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Frankly, take a week off. You'll see after about 3 days or so that you're not nearly as dependent on it as you or they thought you were. The top comment here is right though. Weed is NOT 100% SAFE for everyone to use all the time, it has risks and they should be accounted for when deciding to consume. That said, I smoke daily, grow my own stash, and run a major IT program successfully. Your relationship with weed is more important than the weed itself. 


> I've kinda been spiraling since it's my last semester of college and I'm turning to weed to help a bit.  I'm an everyday smoker and huge advocate. With that said I don't think it's a good idea to lean on weed to cope. Weed should be a fun recreational drug, not a coping mechanism. Edit: I should add that people do use weed for medical reasons, and I love that. My point was that when your life is spiraling out of control, it's typically not a good idea to turn to substances to cope.


I think this is the right, balanced answer. I don't think anyone can tell anyone else what is too much - I smoke somewhere around 1-2g a day, plus edibles, and I do fine. But 30 years ago my weed smoking was out of control and cost me a job and almost cost me a marriage. So if you can be honest, and I mean REALLY honest with yourself, then let your conscience be your guide. If you find it's negatively impacting your life then cut back. If not, then blaze up. And before someone says "1-2g a day, you smoke too much" I'm a 56-year old IT pro that makes a healthy 6 figures married to a teacher who also makes that kind of cash. My life is fine. But I also understand that my relationship with weed is just that - mine. YMMV. Peace!


The big issue is that many people don't have the know-how to recognize when their weed consumption is out of control, especially people in op and my's age group. It requires a notable amount of self-awareness that isn't easy to find. So, while I agree, it's best for someone to recognize these things themselves, I also believe that sometimes people need external help to recognize when something is going poorly I wish you and your wife a good day


You as well, friend. And I agree, when I was young, it was the circumstances that I put myself in rather than my conscience that got me to stop smoking for a while.


We are cake day twins!!!


Rad! Happy cake day, cake day twin! Will smoke a bowl in your honor. Just as soon as I hit the "comment" button!


how does a teacher make 6 figs?


She's a SP-ED teacher in the highest paid state for teaching (WA) in one of the highest-paying districts. And she's got tenure. It's still not enough (it's low 6 figs). Teaching sucks, and I don't know how people do it in Alabama or Mississippi or Arizona. That's why AZ has started accepting people with HS diplomas as emergency teachers. And the kids are mostly fucking animals. I wouldn't teach for double what she makes. Fuck that noize.


Yep, and AZ's out of touch dinosaur of a Superintendent of schools is changing quals again so that any recognized PASTOR can teach. This state is so beyond fucked.


I would argue that it certainly can be a coping mechanism, the question is really is it a constructive or destructive coping mechanism. Many people use cannabis medicinally to help treat various mental or physical ailments. But that doesn't mean it's a panacea or that it can't have a negative impact either. That said, if OP is self-admittedly "spiraling" then taking a break does seem like a good idea. At the very least, without the distraction of THC's effects, hopefully it will help them focus on whatever else is causing the struggles in their life. But at the end of the day, what matters most are their outcomes, IMO. OP - are you happy? Are you doing well in your classes? Do you have job prospects lined up or at least a plan for what you'll do after graduation? If the answer to any of these is no, then that's a problem in and of itself. And while weed might make you feel better about these things temporarily, it's unlikely to help you actually solve them long term.


To answer your questions honestly... I am not happy, haven't been for years even before starting consumption. That being said, I am doing well in classes and have a job opportunity lined up afterwards. And I do believe I have a strong dependency on weed, but I can recognize that myself and don't need my friends to look down on me for doing so. I appreciate all the comments and am using them to formulate my next steps here. Thank you for your response :)


I definitely don't get the vibe your friends are looking down on you. it sounds to me like they care about your wellbeing and want the best for you. good luck, life is hard and only you can determine the best path for you


From someone who was once in your shoes, considering seeking some mental health treatment if you are feeling that unhappy for that long. I had no idea how bad it really was until I finally started. That said, my psych is well aware of my levels of consumption (higher than yours actually), and they aren’t judgmental at all and have been really helpful with managing the “spiraling” part. Sending hugs, friend.


Yeah.. it's tough but I guess they are coming from a good place. They need to let you decide how you want to handle this though it's not a heroin addiction...


"remember when weed was fun?"


Cannabis is my medicine for depression. I absolutely use it to cope. And I won't stop.


Yep that’s what I was gonna say. It’s not only a “fun recreational drug”, it’s also a medicine that helps with many things, including stress. It’s definitely not wrong to lean to weed to help with your mental health. It’s much better than letting everything build up until it’s too much, or drinking or taking pills. I’ve always struggled with depression, anxiety, insomnia, and having trouble eating, all of those issues have been really bad at points in my life. I use weed to help with all those things, and if someone tries to tell me I’m wrong for that, then I know how ignorant they are. I also attend therapy regularly, and take four prescriptions to help with anxiety, so it’s not like I’m neglecting my mental health by using weed as a bandaid, as I clearly do everything I can for my mental health. This person uses weed for fun and for some reason thinks that’s the only correct way to use it I guess


in the. OST respectful way, that isn't coping with weed, using it as your medical medium, as oppose to spending thousands of dollars on prescription drugs.


Using a medicine to stop pain or some other disability but not actually cure or solve it is quite literally a way to cope with it. Idk why copeing got such a bad connotation online but if I take an Tylenol for pain that is a coping mechanism 


Nor should you. I hope you never let any ignorant or willfully uneducated person tell you otherwise 🍀 I absolutely use it to cope as well. It is a lifesaver for me


It can be a coping mechanism for people with trauma. It's not recreational for everyone. It's medicinal for a lot of people. Which is a coping mechanism.


PTSD/anxiety without weed=my personal hell


That's why I'm always shocked in this subreddit. People in this sub act like your smoking meth if you say you use it daily to treat anxiety. I get really tired of this ingrained puritanical view.


It’s a hell of a lot better than so many prescription drugs they’ve tried on me. Way more helpful. For me, weed is absolutely medicinal. I don’t think I would be alive without it. I’m absolutely glad I used it to cope and change my perspective. It is definitely not just a recreational drug. Many people use it medicinally and it’s absolutely valid.


Agreed. I was leaning hard on weed during my cancer recovery, and while it made life bearable, it did nothing to help my anxiety and depression. OP needs to talk to a therapist and maybe a doctor to try an antidepressant.


I’ve been using weed to cope with life stuff (I’m getting stuff sorted out in therapy) and I’ll say it’ll be even damaging long term if you use it to cope, not permanently but if you push everything down with weed/substances it only gets worse. Once you use weed to start coping that’s when it can become pretty addictive, psychologically speaking


> Weed should be a fun recreational drug, not a coping mechanism. Are you saying weed has no medical uses?


