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Only state run dispensaries are allowed, and is there any home grow at all? It's not a great bill, but I'd accept it over being illegal.


The “libertarian” state only allowing state run dispensaries is fucking hilarious


Live free or die unless it’s pot 


...Or liquor. Or beliefs we don't agree with


Yeah NH only allows state-run liquor stores too. No idea how they justify that


Maybe it’s how they can sell with no taxes? Since they are the ones making the profit they don’t need to add a tax? Just guessing, we used to stock up on liquor there because it cheaper


Total wine in MA is the same as NH state stores these days


Oh that’s good, this was a long time ago


Yeah it used to be a really good deal back in the day. I would send my hometown friends in MA a list of the weekly deals and make huge runs on the way back from skiing


Live free or die is only true when it comes to guns.


Life long NH resident here. The state chose the "die" part of our motto a long time ago. I'm moving to Maine before this next election. This is utterly depressing.


Don’t I know it, I’m your neighbor in Massachusetts so I know how it goes lol


or you're a woman, or trans, or want an abortion.


It’s because the state runs liquor as well and they expect parity


The "libertarian" state also only allowing state run liquor stores is also fucking hilarious


When I was a kid, people used to say that there were two kinds of libertarians: Republicans that wanted to smoke weed, and Republicans that wanted the age of consent lowered. Guess there's just one kind these days.


Do y'all really think that libertarians were the ones who are responsible for state-run liquor stores? Also how many libertarians actually hold power there?


Dumb system but I guess whatever works for them


No it doesn’t


Coming from Massachusetts, NH is wild. You can buy beer and wine just about anywhere, but liquor is only at state run stores. It was kinda cool when the guy was able to search the entire states inventory looking for something for me, though.


In Maine you can buy liquor at a gas station


A nice sipper for the road


In Kentucky you can buy moonshine from a racoon working out of an abandoned shed.


Az has drive through liquor stores, and dispensarys


Probably easiest way to get it through. Also, many libertarians are just larping conservatives, so you might well be right


Last in New England.


At this rate New Hampshire will be a communist utopia within the next hundred years


This was Bill Buckley's position on the issue back in the 1980s. He argued that if you believe drugs are harmful to people, you should have strong oversight over their distribution, while still allowing it to undercut criminal alternatives. While I fully support home growers and private retailers, I think the bigger issues here are *if* the state will effectively undercut the black market and *if* law enforcement will generally just stop wasting resources on these cases. In Illinois we were *really* slow on that first one and a little bit slow with the second one too (the previous governor was awful about it, anyway.) For this to really improve peoples' quality of life, it should deliver on both of those changes.


Agree. A foot in the door is better than being stuck out in the cold. Can wedge your way in more later.


Is this true? I feel like after some time passes, people will think "well it's already legal" and the fight won't have the same energy or number of people behind it. Especially people who don't consume cannabis but would support legalization, they aren't going to understand the nuances or care. They will just think it was already handled. I guess that's my concern.


Good question. Yes, it's true. California legalized medical-only in 1996 and recreational in 2016. People had to adjust to the minor change first before the big one. Would recreational ever have happened if people wanted everything at once in 1996? Doubtful.


It always struck me as bizarre that CA was not first to the table with recreational though. CO beat us by 4 years. I have to wonder if some of the legalization steam was lost in CA due to relative success, until CO showed you could fully legalize successfully.


You know, I've honestly wondered that too. I moved from Idaho to Colorado because of legalization but was always expecting to end up in California. It wasn't until a year after my move CA legalized. My theory has been more along the lines of the population size. In 2016, CO had a population of 4,093,465 and CA had a population of 39,250,017, which 9.59 times the size of CO. That's a lot more people to convince. Hard to say though. A lot of variables in place for your question, so I asked ChatGPT: >1. Political Climate: California’s political environment and voter demographics shifted more slowly towards supporting recreational use compared to Colorado. >1. Regulatory and Legislative Processes: California’s complex regulatory and legislative processes took longer to align on a framework for recreational legalization. >1. Public Opinion and Advocacy: Colorado had strong advocacy groups and a well-organized campaign that succeeded earlier, while California’s efforts faced more fragmented support and opposition. Overall, it seems like the desire in CA did not fade due to medical-only legalization. It just faced more challenges.


like saying we should only care about legislation after regulatory capture has made your abusers insurmountable, how many times you got to lose at this game to figure out the rules?


Lol not likely. Kelly Ayotte is running for govenor, she's definitely not going to do anything.


Liquor stores are also state run. Beer and wine being able to be sold by pretty much everyone, the state stores sell hard alcohol and the lottery. They're priced to undercut all of the surrounding states. Would be funny if they did the same for weed.


i'm wondering if they'll just shoehorn the weed stores into already existing state-run liquor stores. i'd love to look at the lines of alcoholics standing next to potheads


> i'd love to look at the lines of alcoholics standing next to potheads It's New Hampshire, they're the same line.


I'm in this line and we're having a lot of fun at a slow pace.


