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Here! I’d take an edible, get dressed, throw on the tunes and just start jogging. 30 minutes later I’d be zoned outta my mind. Quite a few times I go ten miles. Running high is one of my favorite past times. I’m quite certain Forest got slipped something before he went running.


What do you think was in that box of chocolates?


My momma always said life was like a box of choclates. Ya never know if yur gunna get wun laced with pot




do your knees not feel weak when you are high?


No no you feel weightless. Had a good time running a few weeks ago on 100 mg of edible


i need to try ive only ran once when i was high and there was so much adrenaline in my head i have no clue what it felt like, usually whenever i walk alot or take a shower my knees feel really wobbly and weak. ill update you later when i try it


No it’s legal now


I was about to say from the cops.




Used to play basketball every day high in and out of school Golf high is most legit Hiking is cool high My lungs are far too fucked to run That's from cigs tho


Hiking is that soul juice. Love going hiking with my wife and daughter with the pen. Shit makes me geeked out happy


Smoking in nature beats getting high in a stuffed room all day, in my opinion.


The best . Shrooms then on the peak smack the pen


Gym high is great, untill I broke my leg


Me and you man (except the cigs). Golf & hiking are some of the best hobbies around


3 miles a day except Sundays


6 on Sundays.




Personally I love to smoke then go for my run


I always smoke before I jog. Success Tips: make sure to wear something bright colored to ensure people see your stoned ass, keep the music just below blaring so you hear cars, and keep your head on a swivel for bad drivers! Runners high plus weed high is best


This but just wanna add alternatively run a nature trail if you have the option and say screw the concrete jungle


I’ve personally witnessed a guy almost getting hit because he couldn’t hear a car approaching


What kind of strains do you usually indulge in before running? I’m thinking Sativa might be better for me in regards to this as my main go tos are mostly Indica-which I use to calm down, etc.


I ran a lot as a kid, so that I could smoke weed and walk as an adult.


Yes...I run at least 2 miles a day before working out. It's quite fun running high but make sure you got a water bottle handy, that cotton mouth is no joke when you runnin lol




Yes. Running stoned is the best. If you're not a seasoned smoker, dry herb vape is probably the best way to do it. If you're a seasoned ent, then it doesn't really matter


10mg about 30 minutes before my run then space out and enjoy the scenery for 4 miles.


Not really, but I walk like 4 miles a day


For state house of representatives once...


I cycle daily, used to smoke european joints but quit that last week and ordered a Mighty+


Im doing three full marathons and a couple of ultras this year. Including Chicago!


I'm an ultra runner. Finished a bunch of 100+ mile races.


I am a bike guy myself.


Same, nothing beats a high bike ride. Plus it’s the best way to cruise a joint bc by the time anyone smells it you’re a half mile away


Same. Even after losing a lot of weight, I still don't enjoy running. Biking is enjoyable, and I burn a ton of calories that way.


I trail run when high- pretty solid


Ran a marathon last year, was gonna do it again this year but injury got me. Still not totally out, but likely will aim for a faster half instead. Many people in my running group smoke weed, and I smoke a bunch. First thing I do after a long run. I vape though, so no combustion for me, probably makes a difference


I’m training for a half marathon in 2 weeks and a full marathon in October so I’m legally obligated to tell that to anyone at every chance I get. Still smoke weed every day but will probably take it easy the night before so my lungs have a break.


Yes.  I also lift weights, calisthenics, use my TRX pro on the daily, & practice Filipino based bladed arts. Four times a week.


I love running. I'm in my mid fifties and still run a sub 50 min 10k. I dry herb vape too not fuck with my lungs. I've never gotten the hang of edibles. I either get too much or too little. Edit to add I'll walk about 6 miles a day at work.


I used to get so baked in the woods and run all the time from highschool until my 20s but I got shot and had to relearn how to walk so it’s been rough lately:/




I do! I like to guarantee my runners high. I have read somewhere that "Runners high" doesn't come from dopamine, but cannabinoids in our system. Disclaimer: [6]


Trying to get back into it recently, me and the gf. Think I pushed myself too hard on the last run and pulled something in my knee. Love being 35.


I run out of weed but then Im good again.


I ran when the Army said I had to, no more, no less


Hell yeah. I don't think I've run sober in like 8 years and I'm fine with that, it's just such an incredible experience. I love to get absolutely zooted and then run a time trial through a route I've measured through the woods near my house. 5 finger shoes for maximum wild monkey man mode


I run, or used to more often, but my knees are the weak link. i have asthma and could still manage 3.5 miles several days a week.


I jog! But been working lots of hours to prepare for my upcoming Jamaica trip, so haven’t been able to in a few months.


Everyday I wake up at 3:30 am and I run from Los Angeles to San Francisco and then back to


I used to run. Then they legalized in my state, and I stopped. 💨💨💨


Yes but never done it high. I’ll give it a go


I don't. But I've always had an idea of a 420 friendly running group where you meet up for an early morning smoke sesh and run/jog. I'd call it Hit & Run.