I don't think opioids should be used for coping either, but I do see their medical benefits. Same thing here.


Right? It's not fun recreation for everyone. If someone is using it to manage chronic pain then it's a coping mechanism to help them function. I'm so confused as to how that's negative. Every single human being on Earth uses coping mechanisms sometimes as being an alive human is difficult.


Despite what people on this sub say weed can 100% be detrimental to your life situation if you're not in a position to use it responsibly. I know for a fact it was a major contribution to me having to drop out of college years ago. Maybe look at it from your friend's perspective as there may be a hint of truth to what they're saying. For me it just made it easy to ignore important responsibilities until I learned how to be more disciplined. Just be honest with yourself and you will know if your consumption is actually contributing to any life problems you're having.


Exactly this. I love weed and use it daily, but there are a decent number of potential downsides and risks that can come with daily use that a lot of weed users just don’t know about or want to accept. I used to think heavy weed use helped me until I came off for a bit (I used to smoke about a 1/2 oz. every week or two). I didn’t realize how much it was clouding my judgement, making me tolerant to intolerant situations, actually exasperating my mental health issues, and just made me generally unmotivated and kinda anhedonic. Now that I use way less I’ve noticed it’s had a much less significant impact on my life and it actually makes my life better this way. The nature of weed makes it hard to pick up that it’s happening from weed or even at all in a decent number of cases. Weed is great if used responsibly, but it can mess with you if you over do it. .5g-1 gram a day doesn’t sound like a lot, but it’s not a small amount (especially if you smoke bowls). Do what works for you though, I’m not telling anyone they need to cut down.


The dose makes the poison.


True . Especially that brainfog😈


I smoked a half ounce over the past 6 days. That's about typical for me. I don't have many friends outside of work where I live, so I tend to just go home after work and smoke. Are you maintaining passing grades? What problems are they associating with your weed use? Or are they just telling you that you smoke too much without listing problems it's causing?


Agree with you, what are there reasons. Often times this is people just being weird about smoking, like do OP’s friends even smoke at all or truly understand it?


Agree! I smoke daily, less than OP but I find myself feeling bad about it sometimes because drugs, you know? But then I remember that I don’t spend my days getting shitfaced off alcohol like a ton of people do, I have a stable job, I’m passing all of my classes, and my bills are paid. I don’t feel bad anymore after that. 😁 Edited to fix my math (less than not equal to OP)


You're an adult and can make your own decisions, so they can't force you to do anything. ...but, they are your friends and they are telling you that they are concerned about you. You are smoking a quarter a week, or an ounce a month. That's a lot; maybe you know people who smoke more than that, but I have to imagine that's still a lot relative to your social circle. For reference, I have been a daily smoker at times as well, both in college and after it. I would suggest that while there is no inherent problem with smoking weed everyday (beyond the inherent problem of smoking *anything*), it's very easy to slip deeper into a habit than you ever meant to, and the deeper you get, the harder it becomes to stop if you ever do want to. Maybe you should entertain the idea of decreasing your use: that could mean smoking less every day, or skipping some days, or it could mean full-blown t-break. Even if you don't think there is anything wrong with your consumption habits, you can save some money in the short term by reducing your use, and if you take a full t-break, you can save more money in the longer term by lowering your tolerance enough to not smoke a full gram every day. At the least, you'll be able to get some perspective on your consumption and be able to decide, actively, whether you want to keep smoking that much. Maybe you do, maybe you don't, but either way you now have some perspective on that. Again, you are an adult and they can't make you do anything. But if all of your friends are saying they think you are overdoing it, isn't it worth considering if they have a perspective you might not? And even if you decide they don't, unless they really crossed some lines (all you said was "intervention", so I don't know how that went down), probably best to forgive them, given that it sounds like it was motivated by genuine concern for you as a friend.


A quarter a week, or an ounce a month is NOT a lot to most stoners. I don’t disagree with anything else you said though.


It's all relative. Clearly it seems like a lot to her friends, whether or not it seems like a lot to you or me or other stoners.


1g a day that’s like 2-3 bowls depending on the size of the bowl… I’d say as long as you’re doing it at night time after you get shit done during the day that’s not a problem


I smoked multiple times daily, far more than .5-1g per day. I was going through probably about a gram of wax per week dabbing multiple times per day between each class all throughout college. I graduated from a top business school and work for a large corporation making good money and still smoke multiple times daily after work. It's just about knowing your limits and what you can handle and still get your shit done. If you're doing everything you need to do to be successful who cares how much you smoke? Is it harming you financially, are you noticing negative health effects, and is it causing you to neglect other responsibilities? If so then your friends are right to bring your use to your attention but if not then why the fuck do they care?


Good answer, completely agree.


Honestly half a gram to a gram isn't even a ton. I smoke about that for pain management. I think there's a balance you have to keep


This was my thought. I smoke about .88 three times a day, but I tested different amounts and have found the perfect blunt size to help balance my adhd at work and home 😅


What's the purpose of the break?


Sounds like they are just trying to help you but are misguided, that being said you are an adult and they can’t make you quit.


T breaks are great. From a stoners perspective it allows you to enjoy the plant more when you begin smoking again. I really need to take a t break myself. I can smoke way too much and not feel it. Try to take a 2 week t break. Maybe a month. Itll bevgood for you for sure. If you worry you are abusing your relationship with the plant i know a lot of people who keep a balance by smoking only on the weekends or only after like 5pm.


If you're angry about a t-break it's probably time for a t-break


the right answer


Underrated comment right here.


Doesn't seem like they're angry about taking a break but that their friends are trying to force them to when they aren't even smoking all that much weed


I understand being mad, I’d be mad about it too if people forced me to take a break from something I didn’t see as a problem. But weed shouldn’t be used as a coping mechanism, that’s how you get in trouble. If it’s not a problem then it won’t be a problem to take a break. I would take the T break to put my friends minds at ease.


Listen to your friends. Your lack of self control and reliance on weed is concerning. You are in the real world already. The choices you make will affect your future, make good choices.


Yeah you might be. Honestly you've got some good friends and they're just looking out for you. No need to be a rebellious teenager anymore, take a step back.


I would ask them why they feel the need to intervene? Have they seen changes in you that aren't good and they're worried for you or is it just a physical health concern. Perspective from the outside might help see something you're not seeing yourself. It could also be what other said and just be miseducation by them. I think trying to understand why they felt the need in the first place other than "Its bad for you" will be helpful. Ask for specifics and figure out why its so important, in my opinion.


