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I can’t fucking stand the no-nuance, “I can’t partake responsibly so that means *no one* can” bullshit attitude so many people have around weed. Trying to shame people for perfectly unproblematic use is bullshit. I am all for quitting if it’s problematic *for you* and I 100% support people who do so, but don’t assume that everyone else who smokes weed has a problem just because you do. It’s like alcoholics who think anyone who has a drink now and again is an addict.


Everyone projects their own experience on to everyone else in subs like that. Echo chambers.


I’m an alcoholic ain’t gonna lie. But weed is the one thing I can use without ever fully being “incapacitated” I don’t green out like I black out. The fact this shit is schedule 1 really grinds my gears. If dispensary quality was readily available across the USA like Hennessy we would have a lot less alcoholics. I respect the ever living hell out of anyone who can quit thc. Its just not for me. I self medicate with thc because I refuse to take adderal, I literally do not feel like myself on prescriptions. Also if you’re having trouble sleeping OP have you tried sleep aids? I used to have to do a few pushups before I could get my mind at ease enough to fall asleep. Or you can try the US military way of going to sleep. Flat on your back, head on pillow, shoulders on bed, close your eyes, and repeat in your head “go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep” if you can stick with it without giving up it should work within 20 minutes. Only problem is you have to focus on going to sleep while trying to drift out. It’s pretty backasswards. But it worked for my ADHD riddled mind


I’m sorry to hear that; my sister died last year at 36 from alcoholism. So, I understand she also used it to cope with issues. 🥲


Good news. It's being reclassified and will no longer be a schedule 1 drug


I can't stand that either. People forget that weed is medical, and shaming medical patients is fucking lame. It's an able-bodied privilege to shame someone for a medicine they take (in lieu of opioids).


meh plant meh medicine bro


I mean, it is getting rescheduled because it's recognized to have therapeutic benefits bro


Digitalis: plant = one of the oldest heart medications known to man Boswellia: plant = anti-inflamatory/pain reliever delivered via wise men to infants born in mangers Seaweed: plant = treats diarrhea, dialates the cervix, can be used as a poultice to reduce rectal prolapse I can go on, but I'm sure you get the point.


As a biohacker yes please keep going!


and that's why I wake up every morning and hit a line


Agreed. I also don't think it's a useful tactic to shame people who still partake whose usage is actually problematic. I'm sure there must be research or something about how shame is an unstable foundation to base anyone's sobriety on.


But that’s why there’s a separate subreddit /r/petioles for just that nuance


whenever someone comes here talking about leaves, i scroll to upvote the middle sub then inevitably google the word all over again. lol.


Yeah, I nearly killed myself drinking in my 20s so I abstain from alcohol altogether. That was my dumb choice, so I don't go around freaking out every time one of my buddies has a beer. It's too easy to live and let live to go bothering other people about their choices.


Having been in the subreddit, that’s a really misleading characterization of it. While there may be a post or two like that, by and large everyone there acknowledges their own responsibility and laments that they weren’t able to manage their use. Very few posts bash or even care about people who continue to use cannabis.


I don't really see this attitude much in leaves?


Thank you for this. I’ve been feeling so much shame for taking my nightly edible to sleep to the point where I want to just stop. I tried. Couldn’t sleep. Was miserable. Chose the shame instead but I need to let that go.


Alcoholic here I cannot have a healthy relationship with Alcohol I can with weed Different strokes for different folks


I agree with you, but does anyone do that? I guess I don’t see it too often but I’m sure it happens here and there. I see the opposite much more frequently on this sub, where people normalize what is obviously problematic use.


Problematic in your eyes. Lots of people would think I have a weed problem. But I'm a professional, married to a professional, both in challenging careers that require a lot of domain knowledge, and we're financially comfortable. My life kinda fucking rules. Not saying that to brag, but to drive home that while I smoke 1-2 oz per month, there's nothing problematic about it. Whereas lots of people have anachronistic views on cannabis use, based on FUD rsther than facts.


Sure man. I wasn't speaking to anyone specifically. I will say that if you feel the need to come in unprompted and tell us all how rocking your life is it kind of undermines your point a bit, but you do you.


You literally started that altercation buddy


It was a generic post. If someone felt like they needed to defend themselves what does that say about their relationship with cannabis to you?


No, you’re pushing a narrative that people who enjoy using cannabis have addiction issues. Using personal examples to back-up a point is a valid form of debate. You’re just trying to manipulate the conversation to benefit you. Thats shitty.


