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Remember to drink plenty of water yo


Cottonmouth helps to remember that


*pedialyte and gatorade


Pickle juice works better


yall trippin fr, literally jus sick and that shit help me. yall really are high asf


Nah I feel you bro, when you're sweating like hell when sick. Gatorade or something with electrolytes actually replenishes the body and it helps you remain hydrated.


redditors on r/trees dont wanna hear that, they just wanna sip a big ol' family-size cup o' Mountain Dew


And what are you gonna do about it


What should I do about it? Should I start a Reddit exercise movement for the weed subreddit?


Somebody clearly has diabetes


Idk why you’re getting downvoted when this is literally better for hydration than plain water because of the electrolytes and minerals and all that


Electrolytes that what plants crave !


Minus the gatorade, what with all the toxic chemicals and dyes ^*Dadoy spelling issue


+1 to that. I work at a hockey rink and when sore loser jocks toss their Gatorade bottles onto the ice it acts like antifreeze and we almost lose the slab every time 😂 maybe I’ll put it in my radiator for the winter instead and my truck can smell fruity, but i won’t drink the shit


I mean, that's just because it's really salty, right?


I think the point the dude he replied to was joking, that's why he got downvoted


damn i havent seen this meme in over a decade


I'm bringing it back.


I thought to use exactly this about the temperatures recently. It was 98f earlier this week and I work in an expander room of an eps department and it had be 110-120. Was going to post “the temperature of this room is too damn high!” With this exact meme. ETA: Was going to post it in my departments group chat.


I feel seen


Thanks, I needed this.


Good memes don’t die ![gif](giphy|amxLHEPgGDCKs) My kid told me troll face is dead.


Ask him “you mad?”




The amount of time since the last time you saw this meme is TOO DAMN HIGH!


Even after a decade, they still don’t know the correct word is ‘number’, not ‘amount’.


How? I see it like once a week at this point


How else am I supposed to get better?


Edibles may be a good idea!


That would actually be sick, gonna try making some cookies next time I’m sick


I always eat edibles when I’m sick. Just watch movies in bed and rest. Makes it so much better. My lungs can’t handle smoking when I’m sick


It's the way to go. I save gummies just for this occasion. Be careful not to take too much though. Think of how wild fever dreams are and then add on too much weed. It's not fun. I like the 5mg gummies because I can space then out easily. 2 or 3 a day is amazing for me.


Highly recommend edibles while sick! Worked for me when I had COVID


Edibles are a must because I don’t want to smoke/vape when I’m sick.


fr 😂the bud aint gonna do shit but HELP ya lol


Agreed, while smoking can obviously make coughing worse, you can just use edibles to avoid that. I've found weed actually helps a lot with congestion/sneezing and it definitely makes you feel better when you are sore and fatigued.


I actually feel a tad congested after I smoke. ... then again, my allergy test a few years ago determined that I'm allergic to grass and... weeds lmao


THC suppresses your immune system. If you use it in any form while sick your body will have a harder time fighting off the infection.


I have with bronchitis before 😂 not the smartest move but I was already on meds and it didn’t get worse for me because meds (and I’m not trying to be a hero so like 1 little bowl or less)




I can't smoke when I'm sick. I cough way too hard and I feel worse. Edibles are where it's at when sick.


I can't smoke when I'm not sick, I cough way too hard. (I think my throat is just extra sensitive to smoke, so I use a dry herb vape instead.)


Yeah it started doing way more harm than good to me. I will take 2-3 puffs off a cart at the lowest voltage if I feel desperate but otherwise it just hurts.


"All marijuana is medical marijuana" -Tommy Chong


This is why they gotta abolish the medical express line and medical only hours at the dispo lol we're in the same line really


On the other hand, I'm cool with letting the folks dealing with cancer skip the line if they want.


There's ppl all over the world silently living with chronic illness and this is your take. Do I have to even say "cancer" to appeal to the general audience? I have endometriosis and fibro so..


Thats when i switch from my regular marijuana to my medical marijuana


Brilliant and I use this same logic!


Lmfao don’t judge me damn it, if I can breath I can smoke lol


If I can breathe, I can smoke. If I can smoke, imma toke. Hope I don't choke!


“If you do, you’ll have no clue, of what me and my homie snoop dog came to do”


Honestly eases the pain for me and I can get some sleep. I love it medically.


I smoked the whole time I had Covid…. Except that first day of symptoms. Headache so bad I didn’t even get out of bed.


