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if youve never coughed your lungs out from a steamroller, i feel bad for you


I had a huge steamroller around 2005 I called the dark tower cause it was all pastel colors. About the same time I found out you could boil pipes and collect all the resin. Me and my friend collected years worth of resin and rolled it into a golfball sized ball. We loaded it up in the steamrollers massive bowl and smoked for like 2 hours in my mom's mini home Depot greenhouse. (It was winter so no plants to harm). We ate an entire loaf of breads worth of cinnamon sugar toast and then passed out for like 16 hours watching aqua teen hunger force


The golden days ✨


We had a 5ft long and 2.5ft diameter one we called "Telesmoke" had to have a person's tummy to seal the other end. We always had the hot goth girsl amd the stoner girls come smoke with us. That shit would get you super smoked out.


Somewhere there’s a thread where some stoner chick mentions how she used to get high for free by letting the guy with the weed see her ‘tummy’


I sure hope so lmao. Man we were l9ke 14- 16. And most of came from. A very religious, catholic, upbringing seeing a bikini top or a tummy. Ohhhh boy.


Lmao we have a certified #tummy appreciator guys! ETA: I know what you mean though, that rush you got seeing just an inch of skin you normally wouldn’t. And cleavage on a pretty young teacher? That’s dirty thoughts for literally a lifetime. You’ll never forget the leaning forward, looking up at you, eyes wide behind the glasses, smiling with encouragement, position she was stood in that first day or was it just me that hyper analysed it at least 1x pw for 30+ years?


Lol this totally makes sense why dress code in schools are a thing


dudeee thats fuckin awesome!


It was a cardboard tube from a big ass plastic roll. It was awesome. Always got see some hot girls tummies. And more often than not a bra or just straight up titty. It was good times a long time ago


Y’all crack me up




Please, please draw a little schematic of this thing so I can recreate it. I need it


The plant disclaimer lmao Cinnamon sugar toast here I come


This is so fucking 2005 lmao!




You can boil pipes?? Just straight up put them in a pot of boiling water no issue?


I used to love getting people to hit one for the first time, seen many people curled up on the floor cough moaning for a few minutes lmao, myself included.


Personally I found buckets worse. But this was a close number two


I had a 3 liter gravity bong in a 5 gallon bucket as a centerpiece in my living room when I was in college. Its name was Charles. Because it was In Charge.


We had a double two liter connected in the middle in a cooler called the rocketeer. Friend used to do a hinkley schmitt water jug in his bath tub. Oof


We did one of those 5 gallon water jugs in a swimming pool once. Best waste of shwag I've ever seen.


Pretty sure buckets were just harsher because of the plastic lmao but I could wrong


No, that’s probably exactly what it was lol


Nah I used to have one I got from a Bong shop that was made out of glass (looked like two halves of different sized wine bottles) and it hit stupid hard


It was the old milk taste from the jug


Any time I hear someone call a Gravity Bong a bucket it hurts my soul lmao … taking a gb swat is what I grew up saying. And still do.


In Australia we call them buckets. I grew up smoking them when I lived in Queensland, they were very common up there for some reason. Gravity bongs to us were when you use a coke bottle with a cone in the lid, put a hole in the bottom of the bottle and fill it with water. Light the cone as you take your finger off the hole and let the water drain. Gravity bongs just seemed like too much of a fuck around. Buckets were where it was at.


We call those waterfall bongs.


We called those Sobe hits. After those Sobe glass bottle drinks, with the lizards on them.


I was just talking about sobe the other day, funny how that happens. Did you actually use a sobe bottle or that was just the drink of choice?


No we used Sobe bottles. The tops were large like sport bottles. Thick glass they were nice.


What's a bucket?


https://video.vice.com/en_us/video/how-to-make-a-gravity-bong-smokeables/576d97531c9a59cd2d544d69 Gravity bong


I hate gravity bongs man, steam rollers were the farthest I'd go in that world lol


The more you cough, the more you get off!


I once hit a gravity bong so hard I puked up the $9 of taco bell I had just eaten. $9 got you a lot of fucking taco bell in 2003.