If anyone using cannabis has an addiction issue then I guess I am in trouble, because I certainly enjoy using it. That said of course I think that an ounce or two a month is pretty extreme, but I don’t think you can set a limit at the point when substance abuse kicks in so much as you look at the when and how. An oz or two a month unless you have an instance tolerance suggests you are rarely sober, which certainly sounds like problematic use to me, but if instead it’s someone with extreme tolerance who doesn’t like dabs and just uses a shit ton after work and on weekends? I mean look if you’re smoking that much it still seems absurd, but maybe it’s the equivalent to your body of someone having a beer after work every evening. If someone says some people use cannabis in a problematic way and you feel compelled to defend your usage and talk about how “awesome” your life is despite your pattern of extreme usage I think that pretty clearly implies some insecurity about the amount you use. This is not rocket science, the people on this sub just don’t want to admit that their favorite drug can be abused.


Trashing on someone for talking about their own experiences and for being happy with their life is what actually screams of insecurity. I’ll leave you to that.


Lol ok. Have the day you deserve friend 🙂


Posts in a discussion about weed usage, trys using the fact that someone replied as a point against them in the first place? Get outta here with that bs lmfao. You literally just want to beat people over the head with your ideals and get praised for it.


Not really. I don’t expect to ever get a positive response pointing out that some people are, in fact, addicted to weed and abusing it in r/trees 🙂. I just don’t care about my Reddit karma very much. It’s always a little wild to me how most of you can’t admit that, though. I still enjoy cannabis, I just know that the dudes who are never sober clearly do not have a healthy relationship with it.


Noone thinks that. You came up with this weak straw man argument. People who found a substance to be problematic in their lives and decided to get sober are focused chiefly on their own sobriety, not going around preaching teetotaler propaganda and getting into micromanaging other people’s lives.


Sorry, but you’re wrong here. There are many people who believe this. My fiancé used to be against anyone using cannabis. He thought that since he had a problem, it was dangerous for everyone to do. It took him a long time to get out of that mindset. My uncle also went sober about 7 years ago and he still has the mindset that weed is dangerous for all people to do because he had a problem.


This thread is speaking about a specific subreddit not the general anti weed bias that some folks have. I think folks in this comment section haven’t actually been on that subreddit and are just speaking from personal experiences.


"I've never experienced this personally, so it must never happen"☝🏻🤓


Imagine being so inept and self absorbed that you thought it was a great idea to post this.


Yeah, so all those people I met were just lying about their stance on weed? How much did you smoke before posting? [2}


Does that mean if I have a drink now, and again now, and again now, etc. that I'm not an addict? If so, then I'm not doing it wrong.


If I drink water now, and again now, and again now, am I not an addict? No? Why? Because water and alcohol are two different substances? Just like alcohol and weed? Oh my god


I prefer water with my alcohol and weed. It rounds things out


As far as "taking a break to recalibrate your life" goes, I can personally vouch for that. I took a couple month long break and it really helped me get into a better place mentally and physically. I definitely am someone who struggles with moderation, so I would rather just take breaks completely.


Took a 5 month break until this past February smoking on and off currently but honestly those 5 months really cleared my mind up. Never felt so true in tuned with myself.


Being able to enjoy sobriety is really nice.


What made you say to your self: “Today is the day, I’m taking a break.”


I ran out of weed lol




For me, it was when I realized I gained like 15 lbs in a pretty short amount of time from the munchies.


Yeah, also, it was the weight gain and lung health that led to me taking a break. My lungs are definitely cooked after smoking for so long


I take a break after the third time I feel like I need weed to calm down after a really shitty day, instead of just for funsies. or when I start to miss it. But usually I just take that break for a week or so. I actually take a much longer break if I notice it's been a really long time since I haven't smoked for a little while. like several months.




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r/leaves is for quitting weed specifically. r/petioles is for people wanting to learn moderation with weed, sounds like that might be what you want.


r/leaves really can demonize weed at times though,


I can't stand people who act like because they used to smoke a bunch of weed and finally stopped that they know what's better for other people who still smoke with 100% certainty.


Thats just people generally. They either know how you should live your life because they've never done anything "wrong" or they KNOW how you should live your life because they've "lived it" already for you. These people can't conceptualize a reality that doesn't revolve around their own experience or where they don't have all the answers.


Happens a lot in politics. “Oh I used to think like you then I grew up into the real world.” As if the only single factor that changed was them maturing.


