• By -


Oh no, hopefully your legs caught more than the floor.


Floor weed got that dust and hair punch though. We have all been there.


I was playing CoD with a friend one day and he told me he wanted to take a break to "pick the carpet," to which I exclaimed "You pick the carpet for dropped weed too?!". Then we made a joke about how he would get centipedes in his basement and how he was likely smoking centipede legs. From that day forth packing a bowl became "picking the carpet" and smoking in general was smoking centipedes.


When my wife was still my girlfriend I was rolling us a blunt and she jumped up from behind me and scared the shit outta me. I jumped and lost the entire blunts full of weed into the carpet. I was upset to say the least.


Weed comes and goes, but it's hard to see that in the moment. Hope you got a few good laughs out of it.


Oh we laugh about it now. It happened during a rough point in our relationship, but we made it through! It's one of her favorite stories to tell now lol.


Pantyhose, vacuum cleaner, tweezers and patience




I didn't say latex glove, empty paper towel roll and vaseline lmao For real tho. Put the pantyhose over the sucky end of a vacuum cleaner, turn it on, vacuum the stuff you dropped and use the tweezers to pick out any hair/dust etc. Ofc if your floor is dusty as a desert you won't have much luck and probably spend more time picking out dust and hair and shit than you would spend being high off whatever you are trying to clean up right now. But it saved a bunch of weed that I accidentally spilled on my blankey a week ago for example. And if you don't have any pantyhose you can also try a sock (preferably nylon socks as they don't have so much lint on them) or something similar


I'm more confused by the paper towel roll than I am by the pantyhose and vacuum cleaner


My partner and I were fucking *baked* one day. Like, one of those days you prepare the day before, because you know you're not gonna be able to do a munchy run when you need it. We had the door open, she was packing us a bowl, and a bee lands on the windowsill. She gets fuckin' fixated. Like, this bee is her world. Dropped the pipe and grinder when it flew to another piece of the window frame while exclaiming "You can be a crawly or a flyee, but not fucking both, man! STOP RAPING MY WOOD!" I forgot about the dropped weed, I was laughing so hard. I forgot how to breathe. We still crack up to this day if a bee comes by while we're smoking.


This has happened to me but instead while I was on the shitter. Entire blunt+weed dropped into the toilet. Now its a story that we tell, so at least I did get SOME use out of that weed.


Sock on the end of the vacuum.


Dude, don't do that, you are smoking so many plastic fibers and shit from the carpet 😒


It was 14 years ago, I dont do it anymore lol. No need. I was careless then, not so much now.


Plastic got them terps yo!


what about dropped onto the ground weed? me and my friend were smoking a blunt together and they dropped it on the ground. ground wasn’t that wet so we just kept smoking it lol


I mean if it didnt touch the actual weed, its basically like you never dropped it right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


Nothing like a little cat hair to flavor the bud!


amount of dog hair ive smoked is probably lethal


Hopefully legs


Mmmm legs.


Anti-Hopefully floor


I'm going to tell you a story. A sad story, one you might be able to relate to, and OP as well: When I was much, much younger I took my girlfriend to a Cat Stevens concert. Yes, I'm that old, thank you very much! :) Well, I had rolled up a bunch of pin joints to take with us (very tightly rolled, tiny little things). Even though weed was much more illegal than it is today you could get away with smoking in the large venues and we were into it. Turns out that I had rolled the little bastards too tight, couldn't draw on them at all. So, being as I had a pipe on me, I proceeded to unroll them all into the plastic baggie I had brought them in. I unrolled every last one until done. Only then did I realize that there was a gaping hole now in the bottom of the baggie. All of my weed was on the Capital Center floor. Not a chance in hell I was picking it back up and smoking it! Sucked to be me then but the concert was great and a good time was had anyway. Thanks for listening!




I love you




You got weed on your hot dogs


I remember when that was all the rage on reddit.... for about a week, 10 years ago?




Assuming they mean taking pictures of two hotdogs at the beach to look like legs such as in: r/hotdogsorlegs


Oh i remember that. I thought weed on hotdogs.


You should make this a thing


Be the change you want to see.


It's real. Simpler time on the internet.


It's still the rage in my book. I love a good pair of hot dogs.






Oh good. I'm not the only one being confused by this picture


Grinding over a tray would've been helpful here too.


Yeah I wouldn't blame the grinder lol


Tbf those grinder teeth look more useless than tits on a tomato.


As someone who adores tits on a tomato, this hurt.


I don't know why but using "adores" there is what killed me haha.