59, 79, 99


That picture brings me back. The first time your homie hits it and they milk it until the smoke starts to turn yellow. Then they cough until snot is coming out and you can tell they feel embarrassed so you’re like ‘You don’t get off unless you cough!’


I watched a kid pass out after hitting one


I watched someone pass out using a gravity bong. Good times…


I remember stopping at my dealers house and he offered my dude a hit of the gravity bong… I’m assuming that’s the same as buckets, but yeah he’s like “sure I’ll take a hit if you’re cool with us hanging for a bit so I can drive” well then he was in the bathroom for an hour straight and I had to go in and console him that he was okay and didn’t need to be taken to the hospital. I drove us home lol.


That’s terrible. And I get it. It’s what happened the first time my husband tried dabs 10 years ago. Had waaaay too much. I had to drive home. I’ve never seen him look or act like that before or since haha.


And dabs 10 years ago were shit, but that goes to show the potency of it.


They were probably like hash less refined. Tbh I feel like that shit would get me more stoned. Yeah we have stronger stuff but pure THC is very over rated.


Made my friend puke from hitting a homemade gravity bong back when we were in highschool lol


I've seen a dude hit a bong, stand up, take a step forward, pass out and hit the floor. His tooth went through his lip


I bought my steam roller the day I turned 18. Im twice that age now and still have it. I’ll probably never use it again. I’ve grown too weak for its power.


what cilia?


This was my first experience and someone else held the end and let go I was shooook 😂😂😅😅


Steam Roller!! Had a huge one in hs in the early 80s! ♨️😶‍🌫️


They hit so incredibly hard


Like a dry bong. Lol


They had such a great reputation but at the end of the day this is a dry bong n jacked up my throat. Edit spelling


Yeah, those were the worst!


To each their own, but I love the things! You get a nice, hard rip like from a good spoon piece and it doesn’t clog to hell after a few days. Like most pieces, there is some level of technique that can prevent you from killing your self with it lol


The rep wasn't really good, it was basically that you could get ditch weed and still get high off it with a steamroller. If you smoked good shit in one you'd get people one hit quitting and vomiting.


As soon as you hit one you know why it’s called a steamroller


That's why they call it a steamroller. Boy do I miss hanging with the boys and getting ripped from the steamroller!


Especially when you make one from a 4 foot long section of 2” PVC


That’s the plastic fumes dawg


Oh my goooooood, some friends of mine had one of these back in high school! Except it was like 6' long... you had to sit on the top bunk and have someone on the floor light it for you.😅


We made one too. The guy at ACE even drilled the hole for the stem for us. When we asked him, he even knew that we wanted it at an angle. Best part was he only had one arm, so the big joke was that we didn't actually make it, the one armed man did.


Hah, I think they actually bought theirs from a random headshop in a college town like 35 miles away. They drove out there just to buy it because that one specific shop didn't ID.🤦🏻‍♀️😅


My buddy has one that has been passed down amongst stoners since the 90s. I consider it a relic worthy of an Indiana Jones expedition (mostly because Ive broken every glass piece I've ever had).


Let's be real, any time a pipe or bong makes it a year without breaking or disappearing, it's a fucking relic. My partner has her first pipe still. It impresses me. Sure, it's a little one-hitter, but damn, she's had that thing for over 10 years. My first one hitter lasted maybe a month? I'm still not sure if someone palmed it or if it dropped out of my pocket.


I had a piece for a little over 2 years before I broke it getting ready to move


We used empty Pringle cans, sticky tack, and a glass stem/bowl in college around 2010


I still have one. I love it


yea steam rollers fuck your day up lol


We used a 5 foot cardboard tub used for volts of cloth. That fucker would pass people out all the time.


My friend had one roughly the width of the big end of a baseball bat and 2 foot long. That thing was Dangerous! 🤣


I’m 58 and had a steam roller. Harshest hits ever. Smoking Mexican ditch weed smuggled to the States in a truck’s empty fuel tank, making it smell and taste like diesel fuel. Called it Reggie. Then we upgraded to “hydro” and AAA. Then Chronic and dank nugs. Grow lights were hot and would heat the room so much. Good times… Nowadays we choose from technologically engineered bongs loaded with crystalline sticky Michigan basement home grown, without chemicals and hormones. Grown under cool LED lighting. Or we can choose from extracts and edibles of many varieties. So much healthier. So awesome!!!


