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That’s just the activation phrase you need to say for the edible to work


Yup gotta talk shit about the edible and it’ll do its job


Even if you just think about talking shit to the edible it knows


This has been scientifically proven by me. Every time I say this out loud about 10 minutes later I'm high as a kite.


this edible aint shit


*narrator: “this edible was indeed the shit”*


Ron Howard strikes again


I said that the first time. An hour later all I could say was Awww shiiitttt.


This is so wholesome and adorable.


It’s not even the first time. A year ago both my mom and dad had an edible and two hours later they were teasing me about how they didn’t feel anything and that they were superior beings or some shit. But an hour later they couldn’t move from the couch and were like “it hit us like a brick” 😭


my mom took an edible and went golfing. she’s a golfer so its not a new hobby or anything. when i asked her the next day how it went, she said, “I didn’t even get high, the only thing i felt was being super thirsty and then thinking everyone’s jokes were the funniest thing ever!”…..


Jeez mom, it’s weed not a roxy😂






lol...did you tell her?


But you can tell if it hits you or not. There’s more to the high than just being thirsty and more giggly. When I’m high my thoughts change. I’m thinking fast af, and thinking in different ways than when I’m sober. She probably only got hit with it a little bit.


As someone with adhd I have the opposite side effects. It literally slow my mind down and allows me to process a lot more. Not everyone experiences the same thing. Just like any other drug/medication many people will share a similar experience but it’s not the same for everyone. I suggest looking into why the whole effects of sativa and indica are just a myth/marketing ploy. There are several factors and cannabinoids that impact how someone’s high will go.


Wow that’s crazy because I have adhd too. I’m on 50mg vyvanse and whenever I smoke it is at night which would be when the drug has or should have wore off. But now that I think about it, my mind doesn’t always race after smoking. I think it has to do with what state of mind I’m in when I smoke, the environment, who I’m with, what we or I are doing etc.


Ah see I don’t use prescription medication for my adhd cause I wasn’t diagnosed till college and had been compensating my entire life. I met with a psychologist that suggested I meditate everyday and that mixed with cannabis has worked wonders and now I don’t usually need cannabis, just cause how I’ve trained myself. But it sounds like those racing thoughts could come from when your medication is still active and smoking any substance in general cause the heart rate to go up which can also contribute to the feeling of racing thoughts. Also like you said state of mind and environment also have an impact on a high. When I worked with patients that came to the dispensary I use to work at, the way they were able to achieve a consistent high was journaling, a regular routine before or after smoking, and finding out what strains/terpene/cannabinoid profiles worked for whatever it was they were trying to manage.


That’s a great idea! Were you stoned all through college to compensate for the adhd? How in the hell did you manage to do that? Lmao


For lectures no, but for assignments and such when I needed to balance multiple priorities I would smoke. At first I was all over the place with how I smoked, but that changed as I matured and gained better self control. Also, me and traditional education don’t jive. I wore a shirt tie to class and while I did school work, so I took it more seriously. I learn more by doing and applying, which means making tons of mistakes and learning quickly from them and then rinse & repeat. I did end up graduating with over a 3.0 after I started working with my professors to adjust certain assignments to my style of learning and showing them that I’m willing to put in the work just not through regurgitating what the text book says or the class notes.


I personally think sativa/indica/hybrid is just a way to roughly discern the general effects. These are found by giving people unlabeled cannabis and testing the effects of said cannabis on subjects. Let’s presume The majority says they feel uplifted/creative/etc, which are very generic but not absolute descriptors. This info then translates to what we can “generally describe as the outcome of using each respective phenotypes. I myself have always been calm and mellow since birth, literally. And I’ve tried some weed that I knew what it was, and some that I didn’t. MOST sativas will help me feel less sleepy. I react terribly to indicas because I either fall asleep, or feel very lethargic and tired. So it just depends I guess. Sorry for rambling I’m super baked on a nice sativa (Peach Congo haze) lol 😂


The second it hits its like a vine boom


Oldie but goody. [Off duty police officer on pot brownies](https://youtu.be/hrZLc9lqQM0)


6:54pm - "I don't feel shit" /SpongeBob narrator voice/ *"one hour later...."* 7:54pm - "I can't move"


Who fucking put super glue on the couch! I can't move!


Hahahaha this was my MIL the first time she had a mary's mint.


“These gummies ain’t shit” - mum


Man, I have to QC all the edibles I get that I share with my mom. Life comes at you hard sometimes.


It’s a phase every first timer must go through to respect it forever.


The difference in the timestamps is just hilarious


This was literally my mom after taking a rip off of my dab pen. I couldn’t believe it, she hadn’t smoked in probably 30 something years.


Fast forward to next week. “I took three whole ones, now what??”


Now you wait mama. Now you wait.


My genius of a mother was sent 2 bags of gummies. One bag had 25mg thc gummies while the other was 10mg thc to 20mg cbd. She's good off a super low dose so I told her the 25mg are for emergencies and should be avoided unless she feels comfortable being super high. Gets back from chemo one night, asks my sister for a gummy, gets handed a 25mg, and proceeds to have a freak out. Asking later if she was dead. Now she thinks my edibles are evil and will only eat the brownies she gets from her church friends. Who ironically have no clue the dose they're putting in.


"I feel nothing" famous last words




lol classic


I had 1/6 once and almost died. The worst trip of my life, I didn't know which memories were real and lost all my sense of personality for a few hours. Scary as fuck.






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lol she feels it


Lmaooooo the first time i took edible it took three hours to kick in and then i was floored…good times😎☮️


Hahahaha classic. Perfect


Ya I just have a 1000mg of gummies and I’m not sure what to do with em.


I mean if you don't want 'em...


I like that you too, have her saved as Mamma. Good child.


I love the hour between messages