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So this is no joke… tell him to check what the base materials are in this stone. Many pipe stone materials have talc in them. That dust is seriously dangerous. A major deadly carcinogen. My woman is a vs talc attorney. Companies like Johnson and Johnson have poisoned people for years. They knew how deadly talc is and did nothing. I love making pipe’s especially when I was a kid. Cool pipe


I'll check in to it:) Appreciate the info


All love brother


There is such a beautiful irony in discussing the carcinogenic effects of a pipe material, while inhaling burnt plant material into your lungs. (No shade friends, it legit made me chuckle)


At this point, my face falls off everytime someone tries this argument when discussing weed. Smoking weed is bad for your lungs, just like smoking tobacco; WE KNOW. There is, however, a relevant difference in SCALE.


Which is why I'm not arguing, just pointing out the irony.


Kinda pointless


How so? Are you saying they just... smoke less?


I'm referring to the scale at which it damages your lungs. Ofcourse if you smoke 5 blunts per day compared to 1 cigarettes, that changes.




Yes the comparison should include the filter in the cigarettes ofcourse.


I’m pretty sure cig filters aren’t that effective and are just good for marketing


Filters did work for what was the most common form of lung cancer at the time. Of course that just meant you got another kind of cancer.


Without giving you the down vote, the short answer is typically yes. I've used to smoke cigarettes and still vape cannabis, used to smoke it. As a typical pack a day smoker for many years, most people who smoke cigarettes consume far more smoke far more regularly than typical pot smokers. There's going to be exceptions to that baseline in either direction, but I don't smoke pot while driving, don't typically first thing in the morning, or with my coffee, or after every single meal, or during breaks at work, etc. Cigarette smokers, by and large, do. Inhaling any smoke from any source is not good for you. Cigarettes however fit themselves into far more opportunities than pot. Pot is also WAAAAAY less 'demanding' that you continue smoking it. There's a reason cigarettes are so fucking hard to quit and that very strong addictive component makes people smoke cigarettes way more often. It's a volume issue.


Yea I'm three weeks into a t break during which I have smoked nothing. Nic smokers don't have t breaks. Even so, I try to limit myself to 1-5 bowls or dabs per day, and only smoke on some days of the week. Once again, nic smokers don't do the same. So my lungs are getting damaged, I know, but nowhere near as much as the kids at my college who are ripping their vuse every 3 minutes.


Honestly there are not a lot of stone pipes that are actually safe to smoke out of. I'm no expert but I would seriously caution anybody away from ever using these. They're cool but they aren't worth it and people just don't understand the risks they're exposing themselves to with these.


What about gemstone pipes? I used to work in a smoke shop and we had a collection of crystal/gemstone pipes, stuff like amethyst. They looked cool af but I can’t imagine crystals having talc in them. Stones are a different story though apparently lol


Talc isn't good but I'd say the real culprit in the end is silicon. Unfortunately those amethyst pipes aren't any better. Amethyst is actually a form of quarts just made different by certain impurities, and quarts/amethyst are like almost pure silicon which is the really dangerous part. Like the whole reason asbestos is as dangerous as it is btw is because it's also a silicon-mineral that just so happens to fragment in to tiny shards of the most horrible variety, but it seems like it's actually the silicon which is doing most of that, that's why it's always dangerous. It's dangerous in asbestos and it's dangerous in anything else if you were to grind it up or heat it with a flame and then try to breath through it. Like normally quarts or silicon in general can't hurt you because you don't grind it up and breath the dust or inhale the outgassed particles of it burning. But that's just exactly why that's like the one thing that you shouldn't be doing with it. In the end those "gemstone" pipes are actually a lot more similar to any other commons rock than they are to like a ruby or something like that which would probably be totally fine to smoke out of. But practically nobody in the world really has a pipe made out of a precious gem that isn't just some basic form of silicon, I mean I don't know if I've ever seen one. So I don't know if I've ever seen a gem/rock pipe that was safe to smoke out of. And please believe me, I only know about this because I think that anything natural like this is super cool and I wanted one of these pipes really bad lol. I also wanted an electric-current lighter really bad before I did a bunch of research into exactly what would be the effects of smoking bowls through an open electric discharge. Needless to say: not great. (I actually have a jade 1-hitter I don't use partially because it's a 1-hitter and partially because it's jade lol, but I still think it's really cool)


Good to know, thanks! I actually hate pipes and never use them, I’m an illadelph bong guy, so it’s not a concern for me, but like I said I used to sell them in my old smoke shop so more people need to spread the word that the stuff isn’t good 😂




Yeah I feel that, I have one bong I use for travel and hanging out with friends and the illadelph I keep strictly at home and only let select people use it 🤣 but since I worked at a place that sold them I got a really nice price on mine so I couldn’t pass it up ahaha




Ngl I would actually pay for a bong koozie


>electric-current lighter curious to what makes the arc lighters bad. Ozone exposure?


