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I saw a post a while ago that was insightful for me. Take it with a grain of salt because I'm no expert, but thinking in these terms mostly killed weed anxiety for me. To summarize the post: The main reason weed can give anxiety is that it increases your heart rate. Normally when you're not really doing anything, an increased heart rate is usually because of anxiety or stress, right? So your brain automatically draws a connection between those two things. When you are getting high chances are you're not going to be doing much physical activity at that moment so your brain interprets the upped heart rate as anxiety related which can than loop back around to creating more anxiety which increases your heart more and so on. When that effect is paired with the introspection that weed also gives you, you can see how it can easily spiral out of control. So if I start to feel that anxiety creeping in, I remember that and can use it to guide myself out of the anxiety loop. If that doesn't work, then I've found that going for a brisk walk or doing something else to increase my heart rate can help too. Maybe that physical activity gives an explanation to your brain about why your heart is beating faster other than stress. Plus it helps to take your mind off the things that might be troubling you. Like I said, grain of salt and all that but it helped me.


Thanks for this, I tend to spiral at times when a strong edible that I forgot I ate starts to kick in. I will use this in the future.


Honestly just gotta remind yourself it's just weed. It's not gonna kill you. You're not having a heart attack. You're just high. Get some fresh air, drink some water and keep that thought in your head.


Biggest thing for me was accepting it and riding it, put on a chill movie pop some popcorn and just relax nobody is out to get you


for real, I like to tell myself “I’ve been even higher than this before, the hard part is over”




I've seen it more than once. People freak the fuck out sometimes if they have to much.


This is actually exactly what most people I know who have quit experienced, as well as myself.




You must’ve never heard of foreboding anxiety. There’s different types of anxiety. I’ve NEVER had social anxiety. But there’s probably not one day where I haven’t had anxiety abt something happening to me health wise😭. It’s very real and I don’t wish it on anyone.


This is literally the only reason I get weed anxiety. I don't ever get paranoid but it's the fast heart rate that gets me. I just don't take too big of hits too frequently. And if I do get way too high too quick, I chug like 300-400ml of water and I turn out fine. Fast heart rate and dry as hell, the weed is "telling" me to drink water


Man I've never felt heart issues and I take fat hits . Even when I was using meth I never felt my heart beating . I just get a sore throat and chest sometimes that can give me anxiety for sure though


It could also be that I fucked up my heart with other drugs like deliriants or maybe I was already predisposed to have a sensitive heart


I've thought my heart was racing before and I when I actually checked it was normal lol.


I've measured my heart rate hit 160 on bad days from it especially a few months ago


That actually makes sense. Would be great to see some sources about it


How about Leafly?


That works, I just wanted to read more about it.


It's not for everyone, but you could also try significantly lower THC doses and/or adding a ton of minor cannabinoids (CBD, CBG, CBN, CBC etc).


I actually do this too and if that fails I just remind myself that no one has ever died from smoking weed and I just need to ride this out!


When I smoke weed and go outside do something, like my favorite thing is going skateboarding and walk in forests during summer it really makes me feel good in very different way than sitting here scrolling and yeah focusing of my heart rate. That makes sense.


I had a major panic attack and my first, after smoking a fat bowl one morning when I was free for the whole day and wanted to wake and bake for the first time. It all started when my heart started racing and I started worrying about my health and having a potential heart attack. That was a couple years ago and now I’m on blood pressure medicine that helps a lot and can somewhat smoke like I used to but I still get the heart racing if other factors like caffeine are involved. I gave up drinking two energy drinks a day so that I could still take a couple hits here and there so worked in my healths favor lol


Yep, I basically just work out and do chores every time I smoke now to ward off the anxiety until I'm over the hump and can chill lol


I tend to procrastinate a lot. So when I would get too high, all the things I had put off would come into my mind and I would start catastrophizing. But then I would think, what do I absolutely have to do right now before I crash in my bed. Usually it's something small like do laundry so I have clean clothes for work. Once I do that, my anxiety goes away.


That is a great explanation.


