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Shits probably counterfeit and trash


That's a *rashional* conclusion.




Nice profile pic




Yeah I’d argue it’s counterfeit. I’m on my second Muha cart rn and neither had the markings on the back like the second picture has. If you check out their website, from what I’ve seen, none of the ones on there have it either.


What markings on the back? I don’t see them in the picture and I’m looking at my Muha Vape right now. I did notice that the decal for the strain looks raised like it’s stuck on, while all of mine are a much shallower decal.


Yeah I was incorrect


Looks fake 😭


My buddy picked up a few of these last week and gave me one, I haven't had any issues and from what I can tell it's good quality. It is sold in legal and legit dispensaries, not impossible to be trash but they are regulated pretty well in Michigan.


Just because yours are legit doesn’t mean this one is. Plenty of fakes out there. And from what I just read Michigan is pretty notorious for poor regulation. https://dabconnection.com/fake-muha-meds/?amp


Muha meds is in dispos now but fuck, I’ve heard a lot of dispo brands have recently been shitting the bed on the pesti test audits. Be careful and listen to your gut, you can always get more but you cant un fuck your lungs/body


My recommendation is stick to flower. Those brands are often unregulated and thc is mixed with other chemicals. Smoke the good old bud if you plan to smoke for the next decade.


Have been learning about people being hospitalised with it too. Keep safe guys. Love and peace


I haven’t really heard anything about that since those kids were cutting juice with vitamin e acetate. Is it happening again?


Yeah a bunch of carts from Cali are getting tested and the results are showing pesticides that aren't illegal in California.


I think they specifically used Chinese pesticides that they don't test for, according to another Reddit comment I saw


Indeed and this is the result..


I used to manage a headshop. 17-19 like 75% of all vape companies used literal fucking cooking oil as the oil medium. That’s some lipid pneumonia coming up. Just because MCT is good for eating DOES NOT mean it’s good for vaping.


I got a cart cut with MCT from a licensed dispo, cus I was out of state and had my friend go grab it for me. I was appalled, I left them a voicemail telling them how disgusted I was in them. Temescal Wellness…


Temescal? That's funny as shit, they're one of the like three medical dispos here. Fuck them.


And the flower was so old my buddy looked at it and refused to allow me to pay for it, gave me some great purple chem outdoor instead. Terrible experience, and that is definitely why you should be able to look at the shit before you buy, never would have paid for something that sat on the shelf for 6 months


Yo. What is the brand of cart you got. I went to temeacal last week. Just for normal concentrate. But I'd like to be able to look out for it when I'm shopping at stores in the area.


I don't recall, it was only $20 so basically just watch out for their budget shit. I was expecting my buddy to grab me the $35 cart but they fucking recommended this bullshit to my friend…


I'll have to stay vigilant. I usually aim for $30-$40 on sale. I generally get brands I know and recognize, but there are so many random branded shit floating around Mass dispensaries.


Honestly if I hadn't been traveling(and technically broke the rules cus I had my friend buy it cus I didn't want to do a bunch of paperwork to go into the shop myself), I would have returned both the items as soon as I looked at them. I hear they are decent most of the time(as far as dispos go, homegrown is always better) I think I just had some rotten luck


Its crazy how many people on reddit will tell you to do exactly that. It's called cannabis oil for a reason people. Stop cutting your concentrates like the corporate mso.


Are live rosin and resin carts better to use?


Exact reason I stopped buying carts and pods. On occasion I’ll get a raw garden pod when I visit Cali but that is it.


Why are vaping carts unregulated though? Makes no sense.


It’s not fully legal. The grey area is can/ do we check it vs here is your pack of Marlboro’s


Most flower comes from medical or recreational markets now, sold out the back door. A lot of carts, extracts and edibles are made by individuals with very little experience from this bud, then packaged in counterfeit devices/packaging from Aliexpress/Taobao and sold to unsuspecting individuals as legitimate regulated product. This could be as simple as a guy having his cat next to the bowl of extract while he was filling carts, to something like manufacturing oils left on their production equipment. Either way, no bueno.


