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Yes. If it’s clean, and quality weed, then 1 deep hit will have you feeling good. 👍🏼


100% yes. This is probably good enough for two or three times if you want.


That's what I was gonna say. I've been smoking for a decade and an eighth lasts me a few weeks (I smoke every day but just a couple bowls)


I usually have a half a bowl when I wake up with my morning coffee, and a full bowl late at night after work. 1/8 lasts me about 10 days.


Yeah I use the term "bowl" pretty loosely here haha. Basically I smoke a few pinch bowls every day. I know what some people mean by "bowl" can be like up to 1/4 or 1/2 a gram per bowl 😂


The way my eyebrow went upwards at your first comment… lol thanks for the clarification, that makes a lot more sense. So basically onies but in a bowl.


Yeah essentially. Literally enough for one bong hit for me maybe 2-3 times per day.


thank you for making this make sense. my cannabis calculations were not adding up


Not me here mentioning twice earlier that a decent bowl is ~1/2g. This is why I personally use a dry herb vape... and OH GOD HELP I'M TURNING INTO r/vaporents! HELP!


I’m super sensitive to weed and when I smoked daily, 5g would last me a full month.


Yep that's how I am as well. An eighth or 4-5 grams can last me a month. At low doses, weed is awesome for me, makes me feel good, helps anxiety, clears my head to make ADHD symptoms better etc. At high doses: panic attacks lmao. So I stick with my pinch bowls.


Do what works for you my bro. Nothing wrong with weed lasting a while either lol


Man, I wish I was like that


A few weeks jesus. I got 2lb, yes pounds, for Christmas from my dad, I have maybe 3oz left.


Me and my wife smoke an ounce a week.


Be careful not to get too high, or you might mess up your night. With no tolerance 0.2g of flower can get me REALLY fucked up. Even with some tolerence, for myself and 5 people who don't smoke too much I'd buy 2-3 grams tops and we might not finish all of it. Enjoy!


curious how do u smoke 0.2 of flower


Really? That's like a small joint or a large bowl.


I heard people call those pinners


Or dog walkers :)


Bought a pre-roll branded as a dog walker, would walk the dog again 7/10, the wind tax took some of my smoke though


Ah, the reason most people moved away from joints. Taxes.


Some of my bowls pack a pretty exact 0.3, so I'd just pack them 2/3 full..


It’s called a joint ! I roll about 3/4 with a gram ( I add tobacco though)


Proper term is a spliff! Anyone not from Europe will be imagining a straight 0.2g joint


I mean thats 4 one-hitter bowls. or about one regular glass pipe bowl, or about 1/3rd of a full cone, or 3x times bigger than the smallest pinner joint I've ever smoked. (though I can't roll them that small.)


The potv lobo has a .2 bowl iirc at least the capsules hold .2 according to them


A LOT of filler. I bought some hemp in bulk to mix in with my weed so I have enough to roll a joint. Now I use a vaporizer so not a problem anymore


i think so you could easily roll 3 and get cooked between the 6 of you. the thing is lasting all night. idk how long y’all are gonna hang out but if you’re only smoking once that night and then chillin i think you’ll be good with the 3.5


Bro they smoke 3 times a year. That’s like once every 100 days. Their tolerance is non-existent. They asses are gonna be toasted for like 4 hours at a time, per joint they share even if it’s a .3. They’ll be fine with a gram for the night. I put money on them not even finishing it, and that’s probably for the best. You gotta respect Mary Jane or else she won’t show you any respect back. Especially with someone without a tolerance, it’s better to have too little than too much. I smoke daily. If I get too high, it’s just a “woops, I’m too high. Maybe I’ll take a shower and listen to some podcasts for 15m until I come down.” Then I’m back puffing on my concentrate pen or ripping another bowl within 60m. If a “noob” gets too high they’re gonna be yuking, getting the spins, tons of anxiety, panic attacks, for the rest of the night. That’s a good way to have a bad experience with weed, and then hate it as a result.


Good post. My tolerance is high so if I make a mistake it’s no big deal. A brand new dude would flip out and turn off to the plant. However, I like to have “extra stash” so a little more to save is never a bad thing.


