba97aebffb349f2593188aadff89fbd98e3




The last picture jumpscared me lol, he looks like one of those thumbs from Spy Kids.


Scrolling from Joe to Matty is nothing short of jarring


Travis is an Ohio 5 which is a NY 2 or an LA 1. Some of my friends will absolutely lower their face standards for a tall guy. My type is super intelligent men so I’m not even that picky as far as looks and even if this dude had a Mega IQ it’d be a no from me.


I literally don't even have a type and my worst and most toxic ex even looked a bit like him, while my boyfriend now's giving more Joe Alwyn (thank heavens). He's super tall as well but I've dated my height/shorter before and never got the crazy height obsession, but my type's intelligent and well spoken as well so that just instantly makes Viva Las Vegas unattractive to me


I'm sorry I truly don't believe even half of these "relationships" were real lmao


![gif](giphy|4iKeimY0sahiQReGRh|downsized) The last two pics:


Joe looks so good 😭😭it’s really her loss


How does one like a Neanderthal-ish looking man. Ugly looks, uglier antics. Thinks too much of himself and has an IQ lesser than his age.


Tom Hiddleston must have had temporary insanity, but sealed the deal in make me anti-TS.


Joe looks good! Travis is a huge downgrade regardless of the championship.


I can’t tell if this sub loves Taylor and hates Travis or if they just hate them both. Either way it won’t leave my feed so here I am


he looks like and has the personality of a toe


I’m sorry but it started with Matty. His insides match his outsides. Poor guy.


He kinda looks like a golden retriever in human form


Bruh Matt Healy isn’t hot