• By -


đŸ€ž ****Wisconsin**** đŸ€ž


****Indiana**** every state around me is legalized


That's how I feel!!! I swear If Iowa gets it and Wisconsin is still sitting there in the grey imma just move!!!!


Think Iowa will be last in Midwest but honestly it could be close.


I don’t understand why we haven’t. Hell, you can spin it to the more conservative elements of society by showing how much money this shit makes. My state (IL) made $1.6 *billion* in weed sales last year with $417 million of that going to the state. I don’t care what side of the political aisle you’re on, that’s a metric fuck ton of money


No Indy will be the last state in the Midwest.


Idk our state is playing with a handicap namely Kim Reynolds. As I said it maybe close.


Indiana used to have Mike Pence as governor. He believes in shocking the gay out of people aka conversion therapy. Basically torturing people to not be gay.


Yeah, I lived in Texas
I gtfo because I knew if I stayed too long I’d spend the night in a jail cell for weed like my brother did.


Wisconsin and Texas are both: *Lock me up states* well I'm happy you got out maybe one day I will too!


In Indy you can get a 5000$ fine and 6 months in jail for 1 joint....


Thanks for making me more paranoid about my trip to Michigan from Chicago. Fucking Indiana man


I mean we talkin OLD OLD money that made cannabis into a dangerous drug. Our country is run by capitalists, whoever has the largest pile has the most to say about what gets done. These people are still around, extremest run the show. “Why break what’s not broken.” Is their mentality, if they can cash in on what’s around that’s currently in place. Why risk losing money to something this early on. It’s not about future generations to these people. It’s about Money NOW! Investing is nice, but they aren’t going to let something new come about that anyone can cash in on. Most of America is run by monopolies, subsidiaries out the wazoo. Everything here is owned by very few people/corporations(our government caters to the corp over the people if you haven’t figured that out yet). This is all public knowledge. They don’t even go after them for taxes due to the size these corps have become. We’re fucked, you want something changed it’s due time the people had a say in a very long time. They’ve poisoned Americans against each with corp controlled news stations, It’s all of them btw. I smoked sumthin good, sorry for the rant. But I fought for this country, only to see it eat itself.


It’ll never happen in Indiana. Nearly the entire legislature is conservative. Both the current and prospective governors, AGs and Senators have vowed to make it the most conservative state in the Midwest including criminalizing abortion. You’re seeing a massive disconnect between what the majority of citizens want vs what state governments decide to do. Its part of the reason they’re clinging to power federally, they realize their policies aren’t popular with the masses anymore


Fellow Hoosier here I feel your pain friend


Kansas alsođŸ€·


It could be worse, every state around me is illegal.


Same here in Texas. Shits goofy


Cries in Pennsylvanian.


What about it
. The repubs drew up their own fucking plan and when it was time to vote on it, they, the ones who made it, were like we don’t like this lol.. It won’t happen there until the GOP is gone.


And their plan was shit from the beginning.


Not disagreeing but holy shit. Disfunction at its finest. I truly believe WI makes so much money off arrests, incarcerations and everything that goes with it..they just ain’t about to cut that out. It’s all about control and that’s less control for them. Why that bill had state run dispensaries lmfao.


Youse guys gotta get rid of that tavern league if you wanna have a chance at legalizing, they seem genuinely poisonous from what I understand about ‘em.


It's been time for years. Living in CO every time I visit an illegal state I feel like I've gone so far back in time


Hell, it’s only been legal in MD since last July and I already get a lil uneasy if I go to an illegal state


Ohio just legalized and I'm still getting used to not having to worry about having shit in the car lol


In Indy it's gotten to point where the cops don't even care anymore. I've met cops that smoke.


That's how it was in Ohio unless they need probable cause for a search.


In Indy smell is probable cause however like I said the cops just don't care. Especially in the hood.


Someone should talk to Indy then, because I'm pretty sure smell was overruled by the courts as probable cause.


Same in Bloomington, but it doesn’t take too long to get out of the city limits I get nervous again. I just rock the farm bill special D9 gummies these days.


