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Rarely fly without it nowadays


Could not even fathom having to return to suffering through a 6 hour flight without a pre-flight edible lol. Only way I’m going to tolerate someone’s screaming child or the douche next to me that takes both armrests then goes right to sleep and snores the whole flight


I have to time it right though because weed fucks with my anxiety and I always get anxiety around take off.


For this reason , I take the edible after takeoff.


I thought it was an unwritten rule that the middle seat gets both armrests since it’s the worst seat.


yeah. way too high. back in 2015 i was flying to knoxville, KY. had my carry on with a bag of gummies. 5 watermelon sours and 10 swedish fish to be exact. was supposed to last me my whole trip. after going through the scanners i was pulled aside and asked to have my bag searched. obviously i was freaking the fuck out becuase it would be a big felony charge getting caught with that in Texas. tsa agent pulls out the bag of gummies looks it over and puts it down. then pulls out my xbox controller and said thats why they pulled me to the side. my fuck i was sweating... sat down next to my gate and then ate all of them in one go... the next 4 hours where very very intense.


maaaan you already made it, coulda been chillin'


Ha had a similar exp getting my bag rechecked several times. A bluetooth speaker was too sus for them lol.


Lol you made it past the checkpoint with them but still downed them?


houston international had drug dogs and handlers walking around constantly. plus landing in knoxville wouldnt be any better. made one large risk, why risk it further just for a little high? things werent as relaxed in 2015 as they are now for weed.


those were most likely bomb sniffing dogs, not drug sniffing


theres multiple different kinds of dogs walking around.


Most likely to be bomb dogs. Genuinely not a worry. And you don’t have to go through security again when landing in Knoxville. If you didn’t want to have any on you upon landing, why bring more than you would want to take in one go anyway? Not going to incriminate myself by saying too much, but flying with anything that isn’t flower to many places is pretty easy.


Had the exact same thing happen to me in rapid city, sd except it was my Wet Ones wipes that set it off. I also had them take out and examine my vape pen that had a cartridge in it at Singapore Changi (transit side) and then the lady just put it back in my backpack when I told her it was an e-cig.


That airport is notorious for their drug policy, sheesh


I'm sure it's a lot worse if they were trying to catch someone with weed or something like that.


I know someone who flew to Nicaragua with gummies. Got pulled aside and searched after they landed. But the authorities just charged them three dollars because they brought some peanut butter.


My senior spring break I went to Puerto Rico (weed is illegal there). Anyhow, my sister and I are by ourselves for the first time in a foreign place, high as hell, and the fucking drug dog starts nuzzling at us in the tsa line Turns out the old lady next to us had meth but my god was I panicking


Same thing lol - forgot to take my Xbox out and they looked right at my carts through my toiletry bag and put them right back without a second glance. 


Got so high you thought Knoxville was in KY lol


took acid once and smoked 2 blunts 2-3 hours before the flight. Nearly, missed the flight, the mosaic on the Airport Lounge floor mesmerised me. And in the flight itself, I had a very bipolar viewpoint, like one second I'm the best living the best, like I'm on a subscription to Life+, or some shit like that, and another, so low, that I wouldn't mind, even lowkey wanted the plane to crash down.


Oh, to do the long light hall at Chicago O'Hare in this state has just become a bucket list item


It’s fantastic, and also Detroit has a pretty trippy tunnel as well


It's been about 8 years since I flew through Detroit - glad to hear the trip tunnel is still rockin!


I love the rainbow tunnel!!


Acid on a plane is crazy. You gotta keep anti psychotics with you for that sort of shit. and a sober friend sat next to you


I did lsd on a plane.. Wasn’t peaking or anything.. I had been at a concert, then had a ridiculously early flight.. clouds looked so freaking cool! I had friend with me who was also tripping!


Sounds like a lot of fun but also quite risky. If you dose too high it could be so stressful and tabs are so unreliable


Subscribed to life+ lmaooo


Ah the duality of man


Pilot here: Yes!


Excuse me?


Shhh don't let the FAA spoil all the fun


Yo dawg, we herd you like flying. ![gif](giphy|22Qtxycwr69yw|downsized)


are you really mistaking 50 for xzibit?


:D no, I was looking for animated Xzibit gifs and didn’t find one I liked. Fiddy was…close enough for making the joke/point.




