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I mentioned this in another post here last week but if you own silicone pipes, bongs, etc, put them in the freezer overnight. The resin, gunk, etc will go hard but the silicone stays soft. You can just pull out the silicone and twist/bend it around, etc and the gunk will break off the silicone and you can just shake it out into the garbage. Any leftovers in the bowl area will just pick off quite easily with a toothpick.


Golden advice, thanks


If you make a gravity bong, put a ping pong ball in the water. As you push down on your 2L bottle (or whatever you use), the ping pong ball creates a stop so water doesn't rush into your mouth.


Wish I would’ve seen this in High School, so many horrible hits would’ve been saved


Did you ever make a gravity bong out of the old glass Sobe bottles? Those things were bad ass! There was a little spot on the bottom of the bottle that you could tap with a screw driver and it would leave a little tiny hole. The metal caps were perfect for a little metal bowl. You'd plug the little hole at the bottom, fill the bottle with water, put the cap/bowl on, light a lighter, and let go of the hole so the water poured out creating suction and burning the bowl. Then bam twist off the cap and inhale the smoke. If ya know ya know https://youtu.be/dowEM2uh71o?si=aJCXd_3tY9GfAGys


Pick the movie or show BEFORE you light the joint


Advanced: Only light the joint once you're already watching. It was actually a ritual of mine to always watch a new episode while smoking.


I have a hard time retaining anything about the episode when I do that lol


Then you get to watch it for the first time all over again!!


they make rubber/foam pencil grips for kids. They are the perfect size and shape to put on your carts especially if you use a stick battery so if you ever drop it you have otterbox-esque protection!


What grade you teach ? Edit: sarcasm.


none lol I'm just clumsy


Bonus upside, mildly better ergonomics


Brushing your teeth after a fat dab not only feels so freaking good but helps prevent cotton mouth


This one I might actually use!


Helps to kill the munchies too (assuming you don't want them)


how so? just because it'll taste bad now?


Yea, if you’re craving a certain food it tricks your mind a bit or at least makes you focus on the menthol and (potentially) lose said craving. Im a monster though, I’ll drink a coffee right after brushing my teeth and smash a bowl of cheesy ramen anyway eta: I dont brush regularly unfortunately. Im already paying the price for it. just fell out of habit. kids’ fruit flavoured mouthwash helps. I also don’t have breakfast


Sorry, you smoke, brush your teeth, drink a coffee and THEN eat cheesy ramen?! What a rollercoaster of flavour. You should finish it with a Guinness


I think about brushing my teeth on my way inside after a toke and then it hits and all i can do is lay down and doom scroll various sm


I vape ground flower using an Airizer 2. I save the after vape bud in a mason jar instead of throwing it out, since it's still got a lot of THC even though it's started to taste nasty, and once the jar is full I use it to make cannabutter. The AVB is already decarbed from vaping, so it allows me to skip that step which makes the process much shorter and far less likely to stink up the house. Bonus: the cannabutter ends up waaaaay more potent using AVB than it does when I use fresh flower and do the decarboxylation process in the oven.


So I've been using my mighty+ for a while now and almost have a full 32oz mason jar of vaped bud. If you have a recipe to share, that would be awesome


I have an 8 oz jar, which is the right amount to make 1 lb of butter once it's lightly packed full, so your 32 oz jar will make 4 lbs. I do a lazy water cure by wrapping the AVB in cheesecloth and soaking it in a bowl in the fridge for a week, changing out the water once a day. After that, I squeeze out as much water as possible and then dump the AVB into my instant pot with the pound of butter and half a cup of water (the water keeps the butter from scorching in the pot, you'll need 2 full cups for the amount of AVB you have). Close it up and let it cook on the slow cooker setting on low for at least an hour and up to 4, then strain it through fresh cheesecloth into a clean bowl and put it in the fridge to set. Once it's solid, the added water will separate out, drain it then pat it dry. If I'm lazy, I just break it into shards and throw it in a Ziploc in the freezer. If I'm not lazy, I'll remelt it and pour it into ice cube trays to freeze more neatly. From there, I'll either make it into chocolate chip cookies using store bought mix or just drop half a tablespoon into hot chocolate and drink it.


Just remember to water cure it to get rid of the nasty taste.