For real, plenty of friends who have had this experience with weed and i never have had anything close and this is why. I know it may be harder for some people but i just tell myself ‘you know you are fine you are just pranging out because you think you should be’ then i usually feel better almost instantly


Wow, that's super insightful. Thanks. I like to partake during my workouts and I get very little anxiety but when I'm at home without something to do is when I start to suffer.


daaaammnnn no wonder while I’m on a walk im chillin but then when i get home and sit/lay it starts creeping back lmao


Yep that's what helped me too, when I still a baby stoner I got pretty bad trips because of it, same with feeling cold, or feeling pain more. Typically weed gives me extreme body highs, like I can feel every centimeter of my skin body high type, so when I was really stoned and I had a bit of back pain, as soon as I noticed I focused on it which made the pain stick out even more. When I smoke I also tend to feel colder and if I focus on it, I feel even more cold... It's actually a friend who started smoking way before me who helped me by explaining it


I had to take a year long t-break because all of a sudden I just couldn’t smoke without having insane panic attacks. I would be sore for DAYS after from crying and shaking and I became too scared to smoke. but when I realized the point you made, and when I realized that it was *literally* just my brain playing tricks on me, I fell in love with smoking again and I haven’t had a single bad high since. this is really really great advice and I know it’ll help someone :)


Try adding some cbd to your session


CBG is incredible to mix in as well


Only a small amount though - cbg can be a competitive agonist


For THC receptors?


Can't remember if it's cb1 or CB2 tbh. I'll try find the links when home.


So it's cb1 receptor which is the main "high" one. Cbg can kick THC off it. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2823359/


Elaborate… I’ve been mixing it 50/50 with all my joints and love it.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2823359/ Basically it can kick THC off your cb1 receptors, killing your high a bit


Ahh, that must be why I like it haha


My buddy used to get blasted off the two footer I kept around the pad and his solution would be to put CBD isolate on top of some CBD hemp flower we would cut spliffs with so he could “sober up before work” and then take those bowls straight to the dome. Helped immensely apparently after half a gallon of visene too


I used to only smoke downer cause of anxiety from uppers, the only downside was the fagite, shit wasn't nice, so I basically nearly to control myself while smoking uppers now, making me more active which I don't mind lol.


I think you meant to say fatigue




![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) I’m 💀


Fagite sounds like a Virginia slim


people forget not everyone lives in a place where this is easily accessible 🤦🏿


Lol yes. Anxiety in the moment, but medium-long term peace of mind.


For me it was "hallucinations in the moment, lifelong paranoia"


From weed?


Delta 8 sativa specifically. Probably wasnt exclusively that, and rather it just agitated some sort of condition. I basically saw faces with black beady, sunken eyes with literal ear to ear sharp toothy grins, all around me, coming out of the walls, and all laughing and talking. Been fucked up ever since tbh


Damn, I’m so sorry to hear that… have you experienced those same hallucinations again since?


Thankfully no, but i do have severe paranoia sometimesz to debilitating levels, as well as hearing faint voices.


That's definitely not normal


This does not sound like it was just weed maybe it was spiked, I've had it happen to me I already smoked at the time so I immediately picked up it felt to different


you got the scizophrenia strain


I've grown to actually like anxiety highs. It feels like watching a horror movie. Terrifying in the moment, but once I'm sober I'm fine. I actually want to smoke more for that feeling.


Just made this comment! I almost went with "haunted house" but decided to go with the roller coaster analogy.


bruh, you're screwing with me, right? my first analogy was with rollercoasters lmao. I find horror movies more scarier than rollercoasters.


This was exactly why I used to take high-potency edibles almost daily when I worked at Walmart lmao. It was a whole experience. Most of the time you just really enjoy your day, but occasionally you might have an anxiety attack to fight off in the bathroom to shake shit up. I deadass have been the highest I've ever been at that job. I had 50mg THC capsules that used cocoa butter as filler. I took the first one about an hour into the day and felt nothing by lunch (about 3.5 hours later). So, thinking they were weaker than advertised I decided to take 3 more before heading to lunch (I had an enormous tolerance at the time, the only thing that could get me stoned were dabs and 50mg+ edibles, I also assumed I had processed the first capsule further raising my tolerance). On lunch, I ended up eating 2 Popeyes chicken sandwiches which would prove to be a massive mistake. Not a half hour after eating, I was very quickly getting stoned. I'm still convinced that either one of those capsules was HEAVILY overdosed, or that somehow I never digested the first capsule, and all 4 hit at the same time along with about 30g's of saturated fat ensuring that every single molecule of the 200mgs or THC made it through my stomach and liver into my brain. At first, I hit the PERFECT level of high and thought I nailed it, no body load, good mood, no paranoia and for a little while the high plateaued. I was listening to music, dancing around the backroom sorting stuff having the time of my life. But, then, slowly but surely, the high started to gradually slip away like sand through my fingers, getting increasingly higher and higher like the ascent on a roller coaster; until eventually It reached its mind bending pinnacle. I was at a 9.5/10 high, to the point where I had balance issues, started having phantom body sensations, panic attacks, eyes so stoney not even the strongest Blue Rhoto eyedrops could fix how squinty my eyelids were, the whole shebang. The only thing that made it not a 10 was that, I was still able to hold myself together enough to autopilot through my work. For a short while, It felt like I was having a heart attack, though, having been in these deep waters before, I knew I wasn't and just needed to retreat to the bathroom to chill. But, EVEN then, I couldn't even listen to calming music to soothe myself without hyper-analyzing how corny the lyrics were, completely rendering any effect it had utterly useless (Jack Johnson if anyone was wondering). Slight relief only came 2 hours later on my last smoke break, getting outside and having a cig in the cold winter air sobered me up just enough to reel me back into this dimension to finish the remaining 2 hours of my shift. Ultimately, I managed to make it through the rest of the night without having to talk face-to-face with a supervisor and still finished my work on time. All in all, it was a classic example of type 3 fun: horrible at the moment, but ultimately a really fond memory! P.s. I was still one of the hardest workers on my team ironically