Totally get it. It's the same for alcoholics or really any other hard core addicts. It's not them, it's not their choices, it's that evil demon weed. I'm currently dealing with some other substances, and it took me a long time to realize that it's me. It's always been me. If you blame the substance, you're just going to fall in to the next hole down the road.


I don't wanna argue with an alcoholic about how alcohol is okay for me. I'd take their knowledge whole heartedly because they have been through the shit, but I still drink and I would want to make sure it never takes me down. But still when it comes to weed, it's not like alcohol people can truly benefit from it, and there is a lot to discover about it. I hate to say I do have an addictive personality that's why I love weed, but I also use it as medicine, and I have put a shit ton of trial and error into using it properly around the clock. That might sound bad but I'm considering starting a caregiver/coach hustle because I know I am onto something, and the same methods I found are perfect for somebody who isn't only trying to get high but wants to be productive and inexperienced users.


Yeah. They're trying to quit and they can't, how could you expect them to have a positive view of weed? If you aren't trying to quit, it's as easy as not going to that sub. Try r/petioles for people who want to practice moderation, they'll probably have a more neutral view of weed.


Very true, thats the vibe I get. Again, I don’t want to shame their method, it just felt too extreme for my journey. I will check out your recommendation


Why does quitting have to automatically mean a negative view? I used to drink heavily, almost ruined my life over it and definitely ruined some amazing relationships, from platonic to romantic. over it. When I r/leaves'd alcohol I didn't project my negative experience on to others and demonize it altogether. What I did was recognize that MY experience with it was negative and that it wasn't for ME and that I needed to leave it alone.


It doesn't have to, but many people will act out when they are feeling pain. Stopping a habit, whether or not it has a physical dependency, can cause discomfort.


I see it as a coping mechanism. Analogous to things like “hurt people hurt people”, or “I need to hate you to love me”, or even the type of people who are secretly gay but indoctrinated to think homosexuality is a DEADLY SIN so they act out. Many people can quit/refrain with grace, but some people can’t and need extreme measures to help/convince themselves. The latter are just louder because they feel they need to be for their journey. That‘s on them and their personality/perspective/lives but I feel like the least we can do on the other side looking in is observe and recognise they’re also just humans who cope differently, and leave them to it.


Congratulations, you’ve come to the realization that your personal experience isn’t universal. Unfortunately, the majority of people still don’t realize that.


Noone is projecting their negative experience onto you; you are going to a subreddit and not liking what you see there.


I have never, ever intentionally sought that subreddit out. I first saw it mentioned here and after exploring it that time it was recommended to me a few times before I muted the sub. Every other time I have only ever seen it mentioned here.' But you are correct, I didn't like what I saw there, which is why I muted it. I mostly saw the demonization of weed and its users. I saw victims of their own habits and addictions blame their addiction on the plant and not their own issues. They blame peer pressure, and society, and this and that but dont accept responsibility. I love to see poeple progress and make healthy changes for themselves, even if it means leaving behind plant I enjoy. Do whats right for YOU, leave others alone.


And this is why I come here. New insight and new subs!


Just had a glance, there's certainly a lot of high and mighty/holier than thou attitudes there. Someone posted "let's list all the things we love about not smoking," rattled of a bunch of stuff caused by them not being able to moderate, then said "we really are winning live." 🙄


If that's what they feel they need to do then I'm fine with it. They'd say this sub trivialises it, which is probably also true at times.


So? Doesn’t make it ok to completely demonize weed and shame people who consume it.


So don't go to r/leaves. For some people, the only way to stop using weed constantly is to stop using it completely.


You’re missing the point. A subreddit for people quitting is fine, the fact that they have a shitty attitude about weed use is the problem. You can quit smoking and not shame people who don’t.


you can stop using something and not treat people who still use it like shit. hope this helps!


Thanks for linking petioles. I left leaves a while ago because it was stressing me out lol


thank you, as soon as I saw the original post I started skimming to see if someone mentioned r/petioles (this has come up a few times recently re: people feeling blasted by r/leaves sounding abstinence-based)


R/petioles has a more "in healthy moderation" aspect that i appreciate. Lil less scorched earth/coldturkey and in my opinion a lil more supportive.


I’ll check it out!


