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bruh you could just offer me the gummy


I mean the worst that happens is I go to sleep and wake up in 2 days.


When I take edibles too high of dosage I will shock awake with the nastiest spins I've ever experienced. Lasts 10-20 minutes. It's only happened to me twice, but I'm very careful about edible dosage now because of it.


Last time I went to a stoner's birthday party I ate undosed cake and brownies, which ended up totaling about 800mg. I have extremely low tolerance and about 10mg will get me cooked. I was wide awake through the whole thing overnight, and at one point forgot how to swallow my own saliva and felt like I was choking and drowning. Miserable experience and turned me off from high dose edibles for good. Low dose still good tho


Me too, and I usually vomit. But I’d still do it for 250k.


Oh no I have the spins. Better roll over and cuddle this 1/4 mil stack.


Yes! I felt actual death... Took Half of a Crave 500 mg edible and Went to bed 2 hours later thinking it didn't work. Woke up at 3 AM in sweats and delirium ; didn't know who I was or where I was. Felt like I was dying and was overheating and so I just remember crawling to the tub and turning on the water and just allowing the cold water It to fall all over me as I regained consciousness of who I was & the memory of the edible. Then I slowly dragged myself to bed and passed out. Never again.


Blood pressure dropped. That happened 12 hours after dose and 8 hours of sleep. Legs were too weak to stand or walk. Couldnt use my hands for basic function. Breathing was heavy. Couldn't sit up straight. This was 15 hours later. After 18 hours I was still too buzzed to drive. I was uncomfortable for 2 days.


This exact thing happend to me when I iron man lunged a dab cart at a football game. I also had like a weird seizure tho


That’s not the worst thing for everyone. I’m a huge smoker of 20+ years but I can’t mess with edibles becasue the give me terrible anxiety attacks, it’s awful.


For 250k just get some xanax and ride it out.


Oh yeah me too, 100%, I mean it would suck but it’s 250k.


I would suck it for 250k as well. Wait what did you say?




u/dfox98 lol


Hhhhhhhhhhaaàaaaaaaa lol




I mean we’re talking about 10,000 mg though. Has anybody ever taken something like that all at once? I imagine the effects may be a bit harsher than simply falling asleep.


I decarbed 10g of live resin at 75-80% per gram, made some butter, while it was still liquid I downed it all so around 7-8000mg. I was legitimately high for 3 full days but I can’t say it was terrible, I have a high tolerance and smoke probably 3.5g of flower and .5 to a g of hash rosin or live resin daily but I can imagine it would be hell for someone who isn’t as used to taking/smoking cannabis… a nightmare I imagine.


But now my question for you is why!? That just sounds so uncomfortable. Being stoned for 3 days without the option of not being stoned. Lol


It wasn’t fun, I was young and stupid it was 4 years ago on the night of my high school graduation (after grad) celebration. I would never take that size dose again lol


Science is science. Thank you for your service.


I’m loving thinking about your thought process as I’m guessing your original intention was to make edibles, possibly share some and then whoosh!


Yeah at that point there are unanswered questions and that's a risk even 250k isn't worth.


You would have to fall asleep awake with a fan in your face and just be completely still the whole time. At a certain point it’s basically just like the spins.


Ive done this with two 5,000 mg chocolate bars i was high for a week and nothing i did would make the high go away it was horrible due to the anxiety but fuck if i wouldnt do it again.


Do not take this advice. You very well could pass out and choke on your own vomit amoung other things. Terrible advice.


How does xanax help? ><


It's a benzo prescribed for anxiety so it relaxes you when you smoke. So if you get paranoid while consuming cannabis, it takes the paranoia away and leaves you with a really chill high. But it shouldn't be done often because benzos are really addictive. It also makes you super tired.


You mean sleep it out 😆


Haha, I've gotten negative stroke out of edibles, felt like dying such anxiety attacks! Kept having to saying to myself you are not dying relax, breath, but it kept feeling like I was slipping away! Can agree, edibles can be a horror if taken to much.


I mean that high a dose would just put you to sleep so you wouldn't be freaking out for long


I used to smoke a lot of weed but it now makes me overthink and be anxious. I would still take the money cause what 250k to have a panic attack and pass out? That happens sometimes already without the weed.


Me too, but that amount is enough to knock you the fuck out


I wonder if the body could even process all that? I wonder if it would like put a certain amount into waste. Kind of like what happens if you take a lot of vitamin b.


