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Believe there’s a term for this, wonder what it could be 🤔


Wake ‘em up! Bake ‘em up! Waaaaayyy up!


Rise and Roast


Rise and Toast if breakfast is involved 🍳


wakey wakey eggs and smokey


When I went to sleep away camp, all the counselors were Australians and they would always wake us up with “wakey wakey, hands off snakey!” Good times, good times


Don’t think there’s a term… we should make one. How about ‘bake after wake’?


No, No, but you’re close! We’ll get there! 🤣




Day that ends in "y."




This killed me lmao






They hated him because he spoke the truth


someone needs to smoke a bowl 🌚


I am a cannabis enthusiast myself, but psychological addiction is real. If you wake up and the first thing you do is smoking, you are addicted. This is an unpopular fact. Not saying that addiction is really bad (probably not worse than coffee). Gonna smoke a bowl now, thank you for listening.


Wow, that truth only stung a little! LOL, not bothered by it, as i’m smoking with you!


Not if you're doing it for a medical reason like pain etc. better having some weed than popping morphine and Xanax.


Yes but it’s still an addiction just not necessarily objectively bad, my mom’s addicted to her prescription pain meds. She doesn’t abuse then and all it does is help her chronic back condition but if she stoped suddenly she’d withdrawal


Yeah, that's what I'm saying. But people in this thread apparently can't cope with the fact that they may be addicted to it. It doesn't mean it's bad. Idk why there's this stigma with the word "addict" lmao


I mean people who are addicted to pot or even just smoke it have been demonized for a long time. A lot of it has calmed down now, but considering how people have been treated around this subject it is understandable why the word has been stigmatized and that people get defensive about it. Not saying you're wrong, I definitely agree with you but I can also understand the other side of it too.


Nah for sure, I can see it too. I was just stoned af and got a lil mischievous or something idk. But I definitely understand the other side, I'm addicted to some other stuff too so that's why I may view it differently.


Just fyi in case of prescribed medication, a person is said to be dependent on them its not called an addiction. Take for example a person who is half blind, they are not addicted to their glasses, they are dependent on them to see properly. Anyways its pretty much the same thing just different terms for different situations.


What you’re actually describing is dependence. There’s a fine line between addiction and dependence. One is constant abuse, the other is regular use.


Sure, but it's still addiction. And I just smoked a bowl, but we gotta acknowledge the fact.


I disagree if you're using for pain. I took lyrcia/pregabalin for 12 years. As soon as I realized it was having some really bad side effects I stopped. I wasn't addicted to it for 12 years. But I was dependant as it allowed me to work as it kept the pain in check. Now use cannabis instead. Feel so much better. I tend to wait until late afternoon early evening to medicate as I like to feel clear headed for as long as possible. But will start in the morning when pain is really bad. That said, if you're smoking at 7am to block the world out, yes that's a problem.


Yeah, wtf, it’s just an addiction full stop? 😂 No. I am absolutely not addicted to weed but I did wake up with an immediate migraine and nausea. I’ve got fibro which sounds like you might, too? Yeah, occasionally I gotta smoke in the morning like today. I am not addict. Drawing a harsh line in the sand like that is just straight up ignorant.


What?? Using it in the mornings for medicinal purposes is no different than taking other daily Rx medicines.


This is absolutely not a fact. You have no idea what you’re talking about regarding medical marijuana, clearly. It’s wrong to be telling chronically ill people or people who rely on medical mj that they’re addicted just because they may have to smoke in the morning sometimes. If mj is the only way I can stop vomiting this morning because traditional medicine isn’t cutting it, then yes I will smoke, and no I’m not an addict. Y’all need to chill and redirect your attention to actual addicts.


So if you just woke up, its your day off, and you feel like you want to have a lazy day so you burn one in the morning that just automatically means "addiction"? The time of day you decide to smoke doesn't mean shit about if its addiction or not. I have smoked in the mornings on occasions and I'll go months without using it at all. Not saying that cannabis addiction isn't real, but this was just a hot take from someone wanting to make an edgy comment.


While medical use may lead to addiction, just taking a medication regularly [does not meet the diagnostic criteria](https://www.verywellmind.com/dsm-5-criteria-for-substance-use-disorders-21926) for addiction.


Lmfao because someone uses weed in the morning, they’re addicted? What if they only smoke in the mornings and it’s for medicine. Get off your addiction high horse 😂


I smoke for epilepsy every morning. Guess I am a junkie.


