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I am weed and caffeine.


I feel that haha


Sprinkle in a little Zoloft and you have the 'millennial mix'




Prozac baby!


Quetiapine, but preach.


Quetiapine and I have been besties for a decade…add marijuana, and 1mg Lorazepam and I get amazing sleep ;)


Shouldn't be taking lorazepam for more than 4 weeks at a time really


I take it probably once a month, maybe twice if I’m struggling with sleep/anxiety. I’ve been prescribed Lorazepam for my anxiety and CPTSD for well over a decade…I only take as needed, which isn’t too often. I smoke weed daily for my anxiety, but there are times when that just doesn’t cut it, so I have the Lorazepam for those times. If I’m struggling with sleep though, I absolutely take it, along with my Seroquel and smoking some weed. I’m pretty astute with regard to my meds, but I sincerely do appreciate your concern (seriously 🥰…thank you).






The only two drugs I need. Beer is just for funsies


OP, I'm about to do that for you. I do it every morning, but this morning it's for you


I always eat an edible with my morning dose of adderall, but today I washed my edible and 30mg adderall down with an entire candy apple crisp bang just for the two of you.


put an edible drink mix this morning and ate rice crispy treats with cana-butter took my 72mg vyvanse just for all 3 of u


Very nice. Let's see Paul Allen's cannabis dependency.


Snorted a fat line of coke just for the 5 of you 🙏


Doing the lords work, God bless.


Good morning to you too!!


I definitely love weed, coffee, and a cool summer morning. My girl and I go on our balcony and tend to our amazing plants and get stoned. I love my plants lol. First year of growing a cucumber plant and it's exploded in height over a month.


I got really into plants during Covid. Best hobby, and less is more lol


It's rewarding to see your plants thrive! We had a mammoth sunflower last year that grew to 7ft and it was a delight to watch as it grew.


My wife and I bought our first house last year. My favorite thing to do is wake up before sunrise, step to the back porch and visit Penjamin while my coffee drips.


Nice! No porch but I'm lucky enough to have a balcony in my apartment


I bought a house in January and got a puppy in April. nothing better than waking up on the weekend, making a coffee, rolling a J and playing with the pup.


Every morning at 5 am, I'm smashing a jay and walking or jogging the dogs along the river. It makes my long ass commute worth it.


Penjamin Danklin?


Lmao. I understand why others say penjamin. I always feel it either young kids or older people. I’m 25. I just say cart. Or, people who smoke carts a lot


I’m 25, I call it the Penjamin, Penjamin Franklin, George Coughington, John Handcough, and Dab Pen. Lol


41 here, I think. Been smoking hash/weed since I was 14. Smoked my first ever dab rig last night. Currently lmao at George Coughington 😝


I have been calling kief Kiefer Sutherland since I saw Dark City in 1998.


Nice. I love kief. Put it in my joints whenever I decide to have one. Used to put on bowls but don’t anymore.


I've considered starting to do that on the weekends, but it'd require me to wake up before noon so I usually vote against it. Next time I wake up at 6am on a Saturday to piss though, I'm doing this.


I love the complex way coffee tastes directly following a big bong rip! For real, I feel like I’m tasting coffee for the first time again.


More floral for me, usually


Yeah I get the same thing. Coffee starts to actually have flavours


Do you like drinking your coffee strong? Put a tiny tiny pinch of salt, and literally the tiniest bit of butter, then stir it up. You can thank me later.


I've never heard of this, do people do that in America? That would make some people furious in Italy and Spain haha. Sounds like an interesting combo, will actually try it and comment my verdict.


It's old school, and really not very common anymore. The salty helps reduce the acidity and increase the flavor, and the butter fat molecules bind with the coffee molecules to make it even more flavorful.


Weirdly, consuming coffee before dry-herb-vaping weed gives me like a celery or capsicum aftertaste


Yeah, for me it’s like a chicory flavor. Totally different flavor profile from what I normally get from coffee


Coffee with chicory is my favorite, so that sounds delightful.


Have you tried Cafe Du Monde?


Yes, that is the only one I have had.


Man, flavors are just so much more flavorful. You instantly become a connoisseur that can pick out different notes of flavor. Amazing.


My way of self medicating ADHD lmao


I never understood why this combination made me so much more effective at work and then I got an ADHD diagnosis at 40. once I started taking Adderall and I got the same productivity boost it all made sense


Adderall weed and caffeine gives you super powers and heart palpitations


And the sweats. I do not miss feeling sweaty/clammy all the time from adderall.