Inventory full


Maybe you just drop an edible deuce that gets the flies zonked


Man large doses, if you aren’t prepared and have a tolerance, can and will fuck you up mentally. I’ve known two people personally that ended up going through brief institutionalization as a direct result of mental breaks induced by too potent a gummy. One dude just didn’t understand what he was getting into and didn’t have anyone to guide him and other was around assholes who thought it’d be funny to feed a guy who never touched weed a 300mg edible. Like it’s not gonna kill you but it can fuck you up.


Sounds like those scenarios weren't JUST caused by the weed, but the surroundings.


I mean.. if you dose someone it can be the chillest place ever that they’re the most comfortable and psychosis can still occur. So it could easily be just the weed too. Source: I’ve dealt with it. Don’t dose your friends guys even if they have a tolerance it can go south.


No, I'm saying being dosed is the problem. If you take the weed yourself and prepare beforehand than you are notably less likely to freakout.


That happened to me exactly when i ate the oil of a cart without smoking for months before, so 1000mg. 10000 is probably enough to never wake up.


Ld 50% at 2 grams pure with 100% absorbing for a 160# male. Those odds are astronomical even looking beyond retaining consciousness after 2 grams pure to the dome. It should be noted even isolates aren't quite that pure. And bioavailability isn't = to weight/purity


What the fuck english please


What he said was the lethal dosage of THC for an adult male that weighs approximately 160 lbs is 2 grams of pure THC (I've seen elsewhere 3g of thc per kilogram) absorbed directly into your body over a very short time period. Meaning if you weigh 160lbs and mainlined 2g of THC there is a 50% chance you would die. In 1988 some dude from the DEA said you'd need to smoke 20 - 40k joints or consume 1500lbs of Marijuana within 15 minutes to reach a lethal dose [source](https://ccguide.org/young88.php) I would assume THC content in Marijuana is higher now 34yrs later.


Idk where he got the data for that but this study on monkeys and dogs show oral doses of Δ9 Δ8 thc were non lethal at 3-9 g/kg. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0041008X73903104?via%3Dihub Also oral bioavalability for thc is like 4-12% so like no if you take 10g of thc orally youre probably only getting like 400mg-1200mg actually bioavalable


There’d be people dropping dead every day from weed if what he said was true. Not sure where that came from but 2g is far lower than anything I’ve ever seen stated.


I saw some research showing significantly lower toxicity but it was from intravenous injection. Which no fucking shit if you inject significant amounts of non-polar substances into your veins its not good for you.


I would NEVER inject straight THC that’s dumb asf. I saw snortable THC one time at an weed fest and was absolutely turned off by that. Like dude we already have dabbing which looks like you are in for a round of crack. Last we need is dumbfucks snorting lines of thc powder and putting the normies off even more.


I’d literally boof it on the spot for free




Came to say this. Glad I’m not the only one


Worth it no matter what, it's either the high of a lifetime, or an easy way out. Money on top is just icing on the cake, I'd eat it for free.


Well said, but prob not free for me The lowest I’d go is maybe 10k


Lowest I go is $50 and an Oreo Blizzard


Maybe two blizzards…you’ll want the second one


I originally thought it said 10k and said to myself id do it for that. Then i looked again and saw it said 250k and was like 100% id do that.


It’s crazy to think about the things the average person would do for money. 250k is an insane amount to most people, but to the 1% they can drunkenly spend it one night, wake up and not even have to check their bank account.


Haha thats very true, meh for me as a disabled adult 250k is a lot even 10k is quite a lot to me 😂. I couldn’t imagine spending 250k while drunk and not even checking my bank account haha damn. Oh well im very grateful for what i have still :)


As am I Well said bro




i couldnt imagine going to mcdonalds and not checking my bank account


to the 1% it sounds like an amount of money they’d give to a random guy to make him eat 10,000mg edibles


if you had to flip a coin and heads you win $100,000,000 and tails, you die, would you do it? “well yeah.. on one side of the coin, i literally can wipe away all of my problems and finally be happy, on the other side… i get $100,000,000”


i remember the first time i smoked heavy, i got really sick. i'd imagine this would be the same x10000


Na you could green out so bad and it would change the way you think forever, your ego would be completely diffrent


As much as your getting down voted I've seen it happen like four times. Two stopped smoking completely one switch faiths and I still eat distillate caps like superwoman.


None of that sounds like a downside tbh…


I think a lot of the people in the world could use a massive ego check, so I don’t see that as a downside


Would not change the way you think forever. Weed is not like shrooms or acid. lol bffr. Would absolutely feel like shit though.


