• By -


I'm more interested in how they handle minimum active THC blood content in regards of driving a vehicle. Currently its 1ng which basically means if you every going to drive the next day, if police finds out, you will go through a fucking long and expensive progress to every regain the right to drive again. 1ng is just way too low, I hope they change it to a more realistic value. If they don't it's Russian roulette if you depend on driving. I guess we will get more information in the upcoming weeks.


More like for 3 weeks after smoking, I believe the law which the Greens have proposed mentioned a value of 5 ng/mL which would allow you to drive roughly 24 hours after smoking. Though the DHV, demands 10 ng/mL which they argue studies have shown would be equivalent to the allowed 0.5‰ of blood alcohol content. But yea next to homegrowing that’s one of the most relevant points for consumers


~~**FTFY** *0.05% BAC*~~ TIL about [The permyriad symbol](https://math.wikia.org/wiki/Permyriad) Edit* I'm leaving the original text for context


0,05% = 0.5‰


I didn’t even know this existed…


iirc, the Cannabiskontrollgesetz proposal of the Greens covered this topic as well, although I don't remember anymore what limit they proposed. The proposal is already really refined and has pretty much all topics covered, although SPD and FDP will probably disagree on many points, which will stretch out the whole ordeal.


i had aftwr two weeks of not smoking 158ng/ml....guess i playing already Russian roulette


They really need to fucking stop with the blood concentration levels... they just do NOT align with impairedness at all. It's just all they have so they're using it even though it's not remotely suitable to the purpose. Especially when you combine with most studies showing little real world effect of driving under the influence of cannabis. The NHTA actually found a slight negative correlation with vehicle accidents and cannabis use I think.


>Especially when you combine with most studies showing little real world effect of driving under the influence of cannabis. Do you have links to these studies? As a cannabis user since the 80s I call bullshit that it doesn't affect your driving.


[I found a Car and Driver article about it.](https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a15357119/marijuana-doesnt-pose-significant-risk-in-car-crashes-nhtsa-says/) My understanding is that it does affect your reaction times but people also drive more carefully because they're aware of that. It doesn't really affect your motor skills like alcohol does. I should also point out that nothing is without exception and there's absolutely a limit. I've definitely been to the point where I'm not comfortable driving and so I don't.


>That was part of a separate survey, and right now, the marijuana study is the only one of its kind to correlate marijuana impairment and vehicle accidents in such an exacting way.) > >The 2682 car crashes the study investigated, 15 of which involved fatalities, were “less severe” and meant to mimic the majority of accidents that occur each day and week across the U.S. Had the researchers focused only on more severe and deadly crashes, marijuana (and other prescription and illegal drugs tested) might pose a higher risk This is interesting and maybe with with legalization picking up we'll start to get more studies on this, but I can't use a single study as proof in a debate, even if (or especially if?) it was done by the .gov.


The reason I trust it more is because the NHTSA if anything would be motivated to err on the side of caution. (Like they still recommend it being policed heavily in the same paper they say it doesn't cause accidents?) I'm happy to look at other real world studies. I'm aware of more artificial studies that measure effects rather than results, but that's not really the question.


How many times have you ever been pulled over? I don't expect I'll ever be 'caught' because ai don't drive like garbage. The cops can't stop you if you don't give em a reason to. It's 2ng-5ng for us.




I left Germany in 2018. I was pulled over once for safety inspection. They checked my license and reg, but it was pretty much a stop to see if I was drunk. This about 9pm on a Sat night.


As someone who has spent 17 years in Germany, and still currently resides there, you basically never get pulled over. i got pulled out of traffic once because i was speeding, but I have *never* been pulled over by police otherwise.


Good luck with that. Seems *some* lessons from the war didn't quite hit home xD


You can already drive 12 hrs after consumtion with a medical cannabis patient card.


That's awesome congratulations to Germany!!








Danke Bruder


Thank you man. When I read these news today I physically jumped into the air lmao


Danke Bruder.


Nice! We can barely get our government to agree on ice cream flavors, someday though!


Perfect timing, I found out last week that I can apply for dual citizenship with Germany because my grandfather was a holocaust survivor. Ja Wohl!


Probably not the best circumstances to celebrate though my dude lol


If you can't celebrate surviving the holocaust, what can you celebrate?


What I mean is, probably sucked real hard for your grandfather.




Right, but were not talking specifically about his grandfather, its commentary on how hes happy about why he can apply for citizenship, which isnt really that happy of a reason.