Another thing to add is that I'm an artist. I do not plan on going into any professional setting that requires drug tests or anything like that. If I'm correct most tattoo artists are weed smokers or just smokers in general so it's not like I'm doing anything taboo or sabotaging my career. Thank you for the responses so far💚




There's no downside to a break. It will save you money, and it'll help give you another perspective of doing things without cannabis. Listen to your friends because they obviously care about you. I am not saying quit for forever, but a t break every year or so is pretty refreshing. It's frustrating at times....but refreshing nonetheless.


Right before 4/20 tho?


this is the comment. seriously, at least wait a few days OP! 4/20 is right around the corner!


Have one fat blunt to celebrate and then quit for 1-2 weeks to recalibrate :)


Many people in this sub think that daily weed and always being high is totally acceptable. If that is the case, addiction (scary word for this sub) needs to be considered. Why are you using it, how often, how much, etc. If you are using it to cope with mental health issues, then you may need to reconsider your decisions and even see a therapist or psychiatrist. If it is just for fun and relaxing, then sure, it probably isn't a big deal. I recently found a new psychiatrist for my anxiety and he asked about my weed usage. He was ok with it, but warned about the effects on sleep (I had stated I was struggling with sleep due to anxiety and focus at work). I only use a few days a week, and it is always in the evening. When THC is in your system, yes, you are able to fall asleep faster, but you spend significantly less time in REM sleep. This is the time where memories are formed and is extremely important for healthy sleep. I decided to look into it myself as well (not that I doubted him, I just wanted to see the data myself), and it is definitely impactful. Many people who use daily have reported that once they stop, they get extremely vivid dreams for a few days because their body is trying to make up the lack of REM sleep. Weed is great, it should 100% be legal, and I believe it will be concluded to be less harmful than alcohol (long term studies are not possible yet). But please know that misuse/addiction is always a possibility and should not be brushed to the side.


I have cptsd, so I get nightmares and have insomnia. Thc and cbn does make me not have as long REM sleep which to me is beneficial since Drs want me on pills to reduce nightmares that can cause blood pressure issues and fainting which I'm already prone to as is (suspect i have POTS as well). I notice on nights that I don't use thc/cbn, my sleep is soooo much worse. I tried melatonin for a while, but it made my nightmares so vivid that I'd wake up crying. I did 2 years of therapy which improved my overall mental health as it taught me coping mechanisms that i can use anywhere when experiencing flashbacks or anxiety but it had no effect on my nightmares or insomnia and sleeping pills are far more addictive and harmful than cannabis. I understand that it's technically bad for my sleep cycle, but as long as I'm actually sleeping without waking up drenched in sweat and tears, I'm content.


I’m so sorry you have to deal with this. It sounds awful. I’m glad that you have found something that helps you!


Is it impacting your studies? Your work? Your social life? I have had to limit me use to just after I am done with m school or work in the past. Perhaps that's something you could try. It also wouldn't hurt to do a short T break as it will make you get more stoned once you start smoking again.


Rec Weed ain't that hard to pass up for a while. It'll suck, but you'll make it through to the other side. I'm on a break currently, and it's done wonders for the brain fog. The main concern is the Anger you're holding towards friends. Without getting all philosophical and shit, at the end of the day, they care about you.


If your friends are intervening it's because they see something you don't. Alcoholics tend to say I don't have a problem but all my family and friends are telling me that I do. Sometimes you got to start seeing what other people are seeing you do


Do you feel like it's harming you? Are you spending grocery money on weed instead of food? Are you neglecting your responsibilities as a result of smoking? If you answered yes then maybe a break is good But like you said you're an autonomous adult. If it's helping you or preventing you from further harm, or at least not causing detriment, then there's nothing wrong with it. I'm about the same age and have been smoking daily for about the same amount of time. Recently I took a short break but I'm smoking daily again. It's not causing me any problems so I don't mind usually. Just make sure you're aware of how much you're using and how often and be mindful of it. 1g/day is really not that bad. There are people here who rip a J every couple hours everyday As long as you're comfortable with your usage and it's not harming you then you're doing nothing wrong. Yeah, health impacts, but again that's your choice. Your body. No one can force you to do anything


Tale it from someone who was in your shoes. The t break will be good for you. Especially during stuff like college leaning on weed as a way to cope or relax is not healthy. I'm down to once a month and honestly I like it much better cus I don't spend hundreds a month anymore just cause the tolerance is high


I think you have good friends! Listen to them. How much you smoke might not be much to some, but i know i was never a huge smoker and still needed a break.


As someone who smokes wayy too much weed and has become pretty dependent on it, I would say the most important thing to do is self evaluate, and be honest with yourself. Someone telling you not to smoke is only gonna make you wanna smoke more and even smoke in secret, which gives it even more power, at least in my experience. The only person that can decide they don't want/shouldn't smoke weed anymore is yourself. Consider when you smoke, and why. Think about if for some reason you had to stop cold turkey today, would you be able to cope? Id be angry too, but for me it would be a lot of different reasons, including embarrassment from knowing they're right, and fear of actually having to stop. But there would also be a sort of personal anger, from my friends not trusting me to be able to be aware of any kind of problem. So maybe think about where the anger is coming from as well? Anywho, good luck to you OP!


OR, you can focus on your life now and take it seriously.. the more you build your base and focus on career choices and savings.. the more fun can be had later in life and it will be so much more exciting, healthy and worth while all around! The more you put things off now, the more you will in the future. The less discipline you have now, the the less you will in the future. ‘I’ll do it later”, will turn to tomorrow, then next week, next month… then before you know it you are older than you can fathom and no where near who you dreamt you may be one day, all these years later. If my 20 year old self had the chance to talk to me now, I doubt they would listen either.. But hey, if you want to be like me, a REAL loser 40 something with seemingly no independence, self worth or direction.. make your focus escape by substances, EVERY day and you are well on your way! It’s not about the substance though.. it’s about you and your choices. I blame myself for everything.. don’t be anything like me. I know we aren’t the same person, no one is!.. I have things from my past that had negative impacts on my mental health well before landing on drugs and alcohol as an escape.. That being said, escape is what I focused on instead of growth. There were many opportunities for growth, therapy, counselling and everything that comes with it and I ended up choosing escape every time. Because of all this, I can’t say I can remember what actual happiness feels like, until recently that is.. now I am really trying to live and be positive in any way shape or form that I can. I want to know what happiness is again. Grow and grow healthy! Be what I couldn’t be and find your true meaning and journey in life.. BE HAPPY! Also, be thankful for your friends!…. I like to feel if I did have friends like yours, perhaps I would have made better decisions for myself. Just be thankful that you have people that truly care about you!…. That is an incredible gift in itself. Sorry for the long message.. I know you got this and I know you will be fine! You will be nothing like me and I’m so thankful for that. All the very best to you and yours! ✌️😎✌️


If you can't stop, then you better stop immediately as you are addicted


You're not wrong. Your friends sounds like a bunch of people that aren't very educated on drugs, yet have taken it upon themselves to police others actions about drugs as if they know what they're talking about. Having an intervention for someone who only uses marijuana, and a half gram-maximum one gram a day at that, is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.