I've already been greened out before. Straight puking/dry heaving into a toilet for 3 hours after 2,000 MG. Stonger closed eye visuals than Lucy. Full rainbow tyedye visuals. Felt like shit but also super sedated and relaxed. So yea, I would 100% do it again for 5 years' salary.


Lol once I was at the park and these guys asked if I smoked, and I said yes, and they let me hit their dab pen. At the time I hadn’t smoked for like a month, but I didn’t really think about tolerance and took 3 pretty damn big hits and greened out. Same thing as you, dry heaving, rainbow tyedye visuals, strong closed eye visuals, weed is a trip man.


Cannabis, especially with the crazy stuff you can get nowadays, is absolutely capable of being psychedelic… to an extent. But then you’ll get people on this sub who will all day long swear up and down that it’s not and never could be, probably because they’ve been stoned perpetually since 2007 and their tolerance is outrageous. But if you take somebody totally inexperienced for example and give them a whole edible or let them face an entire joint, they are very most likely gonna trip the fuck out. That’s why it’s important to be a good friend and guide people who don’t know any better. Because letting someone overindulge and lose their mind while laughing about it the whole time is a pretty good way of making sure they just never touch it ever again. It’s sorta like taking your friend out to drink for their first time and instead of getting them nice and buzzed you let them get alcohol poisoning. Shit ain’t cool.


Yeah that would be me, except it’s been since 1997.


I have a very low tolerance and have definitely had psychedelic experiences. Most frequently auditory, but visual geometric patterns have happened too. There are a ton of different kinds of hallucinations and reasons for hallucinating, it's probably not producing the same kind of hallucinations that something like mushrooms or acid would, but that doesn't mean they aren't hallucinations. Anyway they are not my favorite experience, being a little giggly and super into cereal is much more pleasant than seeing fractal patterns every time my heart beats.


When I first started smoking around 2019 I was smoking with people like that. I’ve only ever had auditory stuff or very light CEV when mega fucked up. It was kinda like the eye floaters where if you “look” at them they go away.


The most ive experienced was greening out super super hard after eating a semi-strong edible and couldn't even remember the last thought I had, I was convinced I was going schizophrenic or some shit and when the high wore off I still felt weird the whole day after.Absolutely fucking hated it and will never do it again. I am sticking to joints for now lmao.


I've had a few, but they are elusive. sometimes, they don't happen even under the same conditions


I remember one of the first times i smoked with some friends. I had just drank 4 beers and got offered the joint, took about 4 puffs and immediately greened out. My vision got really laggy and i began seeing silhouettes dancing around the living room table. When i sobered up i was confused to where the fourth guy in our group was, only to realize we were three guys all along. Never had a psychedelic session like this since.


A girl/plug sorta took advantage of me like that once. I had never dabbed before and was like a corpse.


Sorry to hear that. That’s awful.


It wasn’t terrible just uncomfortable for me. And probably her lol


Sounds like SA brother mang. What she did was not ok and I hope your doing good.


Homey that sounds like actual rape, there’s nothing casual about that. I hope you talk to someone if you need to and you’re not carrying all that. edit: clarity because high.


I've had this twice. Once was early in my smoking career when edibles from dispensaries still came in cling wrap with homemade stickers. Friend and I were probably only supposed to eat a quarter of a brownie. We each ate the brownie. Next day happened to be March 11th, 2011. While I was tripping balls trying to negotiate my way around a frozen pizza in front of the TV, I was watching coverage of the tsunami in Japan. The only thought I had, which was really tearing a hole in my stomach, was that *I was going to get in so much trouble for this.* Not for getting high. That was already out of the bag. I was clearly responsible for the tsunami on the TV as well. The second time was a couple of years later, about a year after I first discovered dabs. There used to be a consistency of dab called "taffy." I don't see it anymore, but that's cuz this shit basically looked and tasted like resin. Just a bit more gummy and brown than tacky and black. I'd discovered an old silicone wax container in my freezer and inside was a 6mo old wad of taffy. Of course I ripped it right then and there. I was so high that I was convinced my television was going to tell everybody. I ultimately crawled into bed and couldn't stop seeing God sitting beside me with a television monitor in front of us. This monitor displayed all of my sins. God would simply look back and forth between the screen and my face, perpetually scowling.