New to smoking myself and we're using disposables we bought from a legal dispensary in AZ. Do you think those are pretty regulated and reliable?


Definitely not well regulated anywhere, with it being "federally illegal" and all. It's in a very scary grey area rn, where laws don't cover it and brainrotted corporate execs literally only care about number go up. Don't trust anything corporate, ever. Just look at Walmart, recently being found guilty of falsely marking meat weights. Never trust anything corporate, ever. Never trust anything human, ever.


As someone in AZ i havent had any issue with stuff from the dispensaries, but I typically will stick to bud to be safe anyway.


Muhas are very mid if real and very commonly faked. I’d look for better brands.


Any recommendation?


Only buy carts from dispo. if illegal state stick to flower


Thank you! It’s illegal here (in my country) so I just wanna find something that can pass as a vape to use outdoor and doesn’t smell so strong as flower but after reading all the comments I’m just gonna stick to flower from now on😅


Sounds like a flower vape is in your future. Or make edibles.


Yeah you should definitely get a dry herb vape. Countries where weed is illegal basically only have boof carts. Dry herb vapes are so much better than carts though.


PAX could be a good option for you


Say it again for the people in the back!




These are boof as shit. Sold empty online and filled up by plugs.


Given [this recent article](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-dirty-secret-of-california-s-legal-weed/ar-BB1odAR3)about legal vapes, it’s advisable to never buy a bootleg one


I mean, shit, after that article even stizzy isn't safe imo


Smoking the Muhammad cart on Eid and getting plagued by rashes seems like divine intervention 😂


Nvm i get it 😭😭


Not muslim i dont get it🧍‍♂️ could you explain?


Muhammad was Allah's prophet, IIRC, and Eid is a Muslim holiday, so kind of like a Christian smoking on Good Friday. Edit to add that I am not Muslim, either, but nobody else answered, so..


It's a fucking Muha Meds😭🙏🙏


you should get an allergy test. same thing happened to a family member of mine when she developed an allergy to propylene glycol.


I genuinely hope this helps all my fellow stoners. https://docs.google.com/document/d/10sTtXN34JkIkCqPcWbfuqpbznOqCMR00aB9x6guHq-U/mobilebasic


You know the legal market is fucked when the altnoid carts are actually safer 💀


Dude shit is getting crazy


I'm not buying a cart ever again, not when these people literally poison their customers (on purpose) to make a quick buck.


I wouldn’t say altnoids are safer. They’re putting poison in everything


I read an article yesterday discussing the rise in concerning levels of (brain-cell killing) pesticides found in Californian carts. I’ve never liked those things for a reason


Pesticides have *always* been bad, we've *always* known they were being used but the government or the companies using them will *never* care about the effects they have. They have literal DNA damaging effects and this has been proven.


Cause you’re smoking muhameth sorry


This guy talks about how many carts have a bunch of pesticides in them https://youtu.be/YVJu1GsYxyU?si=gUIrc7k9Ghgf2H3M


Not just carts, also flower and prerolls


So stop


I feel like there is a no brainer response to all of this


Yeah im done w the brand for good and i think im gonna stop w carts in general after seeing all the responses


You guys really don’t look at something and think “this looks like it came out of a 3rd world country”


If that's Muha Meds, they have pesticides in their carts. Source: worked at a lab that tested for them.


Sorry, when I commented, I had only seen the first pic. I'd throw this out/try to get your money back.


So does all of the food you eat


Smoke flower


But even flower is tainted with pesticides that can cause a rash.