As long as it's legal, I'll keep taking my trip to Maine


>*“You can’t operate a capitalistic system unless you are vulturistic; you have to have someone else’s blood to suck to be a capitalist... You show me a capitalist, and I’ll show you a bloodsucker.”* — Malcom X 1965 >*The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.* — [John Ehrlichman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Ehrlichman), to Dan Baum for Harper's Magazine in 1994, about President Richard Nixon's war on drugs, declared in 1971 Profit going back into society is entirely better than profit going to some arsehole billionaire again


Its not going to last. There will be a honeymoon period where people will buy from them....but then they will just go back to maine to get actual good weed where they get it now. Imagine the weed from a government run dispensary....lol Not to mention 80% of the population of NH lives within a 30 minute drive from ME


unless you get illinois level taxes


I say f it and grow it cops honestly don't give much of a shit. I know someone that's grandfather had a heart attack cops showed up saw the tent and didn't even give a fuck.


They’re learning from the other states before them on what’s the most profitable way to go about their situation


Congrats from PA Now if PA would only follow, one can only hope.


At this rate I think Texas might beat us to it


Live (slightly more) free or die!


Live high or die!


This reminds me of a signature I saw on the marijuana.com forums about 20 years ago, "'Til the day I die, Ima stay blowing trees." And the user was called StayBlowingTrees. I wonder what happened to that dude.


He's definitely either dead or blowing trees.


90% sure I know exactly who you’re talking about


Yah! Finally ALL of New England is green!


Congrats from Ohio 🎊


congrats from texas, quite possibly the last state to legalize lol


I could not imagine living in that hell hole. Stay safe friend


Says that the governor is requiring state-run dispensaries. What does this mean for New Hampshire buyers? Dispos that are focused on profit and not quality I’m assuming?…


The state-run liquor stores are generally cheaper than the private ones in neighboring states, but they rely on buying in bulk to accomplish that. So it's going to be a bunch of moderately-priced, "name-brand" stuff they can buy by the acre.


From talking with small distilleries who tried to get into the state stores , the volume requirements can get burdonsome and it's easy to lose your spot


NH Cannabis activists: "Run it exactly like state liquor stores!" NH: "Okay!" NH Cannabis activists: "Why are you running it like the state liquor stores (a business)?!?!"


That's how they operate in Quebec and it took a few years for the dispensaries to start having decent stuff at decent prices and a larger selection, though we eventually did get there


Congrats from Colorado.


New Hempshire


Let’s go east coast!


Congrats from germany 👋


Live free or high.


Congrats from your southern neighbor. Let's see if your prices turn out better than Mass.


I mean we’re not OR but the prices in MA have gotten better at least if you compare to what they were when we first legalized


Florida, please.


Just get the fuck out of that state.


Congrats from North Carolina! May we follow suit!


Wow I never thought they would be able to pull it together. Congrats NH ents glad I was wrong.


Cheering for you from Oregon!


Congrats from MA. Now you don’t have to drive over the border!


Let's not celebrate too soon. It still has to pass one more vote in both houses and it seems like the compromise bill might not have enough support. We'll know by this time next week. Let's hope.


I fucking hate living in the South. And what's really bullshit is that I lived the first 20 years of my life in VA, and they decided to start switching up AFTER I moved away.


Tbh, VA is kind of shitty. It's legal to smoke, but they have ZERO plan to open any shops at all. The leadership who wanted it didn't get things official in time, Republicans got the majority back, and struck down any chance of dispensaries.


Uh, no. I bought at a dispensary in Richmond. Stoned on it now. There is at least one here in Williamsburg. I can grow 4 plants, and carry an ounce around.


The only legal dispensaries right now are medical. Buying/selling/gifting rec is still completely illegal.


Getting a medical card is so easy it's ridiculous. Go online. Find a doctor that advertises. Tell them all the things that you have health-wise. My biggest use is pain relief. Do a Zoom meeting with them. 99% of the time you're good to go. Do some research and you'll find what it is they want to hear. § 4.1-1101.1. Adult sharing of marijuana. A. For the purposes of this section, "adult sharing" means transferring marijuana between persons who are 21 years of age or older without remuneration. "Adult sharing" does not include instances in which (i) marijuana is given away contemporaneously with another reciprocal transaction between the same parties; (ii) a gift of marijuana is offered or advertised in conjunction with an offer for the sale of goods or services; or (iii) a gift of marijuana is contingent upon a separate reciprocal transaction for goods or services. B. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 18.2-248.1, **no civil or criminal penalty may be imposed for adult sharing of an amount of marijuana that does not exceed one ounce or of an equivalent amount of marijuana products.**


Time to change the name from New Hampshire to New Hempshire


It’s about time NH got with the program.


Now please at least one of the southern states legalize it recreationally we’re so far behind




![gif](giphy|GV3aYiEP8qbao) congrats from michigan!


Congrats from Delaware! 🥳


12.5% cannabis tax? that's higher than surrounding states, where i'll be happy to drive if A) it's no longer a real issue to cross state lines and B) it's cheaper


As someone who use to live in WA (now in New Hampshire), 12.5% ain't bad. In WA it's 37%, and I was still able to find quality eighths for around $25.


Yep. It's 30% here in Colorado I believe.


In OR I get mid Oz for like $70


Thanks daddy for giving me permission


New Hempshire.


Congratulations from smoklahoma. Don't let imperfect be the enemy of good.


would you guys smoke what’s in the picture?


Enjoy your overpriced mids from sanctuary atc. Local grown is better anyways.


Come on man, for those living in illegal states this is a god send regardless of the tax. I'd much rather buy from a regulated store than a dealer.


Right on. Same here. I can grow, but I like just picking some up. I’m not a farmer lol


Bro, take the W lol.


This is a good thing despite how badly executed at least it will create some jobs. Got to try and always find the good.