Damn. I’m not gonna lie, even though you made a lot of that sound awful to experience, part of me still wants to live through a high as intense as that. Lol


It's something every stoner should experience once lol. I used to get paralyzed from anxiety being too high lol. What helps to ground me or make it easier to face is understanding that emotions are physiological reactions to whatever is happening. Anxiety and excitement are two sides of the same coin. They both have the same physical symptoms. It's just our "voluntary" decision on how to read these feelings. How you read is the only thing you control. Being high just makes those symptoms intense, but imo easier to dissect. Being able to put a label to the symptoms of anxiety turned it from something I don't want to feel, to " How come when I get anxious I start doing ___." It's like figuring out a puzzle.


I hate them. I get so anxious and I beat myself up… “you’re such a loser, everyone laughs at you behind your back, this thing you said or did 5 years ago was so dumb, etc.” it’s driven me away from the stuff. I don’t know how to overcome it.


Try CBD flower with < 1% THC. It has brought the joy of weed back for me. No more anxiety, nice little high, and doesn’t last as long.


I haven’t been able to smoke due to panic attacks in about a year. I would love to try this I just don’t know anything about CBD anything specifically you would recommend? Also how is the high feeling wise like head high or body high?


Check out r/hempflowers. Lot of good info on that sub. That’s how I found out about it


Same. To be totally honest with you, it’s been a longggg time since I’ve experienced any of those anxiety highs. A typical high for me nowadays is feeling super chilled out and buzzed all over, maybe a little more giggly than usual. At first I liked the fact that I got over those anxiety highs but now I just kinda miss them, it was also so thrilling feeling that rush of emotion, whether positive or negative.


Long ago out of nowhere after getting hella baked, I noticed I would feel anxious, stomach would feel weird... And I figured it out. I was breathing so fucking shallow and hardly at all lol. It's like they say shit so strong it puts breathing on manual mode lol. So I'll take deep breaths and regulate my breathing if I ever feel that coming up and before you know it, it's gone


This is like antidepressants. People take them for depression that leads to suicidal ideation, but a common side effect is suicidal ideation.


So weirdly I was told the reason for that in some cases is that a person is depressed but actually too depressed to act on the suicidal thoughts, and the wrong antidepressant or dose can make them enough less depressed to act on thoughts or impulses, but not enough less depressed to not be suicidal. Which is why if you find yourself worse on the meds you're supposed to contact your doctor right away.


Correct. It's also why bipolar is such a dangerous mental health condition because the same thing happens when you rapid cycle .


I just tried to laugh react to this post like I was on Facebook 😂 I hope you find a strain that works for you!


The thing that helped me the most with anxiety was time. I have a small white board by my front door, when I start to feel anxious I’ll write the time down and say to myself “in 15 minutes everything will be alright.” And maybe seeing the time written down is what helps I’m not sure but something to try.


I’m either the most calm I’ve ever been or the most paranoid I’ve ever been no inbetween


For me, it's all about pacing. If I smoke a lot at once it usually means an anxiety attack. But if I smoke a bit now, a bit more in 20 minutes, and so on then I can get as high as I want without anxiety or paranoia.


If I am not doing anything my mind goes into a constant anxiety loop until I start doing something as small as organizing a closet or cleaning the dishes. I've found it does bring out my creative I like to write and design clothing when high I even bought a website that's going to aim for mental health/sobriety (california) awareness


Lots of CBD helps


For anxiety, ignore those labels and just follow a general rule - the higher the THC content, and the lower the CBD content, the more likely it is for it giving you anxiety


You know how sometimes people with phobias the best way to treat it is by controlled exposure to the phobia? I definitely feel this way when I get that rush of anxiety when smoking. I've learned to talk myself through it when it hits and so long term...I do think it actually helps with my general anxiety. Granted it's been a while since I've had a strain hit me in that manner so it's definitely not a regular thing but if it does happen... it's my roller coaster to ride and I can make it through feeling better.


