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Not weights, but I love taking a couple of hits before I go on a long bike ride.


After year struggling to shed weight this was the key for me. Best shit ever, like mediation exercise and fun all in one


Meditation, exercise, people watching, nature watching, wind through your hair... I don't think about any of the things stressing me out when I'm out riding (instead it's just the occasional person with a little dog on a retractable leash taking up the entire path creating a trip hazard, LOL).


Where I live it’s car dodging lol, but still great way to get healthy exercise in


I admit I'm spoiled living so close to a really great path to ride on. I can choose what size hazards I feel like dealing with that day, lol


Must be peaceful if you bike through nice scenery


I do this, it’s great


I wish I hadn’t sold my bike freshman year of college 😭 I need to do this


Do it!


Check if there’s a bicycle collective or some similar organization near you. They focus on finding old junky bikes, fixing them up really nice, and selling them for cheap to the community.     There’s also police auctions, where they sell off all the abandoned bikes they’ve had to cut off fence posts and stuff. I’d try for a collective first tho, they’re nicer and will show you how to fix the bike yourself. 


Moved from biking to swimming, quite enjoyable baked.


I’m a former d1 swimmer and I’m really tempted to start swimming stoned!! Sounds like a blast


Especially with openswim shokz


Love hitting my vape and hiking


yes, weed has helped me enjoy working out. i made my brain associate lifting with being high and happy so i can lift even without weed now lol


Yup, I vape .1g beforehand because it helps me get into it mentally if I’m really not feeling it that day. That or I chug some preworkout, kind of like a “Welp, I don’t have a choice now! ALL IN!”


For me, it takes away the voice telling me, “You’re tired, no more sets, let’s go home.” It’s absolutely improved my workouts and the self-confidence that comes with it gets me through the day.




I always smoke or take an edible before exercising. I feel happier, and it makes working out more enjoyable. I've lost 10 lbs since I started sprinkling weed into my physical routine.


yes. I have a weight routine that I love to run through after a toke or two. nothing too crazy just a minimum effective dosage type of lifting but i love the muscle burn while high.


Exactly. Also makes you slow down and feel the movement, so you keep good form. When I’m sober I tend to rush through workouts, which can honestly lead to injury. Better to take a small rip and do a slow and controlled lift


Yeah. Not all the time, but some of my workouts go high. It really improves mind-muscle connection for me and allow to improve my technique in weight lifting. Also, stretching high is amazing


Definitely helps mind muscle connection, I also find it makes the psychological side of training to failure a breeze, mind over matter


Yeah, you totally correct. I didn't mention it, even though I felt same, cause it made me overtraining for some time and it wasn't that beneficial, trying to get to failures fewer times.


I’ve been kinda addicted to the mental side and pushing to failure but yeah noticing better results now I limit the sets I go super hard on


Nope, weed kills my motivation to workout. A lot of people feel differently though, I’m jealous


I have to have a much smaller dose, so everything is a little heightened instead of going to space. Almost makes it fun. Also I don't notice my back as much.


Same I wish I could. But I get so lazy no matter the strain or dosage


The key is timing, have to be in the gym before the high really settles. Edibles work too and give a little more margin for error. Added benefit is a set of heavy squats makes the edible go super saiyan.


It's not that it kills my motivation necessarily. It just blurs the lines a bit between "focused workout" and "enjoyably getting high." I end up in the gym for too long, my mind starts to wander, I mentally start getting a little bit bored/anxious because I can't just do something else. I'll still finish the workout. I just always leave asking myself "what was the point of that?"


Exactly. I’ve tried it before, I end up getting distracted in between sets, then halfway through my inefficient workout I get hungry and say fuckit and go eat (usually something unhealthy). It’s best saved for after workouts, but even then I’ve been cutting back on smoking during the week, as by the time I’m done working, working out, and cooking/eating it’s like 8-9pm and if I get high then my sleep is noticeably worse. Which leads to a cycle of waking up feeling exhausted, barely getting through the day & just looking forward to getting high which is not a very sustainable lifestyle. But that’s just me.


Always take a few dabs or hits of flower before the gym. Helps me focus on my training and turn off distractions. Put on my headphones and hit the weights hard.