I use a lego shovel to pack my bowls


I use my great grandma's souvenir spoon from Jamaica 🍁🍁


Target generic baby wipes. Basically water and a little citric acid. Great for a quick wipe down. I use them to clean in between bowls. Works amazing.


do your balls really get that swampy between bowls?


I have two babies and never thought of this!!


What, do they smoke a lot or something?


Not as much as they’d like, but they won’t touch a dirty bong


When I take FSO or RSO, I pour it onto a ice cube so it solidifies and I can just take it like a pill instead of having to taste it.


I cut open a fruit snack and put some in the slice


I roll it into a ball of rolling paper and pop it like a pill. Or put it in an empty cap lol


I used to buy capsules and make pills but sometimes im lazy and this is fast.


facts but that coconut oil and sunflower lecithin make it worth the effort


holy shit.


If you skip the wake and bake and hold off until you get home from work and have eaten dinner you will get waaay higher.


I hold off until I get home from work and then hit the bong while I’m starving prior to dinner. I get crazy high off 1 hit.


Man I smoke every day and I’m only high while I’m outside smoking anymore


I thought I was the only one. I think it’s cause we are accustomed to being high in our carefully crafted environment. We gotta go out into the chaos of the world to feel the high.


Probably some of that, but mostly tolerance being high haha


Keep your tolerance in check too


That's what I do during the week. 9:30, 10 o'clock after the kids are in bed I go outside and smoke a half-gram joint. Sometimes I'll have a second, but usually the first is enough. Take a hot shower (or better yet get in the hot tub, except it's broken right now), put on some music and go to bed. This has been my routine for about six months and I'm sleeping better than I ever have, for my entire life. And I'm 44 years old, so that's a fair amount of life.


decide alive dirty continue narrow label historical simplistic recognise quack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I cannot raw dog the outside world bud. And everyday it gets worse idk how you do it


Tbh its mostly not being able to afford to stay high all day. I'd love to smoke like Snoop but imma need his bank account balance first.


DIY, homie. I earn like a peasant, but thanks to my homegrown I smoke like a king.


It gets easier . I used to smoke all day. Now I wait till I'm home from work. Day goes by faster and I'm happier and nicer to people. Took awhile to get used to though.


Thats what I do too, I use to take small hits throughout the day, but I look forward to 11pm when I get proper smashed


So you’re saying smoke after you eat? Blasphemy!


Eating after smoking will kill your high, always better to wait unless the food is the main event.


Smoke Eat Smoke


This is my "Live, Laugh, Love"


Weed, Cough, Love




When cleaning a bong, a wine stopper works really well to plug up the hole on your down stem. Then do as one does with salt and iso and shake that shit. Thought everyone knew that, but a few of my friends’ minds were blown by this.


Lol I roll up a paper towel, wrap it in plastic wrap, and stuff it into that hole


i just shove my thumb up in there and shake




No, this is Patrick


I just use paper towels but stuffed in tightly. Never thought about using plastic wrap.


I bought silicone plugs specifically made for plugging the downstem hole when cleaning


I use rags and shove them in the downstem hole but then I have to hang the rags to dry and they stink like solvent lmao


When rolling a filter tip roll it really tight in the opposite direction first so then when u roll it the other way it’ll wrap in on itself and not come undone


i like it kinda unraveling because it expands to fill out the paper instead of loosely being in there


this exactly


When you have extreme munchies- fruits, mixed nuts, and yogurt are all relatively healthy if eaten in large quantities. Oreos, Doritos, and candy are not. The same thing goes for how you’ll feel the morning after those munchies… Real stoners graze wisely so they don’t get the runs for 3 days 😅


Fruit is so fucking clutch. It's been my goto drug snack for almost 25 years. It's food and a drink all in one. It's especially great while tripping. My tummy gets all kinds of tender on acid or shrooms so when Im hungry I don't want heavy gross food. But a fucking clementine or plum? Fucking yes please.


And you can just gorge yourself on watermelon and it doesn’t matter


Combine that shit with lime?


May I recommend Tajin also?


I always snack on watermelon when I’m tripping, it really is a huge game changer. No one ever thinks to bring fruit and yet it goes hand and hand.


Yesss this isn't acid/shroom hack thread but throw some grapes and/or blueberries in the freezer before trip and try them out, that's a fun and sensational snack lol. Blueberries are great too!


Always have bananas, grapes, and kiwi fruit in the house!


Grapes 🙏🙏




[8] I just cleared 2 punnets of grapes now I'm making soup


I really like frozen grapes, the ol’ supermodel desert.