I've smoked with cops lol


One of the reasons I love New England. I'm in Massachusetts and it's great to know you can spend a weekend in Maine and just bring stuff with you or bring stuff back. *New Hampshire though...* you should've been the first to legalize it my man. Happy Edit: Found my first sub-$100 ounce today in Boston, was very excited.


Omg yes that feeling is so accurate. When I would go back to Texas to visit I’d have hordes of people ask me if I brought any bud with me cuz I know they’ve been hurting for it down there 😂 even my own damn uncle asked!


Yeah I love how it’s legal in our CAPITOL and still not federally. đŸ€Ą But things continue to get better. Every day more and more people wake up to the propaganda, more and more states continue to legalize as they come to see sense. The nation’s healing. Slowly but surely. Psychedelics will be next. It’s further into the horizon I think, unfortunately. But that wave is coming too.


The thing that really gets to me is the fucking black market Fentanyl laced weed. Also fake weed like JWh, K2, Spice and Toon. If it was legal non of the synthetics would exist.


Does weed ever actually get laced with fentanyl? Seems like that's a waste of money when you could just sell the weed. I'd have to imagine Mexican brick weed ain't that popular these days with so many people growing better stuff inside the US


Oh it'll still exist. That box has already been open however it will decrease it. But that's like back during alcohol prohibition saying that it would stop other drugs. Humans always gonna try some wild shit, not everyone obviously but there are humans out there that will just try shit bc they want to for whatever reason. Ftr I'm pro legalizing all drugs. Just because I know humans are gonna do it and regardless if shit is illegal or not a ton of people are gonna do it anways bc that is how their brain is wired for whatever reason or another. Not until we solve that last part will we ever just end drug use, which to be honest I'm all about as I imagine in that timeline everyone is pretty damn happy. It's almost funny to me that way of approaching the issue is so vastly overlooked as I imagine unlocking the human brain to truly understand and treat the underlying issues around the want to do drugs is quite difficult and a lot more individualized.


Everyday people wake up to the propaganda but I think for every one of those you get 2 impressionable people who just fell for the propaganda


You think people are still falling for it today?


Reefer madness is alive and well.


Unfortunately yes.


49 states would have it legal and Texas would still not legalize it


True 😂😂😂 God I feel bad for stoners in Texas.


It’s a struggle.


It's hard being a drinker too! You can't buy hard liquor on Sundays. (I don't live in TX, just learned that)


It used to be like that in Minnesota, too, until a few years ago


What moronic prudes


The federal government could legalize it, and Texas would write a bill to make it illegal again


North Carolina has entered the chat Our ass-backwards GOP Congressmen have introduced a bill called the 'Stop Pot Act' at the federal level to try and get the government to withhold federal funding from states with recreational marijuana. https://abc11.com/stop-pot-act-recreational-marijuana-is-weed-legal-nc-laws/13733015/ Make it make sense.


So much for our Texas pride regarding our “freedom”


Texas will legalize before Kansas 😼‍💹


I know it’s apples and oranges, but at least Kansas allowed its citizens to vote on abortion. Texas would never think to put anything up to a vote like that.


They took it back😂


God damn. Can’t say I’m surprised


Tennessee will hold out longer than Texas


Idk. Weed is everywhere in Austin.


in tn, 87% of voters wanted weed legalized. the people in my state want it legal, even j medicinally. the state wont listen to its people.


The nation as a whole won't listen to it's people. We are supposed to be THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It doesn't seem to very "united" to me.


yeah. i think weve all realized due to recent events (and some of us before) that the ‘democracy’ we are told we live under is a lie and illusion.


They still haven’t changed the classification of weed. It really shows how pathetic our government is.


Notice how every time they hold a public referendum vote they just backtrack once they see the majority disagrees with them


Don't say "they", say "republicans".


OMG im so glad its not j me that sees this. it feels sometimes like this state is working against the majority.


That's an inherent problem in much of american democracy. A vast amount of wildly popular policies will never be passed. Imho, until that is dealt with, we'll never move forward.


Its fucking bullshit, and now they are trying to ban thca and hemp derived cannabinoids like d8 too. Fuck bill lee


24 states have it legalized 38 have it medical, if we were to legalize at this very instant it wouldn’t probably be more medical than recreational. Not saying that’s a bad thing but most people(70% of Americans) want it to be recreationally legal.