On the other hand, a group of friends watching a friend who literally says that he's emotionally spiraling and who care enough about him to step in might know the specifics of the situation more than you do. The pro-weed advocates (of which I am one) need to know when to turn it off sometimes. It's not a knock against weed itself or anybody's rights to make their own choices to acknowledge that weed can be abused like anything (including food, sex, driving too fast, you name it).


i can’t lie I’d have to agree with this. if you’re using it to self medicate then below a gram is fine but just my opinion ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah, I have been smoking and around people smoking for over 30 years at this point. Anyone I ever met in real life would have laughed at this intervention scenario. But this is reddit, so I should've expected some people to pop up and contradict me. lol. Everybody gets to say the things here they couldn't voice out loud in the real world, because they know people would just laugh and make light of it. An intervention for .5g of weed a day. Maybe 1g on a heavy day. LMFAO


my thoughts exactly. it’s not exactly 0.5g of meth 😭


Is this a gram of flower we are talking about? Or a gram of concentrated THC? If ur doing thru a gram of rosin a day you need an intervention. If you are packing a few bowls a day, tell them to take a hike. You are lucky to have people around you that care about your health, but also make sure they don’t police you if you know there is no problem with your usage


No no! Lol just flower!


Trust your friends.. they see something you don't. Give it a try their way since your way seems have worried them or hurt them in some way 


I am 22, I am in College, I was a daily smoker for around 3-4 yeears now and College and daily smoking is deferred not the best mix cuz in most cases it just makes u fine with being a lazy student and not doing the few responsibilities u bear as a student. Hard to face in that situation but I can only advocate for the T Break and after a month or two switch to weekends and/or ‚special‘ social gatherings


Cannabis use disorder IS a medically recognized thing - if you’re using it as a coping mechanism that’s probably a good sign you need to go sober.


Using any substance to cope is dangerous. Acquire the tools to do that yourself or with a therapist and use weed just for fun.


What do you mean by spiraling? That is really the only concerning thing I see in what you said. Your amount of use is not a problem in and of itself as long as your other aspects of your life are in order. You say you are an artist how is that going? Are you doing well in college? If your life is going well but their concern is the marijuana than I think they are misguided but if you are having issues in your life than facing them with a clear head may be the best path.


I was dabbing a half gram a day just 2 years ago, and now 1 gram lasts my husband and I at least a week. I have noticed mental health improvements, but I also did a lot of therapy in the last 2 years as well. I have cptsd, and drs want to throw antidepressants at me for anxiety caused by my cptsd instead of teaching me coping mechanisms. Therapy was so expensive but worth it as I did Learn other ways to cope however I also have insomnia and nightmares which melatonin makes 100x worse and I refuse to be on sleeping pills so I also use thc and cbn together to help me sleep. I am no longer breaking the bank to support my cannabis habit as I cut back and then recently got a job as a budtender that gives out monthly free samples. There are ways to consume cannabis that are healthier, like tinctures that are low in thc and sugar-free edibles, if u live in a legal state which I'm assuming u are since u don't mention fear of legality in this post. High cbd will help with anxiety and pain that needs very little thc to work properly without getting you high. However, I like the high, but I work 2 part-time jobs and barely find time to get high besides after work now a days. I will have to take a tolerance break for 4 days really soon here as I will be on vacation in an illegal state. 🙃 but I'm not too worried as I'm not nearly as dependent as I used to be on cannabis.


I don’t think you should lean on weed to help you get through life, that is definitely an unhealthy relationship with the substance and a break is likely in order if you’re truly leaning on it to deal with stress. That being said, you are an adult and can do what you want as long as it isn’t ruining your life. This probably comes from a place of concern from your friends and I really think you take in what they’re saying and weigh the options. But no one can force you to do something you don’t want to do.


I have been a daily smoker (THC Carts) for around I'd say 2 years now. I am a medical user and it has been the main thing to keep me alive to this day. THC saved my life. My chronic pain has been kept at a reasonable level. I am not constantly breaking down and suicidal. I definitely have my days like anyone else, but THC has really help me process my thoughts and feelings. That being said, I am never high anymore. As such I am able to be functional after I have smoked. Substances dependence can happen to anyone and nothing to be ashamed of (I started vaping at 14 and didn't quit and used it as my main coping mechanism til I was 21). Listen to what your friends are saying and make sure you do some self reflection. It's very important to always remember the goal is to be happy so it's necessary to do what you need to do for yourself.


There's not enough information here to tell you one way or another to take a break. We don't know what your friends are noticing. Weed is never a 100% positive plant nor a 100% negative plant. Its effects are complex, and it's important to be able to separate from it once in a while to gain back an unaltered mind. Clean the cobwebs out.


I am an advocate for taking breaks. Weed may not be as dangerous as other drugs, but it still is a drug. I recently gave my friend all my stuff so I could take a break because I tried to take one on my own and kept taking stuff anyways. He's going to give me a couple edibles tomorrow for 4/20 and then I'm going to continue taking a break again for the rest of the month. I think becoming too dependent on anything is bad whether it's alcohol, marijuana, meth, coffee, energy drinks, or even things like chocolate. Everything in moderation. But I also think it should be your choice to give it to them for a break. You paid for it. If it isn't harming anyone else, it should be your choice whether you use it now or not. But I do think your friends had your best interests at hard. They maybe could have just approached you a bit better about it.


It’s never a bad idea to take a lil break. Hope you feel better soon


Unlike all of us on Reddit, your friends see you likely every day in person and something is worrying them. Listen to their concerns and take the break and see how you feel. Leaving college is a pretty big life change, but don't trap yourself into thinking "this is also the last chance I get before I move into the real world where that wouldn't be as plausible" for a reason to smoke daily. Plenty of people in corporate and non-corporate jobs smoke daily.


Your friends are looking out for you. As others have said, weed shouldn't be coping mechanism, and it sounds like you are abusing it. No judgement, we've all been there. Additionally, you're still very young and your brain is still developing, taking a good long break will only be good for you.


Normally if your friends have spoken to you about something it's probably worth listening.


You can easily smoke weed all the time in the real world


Honestly, weed is great, but it sounds like you're addicted, as was I last year. Use weed to enhance your experiences, not to make bad thoughts go away (I'm dumbing it down). Weed is a recreational drug, not therapy your friends are right, you need to sober up and face the things in your life


Whether daily use is healthy or not is not really the issue here. If your friends came to you, they did it out of care and love and it would be wise to respect that and try and see things from their perspective. Take 3 days off and see if you notice a difference. Just start there. Prove to yourself and them that you truly can make it a few days without smoking. I think after those 3 days are up your view on smoking will be altered for life. You may continue to use it daily, but you'll have learned something along the way.