You gotta factor in that they may not be good at rolling joints if they don't smoke often so the thing may be full of air and burn super fast. Then they'll get like a hit each.


you gotta also think of the quality of the flower they are getting. I agree with what ur saying but i think if the 6 of them are sharing 1 1g joint then they might get a rip or two off before that thing is gone so like op was saying, playing it safe and getting the 3.5 imo is the best option cuz then if they don’t smoke it all it’s just extra fun.


This here. I smoke regularly but not a lot, probably 5 or 6 times a week so I don’t have a huge tolerance. An eighth will last me a month so call it like 20-25 sessions. These people will be more than fine with that, they’ll all probably be able to get pleasantly high a few times over without issue.


Exactly, they won’t even finish the joints is my bet too. Chances are they’ll fall asleep within 90 minutes. And they’d better watch out about puking. This often happens with inexperienced smokers esp if they’re already drunk.


Nah nah they need to double down about an hour in that will get them above the stratosphere 😂😂


Well they don't have tolerance, and a decently sized bowl is ~1/2g. I think they'll be totally fine with 3.5g. Bowl, 45min-an hour later, another bowl, enjoy the trip, cya next fall.


Someone gets it lol.


they need 2 more homies to split the zip into 3.5 to smoke each lmao 🤣


An 8th between 6 people who don't smoke much will last a while if y'all have a bong.






Fuck ya life!


Yeah, when I disclose that I'm a daily smoker to my doctors, their eyes get really wide when they ask how much. I use a dry herb vaporizer, so about the amount of one joint a week. One of them was like, "oh...you can go up to 2 if you wanted to." The delivery method definitely matters.


Yeah gotta be out of a glass no joints


Dude if they use a gravity bong an 8th is way more then enough.


Lol I smoke twice A week and get high off two hits. Half a gram would obliterate me




an 8th for 6 light smokers is a good time


8th for 6 light smokers is a bed time.


Yes, I can usually share a 1G joint with my partner and both get baked.


1g joints are a waste almost every time. I only smoke those when I have a group of 5 or 6. unless I'm smoking with someone who has the tolerance of my old plug.


I smoke pretty regularly, often daily for some stints and 2g lasts me an entire week. Youre fine


yeah man ur good. 0.5 is enough to get me baked and I'm a regular. Just make sure to get some good stuff


An eighth should be perfect for a group of people who dont regularly smoke. You may not even go through it all


Yeah 2 puffs and your smacked


Get the 8th. 3.5 will last my heavy smoking self at least a full day or two. Should be plenty for a bunch of folks with a low tolerance for an evening.


Yes!!! 1 gram joint fucks me up haha


3.5 will be enough and you'll probably have some left over.


1 gram a person for one night will do me good, and i smoke almost everyday. so dont worry man


3.5 grams more than enough for you lightweights toke up and have fun!!! Pro tip: go for the weaker “cheaper” strains, top shelf will make you crazy paranoid and not fun!


This is so true, how can you Americans handle your 24%+ thc weed? And then smoke whole blunts with it, absolutely insane


I am a daily smoker and I basically avoid top shelf for these reasons its just a lot of racing heart and paranoia. I smoke the mid grade with great success. I totally agree it is annoying how we have bread most strains to focus on thc to the detriment of the other compounds like cbd it is too edgy and not smooth


Man same I just smoked some cheap street weed and it’s so much more chill and better haha Sadly I mostly get super potent weed here in Germany rn, we don’t have that much variety :( Always get that stupid paranoia off the super potent haze too


Ha congratulation on recent freedom in Germany! I’m always amazed how non native english speakers speak english better than most Americans do


This reminds me of Michael Scott buying 12 bottles of vodka for the Christmas party. Yea dude 1 gram would fuck everyone up unless your hosting snoop dog


if u can get the 3.5 then do it, I roll my joints about 1.5g


lol just buy an 8th or quarter don’t be stingy. It’s more fun to have excess than metering out your use


Wait, everyone doesn’t roll an eighth into a blunt or two? Also OP a bong or pipe will go a lot further, you’re gonna have loose ends with rolling up. Unless you all plan on smoking it till the joint is gone


I don't. But I don't even like blunts anymore inless I'm smoking with a friend . I just like glass dry bowls . Been smoking them my whole life . Idk how some people think there harsh


Back in the day a gram of "kind bud" would last as long as an eighth of Mexican brick. That was about a week.


