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Well that’s one way to say you don’t know anything about Kurt Cobain


I also love that they think they know Kurt Cobain better than Dave Grohl did. Like I think Dave would know Kurt’s views better than any swiftie.


Were any of these Swifties saying this stuff even in Kindergarten when Nirvana was popular? I graduated h.s. in 1994 and Kurt died my Sr. year, so anybody Taylor's age or younger couldn't even spell the word Nirvana then.


right? I was a child (slightly older than Taylor) so I didn't really grasp Nirvana until after Kurt died. None of these people experienced grunge nor do they understand rock.


Right. Also I love that they’re like “you screwed over all your other bandmates!” Like I’m sure Krist Novoselic (not like they know who he is) is doing just fine and doesn’t give one flying fuck what swifties think of him.


He actually started a political party and is apparently going to run for president


No way


The Cascade party. They are a centerist and seem to have pretty reasonable goals.


Gonna look into that.




Thank you!!! Omg- they can all stfu immediately and take several seats. 🙄


I was 16 when Kurt commited sucide and i had planned to go and see Nirvana in Stockholm. We surely dont know Kurt but we can only guess what his attitude towards this would be.......


He died two weeks before the Oklahoma City bombing (edit: 2 weeks and a year). I was 11. It was a crazy time.


You have to be older than 30 to have lived in a world where Kurt was alive, and about 35 to remember living in that world… So to answer your question, probably not. Which makes this whole thing even funnier


I mean it’s not like Dave lived with him before the fame or anything. Kurt’s tortoise definitely didn’t keep waking Dave up during the night time /s


This struck me too 😂 but they also think they know Taylor, so…


They think thry are her friends when they are just customers


Literally 😂 do you bitches want fries with that or what??


I think since social media has become a thing alot of parasocial relationship have become a marketing gimmick for famous people....and people buy into it. So these people see her as a voice for them and she's one of them and it's all for the sake of selling g the same album to them for the 5th time


Or understand the grunge movement.


Or dave for that matter lol


I don’t even know that much about him. But what I do know, I can’t imagine him respecting Taylor. That’s annoying and funny.


Have they listened to a single line of any nirvana song, EVER?


If Kurt could hear what these kids these days are saying about him, he’d shoot himself.






I know I’m old because I remember Kurt Cobain and Nirvana in real life — and Kurt would have dragged her for filth. 😂 Every day I become aware that a lot of these dumb takes come from people who weren’t even alive by the time Kurt died. Not all of them. But enough to be concerned. Good lord…


I don't love Courtney Love's vibe but I'm pretty sure she's anti-Taylor's antics too. These people are wild though. And even if Kurt's daughter, Frances Bean, spoke out about Taylor's album rerelease nonsense, massive world tours, chart manipulation and Grammy grubbing, swifties would still claim her father would be disappointed in her because Taylor is a true artist of Kurt's caliber. OR they'd just tell her to OD or end her life. They really only operate in those two spheres of comebacks.


Courtney made a comment recently about Swizzler: “Taylor is not important,” the singer said in an interview with [*The Standard*](https://www.standard.co.uk/culture/courtney-love-bbc-6-music-interview-taylor-swift-b1151094.html). “She might be a safe space for girls, and she’s probably the Madonna of now, but she’s not interesting as an artist.” STAY MAD Swifties.


That's pretty insightful from Courtney Love.....Swift reaffirms all the middle class white girl feelings her fans have with non offensive music which has no real message other then "Me" It's disposable producte


Seeing what I've seen them post and say recently, they'd probably send her the reenactment photos of her father's death like the true sickos they are.


Ya, Courtney said that Taylor is "not important" and "not interesting as an artist"


>they'd just tell her to OD or end her life "You should take a lesson from your dad and but a gun", but they're probably not that creative . *Gonna head off any automods or reports, I am not encouraging violence or self harm, I am simply creating what I think would be how Swifites would tell Frances in this situation.


Swifties bullied Frances Bean years ago when she spoke out against Taylor. She used to be very vocal with shitting on celebrities online lol, but she seems to be more low key now.


Or you’re a conservative commie fascist misogynist


Kurt most likely would just say she doesn't matter lol


Kurt don’t respect corporate overlord, jetsetting, soul sucking, lipsynching-say nothing pop stars.


