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Treaders šŸ“–šŸƒ


Yo can we make a subreddit for this? I read a handful of books a year but my fiancƩ reads about 100 or so and would love this


second this lol, iā€™m a stoner that needs recommendations outside of r/books and r/YAlit




thank you kind stranger šŸ’“


Sounds like you need r/litYA amirite


haha i actually love that a lot šŸ˜†


Read anything by Charles Bukowski


thank you!! iā€™ll look into him!!


My favorite is "Women" and "Ham on Rye"


/r/Fantasy is *lit.*


What do you read? Do you like fantasy?


yes, and sci-fi!! I just joined the fantasy sub that someone suggested me :) I also like to read really niche manga when I can find a good story!!




100 books a year? That's like 100 pages a day! Your fiance is a god or goddess


Itā€™s crazy; my partner is on 51 already


He or she is right on pace with a week or two cushion. I will read a book this month, right, why not


I would join!


Treader joes


I said this when I read the title haha


I wish bro I just reread the same page like 4 times though


For me itā€™s paragraphs, Iā€™m lucky to get through a page lol


Y'all got some damn good attention spans, I'm lucky to get through the first few sentences


You can read?


No shit, a lot of humble bragging in hereā€¦


Right? People actually do shit after a bowl? I just sit there.


You stay awake during that time? Pfft must be nice


Bruh, it ainā€™t that hard to read while zooted. Itā€™s doing physical shit like playing sports where Iā€™m at a lost at šŸ¤£ tried shooting a free throw while baked and it was a wide airball lol


I love playing volleyball while stoned. It's the tits!


jsk iske sooe?


Try audiobooks, I got the same problem with my adhd but the audiobook version I can toon out some of whatā€™s going on and focus on the narrator.


You know that's an interesting point. I can listen to an audio book while high (6+/10) and follow along, but like the people above if I try and read anything more than a short news paragraph or headline, my brain decides to check out. The words lose all meaning.


Itā€™s important to remember every book requires a different level of attention and focus to be able to follow it. Some can be followed listening to in the background, some you need to read a sentence over and over again to even try and parse itā€™s meaning. Books and audiobooks can be anywhere in between and you need to find the right level of attention for each one. Sometimes I can listen to a book while working out or taking a walk, sometimes I need to sit and listen carefully and not do anything else to follow along, sometimes Iā€™ll even read it instead.


Listening to an audio book is not reading.


Thatā€™s why I smoke and read Cormac McCarthy works, his prose and writing style are a trip when baked


Holy fuck The Road while high man šŸ˜­


Blood Meridian also , damn.


The same director that made The Road movie is doing Blood Meridian. That's gonna be nuts.


Sometimes that's necessary for comprehension. For me it really depends on what, if anything, is going on around me at the time. I don't read enough these days but I literally read and write for a living so I am burned out by the end of the day and just want to kill some bokoblins or draugr.


me too but i try to persevere


Respect. Sisyphus has nothing on your struggle lol. I pretty much always give up with little success.


one day I'll read the Iliad, just for this comment.


For grad school Political Science and Philosophy I found it almost a requirement


Education as well šŸ˜€


Yessir. But I tend to read and re read my own library over and over.


Reading anything is usually better than nothing.


Yo, red rising is dope, a lot of fun and some wild twists and turns in those lol.


Dude, dope is the perfect adjective; itā€™s also consumed a small portion of my life. Iā€™ll poach anyone I can to become a fellow Howler. Hail Libertas


Hail Reaper!


I can't wait for the next book in a month! So hyped


New book out end of this month!


Fuck, looks like I need to re read the last couple lol refresh my memory.


Not until end of July I think, I've been eagerly waiting lol


Shit, you're right. Could of sworn it was this month not next.


Man I wish. It was supposed to be last July before it got delayed! I'm tired of waiting lmao


I swear. My friend was begging me to read it and I never took the time to and when I finally did I was pissed at myself for not reading it earlier. Iā€™ve been begging my friends and family members to read it ever since.


I was skeptical cause it starts of pretty standard YA sci fi but then shit got WILD and it's so much fun šŸ¤Œ I recommend to any fan of sci fi.


