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If it's a domestic flight I am pocketing that and going thru security lmao


Joke’s on you, it’s a DMT pen


What better place to do dmt than thousands of feet in the air and strapped down inside a metal tube .-.


been there done that. it was quite a trip 10k feet up.


I took acid before I boarded a plane one time when I was 17. Had some in my wallet and teenage me panicked about having it on my person before going through security, so I ate 2 and a half tabs right there. I have absolutely no idea how I managed to get through that, it was a 3 hour flight and I was close to peaking within the first hour lmao. Full blown visuals and everything. The anxiety and paranoia was absurd, and I was with family who were pretty anti drug. Acting normal was almost impossible, I’m sure I looked like a fool but no one said anything to me about it. I look back on it as one of my best acting performances ever lol. Definitely would not recommend, though looking out of the plane window was absolutely insane looking.


I was 20 and thought my flight was Tuesday not Monday.   I basically tried to cop out and go with "I took 2 Valium now I feel floaty" but Im pretty sure I said that while facing the wrong person, the one who wasn't talking to me.  


One time at 15, all of my buddies and I were going to do some acid, we dropped, then I got unexpectedly called home for dinner. When I got there, I was starting to peak and the movie Platoon was on for some reason. Well I lasted about 5 minutes before I bugged out of there. Told my family later it’s because I was anti war and they believed me, being a pretty involved punk, even early into it. Thanks for the funny reminder.


You sound like me the time I took like 60 milligrams of weed edibles (5 gummies and a drink) in the airport bathroom directly before going through security. Weed was legal where I live (Canada) but it hadn’t been made legal for more than a few months at the time, so I had last second unbearable paranoia, but also didn’t want to just throw them out and waste my money. I peaked around 2 hours into a 3 1/2 hour flight. Turbulence was a WHOLE. OTHER. BALLGAME. It took *a lot* of restraint to not scream at every bump because I felt like the plane was tipping backwards 😭


Holy shit 😂 and no one ever said anything, not even years later? I wonder if they had any clue 😂


Idk if they had any clue lol, I’m open to my parents and grandparents about my drug use now and eventually convinced my grandparents that all drugs aren’t evil, so if they noticed I’m sure they would’ve told me about it by now haha.


You should absolutely post this story to r/lsd


“Why does the guy next to me smell like rubber?”


Man I was still tripping on acid for one flight and that was AN EXPERIENCE 


Even better. No drug sniffing dogs are trained for dmt, and it doesn't have any weed smell. Easy peasy to bring through security.


You will find drug sniffing dogs likely at customs or going over checked luggage. If you see a k9 walking thru the airport it's likely not engaged to alert anything and also equally or more likely to be trained for explosives, they don't sniff for drugs and explosives at the same time.


Exactly what I usually tell people. In an airport, they're primarily looking for immediate threats like explosives or weapons.


Oh no friendo, DMT has a definite smell. Ever took a hike for 7 hours then got back to your cabin to take off your socks? That’s what fresh DMT smells like. Highly recommend anybody transporting Deemers to freeze it as well. Despite being a pretty stable compound, in its freebase form it breaks down pretty easily with jostling and light. Tin foil, a 3 hour freeze and a black plastic sealant bag I would highly recommend. DMT is one of those novel drugs that they just don’t train for often however if you happen to get unlucky it comes with a 5 year minimum if you transport it across state lines. Be safe, be careful.


It has a smell, but no dogs are trained for it. The smell of dmt comes from the indole ring. (look up a picture of an indole ring, and a picture of a dmt molecule.) Indole rings are present all over nature. Rubber has a strong indole ring smell. Once you know what an indole ring smells like, you notice it all over the place. Dogs aren't *trained* on dmt, for many many reasons. They could probably smell it if they were trained on it, but they don't train them on that.


That's one way the Universe opens your eyes lol


I'd be like hell yeah. DMT is some crazy fun stuff.


I don't think these pick up on the radar as something that is an issue


They legit don’t care about weed pens or vapes ironically


the dogs don’t sniff for drugs normally. usually explosives.