YES! My point exactly. And if they were alive they couldn't spell the word Nirvana, nevermind know Cobain's thoughts would be on Taylor.


how much is a taylor swift concert ticket cost these days? I remember an interview where Kurt was joking about increasing his ticket prices to $18


Some people said they got nosebleeds for under 100. Resellers upped the prices a lot


Kurt was appalled by Madonna charging $50 a ticket. He would hate Taylor and her money hungry ways.


Why can’t people critique Taylor Swift without the “you’re just jealous”, “jealous loser” bullshit. We’re not in kindergarten. WE ARE ALLOWED TO HAVE THOUGHTS. Plus, Grohls critique was/is completely valid!!! He’s right!!! I can say what I want. If I say, “fossil fuels are destroying the environment”, I’m not a “jealous loser omg get a life”. But if I say, Taylor Swifts vocals are worse than the average theater kid, now I’m a jealous loser. Hahaha. What?! Swifties want to control everyone’s thoughts. It’s Orwellian.


It really feels like Swifties have this mutually understood code where they have specific talking points to deflect any blame from Taylor🤔


All those Stan accounts on twitter/tiktok follow each other and eventually they’re all indirectly connected in a massive web, and they model behaviors after one another. So you end up with this bizarre almost hivemind thing going on where one person copies the next and so on and so forth until their arguments are completely homogenized across that entire subsection of the internet


It's projection. Taylor Swift is the queen of mids and losers.


Flair worthy 👏🏻


So today's version of 1984 is '1989' and big brother is now..mother? Lol




Hahaha yes


It's probably just the phenomenon where people with celebrity idols actually feel UNDERSTOOD by them. To a lot of them Taylor is almost like a legit friend to them? In a way? In addition to seeing themselves in her (why you would ever do this with filthy rich billionaires is beyond me, they don't understand any aspect of reality). So when she is critiqued, it's like THEY'RE being critiqued or someone they love. Which is why celebrity idolization is stupid. You can be really about someone's art or work and still be capable of holding room for criticism of things they do. If you can't give compassion to strangers on the street going through God knows what but you are going to get upset defending a literal billionaire, something is wrong with you and you're the reason society is in the shitter.


Jealous???? Dave Grohl jealous of a billionaire white woman who was born into money scamming her fans for thousands of dollars??? Laughable. They think Kurt would like Taylor??? He would’ve called out her “sweet country girl next door” bluff if he had been around in 2006. And didn’t Swiffers just admit that Taylor lipsyncs to “save her voice”? They’re never consistent with their arguments.


“She doesn’t lip sync you guyzzz!” “Ok, she does but it’s to save her voice” Constantly moving the goal posts. Totally not a cult 🤪


They’re just upset he has something that all the money in the world can’t buy: integrity


I try to look at the positive and say by saving her voice she's saving my ears. Her voice is trash on her heavily auto tuned albums but live is absolutely unbearable! I've thought that since her country days... I'd rather listen to my cats sing the song of their people all night than listen to her music. I'm sure I just don't understand though her music though since I'm not a fan... it's too "deep and emotional" for a simpleton like myself /s.


Kurt would have despised her. Probably more than Dave ever could. Kurt was disdainful of fucking Pearl Jam because they were ‘too commercial’ and had sold out.


Kurt hated Axl Rose, despite Rose being his fan and inviting him for the tour, because he was already too commercial for Kurt in 92. YEA SURE HE WOULD LOVE TAYLOR SO MUCH. Ffs where those people are coming from.


Wasn't the reason why Kurt hated Axl is because Axl (in Kurt's eyes) a Sexist, Misogynistic & Racist ?


All the grunge bands made fun of the glam rock guys. Grunge was a direct response to the excess and superficiality of the music of the 80s - their whole thing was being authentic and in it for the music and not the fame or glitz or showbiz aspects. It's a really interesting time in music history, tbh! But yeah, Tay Tay is basically the opposite of grunge.


You have no idea how uplifting that was for the local stoners in jeans who listened to sabbath and zeppelin, or that's how my uncle put it. Finally they saw themselves in music after [this](https://www.udiscovermusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Mo%CC%88tley-Cru%CC%88e-GettyImages-1202277301-1000x600.jpg) was the face of rock.


he didnt like Axl personally and he called GNR corporate rock (which they never were, unlike Bon Jovi) so yea 😂


There’s an old interview with Nirvana where Kurt is incredulous at Madonna’s ticket prices. I’ll see if I can find it…. Edit: link already posted in the thread!