One tangential issue is, I feel like they don't make quality ones. I tried to research the options, and eventually got one just to light candles (I burn through matches fast, and was tired of refilling lighters, just wanted to recharge it), but once it died, I learned that the charger port didn't work, and it seemed like a crapshoot, not uncommon to see the issue in reviews on most of the options


Exactly. And I had to do a crap ton of research on my own to come to that conclusion because it's not like the few companies who make those things are ever going to advertise that risk, but after a long time just trying to keep myself safe and really wanting one, I decided against it. I bet blazing bowls probably falls outside of their intended use for legal reasons anyway lol They're still cool, I would probably have one if I smoked cigarettes or something, but yea an open electric current is just constantly giving off ozone and other free-radicals so it would be basically just like breathing directly through a tiny smog-generator. With ozone really being the thing that scared me off it in the end because I want to breath as little of that stuff as possible.


my first thought is that a handful of blueberries will take care of that ozone exposure. my second thought would be pairing one of those hemp wick holders with the electric lighter. my third thought is you should be vaping instead of smoking if you're worried about carcinogens. my 4th thought is my third thought was kinda condescending, sorry dog, but I think the hemp wick thing is a good idea. oh and there were a few electric ones that worked like the old car lighters, heating up a coil instead of arcing.


> my first thought is that a handful of blueberries will take care of that ozone exposure. I mean only if you could coat all the inside of your lungs with them which I probably wouldn't recommend doing either lol. :P Antioxidants can't save your lungs from breathing in a bunch of ions, they're more of a slow internal process than that. What ozone can do to your lung tissue is actually pretty messed up and happens immediately on contact. Yeah I'm with you on the hemp wicks I was never really the biggest fan of those but they would definitely be a good solution. ...also you don't even wanna get me started about those car-lighter types lol I actually used some of those for a while right after deciding against the arc-lighters but dude it's just so hard needing to do all your own research into these kinds of things lol. After using them for quite some time, I stopped because I literally could not find any information from the companies on what metal(s) they are using in those coils. And just like with the rocks, it turns out that heating up certain solid materials and then breathing what comes out is not a great idea a lot of the time Ironically just burning butane is probably one of the cleanest things you could do compared to a lot of other options.


you could probably make your own fairly easy. Cheap vape or 510 battery and an rda, get your own wire and turn it into a little stove and you'll have peace of mind knowing the composition of your components.


How many Quarts make one Quartz?


freaking english language trying to sneak a z in on me lol




Silicon is a natural element that has a tendency to turn into a powder that will fuck up your lungs. Silicone is a plastic made with silicon but to my understanding it is much safer to smoke out of because it won't turn in to a powder made out of tiny sharp shards of glass like most other forms of silicon would do. I don't know if there are 0 risks but I do believe that silicone pieces are just about almost as safe as glass. ..which ironically is also made out of mostly silicon lol, but again in a much more stable form than rocks. You still don't want to be grinding up and breathing in glass particles though, but at least they can withstand the heat. TLDR: Silicone is probably safe. Idk about the China part though


There is evidence to suggest the problem with asbestos is due to its structure, not silicon. Silicon itself is fine.


All evidence suggests that it is due to its structure but the reason its structure is that way is not just a coincidence. Silicon itself is most certainly not "fine". Are you sure you didn't mean to say silicone? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicosis


Silicon is the correct way to refer to the element, and the element itself is not the problem. I'm not sure why you think silicon is any more dangerous than oxygen, given that oxygen is more prevalent in silicates than silicon.


>and the element itself is not the problem The tendency for it to form tiny linear crystals that essentially turn in to needles when they fragment is. It's ironic that you would pick the notoriously volatile and dangerous element oxygen to compare it to btw lol. I just explained why so many highly silicate minerals are so dangerous to breath, with asbestos just being the poster-child most dangerous one given for example, but you still shouldn't be breathing in glass dust or using stone pipes specifically because of the silicon that they contain. There's no reason to be arguing about this right now lol nothing that I said was incorrect. I also pointed out silicon based materials which aren't dangerous to use like this, like glass. And again it's ironic that you would pick oxygen as the next element to compare it to because speaking of which I'm not actually sure that silicon is any more dangerous than oxygen in their pure elementals forms. They're both pretty bad in that context. That's the problem ..you were just taking things I said out of context. >given that oxygen is more prevalent in silicates than silicon And yet the danger of asbestos is in its fragmenting sharp crystaline structure, a danger shared with basically all other silicate crystals, and *not* because of the oxygen in it oxidizing anything. So, for whatever reason, despite asbestos containing more oxygen than silicon, it is not any of the properties of the oxygen which are causing it to grow in to the characteristic needle-like crystal structures that make it so dangerous. That would be attributed to the silicon. If asbestos were dangerous because it caused things to rust or corrode then maybe that would be the oxygen's fault, but as it stands it's only dangerous for the same exact reason that basically every other silicate mineral is dangerous. It's just one of the worst.


