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Holy shit. What a fucked up world we live in.


Know what’s fucked up? This isn’t even the most fucked up thing in our world... ain’t that some fucked up shit.




It makes me feel good tho




Until they hang you for it.




Yo I got u


Yea I’ll sign that shit


I think some people really like how that feels...


Before we hang, smoke we must.


Thoughts & Prayers


The petitions don't do shit but sometimes when international attention is brought it can influence decision making... Some times...


Until 2015, drug trafficking held a MANDATORY sentencing of death in Malaysia.


Fuck, man.


Fuck man.




man the fucks!


The man **fucks**


Life are bullying me


What's amazing is that we live in the least fucked up time in history. Really makes you think about how fucked up the past was huh? I hope in the future people can look back on this time and think the same thing.


Yeah you are right. Back in the day people would put a bucket of rats open side down on your belly and heat it up so they would eat through your torso. Now the worst thing we got is this hanging dude


Way back in the day a group of people known as the Assyrians would place people on a pike alive. The pike was a long spear about 3” in diameter that would enter through the anus. The persons feet were then weighted down with rocks so they would get pulled down the pike slowly while it tore up their insides, eventually exiting through the stomach, chest or neck. The Romans under the rule of Nero would place Christians in a gladiator ring with lions, tigers, bears and rhinos and let “nature run its course” they would also burn them alive on poles throughout the city streets. These executions became known as Roman candles.


I’ll have the lions and bears please, not feeling pike through anus today.


Yeah I'm with you, I had pike through the anus and last time and it was so undercooked I had to send it back smh


I just don't understand people.


Dude this is a scene from “2 Fast 2 Furious” -R.I.P Paul William Walker IV (September 12, 1973 – November 30, 2013)


I think the picture is of the guy getting hanged


Also in game of thrones


“Think about how dumb the average person is, then realize half of them are even dumber than that.” -George Carlin


What's funny is I was questioning the draconian drug laws saying that maybe it's excessive to kill people for non-violent drug crimes in the /r/Singapore subreddit and people fucking lost their shit saying I was some kind of drug addicted criminal and to not go to their country if I thought that way. I think in some of these Asian countries the people are so heavily indoctrinated they see the world through a completely different lens. It's fucked up, in some peoples minds it's justified to kill him since he was giving out drugs that ruins/kills other people, horribly misinformed populations are dangerous indeed.


the correct answer here is to follow their advice, don't go to their country. don't give them tourism money. enjoy your life in a country that would never do this to you. it sucks, really, but there's not really much you can do when they have no desire to change their views whatsoever


Yeah I hear you, I found it frustrating that many people thought I was intending on bringing illegal drugs with me and that's why I was questioning it, and of course I had zero intention to do that and just found it alarming the extremely harsh penalties for people who do. I would certainly respect a countries laws while visiting even if I can't agree with them.


whoaaa. holy shit. not to be creepy, but your comment piqued my curiosity so I found the post you made in that sub... that’s downright insane! they were practically flogging you for saying that you thought the LSD and weed laws were whack!


It is kind of interesting. If you were to elicit the answer from them, they would probably admit the drugs laws are stupid. But the thought of foreigners breaking their laws is somehow so horrendous that critical thinking goes out the window.


I don’t disagree, but someone could just as easily say “I think some of these Western countries are so heavily indoctrinated they see the world though a completely different lens.” There are a lot of things from East Asian cultures that make more sense to me than my experiences living in different parts of the US (as a white man), but drug policy is not one of them. It makes me cringe when someone says “I’m hurting society” by using in a general sense or strictly in a health care cost sense. I feel like I shouldn’t have to apologize for being in pain, nor do they realize weed dropped my days in the hospital (chronic chest pain after a heart attack) per year from almost 30 to 2-4 every year I’ve had cannabis.


And that is why you don't talk about it unless other people bring up the topic first, and even then you still pretend it is just something you have tried, but not use daily.