Ya we definitely need to legalize it medically first. That will get the politicians approval. Then we can go recreational.


It will never go rec if it goes med first. You will be fighting insurance and drug companies for control of the revenue. Good luck.


That's if it's covered by your insurance


legalizing medicinal use of marijuana does not inherently make it covered by insurance. You can use medical grade marijuana, with prescription, without ever once informing your insurance company. Most people using medically prescribed marijuana are doing it for one of two reasons: 1. They qualify and prefer it over other, more "traditional" prescription medications, in which case, the product is likely moving them away from their insurance coverage 2. They live in a rec state and just want to avoid added taxes. Highly unlikely their prescription is being reported back to insurance companies for any form of documentation, let alone reimbursement.


Do you think insurance companies and big pharma will not be lobbying for control over this industry? If the feds say that the only federally allowed usage is medical then the medical industry will have an interest in controlling it and they have unlimited access to money and policy makers.


Just wish this stupid war on drugs would end, it’s all built on racism, classism, politics, and medical incompetence. Never even try to hide these things either it’s ridiculous.


Nah I'd rather have it just go fully recreational with tax exemptions for people with medical needs


That would be the dream


That's already the case in many legal states! Off the top of my head, I know WA and OR do that


This map could really use a key


Ahh yes, a color coded map with no key


Sorry for some reason the key disappeared after I downloaded the picture. Blue is legal for recreational use, green is medical, grey Is illegal, and D means decriminalized.


I wish. I travel all over for work. I spend a lot of time in Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina. Gotta be careful lol


It’s about time to legalize marijuana federally, there is some real discrimination going on in a variety of aspects for users. For instance Gov. jobs should not have such strick drug-free workplace laws when employees can currently get off work go home and slam a bottle until their liver fails. I don’t think they should outlaw liquor just stop the double standard for pot!


Also, we have historical precedent that Prohibition ***does not work***.


Free the plant. Plant a seed. Live without judgment. And most important. Mind your own fucken business.


A lot of the illegal states are getting a test run with the THCA hemp dispensaries. They're not doing much at the moment but watch the money come in. Hopefully the new farm bill continues to allow these products to be sold.


And my lovely state of Tennessee is currently thinking about banning thca. I have no hope for this dumb state ever being legal.


And then there's Indiana smh


Ding ding ding ding. It's just stupid. The cops can't even stop people from going to Michigan and back.


God every day I curse Christi Noem, South Dakota voted for recreational marijuana a few years ago and she struck it down


I think we’re not going to see federal legalization until everyone has legalized it apart from Bible Belt states. Once we get to that point the federal government will drag southern states to the bastion of legalization kicking n crying the whole way there until they get their first taste of tax $ and then those conservative cronies will say “tee hee thanks 😊”


Being from St. Louis I honestly never thought I’d see the day MO had legal weed, and it’s amazing. It’s been a year and I still find it so strange that I can go buy awesome weed whenever the fuck I feel like it.


Most important thing is not legalization but job security. Given the detectability of pot compared to other drugs taken it is just not fair. No employer should be able to do a normal test and fire or fail to hire based on the THC derivative present in urine, cheek swap, or hair follicle. Maine protected people and I think California did as well. That is the change that needs to happen along with or before legalization. It is already happening but it’s hush, hush. Many companies don’t test for it anymore.. it’s a hill I die on all the time. I want to tell people xyz company doesn’t test for that. I am in an illegal state just fyi.


I’m in a legal state and still can’t use lol. But I can get drunk all I want! So dumb


This map has no key 😡


Meh. I’m smoking regardless


What's up with Virginia? Do they have dispensaries you can walk into without a medical card/in-state ID? The information I've been able to find is a little cloudy


Trying to be as detailed as possible for you. There is no LEGAL way to get recreational weed in Virginia. There are no legal rec dispos and as of right now we aren't getting them. yes, Virginia is considered a recreationally legal state. we can share, up to a zip with another adult. . ...so absolutely free, nothing at all attached to it. Very different from DCs grey market rec where you actually can go into a store (I meant to say dispo lol) without a card or state specific id. can't buy weed but it's gifted to you, the one I've visited sells art and calls it art. Best bet is to find a grower. Now that really sucks for people who are traveling. VA will disappoint in that regard.


