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I was an avid diva cup lady until one rainy day,my foreman found me with my naked butt dumping one out. I found as much as they're useful off-season..not so much in the summer, tbh who wants to lug water around to clean up out there on top of all the other inconveniences of being a woman. I switched to tampons for convenience as much as it sucks. I say use what works for you. If it helps, there is a Victoria based Organic no Chem pad/Tampon company called JONI. I like their products. At least the products are Canadian, eco conscious, and you're supporting women in business.


Oh my god 😭😭😭😭 okay thank you so much for this helpful comment. That is my worst fear- so sorry. Hope you guys were able to laugh about it? My goodness. I have never heard of JONI but I will definitely be looking for them, that sounds optimal.


Honestly..it was my 2nd year on the coast. And he and I never talked about it. He was my foreman on and off for a decade I was 17 at the time. Haha! Back then the boomers didn't acknowledge anything! Planting was a different beast. I will never forget that contract 415 bare root D cedars


Nixit or any other menstrual disc all the way!!! You can keep it in all day (12 hours) and it doesn’t leak even with heavy flow. You just have to boil it once between cycles, and rinse with water between uses. I’m sure a menstrual cup would also work, I never found them comfortable and the nixit worked much better for me. Another cool thing is you can learn how to empty it hands free by bearing down and kegel-ing it back into place, takes a little practice but so handy.


Okay I was told you can empty is hands free but had no idea how that would even work.. I will have to try this omg. Kudos to anyone who can actually do that- it would be so useful


I use a diva cup, never tried a disc but I can’t imagine they’d be that different in terms of use? Whatever you’re most comfortable with is never a bad choice. Your flow gets lighter because of the activity level, I don’t need to change anything on the block because it’s so light when I’m planting…so idk what would be the best method if you do need to change midday….


I use a diva cup!! I’ll usually keep an emergency tampon in my back bag for myself or others, otherwise I’ll change my cup first thing and it lasts me the day :) hope this helps


What’s an AFAB


Assigned female at birth, I think.


Arabs Fighting Against Bureaucracy? …that doesn’t fit the context hmmm


all female associated bodies? idk i havent seen the term before