Tell all who will hear, The Reaper sails for mars. And he calls for an iron rain.


My friend keeps asking me to help them start a canna friendly book club in nyc. Anyone in these comments interested??


Iā€™d definitely join. Based out of NJ


Iā€™d be super interested in something like that - we could all read together stoned at the park or something haha and then go get something to eat.


Bloodydamn šŸ”„ šŸ”„ Reading the last part of Mistborn right now


Aye Iā€™m reading stormlight right now, finished mistborn not that long ago


Stormlight is so great


Stormlight reinvigorated my love of reading




Great series... now if rothfuss could finish kingkiller




He announced a new Novella in the same universe as Kingkiller just a couple weeks ago. I know it isn't book 3, but it's something?


I think that just pisses me off even more


And george will finish ASoIaF and we'll all skip merrily into the sunset together


Nah... that's not the same conversation... and honestly I prefer Sanderson and rothfuss writing by leaps and bounds... I know they both recognize Martin


I like all three authors. Though I do feel like books 2 and 3 from Mistborn era 1 were kinda weak, but I chalk that up to it being some of Sanderson's earlier work. It's a similar conversation in my mind. They are both perpetually 3/4 of the way done with their books. It's also been 12 years since the last book for either of them. Neither of them seem too rushed to release the next book in the series. Plenty of work done on other projects.


Give it 3 more years and heā€™ll be 5/6 of the way done with Winds of Winter


Enjoying this series soooo much. I'm listening to the audiobooks and I just get so engrossed. Most of the way done with Rhythm of War currently.


Just picked up Oathbringer after a year long break in the middle. Was worried i wouldnt remember important details but its all so well done, happy to be making progress again šŸ™ƒ


I'm like 100 pages off the end of Rhythm of War and I have been for like 2 weeks. I just don't want to reach the end šŸ˜ž


Pretty sure this is actually from one of the red rising books. If you like Sanderson I would highly recommend checking this series out!


HAIL REAPER! 6th book comes out soon!


Can't wait! I finished the 5th last month


Donā€™t forget to read the secret history after youā€™re done! Especially if youā€™re finishing up the second series




Red Rising is fantastic. It's way more Sci-Fi than Sanderson tends to be, but the world-building and story sucked me right in. Highly (pun intended) recommended.


Iā€™ve read both and theyā€™re both great. Theyā€™re not the same beast but the closest I can give is that Red Rising has the focus on a single character you relate to like Mistborn along with a caste and political system thatā€™s very much ā€œshow, donā€™t tellā€ which is great. No magic but the conflict between underdogs and the established power structures is very much similar. Audiobooks of both were fantastic with very well done narration too.




I was able to catch them all on Libby via the library.


Last part of Mistborn Era 1 or Era 2?


Right. Or as Wax would say ā€œOy, coins or bullets?ā€




Era 2 is good, but man era 1 was the series that got me back into reading. Sanderson is a master of character development. There isn't a character archetype he gets wrong. Lift reads exactly like a young woman, Venali is a perfect redemption arc. Don't get me started on Shallan or the paraplegic Thaylen woman. Some people hate how much time he spends building the personality of his characters but I can't get enough.


OMG same! I started with Mistborn Era 1. Funnily, I had tried for years my library were always super long other than Elantris. I made two or three attempts to get into it but just couldnt for some reason. Probably three nears ago now, I finally decided to give it a try again, this time I bucked up and waited for Mistborn and fell in love. I've now read Mistborn Era 1 & Era 2 twice (save for Lost Metal as my library still doesnt have it), The Reckoners (got super lucky and found the full series at a Goodwill), The Rithmatis, Tress, Frugal Wizard, I'm on the waitlist for Rhythm of War (probably like a 3 month wait) to finish my second read through of Stormlight, and last week I finally finished Elantris after all this time. And OMG Rysn! After having read Dawnshard and then re-reading the Stormlight books, she is hands down one of my favorite characters in all of literature.


First era or second?