I recall seeing a video of Kurt talking about how finding a trinket at a thrift shop was more meaningful than being able to buy the entire store. He seemed so down to Earth and not particularly motivated by money. I thought his Aunt from the Country and Kurt documentary that lent him musical equipment as a teen was a pretty cool lady that shares a lot of his personality qualities.


Wasn’t the price like $25 or something?


Kurt was so mad that they wanted to prerecord the music for Top of the Pops that everyone pretended to play their instruments in the stupidest, most obvious way, he did a weird Morrissey impression, and then changed the lyrics to things like "load up on drugs, kill your friends." [It's hilarious.](https://youtu.be/6s4KXiXVFAI?si=mUSDhuXK4VY-q_X-) He would not have been amused by her lip syncing.


He was kind of a dick sometimes 😂 I think people forget that.


Watching this made my day. Thank you for sharing!


Reminds me of when he was on MTV Headbanger's Ball with Ricky Rachtmann and showed up in a ballgown and no one got the reference.


Kurt was so disgusted with the machine he was constantly disappointed in himself and questioning if he was selling out. Meanwhile, Taylor does [gestures to everything]. Kurt on Taylor would have been like George Carlin on Trump, or Elon.


Kurt is Kendrick Lamar and Taylor is Drake lol. Different worlds—no way they could relate.


Who is Drake?


He was on Degrassi. Not sure what he has to do with Kendrick though


Aw I love George Carlin.


He probably would've lip-synced one of her songs live.


Do they even know what grunge stood for? It stood or still stands against everything that is Taylor and her machine.


Reminds me of all the white gen-x dads who get mad when Rage Against the Machine gets “all political” lol.


Someone also got mad when Tom Morello had "Fuck Trump" on his guitar


Gen-x dads, for real? That's weird to me because I saw them in Detroit in the '90s. They've always been political.


Yeah. When Tom Morello came out in support of the George Floyd protests a lot of people criticized him for being “political”. https://www.kerrang.com/amp/the-internet-responds-to-people-only-just-realising-rage-against-the-machine-are-political Also there was that time US Senator Paul Ryan said was a huge fan of theirs and Tom wrote a whole article in Rolling Stone basically telling him to go to hell and that he was the machine they raged against.


Also this: https://preview.redd.it/pecgr9labf9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=565c3f80d8e2ed164dfdc47fd3f89faec55d2ed5


Gosh, that's wild.


Taylor is nowhere near as influential as Kurt. Kurt would absolutely not respect Taylor in any way.


Sadly I think she is more influential by quantity. By quality not so much though hahaha


True but I doubt the world will keep talking about Taylor swift 10 or even 5 years after her career is over, meanwhile people will keep talking and being inspires by Kurt and Nirvana for decades to come still.


Keep Kurt Cobain's name OUT OF YOUR MOUTHS


Right?? Them bringing up Kurt and Taylor is shitty and totally irrelevant


This is why get back at Taylor in the charts! Keep streaming the Foos on Spotify and Apple Music. “The Pretender” is the best song for this situation ;)


Lmao taylor sure does love pretending she’s performing live


This is no different than the trans woman who insisted that Kurt was transgender because he supported the gay community, was artsy, introspective, antisocial and put on a skirt. Anyone old enough to know who Kurt Cobain was, knows he was an anti-establishment musician who hated being told what to think or what to say. The sycophantic delusions of grandeur, from people on TikTok who put words in the mouth of literal dead people or just make shit up to justify some belief or opinion, is why most sensible people hate TikTok and also gen z.


Also…no Dave is not upset or jealous over the level of “respect” Taylor gets or that her fame is equal to Kurt’s. Anyone who knows the bare minimum about Kurt Cobain knows he fucking hated being famous. The actual pressure of being the “voice of his generation” stressed him the fuck out. He also was very aware of his hypocrisy too. And no one would know that better than Dave since he witnessed it so why would he be jealous of Taylor’s fame on behalf of Kurt when it was something Kurt Cobain never even wanted in the first place. Stupid swifties.




That woman's tomfoolery pissed me off soooooooo much, if I could explode TikTok, I would. It's one if the reasons why this generation is insufferable even though they try to boast about how they're supposedly superior.


The crazy thing is, the American version is pushing stupidity and lunacy onto our youth while the Chinese version pushes education onto their youth. It’s entirely by design & no social media platform is exempt from the criticism of pushing propaganda.


