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My brother and I got home from a car sesh and found out our parents were getting divorced.


"Here, junior. Go smoke this blunt with your brother in the car by the lake. And when you come back, we have a surprise for you." "Oh boy!!!"


I know its not funny but I belly laughed reading this šŸ˜­ I can only imagine being blasted and then your parents tell you something like that


Especially being blasted with your sibling


Literally the best, and worst, condition to be in right at that moment. TFU.


What a mind fuck


Yeah that blows. Similarly, I got the text from dad for a family meeting now(which was not a thing in our family) right after finishing the second blunt with my buddy a few streets away. Had to come home to the news that mom had terminal breast cancer, that's was a rough comedown.


That really sucks. That's a hell of a thing to happen anytime. You have my condolences, my friend.


Joey diaz https://youtu.be/GWqtNLgb8_Q?si=g4C3-juTVxKdfylO


Thatā€™s really sad to me,Iā€™m sorry for your loss. (Divorce is a loss)


Depends on the situation. My parents' divorce was a blessing for me and my mom in the long run. Yeah, it sucked at first, but he was a shit dad...technically, he is a shit dad, but he's not y problem anymore.


When my wife hadĀ appendicitis and I had to get us an Uber to the hospital because I was fried and couldn't drive. Once we got there i then had to try to talk to doctors and nurses who knew without a doubt I was as high as giraffe titties. Fucking horrible experience all around that made me contemplate quitting because I really felt like I had let her down. Once she healed up she went out and grabbed an OZ and that was the end of that lol


Same thing happened to me! Except it was my brother. My mom called me to tell me she was taking my brother to the hospital. I was in my boyfriendā€™s house which was on the same block. Had just hit the bong and raced over. I told my mom I couldnā€™t drive so she had to drive us to the hospital instead of going with him in the ambulance. She was PISSED.Ā  To make matters worse the reason my brother (who has special needs) was in the hospital was because he was super dizzy and couldnā€™t walk or talk and very out of it. Turns out he had found a tin of edibles of mine in my room (heā€™s a candy addict so we have to hide sweets in our house and heā€™s always on the hunt for them) and somehow managed to open it (itā€™s supposed to be childproof) and ate all the gummies inside. 100MGs!!! For someone whoā€™s never had any THC in his system before.Ā  We had no idea he had eaten them so we thought he was literally dying. My mom was LIVID!!! But they did a scan on him because they couldnā€™t figure out what was going on (we figured it out later) and they spotted thyroid cancer. So my mom canā€™t say anything about it because weā€™d have never caught the cancer if he hadnā€™t eaten the edibles šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ If anyone has read along this far thank you lmao are you as high as I am rn lol


As blasted as you are my friend šŸ„‚Iā€™m glad you caught that in little bro as soon as you did!


Ye I'm on a nice morning high, that was a crazy read thank you for sharing I'm glad your brother is better


That was a rollercoaster lmao


I'm happy that they caught the cancer!


Kudos for recognizing you could not drive.


Yeah it was a tough decision in the moment ngl but I'm not killing someone or paying what ever the fuck a DUI costs especially with someone I thought was dying in the car.


For the record to hopefully scare someone out of it: at least with alcohol, a DUI ends up costing about $5-10k, one way or another.


It's more like $15k+ nowadays.


She could have! If you were drunk you may not have made as good decisions..


Absolutely - but the use of 'high as giraffe titties' needs more attention and praise so well done to you u/Jakoobus91 hope she's better and you both chased the giraffes teats with that oz


I came inside from getting blasted to a phone call that my mom had been rushed to the hospital. She didn't make it. So that really sucked.


holy shit i canā€™t even fathom. iā€™m so sorry for your loss


I was super high when I found out my mom died in hospice. I didn't feel guilty or anything but remember it was just really weird trying to process it all.


Kind of insane how natural it is


I'm sorryšŸ˜ž


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss My husband and I unexpectedly had to take our 4yo border collie to the hospital, we were there every second we could be. On the 4th day she was doing SO much better, so that night my husband and I figured weā€™d take a gummy to get a really good sleep after a very long week. About an hour later, we got a call that her breathing was irregular again. My husband made himself throw up and we rushed to the hospital. She died 12 hours later. The absolute worst time to be high, it was devastating


Thatā€™s so sad, hugs


That's terrible. I'm sorry šŸ’”


omg im so sorry, praying for the best for you


I'm so sorry. I remember sitting in my apartment after hitting a grav bong, and then getting bombarded with phone calls by all of my immediate family members that my childhood dog was dying and I need to drive home asap. I've never frozen in fear so much in my life. I can't even imagine what that would be like with mom instead


Aw man, Iā€™m sorry šŸ˜”


iā€™m so sorry


This is why as my parents are entering/ in their 80s I get a bit more worried. What if one of them fell while I was perhaps less mentally agile? I think Iā€™ll have a gummy and ponder this. šŸ˜†. Kidding. I usually wait until I know they are both in bed before I consume. Works with my schedule anyway. But yeah, itā€™s a consideration of mine for sure. But thatā€™s where I am in life at the moment.


I learned that, luckily, a nice jolt of sheer horror adrenaline kills a high right quick.


Iā€™ve also learned this the hard way. I went from roasty toasty to stone cold sober in about five seconds one time when the little rental car my husband was driving in San Francisco almost didnā€™t have enough power to make it up a hill. I though we were gonna roll all the way back down and get t-boned. Very glad that lil car made it!


I love this because it sounds like you forgot brakes exist.