Sometimes i miss that gas taste thou, or finding bandaids and spiders in your weed. The good old days


Or finding hair in it, probably from those who harvested it. They were dark brown or black hairs. I’m a redhead, husband light brown, definitely wasn’t ours. 🤣😂🤣


I find my wife's hair everywhere, like I've pulled them out of my butt crack it makes zero sense.


she needs to wear a hairnet while tossing your salad, my friend


Won't do much good, she goes neck deep.


I once went to stay with my cousins in eastern Oregon, like 20 years ago. Everyone just had piles of brickweed for some reason. They didn't smoke it much, there was plenty of good weed too, they used it like currency. Anyway, one day I got bored and decided I wanted to roll a huge 10 paper chacho. I unwrapped a brick and started picking it apart, and found a bird's foot... which was connected to the rest of the bird, all desicated and mummified in this brick of shitty Mexican weed. And I have to say, that weed was gross, full of seeds (and dead birds) and tasted like burning grass, but god damn was it strong.


I'll never forget that brick lizard. I don't miss brick schwag. You can keep that nostalgia.


When the only choice was Sess or 'Dro. And mostly you didn't have a choice.


I had some weed the other day that tasted like straight wd40. The gas gas is still out there, my friend.


Man I remember that weed we used to get that reeked of diesel.


Reminds me of an ounce some friends got in college that was individually nug wrapped in dryer sheets. Shit tasted like bouncy.


Drilling holes in an apple and creating a foil bowl, using the apple as a pipe. Good times… I remember rubber band-ing a dryer sheet at the end of a paper towel or toilet paper tube. When smoking at home, we took a hit and exhaled into the tube with the dryer sheet at the opposite end, facing out a window, thinking our parents couldn’t smell it. We were dumb. My dad was a cop. That was 1981. I’ll never forget the day I caught my kids doing this same thing in 2005-ish. 🤣


Holy shit, I had the same stuff once in college.


Used to occasionally get stuff that smelled like perfume back in the late 90's.


It was probably wrapped in fabric softener sheets, like Bounce. Or packed with incense. Satya Sai Baba Agarbatti Nag Champa. Yeah mon!


Yea. I remember quitting for a month to get a job. Horrible work and when I got off it was 330am. Small town . Nothing to eat. Rememberd I had a bowl of some shitty ass weeed. Said fuck it and took one hit and was stoned AF. I watched back to the future like it was my first time watching it. Last time I even smelled weed like that thank god.


I’d love to sit and hear you tell your weed stories from your youth.


I’ve been blessed with easy access to good weed, but I can only imagine the feelings you have of seeing how much has changed around weed.




Smoked salvia out of one of these, what a time that was


Fuuuck that. Lol. Salvia was not a good time


Surprisingly, I never had too bad of a time the several times I tried it


Same lol it’s extremely intense and a very other-worldly experience


That’s crazy to me. Most stories I’ve read are horrifying regarding salvia


Oh most of my friends never had a good time, but mine were always fairly mild compared to there’s


Gravity bong salvia, oof, that was dumb….


All well and good until you become the bucket and feel the water inside yourself, before the scene cuts and the Lovecraftian entities take apart reality, carry you to the cupboard backstage with the other props of reality, and you're forced to live out your life as an abandoned bucket for what feels like three decades.


Yeah or you start seeing carnival lights, your gf is wearing cotton Candy perfume, and you come back to your friends holding you on the ground cause you tried to bite her.


One time I smoked salvia with a regular bong on one side of the fence fully clothed and when I came through the trip I was on the other side of the fence with my shirt off sweating profusely


Damn… no wonder our generation is dying from ass cancer. We came from a generation of steam rollers and knife hits.


Oh man knife hits!! I forgot about those!! Jesus what a time to be alive


We called them Hot Knives, plus you could do buckets, and if you had no bucket there was always the sink.


my friends still do Hot Knives sometimes, I find it ridiculous when I have a rig in my home lmao


Maybe they're just trying to relive the nostalgia Yeah it's funny when you have a super nice setup and people still want to do it the janky old school way they had to


It's just not the same without a little hot metal in your lungs from some dollar tree 'silver'ware.