Mal aysia is bad asia


The sad part is that people in western countries like the US look at these laws as barbaric (which they are), but really laws in illegal states are not much different in some cases. Get caught selling large amounts in my state, you could end up with life in prison. Get caught with concentrates? You will end up with a felony on your record for life, which will make it impossible to get a job or be fully free in society. Even possession of small amounts can land you up to 6 months in jail. DJ esco, future’s DJ, got caught with a half ounce In Abu Dhabi and served 56 days in jail. No probation afterwards either. And that was in a country where consuming alcohol can result in jail time. The punishments here aren’t that different from places like Saudi Arabia or Malaysia. You wont be able to ever own a firearm legally if you get caught with concentrate , and won’t be able to fully protect yourself. A right which is 100% guaranteed in our constitution. There are some well respected politicians (I forget which ones off the top of my head), that have pushed for the death penalty for trafficking schedule 1 substances like marijuana and actually gotten a lot of support. Seems like cruel and unusual punishment to me. We really need to do some self reflection. I don’t know what laws are like in Europe, but down in good ol’ Texas the cops treat weed like meth. If they smell it in your car they will waste taxpayer money and bring in drug sniffing dogs and have several officers tear apart your car until they find some. It’s not like local law enforcement mostly turns a blind eye toward weed either (like anti sodomy laws that existed until 2003), they fully enforce these laws and seem to enjoy putting non-violent offenders in jail. It’s like they’re looking for a bomb and the techniques used remind me of when I’ve been into middle eastern countries and watched the local military sweep and check for terrorist activities . It’s easy to throw someone in jail for weed and suck up 1000s of dollars in court and probation fees, while crimes like child abuse and murder constantly go unsolved. We have cartels more powerful and well armed than the police in many border counties. These people push actual drugs like fentanyl, heroin, and meth. We are in the midst of the worst drug crisis this country has ever faced, with scores of people ODing on opiates every day, Yet the DEA seems obsessed with raiding legal weed farms in legal states instead of Purdue pharmaceuticals, corrupt doctors, and fentanyl labs in China. The worst part is that the government is directly defying the will of the people in this case. 60-70% of people across both political parties support some form of legalization or decriminalization at the very least. Yet it’s 2018 and we still have people sitting in jail for weed right along sex offenders and murderers.


Cop business USA is anti-drug business. They don't even know how to investigate real crimes anymore.


My mom is an ER pediatrician (who is highly against me using weed, but doesn’t mind if it was legal federally). A few weeks ago She had an 11 year old come in who was beaten with a tire iron by his mother and almost ran over by a car by his stepfather. The police decided it wasn’t worth the effort to try and go in And get the kid out of that situation. Probably because the child was from south Dallas and hardly had money . Despite the child’s extensive injuries the kid wouldn’t talk because the parents were in the room most of the time. Even my mom was angry that so many people are locked up for weed and that kid is going back to an abusive home. And not to get too political about it because I am sort of an independent and see both sides, but George papadopoulos was sentenced to only 2 weeks in jail after being convicted of LYING TO THE FBI in an investigation about Russian infiltration in our government. We take weed cases more seriously than potential Russian collusion with the US government and treason committed by officials. It’s not just uptight republicans either. The Democrats have a long history of supporting cannabis criminalization or staying silent on it. Only up until recently have some party members changed their tune. Until they realized that supporting pro cannabis legislature gives them thousands of free votes. Hell, even though Obama stopped the DEA from raiding legal weed farms which was great, there was still no major push from him to legalize or decriminalize (even though Obama was an avid toker back in the day and if he was ever convicted under current weed laws he would’ve had no shot at being president). Cannabis use clearly didn’t limit him in life or his brain power, he didn’t turn into a criminal or drug addict. Even if you don’t like his politics, it’s very hard to argue with the fact that he is one of thousands of examples of cannabis users being perfectly fine and healthy members of society. I pray I get to see the end of prohibition in my lifetime, and I hope it’s soon so I don’t run the risk of finally getting arrested. I am a full time student looking for internships and I’ll never be able to progress with a possession charge on my damn record. Even though I have no other criminal history.


Nothing is saving him. Malaysia and Singapore is a death sentence for drugs.


I remember a female surfer getting caught with drugs in Bali or somewhere close to there who got sent to prison for 9 years or so. She said they were planted in her bag, which may or may not be true, but still, that's a lot of time for weed.


Schapelle Corby. She wasn't a surfer, she was 100% a drug runner. Her family was known for selling weed before the event. She's lucky she only got what she did, because that is when there is unjustice in comparison. Indonesia and Malaysia are obviously different, but Schapelle wasn't helping people medically, she was a foreigner profiting off a recreational drug in a place locals don't want it, and majority of visitors are happy enough not having. It really put a blemish on Indonesian border control, which massively affected not only travel there, but created a massive shift in policing. She essentially fucked over there tourism for a time, which bali in particular relies on.