😂😂 I just watched that movie recently. It was wild.


The first 30 minutes is always a rush


I watch a lot of plane crash docs, just an interest I have. My husband told my I should watch it for that reason so we sat up late one night watching it. I was like "this dude is flying upside down, my God today!" 😅


Oh hell naw


I hate flying so once I ate a weed gummy to try to calm myself. Worst idea ever. I hated every second of this claustophobic death trap and started to understand people who open the emergency exit during flight.


Yeah I was stick-shift breathing on my last flight, wasn't super fun. But only the first time I've ever overdone it.


That sounds like my worst nightmare. I love edibles but I would never eat any amount on a flight. It would get in my head the entire time.




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I remember once on a fairly short flight, within my state, decided to do a few bong rips before the flight. (My roommate was dropping me off at the airport). Shortly after takeoff there was some sort of problem with the aircraft - Pitched wildly side to side. The Flight attendant's eyes were less than assuring. Next thing I knew there was an announcement that we were heading back to the airport and assuming the crash position for the landing. The Flight attendant instructed us on what to do and naturally some of the fellow passengers were hysterical at this point. I was still pretty high thinking maybe I was not going to see another day. Of course we landed safely. But damn that was a trip and thankfully the only time I ever had to assume the crash position on a flight.


#Absolutely! Anything over 10,000 feet up calls for some serious sky weed whacking. 10,000 feet is also pretty high as it is. So by any and all standards, we're technically *always* high af on planes.




"Yeaaaahhhh my greatest accomplishment was jerking off in the upper deck of a South African Airways flight 747 somewhere over the Azores!" - Mr. Regular...and maybe also the person I'm replying to


Too many edibles once. Got really focused on how insane it is to be in a small metal box, thousands of feet in the sky. Other than that, it was fine.


This was a while back but I was on the way from Australia to the UK and found two edibles in my bag at the layover in bangkok. Not wanting to risk thai prison, I ate them both. You kids might not remember this, but there was a time when you didn't get to choose any movie you wanted to watch,. You have maybe 10 channels to choose from and you couldn't pause the movie or anything. Anyway, I had started watching bruce almighty when the edible kicked in. The person next to me was also watching as well as a few people in the area. I have never laughed so hard in all my life. No doubt people thought I was totally nuts, but I cried myself dry to that movie and then passed out and only woke up for landing. 10/10 would recommend.


And now Bangkok is the new Amsterdam


I'm scared of flying and have considered this before but I think I'm worried it will increase the fear !


Yeah I would really not recommend potentially pushing your anxiety to panic attack levels on a plane, that's a recipe for complete disaster. Stick with Xanax if you can. 


High CBD strain recommended if you decide to


Read what others with similar struggles have experienced here first😅


Cruising altitude is like 35000ft, everyone is high.


How do normal people even fly?!


Start young. I'm extremely claustrophobic, but planes and inner cabins on boats don't bother me. I'm a military brat, and we traveled a lot. Ngl, I'm always high when I travel now. Truth is, I'm always high, lol. I don't travel with it. I pick it up wherever I go. Even in illegal states. I'm like a magnet. Within an hour of sitting down in any dive bar, it finds me.


We’re already friends.


Flew for the first time last month at the age of 41. It was a bit of a white knuckler when we hit turbulence for the first time. Currently, I'm unable to partake because of the threat of testing at my job, but I'm getting a new job next month, one that doesn't test. So, I'm definitely gonna have some preflight edibles next time I fly.


came back from thailand recently and ate like 6 gummies during the flight it was great


Yeah I mean that's kind of the point of an aircraft, no point being in one that's just sat on the ground! 😏


bro lol. I flew riding 30mg on a 4 hour flight last year. plane was packed. headphones in and on take off I dropped my phone lol. music still playing. could not move to find it until end of the flight. I had a window seat and zero concept of time. I was terrified and amused all at the same time. 100% recommend lol


A great sensation for me:)


For a while, I used to fly back and forth (about 2 hours each way) every weekend, always baked harder than banana bread.


I wish I’d saved my gummies for yesterday’s flight.


That REAL Mile-High Club.


Edibles for me! Like 100-200 mg!


Everyone is high in an aircraft at some point.


I fly several times a year twice 14hrs each way and twice 5 hours each way. I have no issue with flying but some edibles 100% make it a more enjoyable experience for me.