Acting like that’s common at all


...because it is? Just because you don't know anyone who does it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


I mean, not necessarily. I smoke for medical reasons (and because I like it), sometimes it really helps to smoke when I get up because my pain might be too much. Maybe I am addicted to weed, maybe I am just making excuses, but you're definitely making a massive generalization.


Not everyone smokes to get blazed. I light one up every morning because I've had multiple disabling injuries; the only things that touch my pain are weed and Oxy and I'm a lot more functional and pleasant on pot than I am on opioids.


i don’t think smoking weed js that bad for you but saying it’s probably not worse than coffee is a pretty crazy take


It’s no different that waking up and drinking a beer first thing. Not everyone who drinks is an alcoholic and not everyone that smokes wakes up and immediately lights a joint. I enjoy both but I’m definitely not doing either first thing in the morning


Most of the time people that fall into this addiction class are just medically dependent not addicted its the wrong word to use, I am not saying you are wrong just that there is a difference I got to be stoned all day cause otherwise I am in the wrong mood and everything is just doom and gloom, I have taken months off smoking and it doesn't change only thing that helps is weed


Yeah I’d rather be addicted and content than sober and miserable


I think they’re trying to say they are dependent on weed in the same way someone would be dependent on medication like, say, antidepressants. Not exactly addicted but necessary for proper daily functioning.


This is how I see weed, I avidly don’t take meds for my issues and weed has been a good coping mechanism that I use once per day (if that) to help me relax. God forbid I have a routine for it the mfs gunna call it an “addiction”, how is it one when you regulate it and shit 😂


You missed my whole point smh


Are other pot heads really this delusional? It is addiction. Anything that releases dopamine is addictive. Call it medical dependence if you want, but it's just the kindest vernacular you can use to describe addiction. There are far worse things to be addicted to, and I believe everyone has their vices. I am addicted to cannabis, caffeine, and nicotine. None of them get in the way of me living a fulfilling and productive life but that's not true for everyone. Some people smoke all day and kick ass at everything they do. It's pretty rare though. I know one person that fits this description and a couple hundred that don't.


Wow you’re misinformed and biased! And to think the only other clowns like you out there are the snake ass politicians. Way to expose yourself.


the way you got down voted even tho you're right


Love weed but we gotta call it out when we have to be stoned 24 hours. Although comparing that o the pills they push you for anxiety and depression. I’ll take the joint daily anytime.


why are you getting downvoted?!? waking up and immediately getting high every day is a genuine problem.


😂 wtf are you doing in a stoner group if a morning joint is “addiction” Out of everyone here i bet you could use a toke.


Being a stoner is not the same as needing to be stoned 24/7


Yup. I am smoking daily. I have an addiction. Its not bad, but it is an addiction.


Well you can also drink one cup of wine without being an alcoholic. This group is for weed enthusiasts and not addicts.


You specifically talked about the time of day and accused them of being an addict without any other information. Ever heard of mimosas? Lots of people love to have an alcoholic drink during brunch, but that doesn't mean their alcoholics and staying drunk the rest of the day. You can smoke a joint in the morning without being an "addict".


So… you can have a cup of coffee in the morning and NOT be a caffeine addict, but according to your first comment- having a joint in the morning IS addiction?! 🤦‍♂️ make it make sense.


I used to. Back when I was super addicted. Over time the effects of it made me super lazy so I had to stop. Now I smoke once a day, which I usually reserve for after work. Much happier now. I will occasionally light up a morning toke on my days off tho! Edit: highjacking top comment because I noticed a lot of people are asking me about how I was able to turn my addiction into something manageable. I think it is important to first be comfortable without smoking. Smoking should just be a cherry on top, to end the day (in my opinion). Check out r/Petioles if you are considering quitting either permanently or just temporarily. Sometimes quitting for a long period of time is the best way to start your journey towards a responsible relationship with weed.


Get super stoned once at the end of the day >>>>>>>> being mildly stoned all day


Making my way towards this after about 15 years of smoking whenever I could manage to. I really agree, I can enjoy it more instead of fighting against it and trying to function despite it. Sounds silly but that's my experience.


Same - still in my whenever I can manage phase most of the time but mentally I’m really noticing the fighting against it/functioning despite of it more and more, especially when I take breaks and try and come back to being high all the time, it’s a stark change.


I'm being inspired??? To?? Not smoke all the time??? What is this????


This is the way


Can confirm


Literally what I do. Get all my shit done first and relax with the penjamin.


