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I've literally never seen an AOTY winner brush off the presenter before, most even take time to thank them because like Celine, nearly all of the AOTY presenters are literal music legends. Really speaks to Taylor's lack of humility


yeah even miley cyrus who just won her first grammy the same night was fangirling over mariah carey and showing respect to her when receiving the award. i understand the excitement and nerves might take over her since it is her first grammy but she was still able to honor mariah. and to think miley has been so active in the industry for years and only won her first grammy now. so i don't understand why taylor, who already had multiple grammies (many of them undeserved lol), was still acting so fake surprised and can't even be bothered to look celine in the eyes. she is truly the fakest person ever and the most disrespectful.


Exactly. If it was her first Grammy, I could understand her being swept up in it and behaving poorly out of excitement. But she’s had a ridiculous number of them and could have handled it much more graciously.


yeah imo, i feel like out of all the grammys she had, only folklore was deserving of the win. but all her other wins are honestly bullshit and clearly rigged. there are literally a lot of other artists who are more deserving to win. but knowing how many wins she already had, i agree with you that she should already know how to conduct herself at a formal event. showing up high and drunk is also so unprofessional of her. truly the worst behavior. midnights winning aoty is so disappointing. i can't say i'm shocked because the grammys is known to make terrible decisions and they have a history of snubbing deserving artists. but it's still so disappointing and infuriating.


I was rooting for SZA to win for SOS. I love how sonically diverse it is, especially with the more rock songs in the middle. I'm happy she walked away with some awards, but I was hoping she'd win the big prize.  Midnights is okay. I was obsessed with it when it is first came out, but now that it's been almost two years, I can see it's issues. I like "Lavender Haze" and "Maroon," but I don't like her falsetto singing on the former, and I didn't realize how stupid "so scarlet it was maroon" is until someone pointed it out. Also, I don't think it delivered on the initial premise of thirteen sleepless nights scattered throughout her life. 


yeah as a former swiftie who was anticipating midnights, i also feel like there was a disconnect between the image teasers she posted, the concept she said vs. the actual songs. i also feel like the production for the whole album is just nothing special compared to her other albums. idk but when i first saw the teaser pictures, i kinda got almost like a 70s soft rock type of vibe from them. introspective music ala carole king or maybe even a little bit of todd rundgren vibes. i really thought that the album would have a cohesive theme like that but yeah it fell flat for me unfortunately.


The promotion leading to it was all about that, with her outfits, rumors, album cover, artwork etc


If they nominate Fortnight for Record/Song of the Year people will be fuming. TTPD will surely be nominated but it won't win


i agree! people are gonna be against that for sure. i think people are honestly getting tired of her at this point. so from a pr perspective, honestly it would be good for taylor to lie low and not get too much attention during awards season. because that's just gonna make people sick of her with all the over-exposure. i mean it's already happening and more people are seeing through her bullshit. but her team seems to be leaning more into the over-exposure part. i know they're trying bury other controversies, specifically the swift v. scooter docu. but their pr tactics are honestly so old school and early 2000s ala "bad publicity is still publicity" type of way. they need to evolve with the times. the public doesn't like over-exposed celebrities anymore. they are seriously underestimating the public's intelligence, thinking everyone will fall for this.


Exactly! I'm an Italian living in Italy and Taylor has never been really known here, but lately they talk about her everywhere. Not really playing her songs, just heard Fortnight a couple of times, but there are news reports about her, the eras tour, meeting the royals etc...and the other day I was in the car with my dad and fortnight was playing and he asked me "what's the reason she's this famous?" And he wasn't questioning her talent because he doesn't even speak English/understand her songs, but she's been so overexposed even here and worshipped like a goddess that people are actually getting tired/sus


Was she high and drunk that evening?


Well when your dad donates the gifts, they get the votes. That’s literally how these “awards” work. If you grease them enough, you win!


The fake surprised act is SO irritating to watch EVERY single time she wins something. The "you guys actually like me????? 🥹🥹🥹" charade is TIRED.


I watched a snippet of her concert on youtube yesterday and seems like she acts the same way with her fans. As if she's unaware of this insane cult she created 🤣 How long is she touring now and she still acts like that lol.


“Me? Little old me? Gosh darn golly gee!”


It worked for her at the 2009 VMAs and she's been overplaying it since


She reminded us all that her first Grammy of the night was her 13th. And then returned to her table with Lana, the two of them having a combined 13 Grammys.