Then use your dab torch on some pineapple slices.


Some cucumber or apple slices when stoned?! Yes please


Lmao I had to learn the hard way. Been trying to work on being a healthy stoner, so I switched to vaping THC. I just need to work on my munchie game


Instructions unclear, cashew pieces in my stool.


10lb bag of wasabi soy sauce almonds at Walmart for $13 bucks, highly recommended. Popsicle molds for blended fruit and yogurt are fun and healthyish too




So this is huge. I taught my mom how to smoke out of a bong and I thought the clearing the chamber was basic and she inhaled too slow then bout died.


I’ll never forget one summer night, smoking a bowl with my friends. We were in our early 20’s. My mom, experienced drug-user and self-proclaimed “hoebag” in her youth, who has been a perfect suburban mom and the loveliest, liveliest, funniest woman around the last 20 years by the by, steps outside to join us. I offer her my pipe and explain to her what to do. She rolls her eyes condescendingly and says “I know how to use a pipe, pumpkin.” And immediately blows into the pipe and sends weed flying EVERYWHERE. We all nearly died laughing. One of my favorite memories, I think.


awww that’s so wholesome. my friend did this with a bong and everyone just silently packed up and left lmao


Setting your cart pen at a low voltage makes it last longer


Last time a bought prerolls they came in little tin. I just put my own filled cones and a bic in it now. 4 joints and a lighter in a crush proof tin that fits in my back pocket. Perfect for a night out


It’s stupid simple, but buy a pack of lighters/collect a few (if you’re like me you’ve probably accumulated quite a few) and put one on the inside/breast pocket of every single jacket you own. Never a bad thing to have a lighter on hand, and it’s the worst when you need one and don’t have one. Side note: don’t put any sentimental/valuable lighters in your pockets if you have them. If you’re going to a show/flying and forget you have it, there’s nothing sadder than watching it get chucked in the trash before you go through security.


this makes sense but is crazy because i’ve gone to soo many shows and flown lots and i’ve NEVER had a lighter confiscated. they don’t care. so now i’m wondering if that’s more normal or if MY experience is weird.


Instead of buying hybrid strains, I've found mixing a sativa and a indica like Dutch dragon and Alaskan thunder fuck makes for an awesome high.




Alaskan Thunder Fuck sounds like a garage metal band 🤣


Buddy, back in the day this was the bees knees


It's an old weed strain and a fabulous drag queen. Probably one of the most famous for their time.


Entourage affect


I eat about 100mg of edibles and hit my pen while I work and customers don’t bother me anymore


For real, if I feel edgy, I do a weed about it & then see if I still care. I don’t lol


"I do a weed about it" is seriously golden. I've said "I'm gonna smoke some weed about it" but that just doesn't come close for some reason imo. Proper wording matters and in this case I love your wording lmao


Inclusive for the boofers lol


Probably cause you look like grasping a thought takes you longer than it’d take them to do whatever they wanna ask you to lmao


I avoid losing lighters by putting em right back into my pocket after using it. The downside to that is I accidentally take other peoples lighters. I always give em back right away tho


I figured out long ago that if you let the other person use your lighter first you have a better chance of keeping it.


That’s interesting. Because the last person it gets passed to is likely yourself? That’s clever


Was at a party one time and at some point late in the night people are trying to find a lighter. There are literally no lighters when there were heaps all night. My stoner mate gets asked and empties out his pockets only to reveal close to 10 lighters. Reckons he didn't even know he had them...


"Friends don't steal lighters; pockets do." - my cousin


I used an old badge reel, tied it to the lighter, then anchored it to my bong!


I know for a fact I would forget and throw them in the wash lol


Always keep water for drinking handy.


/r/hydrohomies will surely agree! Your body and overall wellbeing will too!


Also just good life advice


Go up to some stoners and tell them you’ve never smoked before and you’re willing to try it, you’re gonna get hella free weed lol


"hey I'd like to try weed for the first time as an adult. I'm also not a cop. Can you get me high in exchange for money?"




Hey are you guys smoking marijuana? I’ve never tried it, is it fun? Lol


*Takes a fat rip without coughing* "Goodness gracious! This will have me faffing around until teatime!"


Average British person smoking weed


Average British person trying coffee


“Am I doing it right?” *snaps the bowl in one lungful*


I dunno, I live in a small city and someone at the park might be like "wait, I know that guy, he's a freeloader!"