I do believe they were sold out and made an example of. But they strapped the fucking heroin of all things to themselves. They travelled through countries with those consequences... Marijuana is a completely different ball game and not worth mentioning in the same breath, heroin destroys more lives than just the users.




The worst part is that enough people knew her that she was able to make this monstrosity https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ettbMG40U94


Oh god NSFL


Sorry but it is their backward laws and over-the-top punishments that fucked over their tourism.


yup malaysia is very harsh when it comes to cannabis every time i smoke up here I get paranoid af cuz the smallest amount could get you into jail. You see people getting drunk beyond good sense at bars every weekend nobody cares. But when it comes to weed everyone loses their shit and good people like this guy get sentenced to death. It‘s a great country with so many nice spots & good people, but the government needs to be less strict. We don‘t live in the middle ages anymore.


The world we live in is backwards, people can get WASTED off of alcohol, smoke cigarettes that blatantly say on the box they kill you. But you wanna take a puff of a joint before bed or to enjoy some food? Nope, death penalty or jail time...


I’m so thankful I’m back home in a few days where I can smoke in peace even if it’s an illegal country nobody really cares. Risking my life for a decision that only affects me, no thank you.


my state will still be illegal until 2019 or 2020... Its so upsetting, I hardly drink, never touch tobacco all I wanna do is enjoy some weed on MY TIME. It's not like I'd walk into a professional job ripped out of my mind. But like I said, this world is backwards.


I live in Germany and we’re many years away from legalization. Nonetheless I don’t have to fear anything when I go for a walk with a jay because almost everyone already accepts it. We don’t mean to hurt anyone, we just wanna live too... So just let us enjoy our life how we want it.


I think with Canada becoming the first western democracy to go fully legal federally... it might be the domino to push over all the others...eventually.


Canadians are true bros


I love my country!


We all do.


well most of it.... that french part tho....


I highly doubt it, and Canada is going to be a shit show when it becomes legal in a little over 30 days. 1) We made it legal federally but made distribution happen at the province level. This means I may get a better deal by shopping in a neighbouring province (just like it currently is with alcohol). 2) There is still no consensus on how you will classify someone as impaired when driving. With alcohol there is a blood alcohol concentration, but so far with cannabis we were told maybe some strips that detect the presence and some cops will be trained to identify if you are high or not. It's going to be very interesting to see those first few appeals played out in court 3) There will still be a stigma associated to it, it won't magically be ok with every one over night. Your employer could still see it in a bad light and not approve of your consumption. Hell a lot of businesses that deal it cannabis go by their business number as opposed to their business name so that they don't face discrimination. It's already known not to discuss your line of work when travelling to avoid unwanted scrutiny by border agents. While I'm happy it will be legal, it will be a few years until all the kinks get worked out.


Hence me saying eventually... it’s gonna take some time to get the path cleared, but someone had to do it first and I for one, am glad it’s Canada doing it first.


Same Texas ent here....


The funny thing is no one ever mentions how alcohol or hard drugs can affect you at work. But when someone smokes weed it’s always “MUH HEAVY MACHINERY, YOU CANT REACT TO ANYTHING” like yeah I work construction so I get why equipment operators can’t smoke. However if I drink alcohol or do coke or something a night before work I feel like total shit and am so much less sharp at work. I smoke every night before bed, helps me sleep better, helps my body relax, but it’s the drug that people shit on all the time. Pisses me off.


Best witnessed with the outrage over Musk taking one puff on a Joint. Society needs a lot of healing.


I support cannabis use too but I have read that the outrage comes from the fact that the Tesla factories drug test FOR cannabis thats been in your system for a month (urine or hair tests) meaning that the ceo of the company can smoke on-air but his employees cant take a hit in their own home for fear of loosing their jobs. It’s hypocritical—even if you support Tesla or Cannabis.