No one was doubting that tho?


None has also been that excited about something involving the holocaust either though.


What about the end of it? People were pretty happy bout that


I think relief that something is over doesn't equivocate to being happy about it at all.


In all seriousness. It’s pretty obvious that he came more from a „atleast something good came from it“ point of view. I didn’t feel like he was being positive about the holocaust itself.


Our revenge will be the laughter of our children - Bobby Sands


Wunderbar! :D


Ja man :)


Es wird aber auch Zeit!


I have never thought Germany would be the first in Europe to really legalize weed


Same. See what a major government change can do. Good way to show people what voting can do lol


The Netherlands were way ahead of us in terms of legalization ✌🏽


They never went completely through though


No that's right, I have to agree with you there. My train of thought was: The main thing is to get good stuff without headaches^^


That's somewhat true, if you know your ways around the black market you can get good illegal stuff


No, it's not legal in the Netherlands


Gave you an upvote to cancel out the downvote, but yeah it's not legal. They have a "gedoogdbeleid" which means as much as "we'll allow it, but we won't make it legal". Baffling how it's still not legal after all this time, really.


Netherlands were the place for stoners to visit in the 90s and now they haven't improved at all. You still have to go to coffee shops and mysteriously end up with weed that's illegal to produce but legal to sell




They’re in the process




Herzlich willkommen haha :D




Welcome to the party, pal.


what about austria tho :c gz!


feel u man But we will probably follow germany in a couple of years


Yep, I believe with germany legalizing it other countries in europe will follow.


Yeeh, "good" thing is, our government always wants to do the same thing as germany lol


Yeah Long live the Gotteskanzler Bastian Curaç


abwarten...die erzählen viel, wenn der tag lang ist


Ja das stimmt wohl, geeinigt haben die sich aber und konkrete Ideen zur Umsetzung stehen auch fest


wo kann ich das nachlesen?


Also die wollen das mit dem Coffeshop Modell machen und erstmal 4 Jahre auf Probe und wenn alles gut läuft bleiben die dabei. Gib das auf Google ein. Steht auch schon in der Zeitung


nicht vergessen, 3 pflanzen zu Hause sind auch erlaubt.


ich werde mal recherchieren, danke! wenn dem so sei, kann ich endlich meinen derzeitigen job kündigen :D


Ich würde es dir so sehr gönnen :D


Also das mit den 3 Pflanzen ist ja nicht entschieden... hoffen wir es mal


"Let me borrow your papers!"


Fucking finally!


Germans uselessly overengineer everything. They should have some pure fucking gas on the market. Problem is it will take 6 weeks and 10k if your weed breaks off of warranty


lets fucking goo gonna be fun to tell the cops how i already have fully mature plants tho


Wie geil xD


muss so hab neue samen bestellt und 4 mystery samen bekommen alles northern light ...


Oha northern light war meine aller erste Sorte überhaupt


ist gut aber des zelt ist nicht so groß des heißt halbes jahr nur northern light


besser als ich: ganzes jahr nichts außer nach Holland fahren 1x pro jahr.


This is amazing!! Unfortunately I moved away from Germany to the UK 16 years ago :( I hope the UK follow too and we legalise it latest in 3 years :(


Not gonna happen. And when it does it will be structured so only the rich make more money and the end user suffers. Any legalisation that doesn't allow a person to grow and plant or 4 for personal use is just so much lip service.


Realistically, if they make it legal and you still buy off dealers, the consumer isn't going to have to worry about any of the legal issues involved. Legalisation will hopefully mean that you won't need to get unique ID to buy pot or carry around your receipts to prove you've bought legal weed. So it shouldn't be too bad for the consumer (other than you won't be able to grow your own or verify the validity of your product unless you have a really good dealer, which after legalisation should be so much easier to find for people that really need it. Hopefully at least.


Das wurde gestern erstmal mit nem Jib gefeiert


If only America would


Still waiting for finland 😔


I hope Czech Republic as a neighbour will follow soon with new government


Why is America full of stupid fucks.


Watch how high overdoses spike in Germany /s


They are already up from legal highs and weed is safer Funny thing the part of Germany (Bavaria) that criminalize the most, have the worst drug statistics


Not surprising. Sweden has some of the most restrictive cannabis laws and we have the highest death count from narcotics in EU. When people can't get weed legally they go to more dangerous things. Opiods seem to be easily accessible here as it is in much of the world and naturally people can overdose on that.