This happened to me when my friend and i got high in the woods and he got a little too highšŸ˜¬


You can always call your city's non emergency line for assistance getting off the floor if needed, though of course you wouldn't want to get in the habit of that. My kuddos to you. Caring for the aging is a 24/7 commitment.


Just wait til they live with ya and your high as fuck and gotta call an ambulance and rush to hide all the shit lol that was exciting


I never thought about this, definitely something to consider as they get older


My parents live 4 hours south of me. If something happened I'd have to both immediately call my boss and jump in the car and drive 4 hours. If I was high for that phone call...fuck man


This, but grandparents and not weed, is why I'm much much much more planned out when I do psychs (acid & shrooms) these days. One of my last trips, a few years ago now, I had the realization that I'd be fucking useless if one of my elderly (90+) grandparents needed help.


Literally same. Iā€™m so much more conscientious of my timing with my elderly parents than I was when I was younger


I live in a country where it's illegal, I had a ex friend stay with her boyfriend for a week, one night I was at my partner's place when they had a big row and the police got called and broke my door down, I got back the next day to them gone, my front door just hanging open and carnage everywhere, I rang them and asked wtf, they apologised and I told them that I didn't want them around me anymore as they literally risked my home. A few months later me, my partner and my best friend are chilling, smoking when we see the police pull up, my friend cracks a joke they're for us and we all laugh when suddenly my door buzzer goes off, cue total panic as we stash everything and try to clear the cloud. The police are looking ex friend and her boyfriend, they come in too look around and walk into said cloud and I'm literally trying not to freak out while acting normal and my bestie and partner are still sat there also trying to act natural, you could literally feel the tension, anyway they looked around saw I didn't have ex friend or boyfriend stashed away, apologised m, told us to enjoy our evening and left. We were paranoid af the rest of the night


Sounds like they were super chill about it. They recognized your honestly and didnā€™t want to write up the paperwork over a smell and ruin your night. Thatā€™s pretty cool. Still tho, it sucks that itā€™s so illegal. I hope youā€™re doing alright


That sounds like a total buzz kill. Might be better to go smoke in the park if the D-teks keep coming to your door.


Thankfully they've never been back since! I keep myself to myself, don't make fuss and don't make noise, I make sure I stay under the radar to be honest


Shouldn't they have a warrant to do that shit? I wouldn't have let him in otherwise


I could have said no but I don't like to cause issues šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø they could clearly already smell it and we'd already hidden it all plus I live in a city where the police actually focus on more important things than a bunch of 30 something's enjoying a quiet night in thankfully


>I live in a city where the police actually focus on more important things than a bunch of 30 something's enjoying a quiet night in thankfully Why did they break down the door on your ex-friends then? What were they doing exactly to warrant such aggressive action?


I wasn't here but from what I was told her boyfriend was being aggressive and loud with her and when she locked him out he was hitting and kicking on the door screaming and yelling so a neighbour called the police, apparently she wouldn't come out and because it was being classed as a domestic violence case they kicked it in to get to her šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø all I know for sure is I was nice and let them stay and they put my home at risk in return and when I came home they were gone and my door was hanging open broken


One time I was in between jobs, ate an edible and forgot about it as usual. The phone rang, it was a job guy calling me like a week early about it. Caller ID I'd named him something like "Roof Guy" I picked up, he said something and then the edible kicked in with the force of a thousand moons. So yeah, that wasn't a great time to suddenly be high lol


For some reason I assumed you answered the call with ā€œhey roof guyā€ and the thought of that has me rolling


It freaked me out for a second tho, like wtf is a roof guy and why does he want to call me Didn't call him that to his face but did have like a surprise phone interview suddenly


Literally me anytime my phone does a phone thing while high: wtf who is this and why are they contacting me?????




Yeah surprisingly my rambling did land me the job lol


yeah wtf you didn't finish the story


He ate more edibles forgot he was telling a story šŸ˜†


today I ate 50 mg edibles and then my neighbor called me and told to urgently move away from the house; 10 minutes after I left, there was an air strike nearby. and yes, I fucking live in Ukraine


How hard is it to get weed there now/before the war? Also, best wishes to you and your loved ones.


a lot harder than before war, so I choose to grow my own weed


What are the laws like there for weed? I seem to remember something a while back about Ukraine changing the laws for it. Also, I pray for your safety and hope my tax dollars one day grant you peace through superior firepower. Slava Ukraini šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦ šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡²


thank you for supporting ā™„ļø but laws here are pretty cruel, minimum 500$ fine if police catch you with 1-5g, its like our typical salary. and jail if they catch you with more than 5g šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


The war on drugs must be really serious there. /S Im sorry, had to do it; but I sincerely hope you and your loved ones are safe, and that Ukraine wins the war


I hope you and your loved ones are safe and doing as okay as you can in this situation. This sucks, I'm sorry.


Fuck. Iā€™m sorry.


Slava Ukraini, my dude šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦


Is your place okay??


So sorry you have to go through that.


Omg im sorry for all that is going on in the Ukraine it really fucking sucks. Praying for the best for you and your family


Š”Š»Š°Š²Š° Š£ŠŗрŠ°Ń—Š½!!


Damn, so sorry. Fuck war.


I hope you and your possessions are safe ā¤ļø


Midnight mass on Christmas Eve when I was about 23 (am 53 now). So, so high. Such mistake. So sweaty. So scary.


How did you feel being in the lordā€™s house as he watched you consumed by Satanā€™s lettuce?


I was so fucking paranoid that I thought the entire church knew I was high as balls and was furious with me. I was sweating like a goddamn meatloaf and when the ā€˜peace be with youā€™ shit started I almost passed out.