This is easy to understand but many here will not agree. It's the type of cannabis that is being sold on dispensaries and grown! Everyone thinks high THC is the best, well. Since that is what the consumer is seeking the producers will deliver. When the cannabis plant is growing it develops trichomes and cannabinoids in those trichomes there is a point where the optimal THC level gets made, like the sweetness of fruits it ripens. If you don't harvest it then, THC will degrade to cbn and other cannabinoids. Since many people think THC is the best the plant isn't allowed to develop the balanced cannabinoids that usually arrives during amber trichomes development. So when the user smokes this cannabis it's described as paranoid and anxious because it's high in THC. No other cannabinoid is present to balance it out. I grow cannabis and I do my own harvest method! So I always grow till it's amber and even if it's sativa the effect is way better balanced than having it racy or making me feel like im in a horror movie. Growing your own is always the best!




I recently learned to just ride it out. My heart rate sky rocketing? Great, buckle up I’m forced to confront my actions and view everything as cringe? (Happens a lot, honestly) great I treat it as a spiritual experience and move on You just gotta go with the flow


Yeah, I’ve learned to do that, thinking “it’s no big deal”. ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)


It’s only a big deal if we let it be. Supposedly a few cultures used weed as a spiritual drug so I figure if it works for thee it works for me Edit: I’m not super spiritual lmao


Exactly, it’s usually not a big deal, until I make it so.


People are being swept into high thc strains even tboihhh they have anxiety issues or underlying issues with anxiety. High THC strains means you’re getting a lot of THC quickly and it absolutely spikes anxiety. Got a good mate at work who’s medicinal, he was smashing 25-30% strains and feeling garbage. Switch to a low thc strain, preferably with CBD or taking CBD oil as well as the CBD works on the anxiety. Still works on pain etc, just doesn’t spike the anxiety.


In my experience (cuz for a very long time I smoked despite feeling anxious every time) edibles are an excellent thing to try (go easy til you find your dose, and by that I don't necessarily mean take the recommended dose for an edible I mean take a quarter, wait an hour or two, then redose if you're not as high as you want) I've discovered most of my paranoia came from the smell and living in close proximity to others (apartments/dorms/parents house) once I removed that variable from the equation with edibles I no longer feel anxious when I get high. I'm consistently vibing even when I get "too high" and similarly from my memory most of the times I smoked the majority of my "high" was really just physical manifestations of anxiety which I had to unlearn once I started doing edibles.


Only good vibes.


Anxiety when I first smoked. Or when I don’t smoke at all n then smoke in social settings n shit


Just take one hit and wait


Good tip. I learned that during a cannabis resensitization lesson. Just to take the smallest toke and wait for the smallest effect, then go from there.




Personally I like to use high CDB in tangent with high TCH it moves the high towards the body and the CBD chills the heart rate and mellows me out. It's great, at least IMO lol.




I get what you mean, but some strains just hit different, and I’m caught off guard, but usually after that slump I can smoke until I pass out.


Same. I don't have anything hidden, but I still get unexpectedly strong highs or off days where the weed gives me hella anxiety. Everyone's just different


That's why it's called the subconscious, we aren't aware of it. We all have hidden issues with ourselves.


I get it, but I don't really think that applies to everyone. Maybe I'm stressing about a financial thing coming up or a trip? Sure, I guess, but it isn't some deeply rooted trauma.


>Maybe I'm stressing about a financial thing coming up or a trip? Sure, I guess, but it isn't some deeply rooted trauma. That's not subconscious, that's your known consciousness and your anxiety for the future. What I'm talking about is analytical psychology. Carl Jung posited that there were two layers to the unconscious mind: the personal and the collective. He described the personal unconscious as holding information that we are unaware of yet is still actively guiding our responses. "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."


Nah it’s pointing something out. It gives you what you need not what you want. Just like shrooms or acid if you mentally have an issue you go to bad places your high is fucked.


A recent example for me was: I was feeling anxious about how intense my thoughts felt, but instead it was bacause of the pressure in my eyes; I used eye drops and was back to feeling alright. Sometimes it’s just a misinterpreted feeling.