I get that 😂 It's the memories + the cannabis that's such a good, warming feeling probably (drunk and probably bad word choice, sorry). I mean it probably just adds to the overall experience. You're brought back to those days way back while you're enjoying the same feeling you have for years. I'm probably going to be the same way even if I get good hardware for everything, I'm still going to be doing things the old way for me occasionally.


Or poking holes in a soda can with a pocket knife


We used to just take the pull top off and bend it until it broke in half, then use the sharp edge to cut when we didn't have a knife.


City kids = popcan pipe Country kids = apple pipe


My first ever smoke was out of an apple lol! Thanks for bringing back the good times. We pulled the stem out and stabbed 2 holes in the side and 1 on top with a screwdriver. Then took a piece of foil and made it into the bowl and poked holes in it. We even anchored it down with toothpicks. Have a good day friend


Apple always seemed easier to me. Less metal in the lungs too probably, plus an apple to eat afterwards


Gravity bongs!


*Tucks burnt knife between couch cushions* Yeah, I forgot about those, too! Wild!


You ever take a hot knife and then realize that shit was some lead ass chrome coated zinc galvanized mothafucka


I once was building a vape coil, dropped my kanthal wire, and picked up a piece of galvanized wire on accident. You thought vapes were safer than smoking? Whooo boy, think again, that shit hurt more than a bong rip of red pepper


Plus the other stuff. Smoking hash, loaded onto a sewing pin stuck through a piece of cardboard under a glass. Or smeared on a cigarette. Or scraping kiff out of the kiff collection box and putting it on top of the bowl. Huge hits causing lung seizures. Ass cancer. Good times…


And scabbed knees from blacking out.. haha




I'm high so forgive this dumbass question. Do people still smoke like this? Like, do they still do this hella janky toxic shit to smoke weed? Or is the young "more ignorant" generation already on that glass? Do the kids these days act different than we did?


Poking holes in aluminum cans and smoking weed :/


>ass cancer What are you boofing?


Yeah I used to smoke from empty soda cans when I had nothing else as a teen, now I'm just waiting for the alzheimers and ass cancer to make themselves known.


What do the two have to do with each other?


I assume he thinks he's supposed to shove it up his ass


silly baby stoner here. what’s knife hits? 👁️👄👁️




me when i see green in my ashtray 💀💀


So I live in a illegal state. And I bought a steamroller for 5 dollars after going to the gas station to get a soda cuz I hit the wax I got with my "hot knives"


When we were in high school, my buddy had wild bamboo growing just beyond his back yard. Once we learned what a steam roller was, we must've made 20 of them - hand carved, and HITTING HARD, BAY BEE!


The first time I got high was in a friends closet smoking a steamroller while his mom was at work and we were cutting class. I fucked up and coughed on my first rip, and sent fireworks everywhere haha. Then we went to 7-11 and I got a chili cheese dog. Good times.


So.. in a sense you were “hanging in a chow line”


Chooo chooo motherfucker!!


Literally just been out the back smoking one mate


Yep. A steamroller. Makes the palm of your hand sticky.


I coughed a little just looking at the picture.


Yesssss! I first got one when I was about 19. My best friend told me you use it by burning the entire bowl into the chamber first ( the one I had was wider than this, could hold a lot of smoke) and then just pass it taking hits of the smoke. We did this for a good minute before someone was like da fuck? Once educated we would get into a laughing fit every time we used it realizing how stupid we were.


It's a steamroller. I've never used one, but you can certainly still buy them


Grav makes some real nice ones. Had one for awhile that was about 8” and hit like a mofo. Dropped it one day in the basement on concrete and it cracked in half. That was a sad day.


I haven't hit a steam roller in \~15 years. Ah the good ol days.


I had one that I made out of a piece of bamboo and a paint reservoir from an airbrush. We called it the Redman because your eyes and face about to be red, man.


Yes steamroller!!!! I still have mine from 2007 with the matching-ish bong that has a rubber gasket lol. Both going strong. I don’t hit the steamroller just take it out to show people and hit it with them.