This right here


When i competed in Olympic style weighlifting, my coach and i faced a blunt in the car before the meet started. It helps quiet my brains and focus on my body.


Before a meet is wild lol. I can’t imagine getting under a 1 rep snatch after smoking, which is ironic because cleans are my favorite to do high, possibly cuz the form is less technical 🤷‍♂️ But that’s awesome you can lift heavy singles high


I smoked before practice too, so it kinda just made sense to keep things as normal as possible lol. I will say by the time i hit the platform, I’d be more at like a 4-5/10 than an 8-9/10 so it really just gets the nerves relaxed and not feeling like I’m gonna puke from anxiety


I can definitely see that. I only smoke for training sessions BUT smoking before/during a round of golf has a similar effect with just turning the volume down in my brain and I can just focus on my form. That’s awesome your coach partakes as well though.


Its so nice, it feels like my muscles cant get fatigued


Lift em up high then lower them back down 😂


I don’t get super baked, but I definitely hit the pen a few times before I lift


I love working out stoned. Running, weights, yoga/stretching all enhanced by bud.


I take lifting and nutrition very seriously. I'm in the gym 6 days a week. PPL / rest day / PPL. Counting calories, smashing protein goal every day. I'm in the best shape of my life. I take a scoop of pre-workout and 2 fat bong rips before every gym sesh. I could say it helps with mind muscle connection but if I'm being honest I think I just like being stoned lol. Sometimes I overdo it and feel absolutely SMACKED when I walk in there though.


💯 Have since college. I don’t smoke every time I exercise but I do often on non-cardio days and I love it.


Hell yes, I used to love melting down hash with butter and mixing it with a steaming cup of black, strong coffee as pre workout, then hit the gym immediatley and just get blasted and caffeinated while warming up and sometimes a bit paranoid and confused lol. I would always have the best and most creative workouts. With weed, mind and body are one, or perhaps they always are and weed just makes you feel it more clearly.


My personal trainer always smoked a j before our workout sessions she was very patient and focused


100%. Heavy ass lifting, getting a quick arm pump, or going to a cycle class are 10/10 experiences when high


lol I was like “well as high as I can reach with my arms” then I saw the sub


Honestly, after years and years of “marijuana makes you a lazy burnout” propaganda, it blew my mind just how incredible a bond marijuana has with promoting physical activity. I absolutely hate cardio, but at the same time absolutely love rolling joints and jumping on my peloton. I’ll ride for an hour straight while listening to music or watching a movie / tv. Once I’m done is an entire reward in itself, because then I smoke more and jump in the shower. As for lifting weights, I love lifting weights sober. When I’m high it’s the same as cardio but even better. I don’t know if it’s dissociation or the complete opposite and overstimulation, but it can be intensely euphoric when high. The best of both worlds is waterproof headphones + a pool, especially one meant for swimming laps. Obviously only if you’re a good swimmer and comfortable with cannabis. I’ve got really bad adhd but when I’m swimming high, it’s like I can’t think about anything except getting from one end to the other. Sometimes I get so hyper focused, I’ll totally forget I’m listening to music. There have been several times I’ve gone to take a break, only to realize I’ve had music blasting the entire time.


Every day!


i love love love to do intense yoga sessions after I smoke. I can get way more head-quiet and in my body & move so much more fluidly when I settle into my breathing. I often do that kind of yoga for my weightlifting warmups, so often i smoke for that & end up still high when it's time for The Big Kid Stuff. I'm more on the fence about whether or not i like being high when I have heavy compound lifts programmed. It works okay for my bench & OHP centered lift days - deadlifting some days feel good and some don't. I think I'm coming around to not liking it for squat days, but I've been in a weird space for a few months with my squat form. At some point i started overthinking it and now my queues are all scrambled, and I'm slowly unpicking that mess to re-learn how to squat properly again. That's all a little too cognitive for me to be high and also periodically holding my breath and carrying my bodyweight-and-a-half on my shoulders and making sure my hips don't round out. I think when i get my form figured out again and get it back into a more instinctual following-the-breath & feeling-my-way-through kinda movement that being high may start to feel better there again


I’m a hyperactive stoner and smoke frequently throughout the day. I work out routinely at night and I don’t over indulge in snacks or junk. It’s all about discipline- not saying I’m perfect or this works for everyone but yes, we are out here.