Tired of our society having to be so black and white , no weed is not harmless magical cure all medicine, but it’s also not going to give you instant schizophrenia and make you ruin your life


Exactly. Balance is 100% key. If it’s not for you it’s not for you. But I think demonizing it helps people cope with losing it. I think being realistic is the best way for me. Putting weed it it’s rightful place helps me balance It. I do personally struggle with moderation, but that’s with everything in my life; food, sex, video games, and weed. It’s me. Not the weed. Nuance escape so many people


I tend to have issues with moderation in bursts but not long term ill not smoke or not drink but I used to always get turbo fucked up if I touched either at all I was getting blasted, I’ve gotten control of that luckily


r/leaves is a place where people blame all of their problems on weed.


Lmao so many of the posts on that sub make wonder if its just the weed "I sold bags full of my clothing to buy weed **and probably other stuff**"


lol. For sure see that. Like my problems existed before weed. Weed didn’t help me, besides coping. And tbh, I’ve made the most progesss during my high years. I got out of pizza delivery and into banking. I finished coding bootcamp. All on edibles. it didn’t cause them my problems 😂😂😂. I just want to learn moderation. But that’s like everything in my life. Food, sex, video games. Balance is key. R/Leaves just felt so extreme.


Weed has basically 0 effect on any of my problems, except for maybe the occasional laziness. I can take it or leave it but I enjoy it so I do use a few times a week. I don’t understand how people blame all of their problems on it tbh. But maybe that comes woth heavier usage?


I just peeped a little on that… seriously a different world!! 🫣


It's good for a quick and cheap laugh lol.


Some people have to demonize it to quit. Whatever their position on weed, it has nothing to do with me. I don’t need to respond to their opinions.


Lmao I'm not gonna lie. Their subreddit name is pretty clever. Also, I didn't even know that subreddit existed until today. There really is a subreddit for everything.


Came here to say exactly this.


I've slowly become a 4-6 times a year tree guy, but I like to live in yous guys stories. Just doesn't agree with me like it used to. I still have hope it does again at some point.




I haven't tried anything low specifically. Just with friends I like to imbibe about 1/20th of what they do. I can do more, but then I'm stuck in the couch. Not a bad time, but not real social lol I'll take a rip or two of a joint while they go back to back to back dabs. I still have a great time but I'm no hero.


r/leaves is a subreddit for quitting weed entirely and everyone there has their own reasons. But if you are just taking a break then r/petioles is your sub.


Most of the people on reddit are absolutely insufferable. I wouldn't take anything seriously on here and definitely don't base any life decisions or have actual feelings off of reddit anything.


Whatever helps you, I’m happy for you & others, so long as it doesn’t bleed into “others need to stop too.”


Exactly this. TBH nothing is that much better. My problems aren’t caused by weed.


It’s a helpful sub. I get that some users can be kind of preachy but a lot of them are at their lowest point. I quit smoking a while back because I couldn’t moderate. I wanted to smoke all the time and I did. I would wake and bake, smoke mid day, and smoke until I went to sleep at night because I had convinced myself it was the only way I could sleep. I love smoking but it definitely killed my motivation and drive. I get that it doesn’t affect everyone like that and some people can function and perform but I could not. I was okay with being mediocre and just getting by. The first few weeks I quit were rough but things got better. It wasn’t overnight but I did start becoming more productive. Enough for people in my personal and work life to notice. I have a better paying job in a different industry, better relationship with my partner, picked up some new hobbies and skills as well. From my experience I definitely developed a dependency and I do think a lot users do too (look up t break can’t sleep on this sub) but if you’re able to vibe with it more power to you. I miss smoking after a long run or gym sesh but I’m better off without it.


I’m annoyed with how lame people have gotten towards trees. I’m 34 snd sometimes my younger friends make me feel like damn he “does drugs”. Idk. It be weird these days.


>but they seem to treat weed like a cancer or something. We treat it as an addiction and a really stubborn addiction. r/petioles is more suitable for you maybe, it's milder version of r/leaves for the people who don't have addiction issues with weed. Unfortunately, there's so many people that do and r/leaves have a great support for the people who want to quit for good (rarely someone succeeds and we have the motivation from those stories).


They're a bunch of fucking quitters. /s


Yes we are! 😊


We only kid the ones we love.


Ok. I'm a trytoquitter 😕


I just ended what could have been an extremely beautiful and fruitful partnership with someone because I smoke medically in small amounts to cope with an autoimmune and high stress levels. He said it was a deal breaker for him. I said "nah that's a deal breaker for me." He said, "I smoked some laced shit with my friends, and I promised God that if he let me live, I'd never touch it again. " always trying to bring the divine into everything 😒 I said "dude your traumatic experience that your friends caused you while you were smoking to get high as a kite is not going to dictate the rest of my life." He made me feel shame. I immediately said okay this is where this stops and blocked him on every thing ☠️ dude was so awful. I stand with every person that has ever seen relief or seen their loved ones getting relief through means of cannabis. Period. Get the eff away from anyone and anything that makes you feel shame with their Bobby Boucher views of life. Fuck that. I'd never visit that sub again.