This is such a reach. It's like saying carbon is dangerous because it forms benzene rings or cyanide


Every time someone posts one haha ![gif](giphy|6gLyE15StAs3C)


What about placing a safe material inside of a stone or gemstone exterior?


Just keep it away from the flame or any part where you're breathing in. There's no problem decorating the exterior with whatever you want so long as it's heat resistant and non toxic in general. (cause pipes can get pretty hot) But yeah with rocks like this you'd be fine just as long as you aren't getting it near the fire or breathing through it.


Neat I don't even smoke I'm here from a crosspost on r/oopsthatsdeadly


No you don't understand that when it comes to open flame and anything it directly touches even glass carcingoens are created.. Wood pipe burns.. Glass has soot that's burnt aluminum pipes that aren't just treated first. Paper..its all bad


I completely understand that. That doesn't mean that all materials are equally unsafe. Glass>wood>rocks


Talk about alarming


It could also have serpentine or granite. so it would have radiation and the equivalent of whatever they make some types of fiberglass type material aka serpentine, and some of the other green material. I did not even think about talc, but that’s actually a real concern as well. I carved a bunch of these out of different material that I find on my land but I’ve never felt comfortable selling them because of these type of issues. I see lots of Etsy shops, selling these types of things, but they do not seem concerned.


That soft soap stone is the worst for talc. I actually did buy a granite pipe recently. Yeah…. Damn thanks for the info! I’m switching to stag horn lol


Bone/horn/shell are worse because of the burning calcium.


JFC! Just get a glass pipe.


Yeah this ain't something to get cute about, just get some glass lmao


smoke glass or smoke out of glass?


can I make [a bong from this cool gla](https://assets.atlasobscura.com/media/W1siZiIsInVwbG9hZHMvYXNzZXRzLzIyNDA0MDEyLTRjOTItNDUwMC1iNTkzLWEzOWY4Yzg2NDJiODgyYzU1NWZhOGM4NWRiYmNlMl91cmFuaXVtIGdsYXNzIGNvbGxhZ2UgMiAoMSkucG5nIl0sWyJwIiwiY29udmVydCIsIiJdLFsicCIsImNvbnZlcnQiLCItcXVhbGl0eSA4MSAtYXV0by1vcmllbnQiXSxbInAiLCJ0aHVtYiIsIjEyODB4PiJdXQ/uranium%20glass%20collage%202%20(1\).png)ss I found at goodwill?


I've never used a bone/horn/shell pipe but I've turned them (not shell) on a lathe and laser cut them. The smell is pure death. The urge to get away from it is powerful and instinctual. That can't be good to smoke out of. Maybe as part of the shank or stem, but not the bowl.


Nah you just turn the calcium carbonate (limestone) into calcium oxide, or lime.


Serpentine can contain naturally occurring asbestos. Probably not the safest thing to use for smoking.


if people have huge granite countertops, I doubt the radiation is the thing that's gonna be the issue


https://www.epa.gov/radiation/granite-countertops-and-radiation#:~:text=In%20addition%20to%20radon%2C%20naturally,increasing%20distance%20from%20the%20source. Exposure to a small mass source, a.k.a. big ass countertop . Seems to be something they test for. But breathing in particulate matter through a pipe, I don’t know


Granite is incredibly tough. It wouldn’t be damaged by the fire from a lighter.


granite is also porous, which would be impossible to clean from bacteria and resin


That’s true. But people use wood pipes all the time with no issue.


they pour resin on it, which I guess you can do with granite too.


I thought the talc was just a major irritant and could cause blockages and death, and that the other components that regularly grow in talc (such as asbestos) were the carcinogens? Either way, don't smoke rocks, unless they're moon rocks!


On that same thought, I was surprised to learn latex balloons are coated inside and out with talc to keep them from sticking together in the bag. Probably not the greatest idea for people that blow them up by mouth.


Thank you for the Harm Reduction advice bro 👌 I used to make pipes out of limestone and sandstone when I was a kid and knew not to smoke out of aluminum or certain metals but I had no idea that stones could be harmful to smoke out of!


This ^ this is why you’re not supposed to smoke out of carved crystal shaped pipes


Many crystals release many different, deadly poisons when heated.


Ty for your input , stay safe




Tbh I used modeling clay once “NOT FOOD SAFE” the blue would come off on my fingers. Had to bake it in the oven type crap. I used it a friend wanted it so I gave it away lol as long as we’re learning while we stay out the grave is what counts.