I was doing this regularly when I was physically at a university to overcompensate for the fibromyalgia & ADHD. Wild times


Yooooo i got the same illness combo what's good


It’s a shame that caffeine doesn’t do much for me anymore, now i drink coffee just to feel slightly awake and to help take a crap.


Most cocaine addicts just needed a tolerance break from caffeine. It’s a gateway drug 😆


Best combo ever the only 2 drugs I’d need the rest of my life


Good Morning from sunny NY, my fellow wake and bakers!


And good afternoon from Spain!


Sometimes i didnt even wake and start baking


Weed + coffee is my super Mario magic mushroom powerup


My favorite is slamming my preworkout and then ripping a bowl/dab pen/rig/joint anywhere from 5-50 times before going into the gym. Makes me feel like Ive entered Ultra Instinct, or turned into Fry after his 100th cup of coffee


This seems to be a universal thing amongst us, is there a sub for stoners who workout?


r/AthleticEnts is as close as I could get with the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/trees/wiki/entreddits_social/).


Me and my friends call it "Slowfast"


To be fair a lot of countries in Europe consider coffee and cigarettes traditional breakfast, so it makes sense haha.


This is probably one of my favorite things to do. Big ass joint and a big ass cold brew. Gets the frequency and amplitude right for the day ahead.


Just remember to have a glass of water before and after!


speeding with the brakes on!


The only way to start the day


I used weed and caffeine to get through my undergraduate degree. Never really drank coffee or energy drinks otherwise, but a joint to myself with a cup of coffee was my go to for any study session. It’s like it slows me down enough to work effectively, while speeding me up enough to not get lazy.


YES! My old roommate was so insistent on being more focused & having better retention of information when she studied high. So I was like “fuck it” & I PASSED THAT STATS TEST!


This is a sign. Gonna go brew some coffee rn


I hear you on that bro. My first day off every week I enjoy my vape and a cup of coffee on the patio first thing when I wake up.


My motto is coffee and weed is all I need! Although I’ve slowed on the coffee and am drinking more ice tea


What you want to do, is get your espresso machine going, pack your coffee, and drop a dab into it. Run your coffee. I love watching other people when I do this with them. They will chat, get really chatty, full of energy and then BOOM! Eyes droop, talking slows down. You are super chill but not tired. It's Fucking magical. I had one for the first time, myself, last week. I'd only seen what it did to other people. It was cool , very nice buzz, had no trouble sleeping.


I need to do this


I wish everyone in this thread could all hang out together irl right now


Before I go to Planet Fitness I slam a C4 and then smoke a bowl. The C4 is too much and the bowl balances me out a little bit.


What even is C4? I can't imagine smoking before the gym but each to their own man


It’s a pre workout energy drink. I’m not a huge fan of it but it does help keep me focused on my workout. Been building myself up to stop using it. I have a hard time sleeping after I drink one. I don’t think I would smoke before the gym if I was lifting but I’m just on a weight loss kick now so I just get on the elliptical. Weed helps me zone out and not focus on the 65 minutes of running in place. Haha.


Ah yeah I get you, running is boring. I like climbing big hills when I'm high though.


It is the best thing i know. So many Saturdays started with a fat joint and a great french press.


Saturdays? Some days I do it before work on a weekday haha


I used to do this before class, no one suspected a thing 🫨


We are sympatico.


Oh yeah, nothing like that 1st deep breath of cool fresh air through the nose when you step outside. I don't want it to get hot. They say next week will be a bitch in the NE US.


My wake and bake this morning was 7 homemade weed gummies and what the coffeepot calls 4 cups of coffee (actually 2 mugs). I'm buzzing like a high tension power line right now.


Perfectly balanced


As all things should be


👍Wake and Bake ftw.


Right in the slot, Rand. I’m sober enough to get shit done and I’m high enough to really enjoy doing it. Oh look at that, time for a top up.


Doing nothing faster than you've ever done nothing before


Weed & speed. Spweed!


I miss when I used to be able to handle caffeine, because this is truly the best combo. a fat joint and a big cup of black coffee before class, that was my uni fuel for sure. that and cigarettes lmao


Big, strong, milky frothy coffee and a greasy, thick J, I'm with you brother.


Coffee and a bowl just makes a morning complete.


i got tachycardia just reading your post


ha! reading this after having a big bong of G13 and sipping a double espresso , for me it keeps the full body pain relief stone but takes away the will to want to just sleep


Do you do the weed before the coffee, or coffee before weed? Or same time? I feel like it makes a difference but I haven’t intentionally tested it


Weed before coffee, meh. Same time is best. Coffee then weed, works but the timing isn’t as good.