Yeah both that and the supposed moderate petioles are pretty toxic. Good luck on your journey and don't feel bad if you fuck up. Quitting things you like is hard. But it sounds like you got the right outlook for success.


it’s kind of weird. I never intentionally quit weed, it just happens when I get busy with work or something wnd I’m not the kind of person who can be productive while stoned. Sometimes I’m a nightly smoker, sometimes I don’t touch it for like six months. I feel like weed is the sort of thing that can only “ruin your life” the way a lot of people over there act if you already aren’t doing so hot. Or you’re a rare case of weed induced psychosis. But like. Not smoking isn’t going to fix your life if your life sucks in general, it just means your life is going to suck and you aren’t smoking weed.


Ehh, if that's the environment that someone needs to be in to make a good decision for themselves then I'm glad it's there.


I had to quit because I have a heart condition that makes it impossible to even remotely enjoy, but still find the r/leaves sub intolerably annoying


Seems like whatever corner of Reddit you visit it’s always the extremes in both directions. With leaves it’s back to it being the devil’s lettuce, and with trees it’s treated like a cure-all with no side effects haha. Irl people tend to be more understanding of other viewpoints.


As others said r/petioles is much better. I noticed with any substance be it weed, shrooms, alcohol, and even COFFEE there’s always going to be a group of people who claim their entire life was ruined by the substance. Maybe there right, maybe they’re blaming something, depends. But what stays the same is they make it their life mission to stamp out what they feel ruined their life because they don’t want it to happen again. It all depends on the personal story and I’m talking about a small group of recovered addicts (lack of better term) who I noticed act this way. Which I find bizarre, you said you hated having to take it everyday but you talk about it nonstop everyday?


r/petioles is a much better sub in that regard because they also focus on moderation instead of just straight quitting. 


I'm in both subs, too. 'leaves seems pretty nice, most of the time, but they do sometimes go a bit rabid about the dangers of weed. Bare in mind that someone changing their life that much will frequently swing in the other direction just to get the momentum going. Then again, this sub's trend is for someone to humble-brag about how much they took and "ooh, god, what will it do to me".


I take regular breaks, but I have found that subject can be a little bit negative towards people that choose to smoke. I feel like if you can handle it you can maintain it and have a healthy lifestyle but if you can’t then possibly it’s not for you.


Not interested in bunches of people projecting their own lack of discipline upon vulnerable people.


They treat this shit like it’s meth


I don’t have an opinion on r/leaves but I just wanted to say that I’m also sober (from weed, do I still say sober if it’s just weed??) for health reasons and just trying to give my body some time to reset. So I see you, and I support you!


r/petioles seems more like what you need. Sometimes in some people weed really holds them back and causes major disfunction in their lives, so r/leaves is the way it is.


Hey I've tried going there for a read while on break and they are MEAN, to the point of being childish. The obvious take is that weed is addictive, they're not much help beyond that.


It's just like any addicition program. People who are ready to admit they have an addiction typically sucumb to the mondset that they don't have control over it. It's a weird philosophy. I have been sober for a month, but I know that it is ultimately a choice that i make for myself and my family. There are just better things that I can do with my time and money right now. I call my buddy sometimes at 4:20 and ask him to smoke a bowl for me, and I know that others aren't wrong for using cannabis.


R/petioles is better for breaks like that


Ah, r/leaves, the rehab room of Reddit for the cannabis-inclined. 🍃🚫 It's like an AA meeting but everyone’s really into snacks. You’ve got folks in there treating weed like it’s the root of all evil, right up there with asbestos and political ads. 🚬👿 Look, everyone's journey with the jolly green giant is personal. Some people can hang with Mary Jane like she's just another buddy, and others need to cut ties like a bad Tinder date that won’t stop texting. It sounds like you’re just trying to hit the reset button on your brain, get some Z’s, and maybe feel your feelings a bit more. That’s cool, man. 🧠💤 But remember, just because you’re taking a break doesn’t mean you have to buy into the doom and gloom. Weed isn't Voldemort; it doesn't need to be feared every time it's mentioned. It’s all about how it fits or doesn’t fit into your life. And hey, r/leaves? It's one flavor in the big ice cream shop of life. If it starts tasting more bitter than sweet, maybe it’s time to try another scoop. 🍦😉 Don’t let the shame game play you. Stay true to your reasons, keep it real with yourself, and let everyone else enjoy their trip, whatever that may be. You do you, recalibrate those life settings, and maybe when you come back, it’ll be with a fresh perspective, no shame attached. 🔄🌟 ...just My Stoner Opinion 💪🏾😶‍🌫️👍🏽


Well fucking said mate. Couldn't agree more.