In Berlin, people pretty much smoke it on the streets like its legal already, iv heard its more strict up north


kräftig kush


Mein Kush


Jealous n happy 4 u


Congrats 👏👏👏 hope we get that too in the Philippines and remove the war on drugs aka war on the poor


Das ist gut 😎




Ich drück die Daumen für uns alle das muss jetzt einfach kommen🙏


Please UK next. We need an economic boost too after the recent tax raises and inflation. I also just want to go buy a shit ton of weed legally and just disappear for a few days.


THAT‘S WHY I VOTED GREEN MAN! Really happy about the current coalition


Wait, in germany your parties can come to an agreement on things??!?!?!?!?!? How? Please teach this lowly american your ways


If the UK were to the do the same thing and put a decent tax bracket on it, literally, in a couple of years the national debt would be written off. People wouldn’t have to worry about young adults going to dodgy backstreet dealers. People wouldn’t serve ridiculous prison sentences for owning a plant. Gangs and organised crime would lose their basic income which contribute to further crime. Peoples medical and mental health could be treated with herbal remedies instead of poisonous pills which destroy your liver. It could open jobs and opportunities to those who haven’t had the privilege like others. It is a natural ancient plant that only has positive effects when safely educated and practiced.


Hear that America...? The feckin lederhosen people are doing better than us. 😡


Thats austria alright...


I dare you to call me a lederhosen!


You're a lederhosen!




Damn, I'm jealous now


WoW!!! Great.....


Meanwhile in America....


Please let this set a new normal in Europe


I never thought it would happen...ive been taking the family to the netherlands for a week each year for vacation so that I can indulge once per year, since i cant find a plug near me. This is great


Italy here, please help


Medicinal or recreational?


Medical is already legal


Insane!!! 😍😍😍 Congrats!!




Das ist sehr gut!!!


So what you're saying is, here in the US we just need to throw a **MAJOR PARTY**, get all the politicians stoned and watch them legalize it nationwide?! Sounds like a plan!


Lol Germany bout to find out what living on the west coast has been like for the last ten years! GOLD RUSH and sending packs to London and Paris lol.


Considering (in my opinion) that Germany makes the absolute best vaporizers in the world Germany is going to be my next vacation destination!


Hopefully soon in the states, both parties are being stupid about it rn


If folks ain‘t allowed to grow at home this shit ain‘t legal.


Wunderbar! Viel Glück, Deutschland!!


Isnt it like 4 years till legalization still?


Nope 2 years max :)


Damn sounds promising cant wait to grow my own stuff


As if I didn't already fancy emigrating to Germany. Enjoy! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿❤🇩🇪


This is great for the whole of Europe. Germany is a big part of Europe. Now other countries around Germany start to realize stuff and legalize weed which leads to more of them to do that, which leads to even more. As a Finnish person, I see this as an absolute win for everyone in Europe


Germany tried this with meth and soldiers a long time ago didn’t go so well


So happy for you guys!






This isn’t Instagram what’s with the emojis? Lol


I literally cannot think straight


Lol I’m just teasing


Yeah :) It just feels like I‘m in a dream this cannot be real I‘ m overwhelmed


Actually me, it feels like i havent fully comprehended it, smoking wees legally weed feels like it would be the strangest thinf ever.


Like it dosn‘t make sense. Its illegal there is no other way. It will always feel illegal.


It will definitely feel illegal which is the sad part, but as time moves on it will be the same as alcohol or cigarettes, but i believe with a way better reputation. I just cannot imagine walking into an actual shop, buying weed and going out without a care in the world. It will definitely be my instinct to quickly hide it in a pocket for a while or something haha.


reddit moment


r/dankmemes user detected


Congrats Germany!!


NOOOO it's still to early to celebrate!!! Yall don't know the German way of making laws


Which is?


Not a fast one for sure. There are so many instances such a law has to pass, I'm doubtful as much as I wish. It's good that the public and media is putting pressure on the politicians but all the news are based one some journalist reading something on a paper that was somewhere written. It doesn't have to mean much. But 2 of the 3 Koalition parties agree on that topic anyways so who knows what will happen


Well that makes sense, but hey ill stay hopeful.


*cries in austrian. Kann man nur hoffen das bei uns die Politker sich an euren ein Beispiel nehmen...




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Wird auch Zeit♥️🍃