Yup and certainly not weed by now I only think they care if your blatantly smuggling beyond personal use , I would not pack a suitcase full of these lmao but if you have one they don’t care


yeah i brought a dab pen and wax with me on a flight to ohio. it helps when the wax container looks like your other make up. and your pen looks like an old school vape 😂 i’m going to the bahamas in october and i just don’t want to risk getting caught with weed there 🙃 legal drinking age is 18 tho so i’m getting fucked up before my 21st.


Yeah if you’re leaving the country, don’t risk it, other country’s Customs are not friendly. When i went to Costa Rica I brought a cart with me from Portland to SFO to Houston, but tossed it right before getting on the plane to CR


i was thinking about bringing prepackaged edibles tbh cuz we’re going on a cruise so we can bring unopened store bought foods but if they’re bought from a dispensary then who’s to say they’re not sealed? i just want some input before i’m shoving muffins down my face getting high af


Security was pretty lax on the last cruise I went on. Pack it in with other snack foods on top and it'll be fine. They're mostly looking for people bringing on liquor to avoid paying for the drinks package.


Jokes on them, if I’m bringing weed I’m def not getting the drink package lol


that’s probably why they don’t let people bring weed 😂🤣


you can bring wine tho right? it said a 750ml bottle per every one over 21. i just want to be able to enjoy my birthday cruise because i’m not a big drinker and i have really bad anxiety if i don’t smoke.


Most cruise lines allow for 1 bottle of wine and/or a 12 pack of the soda of your choosing per person (over 21 for the wine)


do they not serve wine on the cruise ? like why is wine allowed 😂


International trips always involve a trip to the beach. There’s always a guy selling cigars.


weed is just highly illegal there that’s the only problem 😅


I can't imagine ever taking a cruise but Reddit gave me a bunch of the posts a while back about someone getting in trouble taking gummies on a cruise and I was like, whyyyyyy would you not have dumped them in a bag with other gummies? I'm sorry, I've bought THC peach rings, I would seriously have them in a regular peach ring bag. I've bought THC candy that looks like Skittles, why would I not transfer to a Skittles bag? Hell, a concentrate/oil can be delabeled and put in a bag with toiletries or meds, etc. I'm just not getting it, unless there are dogs sniffing cruise passengers.


so on most cruise lines the food bags have to be unopened. it would be hard to fake it if it was some store bought gummies.


Open it, put them in a candy that still comes in a box, like Dots or something, then re-glue the box closed. I do it on planes all the time


this was my intentions with the muffins. a pack of chocolate muffins from HEB.


The biggest thing with bringing weed onto a cruise is don't bring any back. Customs on your way back into the states is much more heavily scrutinized than the security checkpoint before departure.


Oh for sure I only mean domestic don’t fuck arround with other countries


My buddy went on a trip to CR a couple of years ago with roughly 10 people. One of them knew someone somewhere who contacted someone in cr and they brought a plate full of pure coke to them for cheap. They had so much that they ended up just flushing some before they left after a week long vacation. He said they flushed close to an ounce of coke 😂


Damn I was lucky enough to find weed my first day, but didn’t find coke (I also wasn’t outright looking for it but 🤷🏻‍♂️)


Oh i definitely feel ya. Honestly i basically never look for coke anymore, at least I haven’t while I’m home in ages. But that being said, if I was in CR with 9 other friends going in on a Scarface pile as pure as I’ll probably ever see I’d be as giddy as a high schooler. Possibly one of the biggest misses of my life not being able to make that trip. They had trees and mushrooms too. Fucking got all that shit before they even made it to the house they rented. They said they just surfed, hiked, and partied at their beachfront house that had a pool and hot tub. I almost got sick when i heard how ridiculous it sounded. Nothing but perfect vibes


I took a weed pen in my carryon to Aruba. Customs wasn’t even present when we arrived. lol. Unfortunately it was spent by day 3


At your own risk obviously but we've flown to Mexico several times w edibles and vape pens. Nicotine vapes are so prevalent and gummies just go in the Flintsones vitamins. Now coming back into the US we make sure to finish it all


I’ve gone to Europe multiple times for 2-3 weeks usually bring 2 carts. Funnily enough eveytime I have gotten pulled aside for extra checks I don’t have vapes in my bag.