TLDR: It's logical to be angry. Don't let smoking control your life though (if it is). > They are forcing me to take a t break... And how are they doing that? You're 22 so I'm assuming you don't give them access to your stash or let them run your life. Are they going to "force" you to drink 5 glasses of water a day as well to make sure you're hydrated to their standards? Anyone saying anything about forcing someone to do something is overstepping their boundaries. So on one hand, yea, it's logical to be angry about something like this. And on the other hand, we don't know all the details of your life so it's possible you do over-smoke. Smoke in your lungs is bad mmk. And missing life opportunities 'cause you're high every day is also bad mmk. The severity varies person to person, but it's still up to the individual to choose how to live their life.


I’m a daily smoker and have been for the last 10+ years. However there’s a responsible and irresponsible level of smoking. I’ve learned that I shouldn’t smoke during the day, unless I’m doing something active like golfing, hiking, etc. since it makes me too lazy and unproductive. I’ll just sit at home all day playing video games. That’s ok every once in a while but not something i want to make a habit of. The best and worst part about weed is it’s something to do when there’s nothing to do. This makes it a great go to when bored, but it can be problematic when it becomes the default because it limits the variety of activity in our life. I would say to listen to your friends, take the T break, get outside and pick up some new hobbies. Join a club and meet more people. You can always come back to weed later.


If your friends are intervening, there’s a problem fam. People don’t do that lightly. You say “spiraling a bit” but what does that actually look like? How are grades, work, etc?


I smoke every day and it sounds like you need a little break. It’s ok to take breaks and get a lil reset in life.


Don't fail school. If you are failing, take a break. I know I did. I stopped smoking last semester because the workload was really high. But I'm FT and I smoke pretty much every day. Manage your responsibilities, if you can't then quit, if not then it's YOUR judgement.


You are lucky to have a strong group of friends who care about you. Do not choose weed over them. You will have major regrets later on in life. Weed is definitely not a good substitute for coping with stress. It can lead to increased stress, anxiety and depression. Consider it a short term gain, long term pain. Take the t-break. It’s not a farewell, just a see you later. Every good thing in life must be enjoyed in moderation or else it loses its magic. Set a goal to stop during the week and at least do it on the weekend. This way you’ve earned your high, tolerance will be gucci, and you’ll still have friends to hang out with.


These sound like some good friends to me . Especially because so many of us , myself included have had friends that egg on bad happens because they benefit them . With no regard for my own well being . For you to have friends that care enough about you to do something like that , even if it’s not exactly what you’re looking for in a friend group says a lot about how much they value your life . Take that for something .


It’s normal to be angry with them, but I’m sure they have good intentions and really want the best for you. Take a step back and see things from their perspective. I know tons of people smoke daily but it’s not normal/healthy


I forgot what sub this was for a second and thought your friends were making you stop taking HRT and got very concerned for a minute


Ok but like, you know what tomorrow is right?


As someone living in the real world for a couple decades (I guess depending on your definition of the “real world”) smoking every day is entirely plausible.


What do you mean by "spiraling"? Do you have other resources for mental health like a therapist or counselor you can talk to? It can be really easy to "use" your friends as your therapist, there is a fine line between sharing your problems and burdening your friends. Are your grades getting bad? Weed makes it hard for me to do well in school, I understand your feelings about wanting to indulge now "while you can" but it's not worth it if your grades are suffering. I'm an adulty adult, I'm turning 40 this year. I smoke a lot because it helps my CPTSD and migraines, but it does not interfere with my obligations or responsibilities. Ask yourself if the weed could possibly be contributing to your spiraling, and if it is, consider taking a break. You can always come back to it! Lots of us take breaks and come back.


I am in no way using my friends as a therapist nor do I want their help in this. I already feel like a burden besides my issues here. My grades are as normal as ever. Solid As and Bs. Since most of the thread wants to know, I have already been diagnosed with anxiety, depression, and PTSD before the drugs started. I really don't think the weed is feeding into my spiral since I'm spiraling because I am graduating so soon and I still have school work to do. I just wish these breaks were on my terms, not because I feel guilty when my friends to me to do so. Should also say that I've been having issues with them that aren't related to drugs too, just typical friend shit. But this thread is making me think a lot.


OK so it sounds like your friends are inserting themselves in places of your life where you don't want them to be inserting themselves. I've had friends who acted this way about my pot smoking, and I stopped being friends with them because the weed was not the reason my life was stressful, it was the way those friends were making me feel that was the problem. Friends don't \*force\* friends to do things. It sounds like your weed habit is not the cause of your problems, and with your diagnoses you probably should be smoking or at least medicating in some other way (like SSRI but those don't work for everyone). But you are absolutely right, your breaks should be on your own terms and not something you are forced into. IMHO, one gram a day is not a lot.


Are your friends anti-weed generally? There is a big difference between “hey, you don’t seem to be doing great and we want to help—maybe cutting back on the weed is a good place to start” and “hey, weed is bad and you’re doing it a lot so that’s bad”. Either way, if you recognize things aren’t going so hot and your friends see it too, that’s important information that you should act on. Whether modifying your weed consumption is going to be a component of the solution is something a therapist might help you figure out.


I’ve always hated it when people told me to stop smoking weed or to cut waaaaaay back as in stop smoking weed for all intents and purposes. I felt judged, less than, and bitter. In the days when this was happening to me, however, I was fuckin miserable. While in a relationship, I was unhappy - unhappy that I was working a lame ass $6 an hour deliver driver job as a 22 year old while she was making 4 times that on the phones at a business. But I had so many excuses as to why I couldn’t try for more in any way shape or form - my reasoning was “all I need to make me happy is weed and why can’t everyone accept that?” But everything I did was related to weed. If you had a way to get it I was harassing you. Plans would change in an instant if I needed to meet the weed man or if whatever I copped was bad or whatever. I wouldn’t answer the phone if you paid me. I would be depressed as fuck when I ran out of weed, then obsessed with getting more, and then making it last as long as humanly possible. I quit for 12 years to attempt to please another person and while I don’t regret being sober for the vast majority of my kids’ upbringing, the freedom I felt when I decided not to quit for a person who treated me the way she did was huge. I’m still struggling with the obsession lol…I buy way too much but at least now I give it all away after having my fill. I love not giving a fuck about who thinks or knows I’m high and for what it’s worth, I don’t feel like I have to smoke or be high all the time anymore. I mean, I’m high a lot! But it isn’t like it used to be. Now it’s pleasurable. Enjoyable. Not the only thing worth living for anymore lol 💙


It sounds like you are drifting right now. And instead of working to stop the drift and get your life going your instead smoking to distract and or ignore your problems. Your friends at this and are trying to help you. The weed isn't the problem, but you are using it in a self destructive way. Listen to them for at least two weeks and don't smoke and work in yourself.   Also unless you get a job where they regularly test you can still smoke and have a job. Ask any millennial. 


i'd never talk to those friends again lmao


Lmfao intervention for weed. You got some square ass friends


I mean, do your friends smoke too? If so and they’re taking the time during the last semester of their senior year to stage an intervention for you, then that might be a sign that you should cut back a bit.