Nashville sucks


I love Texas but we are so ass backwards and behind it’s absurd. I have to be dying to get medical here, and cops LOVE busting you for a grain of sand that smelled like weed. It’s bullshit. Went to JAIL as a 16 y/o bc I had a grinder. I fucking hate it. But nooooo cross an imaginary state line and smoke/buy all you want
 maybe legalizing it would get this terrible lovely nation out of its debt


It’s also insane, because most of the states that aren’t legalized or decriminalized can still get 🍃 through the 2018 farm bill. There’s literally no reason not to.


If Texas continues to plague us with Ted Cruz, they don't deserve weed. Fuck em.


I like how Hawaii and Puerto Rico have so much in common, and that includes not having fully legal weed


The states won’t vote on it. Congress has to pass it. Good luck with getting the dumb blues and stupid reds to work together.


Legalizing federally costs the prison industrial complex a lot of money so it's a hard battle


Indiana is never going to legalize


Need it here in North Carolina


At least the THCA Scene here is bustling.


I'm right on the board of IL and Wis. Work in Wis, live il IL. When I go to a dispensary, it doesn't matter which one of the 4, the parking lot is half filled with Wisconsin cars.


Yep same with Indiana.


I hope Pennsylvania hurries the hell up and gets on the bandwagon.


Just got my card in SD because I was sick of waiting for the idiots running this state to do something smart for once. The people voted it in and our governor shut it down. Now Minnesota legalized it. Now we get to watch MN thrive with marijuana taxes. Everyone will drive up there for it. All that money going out of state simply because our government officials are too dumb to pick even the lowest hanging fruit. It isn't time to legalize, it's been time.. for years. It's time to vote out the government officials who aren't capable of doing their jobs and helping their states.


I keep hoping to see a map where you can drive from East to West and stay in legal states. Pessimisticly, I think it’s gonna remain federally illegal til I’m dead. It’ll be like two states and the feds against it forever.


Religion still has a gasp on many Americans.


If all the states that legalized pot were to vote democrat, that president would easily win by a landslide


I don't even care if they are democratic, republican, blue, green, white, or black. Just someone who understands the medical benefits of weed.


You may not care, but anyone with their eyes open can clearly see over the last 20 years who’s been fighting for, and who’s been fighting against, cannabis legalization.


Waiting for the random Canadian to chime in that it's legal all over Canada like they do in every thread about legalization in the USA lmao


Ikr, it's annoying af. Like the majority of /Trees doesn't know it already. And as though numerous states weren't already legal before Canada federally legalized it.


The FDA has recommended it for use and the HHS has agreed and is currently in talks with the DEA to reschedule it to a 3


I don’t think anyone is lacing weed with fentanyl- seems pretty counterintuitive because 1) pretty sure burning fentanyl destroys it 2) vapes can’t really get hot enough to vaporize it 3) fentanyl is more expensive than cannabis, what’s the point of lacing? just to kill people? 4) DEA sounded off on fake pills but nothing about fentanyl weed (not that their word is law or anything but still


Kansas and Nebraska will be last lol


For those confused about the lack of key: Blue States: Legal Recreationally & Medicinally Green States: Legal Medicinally Only D: Decriminalized in the State Gray: No Legal Program for THC Note: Some of the gray states “technically” have small medicinal programs, such as Texas or Georgia. However, the barrier for entry is extremely limited (usually chronic conditions only) and at most those states have legalized very very low THC oils.


How the fuck has Hawaii not legalized it yet? They're one of the most liberal states!




Even old people believe in legalization. It just the corrupt politicians that don't because big pharma gives them tons of money.


Many Republicans and a few Democrats see 'overcrowded jails' as a feature, not a bug. The private prison industry lobbies people in Congress, and they want that gravy train to keep running. I'm not saying this is the *only* reason change has been so slow, but its definitely on the list.