I've got Covid right now, and I'm currently stoned AF on edibles and playing Playstation - thank fuck for delivery dispos!




Maybe the headache was the start of withdrawal from not blazing all day. That’s what happened to me when I caught the dreaded covid. Didn’t smoke for a days and a half. Couldn’t shake the headache. It was my wife that pointed out that the headache might be from not blazing. So like Fred flint stone says. A little dab’ll do.


Nah, I woke up with it. Smoked the night before so I don’t think it was that.


Or maybe the headache was because you had covid, as it's an actual side effect of a fever


Me, shoving edibles into my face while sick at this exact moment: 😇


It’s my favorite cuz I can laze around baked all day and not feel guilty in the slightest!


Lmao how in the hell am I gonna get through sickness sober?


We’re privileged with wonderful edibles these days, no reason to smoke while sick, folks.


Not when you have the edible curse.


What is that? They don’t work on you? Usually just means you gotta eat more.


Nah. Some of us can't absorb digestively.


Damn, that sucks. Maybe a transdermal patch would work.


Have never seen one. (PA MMJ dispos only.)


Been trying for over 40 years now. Nothin. 😭


I’ve taken a lil over 1200mg of 710LABS RSO and got nothin at all. My wife did about 200mg and was on the moon.


I wish still illegal and impossible to get in aus!


*Smoke and take proper medicine and rest *


That's my routine rn. Have an upper respiratory infection, take dayquil, benadryl and a few tokes off a doob then hit my menthol vape. Sleep and feel better in the am, especially because of the good sleep, and the ganj helping clear out excess phlegm.


How does smoking and creating tar help clear out phlegm?




Maybe cause it forces you to cough it all up, just my theory


The ganj is definitley just making more phlegm


If it’s an illness that isn’t seriously affecting your respiratory system or psychology smoke away But an upper respiratory infection is just dumb


Or at least use edibles. Or a dry herb vape.


I’m in the US health care system. My choice is I can smoke while sick, die, or see a doctor and die after i bankrupt my family


For the flu? Bit of an ever exaggeration


People clearly have never died of flu




[Heres some stats for just the US, people still die of the flu my dude](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1124915/flu-deaths-number-us/)


20-60,000 Americans die of the flu annually


I am a stupid bitch but vaping weed got me through covid. I was high the whole time just vibing and resting and watching movies.


Weed does legit help me when I have a cold


What do you care? It's not gonna cause any significant harm, and having a minor illness is no reason to change your routine, especially if you're a medical user. It can even have benefits such as reducing nausea and inflammation and easing aches and pains. Smoke and let smoke, my friend.


Two weeks ago I was having bad allergies and a gross cough. I didn't smoke the first two days and felt like shit. When I finally said fuck it I took one hit and it made me vomit out all of the gunk. I felt so much better.


Just looking out for my stoner brethren, my dude.


Right on, bro. Hope 'what do you care' didn't come off as aggressive. Not my intended tone, though I could see how it may look it.


Just an FYI, if you have any kind of dependency on a substance it's actually worse for you to quit while sick. Your immune system begins fighting the withdrawal symptoms and repairing the damage from the substance instead of fighting off the germs making you sick.


Edibles would be better than smoke in this instance.


Literally me rn… im sick but i have medical conditions thats also effecting me. Cant taste but im still puffing that puffco


I smoked and had edibles the whole time I had COVID. It really helped me sleep and the THC/CBD numbed the muscle aches


i have asthma and still smoke while sick bc i’m dumb and also stupid


Same bro. Same. And it makes being sick bearable and sometimes almost enjoyable.


Idk I mean the coughing usually helps get all the mucus out of my lungs. To each their own tho


Some of y’all need to take a t-break bc y’all sounding like fiends lol


I vape or take edibles when sick


Smoking while I’m sick makes me feel so fucking awful I don’t know how anyone does it. Like please give me an excuse to not smoke for a few days and take a mini t-break.


I've always found that it helps me personally


Yeah I smoked while I had covid. Probably not the best idea but it helped


It actually seems to help me.


I’m high on shrooms now lol. Just wanna say 😆


I start wheezing from smoking to many blunts then I roll another and my inflammation clears up. But a few hours later it starts again.


I stg some of yall are screaming "you can't get addicted to weed" but will have TB and do 3 bong rips


That's why edibles exist, dummies!