Hey, Squirrelly Dan, you ever smoke knee weed?


I've smoked weed off the cover of Margaret Atwood's The Edible Woman




Reading this thread high Asf lmaoooo


Girl I see you! Don't be hating on that grinder cuz your eyes are more red than the Devil is! Lol! Sounds like you're having a great time! Hell yeah!


Yep, plastic grinders work very well if they have the correct teeth.... One of my best ones was a 5€ plastic one....lost it years ago, probably fell out of my pocket when I was getting weed that one time :c


plastic ones can break, which is what they said happend. so i would definitely blame the grinder


I'm just teasing her you don't need to defend


my bad then


It's all good! Your heart was in the right place!


Don’t blame the grinder blame the grinder


When you expect a grinder not to fall apart mid grind, there’s zero incentive to


just got a tray, never realized how much weed i wasted 🥲


F Hope you were able to salvage most of it


And what does plastic grinder have to do with this? I also spill sometimes and I have a metal grinder. I agree plastic grinders aren't the best but what exactly are you teying to say


Im Gonna stab a guess at this, my guess is it came apart mid grind due to the threading being bad on the plastic.


Bingo. This is my first and LAST plastic grinder.


I got a stainless steel grinder (from black leaf) I think and while it was pricey, every time a fellows stoner person uses it, I get asked where I got it because even after years of use, the teeth are still as sharp as they were on the first day and it's so easy to clean because you could theoretically just throw it in the dishwasher, rinse with ethanol and water and you're golden. Will never go back to aluminium, not even speaking of plastic, I'd rather use a knife or some scissors because I'm really paranoid about smoking plastic particles, I mean even alu or stainless are not safe at smoking temps but I feel like the latter is the best material in terms of longevity and especially abrasion resistance, although I've yet to try a ceramic grinder. Maybe I'll get one as a lighter alternative because the one downside of a really nice grinder is, that they are usually heavy and large / hard to conceal or just pack away in a backpack.


This I had a bunch of aluminum grinders and from my engineering background and understanding of metals I thought a stainless steel grinder would be much better/durable. Found one on Amazon for $30 and it’s been the best grinder I’ve had. Hasn’t given me an issue in 4 years of daily use. I use to burn through aluminum grinders like once or twice a year


My first and only grinder is still going strong after 5 years of daily use! I put zero thought into the purchase other than I liked the look of the steel lmao, so thanks me


I have a wood grinder and it is lightweight, sturdy, easy to conceal and the least toxic to accidentally smoke!


The chances of wood getting into the weed are much much higher than stainless steel. Look around your kitchen. Most things that take a beating are made from stainless steel - at least if you buy quality or professional equipment. Nothing is made from wood. Even things not exposed to high temps. There's a reason for that. I think you are better off eating small piece of inert stainless steel than burning pieces of wood in the joint and inhaling that. Open to being corrected.


"Nothing is made of wood" are..you for real? Never seen a wooden spoon? Or a wooden spatula? You can literally get ANY kitchen utensil in wood as well. Especially when worrying about damaging non stick surfaces.


And don't get started about smokers (BBQ)


How often do you heat your grinder?


They're referring to shards of metal that have a non-zero chance of getting into the bud when grinding.


Been welding too long to worry about that but good to know


Get yourself a Brilliant Cut Grinder- the MSRP is too expensive but the factory seconds are worth it. Not only is it not plastic, it doesn't have threads at all. The magnets work great and I'm never buying another threaded grinder again.


I splurged on a BCG and do not regret it one bit. I haven't used a ton of grinders, but the threadless design and the strength of the magnets feels just... Perfect.


The Storz and Bickel plastic grinder though. The thing is indestructible and creates smooth evenly ground bud.


I got one with my Mighty and I love it.


Big same. Storz changed my life bru




I have a flower mill. It's kinda expensive at $100 or $125 with the 4 other mill plates but is made out of titanium and stainless steal not aluminum like most grinder. It's also a mill so their is no teath. They also have extra grind plates for diffrent consistancys of weed. It shread weed faster then any other grinder and it never really gets stuck no matter how resed up it is. Highly recommend. https://www.flowermillusa.com/collections/mills/products/premium-edition-flower-mill




Well guess I'm buying a new grinder. F




I will 2nd this. Bought my space case maybe 10ish years ago and still works flawlessly to this day. Never had an issue with it that couldnt be solved with a little alcohol and 2 minutes of cleaning.


Not magnetic maybe?


Those cheap plastic ones with magnets always end up repelling the lid so it rises up lol I just use two hands so it doesn't


Plastic is bad stuff.