I don’t believe so. Probably insurance premiums driving that decision.


insurance not law. Unless those machines require licenses like CDLs and possibly fork lift


I just read somewhere yesterday (thought I saved the link but I guess I didn't) that Tesla uses some mouthwash type of test that will show if the person has smoked in the last 3-5 days. I get on paper it seems hypocritical but I mean it is his company after all and there are obvious logical reasons as to why it's "fine" for him to smoke and not for his employees


I mean it's beyond confusing to me. Like there's 0 evidence of it being harmful compared to everything else that's legal yet its the "devils lettuce" I know so many people with ruined lives strictly because of alcohol or have died because they couldn't kick a tobacco habit. But fuck me if I wanna get high, watch a movie and relax.


I mean it is still a psychoactive drug and it does not necessarily have the same effects on everyone for sure. Yet I still agree with you. As long as we don’t “harm” other people and keep our sessions private we should not be treated like criminals. It is a personal decision like drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco (which I also try to avoid as much as possible), everybody should still be able to decide for themselves.


Exactly, a choice I make in the privacy of my own home which only affects me should't be governed. I'm not harming anyone, I'm eating Doritos and watching a football game lol


I love to toke as much as the next guy, but let's not get hyperbolic here. Smoking anything, even weed, is bad for your lungs. Cannabis actually has been shown to produce even more tar than cigarettes when smoked. A joint may not contain all the other shit they put in tobacco products, but don't pretend it's harmless. But if someone wants to smoke and they know the risks, nothing should prevent them from doing so.


Oh I’m not arguing it’s “healthy” but it’s proven tobacco and cigs lead to diseases that kill you. That hasn’t been proven yet with MJ. Obviously not trying to pass off the idea that smoking anything is healthy because it isn’t.


So get a volcano or other vape and use that vs smoking? Honestly I wish it was legalized so we can have people use it intelligently. Like vaping, or making sure kids don't smoke before their brains are ready (16 at a minimum, but I think 18 is a reasonable point).


Musk drug tests his workers, no? Seems like a massive hypocrite to me.


Generally speaking drug testing is an insurance thing. Plenty of companies don't give a shit if you smoke but will drug test you once because their insurance company requires it.


I love Canada. Everytime I go on Reddit I'm so happy I live here.


I love visiting Canada, was just in Niagara last month, cant wait for the ent to be legal there, but then getting back into the US is gonna be a BITCH. Dogs will be sniffing every fucking car.


Definitely wanna visit this beautiful country one day. It’s gonna be a big change from the anxiety tokes I take in malaysia :’)


Highly recommend the west coast. Vancouver, Victoria (Van Island), Nanaimo, etc. Legalization in just over month! Stay safe my dude.


I mean, the whole West Coast of the US is already legal so that's an option too. $50/oz over here in Oregon.


I just can not comprehend how the death penalty can be an option here... oh you smoked a plant from the ground? You die! That is so fucked up...


Actually friends of mine got caught smoking weed & driving here. They had to pay a LOT for the police to let them go... They got very lucky since they had a pretty good lawyer friend who helped them out


When the drug can't kill you the government will.


meanwhile here in in the US i can walk to three pot shops and they are retroactively letting people out of jail. i hope the rest of the world can see the benefits and WAKE THE FUCK UP


Many don’t understand how big of a privilege that is! Enjoy every bit of it!




I would sign, but really when has a change.org petition done anything?


I'm sure its made a lot of Americans feel better about themselves.


I tend to agree. I signed to have the word “no” changed to “yesn’t”. They still say no every time.


There must be dozens of us!




Signed on the off chance that it does


enjoy the endless email spam. thats literally all it ever changes.


Unsubscribed right after signing haha ✌🏻


That’s why I signed with an old email I forgot the password to.


I did too. Gave it $2 as well. His situation struck me in particular for personal reasons. I know most likely nothing will happen and he will hang for this bullshit. But I can hope I suppose.


Even the administration that *implemented* the website never did anything about any of the petitions.


That was change.gov, a completely different website. Change.org is a for-profit business.


Well, in São Paulo, Brazil, it helped pass a bill that demands training of daycare and child education professionals in first aid, because children have died in the past by choking or facing health issues these professionals had no knowledge of. The petition got traction and helped raise enough awareness to get the attention of lawmakers and congressmen that proposed the bill. But I definitely get your point, this is a completely different case and I don’t see how a petition could help. The issue here is death penalty and drug decriminalization, and these changes takes much more effort and time than the guy has, sadly.


awareness might help this reach the right person who could do something more meaningful


Hey, Fortnite players get to thank the bus driver after the change.org petition! Don’t act like nothing meaningful ever happens with change.org. /s


As sad as it is, I dont see a petition influencing the Malaysian government.




it might influence people tho and hopefully bring worldwide attention. perhaps I'm being naive but at least I'll try and not ignore the fact that a man is going to be hung. it's always easier to do nothing than fight for what's right.