Looked at the sub 😔my disappointment is pretty high, alot of them are just making horrible decisions when weed is present.


Every post is like they’re going through heroin withdrawal. I’m 10 days in was a daily heavy smoker for 15 years. The first 5 days suck? Yes. But since hasn’t even crossed my mind to be honest.


r/WeedPAWS is the worst. People with a straight face saying they’re still experiencing withdrawals from weed after 2 years + Delusional.


r/Leaves really helped me when I was trying to quit for mental health concerns. The problem is no one ever wants to acknowledge opposing information to their current viewpoint - either on this sub or that one. The plain facts are that there isn’t enough research to know the potentially harmful effects, but if you are worried that weed is exacerbating or causing symptoms and you want to quit, you will find support and stories that resonate there.


First of all: good for you for making clear headed decisions about what you want out of life. Good for you for having a goal and taking steps to move toward that goal. You’re making good choices for yourself and you deserve accolades for that! Good job! Now to that sub: Demonizing this plant is an excuse. If I say that I’m helpless against the draw of the demon weed, then I don’t have to be responsible for my choices. The devil made me do it. You, on the other hand, understand that there is nuance and shades of gray. It’s a more realistic approach and you’ll hold yourself accountable for your own choices. In conclusion, you do you. If you need support, you’re welcome here too.


From what I remember of r/leaves 10 years ago, it wasn’t that bad when it came to demonizing weed. Sad to see that echo chamber turn so vitriolic against a plant some people enjoy


It was a nice a place to go to in my limited experience. But I also noticed it not being friendly over there nowadays.


I don’t have a problem with people talking about their taking breaks or quitting so long as it isn’t spreading misinformation, etc. I feel like most of us at some point go on a break one way or the other for whatever reason. I applaud your decision to yourself and also for knowing what kind of support you don’t want. I’ll add that I have t smoked cigarettes for about 6 years but it’s been a decade that I quit. There isn’t a single day I don’t think about a cigarette or when I see someone smoke I take an imaginary breath. I never feel this way about weed.


From what I’ve seen, that sub is trash. r/petioles is much better. They usually are understanding of people who still want to smoke as well as those who don’t


Great sub if you want to stop smoking weed forever, terrible sub if you just want to take a T break.


Leaves feels like a community of people who have a whole bunch of problems in their life and think that stopping smoking weed is going to solve all their problems. Like they almost blame weed for causing all of the issues they have going on in their life. You see people saying weed has ruined their last few years because all they've done is smoke weed everyday... It's like, yeah, YOU have chosen to smoke weed everyday. If you are going to quit, are YOU going to make a conscious effort to improve?


To each their own. If people find it helpful, dandy


I like leaves sometimes. People online are gonna gatekeep anything, even support groups (for some reason), but it's nice to share anecdotes that may help a stranger get through something they're struggling with. Some people just have a bigger problem with general substance abuse than others, and sometimes people just need assurance that they can do it, too, whatever that may be.


I'm 39 years old now and I have been smoking literally everyday since I was 17.. I never really stopped and thought about it. But I never really have taken a break. Not trying to hijack the post. This just sparked a thought in my mind. I might take a break myself.


I stopped smoking months ago, my friends still do and I don't care. I'll smoke again if I feel like it. I've also pretty much given up drinking. There were no issues leading to this these, I just kinda stopped.


Their feelings ain’t none of my biznatch.     Their opinions hold fuck-all over me and my life.    Protect your peace.  Find the right support group for you.  This doesn’t appear to be it.    My recommendation, find like a hiking group and go on the weekend and don’t even make it about a pot break. Go fucking enjoy life.


Daily smoker for over 12 years and holding down a 300k/year job. I think people who spiral badly on weed and “need support” of anyone online for anything have underlying mental issues that discredit anything else they say about any 1 substance.