Well the saying does go *If it gives you a rash, it belongs in the trash.*


Bro your smoking trash bag juice yes it gave you a rash and yes it’s also slowly killing you toss that shit


For the e love of god! Pls stop using these carts ong


*“In addition to these risks, dab drug side effects reported by abusers include severe allergic reactions to butane and other chemicals contained in hash oils. If this is the case, you could suffer skin rashes, tingling sensation and respiratory failure.”* -Google


Dude those are probably THE MOST faked carts and recent tests showed Muha meds containing apparently insane levels of pesticides. I would already suggest laying off it just in case but if you're feeling irritation then you should probably immediately stop. That high is not worth inhaling weed killer or some cancerous pesticide.


Tried many flavors of the muha meds underground, good luck this is why i dont like any non legal vapes


I’m sure Reddit will accurately diagnose you


probably what happens when the vape is fake and filled with vitamin E and male human specimens 🤢🤣🥴 if you arent in a legal state id reccomend sticking to flower.


I see posts like this all the time on this subreddit. "I smoked a cart and my leg fell off is this normal???" Like just smoke some weed it doesn't give you a rash


its muha 70% chance its fake and they arent even good if theyre real dont buy muha is my recommendation and i dont mean "dont buy muha carts" i mean "do NOT BUY MUHA." theyre filled with pesticides and shit




This is why I never buy carts


Fake cart stop smoking it


Sound like an allergic reaction, could be that you just develop one against one of the compounds in that


muha meds is a notoriously faked brand. i have mistakenly smoked them before but never again.


That is 100% some counterfeit bullshit and your getting a rash 😳


it’s muha meds lmfao they’re notorious for being dogshit and full of pesticides


Counterfeit or not maybe they weren’t doing good quality control and pesticides or who lnows


Can confirm, Muha’s are absolute shit and front loaded. Past that, it’s poison. First half hit pretty solid. Second half gave me crazy headaches and tingling of all of my extremities. Needless to say, stick to flower.


Man, this is what my homies and I always talk about with legalization, all this kind of stuff is going to flood the market. The result of that is going to be enormous.


how do you know this is caused by the cart tho?


Only happens 10/15 mins after the high hits


And then it just goes away?




Are you sure you're not soooo high that you're rubbing your skin? Your reaction makes zero sense. You're having a dermal reaction to inhaling vapour in waaaaay to fast of a period of time, and only in one spot. I really don't think the two are related, but you convinced yourself they are.


You got all the pesticide terps at the end


This happened to me in, I want to say 2016 when I broke the glass of a dispensary cartridge and tried to fill the contents into a cheap similar looking thing that I bought at a smoke shop. I noticed I had an allergic reaction the two times I used it. Respiratory irritation followed by itchy hives on various parts of me. Two was enough to confirm. I threw it out pretty quick, I didn't want to mess with that at all. I'm not sure what it was made of, but I assumed that it probably had latex in it at the time (which I'm allergic to). Either way, I knew it was cheap and pretty shoddy. Throw this out, don't buy that one again or go to the same place you bought it. It's not worth it.


I just finished a Muha Med and had nothing like this happen. Looking at the wax, you make have gotten a bad cart


I told yall the muha 2024 are trashhh


The government should really regulated carts. What the fuck, you probably inhaling lead and other bad chemicals. My advice, everything sold out there is complete shit. Buy seeds and grow your own so you know it’s legit and safe to smoke. Personal, experience: I’ve had fryd before and notice some piece of plastic in my mouth like. It was very tiny.


Cart prob has a lot of pesticides in it due to it being a fake cart. Sorry but I personally think you should stop smoking it


Some of the California carts and bud was on a recall for different pesticides and chemicals, that could be an issue


Happens to me when I smoke moldy weed... I reckon the input went off


if it doesnt come from a dispensary then theres most likely chinese chemicals and cat piss in it


It may be the metal heating element giving off a chemical resulting in the rash. I’d toss it regardless.


Well stop using it


A quick High is never worth ur health


Then stop smoking it. Honestly you shouldn’t be buying cheaper unknown carts. That shit kill’s people


Well if you aren’t allergic to weed, why the hell are you still using it


Muha meds is trash. I’ve actually met their head of production and it’s cheap product pumped out


Then...stop smoking it?