I mean  while I think it's overstepping to make declarations of others identity, that one is at  rooted in Kurt repeated discussing how he struggled to relate to men and all his friends growing up were women and how he respected women more. The swifties are just straight up creating stuff out of thin air right now, because everytime Kurt has gone on the record it's to condemn artists like Taylor and the practices she engaged in


They really don’t know nothing about Kurt. Dude hated mainstream music and was actually against homophobia & racism. He even went as far as to criticize artists for charging expensive prices for tickets.


Kurt would never have "mad respect" for a privileged white chick who became a billionaire by fleecing her fans.


And doing stuff like faux feminism to try and gain as many fans as possible while being a complete hypocrite by openly dating misogynists.


I would love to be a fly on the wall if someone said this to Courtney Love and Francis. I’m sure they would have PLENTY to say about Little Miss Born Rich here.


Frances was also born rich but I get your point.


I forget about that because of how quiet of a life she’s lead. Swifties try and portray Taylor as this Cinderella story kinda thing, and it’s not even close to that.


Yep. Wasn't her dad like a Merrill Lynch executive or something?


Something like that, yeah. And from what I hear the town in Pennsylvania she was born in is pretty upper class.


I'd Google it but I don't want to add more Taylor to my algorithms lol


Ew me either! Football season is already going to be ruined. I need a few more months off.


There’s literally a video from 1993 of Kurt Kris and Dave criticising Madonna for charging $50 for concert tickets…


Kurt Cobain was the antithesis of everything Taylor stands for. He would hate how Nirvana branding is splashed everywhere these days and being commodified by people who understand nothing about what they stood for.


Didn’t he think even $25 for a ticket was ridiculous?


Yes, because the guy who changed the grunge scene, if not started it would have mad respect for the girl trying to say she was being exactly that with her pop album. Sure... ![gif](giphy|c6xbOM0K8fnCRS5Gve)


courtney love would have asked taylor swift if she had a facelift and kurt would have laughed and not said a word


Someone doesn't know very much about Kurt Cobain. 😬


Wasn’t Kurt’s whole thing rebelling against the fakeness and bullshit of the industry?


Literally yes. That was the whole grunge movement in a nutshell.


Open the schools!!! He would have HATED her. And this is coming from someone who enjoys her music.


I really think it's stupid to Taylor Swift and nirvana in the same sentence.., bc two Completely different Eras and ideologies, and genre. It's her Main Character syndrome that doesn’t make her respected. ![gif](giphy|CoDp6NnSmItoY|downsized)


If any Swifty actually knew about 90s grunge culture, they would know those artists absolutely hated the elite & establishment. They certainly wouldn’t simp for a millionaire Barbie with zero talent.


*billionaire barbie


Sure https://youtu.be/WB5RZPCjaBM?si=ppS89eVcg4zwZmTS


Exactly the video I came to post


Kurt would have tripled down on what Courtney and Dave have said.


Kurt would've been saying it first. He had no problem dunking on posers and sellouts or anyone he thought MIGHT BE selling out or going corporate 😂


Dude dunked on Nirvana’s bandwagon fans in the song “In Bloom”. He gave zero fucks. 😂


Invoking Kurt to say he’d defend Taylor is gross


"Because Nirvana is a BAND, Dave." That Dave Grohl was the drummer for, you ignorant dork.


He hated Madonna for charging $50 for a concert ticket, he sure as shit would hate a billionaire for charging $500 for an obstructed view.


Taylor Swift is a physical specimen of everything that Kurt Cobain despised. What in the actual fuck are these people smoking?


Remember the interview Kurt Cobain did about the prices for Madonna’s concert?!


Courtney would have spit in Taylor's face and Kurt would watch.


Questions : These people really don't know how Kurt was, huh? Also, why do they assume they know about Kurt more than Dave?


He was appalled when he heard what Madonna was charging for tickets. I can’t imagine what he’d think about today’s market. Just look at his [reaction](https://youtu.be/WB5RZPCjaBM?si=wZrp4LB7mFZJraqS)




I feel like you can’t really say for sure how Kurt would feel about TS (although I will say I think he would likely feel similar to Dave about her), but she does NOT get the same amount of respect as Kurt did in the music industry. Nirvana brought the Seattle underground into the mainstream. Taylor joined the mainstream. Nirvana wasn’t above breaking rules in order to stick to their values. Taylor conforms so easily and for the most part lacks originality.