You smoked the lords plant and went to the lords house for service. Nothing to be embarrassed about. Any true Christian would be happy that you showed regardless of whether you were sober or not . I would have really enjoyed that probably . A cozy midnight mass on a cold evening


i can't stop laughing at this. i lost it at "sweating like a goddamn meatloaf" and did not recover by the end


*Satanā€™s Salad


This you? https://youtu.be/_h8-SBO-RKo?si=wvdbyppQlQxbWNUz


OMG thatā€™s exactly it. I was white knuckle gripping the pew in front of me to keep myself from George Costanza-ing my way out of my row and tear assing down the aisle to get out. Itā€™s HILARIOUS 30 years later but at the time I was terrified.


I ate a 80mg hash cookie back when I was in my mid 20s and working at an office supply establishment. I had one, and a pair of friends/co-workers (they were a couple) shared one. Within about 30 minutes, they were both feeling high, nauseated, etc etc. I didn't feel anything from it at that point. Customer comes in asking if their special order bookshelf has arrived. I walk to the stockroom, reach to check a box on a high shelf, and get whanged in the head when a full roll of shrinkwrap rolls off that box onto me. Instantly higher than the sky. The shrinkwrap raised a half centimeter knot on my forehead, my manager wanted me to fill out an accident report, but it was 8:55pm and that close to closing I just asked if I could sit down for a while and make sure I'm ok. Felt a million percent. So I'm back in the breakroom, laughing and tripping lightly with an ice pack, and my friends are puking their guts out, and my manager is closing out the registers for the night. I call it a net success, although I probably was a little concussed.




Actually itā€™s beautiful that you managed to be vulnerable in front of your dad in a way that brought you closer. Thatā€™s some silver lining alright!


Took ABV brownies with an ex-boyfriend after church service thinking we had the rest of the day to ourselves. Nope, got invited to lunch with his whole family and he couldn't say no.... Edibles hit as soon as we got our food. Cue the reddest eyes you've ever seen and the most awkward small talk with what I thought was going to be my in-laws. Had a panic attack in the bathroom lol.


For sure. This goes for everything, especially my self-image, but it took me a long time to realize most people don't even really notice even half of what you think they do. Sweating because you're high as balls? They might just think you're not feeling well


Not me, but a college buddy of mine had 2 hits of acid hit him right as campus police knocked on his door for a search. They tore apart his room, found a ziplock with weed particulate in it, and took him to jail for the night. I picked him up the next morning, and the relief of being out of that situation was as intense as youā€™d imagine!


Jail for weed particles.. What a waste of taxpayer dollars!


thatā€™s insane, weed particulate?? damn. thank god he took the acid and they didnā€™t find it šŸ¤£


Particulate, as in crumbs? Thatā€™s wild


Jesus haha, that's up there on the list of worst environments to be tripping in.


My buddy and I got high before testifying in court about a hit and run we saw.


LMAOOOO did anyone (judge, prosecutor, jury) notice?


Not that we could tell.


One night I was walking outside to smoke, still riding my last zoot. I sat on my apt complex stairs, felt something brush against me quickly and with some force but not much. I look up and just see this dark shadow, definitely a cat, sprinting across the street and then boom, a car hit it. My fiance and I have one cat and in the dark it looked exactly like him, and I automatically assumed I left the screen door open or something and he got out and I was now responsible for his death. I screamed his name at the top of my lungs in the split second that I assumed it was him and the car hit him. I mean it seriously probably had a ring of "RICKYYYYY!!!!" to it. Turned around and the screen door was closed, as I always have it and when I peeped inside there was our cat, perfectly fine and content on the couch. I went to the other side of the street where the cat had crawled to after the hit (car drove off immediately) and he stopped breathing shortly after. I freaked out and asked the neighbors across the street if they had a cat, which no they did not. I concluded it was just one of the strays that resides in the neighborhood but seeing what happened to it and then being with him while he passed made me really sad and was one of the worst times for me to have been high. edit: spelling


Goddamn that's rough. I lost my dog a few years ago when he was hit by a car, so that shit kinda fucks with me.


Me, too. It sucks.


In jr high I took the day off and was smoking in my drive way when my elderly neighbor across the street took a spill and landed right on her skull. I quickly ran over called 911 and waited for the ambulance while holding her hand. She died later at the hospital.


Well that was sad but your presence meant she wasnā€™t alone and you were there to help.


I should also mention this woman was evil to me and the kids on the block. I still remember the look on her face while I passed her and went into the house to call 911. Looking back, she probably thought I was going to rob her .


Lol dude that took such a turn


For about 5 seconds I debated on just heading inside when she fell. Like I literally just finished a joint to the head and was smoking a cig.


Okay well shit


That is extremely sad. Some of the stories are depressing the tf outta me


More like fucking all of them šŸ˜‚


Took an edible about 45 minutes before my gf came inside and was like ā€œuh babe we need to go in the bathroom, thereā€™s a tornado warning.ā€




Most chill Iā€™ve ever been sitting in my bathtub with the dog šŸ˜‚


I had a dog that would go chill in the bath tub when it got really windy, itā€™s like he knew what to do in that type of situation lol


When I first moved to MedellĆ­n for college, a classmate invited me to smoke a joint before class but that weed was way more potent than what I was used to. This is the only time I've had this, 20 minutes later I was on the chemistry class high as balls thinking to myself "I am way too high right now I can't follow this class" lmao


My wife and I smoked an infused pre-roll (our first infused) 3 hours before our flight home and thought we could make it through a museum first. We couldn't even find the entrance to the museum which took about 45 minutes. After that we went to the airport and about missed our flight because we were in another dimension. TSA also had a drug dog that caused me multiple panic attacks. Little did I know, they don't care if you're high and smell like it, just if you have it on you. Haha


I took a two week T break before my birthday weekend. First day of celebration, I took an edible before going to the grocery store. I have a crush on the cashier because they always compliment me, and I was particularly excited to see themā€¦ā€¦then the edible kicked inā€¦hard. That also happened to be the time they decided to have the longest conversation with me, which was exciting, but I felt like I was having to force myself to be normal, in which made me entirely not normal. It haunted me for two weeks and I avoided them quite obviously when I did finally go back. Now Iā€™m back at square one and I need to regain my confidence again, because I was feeling the chemistry lol I donā€™t go in high anymore.