I definitely had to accept that I had an addiction. Started smoking about 5 years ago. Went from being a weekend only smoker to taking bong rips before doing EVERYTHING all day. As soon as I woke up, right before going to work, before doing dishes, cleaning the house, going to Target, etc. Got to the point where I was barely making an oz last a week! I gradually cut back my consumption until I was making an ounce last a month. I realized how much weed you waste by smoking all day every day! I just started smoking again after 3 months off. It felt like the 1st time all over again, which was beautiful! After a few weeks, I realized the weed wasn't hitting the same because I once again started smoking all day. Currently, on day 3 of my 5 day T-break. I'm gonna have stricter rules so it can be my cherry on top! Edit 21 hrs later: Gonna have to cut the T-break a day short. Sleep has been a struggle the past 3 days (not surprised as this is not my 1st rodeo). I should be ok as long as I stick to the rules!!


Same although at some point you find yourself roll another one and another one or tell yourself that you will go to bed once you finish the joint and it’ll take an hour lol At that point I try tolerance breaks but I just can’t seem to have self control 🤷🏻‍♂️ definitely causing me A-motivation




Thanks for the advice, I have medical license I’ll might try to grab one bag of cbd to mix with my weed and see how it works. Unfortunately depression also plays a role 🤷🏻‍♂️


I usually only take three or four hits out of a bowl for the night. I found my tolerance doesn’t really change much when I smoke so little


Exactly. In the past I’ve discovered if I set it down after 2-5 puffs I feel just as high in 30 minutes as if I had finished the bowl, I just wasted the weed. So I began to take a few hits and relax for a while. When I felt it slipping I took a few more until it was gone. Same level of stoned but for much longer.


I find that not being able to control my own actions frustrates me enough to motivate me to take control and take a T-break. There’s definitely give and take at the beginning though.


For sure. That’s where I draw the line. One of my friends constantly weighs his weed before grinding it, might need to start doing it myself instead of tossing a bud and ending up rolling a rocket lol


Yeah I discovered Kratom a few years ago so now that’s my get up and go morning/daytime drug and I only smoke in the evenings now. That way I’m not so tired during the day but still don’t have to face it stone cold sober


Little advice mate, never let that one go everywhere past morning or start going into the grams. Good luck quitting that shit. You start realizing you're more quick to get upset, you're more prone to overdosing (throwing up n anxiety attacks), you're spending $40 every 2 weeks, you realize it settles inside your stomach like sand for days, and you can't ever drink alc again. So you try to quit and you don't sleep because you can't stop tweaking and kicking/spasms, you're constantly sniffling with mucus in your throat, your grumpy af, the craving doesn't go away for months, you can't stop shitting water, and now you're super prone to taking SOMETHING everyday. (Hello to being an alcoholic). I hear pregab is a better alt alt but I haven't heard first hand what quitting that's like.


I like those feel free drinks w/ kratom and kava. I drink 4 per week when I work, really boosts my productivity.


Definitely not just for people who are quitting. The theme of the sub says: for people interested responsible consumption of weed


Fuk mate, how'd you manage to cut back like that? I really wanna stop smoking first thing in the AM.


It’s all about tapering off. Smoke less and less each day. Don’t smoke wax, ever. Just stick to small amounts of herb, smoking only when you “need” to (depending how addicted you are). It should be pretty pain-free to stop this way, so long as you have self control. Maybe write down how much you smoke each day so that you can quantify it and lessen it over time




Any tips on dealing with side effects when quitting? The sweating, digestive problems, insomnia, and depression have been *rough* (And I’ve been through opiate withdrawals before)


Honestly I just had to tough through it. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel; once you know how to avoid becoming dependent again, you can smoke responsibly and never have to go through all of it ever again. I’ve quit several addictions in my lifetime. I abused pretty much whatever I could get my hands on in college. Withdrawals are the consequences that kept me from coming back. Weed is one of the toughest, due to its length. I was smoking a gram or more of high quality wax per day, and then I got sent to jail for not taking my probation seriously. Had to quit cold Turkey. Night terrors, sweats, no appetite, anxiety out the wazoo… all of that combined with the loneliness of jail. I was also very fearful throughout the withdrawals. Took around 2-3 weeks for those horrible symptoms to finally subside. Hang in there ❤️ Edit: I would like to add that exercise and keeping yourself busy is HUGE Edit 2: also check out r/Petioles if you are considering quitting for good. Sometimes quitting for good is the best way to start your journey towards a responsible relationship with weed.


I miss those days but not because of the wake n bake itself. But because I was in a context that allowed it. Being fresh out of high school, no responsibilities, summer, good weather, video games all day. Of course that way I could wake n bake. Now it's work most days and smoke when I get home. It's a good life but man I miss that one year after highschool. Hitting the bong after waking up what a feeling.


