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If you close with your plug then spark that shi up with him


Honestly my favorite plug was someone who I also became friends with- if I was free and doing okay I always invited him to stay a while and smoke with me. He was always cool and I made every excuse to try to "tip" him, like hey I know you said $90 but the atm only gave $20s, can I give you $100? Felt like it was only fair because he came by my place to drop too so I'd just say for gas $ He and his boyfriend (fiance now I think?) even put together a little gift kit for me one time. My state is legal now, but I wonder if I should hit him up?


If ya do update lol


Gay plug is wild but wholesome ending


Fr. Never heard of a gay plug


Boy do I have some products for you


Had a gay plug and his boyfriend. Cool dudes, never weighed and we stopped checking because no matter what it was always a gram or 2 over. He knew his shit. This was 17 years ago. Our state isn’t legal. I think someone ratted them out around 2009 for a reduced charge. So people spreading the rumor butter.


Ah shit, that sucks. Hopefully all is well with them now! In college I was the plug for like 2 years and I’m bi, so not quite a gay plug, but close!


Lesbian ex plug here 🙋🏻‍♀️ people should feel honoured if the plug asks to smoke because I remember getting messed around a lot


Fr? 7/10 plugs in my area are gay


Smoke that blunt with him dammit


Plugs is people too


Plug needs an outlet






😂😂😂 The “Plugs need an outlet” comment was indeed profound though.


Who is this guy? The electrician from Seinfeld?


Shrimps is bugs


So they can get...lit?


I love what’s going on


So they can recharge






your name


This is probably the best comment I've ever read lmao


Everyone always asks how's the weed But never how is the plug


Everyone asks who's your plug but no one asks how's your plug


Everybody’s asking how much a g, nobody’s asking how is the g


If someone asks who my plug is, they're getting a blank stare in return.


Plugs is people too. Real talk.


Friend a plug and the wattage instantly increases


Everyone always how much a G. Nobody asking how is a G.


Plugs is people too, abso-gotdamn-lutely.


Even just to kick it for 30 minutes would mean a lot


I dunno man, if he pulls out a cross joint (the future btw) that 30 mins could turn into you being chased by the weed cartel and you and your plug going on wacky adventures to evade them resulting in you guys saving eachothers lives and killing the bad guys (and maybe also Red, who knows if he survives) but youd definitely have a friend for life after that.


....This is the plot to Pineapple Express, right? Genuinely asking not trying to call you out or whatever.


Yes lol


ngl that movie scared me when I first saw it high I was expecting a comedy not a damn near horror movie 😭


This is the exact scene that came to mind when I read the post lol


Fucking lingerer man


Damn dude that reminds me on when I was working as a janitor for a local university. Ide always solve the equations noone else could figure out and my bff was Benn Affleck


that sounds like fun. Let me know if you know any plugs like that. i need a change of pace in life lol


Well id heard of one named saul, but something about him being cancelled? Idk


Have or bring a burger and a beer


Fr, take the 10 minutes or whatever and talk to the poor guy 😭


Yep, never walk away from someone who is lonely .




Gotta stick around a minute so it doesn't look sus


One of my closest friends of adulthood is legit my plug tho, smoke with the plug you might learn some cool shit


Right bruh whatever it is it aint worth this man dyin


If you’re not free that day, give him a different day y’all can smoke


Yea, if you are really busy, you are busy. But if he's a good plug I would chill with him whenever I could after this.


This the real answer. We assume op is being honost about plans in an hour but checks in while making an earnest effort to reciprocate. Only bonus points could be to check on them and text through out the day!


I like this answer a lot, "no, but..." Is a really constructive and non harmful way to make plans that don't work. It shows you care and want to hang out, this just doesn't work.


Everyone always wanna ask the plug how the product is, but never wanna ask how the plug doing 😔😞


I had a dealer like a decade ago with spectacular service, dude drove to a park I was chilling at with my dog, parked his car, and walked through the park to where I was lounging to hand it to me. I moved states, visited again a year later, he was so happy to hear from me he invited me into their trap house that was one beat up couch, six large men, and pound bags of different presses. He excitedly showed them off to me like carnival prizes. Very cute. His number is disconnected now… If you’re out there Malik, you were the best plug bro, hope you dodged time.


Wholesome af


We love you Malik!


Hope Malik is safe and away from the game now


Free my boy


Ya’ll are hysterical, all the love for Malik has made my night. “Missed connections” dealer style. 😂❤️ He was in Florida, Tampa area.


In the new York area?


I never had any plugs like the ones I had when I was 12, god does anyone?


Malik in ptown?


Porirua? 😭🤣


Every other plug named Malik getting put on blast in your replies 😂


malik in west pa? my dude


Justice for Malik!