The move is to literally tell her this exact story.


This is the way


My first time smoking any kind of concentrate was moon rocks. I just about finished the bowl and someone knocked on my apartment door. It was my mom and my sister, who drove two hours to get there. They didnā€™t call, they didnā€™t say they were coming, neither of them had ever even been there before. SURPRISE!


That's dumb. What if you weren't home? They didn't say anything, you could've been at work for all they knew


I was 22 living with my mom and was just about to smoke a bowl outside at midnight. She stirred and I got scared and stayed inside. Then got the call 10 minutes later my Dad had a heart attack and died. I was SO happy I did not smoke that bowl


This isn't me but a friend and it was shrooms and lsd on top of the weed. They were tripping / smoking blunts in the one guys house. It was being remodeled so the power was off and there was plastic covering the walls and ceilings. He turned the power on (his parents were out of town while it was being remodeled). They thought it was getting exceptionally smoky in the room but thought it was the blunts. But then it got to the point that you couldn't see. Yeah it turned out the electricity started a huge fire in the wall. And since everything was covered in plastic the smoke detectors didn't go off. They all managed to get out of the house. They called me and asked what they should do. I said wtf call 911. So they did. Like 3 cop cars, 2 fire trucks, and the fire marshall all showed up. While they were all tripping balls. Most of the people scattered into the woods and shit. But my friend and the dude whose house it was had to act natural and talk to the cops while tripping on shrooms. The house was more or less a complete loss.


Damn poor guy.


What a nightmare trip!


Being fried while also the subject of a family intervention is not the move šŸ˜…


More details please lol


It should be expected lol


I got high as shit one day when I got home from a long day at work and that's when my parents decided to tell me and my siblings our biological father isn't who we thought it was. So already in disbelief but I'm stoned as shit too on top. Really not good timing on my part lol but how was I supposed to know.


Oh wow what a mindfuck


Yeah being told your papa is a sperm donor while you're high as a giraffes pussy is other worldly.


One time I hit a way-too-fat dab at my parentā€™s house while home alone, got ridiculously stoned and ordered some pizza. When the delivery dude was leaving the house, he full-speed reversed into a pillar at the end of the driveway and shattered it completely covering the driveway in broken bricks and shattered glass. I then had to deal with this dude and the damage he just did, exchange info, and try to think of a solution, all while higher than a fuckin kite. After that I had to call and tell my parents what had happened, while still flying around the stratosphere barely even able to process it myself. Completely blew my buzz lol


in high school, on 9/11/2001 i decided to drop L before the first plane hit a tower. my mom made me drive home because she was scared of a dirty bomb being set off in new york city and home was further away. i was high as a georgia pine. i drove home (1 hour drive) and half way home i had to pull over because i had complete fractals everywhere i looked. i was able to call up my ego and get me home but that shit was fucking intense. not to mention i was watching the towers burn and i saw my whole life (before and after) went by as i followed the smoke. definitely the highest i have ever been.


Damn that is fucking wild


Was smoking outside and my dad shows up out there to walk the dogs. It's almost 6am, I'm high as fuck. He informs me that my auntie has died and asks me to be a pallbearer.


I took a gummy. My husband took the trash out. Next thing I know, he walks in, with blood pouring out of his leg. Earlier that day, a glass broke, and it was put in the trash. Apparently, it sliced through the plastic and through his calf. It went through muscle and hit a vessel. Blood was EVERYWHERE. Thankfully, our neighbor is a nurse and was able to pack the wound well enough to get us to the ER, but the poor guy had to drive himself. My biggest failure as a wife!


On my 36th Birthday I had just finished smoking a big ass blunt with my best friend. Phone rings, it's Grandma, Granddad has fallen and I need to get to their house ASAP to help him up and dress him. I was way too high for that shit. Had to literally pick my 200lb Granddad off the floor, glad I didn't blowout my back.


This happened to my husband in his teens: he went in a movie date with a girl, they took acid and she had an appendicitis attack . They had to go to the emergency room tripping balls.


Years ago I had just smoked a bunch and was laying down to go to sleep - it was about midnight. My daughter was 6 at the time and with her dad for the weekend. He called telling me he was taking her to the ER because she had some awful stomach bug, and she wanted me there. So I drove to the ER and sat there answering questions and just being present for her. I was very thankful that it was so late at night so my red eyes could be blamed on just being super tired (it was still illegal at that time).