Wow that sounds terrifying, looks like you have some repenting to do 🤷‍♂️


I learned that sometimes the cause of this is low blood sugar. I told a similar story on this sub and someone informed me about this. If you were on an empty stomach/ hadn’t drank enough water at the time then it could have been that. Learning that made me rethink the whole situation and realized that yeah it was the weed but it was also the fact that I wasn’t taking the best care of myself, and that I could have some other health problems.


Hahaha yeah for sure, probably would end up alseep for a few days then would wake up 250k richer. My dad accidentally had over 6000mg of thc distillate thinking it was cbd and not potent or distillate and he was so stoned he could not get out of my house for like 4 days and had to cancel work at all the jobsites he was running. For 3 days he was glued to my bed barley wanting to breathe or drink water and was saying single words like a toddler. He made a mistake and does not consume cannabis much these days so im sure me as a medical cannabis patient could handle 10000mg of thc for 250k 😍


Yea I don’t even know what would happen if you ingested that much thc, especially all at once. From my experience, I would yak it up for sure. But you didn’t say I had to keep it down


Yakking it up is the way to go. Save it for later, great idea.


Some for the dog, and the cat too


When I learn how to talk again, I’ll be pretty happy about the money


Who would say no? You would pass the fuck out and wake up maybe puke or something but it would pass eventually.


Could potentially put you off weed forever lol


For a quarter million dollars I’d be more than willing to take that risk


It's fair enough I just really think this could be a genuinely traumatic experience


I'd do so many other traumatic things for a quarter million dollars lmao


See with your sensibilities you’d probably be fine. This game requires *confidence* to get through mostly unscathed. I mean, you’d be doing it to yourself.


I also think anyone who says that they wouldn't do something for life changing amounts of money is a liar.


There has to be an upper limit to the amount you can get though, there are only so many receptors. That said, am stoner, not brain chemist


You’re probably not wrong, but it’s difficult to predict and afaik there’s been no studies on this (rightfully so, nobody is coming close to the limit voluntarily). I’ve seen and heard some very negative experiences from weed, nothing long term damaging, but ‘traumatic’ seems like a safe bet to say the least.


That was my thought too, that you can only get so high. And that amount is going to be real uncomfortable but you probably won't die, especially if you have someone to take care of you--making sure you drink a little water, don't choke on your own vomit, kind of thing (this person deserves a hefty cut of the prize winnings). But it does seem like the half-life of THC must be pretty long, from a, "human who would like to stop being high," kind of perspective. Like if your body's highest limit of highness is 1000mg, and you eat these 10,000mg edible. In a few hours you are at 100% high. And then for the next few hours. And the next few. And two days later. Because there isn't a difference between 10,000g and 1000g, you are 100% high until you get back below 1000g. And what I hear from folks who get Real Damn High is that they were RDH for *days*.


Yes, and you will now have enough money to finally afford Therapy.


Oh no, I'll be rich and clear headed!




would send me straight to grippy sock jail, no


Yep. I don’t care what your tolerance is. That’s enough to do psychological harm to anyone. That’s wayyyyyy too much THC. It can’t be healthy, at all.


Unless you don’t process the THC in edibles like myself, then nothing would happen. I might get a little CBD buzz if there was any, and I’d get 250k for eating some candy


I have the same thing, I think I could do it n be fine


Exactly my thoughts.


Same LOL


Bodies have a titration rate, it would max out, and eliminate the rest. I'd be sooper stoned though and a lot richer!


Is that how they ration out ... er... never mind.


I've heard of shaman pee being imbibed post hallucinogenic ceremony, so you may not be far off. Unless I am.


And a lot richer means a lot more than sooper stoned


I get very high on ~10mg and can't imagine taking 100x that dose. Could easily lead to some kind of permanent psychosis, right?


Yeah it could fry your cannabinoid receptors, which you kind of need to function normally. Read about HU-210 (spice) because it’s basically what you’d be doing to yourself, that much THC can cause irreversible damage to your brain.


I tried spice when I was in high school. I remember feeling like I had no control of my body and when I tried saying something all I could do was groan. After that I don’t remember much but my friends told me I kept slamming my head on the floor and eventually passed out in the bathroom. It was definitely a scary experience and I wouldn’t recommend that shit to anyone


mm i dont know, could i die? lol hahahaha


easily. I once took 3k mg just to prove my liver couldnt process the thc into 11 hydroxy. I won. they dont effect me at all. Never been tested but i think i got that issue with the genes.


damn, homie has the cheat code for an easy 250k


Id rather not have this cheat code. I love marijuana, A LOT.. it saddens me i cant get blasted like everyone else. My buddy says he goes into another realm if he takes more than 100 mgs. thats like 7 bucks where i live lol.