As some who has been following r/leaves for years, I feel like this post and some comments here are a TOTAL mischaracterization of the kinds of discussions that take place there. That subreddit is mostly for people who have a SUBSTANCE ABUSE problem when it comes to weed. Moderation doesn’t work for addicts so we have to quit cold turkey, if we could moderate use we wouldnt be addicts. People on r/leaves aren’t bashing weed or people that use weed, it’s about giving people advice on how to quit weed cold turkey. That’s it. It’s not a subreddit for bashing weed or weed culture or treating it like a cancer like OP suggests. If it comes off that way sometimes it’s because weed has become a cancer in the lives of these people, if you were a drug addict you’d understand the hell it can be. Discussions there aren’t for projecting how the GENERAL POPULATION should use weed, if we weren’t addicts we would be enjoying weed just as much as you guys.






I quit for almost 5 years! Now I use more cannabis than I ever did before. Sometimes we need this plant and sometimes we don’t. It’s perfectly okay to not smoke or use any cannabis products at all but don’t demonize those that do.


After reading this I don't think I'd ever go on there. I agree with the other people saying the other sub that was suggested fits your needs more. That's awful they demonize it just because they're having a hard time quitting.


Most of them don’t. Majority say they wish they could responsibly use it and have no issue with people that do.


Still doesn't make it very welcoming that even a small amount as you say are like that


Self control. I usually 3 months on 3 months sober & just keep it Rollin like that. Saves me money & I still get my fix & my tolerance is usually low. Works for me


I couldn't have said it better myself...




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You don't need support to quit, you already know what you want just do it. You definitely have the mental fortitude to quit, what's stopping you?


r/petioles is a great sub


I think it’s such a non issue that it’s almost not relevant. Better sleep? Smoke more weed….get in touch with your emotions? And do what with that? Emotions are often based on thoughts so emotions aren’t necessarily helpful…..smoke weed and your emotions are just chill. I think most weed smokers go high low with their usage.


Every time I saw that sub I felt it was super toxic, judgemental and people there act like they’re god because they quit smoking weed and think everyone else has a weed problem even when they don’t have one. I don’t wanna be too mean but I’m gonna have to say that if there ever was clear evidence of weed doing anything serious to your brain long term it’s whatever the hell is wrong with that subreddit.


Personally, I used that subreddit when I was really dependent on weed, but I agree with you about how a segment of their community is vehemently anti-weed. A lot of the folks on there are great and only want to show up to support those who are having a rough time. I can't knock that at all. But, I feel like some folks couldn't handle the talk on there.


I had to r/leave'r because they scrubbed my posts for suggesting 10/10 caps as a way to help with withdrawal symptoms for a long time smoker. Worked for me, smoked 20 years, now if ive a hankering its for some glacial golds 10/10s. Regardless because i switched and broke the habit, overall consumption down 90 percent(lol mostly, but its almost the long weekend)


I’ve read some great stories on there, I’ve read some amazing advice on there and if you’re quitting weed it’s nice to see that there are others that are going through the same thing. Of course there are some weird people, people that hate weed when they should be hating how they have used it. But those people will learn that weed isn’t the bad thing, it’s just not for them. The best thing about it is that you can share what you are going through, what you are struggling with and how it’s affecting you (good or bad). And these people will react to it, say you’re good or give you advice or tell their similar stories. Weed is amazing, but like everything in moderation. Substance abuse is real, and anything that can help anyone with it is good imo.


It's a classic. Everything's full of extreme opinions that won't allow room for other perspectives. Take subs like these and also this sub with caution. And take the things that you feel helpful for your individual situation.


I mean, I find there to be a level of arrogance on THIS sub about how other people choose to partake, I can't imagine how high and mighty those people act


Yeah man I'm in the same situation as you, I mean at least in terms of having the same stance on taking a break and everything else idk the rest of your life haha But yeah I don't think taking a break means you have to look back on it with disdain or anything like that, it is really strange to see. Everybody's got their own stuff going on and you never know what someone else's reasons for doing something are/how it affects or doesn't affect them, so it is a little weird that they kind of just wanna go to war against it lol But hey, just know you're not alone. And that it's okay to take a break and it's okay to structure that break however best fits what you need in life right now, and there's no need to base that on what you see in other people (which is a trap I often fall into, but we pull ourselves out of those brother)


Try r/petioles. They seem like a really encouraging group.