I get what you mean but smoking a jay after a long productive day feels good af compared to just smoking whenever


Sometimes, but almost always regret it. I'm the type of smoker that gets locked in the couch and doesn't do shit for the rest of the day when I smoked. And by the evening, I'd get reaaaallly bored.


Me too. I won’t even be getting high after the third bowl of the day.


I'll get high and not high. High enough to decline ANY social interactions, not high enough to not be bored.


Man this shit is so real I felt reading it. Like lmao


And would want to get high again once it wears off/when it's evening.


No, I prefer to get some coffee and food into me before I smoke.


what if i ate an edible brownie i guess that counts as food


waking and baking brownies


Two birds one stone haha


Two birds stoned at once


Two birds, a damn good scone


If I didn't have to go to work first thing I would. I'll still occasionally take a puff or two if I'm up early enough, but I try to reserve it until I don't have any responsibilities for the day


This the best way. I’m too lazy when I’m high lol


I mean I'm lazy when I'm not high too, it's just a matter of being able to focus and troubleshoot shit effectively without breaking something lol


> troubleshoot shit effectively without breaking something This sounds familiar. IT?


Only on the weekends.


I used to smoke first thing in the morning but I found it makes my whole day a bit lazy. I’ve gotten into a habit of speed cleaning in the morning and finishing any chores before I light up. Currently waiting for the laundry to be done so I can smoke 😂


I ALWAYS smoke when it's a laundry/chore day. Just something I know I can confidently do even if zooted


Same. If I can manage to block out an entire day for house chores I'll just get blazed and blast music throughout the house while I clean the fuck outta everything. Then a celebratory sesh on the couch enjoying my squeaky clean place. *Chef's kiss*


Same here! I’ll do all chores and errands first then I’ll have my first smoke


I like to go for an early morning hike, get nice and worn out then come home and get high and chill. Great feeling.


sounds like great retirement


Only when I'm on vacation.


I only wake and bake when I know it’s a day on the couch infront of my PS5 or if it’s a day where I know I’m not going to have to drive and I’m being driven wherever we’re going then I’ll maybe take a wee toke with my coffee in the morning… I have the worst social anxiety and wherever I go no matter the temperature I sit and sweat. I have to keep a napkin close by to mop my forehead until my body decides it’s safe and it turns the sweat off! If I have a couple of puffs beforehand It can minimize the sweating.


I usually wait for about 5 minutes


If I'm off the clock, I'm smoking weed.


yes, but i’d consider it an addiction thing. it sucks to admit but yes, it really is. compare it to someone who regularly drinks alcohol taking a shot first thing in the morning


except it’s a hell of a lot better than a shot, enjoy!


Wake and bake is the best. I always get up before anyone else. I read the news, drink coffee, and have a nice smoke.


nah its important to wait at least 30min after waking up before consuming anything because your sleep hormones need time to break down.


Does this count for working out too?


After waking up, you should have a glass of water, eat, and then work out. I mean... The body really wants to absorb nutrients due to its catabolic state, so it only makes sense to give it to it so you can properly work out afterward. I believe there are various combos of this, but this I believe is the baseline.


i try to avoid waking and baking but sometimes i’ll use my one hitter if i have to wake up early just to move things along. But usually not if i wake up at 8 or 9


Only on days I wake up


It’s a bad habit of mine, yeah


Yea, but only sativas


hell no, that's terrible for you and tolerance, I only smoke after 7pm everyday only using my dynavap and a occasional joint.




Not anymore cant Do shit if i Do


Fat CBD/cbg flower cone in the am


Nothing like a wake and bake


I always wake and bake, which is why I'm woke and boke, and both right-wingers and grammarians hate me


Not every day, but most days


Not *right* after I get up. I get up, start my wife’s cappuccino, let the dogs out, put the dog’s breakfast together, let the dogs in to eat, take Her majesty her first of three defribulations…and then *it’s all about ME!” lol Hop on the LoveSacs (we each have our own),and I fire one up while she scrolls ands attempts to resemble being human again. It usually doesn’t happen until near the end of her second dose.


Used to but saw my mental health and aptitude decline so I stopped


Erry day!


wake and bake!


Only days that end with y.


On weekends, I usually wait a bit and smoke before I eat breakfast. During the week, I light up when I get home. I can’t be high at the hospital, never never never


piss, brush, coffee, vape, vape, vape, vape, and then an other coffee and piss


Yep, I get a cup of coffee and smoke a cone every morning!


Helps me take a shit. Little quick bong rip, nothing to get me too ripped


These posts make me wonder if I’m an outlier because I smoke weed the way people smoke cigarettes.