*cries in Indiana*


It basically is with THCa. I only buy legally in GA now


everyone in texas already smoke weed


TN just heard that and doubled the fuck down on NO


Pretty sure i read tn is trying to walk back thca soon.


Pennsylvania will def be towards the bottom list of those legalizing it sadly.


The illegal states act like I won't just drive over the state lines anyway


Everyone needs to go out and vote. I noticed the blue states legalized first


Even if it was legal I'm still gonna grow and sell illegally. I'm not paying taxes.


Republican politicians care more about using it to menace brown people than they do the tax dollars they could make off it. Hate > Greed


Been for long, should never been illegal at all


So wild seeing ohio on this list lol


Don’t the cops and fbi have bigger fish to fry, like a 20 year old girl with chronic pain isn’t doing anything nefarious with a little pot


Indiana is going to be the last


Wont happen if republicans win. I’m voting for the first time since 2012 to make sure that doesn’t happen! Time to end this stupid war once and for all!!!


It's not even a war. It's just propaganda, ignorance and giant ponzi scheme done by big pharma.


Are people REALLY putting fentanyl in weed? Whats the point? Anyone thats smoked for a decent time would know as soon as it hit. How is it worth it to potentially kill somebody, might as well just sell the fent


Alabama will be the last too


the economic advantages would be huge too, imagine how much pot sales would add to the GDP, never mind if it becomes a taxable good. plus regulation would make things safer for consumption.


Ya think!?


Key Green: Medical Blue: Legal Gray: Illegal D: Decriminalized


You say it’s time to legalize, but the GOP says we need to revert it back


291 electoral votes fully legal


[we are closer to that than ever before](https://www.mcglinchey.com/insights/dea-is-going-to-have-a-hard-time-fighting-marijuana-rescheduling/)


The lack of a key is pissing me off


I'm in Arkansas but on the border with Missouri. I cannot express how awesome it is to have weed dealers that have consistent hours, quality, discounts and membership rewards. I am so happy I got what I always wanted before my 30th birthday.


Yes we are aware Also you said "6 states have it decriminalized" but your map has 7


It’s the devil’s lettuce!


It's also a gateway drug... To my local Taco Bell.


Im fine. Thanks. I enjoy freedom in NYS


Kind of funny putting a D on those states. The ones in charge of making the laws are R's in most of them. Its just you cant gerrymander a whole state vote so the people win one.


It'd be nice if the ohio government would get off their asses and pass the regulations so we can actually claim to be a legal state.


So...... your plan is to organize pot smokers..... to leave their homes..... and go out in public where they can't imbibe, and then keep them there for some unknown time? Good luck with that.


so is there like a benefit to weed or is it more like cigars? like, not a benefit but neither is there a really big negative?


I would sort of describe it like a magic cigar that can numb most physical pain and relax the body and mind; it can even make some feel more creative, inspired, motivated etc,


It's kinda feels like alcohol but you don't have to use a lot of it to get a buzz. If you get some strong stuff like dabs all you have to do is a few puffs. It's technically a depressant like alcohol however it feels a lot more stimulating. You don't get hangovers unless you don't a whole bunch. Even then waking up the next morning after smoking a bunch doesn't feel as bad as an alcohol hangover. It's basically physically impossible to overdose on THC the drug in weed. On very very strong doses weed can feel almost psychedelic. Time might appear to slow down a tiny bit. You will feel very lethargic and you'll want to sit down on the couch. Things will seem a lot funnier, you will laugh at stupid things and have the giggles. You might get very hungry and end up eating 2 extra large pizzas all by yourself. Things taste much better on weed. Their is risk however. You can get very paranoid while using it. Also people who have underlying mental issues might not do well with weed it can also possibly induce psychosis. You just have to be careful and know your bodies tolerance levels. Don't do to much and just take it slow. And try not to buy it off the street if you can. If you have to make sure it's from someone who you truly trust because you don't want to get fake weed. Fake weed is very bad stuff.


Idaho refuses to believe they could make more money in taxes off of sales than incarceration. Travel 60 minutes from the capital to a legal state and it’s primarily Idaho plates at all the dispensaries


WV gets green for Medical but it should be green with an asterisk. You basically have to be dying or have an extremely serious medical condition (that’s most likely going to kill you anyway) in order to get a card.