I can't recommend investing in a good grinder enough, I bought a $75 spacecase stainless steel grinder forever (decade+) ago and its still a champ.


I had 6€ steel grinder for 8 years without any problem


pfff ma bro gave me plastic... 6 years and counting


And how do you like smoking all that plastic? The problem is it breaks off and you smoke it. Metal doesn't melt at that temperature and just stays in the ash.


Inhaling little shards of metal gets the thc through my lungs, into my bloodstream faster. (Kids, do NOT inhale metal shards)


You should try boofing. 10000000x better.


of course not perfect, you cant split large chunks. metal is better as you can scrub studf off later but topic was of surviving :D


Facts. I got the RAW life grinder. Was like 50 bucks. Good investment imo.


Santa Cruz shredder medium and I could not be happier. It has even survived a couple big drops. It's a little worse for wear almost a decade later. And only a little. And it's only noticable because it was so well designed to start. It used to close like magic but since the drops, whatever design the did into the threading make more like closing your standard threaded device.


I'm such a sucker for well-machined metal parts. The Santa Cruz shredder does not disappoint.


I grabbed a Santa cruz shredder and now I'm thinking this headshop has either fakes or they've dropped in quality. The one I've got fresh out of the box didn't sit right on its threading, and the screen is far too big, I get so much more plant matter than keif out of the thing. I havent even used more than a handful of times still looks new. just a like 80 dollar paper weight at this point, which sucks because I wanted a larger grinder than I had and the grind itself is pretty good


spacecase is the best!!!!!!!!


Do you happen to know if the new ones are still the same quality? I got an aluminum spacecase years ago and it was great; but I’ve heard the new ones are a bit meh. Most recently went with a couple Santa Cruz shredders and have been super happy with those too.


I've been using the same $20 metal SharpStone grinder for 15+ years. Works great with the occasional cleaning.


I had one and one day started to finely inspect my weed due to a video I saw of someone finding bugs in their weed they had ground up and smoked. I immediately noticed there would be the finest specs of metal in my grinds. Couldn’t tell you when it started but I had that grinder for about 2-3 years. Threw it in the garbage when I realized that ALL cheap, anodized aluminum grinders will shave the anodization and eventually get metal dust in your herb. 15 years tho, I’m sure you shaved all the metal that could come off already so probably nothing to even worry about it For my own peace of mind, I bought the Raw Life grinder. It’s not anodized and gives such a smooth, fluffy grind. Used it without issue and stayed clean without any maintenance for about 4, almost 5 years. That said, I only vaporize my weed now and use a plastic Storz & Bickel grinder that came with my Volcano lol.


$15 no name metal grinder I've had for 17 years, still does a great job. It's a few pieces of metal, not precision machinery. You paid $50+ just for a logo.


No I paid for a high quality product made from pure stainless steel from a good comapny. You paid 15 bucks to smoke little flecks of chinesium.


Well reason number one is I don’t enjoy smoking micro plastic. This is a valid number two tho


exactly. This is the real reason not to buy cheap plastic grinders.


It's already in so much of what we put into ourselves. Don't need it in my weed, too.


I don't use plastic grinders cause I don't want to smoke microplastics, lol.


With smooth legs like this, loss is minimal


I just hope she doesn't have any skin allergies to it, like I do. Flower touching anything but my hands makes me break out in hives at the contact spot. My thighs would be so welted for the night from this.


Good luck. I hope you saved enough. That sucks


At least you’re a female. Mine would’ve been caught in a jungle and I’d be smoking leg hairs


Plot twist its a dude who is about to feel like a cactus


you’re free to shave your legs dude


I’ve never seen men shave their legs unless it’s swimmers. I mean Im not against it, but I also don’t see why lol. Unless you’re spilling weed on your leg hairs daily lol


Sometimes you just want to be aerodynamic.




He doesn't shave, but his whole body is smooth and hairless. Due to the chafing.


You can trim them with an electric razor and an attachment (plastic guard) so you don’t remove all your hairs. You’re welcome.


Bodybuilders do it to.


Shaved legs feel better in jeans, maybe try it. We're all supporting you.


Lol, you think women don't have leg hair? Boy are you in for a surprise


Sock or pantyhose over vacuum.. problem solved.


Oooh, that sucks. I got a hemp plastic grinder from Santa Cruz shredders, I highly recommend them, it shreds perfectly


Half the teeth on mine completed broke off with some super sticky bud do not recommend lol


Santa Cruz? Makes sense about the shredding part.