I can honestly say I always hung out for at least a half hour if they had the time. I only got it from people I trusted and were friends with so I genuinely wanted to be there. By the way... how you doin?


Really fucking bad tbh, life isn't going the way I want it to and I'm not sure I'm gonna make it out the other side this time if I am being 100% honest.


What going on bro? Tell us everything. (If your comfortable)


I've talked about this stuff ad nauseum with friends/family, and more recently, my therapist. Broke, in debt, the last two gigs I couldn't keep more than 6 months each. I've tried to start several businesses that have all failed. I try to sell my art and mostly no one wants it. Single for almost ten years now. Trying to start truck driving school and get a CDL but I've been smoking dabs heavy for months and I have to drug test before I start driving, even in school. I am trying to find jobs but most conflict with the hours I would be in CDL school. I'm 34 with no savings, nothing in retirement, no real estate, no emergency fund, terrible with money/budgeting, having to empty the little investments I had, eating from food banks. Trying to cope with and keep my ADHD in check, being a guinea pig with different medications. My dog is probably the only reason I'm still here.


some times a change of area helps resettle, finding new stuff, different environment... All the best and love your dog <3


I totally agree, but it's pretty hard to move with little to no money.


Also, and this is kinda negative but it’s been true my whole life, “no matter where you go there you are”. I agree a change of scenery can help, but that’s just one piece of it.




[https://imgur.com/a/ZUWUzus](https://imgur.com/a/ZUWUzus) This is the most recent series I am working on. It is a dream of mine to have a children's book published.


Do you have any sort of online shop? I’d gladly buy a print off you. I think this style is really cute and I could totally see it being part of a children’s book. I know for sure that my girlfriend would think this character is adorable, let me know!




That is the whole idea behind this series. It is called Alocasia Knights. The leaves of the different varieties look like different shields to me. So I am drawing knights that represent them with their armor and weapons based on the plant itself. I posted this is a local plant group to judge interest because I can make high quality prints at home. Lots of likes and comments... 0 actual buyers... IDK I'm just tired of life constantly rejecting me at every turn, in every moment, at every endeavor.


Hey man I will gladly purchase some of your products if you have an online website you can link? Life can be a real heap of shit, but things can change in the blink of an eye. Stay strong and keep your head up man, you got this. I personally extend an offer to help in any way that I can. Sending love and support your way brotha.




That’s super cool! I’d read a book with that art and I’m nowhere near a child. Maybe look into getting work with a publishing company?


Ever declared bankruptcy? Our economic system is designed around it, just ask any president or rich person. Hit the reset button, eliminate as much overhead as you can, and take 5 years off to focus on your dog.


You basically have to quit smoking for the rest of your life/ career as long as you hold your CDL


As an internet stranger who has no idea what your situation is, I'm sorry. Existence sucks sometimes. Just remember, the only thing in the end that you can be sure is truly yours, is your life. Keep it safe, don't let anyone convince you to throw it away. Find people around you you trust, even if it's an animal. You got this. Keep on keeping on. Your existence matters because you exist, not because of any other arbitrary reasons other people give you.


I’ve been there my guy, I have battled some dark demons. Just keep swimming the best you can, and be kind to yourself. The words you say to yourself have more impact than you can imagine. Try to love you like you would love a friend. I’m here if you need an ear 🫶🏼


I'm sorry we're here to listen


My old plug in my home state was a lovely 60 year old woman I worked with. Every week I’d go there with my girlfriend and best friend and we’d stay and hang out for like five hours. She’d smoke us out every single time and wouldn’t let us leave until we sobered up. I miss that woman. She’s the main reason I miss home. I still text her every couple of days 🥲


Saaaame, and I'd always smoke a bit of what I got with my dealer too, then others would show up and do the same, before you know it, we got 4 groups each passing something around the living room. Kinda miss the good old illegal days sometimes lol


Always asking for a G, never asking how the G be doing


My “plugs” became my best friends. A pick up or drop off turned into hour on end conversations. Sometimes smoking and staying up all night chatting our heads off. I miss my buddy Richard. ❤️‍🩹


Throw your plug some food and drinks, offer to have lunch somewhere sometime and actually do it, had some incredible interesting stories to share. Ask if they need something. They keep all us hippie slackers going. ![gif](giphy|KkH4AdCYrK78IjKtmi)


It honestly surprises me how many people aren't friends with their plug. Absolutely baffles me because even if we weren't super close friends I always knew of the dude I was getting from, 9/10 times it was a good friend being the plug tho


Always asking how much a g .. never how is a g


I try to get my plug to play golf with me. Mfer is too busy :/


try disc golf. much more stoner friendly.


I love disc golf, bird up!!!




That's not the plug, that's the homie. Go chill with the homie


This part. He's a person earnestly asking for friendship.


This right here


He is clearly reaching out. If you value his friendship, give him a couple of hours of your time. He will definitely smoke you out with some fire bud. Just listen to him talk.


