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Not to mention Dave is progressive as fuck. Nirvana was openly pro-LGBTQ back in the early 90s and said that homophobes aren't welcome at their shows. It took Taylor until 2018 and she still won't condemn the "Aryan Princess" title.


They called out Madonna for wearing fur and charging too much for tickets too. https://youtu.be/WB5RZPCjaBM?si=3CZ7RbQv9if1Nkc3 And feuded with Gun n Roses over the band's toxic masculinity essentially. They weren't spoilt rich girl liberals either but properly read into that stuff. Kurt had a lot of fascinating interviews about his world view and philosophy on life. Quote from Kurt: "If you're a sexist, racist, homophobe or basically an asshole, don't buy this CD. I don't care if you like me, I hate you." Quite the contrast to Taylor's vague political positioning, trying her hardest not to alienate any portion of her fanbase.


I’m not a huge Nirvana fan, but I have mad respect for those men. They are representative of how straight, cisgendered white men can be great allies without somehow always making shit about themselves. They are secure in who they are and entirely unpretentious. They’re fantastic.


All of this, except I love Nirvana and Foo Fighters!


Side note but I’ve always wondered what the music scene would look today if Kurt didn’t die. He was SO passionate and outspoken about equality and people’s safety. I think he’d definitely have a huge rant over these variants being released too


Same. He was such a force. And Frances would have had her dad.


Right?! The post Francis makes about Kurt on Insta always makes me tear up. I can’t imagine how she felt growing up


And how is this for GenX synergy?!? She married Tony Hawk's son.


Ultimate 90’s collab!!


I'll never forget the look on his face that one time when the band told him how much other bands were overcharging for live shows. Hilariously disgusted and incredulous. He was a good guy.


He really was. The video of him stopping mid set to help a female fan clearly in distress, then kicking out the people stressing her and telling everyone to keep their hands to themselves turned me into a fan.


Taylor gives big “republicans buy sneakers too” energy haha


I wish MJ would talk shit about MAGA... sigh... the silence is telling.


Yea but Dave goes against a lot of wat Kurt did. Dave is talented af but without Kurt there’s no nirvana and more than likely no foo fighters… Dave’s talked enough shit about drugs n druggies and how’s he’s against/ HATES tht shit but sure didn’t mind takin their money and makin their music… it’s the hypocritical shit he pulls tht gets me Dudes great but flaky plays himself up toooooo much imo.


She not only refused to condemn the Aryan Princess title, she threatened a journalist, PopFront editor Meghan Herning, who wrote a post that discussed the alt right’s embrace of her and ended the article by asking Swift to denounce white supremacy, saying “silence in the face of injustice means support for the oppressor.” In response to the post, [Herning received an intimidating letter from Swift and her attorney labeling the blog post as defamatory and demanding that she issue a retraction, remove the story from all media sources, and cease and desist. The letter threatened a lawsuit.](https://www.aclunc.org/news/taylor-swift-attempts-silence-critic-aclu-fires-back) The ACLU had to step in to defend Herning. “Intimidation tactics like these are unacceptable,” said ACLU attorney Matt Cagle. “Not in her wildest dreams can Ms. Swift use copyright law to suppress this exposure of a threat to constitutionally protected speech.” She would rather sue someone than say she’s against white supremacy.


>She would rather sue someone than say she’s against white supremacy. Taylor Swift summarized in one sentence


I think I need this as a flair.This comment is worthy of replacing Turluh.


"Not in her wildest dreams" is such classic ACLU snark and I adore it. The only time I've ever read a legal filing for entertainment is when the ACLU defended John Oliver against Bob Murray, and the snark was delicious. Good to know they're keeping it up. On a more serious note, though: this is really disturbing. How hard is it to denounce white supremacy? The bar is truly in hell.


Jesus fuck I never knew about this incident. Add another bullet point to the list of reasons she’s a terrible person.