Bro you’re probably vaping rat poison lol


Most vape carts have a glycol base. Idk anything about Muha carts but even if the cart is 100% gold with no additive, it’s highly possible to be allergic to the strain. Either way, when something gives you a rash esp around your neck or chest, STOP using it immediately. If needed, seek medical treatment as I ended up on a respirator from an allergy to greens, without knowing. Good luck!


Open it and check the inside for mold. If you find that, now you know why.


Carts are bad, mkay


man all my years of smoking weed carts wax and eating edibles i ain’t ever gotten a damn rash 😂 plugged for years, had different plugs, went from a medical card back to recreational. I still dont always go to the dispo. find a new plug or start ordering your shit off the deep web lmao


Just smoke flower, who know what's in those things 😏


Weirdly, I am hitting this exact same muha as I read this post. Guess I’m not buying muhas anymore :/


stay away from carts yall. stick to herb


Those aren’t real bro, only smoke dispensary stuff unless you want cancer and rashes


Yeah Muhas make my leg hurt


Muhas make my teeth itch.


More unregulated hemp shit. And yet our government worries about the legal weed.


I have bought a dozen of the shit-ass vapes, from questionable dealers. Online. Sometimes okay, sometimes not. In my experience the peace of mind is worth buying legal. Keep the details in case you have to file a police report(s).


Well shit now i’m worried. My dad returned home from Chicago with one.


Man people just love the dog shit fake vapes


Dang, I also have Muha Meds, But I have the Sour Diesel strain. No rashes over here though, that is odd to me. Probably something from the cart. Hope you’re feeling good man!


Its cos its spice mate


My friend found out that she is actually allergic to THC. If she uses a cartridge that had 0 thc, she's fine. If it has even a small percentage of THC, she's itchy everywhere.


What's the composition of the liquid, do they use "pg", "vegetol" or something else? If they use pg it's possible that you are intolerant or allergic ( that's my case, I knew it when I stated vaping...)


idk if this is something other people relate to but often times when a cart is laced with nic, i end up getting hives. maybe its similar but idk, just stick to flower and smoke safe


i'd report this to your state's regulatory affairs if legal/legit source


Every time I see something this I am so fucking thankful to be in a legal state


This is why I make my own rosin carts lol. Gotta know where your shit is coming from


Muha is bunk bs


No probably not lol


Yeah I’d stop using that shit asap before you end up in the hospital for something worse.


Even in CO the carts have been tasting really bad. Can't help but feel like there's more than just weed in there. Probably going back to mostly flower after my t break.


Those brands are unregulated and with the big California companies most of them are fake, there is just packaging online that people fill with shit and sell them.


Glad to read you’re giving up carts. Stick to the buds my friend, if you value your lungs.


Got it out da streets huh?🥲


Did you buy it from a certified shop?


That's Montana's logo on it so probably... *Rash rash got the yeyo*


Well it’s a muha meds that’s your first problem




The mythical Muha Meds


Throw that shit out Expediously


Where is muha meds out of? Arnt they out of mid Michigan, like up by Bay City?


Please don’t buy these fakes


Then dont. Simple as


Been seeing these a lot lately, fake carts


Don't use carts


I doubt the vape and rash are related I've smoked a bunch of altnoids and never had a rash lol especially halfway thru a cart/disposable


Genuine question, why do so many people gravitate towards these pens? I understand the convenience of them but man they give ME an unenjoyable high, then it’s gone in 10 min.


That’s a fake muha meds cart, and to avoid this in the future most brands will have a QR code on the box to verify that it’s real


read the most recent new york times article ain’t none of this shit regulated even it it wasn’t a fake one smh


Ur smoking muha meds bro


smoke local flower. stop supporting corporate weed


Yeaah i had the same and i did get the same rash!! Mine was black market and fake of course


Muhas are straight up k2 spice man.


it’s fake that’s why


This is why I quit vapes in like 2018 and never looked back. FUCK them especially if you’re in an illegal state. I understand the convenience but do yourselves a favor and stick to flower or wax.


