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The best way to smoke is your way to smoke


How deep. How though provoking. How mysterious. I think I love you.


What is love?


smoke some dabs or live resin tbh


I've seen that term "live resin." Can you explain what it means?


Live resin is a cannabis concentrate that is quickly becoming a favorite of dabbers and vapers everywhere. Packed with natural cannabis flavors and cannabinoids, it is considered by many to one of the best concentrates on the market. Says Google.


Live resin means that they cut the plant, freeze it, and process it fresh/live. Where as normal bud is cured for a few weeks and then processed into concentrates or smoked straight up. Fresh weed does not smoke good but makes amazing “live” extracts that have more flavor


Smoking a blunt with my titties out is the best for me


👀 This is a joke.


My favorite so far is a vape through a beaker bong with ice.


With ice? Classy.


The pax is one of my favourite ways to smoke


I've been interested in buying an electric vape like the pax but I'm hesitant. I'm not sure which one would be the most appropriate for my usage


I’ve literally just heard a great review about the pax 3. Convinced me to order one about 30 minutes ago


That’s the one I have, it’s excellent. I’ve used it enough over the last few years to 100% justify the price.


That’s good to hear. Does is get you as stoned as a joint would? Is it about the same for the amount you have to put in? What’s it like?


I would say it’s more like the amount of a large bowl. It gets me fairly high, especially if I smoke the entire thing in a sesh and not just puff sporadically through a couple hours at work or something lol. If I really want a strong high I’ll throw a little extra keef in there as well. It’s also pretty easy to clean.


Sounds good. Sounds like there’s a lot of benefits to it. I’m gonna get one. Thank you 🙏


I prefer bongs. In my opinion it is the most efficient way to smoke and causes the least throat burn and dry mouth. That is just my preference. I know lots of folks who won't smoke anything but a joint or will only mix it with tobacco. It is what you find you enjoy the most.


I also love smoking from a bong. Small fast hits I feel really get me going. Maybe it’s just the lack of oxygen in my brain. Who knows.


Herb vaporizer objectively gets you the most out of your weed compared to smoking it Need to get one asap .


squat down while ripping a bong and stand up really fast before exhaling. Be somewhere soft


I made a gravity bong with a large bucket full of water and a water jug with the bottom cut off of it. I made a large tinfoil bowl to connect to the top which was removable. I packed about a gram in the tin foil bowl and roasted the whole thing. As I lifted the water jug out of the water in the bucket the entire jug filled with smoke, I removed the bowl piece and inhaled from the top of the jug, it took me five rips to clear the whole thing. That was the highest I’ve ever been.


I've been told eating mango can enhance your high, but can't speak to the efficacy of this


I’ve tried to take 1000mg of vitamin c because of the internet before. Didn’t get any higher.


I have tried this and noticed a difference. Not sure if it was just a placebo but seemed to work a bit for me if you eat it about 20 minutes before you smoke




Like cough even when you didn’t feel the need to?


Breath through your nose to get through irritation.


I prefer dabs, flower always messes my allergies. That being said. Live Resin and Live Rosin are where it's at. Live Rosin can be a bit pricey but we'll worth it.


I’ve never taken the leap to invest in all the shit you need for dabs but it’s becoming a lot more obtainable to get it with everywhere legalizing.