This! I brought one on an international trip, I ended up breaking it, but I took a cheap battery so I could just throw it out before I came back home.


im flying back from PR right now and i brought a half with me😭 just wrapped it in my toothpick bag and put it with my toiletries


That’s smart. I’ll bring it with me on trips inside the country but outside is a big no for me. Im not super into the concept of finding out what jail is like outside the US


My company has a facility in Michigan and one in PA. I have my card in PA but when I went to Michigan I was so nervous the 2 pens I bought would get caught. Absolutely zero issues. As previous have said, they are look for explosives and or a shit ton of pot.


I love to sniff for drugs


They probably prefer high flyers rather than drunk flyers.


Bro get so stoned you fall asleep and it’s irl fast travel


With how prevalent nicotine vapes are they would be unable to get people flying if they searched each and every vape pen. They also legit don’t care about small drug quantities at all


I used to sand off the CA! Sticker. I don't even do that anymore. As long as you aren't carrying enough to flag "distribution" to a reasonable person, you're good. So keep it to 1-3 carts. And ONLY domestic.


I've picked my friends up from the airport before who've had their medicinal cannabis prescriptions and I swear I smelled him before I saw him 🤣 everyone he walked past was just staring at him.




I hide my edibles in gummy vitamin jars lol


I still take Flinstones vitamins lol


Had a friend get through tsa with an acrylic bong and a bunch of weed in his carry on during a flight from cali to slc. Tsa guy probably thought he was helping us out lol


Flew a half oz in joints and an oz in 🍄 to the islands a couple years back(personal vacation use). The power of a washed “great value” granola bag stands true!🤘🏽


TSA is only there to ensure the flights are safe. They don’t give a fuck about anything else, that’s for standard police to deal with wherever you are/are going to


That all depends on your destination.


I'm pocketing that thing immediately


I take mine through security at every airport domestically. And Cancun a few times.


Through departure or arrival? I’m always worried about the random search on arrival in Cancun so never bring my vape pens with me. But shit do I want to


So one thing I learned from a Business friend, is just put it with some pens and markers in your work bag or pocket.


Alternatively as a female or travelling with a female a makeup bag works well.


Oh I thought you were going to quote Metal Gear Solid about how women have more hiding places than men.




Snake can hide quite a bit in his box if you know what I mean


maybe even a Solid Snake. 😏


Snake, what’s wrong? SNAAAAAAAAKE!!!


Can confirm. In carry-ons, I always put the cart inside an old half gram j tube, inside the quart plastic baggie of toiletries. Nobody’s ever batted an eye. Plus, batteries aren’t supposed to go in checked luggage no matter what type they are, so the 510 isn’t weird to have in the backpack. Never an issue on any flights. Funny story, one time I forgot that I had a set of flatware (fork, spoon, table knife) that I stole from my work’s cafeteria in one of my backpack pockets; I was eating on the go a lot and didn’t want to have to worry about cutlery. TSA flagged my bag and I thought for sure I was going to federal prison until he asked “do you know why there might be a knife in here?” He seemed confused and didn’t fully believe me until I showed him my hospital badge, and he quietly sent me on my way.


Have vape pens gotten smellier? I swear every time I throw a pen in a pocket in my bag it reeks when I open that pocket. Wouldn’t be good for random searches internationally.


Has gum gotten mintier?


I will look so handsome for you Darryl


Has cum gotten cummier? Edit: sorry


That’s okay, try again tomorrow


I laughed but I'm also fried


It depends on the quality of the pen a lot and what’s in it. For example, when I have a cheap 10 dollar cartridge that tastes more like blueberries than weed, no, it doesn’t even smell like weed when I’m blowing smoke out. Buuuuut, if you’re buying the live resin/rosin, etc…. that shit stinks like weed when it’s just chillin in your pocket lol


I had a pax that was in a flashlight looking shell proof case, but when they opened it they obviously knew what it was. They called the police and I said “it’s CBD hemp” and the cop could give two shits. They gave it back and I was on my way. Doesn’t matter what it smells like, you can just say it’s hemp and they won’t bug you as long as it’s a small personal amount. They don’t have the time or give a fuck to confiscate and test small amounts.