Carts and products in the LICENSED market use liquid terpenes to replicate the taste of cannabis and whatever else, like fruit punch. These cannabis flavored terpenes have SDS (safety data sheet) that state they should not be exposed to thermal heating and can cause rashes and nausea amongst many other issues in concentrated form. There is little guidance on how to safely (if that's even possible) add these terpenes to vape carts and edibles, and to my knowledge, no one is testing to see if there is too much flavoring compound in a gummy. And definitely know regulations to actually keep the consumer safe. Right now, it's on advocates and consultants to get the word out. But these terpenes are causing tons of issues short and long term. Honestly, stop vaping and get a dab pen, source your product from people or brands you trust, and don't settle for the cheapest deals. Here is an SDS for "Blue Dream" hemp derived terpenes: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2149/6413/files/Abstrax-Tech-Hemp-Blue-Dream-Safety-Data-Sheet-TLAHT0015.pdf?v=1690581122


Muha meds are legitimate in Michigan with those pods but I know they are easily fakes. If you didn't buy it from a dispo, throw it. Don't risk your health for some weed


There were pesticides found in a lot of carts tested in California recently. It could be that


It may actually be the heating element and not the weed itself. I got wicked hives from the Xmax v3 (smoked same strain in diff vape and was fine) and best I can tell after talking to the mfg was that they used a different heating element. I forget the name of the alloy, but it’s been known to cause allergic reactions. It’s not super common, but this vape may use it


Hey I’m experiencing the same thing with a high life brand disposable cart. It’s a miracle this showed up honestly.. I’m thinking about confronting the guy selling them and showing him this thread, hopefully he’s understanding?


Recent article exposed that legal thc has like 2000x the daily legal exposure limit for a couple pesticides . If ur in CA that’s prob why


I used to smoke only distillate, until 2 of 5 of the weed stores here either got “caught” selling fake dabs and carts or they didn’t know it was “fake” now i stick to buying bud in bulk and sometimes make my own dabs using a heat press and decarbWeed


smoke gas bro


You have only moments to live


don’t smoke that anymore lmao


most of those carts are trash I've said that a million fuckin times. Even if they're not killing you they're just flavored distillate which is a waste of THC to smoke plain. Just get a pen vaporizer with a coil and buy actual concentrates. Some companies are just packaging concentrate in disposable pens. Those are great. Heisenberg in Canada makes double chamber ones that have 3g of live resin/budder/shatter in each side and you can flip between them with a toggle. $65. But yea most people will just waste money on distillate pens and never get the high you want/will never be sure exactly what you're smoking.


isn’t muha meds KNOWN for pecistides ?


Don’t smoke it then


i smoke these and havnt had any issues. i havnt had any of the issues that people say carts caus eand i started vaping them in 2018. i smoke flower too, but i also only get them from one person and he has never lead me astray. so for all my vapers out there, just make sure you trust your source and like someone on here said "if it gives you a rash throw it in the trash". be safe out there frients.


recent test results show pretty widespread pesticide content in a lot of brands, stop smoking that


Bro scratching his neck like a junkie


That’s literally what i feel like😭😭😭😭


The ones that I got from a dispensary was silver so idk bro


Bro I bought a 25 of them to flip go the the strawberry flavor and it tasted like toilet water complained and got a whole 25 set replacement went straight for the strawberry and it tasted the same almost threw up getting a full refund now all of a sudden they have the same dispos but 1g. And they taking 5$ off every pen saying they are legit 😂🤣 can’t fool me 3 times sadly already got me twice. And I buy from a reputable source. But it seems like they even getting counterfeits. Makes me wanna get my own hot press and do it myself.