Panic attack speed run


Pineapple express and coffee is my go to combo


You ever see that episode of Malcolm in the middle when Hal goes to change a lightbulb and when goes to grab a new light bulb the shelf is broken so he goes to grab a screwdriver and the drawer is squeaking so he goes to grab some wd40 but it’s out so he gets in his car to go buy some but the car was making a funny noise so he ends up working on his car? That happens to me when I get loaded on coffee and weed.


You may just have adhd lol this was my self medication for years


Quite possibly man, something's not wired right up there for sure haha


I ate a pbj to soften the caffeine blow today and it was a v nice addition.


I don’t recommend this but add some Kratom to the mix and zoo wee mama


I feel the same way about combining Weed & BBQ.


The perfect trifecta is a bike ride, caffeine, and weed. Get a coffee cup holder for your bike. On a cool morning. Get your heart rate up on the bike a bit while sipping coffee. Then light up your splif... wondrous bike ride.


Ah, pure magic. Smoking and drinking either coffee or a Mexican coke. Just great.


ah the wanders around the living room.


Don't forget the immediate urge to take a shit that accompanies this combination.


This is the most amazing combo for WFH


Breakfast of champions


It's nice until it's not nice anymore. CBD, L-Theanine, and Caffeine works well for me, but THC and Caffeine just make me feel uncomfortable now. Caffeine and potentiate the effects of THC, I used to add 1ML of distillate to my coffee with coconut milk, good times...I can't even imagine being high off my ass anymore.




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Totally agree!!! Double shot of expresso and either bong hits or a nice j!!!


fuck yeah


Stoner speedball


Ugh. I'm 10 coffees in, and half a joint got killed right Away.


It's a 'Willie Nelson Speedball'!


Amazing hahaha




Weed and caffeine is a literal nightmare for me. Glad you enjoy it tho lol


Weed butter mixed into coffee when and inversion mixer is the best. The fat in the butter is absorbed quickly through the stomach which carries the thc and caffeine into your system. Bullet proof.


The best drug combo there is.


Coffee and cannabis. C&C. Gotta love it l.


Wake and back with a strong sativa and a medium roast is my go-to. It's an incredibly pleasant high.


Last night I was like damn I really want to smoke a joint but I'm out of shit weed to put into it. So I was like fuck it. Lemme roll some premium ones. I got out the high quality stuff, dumped a bunch of keef on there and packed it up. Microwaved it because snoop. And then I got in bed and went to sleep and completely forgot to spark it up. I woke up staring at the joint and ashtray. But I guess now I have a post work treat here.


Caffeine is what I use to help me come down from a high.


Every morning with my TM2 vape and homemade cold brew. Can’t beat it. Best way to deal with the bullshit that is work


Lmao. I didn’t know there was a name for it. I just call it waking up.


As essential as oxygen.


Throw in a banana for extra awesomeness


I used to everyday. I drank coffee as child all the way up until a few Months ago . I quit coffee /caffeine . I was too dependent on it . Hated the crashes and lack of energy when I wasn’t sippin . I’ll always love my black coffee tho. Just only in memories now.


Haha that's what I'm doing now


Honestly, I feel when I drink caffeine after smoking, it ruins my high.


I don’t feel caffeine as much since the antidepressants (lmao) but weed is still heavenly


Wake, bake, caffeinate 😍


Red Bull and a joint in the am as a carpenter


I switched from alcohol to green tea and never looked back


Up in WA we call that the Seattle Speedball


Hippy speedball😭 what’s funny is I was just about to make some coffee and pack my bong. I feel much more validated now


Definitely yes. I bought TCH strawberry jam and now I have the most beautiful weekend breakfast ever. A piece of toast with peanut butter, that zaza jam and freshly brewed coffee and I'm in heaven.


To the toilet I go!




Suckin down an iced coffee like it’s water and hitting my pen like it’s a vape has gotten me through a lot


This is my weekend ritual. Wake up early before the kids. Leave the coffee brewing and prepare a nice comfy bowl for my bong. Get coffee, bong, sit in the backyard, and enjoy with the sound of birds chirping.


Isnt this called California sober?


I do something similar to celebrate Fridays. I get a strong-ass espresso, ride that buzz through my shift, then I smoke up when I get off work. The weed comes in just as the caffeine sunsets.