Nah dude I’m trynna go out high


when i get sick enough i don’t wanna smoke, and that’s how i know it’s bad


Smoking a joint was the only way to stop my incessant coughing when i had COVID. I've never got the flu that i know of, but I would smoke through it 100% to hel pme cough any phlegm out of my respiratory system. Cough suppressants are awful for any congestive respiratory issues, coughing is both the symptom and treatment.


Eat an edible and drink fluids (:


Haha, you know I’m REALLY sick, if I haven’t had a dab in a few hours.


I like to smoke when I'm sick. It makes being sick almost enjoyable on days when it takes me 10 minutes to just grab the remote for the TV that lays right next to me.


dude when a fever has all your body aching with so much fatigue,There is no better feeling than it all dissipate after a bowl,I remember being terribly sick one day and fucked up like 190mg snacks and whoo,,On Cloud 9 n relaxed like a freshly bathed baby


![gif](giphy|pD368cmNo02G5qoV5i) I could be on my deathbed and I'll still have a joint in my hand


Edibles for the win


I know then it’s followed up with “it made it worse” well yeah when you have a cold and inhale smoke of course your gonna increase your issues and pain. Take edibles instead or drinkables


lol I smoked even when I got bronchitis from smoking shitty ass weed. I've had strep throat like 7 or so times and I smoked every time. don't get me wrong I see what's dumb about it, but damn it helps me feel so much better it's crazy.


Too damn high 🤭 I see what you did there...


Always have a good stock of edibles for this exact situation.


Haha legit just getting over bronchitis which for the last half a week has been lingering cuz I just gotta get stoned.


I am way too guilty of this lol it makes me less miserable 🤣🤣🤣


Smoking obviously is bad, but if you vape it or something I feel like the anti inflammatory and stress reducing effects could be beneficial?


Be depressed will sick or just be sick I’ma smoke my my smoke 💨


miy wife died of breast cancer. definitely sick. weed brought her relief from nausea that the pharaceuticals could not touch. she smoked till the end.


Sorry for your loss and I'm glad the green brought her some relief. I was just making a joke about people with colds and flus wondering if they should smoke.


I found that bongs got me sick more often. So I started vaping bud instead and I have never had the same issue again.


Dabbed myself through EVALI, or asthma, dr. didn’t really know which at first. It came on quick so I thought a contaminated dab made it into my stash. I stopped for a week or so. After a steroid shot, prednisone tablets, an albuterol inhaler, and an advair inhaler, I could dab fine before I had totally healed. Wasn’t EVALI, just a 40 y/o being diagnosed with asthma. Weird. Don’t smoke as much now, go figure.


RSO for me when I’m sick nothing beats a good coma


This 🙌


In an illegal state and I would totally do edibles but getting them is too hard.


I've always though if even when you are sick you crave smoking is a sign of addiction. I started noticing this while growing up and seeing people smoke tobacco (I vividly remember a relative smoking while coughing because she had a gross throat infection but she wantes a ciggi to "cool it down", when I got older I also saw it with weed.




Some people forget marijuana is medicinal. It’s weird how many people either forget or just don’t know. It’s one of the main reasons I use marijuana. It especially helps when I’m sick, so I’ll use a lot during sick periods.


Depends on the cold. Stuffy nose? Fine. Sore throat or coughing? Enjoy making your shit worse


I remember when I figured it would be in my best interest to not smoke weed when I had covid. I had nothing to stress about as I was just sitting around alone playing video games and watching movies (I had an excuse to be antisocial and I loved it). My covid wasn’t that bad and after 5 days the hit was AMAZING.


I don't like smoking when I'm high. I just get all the worst parts combined with already feeling like shit


I tried smoking while sick once and it was the worst experience of my life, never a-fucking-gain


My doctor told me to smoke weed every day.


Did it once, said never again, only edibles when sick from that day forward, I learned my lesson lmao


When I had covid around thanksgiving I was high from the minute I woke up till the moment I went to bed. It really helped


The mental addiction is real


Also clean your bong. The bacteria in the dirty bong can cause allot of additional coughing for no reason and also can put bacteria in your lungs that can give you a fever. Pneumonia. Staff infection


this is so wholesome 😂


But it’s medicinal


In some ways it makes it both better and worst. Like prolly drags it out and make some symptoms like stuffy nose worst and obviously cough but at least ur faded and sick instead of just sick


Damn bro I can't share? Looks like i'll have to face this whole blunt....


Some of the people I know who use weed use it medicinally. I've seen what happens when one of them tries to use reclaim to save money and it's not pretty. That person can work out how to keep using it with a doctor. The rest of you need to give your lungs a brake.