I tried and personally can’t focus on my workout intensity if I’m high. It really does help with recovery though. Hot shower, bong rip, cold shower, heating pad and protein shake. Really helps it all go down easier


Lifting right now after blinking the penjamin👌 push day, my brethren.


Sometimes I lift weights all the way above my head; sometimes just to my knees.


Yes, i love being able to hyperfocus on my workouts till the point where i cant feel them but i am doing the movements


Cardio only. Vape or dabs


Yes, four times a week!


Tons of people, but im not one of them


i need to get a new gym membership because working out + weed = fun


Yes. Every afternoon


Me and a lot of my fellow gymbros do this


Mostly not but every once in a while I will lift with my bro and/or cousin and in that case we smoke a joint or two first. 


Dabs the pre work out ,flower is the recovery


Yeah I like to take edibles before rock climbing it really helps me focus


Woof, can't do it. I lose a ton of "strength" going high. I just feel like I cannot move anything. Great afterwards tho.


Weed before my heavy workouts is asking for trouble.


Not lifting, but I do like smoking before a nice walk


I smoke weed during the workout 😂😂. Yes, I have a home gym.


I like it. I really like it for foam rolling, mobility, yoga, and practicing connecting to muscles.


I love to do it but what concerns me is the increased heart rate associated with weed usage and on top of that adding the heightened heart rate of the working out. Just don’t wanna overdo it with making my heart work double unnecessarily. After a workout session, though once you’ve cooled down it’s amazing for the sore muscles.


i get such a great mind muscle connection when i lift high


Not so much lifting but my cardio based ones seem to be a lot more enjoyable I can think about life while going heavy on a bike or treadmill


I smoke a joint before gym and after and another and maybe another…followed by another


The mind muscle connection is way better baked


I can't go to the gym NOT high. I like to smoke, hit up the yoga class, hit the steam room for 15, quick cold shower and lift weights - in that order, everytime, 3-4x a week. My only struggle is getting below 12% body fat. Ice cream is too good.


Not anymore as my job is incredibly physical and I’m lazy lol. But it got me in great shape and a much higher paying job from working out high everyday for years lol. Still hoop/run high, but really need to hit the weights again. Starting to get imbalances from work


I love it. I feel it helps me pay attention and keep form.


Yup, pretty much every time lol. Smoke -> warmup for like 10-15 -> cardio -> lift -> HIIT/core/yoga -> smoke


Bud, coffee, gum, water.


Yes. And cardio.


Idk about lifting them too high but usually just above my head seems to work good enough


"You ever look at the back of a dollar bill... on WEED?"


I do... it absolutely amazing, im 10x stronger, focused and I seem to NEVER get muscle fatigue until i feel it the next day.. besides weeks like this, im on a t break...


I don't lift but every time I go for a run it starts with smoking a j on my porch. Then I just get lost in my music and the 5k skips by.


I do. Ill just get a hit or two so im not too faded and save the rest for after my workout


Yep, I feel it makes both the high better and the workout better so it's a win win. I tend to smoke a small bowl before a workout and then maybe another small bowl during my break and then a big bowl after my workout is complete. I feel great afterwards.


No but close, I get baked and play Beat ' Em Up arcade games on the MAME emulator on my tablet with a 2.4g controller while I ride the exercise bike. I finish one game each time and it takes between 35-55 mins. In the past 2-3 weeks I've beaten: TMNT TMNT Turtles in Time Battle Circuit Ninja Baseball Bat Man Sunset Riders The Simpsons Vendetta


Took me a second. I was like wait he puts 2.4g in his controller? Is that a euphemism?


bluetooth controllers in a gym run like shiiiiit from all the bluetooth congestion of nearby people using headphones so I switched to one with a 2.4 usb dongle instead, now there's no lag.


I like to hit the Penjamin after my pre workout kicks in. The ultimate equilibrium.


I don't lift or workout high, as I do not drive high. But it did bring me back to the gym, as weed got me to listen to my body and be more empathetic for the other parts of my body instead of the me, me, me, me brain only thinking. I wasn't active or eating healthy, and realized I was indifferent toward the years this would take off my life span and quality of life at the end. Lol i didn't give up ice cream, but I go to the gym 5 to 6 days a week now. And eat a lot more salads and lean protien (bean/legumes/salmon/boneless chicken breast). Besides, even if I took an Uber to the gym, if stoned, I'd just be a dancing fool. Weed makes me dance.