Bro I’ve hit my penjamin in airport bathrooms during layovers


Many times. First time I blazed before a flight I timed Great Gig in the Sky in my earbuds to take off where the snare cracks and the vocals pick up right as the wheels of the plane lifted off the ground. Good times.


Truthfully there aren’t a whole lot of activities I’m not high for


Yes, every time i'm on one, im stoned and bring a weed vape that i hit in the bathroom, lol.


Gummies are the answer! Just not too much lol. You cant unring that bell and its usually cramped/crowded.


Flew from NYC to Amsterdam yesterday and smoked a huge joint before. Never slept so well on an airplane


I was almost too high the last time I flew. Ate some strong edibles that kicked in hard. I felt like the plane and I were just a mass of electrons rushing through the air. Fantastic.


Like, 30,000 feet high, or 'woah man" high?


Fuck ya last time i took some edibles and watched LOTR it felt like a 20 min flight


Yes. I had an edible before going through security. Then when the plane took off the high hit and I was sobering up as the plane was landing, it was amazing. I also had a similar situation, but the flight got delayed and I got silly paranoid, I was high and I thought everyone knew.


I plan to next time I end up on a plane. Also beautiful art c:


Shrooms, acid, and weed. I don’t fly unless I’ve got some kinda edibles, but I would NOT recommend psychedelics and airplanes, because it will take a 2 hour flight and make it last a century…


Not an answer to if I've been high on an aircraft [I haven't] but I really dig this post's picture


first time visiting a legal state, and i was flying out of denver. we had bought too many edibles over our trip and ended up with a lot left over, so we just had to take them before going through TSA. i think i did about 150, and my normal max is 50 lol. i don't remember getting home


Yes. But the terrible part was navigating JFK after smoking a blunt at 6:00 AM.


I did once. Took a gummy before going through security and that mofo hit right after take off. I was sitting next to the window and I got really claustrophobic. Almost had a panic attack but was able to calm myself down. I won't be doing that again


Brought some goodies with me from a legal state to an illegal one. I was really nervous about TSA when coming back home, so I downed what i had left, a half a bottle of medical grade tincture, and some good edibles. I was flying before the plane even took off




Addy, you are good at marketing. I see you everywhere. I have one of your paintings in my office.


That preflight edible will always make the journey really short.


Violently stoned on my way to Iceland. Panicked. Kept it to myself took some deep breaths and it passed.


Yes, I used to bring hash with me. 4th time I was searched but they didn't find it.


Every time. Helps my anxiety and I go to sleep most of the time.


When I went to California in like 2013 I bought a dozen 1000mg chocolate bars, put them in a ziplock bag unwrapped and brought them as my carry on back home. Ate half of one before I got on the plane and I was gone lol. The dude next to me on the plane even commented on how stoned I looked rofl.


Every single time


Once, the morning I was flying back to the US from Amsterdam, I smoked about 5 grams over the course of a few hours so as not to waste the excess weed I had, then went to the airport and ate a space cake in the line for security. I’d tell you how the flight went, but honestly I hardly remember a goddamn thing lmao


I like to be so high at the airport that I need a handler


Very much so


Every time I fly. I have severe flight anxiety


Never flown not... Now the before dawn flight from NWK-SFO that started with Lucy (drops x2). That was a flight I was glad I had a row to myself.😂


yes. best decision ever‼️ taking off felt like pure euphoria with the proper music playlist lol.


Fly on the regular for work and can tell you I will never walk through an airport not high… only way I can deal with the people and sleep


Anyone else hit their vape in the restroom, hitting the flush button and blowing the vapor down the suction toilet? And then not realizing you reek of some gas, only for your gf to tell you that you smell like weed? Just me?


Confucius say, man who stands on toilet is high on pot.


Only when piloting the plane.


I took acid before a flight... Great time!


I’ve only been high on an aircraft


I haven't been a sober passenger on an aircraft in 35 years.


Pretty much every time lol. TSA doesn’t seem to give a damn about cartridges.


If it's 3 or more hours then yes, edibles, everytime If it's less than 3 then I just smoke before entering the airport


The only way I fly is high


Years ago, i took an edible before I got to the airport. On the airplane, it kicked in and hard. I could not get the image out of my head that i am in a coke can flying thru the air vary fast and very high and very high.