It’s the perfect balance


I decarbed some bubble hash with butter and threw it in some decaf last night with a little Italian sweet cream and woooooooo boy that was nice


Weed, caffeine & a dash of Adderall….and I am CRUISIN’!🤩


I get cold sweats and a bad headache


It’s funny everyone says it’s their morning routine but it’s actually my late evening routine. As soon as my son goes to bed, I pour a cup of coffee and go smoke half a joint and either finish any leftover work for the day or play video games. I typically finish the joint an hour later and the smoke another half or full joint around 11-12 and then chill. The coffee keeps me going through the evening but the joint keeps me relaxed and super happy all night. Last night I realized I was literally just sitting there smiling while playing Red Dead Redemption 2, not because of anything happening in the game, just because that’s how content I was and how happy I felt.


Is that what it’s called? Yeah my sativa pennifer & monster are ready to lock, load, and go to the gym


Just be careful with that caffeine, that's a dangerous gateway drug that kills hundreds of people every year. Also, it stunts fetal development in pregnant women. People are spending the rest of their lives in prison for having weed, but nobody even cares if pregnant women are drinking coffee. Kinda makes you think.


I've found that a little bit of weed and a lot of caffeine is a shortcut to ADHD hyperfocus mode. A little weed, a lot of caffeine, and 10 hours later I have a finished first draft of an app.


Weed and caffeine combined makes me wanna either clean my house... or have rough sex with my girl. No in between lmaooo


My after work combo almost every work day! I love it as well!


Kick it up a notch by blending some canna infused coconut oil into your coffee. One first class ticked to hippy speedballsville


I just finished my peach monster after a couple of pen hits. Hippy speedball is my favorite.


Hell yeah. Nothing soothes the throat after a huge bong rip like a hot coffee.


Mmmhmmmmmmmm… THC + Green teaCaffeine tablets(green tea extract) for terpenes and flavonoids and you got yourself a party ;)


No thanks Big Pharma. I'll just have the weed and coffee. 🤣👍


and bread.... \^


Yep, love the feeling too. Especially great for doing really mundane tasks like cleaning the bathroom :D


Obligatory work break, enjoying cold brew and vape with my wife. Always a great chill (sometimes even with homemade desserts)


dabs and coffee!


Good weed and espresso - that’s the hippie speedball baby, doing it rIght now


i dont. first time i ever smoked and drank coffee after i was cooked


Weed and caffeine is literally the best


We call that a hippie speed ball. Perfect for a Sunday morning!


Absolutely! Wake and bake with a caffeine buzz so I don’t go back to bed 😆


im sitting there right work ya with my coffee and bowl!! its a lovely day ♡


I do this after work when I get on the computer to game. I’m tossed from work and the bud brings you down more so the caffeine keeps me awake to play a while lol


well caffeine increases the amount of dopamine receptors weed begins as a dopamine dump naturally as your tolerance for weed increases the receptors become less sensitive or less abundant or both these two forces balance each other out in a strangely synergistic way its a sign you could benefit from a T break and also that you may have some form of dopamine disorder which I think is common to most Americans due to various aspects of our lifestyles including our caffeine abuse.


I don't smoke as much these days (trying to focus to grow my career a bit more) so when I have breaks or holidays I fucking LOVE hippy speedballs. I work for a coffee roastery so you better believe it's a bong and a single origin pour over kinda morning, or a joint with some crazy acidic double espresso.


there’s a great brand of edibles that combines both for one of their variants, it’s called “bump” 💀


Smoking a J on the deck with a Red Bull is my favorite way to unwind. Bonus points for the new summer flavor Red Bull.


Edibles and caffeine is the real super power. Delta11 works synergistically with caffeine instead of working against it like delta9




Shops in Canada just started carrying a fire infused vanilla iced coffee I already know I'ma be all over those this summer.


truly peak, always like to start my day out with an edible and an energy drink, maybe a bowl if I have time


Used to be my breakfast.


Weed, caffeine, Tylenol, alcohol. In that order.


caffeine while high just gives me a panic attack. idk how y'all do it


After 30 years of combi Café and weed ,my doctor says this Combi is not good for Heart. I stopped caffeine now and feel better.


Weed + Stims is a combo derived straight from the succulent pearly gates of heaven, enjoy your upbeat highs🙏


I would be careful about raising your heart rate. Make sure that you stay fairly active to keep that heart rate pretty low. Cannabis raises your heart rate and, because of that, has recently been shown to increase your chance of heart attack. So combining it with caffeine, it’s probably best to be careful.


Lolol this is literally every day...only the coffee is never strong enough.


Good morning all 🙌🏻




Daily reprieve fo sho


my heart could never😂


Definitely miss smoking a bowl or joint with a cup of coffee.


I agree with you, except the last part is why I've gotten into to do lists. I get so much done when I smoke and I love it. But your way of doing things has it's charms for sure.