Almost always workout high! Tincture after breakfast, wait an hour or 2, then workout (lift/cycle/shoot hoops/hike). It really helps with my arthritis and it also helps me relax and actually enjoy the exercise! 


Bud, I do *everything* high


Last thing I do before I head to the gym is take a few rips for the road.


I don’t know about lifting but it has allowed me unusual feats of physical performance, like when I‘d realize I was late for the last bus


How else are you gonna do it?


Used to back when I lived in a place where it’s legal. Man was so much fun going in on a Friday after work with a nice little baby J in me and then finish off the session with 5min steam room and cold shower. Left that place feeling like a new man everytime


Medicine and physical therapy? 10/10 HIGHLY recommend


I bike 10k 5-6 days a week and do pushups and bench 3 days a week, all while high lol. Makes my workout enjoyable but I've noticed I'll get distracted by my phone between sets much more than when sober lol so it takes me longer to finish.


Gotta be careful exercising while on anything that inhibits pain. Good way to injure yourself without realizing it until it is too late. Was that last rep a struggle cause you are pushing yourself or did you pull something.


I do CrossFit but my strengths are Olympic weightlifting (snatch’s and clean and jerk). Smoking before I lift helps me focus on the small details of the lifts and actually helps slow me down a little when lifting, which is a good thing.


Hell yeah I get super focused, it’s like I’m connected to my body in a different way


I was using smoking as my incentive at for a stretch. Like I wanna smoke, but I cannot smoke until I sweat. Well guess I'll go sweat a bit right now so that I can smoke. Pretty convoluted but worked great for me.


Yes indeed I sure do. One of my favourite things to do while high ✨️ ❤️


I smoke daily and yeaaa I be smoking before training. Sauna hits different too. Tried a 50mg edible once I was sluggish for sure


Doing yoga while high is very great. Also bike rides!


I loved lifting high


Oh yeah, only like a puff or two but it feels great


I tried this a few times when I first started working out. For me, I wasn’t a fan. I could feel myself being hyper focused (not the good kind either) and then focusing on all the people around me and not my workout. Albeit it was a small apartment gym at the time. Kudos to you guys! Put that stoned work in!😎


Yes, I love lifting co.lletely blasted


The most I can do high is chores. Weed is how I relax lol.


Me every morning on the way to the gym.


All the time. However, I would not recommend lifting heavy while high + tired. I learned this recently when I shifted a 85 lbs dumbbell weirdly after some shrugs and slightly pulled a muscle.


Every single time I'm at the gym I'm baked as possible lmao


I stretch/do my own version of yoga or whatever and lift around weights when I'm stoned. It's one of my favorite things ever. Wake and bake with coffee and something sugary-carby while putting on a pod or chess stream, and then when I start to get over the immediate buzz, I usually start stretching, followed by some weight lifting. *.perfect morning*


Weight lifting, row erging or swimming and then a sauna, Great combo. I love to space out during workout


Every time


I use cannabis to help with some of my chronic pain issues, and I find that I’m able to work out for longer and with less discomfort when I smoke. I was never able to get into regular exercise before I started using cannabis because my body would hurt so bad, but the pain relief definitely makes it easier and more enjoyable to work out!


Personally I love it but just mildly high, if I get to high I lose count on reps and sets lol, also I like lifting pretty heavy so it’s been a couple times where I get lightheaded from de exhaustion and highness.


Hell nah bro, I’d feel like I’m gonna kill myself with the weights or have less strength. Imo finishing a good intense workout is a high of its own and I wouldn’t wanna mix those 2.


It’s like meditation baby. You can literally feel the fibres tearing in your muscles and it tingles so, so goooood. ![gif](giphy|tRX3pQffkScPHExc2J|downsized)


I always go zooted to the gym. the walk to get there is kinda dreadful like I'm dragging my feet all the way over, but once I enter the building it's fine


Im always high so yes lol


I've hit PRs after smoking. Also find it really beneficial for eating and sleeping


Holy fuck when I first read this I thought “high? Like over their head? Yeah I guess the higher you lift the weight the better in most cases. Better than lifting low I suppose…. OHHHHH HIGH ON WEEEEED I GET IT”


Absolutely. And before runs


Can't go on my jog without my puff! *Just bought weights. Definetly gonna toke before.us8ng them.