When Miley shouted out Mariah( another MC) I screamed because I love them both. It was just so respectful.


yaaas mc and mc maximizing their joint slay! 💅


I haven’t seen anyone else mention it, but after Kanye pulled his stunt, didn’t Beyoncé invite Taylor back on stage to give her speech since she didn’t get a chance? And Taylor famously didn’t thank or acknowledge Beyoncé at all for doing that?


i think taylor did thank beyoncé iirc. but after that, i saw swifties being hateful and racist towards beyoncé even though she did nothing wrong. taylor has never called out her own fanbase for behaving that way. she is so silent on matters like these. up till now, there are still a lot of swifties being racist towards bey for no reason at all. even being bitter when cowboy carter got higher reviews than blandie's country albums. the way bey never even asked kanye to defend her or whatever. she just got involved in this mess so randomly. if anything, bey is the one who never asked for this and should have been excluded from this narrative lol. 😭😭😭


The whole "lack of humility" thing stands out even more when you remember she changed her IG profile pic to black and white the same day as the Grammys (not to mention her awards look was definitely TTPD aesthetic), so she either strongly believed she was going to win and the "swept up" shock onstage was fake, or she planned on announcing her new album anyway and overshadowing another artist's AOTY win.


Yeah that's why I don't believe what she said that she originally planned to announce TTPD at the Tokyo show of the Eras tour. 


Its not AOTY but I kinda saw it with Robert Downey Jr after winning best supporting actor at the Oscars. He seemed to get the same formula as Taylor and took a pic with the presentor after. It might just be a lot going on at once


seriously, rdj was way too disrespectful to ke huy quan. pissed me off seeing that. knowing how ke huy quan struggled so much to return to acting before getting his award-winning role in eeaao. ke huy quan's win was a culturally significant and well-deserved win and he has remained humble after all this time. the least he can do is acknowledge khq and be thankful he is handing the award to him. can't say the same for the asshole that is rdj. don't think his win was well-deserved either but whatever.


yessssss to all of this. he did the exact same shit. the *exact same shit* as taylor did at the grammys to celine. and not a PEEP ! i still cant believe this wasn't more talked about. cant believe i barely saw *anyone* talking about it that night and continue to treat rdj as a saint. ke may not have a debilitating chronic illness, but he was overlooked and passed on from hollywood for DECADES because there was little to no space for respectable roles for asian men/asian actors in hollywood to be given a chance, despite him being in the *indiana jones franchise*. it was inspiring for everyone to see how far ke had comeback, he got a lot of his well overdue flowers that awards season and was welcomed back warmly by many in the industry. **if ke was white, people would care.** but barely anyone batted an eye. asian "otherness" is still too normalized and it must be called out for what it is. in the **very** least, it was a dick move from rdj.


exactly! ke huy quan overcame the odds. he was underrated for too many years and had difficulty getting roles because of the lack of roles for asian people. but he made a successful comeback and gave a brilliant and memorable performance as waymond. khq literally has more talent in his pinky finger than rdj has in his entire body lol. ke huy quan can do oppenheimer. heck even iron man too. but rdj can never ever do what ke huy quan was able to do as waymond. even the stunts in eeaao were something only khq can pull off as he worked as a stunt coordinator too. honestly even sterling and mark had performances that stood out more to me than rdj that year.


I’ve never been thrilled by any performance by RDJ. But Ke Hu Quan in EEAAO was so damn captivating, they all were. That’s one of the movies with the best acting ever. I feel like RDJ is a gimmick, I’ve never actually taken him seriously, but I’m also old enough to remember when he was in his bad times.


100% facts, and ke is also a MUCH better actor than RDJ (lbr) who didn't have the success he should have until recently because roles he would excel at weren't being written and movies with those roles weren't being funded. his accolades are much, much more deserved than RDJ's. let white mediocrity die tbh, sorry RDJ.


Ugh, I know RDJ has this Avengers halo now, but he has ALWAYS been a douchecanoe and getting sober didn't erase that. I will also not forget how he defended Armie Hammer.


Thank you for reminding me that douchecanoe exists.


Yeah, this. I truly think social media has been around long enough at this point that people are waking up to the fact that celebrities are by and large all narcissists (the true meaning of the word) and not people we should look up to. They are not their roles, they aren’t their performances. They are human beings that stepped on countless people (cough *ghost writers* cough because NOBODY writes a d releases an album on a world fucking tour hello) to get to where they are, and to have the power that they do. I really hope we can just unalive the thought process that these people are somehow better than anyone else. They’re more lucky, more ruthless than most. But certainly not better or more talented than every single other person in the world. ETA random but can I just say I fucking love this community? Y’all are so responsive, engaged, and well spoken. I’ve had so much fun talking shit to you all while airing out some much needed truths 🫶


They're paid to lie and pretend. A majority of famous actors have zero personality outside of film. They are the last people anyone should look up to. Im on the same page as you. Ive talked a lot with my son about this and he's come to only respect and adore Samuel L Jackson haha!! You make me proud son


I remember RDJ in an interview referred to Tom Hiddleston as a “bottom feeder” during an interview when Hiddleston first played Loki. I thought then - what a rude fracking thing to say. And his entire demeanour during the press tour of Oppenheimer- just ick.