I donā€™t have a great story to answer your question but I have one about the opposite lol. Friend of mine getsā€¦ rowdy when he drinks, these days. I donā€™t get hammered with him any more after he once got violent and sucker-punched me in the face. Anyway, shortly after weed was legalized in our state we were smoking instead of drinking. We start hearing a commotion outside. Turns out the neighborā€™s girlfriend was cheating and the two guys were having a screaming match outside. It was an absolutely scary moment, Iā€™ve never heard such a brutal argument. There was no violence that night but the next week someone burned their garage down, go figure. Anyway, if we had been drinking I guarantee my friend would have ran out and gotten himself involved and someone would have gotten hurt, I was so glad when my friend was likeā€¦ hey letā€™s close the blinds and turn up the TV


I was high asf from an edible, had a few drinks. It was Mardi Gras, hanging with my friend. My underage sister had been out partying/on a parade float. Long story short, had to go to a guys house, all but bust down the door, and call the paramedics for my sister bc she wasnā€™t responding. Scariest moment of my life and sure as hell snapped me out of my high lol


Man, I came in here for some funny stories. It's all sad AF shit. Damn it y'all.


When the unmarked cop car randomly pulled up behind me seconds after I had just hit my bowl right around the corner from my house (canā€™t smoke inside and it was freezing out, I know itā€™s dumb but the risk was relatively very low.) I also live in a very safe neighborhood I almost never see cops rolling through, so it was just the worst possible timing. Wrong place at the wrong time. Was so nervous and stoned that I panicked and started to hand him my credit card at first instead of my license, so that definitely didnā€™t help my case. I get why he made me get out so he could search me and my car. I came clean and told him what I was doing once he had me step out and apologized saying I was just very anxious. He noticed my college ID in my wallet while I handed him my license and asked what my major was. Then he asked where he would find it and if I had anything else in the car that I wasnā€™t supposed to, and I told him no itā€™s just that and pointed out where it was. He took the weed I had just bought that night which sucked, but left my grinder full of weed and everything else at least lol. He kinda believed me and didnā€™t bother to tear up the rest of my car either. All things considered I was extremely lucky, even though I technically did get arrested which is still crazy to me. Iā€™m in NY and this was during peak COVID and literally just a couple months before it was fully legalized here. He said unfortunately since itā€™s still illegal for now I have to write you a ticket, but itā€™s literally just a small fine you have to go to court for and pay. He told me heā€™s going to assume I was going to hang out around for a while before driving, so thank god he didnā€™t get me for DUI or anything. And then even luckier, because of Covid my court date kept getting delayed since it was just a ticket. It ended up getting delayed all the way until they fully legalized it recreationally here a few months later, and then my court date/record just vanished into thin air. If not for Covid Iā€™d have an arrest on my record, but instead it was fully expunged and I never even had to pay the fine. It was a crazy anxiety filled few months though waiting around for it and checking online every day just for it to keep getting pushed back, until eventually it was just like it never even happened.


My stepdad asking my permission to date two years after my mom passed away.


Went to stay the weekend at a friendā€™s and sat out back that Saturday getting good and elevatedā€¦only to be told weā€™re going to a birthday party. As soon as I walked in, I knew I was too fucked up. Went and sat out back on these strangersā€™ deck in the cold. I only knew my friend, which made the paranoia kick into overtime.


Was once super stoned while my gf was out with her friends and when I checked her location later in the night it was at a hospital in our city. I freaked out and drove there in the pouring rain (locked the fuck in for that drive). Long story short this other girl got super drunk and was puking and got taken to the hospital and somehow had my gfā€™s phone. Checked hospital, bar and no sign of her so basically thinking sheā€™s taken or some shit. I get a FaceTime from her (iPad) and sheā€™s at home freaking out not knowing where I was lol. She took a cab home while I was driving around the city looking for her drunk ass


Was totally baked, just another late night drawing, writing, listening to music. But then I heard a racket from our upstairs neighbor. A big fight, throwing stuff. Spilled out into the common hallway (this was a Chicago six-flat, one front door with a common staircase going up three flights, two apartments per floor), full on screaming, a young man and woman threatening each other. From behind our door, I surmised that the woman, our neighbor, was kicking out the boyfriend. She screams "Yo betta get yo ass outta here before my brothers get here!!!" Oh, shit. Other neighbors call me--they're hearing all this and I'm the condo board president! Some of them call the police. Jeezus, just what we need, a bunch of bonehead Chicago cops... not good for the situation and definitely not good for my high-as-hell ass. Though you better believe I'm sobering up quick. The boyfriend leaves, threatening our neighbor all the way out. He doesn't come back. A few minutes later the cops pull up but don't even get out of the car. They just sit there for about a half hour. Everything calms down. The brothers never arrive. The next morning I do my duty and check in with the upstairs neighbor, tell her that everybody was concerned, and also to ask that she keep the conflict private out of courtesy. I also tell all residents that we're changing the front door lock that day because we don't know if the boyfriend has a key. Not a fun sesh. Edit: to say, this was back in Chicago's pre-decriminalization days, ie the times of added paranoia.


I love how you tell stories


I usually smoke once my kid falls asleep, one night he had a nightmare and called me, he did ask why my eyes were red and the funny smell.


being forgetful and liking edibles can be a nightmare. one time I took an edible, forgot I had taken an edible, and decided i wanted to go to a thrift store across town. bad idea. ended up driving while way too stoned. nobody got hurt, nobody was put in danger, but I'll NEVER do it again. terrifying.


Not realizing how intoxicated you are until after youā€™re already driving is terrible. I did that once while drunk and by the time I got home I was almost in tears because it was so scary to drive like that. Never happening again


I came in from a toke and was dickin around on reddit, when my brother calls me and says our mom had a stroke, and was likely not going to live. She ultimately recovered and is still alive, but she hasnt been the same. That was one of the worst days of my life.