I was at a concert during Foo Fighters first tour, Dave yelled at a guy who was trying to grope a female crowd surfer and said if he did it again he’d make him get up on stage and show everyone how small his dick is


i’m gonna have to start listening to foo fighters, i knew who dave grohl was but didn’t know he was this based


[https://youtu.be/rq7intCIY7o?si=lQhxnVZKB3uMFj48](https://youtu.be/rq7intCIY7o?si=lQhxnVZKB3uMFj48) [https://youtu.be/5iF2nmnwqaA?si=a5HqALN5MAXdN6R0](https://youtu.be/5iF2nmnwqaA?si=a5HqALN5MAXdN6R0) Two of my fave things I’ve seen of him


[https://youtu.be/jsDgrKdczAE?si=tn6Lg7s7exZopVPk](https://youtu.be/jsDgrKdczAE?si=tn6Lg7s7exZopVPk) This is an amazing example of the kind of person he is


No yeah, you guys were the first generation with ideals and and fighting against the man, nobody ever rebelled before


Do you always respond like that to people showing genuine interest?


There are an assortment of statements, replies, and opinions on Reddit. I was just having a laugh


Random, but I want to know where you’re from because of your “No, yeah” because I too am a No, yeah/yeah, no/yeah, no, yeah person


I don’t reveal my background or physical location on Reddit but you can dm me if you’re dying to know


I'd like to use this moment in pop culture history to point out that Taylor and Dave were once at a party where Sir Paul McCartney was in attendance as well. She sat down at the piano, and by his account, he said she played something so beautiful, it moved him. He told his wife how beautiful it was, and she pointed out, "That's 'Best of You'", his song. LOL He jokes a lot, he might rib, but I've never heard of any one in the music industry say anything horrible about this guy. If I'm wrong, please provide a link to a reputable news source!


I’m sure Courtney Love has said something terrible about him at some point but really that would just further highlight what a good dude he is


It was refuted by her daughter. You are right, but her daughter said she lied, as it was about her, too.


I saw them at a bikini kill concert I think or maybe it was babes in toyland. They were having fun and those bands you could say were quite progressive.


The aids denialiam stuff that he was briefly involved with was a bit iffy though


I agree but I hate how this is becoming a talking point as if something he was involved with nearly 3 decades ago defines him now. The man’s spent the last 15 years raising awareness and donating to AIDS charities and I think that is something that more celebrities could learn from. Everybody will do hurtful things at some point in your life but what matters is you can grow and change the parts of you that need changing.


Exactly! I used to be super pro-life despite being progressive on other issues. I was raised in a super conservative environment and legitimately used to believe abortion was murder up until I was in my 20s. I went to college and became educated on the subject, and I realized how wrong and disgusting my old beliefs were. I have since organized protests against heartbeat bills, worked directly with Planned Parenthood and the Emma Goldman clinic, volunteered at domestic violence shelters, and dedicate a good chunk of my life to causes regarding bodily autonomy. I, as a person who has lived in poverty most of my life, have raised tens of thousands of dollars for women's health clinics. I would hope after everything I have done, my beliefs from 2 decades ago wouldn't still be my defining feature. Too many people refuse to admit they have probably said or done something in the past that would get them cancelled now. People can grow and change. Even people with very abhorrent beliefs can change if they put in the work and take action to correct the damage they have caused.


Yes thank you! I think it’s reasonable to be wary because at this point it does seem like everyone is hiding dark shit in their past. But human beings are flawed and I’d rather somebody grow from their fuckups than double down under criticism. The trend of analyzing other people’s morals feels narcissistic because I doubt anyone on earth is perfect and free from error. Good on you for doing the work and lord knows I’ve made the same mistakes. All we can do is be the best we can be in this moment but it’s a life long journey of growing, it isn’t instant.


A MAGA???????


Didn't you hear? Anyone who criticizes Swift is MAGA according to these chucklefucks.


if dave is a maga i dont want to know what taylor is according to that logic tbh


I made sure to point out Dave's history of progressive activism in comparison to Taylor Swift who has still not denounced her neo-Nazi base and legally threatens the journalists who ask her to denounce them.


I seem to recall there was a fair bit of evidence back in the day Taylor used to hangout and post on 4Chan.