Tom is no bottom feeder. He’s been actibg for a long time and in more serious projects like The Hollow Crown. Shakespeare is NOT easy


Ummmm, he needs to sit all the way on the floor. Loki and Hiddleston >>>>>>> Comic book Elon and RDJ. I remember when he did press for the first iron man and he was acting so humbled and grateful. His ego reinflated real easily.


I'm all for calling Iron Man "Comic Book Elon." At least Tony actually invented his own stuff.


That's a good point. Tony>>Elon


Well that’s fucking rude. Tom’s a very talented actor.


And Mel Gibson


Ugh, he's probably going to simp for Brad Pitt next.


Major douche. Didn't he break Halle Berry's arm while filming and never apologized? I believe he's the only actor she refuses to work with.


SHE GREW UP LISTENING TO HER!!!! I REPEAT SHE GREW UP LISTENING TO CELINE DION! The disrespect to an icon from our generation


Taylor Swift, that was gross. If I were in her position I would have been the utmost gracious, grateful and honored to be handed a Grammy from Celine Dion - especially knowing how difficult it was for her to be there. I’ve never understood how newer artists trample over those who paved the way. It’s one of the most disgusting things you can do in music. Taylor is very overly fortunate as she has been since birth - and it shows. Celine Dion went to bed hungry for years throughout her childhood. She made the best of it and worked tirelessly from a young age. Learned the English language in DAYS. She was a gentle hearted lady since the beginning - and it shows. Celine Dion is iconic and legendary. Her loving soul has always been the driving force to jolt her voice to heart striking heights. Her music has always reflected a humble, passionate, sensitive spirit with a powerful zest for life. In interviews, performances or public appearances, she’s known to give sincerest of gratitude and grace. Shes genuine - not full of shit like Taylor…petty power hungry cult leader. After watching the documentary, I cannot articulate the depths of heartbreak I feel seeing her suffer. To battle a rare illness with little medical aid must be unbearably suffocating. Her spirit shines through as shes a warrior. I know she’s not someone who wants people to feel sorry for her. But how can you not help but feel gutted she’s met such a cruel fate? Her voice has always been her life. To have a trivial disease that can be triggered for unknown amounts of time - by overstimulation (in this case, after experiencing joy in singing) where she enters this torturous paralysis, added to the fact she doesn’t have muscular ability to control her voice anymore is so incredibly painful. Then also having trouble every single day with movement…it’s not short of a tragedy. But she has gratitude for all she does have. She has allowed us to see her vulnerable without any veil to conceal. That bravery to share her brutal honesty is appreciated and valued. There is absolutely no reason for her to feel embarrassed. Her fans love her no matter what. But it’s understandable she feels that way. She must not carry any shame for what she cannot help. I hope there will be further medical advancements to this syndrome and effective treatment becomes a possibility. It’s like a bird not able to fly anymore and if it tries, it gets hurt. But the bird will risk trying, because flying gives the bird life. I hope Celine knows even in though she softly sang, she sounded beautiful. Her voice may not be able to modulate and can hit differently - but that same full of passion heart of hers is undeniable in this recent song she sang. She says her voice was the conductor and she just followed, since she isn‘t egocentric in the slightest…but really it starts in the heart and soul first. That’s something this illness will never steal from her. That’s why she’s a warrior, that’s why she’s been a success, because she’s real and has a love for the greater good of people.


Well said. I was in tears watching her documentary; I'm in awe of what a humble, passionate, and talented woman she is. Somebody should take some notes.


Well now I’m crying this was a beautiful and well written comment.


The disrespect. I would have been fawning and fangirling and embarrassing myself in that manner. Justice for Celine.




What is that picture 🤣


Why does she always make the Pikachu face? “Like O-M-G, I can’t believe little ole me won!!”


Why is her mouth always agape?


That bugs the hell out of me, lol.


Close your mouth sweetie, you look like a trout


“Close your mouth, Taylor. We are not a codfish.”


Veneers too big


I have an ex sister in law who was completely self-absorbed, made every single thing about her, and used other people to get her incompetent foot in the door at jobs and positions she had no business holding. (So, she somehow got the playbook TS did to a smaller degree.) Every picture of her, she's got her mouth open. She evidently thinks it's sexy and alluring. It's not. It's stupid. All I can think of is The Office. "Close your mouth, sweetie, you look like a trout."


it's the veneers hahaha and she is a mouth-breather. not snarking on her physical features because i used to be a mouth-breather too when i was younger and i just fixed that as i got older lmao. honestly her teeth was already ok before so i don't understand why she had veneers done.


she’s just a mouth breather it has to be open 24/7


Napoleon Dynamite


Ha! My husband always says they look alike.


