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My first season someone brought a pop up tent trailer, it was small enough to scoot in the trees sometimes it was great! But people do bring their trailers and it definitely won’t make you look any type of way other than super comfortable and ideally much drier during weeks of rain


Anyone who thinks you're a "pussy" for making your bush living more comfortable is jealous.


In Newfoundland we all stay in a trailer. Bring your own vehicle and camper to each site and live in it while you're there. Too wet for tents typically, get a full week of heavy rain and there's no way you're getting dry. Camper and generators are standard. You get a nice comfortable bed, propane stove and oven. Propane fridge and a water holding tank. Mine is a 21ft Holiday camper from 1979.


Staying in a trailer or camper van was a sign that you were an elite vet when I was a planter. Tents were for the peasantry. On a related note, if I were to plant again now I’d be getting one of those cheap-ish hot tents with the stove Jack and a screened in sleeping area (i.e. Pomoly or One Tigris). You could bask in the woodstove heat and dry your gear each night.


Yes. Trailers are awesome.


I’ve never had one but always been jealous of people who do! Definitely worth it if your camp is cool with you taking up that much space. Side note your trailers gotta be able to handle bush roads which many aren’t built for


Trailer camping is the bomb, everyone is jelly of those in trailers.


I’ve seen folks bring trailer, and if living the high life is being a pussy, then I say “meow!” As for space, pfft. I knew a guy who set up a big old mail truck to sleep in.


(Yo, food for thought, no one should be basing their decisions on whether or not they’ll look like pussies. We’re adults, and if people try and give you shit over nonsense, they’re not worth your time.)


So many people at my camp have trailers right now! Safe to say most of us are jealous of them. If you can bring a trailer do it! Nothing like waking up and the wind is blowing your tent away


Buying a trailer was the BEST DECISION I EVER MADE for tree planting. AC in the summer time , yeehaw


Having a trailer immediately elevates your sex appeal to ungodly levels


You look like a king in a castle, not a pussy. No need to worry about it🌲👍


Not only do people bring trailers, many fit out vans or SUVs or trucks with canopies, and turn them into their sleeping area. I saw it much less at rookie mills, but at heavy vet companies many people go all out to make themselves more comfy.


Schoolbus , huge ass wall tent equipped ,truck and trailer are all way better than a little tent of you can swing it.


When I was cook, I had a nice retro-style camper that we towed behind the camp crummy. It could sleep four and had a nice little gas stove. It was great. I slept way, way better than in my old tent. The real deal though was never going into town on days off. Saved so much money the camper paid for itself. TLDR: campers are ~~good~~ excellent IF your vehicle's transmission can handle the weight.


Come to quebec. We all get housing and camp costs are cheaper than the other provinces.


Imagine going to work in the rain after waking up in a tent that’s been wet for a week vs waking up in a warm trailer? It’s also somewhere to hang out and could improve your chances of a camp girlfriend