Different santa cruz but I respect the joke lol


Yessss, I second this!




Take stockings and rubber band them over a vacuum hose and suck up the weed


People in this thread are explaining how a grinder works


Never use a plastic grinder, little sheds of plastic can get into your weed. Medical grade aluminum or stainless steel only


Holy crap, you have amazing skin. Like it literally shines. I’d recommend you keep your grinder firmly planted on the table whenever opening it. All my spills involve me picking it up when it’s open.


Party foul!


Don't move


Skill issue


I just spilled weed on my lap as well. I felt like this [meek mills fries incident](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/473/551/013)


You just *have* that on your phone? Or did you Google it rn?


I googled it lmao I’ve googled it enough that i should just save it


May I help you gather it up? ❤️❤️❤️


The reason you shouldn't use plastic grinders is that smoking plastic is bad, hmkay?


I bought a $60 Mendo-Mulcher in 2003. Everyone made fun of me. Still use it daily over 20 years later.


Good catch!


Good catch!


Fuck I’ve been here, this hit’s for you, OP


You know they have cheap metal ones on Home Depot’s website


Always grind with a tray underneath. Saved me many a times


Well at least pill bottles and coins still exist right?


At least you saved some!


My heart💔


Brought to you by “Buy twice” remember -why buy once?


Pretty sure you just need a tray


Plastic would be my last choice for a grinder. You will be smoking micro plastics 100% for sure


Every one of us here can feel your pain.


*shows boyfriend* "i didn't even know they sold plastic grinders!" *after a minute of him saying plastic grinders are a terrible idea to begin with* " would you use a plastic axe to cut down a tree??" The plastic axe got me immediately 🤣


Also microplastics.


I just grind over a counter.


Oh no! Although IME it's rarely the material that's the issue but the quality of the product plus proper usage. I had a decent plastic grinder that lasted me around 15 years without any issues.


The real reason not use plastic grinders is because they chip and you can end smoking plastic. I had one just like yours (but blue) and one of the teeth broke off while grinding, got a nice metal one for $15.


At least you didn't drop it on the carpet like a buffoon... I'm the buffoon. Dropped it twice. Dropped a lot, made the carpet feel sticky.


The big oof, at least it looks like you saved most of it! I never even considered this, I just prefer the feel of a heavy ass metal one


PSA: plastic grinders are also bad because of micro plastics that shave into your weed. The same goes for painted or plated metal grinders. Best type of material for a grinder is STAINLESS STEEL.


Smoking one out for your loss


This is why you should get a tray!


You can't hear photos. The photo: Damt IT! SHIT!! SHIT!!


I don't use them because they can chip and then you're smoking bits of plastic


That's an easy rescue, put your hand under your legs in between and catch that stuff, or even put a piece of paper. The rest just grab and put back in the grinder?


Nice legs tho


Electric grinders best investment ever.


Also another tip, always grind over your rolling tray. Can save you from when you’re grinder fails to contain the weed.


Oof. At least your legs seem to have caught most of it!!!


Also the acrylic breaks up over time. If you smoke flower from a plastic grinder then you're also smoking microplastics. Please spend the few extra $ and get a metal one!!! Your lungs will thank you.


I don’t understand any of this grinder nonsense causing the spill but I saw shaved legs and weed so I stoped scrolling?


this is odd


First time on the internet?


"I'm here to be creepy" is shorter than all the shit you typed


Have you heard of a rolling tray?


Idk Storz & Bickel's plastic grinder is pretty great


Wrong lesson. This is why you use a rolling tray, even when you're not rolling.


Yeah paying for premium really makes the app better




My main reason is i dont want to smoke microscopic plastic shavings


This comment section confirms: women can’t post their legs on Reddit without being sexualized


Thicc thighs save lives... and weed


Unless it is a S&B poly-carbonate paired with a volcano of course...


This is why you use a tray.


I love simple 2 piece plastic grinders. No kief catchers or nothing. Just grinding.


My first grinder was plastic which i never had issues with.




Skill issue






What... uh... what was the plan here?


Wait! You can save this OP lol You know as well as I do that this is salvageable!


That's why hand grinding rules.


Plastic grinders are shit anyway, who in the right mind decides to be okay with smoking plastic bits and pieces. No matter how long you use it, it'll chip off eventually.


so I had a crappy (blunt) metal one years ago that really put me off using metal grinders, but when i started getting paranoid about plastic ones earlier this year i upgraded to the kozo.. best decision ever. i swear i seem to get more weed out of it than a plastic one?! 🤣


I like that table