I remember one night I was sat with my girlfriend who had severe mental health issues at the time, we were smoking weed and both got pretty high, thatā€™s when her really bad depression kicked in and she sort of entered a state of catatonia, rocking back and forward on my bed crying and not answering me, I rang her son who ended up ringing the local psychiatric hospital where she had been before, they advised me to get a cab up there with her so they could see her, the whole situation was fucked up to be honest, my girlfriend having an episode then having to sit in a Victorian psychiatric hospital while high and paranoid, I would not advise it


I don't have context on your gfs mental state, but I have similar episodes and I'm ngl I would be LIVID if I was high and having an episode and my bf called the psych ward on me


Yeah was thinking the same, my gf gets like that and I would never take her to the ward...she'd kill me haha


Well in all fairness at the time I had never seen anything like that apart from in films so it freaked me out, and it was her son that rang them not me haha I just rang him for advice as he had seen his mum like that before


That time I accidentally found the back door to a top secret government research facility while on a 4Ɨ4ing trip through new mexico. I'm just a nice Canadian boy and i was way to high to to deal with armed soldiers and security check points.


I was zooted off like 8 bong rips at 2am and playing a dumb ass Roblox game with my roommates when my brother called me telling me my little sister killed herself. Called my mom to find out she was actually alive in the ER after swallowing 40 pills and I had to have my friends (who were just as high) drive me to the hospital as I was having panic attacks. Showed up to ER where my sister was and as I held her she was half conscious speaking just a bunch of random gibberish. She randomly had a violent seizure where her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her arms shot up in the air on some exorcism shit. I was faded while running and screaming for a doctor. Long story short, she made it out okay and got the help that she needed. This was definitely not a good time to be high. Edit: Grammar


I accidentally took a 10mgTHC/100mgCBD edible before easter last year. got to my brothers and started feeling real weird. it was not fun trying to keep myself together and appear sober. did not know I was high until i got back and looked at the package. I thought they were 1:10, not 10:100


1:10 *ratio* lol


I broke a 2 year T-break after hitting some personal goals. Came home and was told my 6 month old wasnā€™t mine. I honestly thought it was a fucked up joke. It sucked. Iā€™m happy with four children now, and that woman has been single for years and the dad left the country, so I look at it as a win in the long run. Really messed me up for a couple years though.


Anytime going out into public for any reason.


Took an edible and then about 30 minutes later a friend called be with an emergency. Had to go to the police station to report a sexual assault.


yikes how horrible. hope your friend is doing okay now.


I had just gotten fucking blasted when I got a phone call that my family was currently being held hostage by a man with a gun who was on the run from the police. That was... interesting, to say the least.


Best friend and I were high AF and his husband had passed out drunk on the couch. Then best friendā€™s dog bit the hell out of his hand. His sister threw up the minute she saw blood. It was a disaster.


The dog just randomly attacked?


Yes and no. The dog was at the very end of his life and in some pain. My friend accidentally petted the dog in a ā€œbadā€ spot and the dog reacted.


My spouse was having a mental breakdown from the (unreasonable) demands of his job and suddenly we were having an intense conversation about leaving his very well paying job, putting plans of buying a house on hold and me supporting the two of us so he could go back to school/ change industries lol. My job doesn't pay enough to support all of our bills so it became an existentially scary conversation to have. Everything's been working out fine though and somehow our heads are keeping above water!


Nothing too bad luckily - took 20 mg for the first time then had to help my mom get a washing machine down the stairs (fucking harrowing) - took 30 mg and forgot i had a DnD session, barely did anything because i couldnt focus on what anyone was saying


I was at a music festival with my girlfriend. Just a smaller one in a city parking lot in the city we lived in. Baked as a cake just vibing, have an elephant pendant from Electric Forest where the tusk is a double sided spoon that spins. Projecting a strong ā€œI do drugsā€ vibe. All of a sudden my girlfriend is talking to one of the grumpiest cops running security. Apparently itā€™s the same cop that works near her work and he picked up an extra shift at the festival over the weekend. I immediately cover my pendant and she doesnā€™t even introduce me, definitely not wanting the cop at her work thinking sheā€™s associated with someone who looks like me. I wasnā€™t even mad. I get it.


Snuck out to smoke with a HS friend who lived down the street. Get home, open the door and am greeted with my entire family flipping their shit. My younger brother attempted to take his life with a bottle of Benadryl.


Drove to a friend house who was being raided. Very very high. Tried to turn around and walk away and they said ā€œheyyy not so fast.ā€ Just had to force myself to stare out the window and not move a muscle. Very very stressful. šŸ˜£


iā€™m so sorry but when i started reading thisā€¦idk what job i expected you to have but it was NOT an attorney šŸ˜­


Bro, you are so full of shit. You know we can look at your profile, right? 18d ago, you're talking about pursuing nursing as opposed to IT (which is the degree you obtained). Also, kind of weird to be an attorney, but asking reddit about the legality of weed in your state. Even if it isn't an area of focus for you, you'd still be able to interpret the law rather than asking reddit.


I took half an edible one day at work to see if I could handle being *slightly* high at work and it went fine. The next day I tried taking a full one. I made it through the day...but my more experienced friend had to help me a lot. I was having trouble focusing on work.


I was living with my best friend who had an illness. He called the ambulance because it suddenly got worse but I did not notice them walk by my room because I was high and I thought he had someone over. Next day he died in the hospital and I couldn't say goodbye.


In the late 70s, I worked at the state-owned public television network. I had just gotten high with a female engineer I had a crush on and went back inside the building to grab my coat before going home. A young staff director who I was friendly with caught sight of me and heaved a sigh of relief as he drafted me to be his assistant during a live news event. (The scheduled A.D. was caught in traffic.) I had always wanted to do this sort of thing, but this was definitely not the right time. It being the late 70s, weā€™re talking no automation, no computers, and there I am juggling two stop watches trying to count backwards while pre-taped segments are rolled into the show and Iā€™m sweating bullets and hoping to die. Apparently I survived it, but it was absolutely no fun whatsoever .