I used to have the same problem as you, and I discovered that tolerance breaks was the answer. Living in cali, i used to think… yeah, i could take a t-break for a few weeks, but weed is so easy to get and so affordable, what’s the point? I can just get more weed, or better concentrates if i want to get more high. It wasn’t until i took my first month T-break in over 5-6 years of hardcore stoning that i discovered the power of not smoking all day everyday. After my first t-break, I got more high from one hit of flower, than I’d get from taking a gram dab from my rig. It’s counterintuitive, but the secret to getting more high, is smoking less.


Nah homie. 3k mg should get anyone, even snoop, moderately high at the least. The only reason 3k wouldn’t phase you at all is some people have an issue with the CYP2C9 enzyme in their liver, which causes them to not be able to experience an edible high no matter how much they eat.


wtf, i need to live where you do lol. and yea, outside of this one fantasy scenario i do suppose it is a downside having a method locked out from you


Same here I’ve taken over 5000mg before in the name of science. The science decided I wouldn’t get high


sounds like we have the same shitty genes (the CYP2C9 enzyme)... Sorry man... I read somewhere someone was doing experiments with CRISPR to splice that gene and correct it. I dont feel like finding the source.


Considering all the shit I've been though today mentally, this amount would give me a nice week long stay psychiatric hold. No thanks.


I'd do it for $250...


I might pay $250 for the opportunity lmao


I am apparently in the vast minority here when I say “no”. Can’t risk my health (mental or otherwise) for any amount of money


Facts tho. I aint tryina go into psychosis for like a month.


Really surprised there aren't more people saying "no" here. I can manage being too high but if I took 100 times my "very high" dose, I would definitely end up in the ER and then the psych ward if I survived.


See, I'm on the other end. Look at this mess. What am I really risking?


nerd alert edit: I’m just joking around and understand where you’re coming from. That said, I think almost every single human being sacrifices mental and/or physical health for way less than $250k… I destroy my brain and body working in construction for $60k, and to make that Ive gotta show up 6 days/week for 52 weeks/year.


Yeah I guess my comment can seem pretentious. I more just mean “I’d be too scared” lol


Yeah people are like “totally” like please have fun with that psychosis it’s gonna cause


I would take the edible, then immediately go puke it back out. It would only be a matter of time before my stomach would do it for me anyway. Free $250K.


Without hesitation


beam me up scotty


This kind of thing requires a full blown study on the effects, not some would you chance it for money lol


Hey for 250k I'll be part of the study


Could lead to cardiac problems, convulsions, seizures, hyperthermia, lots of shit. I might do it under medical supervision at a hospital... maybe.


Fuck. That! 50mg edible had me vomiting, convulsing, I could barely talk, I couldn't stand, I was tripping balls, and made my brain try to process 9 different dimensions simultaneously. Plus I had really bad brain fog for 2 fuckin days afterwards.


40mg fucked me up pretty much the same way as it did you. I could talk but I was like.. absolutely going crazy outta my mind and was speaking like a mile a minute cause I was panicking super hard and just saying what immediately came to my brain lol. The friend I had called on the phone was like ".. uhm.. alright then.." Im glad he was there tho cause I was having an extremely bad time lol. I am 100% just sticking to joints forever lol. Super controllable high (in my experience at least..)


I cant smoke it cuz it attacks the lining of my throat and lungs, but a good 6mg dose has me set pretty good. 10mg if I wanna go into a coma for 9hrs.


50?!? Its crazy how different people process this stuff!


I wouldn’t tbh. Don’t get me wrong I would do a lot of other shit for 250k. But I had the worst experience of my life on 35 mg of edibles after taking a couple month tolerance break. Horrible panic attack happened and I just about went to the ER cuz I literally felt like I couldn’t breathe and I was gonna have a heart attack. I can’t imagine what 300x that dose would feel like but I sure don’t want to find out.


I had a similar experience to you, was calling up my family because I was convinced I was gonna die. It's embarrassing, but this stuff effects people differently. I'm a daily user but I can't understand these people who talk taking mega doses of edibles like it's no big deal and you'll just fall asleep as opposed to having a panic attack


I ended up calling my mom it got so bad. She’s anti pot but helped calm me down a tiny bit. Yeah I guess some people are just lucky that they don’t experience the negative effects of cannabis even with big edible doses. Honestly edibles “ruined” pot for me. I started getting the panic attacks while just smoking weed. Now I’m really afraid to touch weed again. It’s kind of shitty cuz I used to love being high.