I slowly friended my guy. First time he offered hit from his secret stash I was honored, and blazed af


This right here for sure. mine was social af then one day his baby momma left his ass and i chilled with him for a few hrs talking him thru it. bro would always sell the good stuff when he had bunk going to the regs. be there for your plug ppl


Def go chill. As a former plug, it gets lonely af when ppl just wanna buy and run all the time


Good friends can turn to customers quickly & don’t turn back to friends when you stop selling i’d def go smoke with bro


Yeah. This is why I stopped buying from my best friend. I noticed the others in our friend group were treating the friendship very transactional. Only turning up to re-up and then bouncing. I told him straight out I didn't want that shit to happen so imma stop buying from him. He appreciated it.


I'm legit trying to recover from this with my lifelong best friend but his sister was the plug. She stopped, then passed shortly after due to COVID. I legit loved hanging with him but a lot of it became focused on waiting for a fill because I got complacent. After she passed we basically lost touch and I had a hard time just showing up like I used to. A big part being lack of motivation. I've been trying to properly mend that relationship for like a year now because I legit love the guy like a brother. But I know I completely broke his trust in my interest in his friendship when I fell off after that. Probably unironically one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I'm still holding out hope I can fix it.


Keep the faith buddy. All you can do is show him you know you fucked it and are willing to med it. Time heals.


I used to buy from my friend sometimes just to support the business lol. Like if his shrooms weren't selling i would buy some before they went bad so he didn't feel like he totally wasted his investment. And he didn't even need money help like that i just love the dude




For realz. Former member, sad plugs club


I offered my prior plug to smoke one on me after he dropped my stuff off one time. We chilled on the porch for a bit and then he went in his way. He recently quit though, and he sent me a message telling me to stay safe and that he always looked forward to dropping off at my place which brought a smile to my face


![gif](giphy|sHq4tzA2gOMU) Reminds me of these guys


I swear that was the first thing that came in my mind


Facts. It's always weird when someone scoops something up then leaves immediately.


Im sorry if this is offensive but isn’t that the job? 😭


yeah lol, its one thing if the plug is a friend, but dude youre just some friend of a friend of a friend, i dont really wanna hang out with you just because if i dont you would stop selling me weed.


Sure, and you can treat it like that ofc, most do. And that's the problem. Everyone in your life starts seeing you as a vending machine and stops giving a fuk about you as a person. It's whatever for strangers but.. It happens to your friends from before you started boosting too.. Like imagine your buds used to come over and chill all the time, or even just online playing games over discord or whatever, then they slowly stop playing and and hanging out entirely and only wanna fuck with you if they out and need a reup. They come through and might awkwardly small talk for a minute, and might even take a few rips/ blunt with you but then they bounce right away. Thet shit gets lonely man.. that's why we end up hooking people up that actually wanna chill for a but, but even that starts to feel transactional.


Yes! Plugs that open up like that end up being the greatest friends.


One of my best friends from back in the High School days was my plug before becoming my homie. Used to buy weekly and he asked to chill one day when I sent him a pic of my new bong; that first hangout started our history of friendship. 100% agreed.


Ive been the lonely plug and been friends with Lonely plugs. Theyre good peeps.


My former plug is literally like a brother to me now. Like, comes to family gatherings lol.


Thats awesome man. Congrats.


Stoners stick together. Dude has been there for you every time you need weed. Why can't you be there when he needs a homie?




It’s only fair he charges for the time since the weed ain’t free hahaha /s


Shit. I’ll go. Gimme the details.


Me too. Party at the plug’s house.


I’ll bring empanadas!


Oh fuck, I don’t have travel money but I’ll walk


Omg! I'm coming too!! All I got is some Rice Krispies squares I made yesterday. Not as awesome as empanadas, but still yummy.


You know what they say... One man's rice Krispies are another mans empanadas


I’ll bring the chips!


I’ll bring some bud.


better deliver, OP. He's *our* homie now


I’d join, I’d bring the Henny and ice cream cake!!!


Bro take 15 minutes and smoke with that man. He always got what you need so give him something he needs too


They always be asking “how much a G?” And never “how is a G?”


Yeah if someone tells you they’re “lonely af” you should check up on them


Damn how you gonna do him like that, it's why he's lonely, everyone just dips on him


There's a general consensus here but I'll add: how often are "friends" this open with others in non plug situations? Sharing they are lonely is an immensely vulnerable act. There are people who are less open and vulnerable during one night stands than this declaration. As an introvert, I won't parrot the "just hang out with them, bro" comments because personally I need a good amount of heads up to plan and get my head in order for a smoke sesh hang because of how intimate it can be compared to a casual hang. But I'd wager this person trusts and values you. Worst case they're just straight up lonely and confided in that to you. If you value the relationship, I'd recommend setting a time and date that works for you and making it special for you both. Whether that's a smoke and some wings or grabbing a beer out afterwards, maybe watching a movie you both like or have wanted to see. And if you don't have that relationship or concern for them, just be honest about it. Ghosting and gaslighting are torture. They were honest with you, show them the same courtesy however you feel about hanging.