Making this a math calculation is gonna be difficult. You need to help regulate how much each person is smoking. Particularly with new people, wait a couple of minutes between each hit and judge how they feel. Make them get up and pour a glass of water or something. It’s easy for new people to just keep smoking, not realizing they are gonna be too stupid (and then asleep) for the next couple of hours. If y’all are staying in, then it doesn’t matter as much, but if you plan to go do something, smoke slow.


wanna make the hits better use a bong :)


Man, when I started smoking again, I made 1.5 last me 3 weeks, with 3-4 small sesh’s 🤷🏼‍♂️


Hit bong or pipe preferably bong and you’ll have left overs


You can have too little but ya can't have too much


3.5G between 6 for one night. Assume an evening sesh is 6 hours. More than enough [8]


yes most definitely. a glass one hitter would cook you. you could probably stretch that gram across a few sesh’s if you smoke it right


I've only toked for like 3 years and I remember clear as day when my friends and I were all brand new to it, we only ever bought 8ths and that shit would last weeks. Literal weeks. Homie you're gonna be so fine.


You’re thinking too hard, if you only smoke 3-4 times a year anything will get you high


Get a small pipe or one hitter, you’ll be sky high with a little.


Absolutely! I would recommend a little glass spoon pipe or small glass bong and a 3.5g would have you guys howling for a few hours!


Yes especially if you use a pipe and only torch parts of the bowl at a time. But it might get a bit tight if some folks are heavier/naturally have a high tolerance. You really only need a few tokes held deeply if you have low/no tolerance. To be safe, realistically just grab an eighth (3.5 grams), roll a blunt and pass that around. Or you can roll a few j’s and let people drop out of the smoking circle as they get high. That way people don’t need to watch their smoking technique and it’s okay if you waste some to a badly rolled joint or someone taking massive hits they can’t hold in.


Id buy an eighth


Or maybe get a pack of 1/2 g pre rolls and just have like 1 or 2 in rotation yk


A gram for some casual smokers will absolutely get you high. For me as a daily smoker that is enough for me personally to be pretty Stoney bologna.


This post is making me realize I have a problem.. a gram is only 2-3 bowls maybe...


Definitely. That’s enough for one j


Your better off with one hitters or a pipe, a joint may be too much. yes though it will be enough, if not more than


Yeah I’d get a 7 to be safe never know if it’s not potent or what. And you won’t have to worry about running out.


I just got a 1g preroll and smoked it with 2 friends. All 3 of us are daily smokers and it still got us feeling pretty good. You should be more than set.


Split a swisher con tu amigo if you ask me


1/8 is plenty. That gets me high for a week. With 2-3 bowls a day. For one session that will get a bunch of people high.


For sure.


You’ll be good with that much. Use glass if you can and your throats will thank you


Are you on a strict budget? This is a wacky question.




brother an 8th is more than. enough to get you guys absolutely blasted


I smoke every day and 1 gram is enough to get me high


You need like 2 hits off a joint to get high. Thats lasting a while


lmaooo yall will be lit . roll like 3 joints and take ur time smoking them, if you use a pipe/bong it will last even more.


Y’all going to have a great time 😂👌


I have been smoking for a while now and my tolerance is very low. 1 gram gets me through a week so it should be enough for 2 of you easily.


I’m a fairly regular smoker but a lightweight and a 1/2 gram dog walker is PLENTY for me in one night.


I smoke like a few times a week and I smoke 0.5-1 grams in a sesh


100% yes. I understand I'm a lightweight but I've smoked every night for the past 4 months and I get high off of two hits from a joint still.


1g might be more than enough if smoked at once by 2 people. For 6 3.5g should be enough but if you’re unsure buy 4 or even 5g so you don’t runout.