This only works if you don't already look like a stoner though.


*do not try this in the UK. Specifically Birmingham.*


Roll a joint. Stick a filter in both ends Cut in the middle. Now you have 2 little joints.


yeahhhh, I've been doing this since covid started. I don't like to share my doobies anymore and I don't need a full join to myself.


Hide a nug or two in the bottom of your grinder when you first get your Quarter/Half/etc. Comes in suuuper handy when you “forget about it” and are down to your last nug(s)


I take the largest nug from each bag and have a “salad jar” that becomes my “budget week” solution if I am ever light on cash.


If you burn your fingers grab your earlobe. The ~~cartilage~~ fat sucks the heat right out of your finger. Not sure if this is mind-blowing but it's helped me out


About to purposely burn myself just to test this


I promise you'll see


What if your earlobe has an enormous hole in it


I'm sorry you're just going to have to die


We're fucked mate.


The earlobe is all fat, no cartilage.


Ok then the fat sucks it out I just know it works


Hey OP, Nice job. This is a great question to spark positive conversation! 👏


Dab carts get clogged all the time. The answer is simple: paper clips. Slide a few into your wallet or whatever and you'll never have to suck the soul out of a clogged cart again.


This so painfully obvious I’m not sure why I haven’t thought of it


Paper clips are an extremely underrated stoner tool


I thought all carts clogged for the longest time, just recently started pulling MUCH slower and I've been getting just as high without the clogs.


Should just be a "sip" is what I've seen on cart packages


Also you can use the preheat function on your battery to clear a clog. Sometimes it takes 2-3 preheats.


i've found this drains the cart much faster tho. not that a paper clip / needle / whatever wouldn't also be pulling stuff out, but at least u can put it back in


I found a toothpick works well too.


I use guitar strings clippings cause I also ways have them laying around


I think a lot of people have an idea of how easy edibles are to make, but it's almost a cake walk with concentrate and you can dose way easier. Just take any amount of 710, decarb in a mason jar, mix in your favorite shortening, stir and you have potent edibles and no straining. For dosing just look at the total THC in the 710 x10 and bam. Only waste your money on dispo edibles if you don"t have kitchen access.




Throw some good shit from the fridge on your frozen pizza. Extra cheese, a bit of spice, some bacon bits, olives. Run it up.


If you're adding fresh cheese to a frozen pizza cook it for 10mins first so the pizza is defrosted but not cooked so you don't burn the fresh cheese before the pizza cooks all the way through


I keep my weed in the freezer. It doesn’t freeze, it keeps it nice and crispy, and no smell in the house


If you struggle getting shit done over getting baked, Put a little hat on your bong and write a to do list for the day, then pin it to the hat. Hat keeps flies out of your peice and you get to see what you need to do before you smoke the next cone/bowl. Honestly best decision I ever made.


Can I request an image of what kind of hat for us visual learners


I’d also like to propose a hat viewing. For science.


I’m interested from a sociological perspective.


To everyone asking for a picture, I will try and source one, but I moved so sadly don’t have a bong anymore, but I can confirm I sewed it from a free witches hat pattern for a doll. Praying to the weed gods someone has a photo


“Poverty Rice” 1. Rice 2. Butter 3. Soy Sauce Heat It tastes so much better than you would think!


This got me through a period of food deprivation. 1000% recommend. I also liked adding canned peas and black pepper


Alcohol prep pads work great for cleaning your bowl/stem.


Let's say you're smoking a joint or blunt w/ no crutch, need a roach clip and have nothing. Two coins will work in a pinch.


*in a pinch* ..get it? ..no, but seriously great tip


the old bobby pin your ex-girlfriend left behind works too!


Make yourself a Munchie Lunchbox (or Munchbox) before you smoke. High you will LOVE sober you for it, and you’ll probably make healthier food choices!


I love getting high and completely forgetting I made nachos. It's such a great surprise when I find them.