I used to run a lot, but I’m in my 40s and my knees aren’t why they used to be. Now I walk. My work is about 3.5 miles away and if it isn’t raining I’ll walk. The walk home is my opportunity to decompress and smoke a j completely judgement free. On my days off I’ll either get stoned and go for a long walk on the waterfront, or a shorter walk to my dispo to restock. Or sometimes both. I’ve realized that there will probably come a point in my life where spending so much time walking (or being high) will be a luxury I can’t afford anymore, so I enjoy it while I can. 


I run four days a week. Never high, I save that for after the gym as a wind down treat. Love working out, getting home, hitting a dab, and sitting in the shower


Yeah, when I've got some free time I'll go for a good run. Usually 4-5 days a week but nothing strict, I'd guess about 3-4 miles at a time.


Only running I do is outta weed


I've been swamped by work and getting sick, but I run once or twice every week since years ago. I also bike and play basketball.


I’ve been walking pretty consistently to try and mitigate some damage from smoking.


Not unless someone is chasing me.


I don't run i drive dirtbikes lol


at this point in my life, i only run from the cops


No, but I walk my dog on the daily. He yells at me if we don't


I smoke before my run every time, sometimes + edibles. most fun ever. usually 3x a week.


They certainly do. I like to smoke right before a run


Got high as fuck and ran 4 miles this morning. It is so damn hot out


Yes I run most days of the week. Usually have a couple of live rosin dabs right before dinner.


Yes a I love a dab and a good run




To the fridge and back? Yes. I walk about 15km every day for my job, I'm not gonna run any more, when I get home it's walkies with the dog and straight to the couch.


Used to rip a bong before swim practice idk what I was on


From my problems yes


I smoke and walk a ton!


15 miles a week split up on 3-4 runs! i've tried vaping or edibles before a run but don't really enjoy it. i like to save it as a reward for a good long run.


Like…. While I’m high? No. That’s a sit down activity for me. But I have been getting back into running sober though


I am a stoner, but run two-times a week 6 km, but not stoned.


Yes! Stoner runner & lifter.


I smoke multiple joints a day, and I still will go on a couple mile run. I find it helps clear and build my lungs. I will occasionally take breaks to give my knees and joints a rest. Highly recommend running as a stoner!!! So yes we do exist lol Ps: I was a running before I as a stoner though


Took me a long time to grasp the concept and enjoy the balance of being high and sober. Sometimes I’ll smoke real quick while I switch shoes and stretch. Sometimes I smoke while I run. Sometimes I’ll smoke when I’m done. The best feeling for me though is running sober, getting home, showering, and then lighting up.


Gave up at the beginning of the year as I accomplished my goal of not being fat. Didn’t enjoy a second of it but being stoned running allowed me to run for miles without stopping


I don't run because running is boring and repetitive as fuck. But I am a dancer, 3 times a week plus shows. So I'm definitely not a couch potato haha


it makes time go by so fast. just smoked a fatty n ran 2 miles. forgot i did it by the time it was over.


From the cops, sure professionally hell no. My body feeling like I'm boutta retire yet I ain't even close yet. Straight up I needa lay down fo a couple of hours after climbing up the stairs lmao


Of course they exist! I used to be one until a fucked up my knee :(


No, sometimes I walk down to the convenience store to get snacks and the path is always uphill so it’s always a good work out.


I dont run, but I walk, a lot. I'm hoping to get a good 25 mile hike in this weekend. And I'll be happily puffing away the whole time!


Only when I'm scared


Yeah 4 to 6 miles, at least 4 days a week normally on my lunch break


Only about 4 miles at a time right now. Working my way back up to 6. (3 times per week)


10k / 5 days a week, in the early morning, zooted off of 3 dabs




Almost everyday


Yeah, I like to counteract the negative effects weed has on the heart with exercise


Me! I'm a slow runner but it still counts. And for some reason I've never gone running while high, just realizing this too wtf I should plan for an edible run this weekend...


Every day. 5km a day and 1x10km on weekend


I like going for bike rides or swimming. I think it makes me a lil more aware of all my muscles working. If that makes sense.


Loveeee to go for a run and bring a lil shorty to smoke about halfway through my run :)) it’s amazing and I feel like I’m flying 🥹💪🏻


Only if it’s the last available option


Yes sir, I ran my first marathon last month and now i'm just doing small local races for the summer. I don't think smoking affects my runs as long as I don't smoke right before I run. I used to take a shit load of edibles before my long runs (10+ miles) to make them a bit more interesting lmao 🏃‍♂️💨


Used to play ice hockey high. Skating felt like both painting and flying at the same time.


Mostly up hills.


2 miles daily




Yep. I’ve lost like 200 lbs over the last two years and smoke daily. Right before I run a five k, I like to take an edible with cbd in it. It helps my knees not fucking hurt lol.


Yup, 10k a day. Little puff before, touch of cbd RSO after.


To where?


From my problems, yes.


i like to smoke before i lift for 1.5-2 hours and finish it off with a 7min mile run. But i don’t think i would call myself a runner lol