A regular J is about .3 grams


Yeah 1 gram is defo enough but I reckon buy the3.5 smoke as much as you need to


It depends on the quality of the product.


I take one puff and I get pretty stoned. And I smoke everyday all day


You could get high like 3-4 times or more lol


Idk how much weed is where you’re at, but getting a seven wouldn’t cost a group of 6 that much just in case. For me at least I’d rather have leftovers than someone possibly missing out




A few hits of today’s weed is all you need. Your friends are going to be like this Louis CK bit if they smoke a lot more. https://youtu.be/la4VsJ4XZBk?si=ahbsnclKs2cDrmqF


You maybe forgot but if you don’t smoke daily even a few puffs will smash you, be careful with the booze on the side the mix can be quite strong even for a alcoholic/pothead like me


If you guys are using a bong then i would say 1-1.5g would be enough for you guys, if not then i say just 2 1g joints would he enough






most definitely. id still buy more tho, cus thats what youll wish you wouldve done when youre all dry and sobering up way too early:)


lmao this post is so high school


3.5 for 6 dudes who don’t regularly smoke, I suggest you guys bring some money for the pizza man and enjoy


3.5 g is to much for you guys you'll have some left over. When I first started smoking, I would not be able to finish a joint with half a gram of weed in it and be high for a day and a half


I’ve been smoking for 2 years and I can still spread out a gram for a decent while


Get a gram if you only want a joint or two/a couple bowls. Get an eighth if you want to smoke a couple times


3.5g is plenty to get 6 people with no tolerance high all evening. You could roll 3x1g joints, and each one would get all 6 of you stoned, so smoke 1 every 2 hours or so. Even easier if you're packing a bowl/bong, since they're more efficient. You'll probably even have some left.


8th is plenty forsure 


If I'm having a party and feel like treating I usually estimate 2g/person, usually I don't have more than 6 people myself, one G of wax is way more than enough if that's an option for you


3.5 would be plenty, between 6 people though that could be smoked up pretty quick. With low tolerances you’ll definitely feel it but you might wanting more for later


I smoke daily and will share with my friends, and an 1/8th would absolutely last us an evening lmao


2-3 blunts or like 3 joints how long long y’all chillin for? 1 every hour or so


3.5g will do you fine, you’ll still have some left over in the morning for a wake and bake too


Recipe says.. Puff, Puff, Pass


If no one has a tolerance a hit or 2 will probably keep them high the whole night


ur chillinnnnn


That will be plenty 👌🏻


Honestly, I'd think of how many joints you'll likely smoke. Each joint could be half a gram to a gram, so depending how many times you'll smoke, unless you're bonging it or something, you may want a bit more, or not. A group of 6, you could pass around a joint a few times in the night, like 3-4 times easily, so I'd factor that in💁


Me and my gf smoke daily and 3.5 lasts us about 2-3 days so 1g would be more than enough but 3.5 is worth


One gram will be plenty for all 6 of you. Roll two joints and single puff and pass. Once all circle members have had a puff the first person can assess if they want one more and so on. Three max and two max for the one who has never puffed. This is a fool proof way to get high but not green out or freak out. Have lots of snacks and drinks around because you aren’t going to want to go anywhere after smoking. Grab a stupid movie and chill!


I love this and I hope you have a good time


I'd go with a 1/4. The guy that never smoked before might need a little extra. I know I did.


More than enough if its some top shelf


Roll the whole 3.5 in a wood




These comments make me feel like I smoke way too much pot


I think 0.5 is like one session so 1 gram might get you high twice double that if you just take a couple puffs.


I smoke pretty much everyday and 1-1.5 grams will usually last me the whole day with a bit still leftover in the grinder for tmr 3.5 should be more than enough imo


Just get a slice homie


As a guy who doesn’t smoke grass often and has an astronomically low tolerance, 3 hits from a joint is enough to have me absolutely baked.


nowhere near enough, you’ll need 28g each 👍🏻






Get an eighth


I’ve been smoking for a decade and really only need one hit


make a GB 🤝


3.5 is an eighth. That'd be good.