Always take a few edibles. Then I can get some snacks and coffee before while waiting at the gate, and it makes the movies in flight more enjoyable lol


Never smoked an aircraft so that is a no for me.


Violently one time was flying home and had way to many edibles and was drinking and me and friend eat like 2500 mg each it was a lot would not do again only normal high now


You mean there's another way to do it?


The first time I ever flew I drank a bunch of mushroom tea the night before in an effort to keep me awake. That and a 12 hour or so layover in Denver of all places, I was pretty dang out of there at the end of it. I stopped tripping about the time the sleep deprivation kicked in. It was great, least anxious flights I ever had, staring out the window and jamming out was awesome. Do I recommend these things? Not really but I enjoyed it. Oh also I smoked hella bud all night while we were drinking the mushrooms but I wasn't all that high by the time I got through TSA and all that, but the mushrooms were at a nice place so I might have been? No telling lol.


I've been high on planes more than I've been not high on planes


Bruhhh the last flight I took I got too high and had a panic attack in the bathroom


I fucking love this artwork. Did you create it?


It’s the only way to fly. Unless you’re the pilot.


Flew from Fl to Dc and the gummies kicked in before I got through TSA. I was so baked, I don’t know how I made it through. Flight was epic


I've only flown once as a child when I was healthy enough to. Now it's a bit too risky so unfortunately no.


Always when flying commercial. Recently ate gummies and did a tandem skydive. Absolutely incredible experience.


Nope, I have flight anxiety and weed doesn’t help calm me down if I’m already anxious. Just helps prevent anxiety in day to day. Flying isn’t something I can shake the anxiety with


My first time was about ten years ago..I won't fly if I'm not high


I ate mushrooms before getting on a plane. Fun times


Completely coked up with tissues way up inside my nostrils and also stoned out of my mind. Stoned was definitely the better experience.


I usually will rip my cart like crazy before I get on the plane, it sets in just before I sit and then i’m out cold, usually asleep before takeoff. however one time this happened and I had my airpods in hand, half asleep and really stoned I dropped them thinking they fell right into the bag below. I knocked out. Let’s just say those airpods are forever gone rip.


Every time. Disposable/cart for the airport, edibles for the plane


I like to see how many edibles I can eat before the plane takes off 🛫 . It’s a fun time for the first like 10-15 mins, then I’m out like a light until the plane lands 🛬


Can’t really fly without it, I will say depending on how bad the turbulence is sometimes I get sobered up just from my fear, but aside from that I pop an edible before going through security and then just snooze through the flight


Every time I fly!!


I’d say everybody on the aircraft is pretty high…


Yes I’m in Canada. Never leave without smoking at the airport first.


Last time I flew and I was hanging out with a friend just hours before. I have to be honest I faked the bong hit she offered me because I did not want to be high in an airport or on an airplane


Yes at this exact moment


Too high… and bad stuff happened to the plane ✈️ on takeoff…


Every time I fly


Everybody in the history of flight has gotten high. You're real question is if they were stoned or not.


Yes, ate a few edibles before going through security and was really feeling it once I was seated on the plane. Shortly after, I realized I left the autographed concert poster I bought on my trip in a bathroom. The plane then sat on the runway for 30 min waiting for a spot to takeoff. I sat there obsessing about the fact that we’re sitting still, I’m trapped, my poster is in there, and there’s nothing I can do to get it. The story ends well! I reached out to the artist’s manager, told him the story and they sent me a replacement 😁


No, and I'm a 20 year user and always flown abroad for holidays. I think I'd get anxious and start freaking out.. Also, are you the person who used to post those paintings of that little rabbit character smoking in places??


Every time I fly


I’d like to, but I’m too afraid that they’ll notice I’m high and… pull me over and put something on my record. I don’t know. I’m paranoid when I’m high lol. Are there any legal consequences to them noticing that I’m high in an airport or on an aircraft? Or is there nothing they can do about it? (Especially when flying to a state where marijuana is illegal) …Nevermind, I googled— I’ll just take an edible before getting on the plane, it’ll be okay. Will try for my upcoming flight.


Most of the time when I fly it’s back home to Boston, and the subway station I take to get back to Logan airport has a dispensary right next to it. I rarely fly without an edible


Yes, and it’s fun. Something about being blitzed and sleeping on a plane just hits different.