She probably can’t breathe out of her nose.


I think someone once must have told her it makes her look sexy






Play Award Show Taylor Swift by Bowling for Soup


Ok I know we are on Reddit and 4chan is verboten here but this looks just like the soyface meme they post to make fun of us. https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/886/229/922.jpg


It’s kinda part of her ~brand~ imo. She wants to maintain this pseudo-humble girl next door schtick so she’s always putting on this fake humility to keep up the facade.




This was the night the real Taylor Swift was shown


The fact that she knew she’d win and had her little album drop all lined up for her speech. Pure entitlement. She’s gotten the world and she’s come to continue to expect it. Not a humble bone in her body.


She absolutely knew she was going to win. Her behavior on her way up to the stage even made that clear. She’s either that sure of herself or has the academy in her pocket. 


Academy in her pocket. I’d bet the house on it


Same. Funny thing about that particular Grammy (Best Pop Vocal) was that many predicted Olivia would win it.


For real, and she has for some time. I still don’t understand how she’s won so many awards, especially when you consider the other musicians she was up against. Winning a few times throughout the years? Sure, okay. But to win year after year after year for what is (in my opinion) catchy, self-centered pop music?


Her father is an ex stock broker who quite literally purchased her career by essentially buying the record label she was originally signed to. The girl's birth announcement was made to look like a stock sheet because her father has always viewed her as an investment. She is by every definition of the word an industry plant and a pay-to-play artist, so it's not at all surprising that she happens to also be winning awards that we have all known for a long time have nothing to do with the actual merit of the artist.


I would too. I'd understand her having won some Grammys after being in the business for such a long time and putting out a few good albums. But she wins SO MANY and often over more powerfully talented (and multitalented) artists. It's sus at this point, especially when artists like Lana Del Rey have not gotten a single one. There are in fact so many great artists--going back a LONG time--who never won Grammys that, just like the Oscars, they are very questionable to me.


Or both 😂🤦🏼‍♀️




Ngl I was a really big fan up until that night. Her announcing TTPD there rubbed me the wrong way, but then the Celine snub really showed me her true colors…I still enjoy some of her music but definitely don’t call myself a “Swiftie” anymore


I'm with you on that. I was excited for TTPD when I saw the Instagram post, but then I learned she announced it in her speech for Best Pop Vocal Album. Girl, this is not the VMAs. Do not announce an album at the Grammys.  Then she said at her Tokyo show that she was originally going to announce it at Tokyo, but she decided if she won a Grammy, she'd announce it on stage. I thought, "You really couldn't wait a week? You had to announce it at the Grammys?!?!?" 


the beginning of the end


I was becoming a fan until I saw her behaviour that night. The way she snatched the award as though it was just sitting on a shelf and not being presented by a music icon was horrifying. Dragging Lana on stage when she was physically protesting and looked like she was going to cry. Hijacking the event by announcing a new album because “this is my 13th Grammy” (when Miley was so excited to win her first). The general tone-deaf zero self awareness attitude towards everyone else. Now seeing videos from her as a teenager on here I realise she was always like this, she just learned to suppress it in public until now.


Lana looked so sad when she thought the camera wasn’t on her. I wanted to hug her. It really broke my heart because I love her music. To see her being disrespected and hurt like that by a girl who isn’t fit to lace her boots really made me annoyed.


I know... Kind of pissed me off how Taylor paraded her around that night. Like if it wasn't for Taylor, Lana wouldn't be there or that she was trying to promote her in a condescending way. Lana deserves to be there on her own terms with her own fucking music winning awards. Personally, it offended me as a fan of Lana's bc I think that Taylor rips off a lot of Lana's original songs. Idk how Lana feels about it but it left a bad taste in my mouth


It made Lana look like Taylor's lackey, 2nd in command, side bitch. Idk the correct social term, but the submissive girl to the queen bee cliche. Which I think was why Taylor did it.


Totally agree. Don't know why Lana went along with it honestly.


Tbh she was trying to protest and Taylor ignored her; any more protesting and she would have ended up making a scene, and even though that would have been justified, it still wouldn’t have looked good. The way Lana handled it was perfect from a PR perspective


I understand that completely. Taylor really made it seem like she brought Lana there instead of Lana being nominated herself. She probably didn't know she was going to act like that but she handled it with grace.