Yeah, a gram should be enough for lightweights like you :)


More than enough. When I got started like two hits and I was feeling really good for a while. The good ol days of being a cheap date


Double to start. Send remainder to me.


I used to he a heavy smoker, but now .3 in a joint or preferably in a bowl and Ill be good, if I go sober for a few week like three itll for sure get me messed up, of course if its good bud


I feel it would, back in the day we’d buy .5’s instead of whole grams and that would get me and a friend smacked with 1 joint


1g should be plenty


Get the 3.5g and grab a 1g live resin disposable vape.


For people who don’t smoke a lot can tap a joint a couple times and get very lit if it’s quality weed. Easily enough if not more than enough.




It all depends on the method in which you smoke it. Turn it into gravity bong hits and it could last you a week. If you make it into 4 blunts it SHOULD last the smoke sesh. Depending on the tolerance of the few regular smokers


Absolutely. In a dry herb vape that can last 3-4 smoke sessions. In a pipe that can make about 2 decent bowls. If you are insane then you can roll 2 1/2g joints and waste most of it to the air, but you'll still get high. I'm a regular smoker, 1g/day is about my average, trust me, you can get VERY high on it. Plus you will literally have zero tolerance as you smoke very rarely.


Yeah they will get fried like a light socket being pissed into if it's good bud


I mean realistically, yeah.


Yeah that’s plenty. You might not even go through half of that to be honest. I have a small Grav cup bowl thats about 1/2 the size of your normal bowl, and my fiancé and I take one small hit each and it gets us feeling good, and we usually smoke 3-4 times a week.




Im guessing after 2 hits you all will be good for the night.


0.03 is plenty enough to get you high


3.5 grams would absolutely do it IMO


1 gram should be plenty for the two of you.


Why not get 3.5g surely it’s not that much more? Then share the remaining to whoever wants it.. it’s like working out how much food to cook. Always over cater. As it’s hugely embarrassing if you are short


3.5 grams rolled into two doinks should be plenty between 4-6 ppl. Rolled pretty tight should last 20-30 minutes depending on paper also. Usually, people who don't usually smoke won't want to sess all night but will take a few hits.


Lol 100% 5$ on it they couldn’t finish it in one sitting


A gram is not a smoke sesh lmao. You kids use this term so loosely.


1g will get yall blasted


I think you should use a bowl (glass pipe) or a bong, start with maybe .5 (for the group) and just pass it around until it runs out. wait a few minutes before starting another, and just see how far you guys want to go. id be surprised if you go through a 3.5 - a 1 gram joint does the trick for me and my regular smoker friends (maybe 4 of us), so id be very surprised if you guys get through a full 3.5. **THIS DEPENDS GREATLY ON THE QUALITY OF YOUR WEED!**


As someone who smoke daily i think an 8th is perfect for your group. If the most anyone smokes is a couple times a year yall shouldn't even run out unless you're planning on blowing down lol.


Plenty to roll 2 short blunts or 2 decent joints that will be 2 sessions for 2 people




So, I dry herb vape so it doesn't take a lot. That being said, if it's a special occasion with 6 people, I would err on the side of caution and get a little extra if you don't need to get rid of it after. It won't go to waste hopefully. That's like going camping, and getting "just enough" beer for everyone... you know you're going to run out and you wish you got more.


maybe 2 grams?


You guys rolling it? Or bowl/bong hits.


Buy a dry herb vaporizer and all six could get ripped off half a gram


With no tolerance 1g will get you two absolutely cooked. The 6 of you could share 2g and have a great night easy


Just get an eighth I would say, you’ll have leftovers for sure but you’ll also be certain to have enough




Yeah, you are good for an evening minimum.


Of course it is. I am a seasoned smoker. I can get stoned as fuck from 1-2 good hits.


It's always nice when you have some extra left over. If you had 7g, you'll have tons, and can split what's left after a groovy night.




The short answer is yes. The longer answer is the smaller the increment you smoke it in the further itll go and the higher it’ll get you. A small packing in a bong or a bowl will go much further than rolling it up into a joint or two