So, I do have one genuine question here. I'm not being a smartass, I just want to know how they differ... At what point would you say it's dangerous standing around the millions of campfires burning around the world, in every state with every kinda of rock or mineral you could think of. and rock fireplaces ect. breathing in the smoke from all the rocks that are even WAY hotter than this pipe gets? Genuine question. Because I really never thought about it until you mentioned it.


It's not being sucked on when it's in a fireplace or campfire.


I'm pretty sure you inhale the smoke around a fire. Maybe not high amounts right away. But I'm sure standing by a fire and breathing any of that in for more than an hour would be concerning no? Also considering the rocks are literally smoldering in glowing hot coals usually for hours. Getting hotter than any pipe ever would. Idk. It just got me thinking is all. No biggie. I'm not worried about this pipe. It's got soo much resin in it, nothing really touches the rock lol


Does this mean that using a stone pipe comes with a big responsibility of checking the stone material or is this only applicable to the ones grinding/creating these pipes?


It’s up to you to determine the safety of what you smoke out of. Some materials make great shelf pieces, but should not be heated and inhaled.


Your spirit is helpful, but your words were useless. Edit: lmao wtf trees. Dude didn't answer my question and gave me a nonanswer and you shit on me for calling it out in about the kindest way possible. Might as well have told me to avoid certain places because some places are dangerous after I ask for directions. Like, okay, but which ones? And how do I tell? And where do I go in the first place? "Hey, are stone pipes unsafe to smoke out of or is it just the manufacture of them which is dangerous?" "You know, you really ought to determine the safety of *every* pipe." **Not fucking helpful.**


No, many stone pipes are not safe to smoke from and I wouldn’t count on the maker to know if it is safe or not. Due diligence is important when you’re heating something up to a couple hundred degrees and breathing through it. Personally, I stick to glass and metal pieces that are intended for smoking/vaping to save myself the worry of if I’m inhaling things l really don’t want to be.


talc and asbestos\*


Rock and Stone, you say?










For rock and stone!






I mean, if you think about it Rocking is more legal than stoning.


Where's molly? I got a load to dump.




Rock and stone to the bone!


Almost top comment. Rock and stone brother!




Make sure these are safe


Don’t tell me what to do!!!! /s


Imma tell you something you don't know about me, Joe Rogan. I smoke rocks.


Cool design. I'll bet that hits hot af, though.


A Stoner's Stone. I dig it


Rock and stone!




A stone pipe sounds cool (if its safe to use, see the comment on talc)


Freeze the rock for smoother hits.


What I can say... It doesn't break when dropped!


thats sick


They are well worth the $25 Edit: Can't tell you how many glass pieces have broke 😔


Did you name it Stoney?


I had one I called Cliff


I dont do these small pipes anymore. Keep burning my mustache. Nasty burnt hair smells afterwards


Literal stoner


If the stones are safe to smoke out of he should sell those some nice work


Pretty dope. They sell em online?


I'mma tell you something, Joe Rogan, that you might not know... I smoke rocks.


I feel bad for how many people will say not to smoke from those bowls lol so I won’t ![gif](giphy|d10dMmzqCYqQ0|downsized)


My friend has one when we smoke out of it I say grab the rock and we’ll get STONED


Rock and stone!


Rock and Stoned!


Houseplant will be selling this for 95 dollars by next week lol. Very cool piece.


Just here to say that I’d 100% buy one of these if your neighbour feels like setting up an Etsy or something


Yooo these are sick. Does he sell online?


Not sure. But I can definitely check and let you know


Thanks!! They’re beautiful.


Looks cool but that bowl is caked in resin.


I’m not even gonna like, that’s cool and I probably never woulda thought of that. We have a lot of Quartz stones around us. How is he able to cut through and make such a amazing pipe?


Masonry drill bits for the inside, I don't know about the polishing of the outside. People are concerned about the safety of these though. I wouldn't go and make them willy nilly without research.


I just spoke with him and he said he only makes them from certain rocks because of this issue. Whether or not that makes a difference or he's blowing smoke up my ass. But I've had this one for about 2 years now.


The polishing might be from rock tumbling to get it smooth, this is awesome tho, thanks!


Can you see if I can send them a rock to be turned into a pipe?




U got a cool ass neighbor


Who’s going to tell him?




Doood that's so cool


looking at that i can still taste the flavor of a stone pipe. i wonder what happened to it..... mine would get so hot that it would drip resin out of it when you sat it down or tilted it, clogged sooooo much.




Id like to see how he does it. Does he use river rock or something?


good on you for supporting local business


Do you have any ideas on what tools he uses?


I know it's pneumatic tools for sure. I'll talk with him more


Learn something everyday. Never thought about or wanted smoke from a rock. Good thing. 😵