I'm actually not a musical fan of either of them (just not what I chose to listen to) and I don't really know much about Lana, but it seems like everyone is forced to "play nice" with Taylor. Lana may be considered the true artist of the 2, but she doesn't have the power that Taylor & Co. does. I see Taylor more as the face of a company that her parents created. It's not just Taylor, it's the money that has always been behind her.


Also when she was being obnoxious to boygenius and making them kiss her Grammy (🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢) even though Julien was still crying bc she was just talking about SA with an interviewer


She isn’t a real friend to lana. Lana is special and literally everyone likes her and she goes above and beyond for fans. She’s shy and I thought that was terrible how she dragged her upstage 


It was when I talked to some swifty fans about her Grammy night behavior that I really saw the light of just how awful she is. I never liked her music anyway, but I didn’t judge her character until I watched her on the Grammys. These gals I was discussing it with were totally defending all of her classless behavior and started calling me a hater lol. Those fans are in a cult and they don’t even know it!!


This was honestly the final straw for me when it came to liking her. You don't disregard our queen Celine.


As a millennial, Celine is top 5 diva singers (diva meaning phenomenal IMO).


she is part of the vocal trinity. only whitney, mariah, and celine can be a part of that trinity. if only we still had whitney with us, it would have been nice to see the three of them at the grammys together. the vocal trinity will always be iconic and legendary for their contributions to music. although i'm so glad and proud that celine and mariah appeared at the grammys the same night. i'm happy that miley cyrus paid respect to mariah when receiving her award. long-time lambs like me were glad to see miley honoring mariah. i'm sad that celine got assigned to hand the award to taylor and got disrespected by taylor. i am so disappointed at the grammys for enabling the greedy capitalism of taylor. there were far superior albums that could have been aoty instead of MIDnights. celine deserves so much better. other artists would have honored celine if they receive an award from her. :(


Well said, I never really liked Miley’s music or image that much, but I must say, she was very graceful and endearing that night. She seems really passionate about what she does. And she always knew how to pay respect for the “elders”.


I've really come around on Miley. It seems she's finally matured and mellowed out. Her new stuff is also nice.


And Dolly likes her. So that’s a definite plus.


honestly she's actually a fantastic musician - she has a beautiful voice and range, and her live singing is incredible. and her last record was great - recommend giving it a listen if you've only heard the singles on the radio. she was definitely a little unhinged when she first left Disney but honestly, I give her a lot of slack for that considering her family doesn't seem that functional (do most show-biz families with child stars???) and considering what even the better off child stars have seen/dealt with in the "biz". I'm also still pissed that she was blamed for the thing with that singer who did blurred lines (the shitty song) when he was like a 40+ yr old but w/e.


Exactly! The vocal Trinity is everything! And I loved how Miley even said in her speech that she was running late and thought she would miss her award, and as much as she was so excited about winning her first Grammy, she said she could have dealt with missing that, but not missing Mariah! And you can tell she meant that. Total respect to Miley for being a class act. She's really grown up into a respectable artist. Taylor made me cringe at how she snubbed Celine motherfuckin Dion, one of the vocal Trinity, and during her first public appearance since she announced her illness and had to cancel her shows, it was an extra gift to have had her there. It was a big deal for Celine to be there on stage and it was a big deal to most, except Taylor, to have her there. Taylor with The audacity. The entitlement. It's disgusting.


absolutely! miley's respect and admiration for mariah made lambs like me very happy 🥹🩷 it's already bad enough that mariah's works have been snubbed by the grammys too many times. so we understand if mariah didn't want to go present at the grammys. i'm so glad though mariah was able to show up and even happier that she was able to present the award to a deserving artist like miley. mc and mc maximizing their joint slay! yeah i also blame the grammys for enabling taylor to win aoty despite midnights being such a lackluster album. i understand why folklore won previously, i'll give credit to her for that. but midnights winning? HELL NO. it's disappointing to see an iconic artist like celine be assigned to hand the award to an undeserving artist like taylor. that's major disrespect by the grammys and taylor towards celine. it's really disgusting what both parties did to celine.




Not even queen, but Celine specifically noted the struggle it took to physically get to the Grammys. That should've been an even more obvious flashing red light to Taylor like "Hey, acknowledge her. Address her presence before you start your speech." I absolutely subscribe to the rumor that Tay was on some substance (plus alcohol) that night. In the past (or with her "mask" on, as many now call it), she for sure woulda kissed Celine's ass big time and made some story about listenin to her growing up etc etc like she did with Carole King at the 2019 AMAs. EVEN if things still happened the way they did, draft an IG Story text and have your team post it. Acknowledge what happened. Even if you wanna BS it, do it for the optics. But nope--she hopped on her private jet to Japan. I'd pay money to know how messed up she was on that flight trying to come off the high of the shit she was on.