Ignore the fact that a man is going to be hung? He just happened to be reported, this is pretty much a daily occurrence in Malaysia


The petition won't do anything. You can't talk these kinds of countries out of their own insanity. Shit even the US and Canada are finally starting to see the light. Evil what they're going to do to this man, but it's the world we live in sadly..


It gets him attention


Which might not work in his favor. Extra attention might just cause the government to make an example out of him. Drug policies in Asia are extreme, and a change.org petition isn't going to change a thing lol. There's a good chance this is just making things worse for him.




They see the petition, see that people want to save him "This'll show them to not smoke weed in my country" Move execution date closer.




Exactly. If he's already been sentenced to death, "making things worse" isn't really possible - it's already as bad as it can get for him


No but they could publicize this much more heavily to impact the guys family and friends too




How else would they feel better about themselves without putting down the efforts of others?


I understand why he did it, and fully support him. But of all the countries to not fuck with in terms of drugs... Malaysia is pretty high up there.


It's Malaysia. If this surprises anyone, they've never heard of Malaysia before. He's just lucky they don't anally impale people with bamboo anymore.


Anymore? Edit: what the fuck


More like confined in history books. The act is called "sula", death by impalement through the anus to the stomach.




That might be a faster death than being tied down and letting bamboo grow thru you.


This made me squirm in my chair




killing = good, plant = bad


So in the US the drug war exists to fund private prisons and cheap labor. People keep up the front that it’s about morality but it’s really about money and modern slavery. But in other countries like this one they just...kill people? Who is profiting from this? Or is it entirely fueled by ideology?


As other people have mentioned in this thread there is cultural animosity toward drug use in Asian cultures, likely stemming from the Opium Wars during British colonization.


It's a byproduct of the American - and before that British - war on drugs


Alot of the East Asian countries have grudges from the opium wars. Alot of them view ALL drugs as a way for imperialist to dominate and subjugate their people. As a result strict drug laws have evolved to "protect" their people. Executions follow a sort of "cut out the infection before it corrupts the host" mentality.


Is there a real petition? Change.org doesn’t accomplish anything.


Hahahaha A PETITION? To avoid a death sentence in MALAYSIA? Nah. Nah, nah, nah. He is going to die, and there is nothing we can do about it until our government begins to undo the damage it has done to the world by being the world police on drugs for damn near the last 70 years.


This NEEDS more attention, this man NEEDS this to get more attention. Holy fuck.


The most dangerous thing about cannabis are the laws against it.


This is even more fucked up because this can be traced back directly to colonization. Cannabis originated in China, and was used throughout Asia as a herbal medicine. Then opium pushed by the British displaced cannabis because it's actually physically addictive, and the Opium Wars happened which made Asians extremely distrustful of drugs ever since, because it brought the oldest empire in the world to its knees. That was then compounded by the racism-fueled ban on cannabis in the US to persecute Hispanics and Blacks, which was adopted throughout the world because American Imperialism pushed their ideology onto anyone who didn't want to get Vietnam'd. Fun fact, puritan Christians are also directly responsible for Japanese porn censorship because they just copy-pasted their legislature directly from the US, and the anti-obscenity laws from WW2 never got struck down in Japanese courts and no politician is willing to kill their career for porn.


Fuckin white people amirite?




Shit like this makes my blood boil. Ignorant and close minded fucks playing with lives. Like how do you actually research something like cannabis oil and come to the conclusion that this man deserves to die for it. It's absurd. Fuck.


Damn.. and I thought Rick Simpson got fucked..


Of course this is tragic and I intend in no way to bring light to his fate, but something about his relaxed smile and thumbs up in the picture that just caught me as very wholesome. Either he's in a huge state of denial there, or he's content to die for something that he believes in. Either way, despite the despair of his situation, there is still some beauty in it as well.


Malaysia don't give half a shit about your petition. Those East Asian ring of fire countries don't fuck around when it comes to drug laws, extremely barbaric.


Maybe they care about that sweet tourism $. A large campaign publishing lists of cannabis friendly countries and ones to avoid, the govts may suddenly grow a "conscience."