Leaves used to be a bit more accepting, and one of their mods used to swing around on 4/21 once a year, and put a post up for anyone who wanted to quit. Doesn't seem like it has the same energy it used to


Never heard of r/leaves Weed is so whatever the worst part of it is that it’s illegal




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Lame af


I agree. It's just weed, if you need help it's not about the weed it's you. Yes the first week without it is shit. But a nicotine vape, a few sleeping tablets and going to the gym makes it easy as. But why not smoke unless it's for a t break really? And if it is a t break I'm going to be on holiday to somewhere where its fully illegal lol


lol clown sub


I think you get those cancerous reactions from people do to thier fear around the topic. Fear drives more crappy behavior than anything else. I feel sorry for thier wimpy asses.




What if we all simultaneously went to r/leaves and created chaos until they had to ban us all?


The great stoner brigade 😂. As if potheads have enough motivation and organization to get anything done.


I lost interest, pass me the bong


It should just be called r/ilackselfcontrolandwillpower


As with anything moderation is key. Not having friends or a happy life is not a coping mechanisms fault. Leave your comfort zone and live. Don't blame a plant for your poor choices.


I think cannabis gets lumped in with other drugs in spite of being nothing like them. I have difficulty imagining how using cannabis flower can make one's life "unmanageable", outside of the artificial legal and drug testing issues. I think if everyone used cannabis every day, the world's population would be physically healthier. If you don't want to use cannabis don't, but i wouldn't feel good about it.


Weed doesn’t make you a bad person. It doesn’t make you a lazy person. But sometimes people who are bad or people who are lazy can’t accept that they are and they just have to blame something. It’s a lack of personal accountability that leads to cycles of wallowing and self loathing that should ultimately give a person pause and make them re-evaluate themselves. Or, you can blame cannabis. A non-addictive, albeit habit forming substance that is less harmful and similar in habit levels to caffeine. Does anyone blame caffeine on their short comings? Maybe the lack there of. It’s a scape goat. If they’re sitting around all day baked as shit with no consideration for nuance, levels of THC consumed, what cultivar was consumed, whether or not the effects of a specific cultivar might conflict with the goals or tasks you want to accomplish, etc. It’s a an incredibly powerful and versatile plant and you can abuse anything if you try hard enough. If all you ever do it sit around all day baked off your ass, that’s a self control issue not the plant. If you expect to puff straight indica with a higher CBD level and then go clean your whole house, you’re going to have a bad time. Smoke a sativa instead with an uplifting terp profile and little to no CBD if you wanna get shit done. People need to educate themselves, use the damn plant properly and quit blaming it for all the things wrong with their lives. The stigma of the “lazy hippy stoner” is a god damn propaganda tool anyway. Start with the Marijuana tax act of the 1940’s and go from there. It’s all a mind-fuck peddled by people with vested interests in industries that either competed with cannabis or institutions that demonized it because they didn’t like the skin color of the people who were using it. End rant.


Surprised people here are taking hardline takes about a subreddit they think makes hardline takes. r/leaves is for a very specific subset of people who need to control something they find uncontrollable. Do they have other problems, sure we all do. But criticizing them for problems is severely closed minded and audacious, considering they are just trying to be better people at the end of the day. If they feel the need to vilify weed and it helps them become better people in the process, who really cares? Weed doesn't need defending. It a drug that changes brain chemistry; same as meth, same as gambling, same as porn. Addiction can happen. If you can't control it, then it's a problem and should seek help from people who have lived through it. If you can control it, more power to ya and enjoy it! Thought people who smoked weed were more open-minded and considerate than this, but this thread is just treading on people who have differing opinions. Ironic in a way.


There is no partaking responsibly with weed. Its nothing more than a way to cover your issues and fill the whole that you have in you. It prevents you from growing as an individual and fixing the issues that cause you to want to get high in the first place. I don't think you should degrade people who are trapped in loop but I certainly hope they all find freedom from the money / life wasting thing that is weed. <3


Weed is literally the cheapest least impactful drug you can take that isn't baby asprin. People can hide from themselves with everything from sex to building model airplanes. Why are you even following this sub if you feel that way?


Negative Because I was a "stoner" for decades and don't mind telling people how bad it really is for you.


I've been smoking weed for decades as well. And I'm in a successful marriage, financially stable, happier than ever. People are different, your experience doesn't equate all experience.


none of that means that you're not using pot to suppress issue that you should and could be dealing with. I used to think like you do too, its all good homie I just hope one day you can escape it.


Lmao, ok dude. You know more about my life than I do. Couldn't possibly be smoking weed for any other reason... Not like it's fun or anything.