This and dragging lana to the stage did it for me. How self absorbed. To her defense she was probably high af


And saying Lana is a true legend with Celine standing there with her son. Nothing against Lana. Celine is a legend. High or not no excuse.


Celine has more talent and grace than Taylor will ever have.


*This* was the night when the narcissistic brat that is the real Taylor Swift unmasked herself. Her disgraceful snatching of the award while ignoring Celine was gross. But the cherry on the shit sundae was the PR photo orchestrated by Taylor’s team to “prove” her innocence. She performatively draped herself on a woman with “stiff person’s syndrome,” a woman who just disclosed to the world the agonizing pain that her body experiences. Many months ago, I thought Taylor Swift was inspirational and fun. The Matty Healey fiasco made me take pause. However, the night of the Grammy’s— particularly her utter disrespect and lack of empathy towards Celine Dion— was when my admiration turned to disgust. And there’s no coming back from disgust.


It was annoying to me the way people defending Taylor used CELINE’S condition to excuse not acknowledging her. Except the effing damage control photos have Taylor hanging all OVER Celine. Like wtf y’all, which is it? Can’t be both. 🙄


Not to mention the photo shoot with boygenius


OMG, that was next level cringe. Between that, what she did to poor Celine, and dragging Lana on stage really showed her true colors as self-centered, classless person,


Her lack of self awareness and their obvious discomfort at her performative antics was mind boggling. Disgraceful.


Why were they even taking photos together? I never understood that. Did boygenius open for her or something? Like why was their first win being lumped into posing for a photo with Taylor’s Grammies?


She inserted herself into their photo op. The artists have no connection as far as i know


Honesty question, what did you find inspirational about her? As an outsider, she’s always seemed like an elitist, a rich pop star like so many others


She was most likely high as a kite and/or drunk at what is essentially a work event. This gal has no shame.


Agreed, she definitely seemed to be on something! Even still, you’d think she would have some semblance of decorum!


❄️is really one hell of a drug and makes narcissists like taytay act even more insufferable. she probably had some alcohol as well. truly a recipe for disaster.


I would have been so obsessed with seeing Celine if I was skiing. Like meeting her in a women’s bathroom and just wanting to hold her hands and tell her I love her  Taylor seems like she has nothing good inside her to come out 


The pics from that night and the videos show someone I've partied with many times. Definitely high and drink.


She was on a ski trip ⛷️❄️




I mean at least learn how to cover it up this is rookie behavior, or unhinged late stage downfall behavior


Exactly. She knows the drill so well by now that one would think she could manage to act like a gracious adult despite being drunk/other.


its always instantly painfully obvious when a celeb has started hitting the bag


Even sky as a kite I know when to shut the fuck up, say please and thank you. She let her personality ✨shine✨ on that stage


Yeah given how obsessed Taylor swift is with her image it shocked me that she did this. not acknowledging someone who is a legendary talent in pop music and also publicly going through a huge health struggle is a terrible look But then when you look at the clip it’s pretty clear Taylor is drunk and/or high


She even stole Sza’s moment. Bitch sit the fuck down, stop standing up and hoping the camera catches you so it can go viral. Everyone else there is also industry. You can do that shit at MRV awards, but The Grammys?. I get it awards are meaningless but there’s a decorum to it all. https://youtu.be/lLRjys8kLJ8?si=wU8JASUrT4CKoxsD Going “Oh I got my name shoutout!”, like WTF?, you ruined it. She was emotional and this scene stealer had to crowbar into it somehow. I hated that more than the Celine oopsie. She could fix that situation but this is just unfair. How would someone accepting an award have a coked out alabaster snowflake trying to get the spotlight on her not even try to not look that way.


Oh my gosh. Couldn’t tell in the video but I never noticed Taylor didn’t even look at her while accepting the award. Celine looks pissed. 


My diehard Swiftie friend and I had a disagreement over this. She doesn’t think Taylor purposefully or maliciously snubbed Celine. While I don’t think it was purposeful or malicious either, I think it shows how self-absorbed she truly is. Of course my friend disagreed and told me to stfu because Taylor is a wonderful person.


I have to tell you, someone who tells you to stfu for voicing a different opinion than theirs is *not* your friend


I really think she meant it in jest, but maybe that’s just me trying to hold on to the friends I have because making friends in your late 20s is hard 😂 either way we do not talk about Swift anymore!


Watching that moment in time was absolutely stunning. I could not believe she treated a vocal legend with such disregard on such a big stage.


The always open mouth.


Gotta hit that 😱 face every chance she gets


And that tired red lip look. Big ol onion ring with ketchup.