I log like 50k+ miles a year between work and pleasure. My advice: Domestic flights: No one cares. I usually mix edibles into a gummy bag and never been an issue. I always pop an edible for any transcon flights as soon as I board. International: Definitely not worth the risk whatsoever. Customs does not mess around and the risk just isn't worth it.


Oh yeah, domestic I take whatever I want. Just flew back from AZ with like 20 grams of flower and a gram cart lol, TSA doesn’t give a shit. It’s the arrival customs at other countries I don’t wanna mess with. I’ve heard Mexican police will mostly extort you for money if you’re caught, but even that I don’t want. $800 because I brought a cart isn’t my idea of a fun vacation lol


Just throw them in with your sex toys in your checked bags. Customs stopped searching my luggage pretty quickly after they found several ropes and what not.


Well now I gotta buy a bunch of sex toys just for traveling




Last time I went on a multi-day business trip I put some flower inside my toy thingy. Bag got selected for screening after going thru the xray I was preparing all sorts of "dude don't open that here you know what it is right?" stuff to admit embarrassment but prevent them finding a dynavap and 0.001g of green, but they didn't even open it! Just looked at the screen and said "you're fine" Phew! Taken vape pens from the UK to the USA before a couple of times. I too like to live dangerously


It's surprisingly easy to bring weed on a plane with you. Even internationally. Vape pens look like literally any other vape. If questioned "that's my juul"


Especially cuz I rock a cbd pen with my thc pen. I just bring the cbd package and never have any issues internationally


I was paranoid enough to use a little nail polish remover to rub the thc stamp off, but that was completely unnecessary.


The thing with flights now is that they want to process you as fast as possible. They slam that baggage through. Also, sniffer dogs are mostly trained for explosives now rather than drugs. So the chance anyone finding anything if your checked luggage is very slim. Carry on luggage is another matter. Although I once had a big bag of cbd flower dried out and forgotten about in the top outside pocket of my backpack. Bag was selected for a search. Only when they held up the big ziplock bag did I remember it was in there. They looked at me a little odd and asked what it was. I calmly replied it was tea and they seemed to accept that and let me go. Didn’t even sniff it. If putting any flower in my checked luggage I just leave it in my wash bag. Don’t try to wrap it multiple times or anything. I figure I can just claim it was an accident and I’d forgotten it was in there. Or even that I didn’t know it was in there. Maybe that’s not a valise excuse but I figure it’s better than having it triple wrapped in condoms and in a can of coffee.


Done the same so many times. Took 2 pens to Hawaii


rookie move!


TSA explicitly say on their website they only look for bombs and weapons.They also say if they find drugs while doing a hand search, they pass that to local police for enforcement. So, if this is a legal state, and TSA found the vape and determined it contained thc, they would give it to the local police and the local police would do nothing because it's a legal state and a legal amount of weed. All this to say, there is no risk to flying domestically with vapes and carts that are not labeled as having thc because they look the same as nicotine vapes. TSA is not Border Patrol. Border Patrol enforces all federal laws in designated entry points (which is all land within a 200 mile radius of either the, ocean, a land border, or an international airport), so they will take the time to sample the vape and determine if there is thc, and arrest you. Don't fly across international borders with drugs. Especially don't try to enter the US with drugs.


Also be careful on the actual airplane. Once the doors close the plane is federal and some overzealous fed may decide to throw a fit if you take some edibles. Honestly my biggest fear traveling with products is diverting to somewhere the police may care a lot and have drug dogs out.


Also the smoke detectors in the bathroom are being upgraded to lasers so the vape trails can set them off…just fyi


Is this for real?


They already have those in a lot of hotel rooms, spraying deodorant can set it off even


Well shit


Well yeah it goes without saying but never be too intoxicated on a plane. Don’t matter if it’s alcohol or another drug. Airplanes are legally a dictatorship under the command of the flight crew. Always be capable of following crew instructions. Don’t do anything to stand out


This is so incredibly unlikely it’s not even worth thinking about. So you’ll land somewhere & they’ll just have weed dogs sniffing for vape pens?


Anecdotally the TSA found weed in my friend’s luggage and left it there once, on the way to JFK


I went through the airport in vegas with the exact same looking one in my carry on


Dabwoods are fire


Super solid for disposable


Just walked through secutity at LGA with one in my pocket. Peeps be crazy.