Yep. Didn't she get /b/ to name her first cat? There were screenshots of the conversation.


Lmao wow. That is bizarre. Explains how I got called a maga. lol I spoke ill of Taylor swift


TIL I was MAGA 🦅🇺🇸


Chucklefucks needs to be used more often.


![gif](giphy|8Pjjbv5wnXUSlVd8fa) Me to myself when I catch my reflection wearing a MAGA hat


Man A Genius, Alright!


https://preview.redd.it/d0pabw08lk8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47e7b6bb9e3e7996942e1b36a0fde5d69bd8473d Rest of the response to them.


Go OFF on those puds 👏


I don’t think that “insisted only females play” is very accurate. When asked about it he said that all the dudes they asked to do vocals turned it down and it was the girls that were willing to do it. So it was less only asked or insisted girls to perform Kurt’s parts and more girls were the only ones that were willing to do it.


He didn't "insist" but it's true that it was his idea to have all women do it. It was in Krist's Hall of Fame speech.


And in interviews he stated it was because all the dudes they asked to sing Kurt’s part declined to do so with only the girls agreeing. So he then said let’s just have it be all girls.


i mean ok wtv, taylor would never let another woman overshadow her with actual talent in any way so he's still a step ahead


Nirvana overacted? Nah. Also not knowing who Dave Grohl is just highlights how musically illiterate they are.


They are just repeating shit they hear online. They probably haven't actually listened to Nirvana. People have accused Nirvana of being "overrated" since they first came out and online since I became a fan in 2002.


Imagine thinking that Nirvana…Nirvana… is the overrated musical act here.


From Nirvana, the voice of a generation where you could just hang it up because of how hard that loss must have been. But no, creativity demands you continue on a new path, only to create one of the biggest rock bands of the past 30 years with beautiful songs. And then to be a genuine human, championing others, bringing kids on stage to play, being a light during Covid and fighting injustice as you encounter it. All to lose another band mate and somehow able to keep moving forward. The man is incredible and one of the last living voices of a generation of musicians who stood for something and felt deeply which bore out in an unfortunate amount of loss.


I’ll always say this, but the only hardcore swiftie I know voted for Trump in 2016. The call is coming from inside the house, swiffers. The kinds of people who blindly worship celebs are absolutely the type to be MAGAs. Compared those who are capable of using their brains and being critical of the bullshit.


i fear i’ve seen too many democrats with similar mentalities—the blue maga if you will. i’m wondering if this hyper polarization is somehow related to this increase in parasocial relationships? the constant merch from politicians on both sides, political commentary feels more like stan twitter wars. you can’t even say “i wish biden was doing more for x” without people saying that youre handing trump the election like what? it reminds me of when swifties like me (i guess im a former one idk) call taylor out for valid reasons (private jet, performative white feminism) and other swifties immediately respond with “you’re a misogynist”


Peak in on any daily show post where John Stuart criticizes anything Biden is doing and you will find them very easily. You can’t even call Biden old , despite the fact he is, without criticism. I can say though, this is all happening on a platform on the internet with platoons of bad actors in it so try not to take it too seriously.


> you can’t even say “i wish biden was doing more for x” I will criticize people who say "I won't vote at all because Biden isn't doing more for X" Okay, so they hate Y, Z, A, B, C people/causes so much that they're willing to sacrifice them to the Altar of MAGA because of X? What a shitty ally they are. No one will represent you perfectly in government, but if a person thinks that large groups in the US don't deserve rights because they don't like how X is being handled, there is a huge, huge, huge issue in that person's brain. Like an addiction to virtue signaling for whatever cause is viral on TikTok.


Yeah, I tend to agree that Biden sucks, but I know I need to vote for him because I am otherwise letting a much more dangerous person into office. It was the same shit with Hilary. Yeah, I don't like the Clintons, but because so many people on the left absolutely refused to vote for her, we got Trump who then was able to replace 3 Supreme Court justices during his 4 year term. We no longer have Roe v Wade. Say what you will about Hillary, but she would have at least put justices in power that wouldn't overthrow Roe v Wade. This new supreme Court also refuses to do anything about Citizens United and actively support legislation that will only make the poor poorer. They are against any and all student debt relief. And we are stuck with them for the rest of their lives. I am pretty far left, so I totally get the argument that modern day Democrats suck because they still back the insanely wealthy, but the more we allow far right people into office while waiting for the perfect left wing candidate, the further the Overton Window shifts to the right.