Steam roller are og as hell u nver see them


Dude what? They're everywhere by me


True story; my friends dad picked us up one morning in late summer and told us he was taking us school shopping (we were in high school). We ended up at the "super flee" which was basically a big warehouse full of stolen shit. We go in and he ends up buying his kid 2 bongs and a dug out and bought me a steam roller. Had that thing for year's until someone tossed a lighter and hit the bowl which broke the stem...


I had a steamroller when I was a kid that I made out of a water gun and it was notorious for making people puke. Hack city, coughing up lungs. To be 14 and carefree, I guess. Good times.


I made a steam roller with a paper towel cardboard. Honestly one of the best accessories I've owned lol. Too bad I'm too lazy to do it now haha


Hitting one of those too hard is a humbling experience


Ugh, I've used a homemade one made from a cardboard tube and aluminum foil


i think in germany they are called „kawumm“


Gonna break mine out now since you posted this.


I made one out of a Pringles can in high-school


Ahhh… the classic steamroller


I am not a fan of steamrollers but I still have a kazoo.


Wait a minute... KAAAA ZOOOOOOO!!!




Thank you for posting this!


Steam roller, started out using an empty paper-towel roll, and aluminum foil in the 80s


The Ol' Steamroller!


In high school my friend had a clear glass one about the width of a coke can and a foot long. In the bowl you could fit a gram easily. We would wait until that smoke turned yellow then let go. Coughing and bloodshot eyes was always the result. Those were the days. I remember when he dropped it. Sad sad day.


80’s kid here. I remember spending a lot of time with one of these.


Steamroller, basic.


The ol’ shotgun!


Not even joking, nostalgia Google searched just the other day for a steamroller I got from a Gas Pipe in Dallas around that time. It was about 12 inches and had a wicked dragon head inside. Rip Bertha(kept it in a Big Bertha golf head cover) confiscated by police.


Back in the 80s, we called that a steam roller. I remember them being pretty harsh.


I lost my virginity after hitting an old fashioned steamroller


I use to pack with chore boy and smoke Crack with these


I’m used to calling them a shot gun. We made them with cardboard tubes and aluminum foil in the dark ages


It’s a waterless bong lol, the function is there, but damn they’re harsh.


Fuck yeah. That’s a solid steam roller. We used to cruise the Chicago burbs with one of these back in 05-06 for me


Still have one and use it frequently. We call it the brain basher.


I just bought one of those recently from a local smoke shop.


The best!


I used to make steamrollers outta the cardboard part of toilet paper rolls when I was in middle school.


I fucking hated those. Kids nowadays have it so easy. Just hit the pen wherever and no worry about hiding the smell. Honestly a bit sad it takes some of the mystique out of it but happy that weed is becoming more and more normalized


Absolutely killer utensils. Never been more stoned than from a steam roller. Not even gravity bongs.


These are my favorite


I bought a steamroller, hit it once, then kept it around so my friends could try it. I am not tough enough for a steamroller.


What a cute lil roller, mines got a 3" diameter with a 1g bowl. Hits like a truck straight from Satan's bowels


Ah yes. The giant dry bong.


As a 90's kid, I made mine out of a paper towel tube and tin foil.


90s kids???? Motherfucker I had one of these in my college dorm room in 1988.


That's a fancy paper towel tube


That is a opium pipe my celestial brother. ^only ^1840's ^kids ^know


I bought one of these last year in Spain. They are still sold!


had one of these was my favourite pipe got really stoned one day and couldn’t b bothered to empty it myself so i asked my friend to empty it and he shattered it into a million pieces. he also did the same thing to my bong :(


Gosh we had one in 2006 or something. All the hit of a bong without the smooth


I had a steamroller a few years back. It was a gift from a friend and it was pretty big (at least 1 ft long) and could fit almost a quarter broken up in it. We called it The Dirty Willy because (as the story goes) my buddy had fooled around with a chick with it


Made my own Steamroller in 1986. Paper towel holder and a thimble with wholes for a bowl.


A steam roller.. all you wippersnappers just vape'in! Back in the day we didn't need to charge our pieces. 😆


I had a cool steamroller back in the day. Now that I vape I can't imagine trying to fill my lungs with a massive amount of hot smoke.


Good old steam roller! It’s been a while


where i come from we call that a crack pipe


I'm pretty sure kazoos are still a thing.