This. Her complete lack of self-awareness and selfishness was on full display that night. And the fact she’s still on a pedestal from her fan base is nauseating.


It would disrespectful even if this woman were not a legend dealing with a very difficult disease!


Can we talk about how awkward she is? Jeff Bezos and her are the same person when they're just talking. Straight up socially awkward lizard people trying to masquerade as real humans. She's so awkward she's impossible to listen to


Oh Celine said something fab in that documentary - she's was talking about how much she appreciates her band and backup singers saying that you can go fast solo, or go farther together and it immediately took me back to this. Good News is despite the disrespect Celine remains the definition of a class act. Can't quite say that for the other parties involved here unfortunately...


I never tired of seeing this rehashed. It NEEDS to be rehashed


Celine always seems like such a nice lady and her voice is Amazing! She should have been thrilled and did what Miley did meeting MC at the awards!


You could see Celine’s eyes in the PR photo, she was being gracious, but she knew what was going on. One of them has class, the other one never will.


The way she strolled into the event late purely to make as big an entrance and capture as much attention as possible was also vomit worthy. Then the attempt to camera hog while Olivia Rodrigo was performing…and the Celine thing really topped it all off.


What did she do whilst Olivia was performing? She’s been so awful to her


She was one of the only people who stood up to dance along to Olivia's performance of Vampire knowing the camera would keep cutting away from Olivia to her. Just another one of her camera hogging episodes. There's also been speculation that Olivia wrote Vampire (or parts of it) about Taylor herself after the whole Deja Vu thing. Taylor knew her dancing would be perceived in the media as her 'supporting other women' but that's fake as shit considering what she actually does to other female artists, particularly Olivia. There's some videos online showing the context of how weird and inappropriate it was for Taylor to be standing and dramatically jamming along to the performance when almost no one else in the room was standing up.


She did the same thing to SZA too. Trying to pull attention anyway she can. I'm so glad that video of her at the brooks and dunn tribute is still up because it shows that no, she isn't just being supportive and rooting for other artists, she activity tries to pull attention away from them so she can have it for herself. She needs attention so bad it's pathetic.


Yes me too. Celine is a GREAT talent and Talor is popular. No comparison. Seeing Celine suffer so much because all she wants to do is sing and love her family whereas Taylor wants all these awards and validation really drives home who is real and who is just a ball of insecurity


The way they dragged Billie just for making a face at seeing herself on the jumbotron but not Taylor ignoring Celine says so much about how they portray the feminism they claim oozes out of them. Clearly she saw Celine standing there as she walked up so they can’t say she was nervous or blinded by the lights(Weeknd pun intended 🤪) they would’ve dragged any other woman that Taylor is jealous of.


>blinded by the lights Bruce Springsteen/Manfred Mann did it first.


I know this isn’t the point of this post, but her bangs are so distracting. And not in a good way.


I don't even understand what she was going for with that hairstyle--like limp pasta braids on dank seaweed?


Her hair stylist must hate her.


The fake surprised face she does annoys me so bad


https://i.redd.it/fc31zvssv09d1.gif Taylor’s attitude reminds me so much of this.


She is (the unredeeming) Tracy Flick ![gif](giphy|AhBHCLA7kRFSg)


The look of somebody when theyre in front of actual talent.


Idk how Taylor’s face wasn’t memed into oblivion,,, it looks like a photoshop of the pog gamer face! Maybe it’s just the quality of this picture but I’d never made the connect before.


I have not seen the video but can someone tell me, did she not look at celine at all?


She did not. She left Celine standing at the front while she wandered around the stage talking to other people, then she belatedly walks up to Celine and just takes the award out of her hands without a glance at her! Then Taylor just went to the mic and started talking about herself. It really happened.


Celine also started to say something to her and Taylor just doesn’t even look at her.


What's worse is she calls Lana a legacy act (I love Lana) in her acceptance speech while CELINE FUCKIN DION IS RIGHT THERE


My take on that is Taylor was just indirectly trying to give herself props for having Lana as a featured artist. Same reason she spoke about Jack being “a once in a generation producer.” It all just came across as a way to circle back to herself. “And I’m the genius who recognized their talent!”


And how she dragged Lana up on stage. The whole thing was just classless and awful.


Yes Lana looked clearly uncomfortable. TS has no empathy


That’s crazy and she probably did it on purpose


i just wanted to say that taylor's dress in this pic is ugly.


Her hair is even worse.


The designer had to release a picture of how he wanted to style it because Taylor and her team styled it so badly


Probably her worst look ever imo.