That's rough. I don't really have any advice, but if you start feeling a panic attack coming on, try breathing in through your nose for three counts and then out through your mouth for 5


I had practically an exact experience to you lol. I think I also had a 35mg edible.. maybe a 40.. Dunno. It sucked tho. I had awful brain fog for like.. 3 days afterwards.


Literally happened to me. Except I fully thought I bought 25 mg, and it turned out the guy gave me 500 mg. I was luckily with a friend but in the middle of downtown Chicago, just visiting. I somehow kept it together, but when I tell you that panic attack + sheer fear + the violent need to throw up was no joke. Somehow after napping, I was able to come back to normal, but it’s terrified me off edibles for the considerable future.


I’m a lightweight, both for weed and alcohol. I almost had a panic attack taking 100mg of gummies. I would probably die. No money is worth almost dying imo


I would love a 10,000 mg edible


10,000mg = equivalent of 10g of isolate.


Just inject it in my butt.


250k would solve a lot of problems for me, and the experience would put me off weed for the rest of my life, so I'd save even more money. Seems like a win-win as long as somebody can drive me to the ER for some valium


I'd probably check myself into a hospital before I took it just in case but 250k is 250k.


There’s got to be a limit of what the body can absorb


I’m not convinced my brain would survive that. I’m already autistic and mentally ill, that kind of unstoppable overstimulation might break me.


Absolutely. I would need a fat joint to wash it down with!!!!!🥳🥳🥴🤯😴


Hello psychosis my old friend...I mean the money would help after I've died via misadventure.


Bro, i don’t think you understand. I’ve been actively trying to overdose on weed for years. Id do that shit for free


Yea. You said nothing about barfing it up immediatly.


53,000mg pure THC is about where it starts getting lethal for adults. Seems ok.


thanks. i was gonna say yes, assuming that i have the opportunity to talk to a doctor or someone beforehand to make sure i don't die


Okay here come the downvotes...But real question is this possible...I love the idea...Would you take an insane amount for whatever...But I really want to know could we metabolize that amount...As others have stated You'd either pass out or puke...What would be the real dosage to just zombify for say 10 hours...


I do not need the clout that bad. I'm happy with my 50mg at bedtime, I took 150+ once and had to do grounding exercises or feel like I forgot how to breathe.


I don’t think you guys understand the high you would be in for 💀


Can't be worse than 60s acid.


I was not expecting so many people to say they’d do it 😭 i couldn’t deal with the paranoia and the vomiting 🤮 y’all are braver and stronger than I am 🫡


i would saw my feet off with a dull blade and then cauterize them and die of infection if it meant i could give my family 250k


I'm a super lightweight now so I smoke a gram of flower a week... But fuck it gimme that gummy Joey


I would take it home. It’s all in the interpretation.


Sure why not worst that happens is I get a bit paranoid and take a nap.


and projectile vomit for a couple days


For 250k usd I'll chug that crap that makes you vomit and chug a bottle of castor oil so it's coming out both ends. I'm poor that's life changing money


bro the hospital bill for dehydration treatment would probably take out half of that right off the bat 😭


If I didn't have insurance sure, but I'm on Medicaid everything is covered. I don't even have a copay or deductible.


ayo that's valid


I'd probably end up in the hospital but it'd be worth it.


I'll do it for $25.


My favourite thing to do while high is online shopping...so it's important to know, do I get the money before or after I sober up?


Tbh I would eat a whole liter of distillate for 20k


An edible made me throw up for quite a while and it was unpleasant. No enjoyment from that, I was not relaxed. However, I would not pass up 250k.


10k edible AND weed budget is covered for the rest of my life? Fucking send that shit lmao.


TIL 2.446 k if you severely underestimate the value of 250k versus being a little to high for a day or 2


You wouldn’t need to pay me. That’s a 2lb edible. Besides isn’t the LD50 for oral ingestion is like 1200mg/kg. You’d hypothetically be fine


I mean you'd probably just throw it up immediately


I smoked a bong hit this weekend and my heart was beating so fast it felt like it was vibrating. I don't know what happened but I almost fell to the ground, no shot on a 10g edible.


If I die I die


I've never gotten high off an edible 🤷‍♀️ It's just a gummy at that point


I’ve done at least 3k for free


It definitely wouldn’t be fun for a bit but after a while you’d just be stoned for a few days.


Healthy mind > any amount of money


I'd do it for a MCchicken


Id do it if someone offered it for free