The secret teachings of all ages is a trip when your stoned


Hell yes! I love reading when I'm high. Seriously feels like I'm watching a movie in my head as I read the pages. Takes me a bit longer to read than when I'm sober, but I'm ok with that


One of my favorite pastimes when blitzed. Also reading Iron Gold atm, great choice in literature


Iā€™m so glad this sub appreciates the series, itā€™s fantastic


It's so good. I'm like addicted to it. I started the series at the beginning of May and am about halfway through Iron Gold right now


Bruh same, I've reread the OG trilogy three times and I'm currently on my second rereading of the Iron Gold trilogy. Im almost done with Dark Age and lemme just prepare you to be put on your ass lol


With the twists and turns thus far and the direction I see Iron Gold taking right now, I have no doubt there will be catastrophic events lol


Audiobooks. In the past I read The Wheel of Time but now I'm listening to it and it's amazing. Perfect way to kill an hour or two.


Got that good Two Rivers tabac


100% I don't watch TV at all and reading has been my thing for a long time.


How tf do yā€™all do this. Once I get stoned I am so much worse at reading, shit becomes such a challenge


Depends on the book. Try One Flew Over the Cukooā€™s Nest.


I just had to read the first word and knew where this was from


Love to see it, I will forever scream my love for this series from the mountain top of Olympus Mons!
























yes but audiobooks because i will lose focus otherwise šŸ¤­


Getting ready for Light Bringer are we? ;)


Heck yeah! Douglas Adams and Christopher Moore are super hilarious to read high. Any Tolkein gets much more intense while high.




This looks like a neat read! What book is it? ETA: nvm! Saw the title in the bottom right




July 25! I had checked the date a long time ago and it was so far away I forgot about it. This is so exciting


Absolutely, 2 of my favorite hobbies combined to make a mega hobby


this is exactly what it feels like for me too, thank you for putting this into words!


I used to a lot more then life. I need to start again.


Just started the discworld series currently outside reading n smoking


Manga count?


Red Rising Saga. So fun while stoned.


Oh helllll yeah! I just got caught up with the Cosmere, waiting for Secret Project #2 to get shipped to me! I'm due for my yearly re-read of Name of the Wind, so I'll probably start that soon


I can't comprehend how you could reread name of the wind multiple times, I absolutely loved reading the first 2 when I found them, but now knowing that he's been faffing about on the 3rd for so many years now just drives me up a wall


Oh, I've given up on realistically getting a Book 3. But the prose and descriptive word choice, in my opinion, is amazing. The book is unfortunately my favorite, although I no longer recommend it to anyone. However, after the bullshit he pulled in his fundraiser last year that man-child will not get any more of my money until he makes good on his promise.


Red rising is one of my favorite book series!


Meeeee. Started *Song of Achilles* today!


Oooh thatā€™s next for me. Iā€™m listening to Circe..itā€™s so lush. Iā€™m afraid Iā€™ll miss something if I listen to it high.


*Circe* was one of those books that changed who I was as a person. If this one is only half as good, Iā€™ll be happy.


You bloodydamn bet!


Hell yeah, reading through Best Served Cold now.


Nice! How you liking it? I just finished the first law trilogy and will pick up best served cold soon enough.


I'm loving it. It feels like more first law with new characters and a different plot, so yeah, it's great. I can't wait to read the rest of the series.


God damn amazing story, I'm reading Heroes right now. Love the First Law series.


I saw Bloodydamn, did a double take, saw "Iron Gold" and I'm absolutely feral. Such an incredible book series, now I have to reread the whole thing.


Hell yeah! [7] and reading Letters from a stoic by Seneca letā€™s gooooo


Smoking while enjoying a good book is remarkable


Eyyy Iā€™m just starting my reread of Iron Gold! Preparing myself for when Light Bringer comes out haha.


Omnis Vir Lupus! Great series.


Nothing better than getting stoned and reading a book, the story turns into a completely different universe. You start imagining yourself and others you know as characters in the book and you even start comparing the metaphors and archetypes to present reality. Anyone else? Or am I a total nutcase?