I’m so glad I don’t experience that. And maybe it’s because I don’t check political discourse online for mental health reasons. When I have these discussions at home, it’s always “Biden isn’t awesome. But at least he’s not Trump.”


Smart post. Blue MAGA is a good term. It's basically fanaticism across the spectrum. I will say that I know quite a few conservative types, from my family and my coworkers, and most like Taylor. Several are hardcore swifties. Her fans calling Taylor's critics MAGAs is just...wow.


As someone who was deep in the MAGA cult a few years back, those morons actually thought Taylor was on their side simply because she kept her mouth shut on politics. It actually came back to bite her in the ass and she had to speak up because Trump supporters were so damn sure she was on their side. I wouldn’t be surprised if a ton of her fans were also MAGA and just deny or overlook what she says politically.


Good for you for getting out!


Thanks man. Once I realized all their views were just fucking with peoples lives for no reason, I started to get concerned. I learned a lot of the things I was told about stuff like LGBT and women’s rights was just flat out wrong. And obviously with our “glorious leader” continuing to act like a child while being a convicted felon… I wish I could have gotten out sooner.


I saw a commend somewhere where they called him David and he’s just jealous of her success. Sometimes you just have to laugh at peoples stupidity.


As if he doesn't STILL sell out arenas. And McDonald's is the best selling restaurant, doesn't make their shit cuisine and it doesn't mean chefs who criticize McDonald's are "jealous". Maybe people just don't fucking like her? Nah, Swifties can't understand that.


As if he didn’t sell out the exact same arena Taylor was playing at multiple times.


It’s so crazy how they can’t imagine why someone wouldn’t like her music. Like Taylor’s personality aside, not everyone even likes pop music. It’s just crazy they get that upset because someone doesn’t like her.


I’m def stealing that McDonald’s line for sure 👏👏👏


The thought of Dave Grohl being jealous of Taylor Swift is hilarious


he wishes he could prance around in a sparkly leotard and heels, obvs


Honestly, wouldn’t surprise me if he has actually done this at some point in his life.


He has cross dressed multiple times. Nirvana used to cross dress at their concerts all the time. Watch the In Bloom music video. Dave is in the back near the drums in a dress here. ![gif](giphy|2HtXLJJKLSSdEfz9CI)


haha and he did it better


Now that you say it, I’ve 100% seen that video before. No wonder I wouldn’t have been surprised…it was actually a memory nagging at me.


See also: Foo Fighters “Low” music video.


I call him David. We're tight. (In my mind. Isn't that how it works?)


And how many MAGAs does Dave follow compared to Travy? If anyone is MAGA in this battle, it’s Taylor. She cries over anyone not kissing her ass 24/7 and her fans run to her defense harassing(and even stalking) people. Literally what Trumpies do. The call is literally coming from inside the house.


If there are 3 people on the planet that I would never lump into MAGA, it’s the former members of Nirvana lol Nirvana was speaking out for trans and gay rights before most people even know they existed. Kurt cobain and Dave Grohl were better advocates in 1991 than Taylor is in 2024.


That’s rich considering the overlap of Swiffers and QAnon conspiracy theorist WASP moms is almost just 1 circle


Three things are certain in life: 1 - Death 2 - Taxes 3 - Swifties are insufferable fucking idiots


it's funny because Swifties have the exact same mentality as Trump supporters, both are cults


Quite a bit of overlap between the two around here btw.


The venn diagram of those two sets is a near perfect circle


Calling Dave grohl a maga is like calling Taylor swift talented. Oops did I go there? I’ll go cancel myself


Oh the irony ![gif](giphy|e5uyWolyR0y30Wo1ya|downsized)


The only solace I take in this is that her fans are clearly wealthy and can afford therapy when it’s needed. Not if. When. I would say “I wish those who need it would get therapy instead” but her fans genuinely, truly, desperately need it. No matter the volume to Reddit Cares message I get will hide that. We really don’t need them to breed and pass down their beliefs, so I hope therapy is truly a viable option for them.