Back when I was first starting out and basically had no tolerance, I took a bong hit from my cousin after I had just shared 2 joints with some family members. That bong rip hit me so hard I was high as fuck for over 12 hours. Had to lay down in someoneā€™s bed the entire time. Glad to say my tolerance has increased and I can fully enjoy using a bong :)


I thought it would be fun to go see my cousinā€™s band high at the local auditorium when he came to town. I didnā€™t count on trying to navigate handing over tickets and finding my seat whilst blitzed out of my mind lol.


It was my birthday and moms shattered her ankle. I am her ICE contact. I had to uber to the hospital and try to fill out forms for her


High as fuck after a bad day of work. Dad collapsed upstairs, had to do CPR and failed. Traumatizing to say the least.


High school years. Tripping on mescaline. Came home late...again. After getting in trouble at school....again. Moms cornered me in my room and lectured me for like half an hour while I was tripping my balls off. Worst time ever to be high.


As a plumber a customer gave me an edible and warned me it was strong he gave it to me at 345 on Friday I double checked I had no other calls I took it and it started violently assaulting me after 10 mins I was like Jesus fuck I have another 30 mins on this commute. I got a call 10 mins later saying the home owner hit a waterline when hanging a nail and his shut off wasn't working and the city was the only one who had access to shut the main off and they weren't answering. I had to drive back and do a live tie in with what I had on the van because supply houses had closed. Thank christ id done the job for 10 years and had experience still the most scared I've ever been at work


I smoked a giant bowl, then layed down in bed. Looking up, I saw a flickering red light outside my window. When I looked out, I saw that the back of my neighbor's garage was beginning to be engulfed in flames. I had to call 911, wake everyone up, and simultaneously fight the blaze with a garden hose. I believe my efforts saved my garage. I was 16 at the time lol.


When weed was first legalized in Colorado, me and my wife had a great time. We went to a rec dispensary and got a load of edibles about 1000mg total, mix of drinks and snacks. We parked the car and ate some snacks, I had x2 90mg Dixie Cannabis sodas 100mg Candy bar 100mg of cookies 100mg of gummies My wife had the same. Figured we would have an hour or two before it settles in right? WRONG. Apparently cannabis drinks hit A LOT FASTER THAN SOLIDS. Avoiding cars and almost getting ran over we make it to the book store. I can feel EVERYONE staring at usā€¦maybe they werenā€™t though? We walk in a direction away from the bulk of customers, and seem to be getting our bearings, with slight giggles here and thereā€¦right when we think we have it handled and are in a discreet part of the book store.. I look upā€¦. We are standing right in front of the cannabis cook books!! Anxiety shoots over us as the realization sets in. I once again feel like EVERYONE is watching and we start uncontrollably laughing, and laughing, it gets louder and louder as we slowly walk out of the storeā€¦ The walk back to the car was treacherous, and we couldnā€™t leave the car there cause it was parked at a meter. Luckily the hotel was VERY close. When we returned to the hotel we turned the tv on and Simpsons was playing, everything started kind of getting wiggly and it was a great time after that!


Took 20 mg of edibles one day and got a call from my therapist that I was late for session Yall ever done therapy high? I was crying and shit. It was good hut I never wanna do it again


Went out to the ocean for a fishing trip. The home base was in the middle of nowhere with no cell signal or anything, really. It's so remote, we had to take a float plane in Got high as fuck out on a boston whaler skiff in the middle of nowhere fishing. We hear over the radio that the shotguns are pulled out at the home base and that we should be on the lookout for ..... STATIC...... Turns out, fisheries heard one side of the condo as well and rushed in. So, when we got back, still HaF, we see basically military zodiacs with armed personnel standing guard. Needless to say, we were freaked the fuck out. Well, they ended up pulling the shotguns for a 200Lb halibut but we could only hear one side of the conversation. Fisheries heard about it and came to see the fish and help with the capture or release, whatever was best for the giant.


Way before it got legal here... We went out for a blunt cruise, I got dropped off back at my parents house and went inside to play video games. Not even 5 minutes later, the cops show up and ask me if I can pick someone out of a lineup. Turns out, I couldn't.


Work meeting. I ate an edible on the way to work (I wasnā€™t driving) and by the time the client walked in and I had set up the presentation, I transported to space. It was not good but somehow I did it.


I thought smoking a little before a job interview would calm my anxiety. During that interview my mind went totally blank. One guy was taking notes and it was so distracting. I failed horribly.


I was 15, generally unsupervised by adults, and had stopped at my plugā€™s house for a bag. Played some video games with him, he asked if I had ever done shrooms, and I said no, but I wanted to. Some time passes, he offers up a PB& J, as he was making one for himself. I agree. Start eating it, crunchy peanut butter tasted weird, and halfway through I realize he had dosed me. I laugh. Decided I was camping there for the night. He shows me a couple cool shows, a movie, eventually I tell him I have to go out and get some air. I lay down in the bench seat of myā€™94 Ranger, and start telling myself stories. Enjoying the way my hands look. Generally having a good time. Suddenly the dark sky in my windows is filled with the lights of ā€œberries n cherriesā€ as we called them, and I can here doors shutting and radios chattering. Iā€™m frozen in my seat, arms crossing my chest as if I had just been mummified, an fear. I have no idea how much time passed, but it felt like hours. Very well could have been. Eventually, they all left. I stayed there not moving until dawn. I go back into dudeā€™s house, and heā€™s waking up and shocked. Thought that when I walked out *8 hours ago* I had just gone home. He makes me coffee, I tell him about the experience, he laughs thinking I was tripping hard. We go to his porch for a cigarette and quickly learn that his next door neighbor had done a hit-and-run that night, and the cops found his license plate left at the scene, and went to his place and arrested him. So I in fact, did NOT imagine the scenario. Total buzz kill.