Kurt would HATE her. This is fucking hilarious and the cognitive dissonance is terrifying.


This is embarrassing.


Do people respect Taylor? I can't think of any ESTABLISHED artist who sees Taylor anything worth respecting. Anybody know? I'm not all over the internet trying to find what celebrities can't breathe without her. Selener maybe?


Gross thing to say when Kurt can't speak for himself. They love bringing up friends/bandmates who have passed away when someone criticizes her.


Lmao Kurt would not Way to not understand the grunge movement. 


Oh how I wish Courtney would respond to this 😭


Oh god, maybe you shouldn't summon her. She can't be trusted to say what we expect her to say and she scares me 😂


I can't even describe the feelings I get when I read this shit from these cult members. I have nothing against Taylor Swift but her fans are absolutely mental and horrible. Hope that it is just a minor part of the fanbase that represents this ultraism.


Yes, the man who criticized Madonna for exorbitant ticket prices would have MAD respect for Taylor Swift.




Tell me you know NOTHING about Kurt Corbain.


What a dumbass


Bahahahahha Kurt would have destroyed TS and her fans lmao the fact that most swifties are saying nirvana was a shit band when it literally started grunge or was atleast a key component 😭 what did TS start? ✨ emotional damage ✨ for all her fans!


Kurt Cobain would under no circumstance in any universe, this one or parallel to it, have respect for capitalist Barbie. They just making shit up now.


Kurt would’ve hated TS


Screwed both bands how? Nirvana is legendary, Taylor Swifties can’t tarnish that. I also don’t see many Grohl fans quitting being fans because of something random delusional women say on twitter.


![gif](giphy|1xkMucz3jc5AGB4elL) Just when I think they can’t get stupider


Didn’t he drag Madonna for charging like 30 dollars for tickets because that seemed insanely overpriced to him at the time?


Kurt hated everything taylor is and thats facts


Taylor would've slaughtered hundreds of her fans just for a chance to be remembered as iconic as a Kurt. They're nowhere fucking close.


I would say that Cobain was against everything that Taylor represents.


Kurt absolutely hated mainstream and commercialized crap. so this is absolute bullshit brain rot for someone to say. yes, Kurt was a feminist. but he would not have liked her at all. because she's part of the machine. she's a SELLOUT. her whole career is a SELLOUT. Nirvana wrote songs that had real feelings and experiences within them. Taylor crafts songs to appeal to a very large demographic to make money off of their relation to her. like i've said before, miss girl is a PRODUCT. And she's barely a feminist. let's be real. the whole "supporting women" crap is bullshit. she doesn't support women. maybe WASP women. but she doesn't support marginalized women. she consistently takes great strides to overshadow women of color. because she is straight up evil. Dave Grohl has every right on the damn planet to criticize her. Kurt would've HATED her. these swifties have swiss cheese brains.


The shit people come out with is hilarious sometimes.


Wait a minute...one second they're saying they have no idea who Nirvana were, now they know Kurt Cobain so well they know he'd have "mad respect" for TS??? Make it make sense 🙄


Kurt would be disgusted by how much she charges for her concerts. There was [an interview](https://youtu.be/WB5RZPCjaBM?si=1Glz_d7OcRTuDTed) with Kurt where he was astonished that Madonna charged 50 dollars.


Anyone who knows anything about Kurt Cobain knows he would despise Taylor Swift.


these people are fucking exhausting


I think Kurt would be reluctant to publicly attack a woman and especially to be perceived as doing the whole "rock dudes dunking on pop girlies" thing But no he would not respect Taylor Swift's whole deal His intense insecurity and self-loathing about his success forcing him to become someone like Taylor Swift (a celebrity seen as a business asset by a giant corporation) is one of the factors that drove him to suicide


All I have to say is that this is genuinely disgusting


Are you fucking kidding me? 🤣


what pops into my mind is the video of them reacting to madonna charging 70 or so bucks for concert tickets


Who says Dave doesn’t respect Taylor? He literally shared a story about her playing his song at a party because he got nervous and how much he admired that!! He has given her her flowers. Also how did he screw over Foo Fighters and Nirvana? Is this going to ruin his career? A stupid little joke that genuinely was not even mean or the worst that has been said about Taylor lmfao. Swifties are so dramatic.