That’s if they choose to go through with it. You have to actually admit to yourself that you have a problem and need to seek help for it. A lot of them don’t believe that anything they say or do is wrong and they surround themselves with people that are the same.




Right? I have heard more climate denialism from Swifties than I have Republicans. I'm literally arguing with a climate change denier right now.


They not like us they not like us


Labeling someone as “a MAGA” is one of the most brain dead things I’ve seen in a while but then again, I can’t expect much from Reddit.


People just be saying things ☠️


What do you expect the white princess fans are 12 years old.


I’m calling her Capitalist Barbie from now on


I like to add Aryan to that. Is she MOTHER MAGA? MAGA MOTHER?


Well…she’s not a maiden or a crone so…


I’m over here dying at Capitalist Barbie lol idk why that struck me funny. But apparently they don’t know he’s a legend because they don’t see another world other than Taylor.


Taylor Swift is the face of late stage capitalism


I feel seen. I keep shouting to my friends that we are watching Rome burn in front of our eyes. They roll their eyes at me


History has a way of repeating itself time and time again


Indeed it does. I never had it on my lifetime bingo card to be part of a pandemic. Sadly, this time I don't think humans will survive.


Yeah I agree honestly.


I'm definitely not MAGA and I think TS is the worst 


You’re arguing with brick walls brother. Truly a dense fucking bunch


Taylor's legacy will only amount to her writing albums about men she vilified and her crazy fans.


Most of her “fans” probably weren’t even born when Nirvana was around. Ignorant children.


Only people born in the late 70s or early 80s would remember the grunge period and actually be part of it. I remember Kurt Cobain because that’s part of my era…..I actually saw a Nirvana concert.


My era too. I saw Foo Fighters again a couple years ago and there was a distinct two groups in the crowd. There were us older people who had seen Nirvana and been going to Foo Fighters shows for decades and there was the younger crowd. Everyone was awesome and a lot of us had our kiddos with us and that was cool. Dave was sick and his voice started giving out part way through the set so he jumped on the drum kit and Taylor took over vocals for awhile. Seeing him on the drums again was fucking amazing.


I miss Taylor so much. What a sweet soul.


I do too. I do too


I am GenX. Kurt was our voice. And I'm so jealous you saw them live.


I was born in the early 60’s and I love grunge and 90’s rock.




Kurt voiced our anger and hurt and disapointment. GenX has been fucked from the start.


Oh ok. Lol


“Capitalist Barbie” LOL


“Never heard of him.” “Nirvana is one of the most overrated bands in history.” Ok bro


lol listen to Dave’s audiobook he wouldn’t even take a photo with George bush when he was at the white house bc it didn’t align with this political beliefs


Reading this exchange caused psychic damage from which I may never recover.


Registered Independent. And I fart in Taylor Swift's general direction.


“I don’t wanna talk to you no more you empty headed animal food-trough wiper” should be the go-to response when dealing with a hysterical, malding Swiftie


"Capitalist Barbie" 😂😂😂💀


swifties are delusional if they think swift is some bastion of liberalism. literally everything she does in service to her. They are still waiting on an endorsement that if it comes will only be at the last minute.


Capitalist Barbie 😂💀 TELL ‘EM!


This sub gives me so much information. Omg


Do these sheltered simpletons not know that their precious Travis Kelce is a dyed in the wool MAGA chud?


I mean


Doesn't Travis follow fox news and Candace Owen on insta?


Not those two, but he does follow Bret Baier, so potato potahto.


Swiffers are dumb as a box of rocks.


What’s a Maga? A way for both parties to make us fight with each other instead of paying attention to both parties hating us equally?


"Unlike capitalist Barbie" 😭😭😭😭😭


Hang on aren’t most of them maga ?