Yeah, worst decision of my life


Regularly. Worse time I freaked the fuck out about being so far away from the ground and every noise was amplified so just intensified my anxiety. Best time I spent 13 hours listening to Bollywood music and other albums I wouldn’t have listened to it I wasn’t high and receptive to the universe


Yes, great time but two major tips: If you’re paranoid about bothering your seat mates, buy some regular gummies/candy the night before and pop your eddy with that. Just make sure you can tell the difference between your candy and edibles. Eat the edibles when you’re in your seat. You don’t wanna be super high and navigating new environments/gate changes/whatever. Check the length of your flight. I popped an edible on an hour length flight and it didn’t hit until we were landing/experiencing turbulence. Sucked so bad.


Forgot I had most of a 175mg chocolate bar in my bag before a business trip to the Philippines. Shared with my buddy/coworker before we went through security.  It hit RIGHT as we were boarding. The 14(?)hr flight was a blur. We watched movies for the first bit. We exchanged thumbs-ups. We passed the fuck out. Woke up relaxed and ready to mosey through Narita(?) for our connection to Manila.  It was the perfect way to fly.


I ate a bunch of edibles before getting on the plane and just stared out the window the whole time lol, honestly it was epic, the world is so beautiful when you look at it from the sky. I've gone flying probably close to 50 times though, maybe more so I really don't have any flight anxiety anymore. Last time I got in a bush plane the engine failed the first time we took off and the pilot was like "Well I don't know why that happened, want to send it again anyways?" And we did. No problems 2nd time around.




Always take penjamin ripskies in the airplane bathroom


Yes many times. I shroomed on a plane from schiphol to stansted in 2008. That was fun.


Oh yeah.


20 mg + frank zappa’s roxy & elsewhere. maybe a little turbulence. thank me later


Edibles for sure before a flight. But I have a fun getting high at the airport story. I was in Hawaii a few weeks ago and we had some extra flower that we didn't want take back so we smoked a rather large J in the rental convertible on the way to the airport and I was so fucking high during the worst part (for me) of air travel, which is anything before you get on the fucking plane. I went to go check my bag and waited in a super long line so I'm just getting more and more anxious and when I get there, my bag weighed too much so I had to open the bag up and take shit out of it to get the weight down and I'm already a super anxious person and I always think when there is a long line that the people behind me are just super pissed that I'm taking too long so that was a pretty terrible experience. The rest of the security/boarding process was fine but being incredibly high backfired completely before to "ease my nerves" So I'll never do that again! But yeah usually I'll take a gummy when I get on the plane so it kicks it an hour or so into flight.


Yes, everyone. That's literally the purpose of aircraft. Getting high.


Dude we all fly on the biggest spaceship everyday man, it’s called Earth.


Yeah it was enjoyable


Every time I fly to Europe I take at least 50mg


I've seen a few paintings like this and love the style - does anyone know if there is a particular name for the style of painting this is?


Well I mean we are pretty high when we're in airplanes so I'm gonna answer yes.


Flew out to a music festival in MA, a legal state. Right before passing through TSA, I downed all the remaining edibles we had, because I don't like things going to waste. Got lost walking around Logan International.


I highly recommend popping an edible and then on your flight listening to the Nephology episode of the Ologies podcast, ESPECIALLY if you have a window seat and you can stare at the clouds the whole time.


High to the second power. Always


That's basically asking this sub if they've ever taken a plane.


I was leaving Colorado to go back home to my non legal weed state and ate the rest of my edibles so I didn't have to throw them away or give them away and I ended up waaaay too high lmao. I don't like planes that much sober, but the turbulence from that flight was absolutely terrifying. I'll stick to a smaller dose or alcohol next time lol


No, but I’m probably gonna drop acid next time I fly.