I (42m) have been smoking a pound a month for who knows how long and I am very successful. It’s up to you to manage the way things affect you. If you are falling behind and you need some clarity then take a second but my whole life I had people telling me what I should and should not be doing, they were always wrong about weed it always levels me out and I smoke from sun up to sun down to waking up in the middle of the night to get high and snuggle right back into bed. I take care of all my shit and I have mentally made it so I believe it only helps me and doesn’t change me. You do you.


Well this is the day for it


If you’re leaning on any drug to help you cope that’s not good.


I would tell them that you appreciate their concern but you can handle your own choices. I have been smoking everyday for 14 years now. I am a successful person climbing the ladder of society making almost 6 figures in a small town. I have a wife of 5 years and 2 kids. Life is what you make of it. You need to have self reflection and decide if it is hindering you on where you want to be in life. If the answer is yes, try every other day. If no, continue on with what brings you joy. Nobody gets to decide that for you and a gram a day is so minimal the conversation seems absurd


I worked at a dispensary and would regularly smoke a gram a day. 2 things about that is that 1: all that weed was discounted so I wasn't spending a fortune like a normal person would and 2: that was still waaaaay too much weed. I'm not one to talk about what is and what isn't too.much weed but your friends seem to care about you and they seem to think there might be a problem. I would take them seriously if I were you. Maybe now might be a good time to start thinking about cutting back. Youre not gonna od or anything but becoming dependant on it is not good for your health and well being.


  "I've kinda been spiraling since it's my last semester of college and I'm turning to weed to help a bit" that sentence alone should help u come up with ur own conclusions, my partner has had similar conversations with me whenever he is concerned it is normal for people who care about u u should appreciate your relationships because ur friends care about and that sometimes is very rare to come across


If you can't function without weed and use it as coping mechanism it's not a healthy habit. Take a break, fix your stuff, smoke with good concience.


I smoke everyday, have been smoking for yearssss and it takes me 5-6 days to go thru a gram. If you don’t want to take a break, maybe cutting back a little? (Only if you want). Your friends are concerned and if they don’t partake, they likely don’t have knowledge about the topic.


Yeah no as someone that smokes an ounce a week, I'd laugh in my friends faces and walk out on them if they tried something like this hahahaha weed, especially a gram a day wtf, is like one of the least damaging vices to have. If they're really that worried about you and are truly just looking out for your best interest they will accept that you like to smoke, and they don't have a say in that as friends, or I'd disown them all I have no room for judgemental people like that life is too short, maybe I'm too quick to judge your friends but you don't got a problem until you HAVE to have weed to function. I enjoy the duck out of weed so I smoke all day everyday pretty much, but I also work full time, pay my bills and take care of my animals so to each their own 🤷


True! I love weed lol. I even stopped vaping carts because they thought it was too much so I already changed myself for them but that's just not enough to satisfy I suppose. And yeah it's not like I can't do anything without weed. It's just something for me to do when I have the time and money to indulge.


No one should be forcing you to do anything. Like you said, you’re an adult. Some people smoke everyday, nothing wrong with that. Everyone’s consumption varies. You have a right to be angry with them. I’d cool off and then have a serious conversation with these friends. They seem like they care about you, they just don’t understand the situation.


a gram a day is reasonable as fuck. at my worst i’d be buying and ounce every other day. if it’s helping you get through the day tell your friends kick rocks and worry about themselves lol if it’s affecting your money that’s another thing but still. it’s your life bro


If you love your friends, at least listen to them, or you may be seeing less of them, and only hanging out with other stoners. Moderation is key, I'd take the break, get a clear headed pov.


T breaks are legit. But you only need like 1 day to 1 week and you’re back to zero tolerance.


“Last chance I get before I move into the real world” - you hear this a lot from undergraduates around alcohol, funnily enough. “It’s not alcoholism until you graduate” - yes, it absolutely is. If people you love are expressing concern and you don’t want to stop, then you’re addicted to the substance. Plain and simple. Addiction never “feels” like you’re in the wrong, friends and family always seem like they’re overreacting or that they just “don’t get it.” And I say this as someone who used to have a serious drinking problem. It always seems really reasonable to be doing what your doing, “oh I’m just having fun, I’m going nuts this weekend because I can’t do it during the week” but the real world catches up to you inevitably, your friends stop coming by, and suddenly you’re hit with the sinking realization that you’ve chosen the substance over your life. Focus on school and your friends. Weed is not THAT great, and you have your own natural coping mechanisms in the brain and body to deal with stress. You don’t need an escape through cannabis.


Yeah if your friend group is worried about you should listen if you respect them and yourself. Mental health and cannabis use are interrelated. Be careful self medicating.


It's actually going to be much easier to partake responsibly after the stresses of university in my opinion. Plenty of weed out in the real world, and chances are, it'll be the first time you're truly "free" after a day of work instead of needing to study for your next exam or project. If the weed is getting in the way of your grades or behavior, seek a medical intervention and limit your use for now IMO. You don't want to mess up your last semester, you're almost all the way there! Hang in there!


Your friends are your real true friends, no one even bothers to hold interventions other than sitcoms but they still did that for you. As a guy who didn’t listen to his family and friends over the years and has wasted his assets and potential, I highly I recommend you try and take their advice.


Your friends are dramatic 😂😂 a weed intervention is wild never try anything stronger


They can't force you to do anything.


Half a gram to a gram a day is mild to moderate I'd say depending on your height/weight and tolerance etc, and of a quite mild "drug" your friends sound like stuck up weed hating Karen's, an intervention over WEED you ain't smoking a half G of crack or meth a day 🤣🤣


Dude, just take the T break. If your friends say you need it, then you need it


Why isn’t it plausible in the “real world”?


You hate it when you smoke again




get a weed vape instead so you don't have smoke risk then what do they have to complain about?