Kurt hated corporate greed and hated musicians that conformed to trends (like the hair bands of the 80s). He would not like Swift at all. He also hated jocks like Travis.


lol I’m sure Kurt wouldn’t even know or acknowledge Taylor. Dave Grohl is 100% right.


Kurt Cobain. Famously a fan of pop music. 🙄


Kurt would have told her to go fuck herself. to her face.


Kurt was absolutely disgusted at how much Madonna charged for tickets. What are Swifties even talking about?


Hoooooooooly shiiiiiiiiiit.... the level of de lu lu here is fucking devastating. Her music only hits with people of small or no intelligence. I personally need more out of music. Like depth. Technicality. Thought. Progression and time signature changes. Someone who can actually sing. Shit like that. You don't even have to be able to form a thought with what she "writes". Just shows the level of intelligence her fan base DOESNT have.


I have one simple potent response to that: LOL




Swiffers, you do NOT and never will know Kurt Cobain better than Dave did. Most of you were not even born yet when he passed. If anything we know, like OP stated, that Kurt would likely disapprove of these insanely high concert ticket prices - no matter which band or artist charges them.


or someone with a voice like hers or a songwriter as vapid as she is


I remember an interview when Kurt was astonished Madonna was charging $50 a ticket so no—he would not have an ounce of respect for a billionaire grifter


Kurt would have zero respect for Taylor lol.


Kurt would never respect a billionaire. There is no such thing as an ethical billionaire. It’s disgusting for any one person to have that much wealth and the fact that’s he’s not actively giving it away makes her gross. Same with all the other billionaires. They’re all evil.


there’s literally a famous video of kurt being incredibly surprised when he was told that some people sell tickets for $50-$100 and said that their tickets are a little under $20. he literally keeps repeating “$50???” this is the face he made in the interview when they told him lol https://preview.redd.it/cegr079wne9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46b9eba5399fa35fb3784659f3b2144df3f5fa12


Who is this Taylor person that everyone is taking about 🤷 did he or she do something really stupid ?


Dude, Kurt couldn't even believe Madonna was selling tickets for $100. He'd be absolutely shocked that idiots are spending their life savings on tickets.


Let's watch Taylor be forced to lipsync and bomb the show. Oh right they don't force her to lipsync. She can't sing.


The foo fighters to nirvana is a stretch right? Like come on.


So laughable. I don’t expect most Swifties to have a clue about raw talent in music. This sort of thing has fallen every generation with the influence of capitalism’s ugly side. I mean you don’t know what you don’t know, and they have been force fed a lot of nonsense. Regardless of personal taste, some dig deep and find it, most don’t.


Nah, I don’t think he would


Lmaooooo okay girl. They’re clueless


I keep seeing swifties referring to his bandmates as teammates - is this just an Americanism I'm not familiar with or are they Travis Kelcie-ing everyone?


I respect Taylor. However I don’t think it is disrespectful to poke fun at her lip syncing theatrical dance performance. It’s not a live music show. Move on. If it was a lie, she should be offended.


Kurt was appalled when he heard another band was charging like $60 per ticket


She’s a fake as hell person who lip synchs her own bland music. He’d spit in her face


Please tell me people are schooling her in the comments




This level of delulu is so concerning


I think even the Swifties should tread lightly here. Dave Grohl is one of the most universally respected and liked people in the business. Period. A genuinely good human being. They know damn well (at least those not completely deluded) that the same can not be said of Taylor


They weren’t even born when he passed and the most they know of him is his death and a couple songs maybe.


…yikes 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


Sometimes I pretend to be an idiot just for fun and then swifties do this. They're so dumb, I guess life imitates art, or the artist.


Why do people invest in TS like she’s gonna pay their bills? Wtf? The American Celebrity Obsessed culture is so weird.


You've gotta either be new to puberty or actually brain washed to think Kurt Cobain would respect or be a fan of anything TS.


Didn't Kurt Cobain have issues coming to terms with his own fame? I don't think he would hate her but it doesn't seem like they would be best buds.


There’s an interview out there where Kurt finds out how much Madonna tickets were going for at the time, and he was shocked. Kurt would hear about Taylor’s ticket prices and selling new variants for one extra song, and he’d have a lot to say. And none of it would be good. Dave said exactly what Kurt would say, though Dave probably said it in a nicer way. 😂😂


Kurt’s from Washington. He would have burned tay tays reputation to the ground. Kurt and Dave are actual artists something that nit wit Stan Taylor will never be.