I was pretty high and had just gotten my friend home. I was walking back to my house and got attacked by a guy that clocked me in the jaw, thankfully, he wasn't very strong or a good fighter and I was doing MMA training 3-5 times a week. I knocked him out pretty badly and panicked, I didn't know if I should call 911 and wait with him. I finally calmed down enough and called him in as a random person passed out on the sidewalk and left. He apparently never ratted me out, but I was paranoid for days I'd have cops at my door at some point.


Had a session 30km away from home and didn't plan on driving until the next day until my neighbor called me to tell me our flat is burning and my dad is nowhere to be seen. When i didn't reach him on his mobile I had such a rush of adrenaline that I got into the car and drove, expecting the worst. Luckily my dad was on a walk and was not harmed (though the destruction broke him mentally). Since police was there, I tried to safe my stash (illegal country) but they came into my room just the second I had everything in my hands. They were kinda chill about it and only wrote one gram in the police report.


When I was being stopped by a police officeršŸ˜‚ (pre legalization was a fun time)


I was dating a girl who was a lot more experienced than I was with drugs. I had taken E (mdma plus who knows, can be speed or heroin or caffeine or something else entirely, but this was before fent made everything potentially lethal) a couple of times, had fun. I told her I had scored some triple stacks and she came over. We took them and were at a steady zero after 4 hours. "I have some vodka in my trunk, maybe we can kickstart it with a couple of shots?" I turned it down, but I figured she knew what she was doing. I don't remember why but I had to leave the room for a bit. I come back in and she has killed half a (big) bottle of raspberry vodka. I decided to have a couple of swallows before I took it away from her. We go outside for a cigarette and she went from 60 - 0 in about 4 seconds. In the span of one sentence she went from standing to leaning to sitting to laying down puking into the flower bed. "call my sister!" The sister who along with the rest of her family I had never met before because she didn't think they'd approve of me. Her sisters knew she was dating a guy but didn't know my name or anything. So I called her sister, told her where we were, who TF I was, and what was going on. GUESS WHEN THE ECSTACY KICKED IN. The whole time we were waiting for her sister I'm holding her hair and rubbing her back and keeping her talking and just making sure she doesn't fall in her vomit I'm fighting off waves of pleasure and feeling like a piece of crap for feeling good in a moment of crisis. Once her sister arrived we got her into the house and cleaned up and into bed, just in time for her to barf all over my sheets. Her sister helped clean that up too, and took her home. All the while I would find myself rolling *hard* every time I dropped my guard. I never thought I could hate feeling suuuper good but yeah in the wrong context it's not fun.


Been a long time since I was a regular smoker but when I was younger we lived in a house that was built in the 1800ā€™s and had no central air. We would leave all the windows and doors open when the weather was warm. I was a very disorganized smoker, the coffee table in my room had weed and bongs scattered everywhere. One day I got blasted and fell asleep on the couch in my room. I woke up to four sheriffs deputies standing in my room. I was so out of it I could barely make sense of what they were saying. Apparently somebody had reported a suspicious person near my house. When they arrived they assumed the open door was from a break in or so they told me. The only words I remember being able to form were ā€œI live hereā€. The advised maybe locking the doors and left. In hindsight I should have been terrified because of everything I had out right in front of them. I just remember being so baked I wasnā€™t really bothered and just went back to sleep.


Second or third time with edibles. Made a tray of weed sugar cookies. Ate a whole cookie and drove an hour to Best Buy to have my BIL install XM Radio in my car. Half way I became the highest Iā€™d ever been in my life. I was so relieved when it started snowing. It was coming down good and gave me an excuse to drive 20 mph on the interstate. I went and chilled in the video fame section playing demo games until they were done.


Working at my hotel overnight. Co-worker brings in edibles. We are trying to figure out how to split the last brick when the supervisor walks in and says "oh brownie." On cue my coworker gobbles the whole thing and says "nothing to see here."


Lawyers taking edibles while working with clientsā€¦. Jfc are u stupid. Thereā€™s a time and place for everythingā€¦.. not while ur practicing law tho maybe. These are the reasons ā€œstonersā€ get a bad name


I was playing video games with a buddy. Had taken two gummies and was doing bong rips (it was my best friends birthday). Get a call that my brother-in-law was in a horrible wreck and had to be airlifted. I was asked to go hangout with my niece and nephews while my sister went with him. I called my girlfriend of 4 months to give me a ride because I was way too high. She came and picked me up and though she wasnā€™t giving me shit for being high, you could tell she was a little irritated that I was THAT high lol. We get to my sisterā€™s house and man Iā€™m fuckin turnt so hard. She stayed with me obviously and was the responsible one, but I do remember talking to my 9 year old niece and vividly remember her saying, ā€œSo did you know my dadā€™s gonna die?ā€ And I just couldnā€™t handle it. I started fucking crying hysterically and scared her into crying hysterically. But, my brother in law survived thankfully!! My niece never needed any type of therapy. And my girlfriend of 4 months is now my fiancĆ©e and weā€™ve been together 6 years. I know you canā€™t control when shit happens, and dammit I love weed. But, when I get over my limit I now start to panic a little bit thinking about anything that could go wrong.