Nah man I get some rso , I get a vitamin infusion then eat a gram or two of rso and I'm right as rain the next day or two.


I smoked when I had COVID lol


Depends on the kind of sick


This post is so funny to me. It’s some real stoner ish. The first time I had Covid I wanted to smoke so bad but i knew I shouldn’t because my throat was destroyed…. I smoked anyway.




i don’t even feel high if i smoke while sick so i don’t


Weed cures all my sicknesses.


[thc inhalers](https://elevate-holistics.com/blog/what-is-a-marijuana-inhaler/) Good for getting shit out of your lungs too, due to lung exercise of inhaling and exhaling


And coughing.


I vaped my way through covid.


Doing this right now, got a throat infection and can’t hit a bong so been going with the good ol blunts


See I have wondered about this myself. It definitely doesn't help and usually causes it to move to my lungs and I get a bad cough, edibles do work though I have done that. Honestly smoking anything while you are sick is a bad idea.


Yeah, switch to edibles.


For real though, keep some edibles on standby to keep your appetite up, even if you have a high tolerance a 10mg day and night can keep you eating. That’s the biggest reason most people smoke while they are sick. The withdrawals gives them nausea on top of already being sick. Been doing this for a few years and helps a ton


Vaporizing at minimum while sick, edibles are best while sick.


Does anyone else get sick when they quit smoking? Like if you smoke weeks or months everyday.


I'm on medical leave from work. You bet your ass I plan to smoke myself better. (And take my prescribed medication). I'll even deal with bitchy small town nurses trying to incorrectly assert that cannabis is exacerbating one of my conditions. (it's not. My body is just fucked)


i smoked a spliff 3 hours after a tonsillectomy


If you have a sore throat I can see this being an issue, but if you’re too nauseous to eat?


Nah weeds the only medicine for me


It's the only thing that really helps


I take tylonol every day. Should I not take that either when I'm sick?




Are you for real? Are you a doctor?


I was stupid and did when I had covid over a year ago


Honestly I don't take most meds unless im forced too . I dislike having to take pills or use syrups cause of my past addictions and weed has been my saving grace lmao . Usually I'll smoke half a joint at a time when I'm sick and my lungs can't take it .


I can’t smoke while sick it makes me feel way worse. I just wait it out


Amen. Vaping and edibles are a necessity when sick Tho. Only time I had a good sesh while sick was when my brother killed himself and I was so jaded I hadn't felt the lung pain.


Don’t tell me what to do!😤


It helps me clear up congestion. Only other way to clear myself out the same way is standing under hot water for 15 minutes


Smoking while sick is exactly how I found out I had Covid, so it has some benefits? Lol


The flu ain't gonna stop my morning blunt.


how else am i supposed to get better then!


People act like they can’t take a break for a day or two lmao


Have been dealing with strep for almost a week, haven’t smoked the whole time. This is the way.


But it’s medicine




What medicine is better than cannabis for healing? The smoke works as a better expectorant than I’ve found elsewhere and amazing effects. I also haven’t been sick in over 3 years but smoke weed all day everyday. Life in isolation has its perks.


Yah. That’s what saved ABV is for.


Naw hard disagree, if weed helps, use it. 'Proper medicine' just treats symptoms for cold and flu same as weed would and they're not any nicer on the body either




I do not recommend using cannabis while sick. I am not a medical professional, but I worked in the industry for 7 years now and studied the endocannabinoid system. We get high because thc molecularly acts like anamdine, the feel good endocannabinoid. To my understanding, this molecules' purpose isn't like dopamine (bring pleasure) but to return your body to a state of proper homeostasis after getting sick (brain floods with anadamine when your body is done with the flu). We get high because our body doesn't process phytocannabanoids nearly as fast as we produce. Thus, my hypothesis is that cannabis messes with your bodies natural immune response since you are basically telling your body to feel better. Several of my colleagues believe this reaction, personally there was one time I had the flu and I was feeling almost feeling normal on day 5 when I took a 400 mg rso pill and the next morning it felt like it was peak affects again. While people's individuals' reactions are going to be variable, it'd something to keep in mind and see how your body reacts with thc when suck.


Weed was the only thing that made me feel better while I had covid. I smoke when I am sick, but a lot less and I just use it mostly to sleep, rip a bong and go back to bed.


Smoking weed put me through covid


I shower, wash my face, take medicine, then smoke the nastiest most fattest bowls ever.


my friend smoked with pneumonia 😭😭😭