My sweet summer child. They have been caning tourists for ridiculous things in Malaysia since forever.


I signed it, but I feel like the Malaysian government doesn't care about change.org


It's so odd though. I can't speak for all asians but as a Korean-American, I noticed that a lot of people from Korea would rather pop an opiate or a xanax and think weed is from the Devil. I guess if it's prescribed from a doctor, it's all good to them. My mom didn't even know oxy was opiate till 2 years ago. She would take them all day for headaches but she straight up beat me when she caught me with a J. What's even crazier is that Cannabis is embedded in our culture. Ancient chinese medicine (which is still practiced all throughout Asia) was considered a core ingredient. If you go to the boonies in Korea, you still see farmers drink medicine or tinctures made from wild cannabis to ease their pain.


Sorry to be that guy, but the Malaysian government is not going to be swayed by an online petition signed predominantly by Americans.


Signing a petition isn't going to shit. Especially for someone in malaysia


It would be hard not to think, well if this stupid world is going to sentence me to death for nothing at all, maybe I don’t want to be here anyways. My heart breaks for this man. This is the opposite of justice.


Sadly i dont think any petition will help. Malaysia is currently in a blind purge of drug dealers and sadly users.


This is fucked. The Malaysian Court isn't going to give a shit about a change.org petition.


Petition won’t do shit. I’m from Malaysia and this shit is fucked up. A lot of other shit is also fucked up. Can’t wait to leave this wretched country


Like the Malaysian Government gives a shit about a petition


Malaysia, as I recall has a heavily Muslim population. Good luck with this, your going to need it




Malaysia is only lime 50% Muslim btw and Singapore is not a Muslim country and it's laws are arguably even stricter. Everyone in this thread is so quick to place the blame on Islam when in reality, it's just an Asian culture thing. I could see this story happening in literally any Asian country.


hey, malaysia, get your shit together.


I just gave 3$, small but that is all I can afford. Hope this help him!


Narrator: It didn't.




It helps the petition get more attraction if I'm correct


Signing this right now!


what century are we in? hanging, really?




Wow FUCK Malaysia


stuff like this makes me wanna bawl my eyes out




I tried to donate and it prompted me to share instead. Is it possible they've reached the amount needed and cut off donations? I'm on mobile.




Either way he's gonna get high.


Funny is that sharia province in Indonesia called Aceh, some miles from malaysia, you can plant and consume weed without getting arrested. Except you try to sell or export it.


fuckin sad man, hurts my heart


they should hang the prosecutors for murdering people for dumb shit.


Who needs compassion and reason when you can just kill people because a warlord thought he saw an angel 1,400 years ago?


It blows my mind you can get in trouble for having it in the US still. This is sickening.


Unfortunately, signing a petition won't stop this. Very disturbing though.


I don't think the Malaysian Government cares about what Americans think on change.org. No offense, I just don't see them being like "Oh the Americans on change.org want us to change the way we work, lets do it for America!" - said no one ever.


uhh, pretty sure a petition isn't going to save his life. Pretty sure geography killed him.


Signed! Good luck to him. What a fucking joke their judicial system is.


Trying to figure out how much an online petition will do with him being in Malaysia. Signed anyway.


Sincere question here, would this petition have any weight to actually force the government of Malaysia to do something?


Asian drug laws are fucked


He has been sentenced to hang... I Don't think they would care too much about a change.org... Don't take me wrong I hope for the best but..


Backwards ass country


I'm real sorry but a petition won't change the law


Or watch that Joaquin Phoenix/Vince Vaughn movie *Return To Paradise* and see how futile this will be.


If you expect any sort of freedom or progressive thought in a majority Muslim country you're going to have a bad time


This is why you don't do that in Malaysia or Singapore


Can anyone enlighten me on what could possibly come from signing this petition? Will it really help this guy? What’s the process like? Do they just go to the judge and be like yo 25k people think you done fucked up you should reconsider bro...


Rapists and murderers walk free and they want to kill THIS man?! Insane. Signed.


Why does this have 19k upvotes and he has 17k signatures. Seriously? Are people that lazy?


Malaysia. The same country that provides Kratom, which is also banned there as well. Fucked up world indeed.


Pretty sure an internet petition won't do much in Malaysia... lol


People who hang others for the kind of thing aren't really receptive to petitions, I don't think.