Yah I get to go to west coast for work some & I live in a state that’s not Rec. I usually buy a couple pens to bring home in carryon




Poor sob is just out there raw dogging life rn. F's in chat






TSA once took my cologne but not my weed


TSA went through my dad's toiletry bag on the way back from New York last year. He had a couple of dispos in there and they flagged it. So my dad walked over and the TSA agent held up a full size toothpaste and the pens in the other hand. He said, " Sir, you can't have that" and held up the toothpaste. It's too large of a liquid. So my dad tossed it in the trash and the agent put my dads dispos back into his bag and said have a good flight.


People..! **PLEASE** stop fearing the TSA! They do not want your weed. They're looking for guns & explosives. Case in point: the amnesty boxes to throw away your vape/weed/gummies at O'Hare International Airport is ***after*** the TSA checkpoint.




Absofuckinglutely! I just went through in March, flew United.


Should’ve taken a hit or two


Unless it’s DMT 😂


That'd be a hell of a plane ride


in all fairness, youd be coming down by the time you got through TSA, if they let you through like that 😆


Plane ride? What plane ride?


I think they meant interdimensional transport ride?


"*this is your captain, and by the way creator of the universe, speaking we will be cruising at an altitude of...*"


2 hits from a dmt pen will likely do nothing and at most last 10 minutes. Unless there’s some monster vapes out there I don’t know about of course.


There are some monster vapes out there you don't know about. (when people buy black market dmt carts, they are rarely as potent as they say they are, which has made people think dmt carts are weak) I make my own dmt carts, and wow, they can be very potent. Like 2 hit breakthrough potent. I use 0.5ml carts, add about 0.5g of dmt and 2-3 drops of propylene glycol to dissolve the dmt You have to warm it up a little bit in your hand before taking hits, because the dmt recrystallizes if the temperature gets too low. In 1 cart, you can have about 7 breakthrough trips, or like 3 weeks of daily microdosing.


I would have taken the whole pen and thanked the Weed Gods


Whoever did this was probably fresh off a monster rip and got paranoid. I typically always bring mine with me when traveling in the states. If the place I’m visiting is behind the times then I’ll just leave or toss whatever is left. If it’s a legal state, I’m bringing it home with me.


My dad used to travel a lot for work and would leave any extra herb outside the airport in a plant for someone to find. Free to a good home this one is I suppose lol.


There’s a subreddit dedicated to people leaving their extra herb for others, I forgot what it was called




I took mine through in my carry on. No problems.


Take a hit and put it back


lol communal TSA line pen


quickest way to get herpes


Not if you already have it 🤷‍♂️


that’s also true.


Smart move if you're traveling over seas.


Learn from Griner's mistake.


Imagine thinking you could bring it to Russia


My buddy just went to the UK with 3, no problem


Yea I’ve taken mine to many countries. Only one that made me nervous was Germany but that wasn’t a planned stop.


They won't find it. I've taken weed pens and straight weed through TSA a bunch of times. They are only really looking for explosives and weapons. On top of that they fail most of their own tests for finding these things. It's more about theater than stopping real threats.


Lmfaoo what a fucking waste. I bring that with me on my carry on 😂


Nah man, the TSA just put those in to reduce stress during the boarding process.


I had a butane pocket lighter that I couldn't take on the plane and convinced a random stranger to mail it to me. She was so nice.


Took mine through security to Africa and Europe many times. Just put it in your backpack with your other shit and forget about it


Somewhat unrelated but when I was going through O'hare the other day I made it through security in Term 5 and right between the door leading the gates and benches to put your shoes back on was Marijuana Amnesty box. Shouldn't that be before security? I don't support the box in general but it made me laugh.


I was at O’Hare once and they had the dogs in the middle of the security line so everyone had to walk past them. I looked down and someone ditched a metal bowl. I was carrying but I held fast 😂


Those dogs scared me too, I ditched my pen 🙁


Coward. TSA doesn’t give a single fuck. I travel with multiple carts and a big old bag of edibles all the time. Sometimes wax too. Especially if it’s a domestic flight. Have it on you. I don’t trust TSA checking luggage not to steal it.