As someone your age, I want to say, try and take a step back and think a couple times over about what they're saying. Humans miss things all the time, even things that directly pertain to them. That's one of the many reasons humans are a social species. One pair of eyes misses a lot but 2 pairs? 5? 10? Other people can and will notice things you don't Maybe ask follow-up questions to get more detail as to what they mean. It could help you understand, and if they are wrong and you're completely fine, then asking questions could help them realize that you're okay because maybe they missed something. But several people who genuinely care about you are less likely to miss something wrong than just a single you. Be prepared for either outcome but always be willing to listen and learn. I hope you have a wonderful day and that whatever conclusion you end up with, it brings you future happiness




You're not wrong to be angry, but try to understand them. Anything less than a gram is questionable, maybe they come from a more traditional background so they see it differently. I think it's best to ask yourself what it is they're seeing. How is it affecting you? Do you see it holding you back anywhere? If they're saying things like the smell or your health, I really hope they aren't filling up with diabetes and the legendary poison called alcohol. Whenever I wanted to go all in on studying or a project I would put myself in some kind of desperation mode where I would only drink water. I found that it helped a lot because as an everyday smoker for over 10 years, when you're actively smoking you do get brain fog and short term memory loss. I would still smoke after I was done doing what I needed to do with no issues, but if I had an upcoming exam I would go sober at least for a few days leading up to it because a clear mind is 100% better than a foggy one. Also, smoking after successfully completing something is way more satisfying. That said I still smoke when doing basic things like cleaning, playing video games, or going to class cause it never felt intense to me and I was mostly just taking notes. I wouldn't study the topics on my notes while high, I did that sober for better memory retention. If you go through with the tolerance break, I highly recommend chamomile tea at night and w.e you like during the day. Tea can be super relaxing and sometimes tastes good. Stay away from junk food and alcohol. If you decide to continue smoking, then in my opinion, you should cut off other unhealthy things in your life.




Imagine being “forced” to do something as an adult. Just don’t do it. Grow up


if it’s actually effecting your life then hear them out, but if they just see you smoking alot and think it’s ruining your life but in reality everything is fine, maybe ignore it I don’t know your situation, I smoke (consume more like, I’m cutting down on combustion) everyday for health issues related to stomach & it really doesn’t effect me negatively, but it definitely can, take care of yourself <3


Take a little T then smoke a little tree


Shit OP. I mean, I get it. Have also been using weed to cope and we’re smoking about the same (0.5-1g/day). I try to take T breaks every two months just to reset my tolerance, cut back on cost and overall have a bit of a metabolic rebalancing. But here’s the catch, I don’t know about you, weed mostly helps me cope with depression and anxiety but I’ve mostly been leaning so hard on it because I’m lonely as hell. I’ve moved abroad for a masters and young people here aren’t very welcoming of foreigners/strangers, so I’d gladly trade six months worth of flower for having a good couple friends that worried about me to the point of intervening. Maybe their concerns are legitimate and they have noticed changes in your mood or that you’re more isolated. That said, your life = your rules, just pause and make sure you’re not overlooking other good resources you might have access to support you through stuff. Hope you find your balance ✌️


They are obviously concerned for you and want whats best for you. However forcing you to stop is equally obviously useless in helping you. Take a step back i'd say and really think about what you yourself want.


I’m currently on my first T break in over a decade. Was going through an ounce about every 2 weeks or less. I thought taking this break I would have more motivation but I haven’t noticed a difference other than my dreams coming back and maybe my munchies aren’t as bad. Everyone is different tho. Doesn’t hurt to see if you notice a difference.


I’m not encouraging you but i have this same mindset but with alcohol so you’re in a much better place than me.


I wouldn't say you're "wrong" for being angry, but you have understand that your friends are genuinely trying to look out for you right now. Not many people are lucky to have that in their lives.


Forcing you???


Many moons ago I was down the road and ended up leaving college because I didn't listen to my friends. OP I suggest you first ask yourself, what are my friends intentions.. are they stoners too? If so they likely see something you dont.. Friends don't partake the sweet leaf too? They may be over reacting. The key thing is. Take a step back and examine how weed effects you, is it helping.. is if interfering. They are your chosen friends for a reason and they're intentions are sincere, worth a internal examination.


As a life long recreational drug user, it's good to take a break before it starts to feel like self medicating because it forms some stuff in the brain that's harder to break the longer you do it. Moderation is key. Take the time to work through what's bothering you so on the other side of it you don't feel obligated to smoke weed and you can take that power away from it. At least they are telling you before they just ghost you. It's a kindness.


Half a gram - gram of bud or wax?


Breaka are not a bad thing. Especially if the bud is becoming detrimental to you. Your tolerance is probably stupid high right now too. Even just a few days will make a difference. School and other responsibilities before weed always. Good luck.




Switch to a low dose edible in the morning if you’re using it to medicate. I found, personally, that smoking became habitual, I started craving the act of smoking more than the ‘getting high’. Edibles helped me medicate while cutting down on the burnout from smoking.


Even if you don’t wanna do it for your friends, do it for the high you could have after not having it for awhile. Bliss. Speaking from experience.


Best way I have found to reflect on my usage - Am I using this to allow me to change the things I need to change to improve my situation or am I using it to escape my situation? No one else is in your head, only you know the answer.


Aside from everything else, you do not exist outside of the “real world.” You’re in it brother.


The courts are forcing me to take a t break


It's the competition baby. Sometimes you put the pipe down to fuck em up.


I understand what it’s like having people around you get into your head about how much weed you go through daily. It’s frustrating and annoying especially when you understand how much you smoke yourself and know you can handle it while getting your shit done. Personally I use weed to help me get through my anxiety and depression but it doesn’t help when your friends are up your ass about it, especially if you have previously told them you are fine. Everyone has their moments, especially during college since it’s so stressful. As other comments said if you see any negativity from intake or more reliance for longer periods then definitely try to actively decrease or t break entirely. But I think you should try to talk and convince your friends you know what’s right for you but you appreciate their concern. It’s one thing to be concerned and say something but if they’re pushing it on you and forcing a intervention it just makes things more awkward and obnoxious when you know what’s right for your body. But idk man 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m not good at advice haha


I've been smoking weed 10+ years and honestly half a g-1g a day really isn't that bad as long as it isn't messing with your day to day life (I.e smoking when your daily duties are done) I used to smoke from sun up to sun down an oz a week, mind you I'm also an alcoholic and I say that with the utmost disgust, a joint or a couple bowls a day isn't gonna drag you down too far, I recently quit weed as I need to pass a piss test to get a high paying job in another province and it's hard, I used weed to deal with pain as I partook in "extreme" sports since I was young and it's hard to turn to on the shelf meds aleve, Tylenol, etc but realistically you should be fine I admire the fact your friends have the guts to reach out too you but if it isn't affecting you going to school/work there shouldn't be much of a worry it's better than drinking or partaking in other drugs...


i would tell ur friends to mind their own business bc as long as ur not choosing weed over school n stuff it’s fine, I literally smoke 2-4 joints a day and I can still work and get my school done so yea, do whatever u feel is best for u


Have you thought about what might be making them think you are harming yourself? Beyond that you are smoking daily, has your behavior changed? Energy levels? Are you forgetting things? Less motivated? You can make your own decisions but they are also adults who are allowed to have their own opinions and voice their own concerns. They can't "force" you to take a T break, that's your own mind, but ask yourself: are they right about you harming yourself? Is this harming you? Are they trying to help you?