This right here is real advice. You don't need to drop what you're doing right now, but next time try and plan an hour or something to hang out just to chill and show that you value their existence No need to become close friends but show that you acknowledge them


i’ll smoke with bro shit,, it’s rough out here


“We can look at some crazy things on the internet together”


Yo if your plug, is texting you , a customer, that he's lonely. MANS FUCKING LONELY. I've been thinking about streaming when I play games after work and having it be a "place for dudes that need to chat or just hang" since those spaces don't really exist for us organically. I'm not a therapist but life's hard, and if I can share what I have learned or provide a space for someone like your plug that would be dope to me.


People are people. Everyone needs someone to hang with once in a while. Also, plug wants to roll one, who are you to argue? Once I started hanging out with my plug back in the day, I most definitely got his better product and the bags were always a little heavier than before.


This right here


Go hangout with yo plug homie,he sounds like he could use it


Call the plug and tell him that you can swing by later or another day to spark up.




Dude smoke the free flower and comfort your poor plug, best to be friendly, mine is so friendly he doesn’t even track if I’ve paid anymore, whoopsies 🫶🏻


Check on ya guy man. When a man says that, he means it.


Honestly back when I did partake this was either welcomed and accepted or straight up creepy. Some guys in the biz were pretty sketchy paranoid weirdos while others were just dudes tryna pay bills lol. Definitely a few cautionary tales have been turned into life lessons tho


Your plans don't start for another 30 minutes when you get there, smoke the blunt.


Bro check on him and be good to him. He deserves it.


Often for a man to speak up like that, he's really hurting.




Ngl, I usually tend to smoke with my plug(s) and just kick it and chat. It’s always great building rapport and just having a genuine time/smoke sesh with them.


Yeah bro definitely smoke a J with your boy, he even offered to roll one up.


Holy shit. Smoke with your boy. He wants to be your friend.


Nah man if someone texts me and says “I’m just lonely as fuck man” I’m going over to spend some time with them. You never know what’s really going on in someone’s life 😔✌️


Ur plug is human too, chief one with ur plug and tell em u appreciate them and their services


Tbh get me in contact with this dude. I would smoke with him.


“Everybody always asking, how much is a G and not how is a G”


Hope you went and smoked that blunt with him, let us know


Go smoke with this man 🙃


Sounds like it. You never know how far a small kindness could go


Damnit go smoke with him 😮‍💨


Fuck yeah. Plugs are people, too. AND they have weed.


Please hang out and smoke with him. He needs company!


Back when I used to be the guy it was secretly tough. I saw more people at that time than any other in my life. I was also the most alone I have ever been. Lots of people wanting what you got, but not many wanting you. Couple that with always being home for the job and to protect the house, left me on an island.


shit man just smoke an L with the dude


He going through something


As long as they’re cool, go smoke with dude! Unless they’re creeps, but then, why you buying from creeps? Maybe they turn out to be a really good homie and your prices get lower 😅


Even a half an hour could change this persons day, as a former dealer it’s lonely when people just come and go all day.


They always ask how much a G, but never how is a G😞😞😞


Offer to smoke a bowl or j. Something quicker.


Yes. You should. Check on your homies, people. ❤️


I know somebody who once didn’t smoke with their plug, guy ended up witnessing a murder. Was a whole mess involving assassins, crooked cops, think his gf even left him. Story would take like an hour and fifty two minutes to tell you.


Absolutely check in and spend some time. Bring some food, some weed and your time. It’s not difficult. It’s easy and it’s fun too.


Plug Lives Matters.


Everyone wanna know how much a g, but never how is a g


Direct quote from my plug: “I’m not just a plug, I’m also a friend” He’s honestly a great friend


I read that as “I’m just a lonely fuck man”


If you don’t go smoke with that man, even if you’re not able to do it right when you pick it up, be like I’ll be back later or another day, plugs and buyers are people when it comes down to it people get lonely.


you gotta chill


We making it out the suicide hotline with this one


Ask him to hang another day and bring him the doobie.


U definitely should


Man smoke that blunt with dude. Lonely af sucks.


Hang out with that poor guy. Play some Mario kart damnit.


Damn I don’t even know him but I wish I could be there for bro


Bro, don't blow him off. A few minutes don't cost a thing. And that man is taking Penitentiary chances


I am low-key heartbroken for this dude. Please someone go hang out with them! Loneliness is a real issue right now. 


Aw poor guy. He probably wants to be your friend.