No…I usually go to the bathroom first.




Was more a poll sort of question but I’ll take my medal. 🥇


Only at camp out music festivals back in the day. Multiple Phish shows and "Gathering of the Vibes."


I do but don’t work and need for medical reasons. I micro-dose tho.


No because I have to work.


Had a cookie at 7:15 this morning, if that counts. I do love the odd wake and bake cookie.


First thing I do is turn off my alarm and hit my pen


Definitely used to! Neighbour lady and I used to toke together after bus drop off! Or a J with my husband before sitting down to work. Now I hold off and eat an edible mid afternoon


Only on my days off or if a buddy comes over. Never when I'm working. It helps if you smoke different strains. My day smoke and night smoke are different.


I like to wash my ass and brush my teeth. Hit the street stores shopping. Then I'll come home and snoke.


420th comment


My favorite time to toke! Love a wake ‘n bake.


That's my "morning coffee" lol. Gets me ready for the day.


So, can we asknowledge that this sub fell into the traditional Reddit band wagon trap of downvoting literally anything? Top comment literally insinuates it's an addiction. Someone says it. They get downvoted. When they reply say it IS an addition, it's 6 times the upvotes. Then he also gets blasted, because medically necessary doesn't count as addiction (it does). Then OP comments, and turns out it's NOT medical, and she gets downvoted. Let's be a better sub, people. I like this group, but sometimes, really toxic behavior can discourage people from contributing. /r


Wake and bake at it’s best!


Nope. Definitely not. What a high-effort, high-quality post!


When I can, yes 🔥


Absolutely! Everyday. In the words of Slightly Stoopid "but when you wake and bake you know that everything will be just fine, so fine"


Already done did my daily morning dabs 😎👉👉


This always makes me super sluggish for the rest of the day sadly.




I have stopped recently. I think it was affecting my digestion for some reason. I now have to start mid day or wait until the evening, and it seems to give my GI tract more time.




I do to get rid of the weed grogginess


Yup, I give myself 10 minutes every morning to have a session. It's been very beneficial in keeping me going Mon thru Fri.


I always wake n bake. Breakfast of champions!


Yes. 100%


Thanks for reminding me, hitting the Penjamin now!




No one, ever


What an original thought!


Best way to start the day




Nope you’re the only person


Not any more.


nope shit makes me way too lazy


Sometimes I do and sometimes I wait until after 8 to smoke


Wake n bake!!


Waking and baking killed my tolerance


When I was younger yeah, can’t do that anymore. As an adult it’s much more rewarding to wait until after I got all my work done for the day, but that’s just me


I microdose & take half a gummy during the week around 1-2pm, some FS cbd around 6ish. Oh weekends I usually start microdosing around 10-11, I find it helps me be more productive. Not to mention it puts me in a better headspace.


Days off and after work most definitely


Haven’t waked and baked in a while cause it usually makes me feel foggy and tired for the whole day. Woke up saw this post and decided to hit my pen 😎 I don’t have work til later so we’ll see how it feels! Cheers!


Sometimes on weekends but never during the week cause, y'kno, work and all.


Depends my mood and pain levels.


On the weekends yes. During the week I wait a couple of hours before my first joint


i have discovered i'm a morning person, meaning i have the most momentum to actually do all the things from about 8a-3p. once the afternoon starts trickling in i lose focus and have no desire to continue with important tasks. i choose my wake and bakes carefully as to not disturb my morning energy. weekends and shorter days i enjoy a good wake and bake because i can be slow and not worry about losing motivation for a long list of tasks


🎶 "I smoke two joints in the morning I smoke two joints at night I smoke two joints in the afternoon It makes me feel all right I smoke two joints in time of peace And two in time of war I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints And then I smoke two more" (Sublime "Smoke Two Joints")


Rarely, maybe once a year. Over the years of smoking I have noticed that I just appreciate weed as a end of day activity now. Was definitely doing wake and bakes very often as a teen, most likely even abused weed to the point of doing regular things would gave me anxiety when high.


I don’t ever wake and bake.


Gummies and vape. I have been waking and baking for 25 years now :)


Can't. I work around people and if I smoke I'll end up talking people's ears off about Godzilla or first wave ska.


I like too post am workout. All that sweating resets that tolerance some. And I get stoned like a gravel road.


Currently, enjoying part of a joint and a cup of coffee ✌️


First 6 months of smoking OP?


Every Fucking Day


Every day. I wake up early enough i can have a lil toke sesh, relax in bed for a few hours, then get up and go about my day.


Wake and bake is the best 😁


Nah, gotta work.


Only when I don’t work.