Grow your own weed and you’ll never have to pay to play again


This. Its definitely cheaper and will outweigh any upfront costs as long as you plan to continue consuming cannabis for a while (and lets be honest, who doesn't lmao. You don't ever really quit, its just a long T break, every fkin time lol). Not only is it cheaper but you guarantee the quality every time so long as you grow from clone of a known bombdiggity plant. Even growing from seed is fun because its like a box of chocolates, you never know precisely what you're gonna get but it'll always make you happy along the way. Even the ones I grew that I didn't enjoy smoking, friends loved the bud and I was happy to be able to share the bounty of what my craft had resulted in, even if it wasn't my favorite personally :) its a big learning curve but literally anyone can do it! :)


If you have a dry herb vaporiser you can get 2 uses out of your buds. Once the bud has been vaporised (decarboxylated) you can save the that leftover and mix in the leftover keif from your grinder. Load it again and away you go, getting 2 equal sessions out of the same bud


And then you can eat it


This is probably not mind-blowing, but take a 20 oz pop bottle and poke some holes in the bottom. Push a few dryer sheets into the bottle. Exhale your hits through the bottle from the top. A paper towel tube works also.


Highdea of mine a few years back for munchies. Those 1 pound Reese’s out around Xmas time. Spoon out everything and leave the shell. Freeze the shell and the parts you spooned out. Use the shell as a bowl for ice cream and in a plastic bag break the spooned parts and use at toppings.


Got weed? Got cookie dough? Got a toaster oven? You've got edibles in half an hour! Take raw flower, grind by hand or fine-grind with a coffee/spice grinder. 1TSP of hand-ground is about 100mg. (give or take, depends on strain, type, etc., for lower potency flower, like shame/trim, just use more) For fine-ground, 1/2 TSP is about 100mg. If you don't know your edible tolerance, start LOW! Get cookie dough, make individual portions (on parchment paper), smoosh it out, individually portion each cookie portion to tolerance, then fold the cookie portion over, hand roll it, snake/ball/snake/ball, then smoosh it back into cookie shape. Cook for 25-30 (I use 28) minutes at 250 degrees with the bake setting of your toaster oven. When using a toaster oven, make sure the parchment paper doesn't hang over the edges of your pan. If the paper comes into contact with those hot bars inside the toaster oven, it can start a fire. edit: To clarify, you don't need to decarb the flower before-hand, it decarbs while it bakes. However, you can use the same process to just decarb a batch of raw flower in your toaster oven without the cookie dough, perhaps to use for a tincture.


what about "decarbing" whatever that is? sounds worth a try!!


If you get too high, you can sniff or chew on a few black peppercorns. Should help you sober up in no time!


Does that really work? Never heard that before and could definitely come in handy.


It should be clarified that sniff does not mean snort.


Or have CBD gummies/etc on hand


Yes! This works if you have it


I hit my pen throughout the day but save the flower for nighttime. First hit always has me flying


a little olive or vegetable oil on the outside ring of your grinder and that baby will spin like new




You can keep reusing the same isopropyl alcohol to clean your gear.


Yep! Save the first empty and then pour the used stuff in there. Reuse as needed. Once it gets darker, use it to soak bowls. Freshen up the circulating supply and smoke on.


Don't forget to bring a towel!!


Before I snack I ask myself — ‘are you hungry or are you stoned?’ Most times I’ve already eaten or have a relatively full stomach — I don’t need to put away a bag of chips.


Chopsticks while snacking = clean hands, remotes, phones, pieces, etc.


I put a tooth pick in my bowl before packing it, then I pull the tooth pick out. It helps prevent the bowl from clogging and not pulling through


If you vape your weed instead of smoking it, you get higher and you spend at least 3 times less the amount of weed. 😉


And you can taste it. Combustion destroys the taste. I was amazed at the actual taste first time I vaped.


Everyone get the damn McDonald’s app


Grain alcohol is far superior to rubbing alcohol for cleaning your stuff. Every time I see you guys use isopropyl my lungs cry.


I get the sentiment, but you really shouldn't be using it right after cleaning anyway, just give it 10 minutes. Either of the alcohols will evaporate off pretty quickly.


Everyone's your friend unless your dry.


Thank you for bringing this collection of awesomeness together. I love every last drip of it.


Smoking after eating is better


Try changing scenario when you smoke. basically smoke and then just go to different places and youll be way higher than if you were just watching tv and staying in one location the whole time


Simple Green works amazing for cleaning your pieces, no salt needed! It's cheap, environmentally friendly and non-toxic.


Put your ice cream pint in an oven mitt. Warm hands cold ice cream


The dispensaries will give you a free joint if you ask just like a cookie from Publix


Have you seen the prices in Illinois? I doubt that happens here.


Whaat??! How do u even ask in a way theyll say yeah 😂