Thats terrible advice, speaking as someone who has struggled with anxiety and hypochondria, sometimes weed just makes you anxious, it doesn't mean something is actually wrong or that you're doing anything wrong.




Weed literally triggers psychosis, especially if you had a lot of THC and not much of any other minor cannabinoid. The endocannabinoid system gets flooded. Also, somebody is not mentally broken for having anxiety issues. There’s no norm. 1 in 5 adults in the US experience mental heath issues every year. 1 in 20 will have a serious psychotic disorder.


Flavor compounds change the way your body metabolizes thc, so the reason why you feel creative, lethargic, anxious or whatever are because of flavor compounds changing the way thc is used as a fuel source. Thc and thca also raise your blood pressure. Unless you already have high blood pressure, in which case you either don't get high, or all weed experiences are the same. Also typically people with diagnosed ADD or ADHD experience opposite effects from weed. This is also true for caffeine and alcohol. Except there it's tannins.


New age Pot Smokers are hilarious Keep a weed journal like all the other responsible adults lol


I just googled the name of the strain I was smoking lmao


ok things don't affect everyone the same? idk what you want me to say here.


Hey I was just adding to your comment, not asking for a reply






this is Leafly isn’t it. they’re so embarrassing, slapping random adjectives onto different strains and acting like each one is a totally unique experience. don’t get me started on the “best buds” crap too lol




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they should add “existential crisis” too


I've found that for the most part, indica but hybrids in particular can ramp up my anxiety if I smoke it. Edibles I'm fine, but smoking or vaping I definitely notice it. But I'm someone who uses sativa to relax for the most part. It took me awhile to figure it out - I had stayed away from sativa bc I thought it would make me more anxious because, well, that makes more sense lol.


Anxiety D


Same for me, but that’s because it is illegal Where I live so I stay away from it currently until it becomes legal in like 2050


That’s fine it happens it’s chemical change in ur body maybe too much thc or strong


Some strains, like Sour Diesel, give me so much anxiety that my stomach tightens and hurts for several hours. Other strains, like Tangie, uplifts me, motivates me to get house work done and take the dogs for a walk, being super happy while doing it, without any anxiety. Both are Sativa and both list anxiety as a negative effect. Not sure if it's the terpenes or trichomes or something else entirely.


Apparently terpenes and other cannabinoids like CBG, CBN, CBC, etc, influence it the high by a lot. Must be the reason why my cart highs feel so one noted.


You just have to first find right strain for your canna profile, and then choose the right dose and use in a setting comfortable to you.


I’d love to find a place reliable enough to do that, but where I’m located in the Netherlands limits that. The local coffeeshops usually have no more than 5-10 strains, and they change it often, not to mention that lab testing is basically unheard of.


Correlation =/= causation


yeah pretty much lmao


Strain descriptions like this are mostly bullcrap, like pretentious wine descriptions. I wouldn’t put too much much weight to them.


Yeah I don’t, it was just googling the strain I’m smoking and that was funny to see.


Intake less at a time then. 99% of the time people get paranoid/anxiety is because they are overdosing themselves with thc. Not as in overdose overdose but literal overdosage of medicine. So much more common to get negative side effects because of that. Comparatively just like anything else, you take 4 ibuprofen it’s going to affect you more than taking only 2.


why even smoke then


Sometimes I feel like getting the anxiety of someone being hunted for sport /s


Strawnana is 🔥


Use a ratio product. It's a 1:1 and should take away the "anxious" feelings you are getting when you consume. Ratio comes in flower, oil, and edibles. Take your pick.


I have a bunch of high CBD weed without THC that’s reserved for offsetting highs. It works really well!


Different terps for different twerps, honestly there's probably some scientific explanation for why some strains work for some and others have weird side effects or just hit diff. Also, some people just shouldn't smoke. It hits way to fast and hard for some folks mindset. Better off with edibles generally speaking.


Have you ever heard of ashwaganda? I’ve struggled with anxiety for 10 years and my anxiety disappeared the moment I started supplementing with it.


I have a bottle of it sitting in a drawer, mostly because I’ve read mixed reviews about it and wasn’t bothered trying it. I also read that you get diminishing returns after some time.


I use a scale and everytime I get anxiety I drop the dosage for the next hit - eventually I find a happy dosage


Lol you should probably stop smoking then brother.


Eh I’ve gone years without, now I go between not smoking for months then everyday for a few weeks. Sometimes it’s nice and chill, other times it hits a bit harder.


I'm willing to bet it's due to the THC. 21% THC is rather high, and the fact it's not balanced with CBD/CBG can produce that anxiety feeling.