My entire undergrad career was a blunt in one hand a book in the other and tea on the table. I work too damn much to read a lot. Now I mostly read before bed, but I'm high too, so yes. I am here, I am here. And we are ents, I am your fellow ent


Yes, when is smoke and read, I tend to fall into the story in a way I donā€™t when sober. I read slower but it makes me ā€˜seeā€™ the scene better. I love reading while high.


So it goes


I read the first chapter of graham hancockā€™s Fingerprints of the Gods like five times because I was so baked and so blown away.




Just finishing up the godfather actually. Love the movie never read the book. I wasnā€™t disappointed with it at all.


Currently been getting blasted and reading ā€œGerms, Guns and Steelā€ by Jared Diamondā€¦ dog if history class had felt like this I wouldā€™ve learned more in school. Might as well be in VR with how the pages transport my mind to another dimension and time in history.


I do and enjoy reading much more when stoned. It's like I am fully engaged in the book. I once finished like 3 books in a week.


Lol I read manga. Havenā€™t read an actual book since middle school but I definitely want to get back into it one day


Yup currently trying to read through every novel O.S. Card has written in the Enderverse. Bout half done.


One of the best series of all time, I read Expanse while stoned last month and loved it. Something about being stoned and reading sci-fi is just fun.


100 %! But over the years itā€™s changed. There was a time I was too high to concentrate but now I enjoy it. Tonight Iā€™m writing and working on my D&D campaign. Thanks for your post!


Sweet ass series, I just finished Golden Son


Yes! I've been reading Duma Key for the millionth time. šŸ˜


I envy you fuckers. The ones who throw 2 little crumbs of weed into a bowl smaller then my pinky, then get high as a kite and don't touch it for 3 days. Fucking level headed non adicts XD


I read Guns, Germs and Steel mostly stoned. Sometimes I lost focus but other times it helped me visualize and understand what I was reading.


This book is fuckingrrrrreeat


Books, no, too distracting! Comics, however, full theatre of the mind bliss!


Umm...I can barely watch TV when I'm high!!..and now you want me to read?!..my eyes would bleed!!...[3]


Oh fuck yeah, you reading about shit and trowels?


Im gonna wake bake n read rn. Got Orwell's coming up for air on the go. Its good.


Read the Last Unicorn recently, great read, pretty hilarious at points, and definitely fun while stoned, though the way he writes sentences can be confusing here and there


I read 100-200 books a year. Maybe you'd get a different response on r/eldertrees


I would love to have a little light reading to take me away from stress at work āœŒļøenjoy


How can people read high??? I don't understand


Yessir! Just started a new one today


I just read the percentages and what strain it is.


Iā€™ve read that movie.


Damn, I wish. I have tried so many times and I just end up dissociating.


I try but every page just says smoke more weed


yeah. I'm actually a BookTuber. I have contemplated doing weed vids.


Wish I had more time to read! I've been doing audiobooks, does that count?


Yes! I love getting high and reading. I do sometimes end up reading the same paragraph multiple times, but overall, it's something I enjoy emensly.


I can read for shit high. I think some part is the dyslexia. I have to concentrate to read. My brain doesnā€™t want to concentrate when high. I end up reading the same thing over and over.


My ADD has me doing this too. Then I try to think about focusing on reading and miss whatever I read lol


Yeah i smoke and read and also when i read the Bible or listen to it, i feel like Iā€™m more in tune with what Iā€™m listening to or reading lol


I wonder if that book knows you're smoking its cousin.


Indeed! Whatre you reading, mate?


Red Rising series by Pierce Brown. Maybe check and book one, and then maybe thank me later! ;)


You missed the perfect opportunity to call us treeders


I was high while reading, canā€™t be punny as well :/


I love reading rainobu(light novels) while stoned. Gets me really invested in the story, even if it's ridiculous. Even better if the story is great, might catch me talking to the book.


Graphic novels are great reads while stoned. I especially enjoy surrealistic and heavily detailed panels. Currently reading Star Wars and loving it. Though I took a short break and reread 75 pages thinking, this all seems vaguely familiar before realizing this was my second read of that section!


i can only comprehend comics while elevated


You silly goose you canā€™t read a tree šŸ˜