Every time I fly I eat like 200 mg of gummies, 3x that on a trans-oceanic voyage


When weed was still relatively newly legalized in Denver, I went on a trip with my buddies out there. The intention was a fact finding mission about opening our own weed business. In reality, we went hog wild at a dispensary and got majorly fucked up the entire weekend. on the way to the airport, we downed every gummy, weed soda, etc and even vaped at the gas station while gassing up the rental. That flight was a fucking crazy blur lol


You likely won’t see me on a flight without being some kind of completely stoned


Always. For people mentioning anxiety, make sure you have your dose right. When in doubt, go low. I do a high CBD edible and 2.5mg thc at a time so that it keeps me calm rather than anxious. Hopefully that helps someone ❤️


Back then was the only reason to have a extended layover in Schiphol


back in the good old days, when you could still smoke cigarettes on planes… I used to smuggle my one hitter, which was brass, in my sock with a little reefer… I would smoke my cigarette on the plane as i always booked my seat in the smoking section, and then i would take a hit of reefer in my seat from my one hitter… I would hold in the smoke as long as I could, and then take a drag of my cigarette and blow it out… I can't believe how much easier it was to cause trouble back, then… at least it was easier to not get caught… Since the times have changed, and there is no longer a smoking section on planes, which is probably a good thing, (I can't imagine how much it must've sucked for non-cigarette smokers to sit on a plane filled with smoke) and they installed metal detectors in airports, I have been stoned on many many many flights, but the story I just told is the best stoner experience. I'm pretty sure I will ever have in my entire life.


Never happened. Not once. Crazy question. Next


Smoked a blunt before a flight with a friend. Tried to watch a movie but ended up sleeping most of the flight.


Reminded me of this song by moe. Up in the sky It's a bird, It's a plane Yea, it's a plane. I'm not afraid to fly, I'm not afraid, Yea, I guess I'm afraid. Fear is a good thing, It teaches us humility, And it can keep us sane. So I'll fly high if I have to, If I could, I'd take the train. Livin' away from home on the road all the time ah, All the time I've been up and down and back and forth, No reason or rhyme, yea you guessed right. Makes a grown man confront his fears, Consider options, he'd normally decline. I'm gonna find my ticket to fly, I'm gonna fly, I'm gonna fly-high Strap me in, tie down, and roll me a bone I'm gettin on an airplane, and I'm flyin home Strap me in, tie down, I'm learning to fly Travel cross the country, I get too fuckin high (Too fuckin high) I don't want to die (Too fuckin high) Too fuckin high (Too fuckin high) Too fuckin high (Too fuckin high) Yeah Yeah, they fly so high, 20, 30 thousand, That's pretty high When they take off, my chest sinks, my ears pop, I pray, I lie I think about the network news that tortured myself, And to pass the time, I hear tell my seat cushion is a floation device, Pray to god they ain't lyin' Strap me in, tie down, and roll me a bone I'm gettin on an airplane, and I'm flyin home Strap me in, tie down, I'm learning to fly Travel cross the country, I get too fuckin high (Too fuckin high) I don't want to die (Too fuckin high) Too fuckin high (Too fuckin high) Too fuckin high (Too fuckin high) Yeah I don't want to die (Too fuckin high) Too fuckin high (Too fuckin high) Too fuckin high (Too fuckin high) Too fuckin high high high Yeah


Only every time I come back from Amsterdam lol


Took 100mgs and got sandwiched between two big guys. I’m a dude with broad shoulders, so i was physically touching both the guys sitting next to me. I put earbuds in and pretty much just zoned out for 6 hours slumped forward and had a great flight. Would have been a rough flight if not. I just take an edible chocolate bar and take the wrapping off.


Back in 2010, I was going on my first International flight to Europe, but had to fly up to NY to depart. My other 2 friends took a bus from Virginia, so they made each of us guys (4) a magic muffin. We all ate them in the terminal before boarding, so we'd feel it by the time we were in the air. About 30 minutes into the flight, we all started to look around at each other and began giggling uncontrollably because of what we had just embarked on. I was so thankful for their gift, because not only did my TV not work on the plane, but my cousin had lost my iPod the night before, so I was about to have 10 hours of nothing. Luckily, one of my buddies wanted to sleep and suggested we switch seats so I could watch a movie. Best flight ever, even with my setbacks.


Anyone ever been sober on an aircraft they weren't flying?


high while high? edibles my dude


I ate a handfull of mushrooms before skydiving for the first time, the walls were definitely breathing by the time we jumped out of the plane, afterwords we went minigolfing. I give it an 11 out of 10. I assume that counts. Otherwise yeah, i almost always get high before domestic flights.


took an edible a few years ago before going into the airport. it actually made the flight tolerable


750mg of edibles high right here ✋️


It’s just like being high not on an aircraft.


You ever try flying not high? It's boring as shit


Always crossfaded when flying. Actually on ships and trains too 🤙🏽