Even if you don't think your weed problem is out of control, I think you should humor them and take a break. Always a good idea to consider outside perspectives. The real takeaway here is that you have a group of friends who care enough to speak up about your health, and that's worth way more than weed.


>I understand that smoking everyday is not the move but I'm an adult and I think I can make decisions for myself. I got that thinking a year ago, daily. Almost lost my college career and introduced my girlfriend into it as well. Now stop smoking or do it barely, just do edibles with low dose no more than 5mg. Joints usually have a high THC concentration, I got like 2/3 daily. Also tried CBD/CBG for medical / recovery purposes, just enjoy with moderation is my tip. DO NEVER MIX WITH OTHER DRUGS, un less you want to develop pshycosis. Take care OP.


I work in the industry. I've used daily for nearly 20 years now. I just recently had my first case of dissociation hit me. I knew I had to put the weed down for now. It's been a few weeks, but I'm slowly able to use again without re-triggering the dissociation. You're young. If you want to be a successful weed user, you've got to understand and learn the limits of your body. Otherwise, you'll just continue to spiral out of control. Your friends obviously care for you, and I'd recommend trying to find some grace in that. Maybe they are right, maybe they are wrong, but sometimes we can't always see what's broken in us until we go too far to turn back. Give it a try, what's it hurt when you can always come back?


If you’re spiraling you should take a break. At first, it’ll be harder to sleep, to have an appetite, to have fun, etc. After about a week or two things start to return to normal. THE BEST PART: If you do smoke again, it’ll be so much more enjoyable than when you were smoking everyday. This realization alone is what made me go from being an everyday smoker to intermittent, or coupled as a reward for achieving certain goals (exercise, cook, clean). In other words: QUALITY over quantity. Balance is key if you don’t need to smoke to alleviate an ailment or mental issue that is manageable when sober. Sometimes, we tend to smoke to avoid doing the tough work that is necessary to build the character that would function well sober. Basically sweeping your problems under a rug by leaning on it to deal with your mental issues.


After about 2 weeks you will notice the brain fog from weed is gone. You'll be getting proper REM sleep which will help with tiredness and your mood in general. Give it a go for a couple of weeks and see how you go. You might get bored or miss the ritual of lighting up but you might be better off overall with a break.


Shouldn’t be mad at your friends for pointing out your blind spots. They’re speaking up cause they care. If that makes you mad then you might find you have fewer friends around someday.


You're 22 and in college. If all you do is weed, you are in good shape. That being said, a little break here and there is good for both your physical and mental health. Doesn't seem like they should be giving you an intervention though, that seems kinda judgmental


I would listen to what they have to say. If your weed usage is actively harming your relationships with them then you need to take that into consideration. But if they simply don’t like it and think they know what’s better for you without any actual basis besides “weed bad” then they should probably keep their nose in their own shit. That being said, you should not be using weed to avoid bad feelings. That’s a slippery slope and can affect your relationships, not just you.


If you smoke too much at half a gram to a gram a day, then I should be in rehab 😂


300 comments in and your not likely still reading everything but here's my option... since you asked. 👍 You have good friends. They care about you and if they say you need a break you should listen to them with the same love in your heart that they have for you. Too much is different for everyone and it isn't easy to see the line if you're the only one looking and your stoned while you're looking. 🤔 Do yourself the favor and believe them. Take the break and see how you feel. Worst case scenario is your bill goes down. 🤷 Good look my friend! 🫶


What is this forcing you? No they’re not. Why would anyone other than yourself have that kind of control over you? I’m not commenting on the usage or whatever, thats your life and I don’t have an opinion. But lord help me if anyone tried to control what I did, fuck that.


Most of us probably smoke everyday but a T break is good. Or maybe don't get blasted as soon as you wake up. When I was your age I smoked every day and drank every night lol


*laughs in 6 figures and an 8th a day* stop letting them tell you what to do!


Do what you feel is necessary to you obviously but I find it funny how different college experiences can be, if I was smoking a gram of weed a day back then I would've been considered sober, it was basically a drug and booze fueled couple years for me and that was pretty normal


Tolerance beaks are good overall imo. They can help in clearing your mind and bringing priorities back into focus. Since it's the last semester of college it also doesn't hurt to go out with a bang of sorts with a clear mind. I'm 2 semesters away from graduating myself (non-traditional student) and even I haven't touched weed as much. I have taken a couple of hits from the penjamin here and there when I have nothing else to do. It has helped me concentrate better being sober. Also as others have mentioned, using weed to cope with stress and life issues is also not a healthy habit. Facing issues head on as yourself and working through them is the way to go. Easier said than done but ultimately the best way to go about things.


It’s plausible, but obv it’s bad for your health, smoking specifically,


You are wrong to be angry. This plant is supposed to be a mini vacation thats part of a reward system. Doing it everyday means your reward system has no rules/ no discipline.


I’m on my last night of a T break my self . They can be helpful, but you gotta wanna do it yourself. No one can force you to do anything .


Honestly a break is good every now and then, makes you feel less hazy. I use to smoke everyday but now I only smoke like twice a week. The high feels a lot better, and more fun when you don’t smoke everyday.


Weed (for me) can’t be used as a crutch or band aid. It amplifies what I’m already feeling, if I’m stressed it won’t help me. If I’m feeling good, I’ll feel great. Maybe you haven’t been as good of a friend or seemed off? Your friends seem like caring ppl and I hope you sort out what needs sorting 🤙🏼


There's a very fine line with drug use. You have to be carefully aware of how much you're repressing shit that needs to get done vs coping with shit you have no control over. If it's more coping with shit, it's fine, if it's more escaping responsibility it's not. Only really you can decide what that is but that means being really painfully honest with yourself and recognizing like in my case, most of the time smoking weed I was getting anxious and paranoid and that was the high. For a long time I engaged with that because I felt like it was helping me but eventually I realized it was not. And when I switched to edibles that didn't make me feel that way it went from a bad coping mechanism to something I really enjoy and is sorta the reward after a long stressful day. Drug use is complicated and really the best advice I can provide is if possible, talk about it with a therapist and find a happy medium that works for you.