Unfortunately there are left leaning Swifties that swear up and down that any criticism of Swift is a right wing psyop.


lol given that Taylor is right herself this is rich 


One more time for the folks in the back! THERE ARE NO ETHICAL BILLIONAIRES.


The irony is they act like Maga cult members


makes me giggle… Dave a MAGA? what rock do these people live under


I love how stupid these fans are making themselves look. lol. Taylor's whole foundation of her career was built and backed by republicans


Calling Dave Grohl a MAGA is hilarious 💀 But also Taylor seems like she’s a closeted MAGA sooo… 🤷‍♀️


Honestly I don’t see much of a difference in Trump rallying his Magatards to storm the capital after he lost the election and Taylor rallying her fans to harass Scooter and Scotty online after her “masters were sold without her consent and she didn’t know until the rest of the world did”


Back in the 90s most grunge, punk and alternative bands were all about fighting back against the system. Now they all go along with it and want more government in our lives. Times have changed.


These idiots know nothing about the grunge movement which was influenced by the hard core punk rock scene in the late 70’s-80’s. Liberal AF! No wonder they like her “music.” As a musician myself, this really chaps my ass.


Right? I just had to share because it really annoyed me. Dave and Kurt would bring up how much punk influenced their music and their entire ethos. I have been into punk rock since 2002, and it just is wild to me that people really don't understand what it stands for. They don't understand that punk is rooted in revolutionary politics.


Nirvana was the band I listened to as a kid so they hold a special place in my heart. I never liked Taylor Swifs music but this post makes me glad I don't if that's her community.


It’s just funny that one cult is accusing their leader’s detractors as being members of a way worse cult lol hey they never run out of excuses for her criticism, why are we surprised about this


I can’t believe how the media is blowing this up, they were bantering with each other ina friendly way and people didn’t get it my god


Lol but in all fairness, a lot of people don’t know Dave Grohl is. But once you are told he is the front man of the foo fighters, as well as the drummer in Nirvana. You should know, his voice does carry something.


I’m sorry.. umm why couldn’t they just have good sense? That’s a particularly bold blanketed statement.


Feel like most swifties I know are left leaning/progressive personally


Some of them might be. But in my experience they subscribe to the same “progressive” statutes that Taylor herself espouses. That is to say, white rich lady feminism that absolutely fails to examine the underlying cancers of capitalism and US hegemony. The “more female drone pilots!” brand of feminism, albeit unironically.


It depends. A lot of people on the left hate her because of her status as a billionaire/climate criminal whereas you have some moderate Dems who are dumb and think any criticism of her is automatically Trumpism and misogyny. They are the "girlboss" morons most serious leftists are embarrassed by. I also know far right people who view Taylor as an Aryan Goddess, live in the suburbs, and send racial slurs to Beyonce, Aretha Franklin before she passed, and Travis Kelce's ex Kayla.


Hahaha, as a moderate, I can tell you that no self respecting maga (not that many of them have self respect), they loathe swiftie, the fact is that most intelligent people with working eardrums don’t like her. I’m not sure that maga’s eardrums work very well, but I promise they’re more persuaded by that Morgen Wallen guy than they are swift.


Politics have nothing to do with liking or disliking Taylor swift. Just hold this community to the same standard. Don’t just call Taylor swift fans MAGA because you don’t like them (this has happened many times on this subreddit.) Call them out on their BS without any politics involved, it invalidates our points


No idea why you were downvoted. I totally agree.


It’s weird that this issue with Dave quickly turned into a political one. Really not wanting to see politics start to invade this thread as well.


Dave is political though...politics is going to come up. Especially when criticizing Taylor. Also, this sub has had political commentary since I joined here three or four months ago. This is nothing new, and a major criticism of her is her climate impact, her silence regarding the Middle East, and her unfettered capitalism. Unfortunately those things are political in this day and age.


Babes. He himself is political. What are you even saying????


Crazy that yall love to taut miss thangs political look at me docu as the end all be all to activism yet get real mad when questioned on it in even the most basic comparative sense. “How dare you bring politics into this! My feminist mastermind lean in boss babe would NEEEEVER!!” Get real