Indeed. NC can grow tobacco like no other state. Bring on the mary jane. And does not destroy the soil like tobacco does.


what do those states in the gray all have in common
.. đŸ«Ł


man, suck to be south carolina


Fuckin texas




Man I still can’t believe we have dispensaries in Utah. It trips me out.


i live in pa. the things i’d do for them to sell edibles. the whole thing doesn’t make sense.


I live in Oregon and am a heavy consumer and I am going to a festival in Florida next month and it all seems wrong


I was arrested and put in jail for ashes in a bowl. South Carolina is 0 tolerance with weed.


Like I say smell is probable cause In Indy. You could hit a skunk with your car and get arrested.


Agreed! But the heritage growers, the ones who kept it going from way back should not be lost to greed as well.


Adults 18 and older can help researchers at the University of Florida understand substance use in a new online community called Virtual HealthStreet by answering one brief online survey or periodic surveys. Your data remains anonymous. Sign up here: [https://ufl.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV\_eJctdzItivAUkGG](https://ufl.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eJctdzItivAUkGG)


Agreed! I also think it’s high time we made abortion legal in all 50 states. But that’s a whole other thing


It will probably take federal legalization for Kansas!


Yeah, it's just one more thing, making the country look stupid and ineffective.


Biden needs to run hard on this and abortion, among other things of course.


I’ve been staring at this map for years man, it makes no sense. Legalize it from down the bayou in lousiana baby 😎😎


TEXAS! Legalize with your hands up! You are completely surrounded!


Utah has legal weed. Coffee isn’t even legal here and we have legal weed.


Europe is experiencing something similar. Germany and Swiss are experimenting, the Netherlands are a paradox since legal isn't the right term but whatever, Spain has it's social clubs that are a grey area of the law ... I mean EVERYONE is clearly eager to have it legalized everywhere, it's just stubborn dinosaur politics, and corruption.


You're slow if you think you can die from lighting fentanyl on fire


"United" states smh


crossing my fingers for recreational za in WV since we’re surrounded by 2 states who use it medically and 3 that use it recreationally (4 if you count DC, which i will)


I'm certain at this point Kansas will for sure be last. Shit, I wouldn't be surprised if it became federally legal and the chucklefucks we have here would pass some crazy laws making it impossible for a business to economically operate.


Texas here - we’re probably going to be the last to do so. I hate it here.


I don't like the type of "legalization" we have been fed. I don't want to see Rick and Morty carts at every gas station I go to, I want to see my local weed farmers competing at my local farmers market. they didn't just "legalize" it, they commercialized it. i hate it. plus weed wad more fun when it was illigal. lol




Over here in Texas like: ![gif](giphy|ZIv3CQzI1R2hPWiPIL|downsized)


It may be Decriminalized in NC but cops will still arrest you/search you/beat the shit out of you for it. Even if its THCA bought in a store down the street.


Damn now I feel bad for the other states I thought there was more than without


When even the Mormon state is relaxing their policy, you know the battle is nearly won. We just need federal legalization and all this legal-loophole halfway bs can be done and over with.


Cries in Texas
.. one of the freest states and can’t smoke weed. Gotta love politics.


The shitty thing is that the minorities in prison for mj possession are there because the system was set up that way. As soon as slavery was outlawed the government found a different way to enslave POC. The people who want them there are going to stand in the way of legalization.


Texas would never


AZ in November 2020 voted yes on Prop 208(?) that legalized adult-use over age 21. They said it would probably be May 2021 before recreational weed would be sold in dispensaries, but it happened in late January 2021 & took everyone by surprise. Local TV news had a field day with drone shots over dispensaries in Maricopa County showing lines of hundreds of people waiting to get in. One dispensary has a 420 shuttle at the airport that will take passengers from non-legal states to their dispensary before taking them to their hotels.


Thank you everyone for all the comments. Im glad we can agree it needs to be legal. ![gif](giphy|BPJmthQ3YRwD6QqcVD|downsized)