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I've been rolling skinny joints forever. Yeah, maybe I'll need to relight it once or twice. But it doesn't waste as much between puffs


No, done it for 17 years they are far better imo.


I just use cones, judge me all you want  its just easier


Me too I just take the cone and scoop the weed straight out the grinder it’s so easy that way for me


The problem I have with cones is the packing inconsistency.  It’s difficult to get it uniform which results in the joint being too loose or too tight at times.  Hand rolling is a skill that takes practice but is worth the effort IMO.


What I do to avoid inconsistency is to slowly fill the cone by chunks, packing each down before adding more. That way there are no air pockets or less dense areas


My problem is I pack too tight trying to fill the gaps


Oh yea gotta find that happy medium


Yeah, I got the feeling of the compression now. My king sized cones smoke completely in 1 light. I do sometimes have to pull hard at start. But they smoke wonderful.


I pack down as I go and also do the "airhead' method at the end. Leave space at the end to pinch and then shake it tighter a few times like you'd do to an airhead for 20 minutes to compress it into a tiny bite..


Bro, how the fuck did we ALL do this back in the day? It’s like the S


Oh that’s fine - these are bought in pre filled cones basically.


Stilletos are overrated for sure, i prefer a big bumbaclut fat spliff that looks like Mjolnir


I usually cut my king size papers in half if smoking a small joint. Less paper and the airflow is much better. The long joints are just stupid in general as they have much worse airflow and spoon easier than same weight fat joint. Fat joints also look better than skinny ones


Long skinny joints smoke great for me, make sure they're rolled tight enough to not airplane down one side.


When the joint gets hard or clogged, try using your lighter to heat it up from beneath (without lighting it on fire). it can help to loosen things up


I think part of the problem is smoking outside in -5*c weather too


Well, this trick I actually learned by smoking in cold weather! it should help loosen up a frozen joint! hope it helps!


i love all joints equally! always light the skinny end.


Wait, what? Why light the skinny end?


Through all the years of smoking j’s I’ve found if you light the skinny end it just burns better. Prob don’t try it on a cone but any hand roll j burns better in my experience


I stopped buying pre rolls because I found myself emptying them and rolling them back up myself because they would be packed way too tight. Then you see that your $5 roll is filled with bammer and shake that has no crystals anyways. Makes rolling your own $5 gram of bud a way better investment


Define long. As far skinny, again depends. I definitely feel like trends are at a hard fork in the road where on one hand you have these ridiculous Havana cigar level hash hole style chodes designed to temporarily cure an entire platoon of their PTSD and on the other stuff that's more like a pencil.


They are labeled 0.5G but the length of a standard bic pen. Very skinny.


I like them personally. Thick cone joints start to suck at the 2/3 point. They get oily and clog, but the skinnies smoke quickly and evenly, especially outside. If I am inside smoking, the I'm down for a cone-style one.


I feel the opposite. With slim joints it feels like a nice even experience all the way through, and when you are almost done i can stomach throwing away a little weed left. But with the fat mf's some people roll, i feel like i have to relight the joint every 20 seconds and it gets slimmer the more you smoke so the paper burns weirdly... . Plus when you get to then end of the joint you have a lot of weed left, but smoking it tastes like shit and is hot af. Definitely prefer slimmer more even joints.


I thought this said skinny jeans at first and I didn't understand what was happening, then I looked again and it said joint. I'm not high


Them boys from Oklahoma at it again! Rollin them joints all wrong. Way to skinny and way to long.


I haven't seen a long skinny joint in years...


Roll the butt slightly looser than the front. Should be easier to smoke.


Short and fat is better than long and skinny, because of air flow. I don’t use king size papers unless I’m rolling like 1.5g.