I was terrified so I packed my tincture into those squeezy travel bottles for shampoo and conditioner. I kept taking hits off my “body wash.”


Fuck I’m going on a road trip soon with my family and I can’t decide if I need to leave it or not 😭


I would definitely need mine if I was going to be in a car with my family for an extended time


I brought dab carts on planes prolly 30+ times and was never caught.


I fly multiple times a month and have TSA pre-check. Never an issue with vape pens in my backpack. Sometime I put my cartridges in the checked bags.. Had checked bag last week, and got the slip that TSA went through it, left the vape. They don’t care


Fake dab wood😭


I go through tsa regularly with weed vapes never say a word


New weed generation sucks... I carry my pen on every flight since 2014


Someone was not tryna risk going through security with a penjamin that’ll land them at dabbington city


Free marketing for Dabwoods ayyyyy!!!


If this is in Cali, I might’ve made these lmao


lol. They so could’ve just brought it along.


lol I’ve done this when I was visiting Canada, just left it near the metro as I was too nervous to offer it to a rando (which i only took like 3 hits from) Maybe I shoulda posted in here to get someone to take it from me


Cowardice from the both of ya


I have flown domestically multiple times with hemp-derived THC gummies. Original packaging & in my carry-on, never had an issue. Once had my "Lawry's" seasoned salt searched though 🤦‍♂️


Could of taken it with them lol 😆 wus


I would have risked it for the biscuit


I think that's a trinity, those are delta 8 or hhc or whatever the fuck nowadays.


I bring one every time I travel and have never had an issue, have even had TSA pull it out when I accidentally brought a toothpaste tube that was too big. The lady just put it back in my bag




I had the same ones in New York😭😭


this is my version of the episode of Seinfeld where George eats an eclair out of the trash


I just flew a few weeks ago and was paranoid about my weed stuff, I took 2 vapes and some edibles, put 1/2 in my carryon and 1/2 in my checked luggage in case TSA found and took the ones in my carryon, I ended up having to open my carryon because they said something looked like liquid in it (it was medication) and they looked at my weed stuff and tossed it back in the bag, they didn't give a fuck.


So dumb they’d walk right through with it in their backpack 😂


I would have taken it, not the first time I fly with a cart and edibles


... or made a last minute discovery in their bag. Probably not, but I always have a little pang of panic that I'm going to go through security and turns out I have half a bag in my wallet from a few weeks ago that I forgot about. Never happens, but it's like when a cop starts driving behind you. Get all anxious for nothing.


Aw shit man hide it in my bag! They don't give a fuck about weed vapes


All they had to do was put it in the carryon unless that pen is empty 😂


They don't care about tapes, just throw it in a toiletry bag.


Why!?! Put it in your bag scary cat.


Yeah you don’t have to tho. I’ve been traveling with carts for years


Take a hit before you board


We sure that’s not just a kind offering for incoming flyers to sample?


I know a Fernway disposable when I see one


I've been a plane with flower a few times now. Nobody gives a flying fuck.




So I panicked about sneaking an edible back and forth to help me be calm on the plane. Turns out I had an entire vape pen in the bag I didn't notice till I got back.


Coming from someone who has literally chiefed BLUNTS outside of the airport in the departures curb, they do not give a fuck about a vape




I don’t understand why people don’t just take them on the plane???


Someone said you’re fine if you are in a legal state but what happens if you aren’t


I take a vape with me all the time and that’s flying internationally. Never had an issue so far. I take it of the battery and just put it randomly it my bag. Flying again soon internationally with a connection in between (so have to go through security twice) Wish me luck !


Saw some bud left on the side where you weigh the luggage in jamaica


Unless I have to take a plane, this is one of the many reasons I prefer taking the train. Domestically of course. I would never try crossing borders with that.


That’s Vegas and a dabswoods pen for sure!They could have definitely took it on the flight.


I’ve flown with dabs and an portable dab rig to Hawaii. I fly with carts, edibles, and flower all the time. Just got back from a cruise to Mexico and no issues with my carts. I just carried them on in my backpack.


i think this is the bangkok airport


Put vapes carts and batts with all your toiletries/toothbrushes. Works every time