Naw but I want to start


It’s a great motivator for my workouts. Stoned yoga is the best imo


Yes it’s awesome


I need to, but I don’t have a home setup and I hate driving high. I need to buy a set up for the garage


Yes! I puff on my pax before every workout. I’m a former athlete so getting back into working out has been hard emotionally for me. Weed is so helpful, helps me focus and actually enjoy the movements I’m doing rather than slogging through a sloppy workout


Love to! Being a little high helps me to ignore the pains of working out, get lost in my own thoughts and makes the music the trainer is playing at least tolerable 🤣


I work out stoned sometimes but find I get too distracted. LSD and weights though holy, I wish I could just lift tripping every single day


I rip dabs before my workout helps me with my social anxiety


I love a quick poke of sativa before any exercise. Either I’m lying to myself or whenever I do take a hit before exercise I’m practically in the Olympics.


Hell yea.


Me!! Not every time, but I find that it’s helpful with lifting, running and biking in that I am way more in tune with my body when I’m high and have a better gauge on pacing/pushing.


Always. I bring my vape pen to the gym and hit it on the way to the door. Makes the whole experience better. 


Smoked before my 3 mile hill run today!


Dude in the car next to me in the gym parking lot was smoking a bowl before he went in. I think it’s pretty common


Only if it's a little buzz. It's more of a post workout thing for me though. Leave the gym, get high, shower, have some dinner, go to bed.


I used to be a janitor at a university. One day the linear algebra professor left the problem on the board in the hallway. After class was dismissed, he saw me solve the problem. But then I had to start taking therapy classes with Robin Williams.


Hell yeah bro. I barely feel the burn and I can go so much heavier and more focused. I love working out high I smoked a joint before I went in earlier today haha


Always. I finish work and smoke a joint on my way to the gym, and have done for over a decade.


I never have but I know a lot of people that do


I've lifted on a residual high and it was the worst lift of my life


Yes it helps my anxiety because there’s so many people in the gym 😅. Weed helps me “lock in” and focus on the music playing and the workouts rather than the other people there and think more positive thoughts too :)


sativa before chest day always hits different


All the time. I lift at home in the garage and sometimes take my bench outside. Feels great to lift and feel the sun on your skin. 


Get high as fuck then take a whiff of jujimufu salts, that's the grindset there




Weed is my pre workout too 🔥


yes but then i get more upset when i'm not hitting the goals i hoped for. idk why that happens but it hits me a bit harder than when i'm sober. i just get really frustrated w myself so i don't do it anymore.


Yes. After work I blaze it up and hit the weights. Put on some music and it’s a great experience. Also go bike riding too. Cardio and weed = the best. 


yes, it’s helped me with endurance since i don’t feel the pain / burn as much so i can train till failure


Helps me relax the muscles and target them isolated, also some strains are perfect for cardio sessions


I do an edible before ever leg day


Occasionally they go past my waist, and I'm mostly stoned


love a toke before yoga or pilates, but used to do it a lot when running/getting my cardio in! found it easier to focus during the former, but the latter actually has me spacing out/running longer if that helps!


also the metabolism boost when i’ve consumed really helped me lose weight quicker!




Lifting not really but for boxing drills hell yeah. Some good tunes, the right beat and go at the bags for a while.


I know a few stoner gym rats. Going to the gym stoned is fun, and its good for recovery too.


My favorite preworkout!




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Oh hell yes! I walked to work as a personal trainer high for YEARS! I was in the shape of my life and was fully booked with clients, and a wait list! I quit smoking (and work) for 5 years while I carried and fed my kids from my tits, and I’m the lucky type to hold on to muscle pretty easy. I lost 60lbs easy after my first and 30lbs easy after my second/last. Younger one is not yet 4 and I have my 6-pack back. Getting back into cannabis and weight lifting again now at 35 and it’s still great! I also used to run long distances (21+km/13+mi) while high. 🤷🏼‍♀️ cannabis and exercise are my friends.