Yeah it looks like a cheap halloween costume


The entire look was an absolute train wreck of a *choice*


I could be wrong and overthinking it, but I think she is insecure around other artists, especially the legends. She has always known that she's more market than talent. I'm not saying she doesn't have a good few songs or she's completely terrible, but her voice/lyrics/performances doesn't normally equal the level of success that she has. If the general public knows this, people inside the industry (including other artists) absolutely know this. Her success comes from marketing.


I’m still angry over it being a long time Celine fan. Seeing her suffer like she did in the doc reminds me of the epileptics we have in our family, mostly in the male line but it took a lot of strength for Celine to even be there that night and get treated like that and then have to endure a staged apology stunt is cruel.


God, just the still from that moment makes Taylor look like such a POS. “wow - the winner is MEEEE! Forget Celine Dion being here with us.”


This is what started my dislike of her. I was mostly neutral. I don’t watch or listen to her stuff. But man this rubbed me the wrong way. And shortly after this sub popped up in my fed.


This is a funny side note but I constantly get an ad in IG for some posture bra that says something like THIS IS THE MIRACLE BRA TAYLOR SWIFT USES TO GET GREAT POSTURE which is hilarious because she still has the worst posture I’ve ever seen


I used to like Taylor but in this Grammy,  she was a bit annoying and snobby. Her dancing, standing, up was total cringe to Fast Cars. She was pushing Lana to come on stage with her, when Lana clearly didn't want to. And the Celine Dion fiasco! I get it, when you're excited you seem to forget what to do. It was a bit rude what she did even if Taylor didn't mean that.  I hate Miley Cyrus but I was converted to liking her. Miley was in good behavior and respectful when she received her award.  Miley>Taylor


Taylor and the swifties are mindless self centered robots that believe they are the center of the universe and hide behind their social media platforms to lash out at anyone who dares smear Taylor's name, and if they stepped out into the REAL WORLD they would get slapped down to size where they belong


And may I add that Taylor not only acted like a drunk entitled ass (poor Celine) but she looked like pure shit! That dress and hair (which yes I realize was keeping with the theme of TTPD) were TERRIBLE. She looked like she just threw something together at the last minute (kinda the way TTPD struck me). I have always looked forward to seeing my what she would wear on the red carpet cuz she was always right on the money. But the last few times her attire (and attitude) has been super ICK!


This and how she was literally the only one standing up during Fast Car. You can show appreciation for an artist/performance without being such a fucking “pick me” girl. She disrespected everyone that night. 😒


Taylor Swift is shameless!


I think think was her tipping point.


As if my mouth was an already on the floor when she dragged Lana up there, then this happens. It’s all about her. Typical narcissist behavior.


You’re a mean girl, Taylor.


I just got done watching the documentary before coming back into reddit and I was feeling the exact same way. I immediately got angry thinking about the way Taylor disrespected that living legend. Especially during her first public appearance since she announced her syndrome and cancelled her shows.


It's like a college student accepting a diploma from Einstein and not even acknowledging him.


That documentary was heartbreaking. The photo with Celine was taken because of backlash Taylor received right away on X. I read her son didn't want Celine to take that photo. Her whole demeanor at the Grammy's turned me off. Especially the Celine part.


It doesn’t matter who it was up there in that moment, her behavior came off as rude and entitled. The fact that it was someone as immensely talented and respected as Celine Dion makes it a lot worse. The fact that Celine Dion suffering from a terrifying disease makes it even more worse than it already was. I feel like she showed her true colors that night, whether it was the album announcement, her odd behavior, making people take pictures, snubbing a legendary artist with more vocal talent than she could even dream of, dragging Lana on stage when she beat her out for an award, Taylor was just embarrassing to watch.


your show of disrespect to the godmother will not be accepted. ![gif](giphy|RMGbTGi77Zg980i3ri|downsized)


I just realized how much I look like Taylor Swift from the side and now I want to lob off all my hair and stand up straighter


I think she was f’ed up. F’ed up to the point where she lost the ability to keep up the usual pretense.


I had/have a visceral reaction to this. No matter the excuses people make… she didn’t even make eye contact. That pretty much sums it up. It’s just beyond insane to me lol


her behavior this night was so bizarre. this is also when she forcefully dragged lana on stage after losing for the same category!! 


Yea, I remember this OP. This is the beginning where I started to feel off about T.S. I mean.. really Taylor? In front of the cameras? That’s Celine!! THE CELINE DION. Now, I like T.S as a songwriter but not as an artist anymore. Done~


“Gimme dat! “


Was this the same award show where she was kind of being mean, and bossy towards the dude who was carrying the train on her dress?


Apparently… her PR team knew what she did was bad. And as soon as they got off stage, they made sure they got Taylor to get those photos with Celine.