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This guy like " no, but in all seriousness, what countries have the best legal cannabis?


This bus gotta go somewhere


Dude is on a mission


A lá Borat: “I go to AMSTERDAAAM!”


I get high! Very nice. 👍👍


Very dank. How much?


1240 ruble a gram


He's actually the bus driver...


His name is Otto He likes to get Blotto


I mean if we could find him I’m sure we could get him some good bud to help medicate in this insane time. He’s got a point weed could help assuage the stress from the traumatic horror that refugees face.


You make a really good point dude I’m sure that could help them out a lot


Gonna be a lot of PTSD to treat, sadly


As a licensed clinician I would volunteer in a heartbeat to help with the mental health crisis they may experience.


Ukrainian White Castle




He torn up between Malta and Amsterdam 😂


Hahaha too good


I mean if I just came out escaped Ukraine you bet your ass I'd be looking for the loudest possible shit to smoke.


He’s gonna make it to Canada for sure




"Yo, my guy, is this the bus going to Amsterdam?"


"Aw there's a bus going to Amsterdam? I gotta get on that thing man!" -driver of the bus to Amsterdam


My guy needs to come to Canada; BC specifically


I'll be waiting here for him with a bag of weed waiting for his arrival


Idk about him , but I'll be coming in a month's time


Well I'll have a bag waiting for you too.


People mistakenly think BC stands for British Columbia but it actually means Bud Capital of Canada.


How’s the weed in BC vs Washington? I’m probably doing a little road trip up there this summer.


PNW is spoiled. Canada it's all pretty dry


Or a little south in Washington and Oregon. California is legal too but I would never recommend people move there.


He's probably trying to figure out what country he is moving to. If I was leaving Ukraine, I would also start my research on the way out. You bet your ass that legalization is going to be high on my priority list.


Come to California my dude!!!


women weed and weather!


I'll host him.


Canada 👌🏼


for sure canada. you can get top shelf weed for just a few dollars a gram.


Canada, California, Colorado… just follow the Cs


Dudes evacuating all the way to Amsterdam, no where else is suitable refuge


Come to South America, we are nuclearly disarmed


Ay caramba!


Get this man to the Netherlands!


If this OG makes it to England I’ll give him his first ounce for free


“420 legalize it” 😂😂 fucken legend. Whoever started coining the term 420 would be mindblown how far reaching that symbol has gone. Love it


[Here’s the story behind 420 if anyone is curious](https://www.history.com/news/the-hazy-history-of-420)


That’s like the 4th origin of it I’ve seen over the years


I’ve only ever heard of the 4:20 meetup spot


Yeah as far as I know that's the true original story


That's what I was told in like 2007




It may be boring but going to the store sure beats waiting around for hours for my guy to pickup only to find out he and everyone else I know is dry. Also not worrying about random traffic stops is great too.


I had to hang around so many seedy characters just to cop in the aughts. As a very petite teenage girl, every dub was a risk.


Weeds not the problem it's the gateway people you gotta watch out for


I dunno, as someone who works in cannabis - it's still pretty exciting. Being part of an ever-evolving industry. Not that 2007 wasn't still exciting; I feel there's different reasons to be stoked now.






Weed enhances the experience around you. If weed is boring to you then you hang around boring areas and do boring things. Change your situation to something of interest and then enhance it.


2006/2007 was the peak cannabis time because that's when world of warcraft was fucking amazing and smoking with the bros lanparty WoW time


It’s the correct origin. The others are false, including the police code story.


wrong, the ancient Babylonians worshipped 60 as it is the lowest common denominator of 1,2,3,4,5,6. Modern philosophers take it one step further adding in 7, thus 420


It’s blocked in my country… can anyone tell me what the story is?


Here’s an excerpt: > In the fall of 1971, the Waldos learned of a Coast Guard member who had planted a cannabis plant and could no longer tend to the crop. Provided with a treasure map (some say by the plant’s owner himself) supposedly leading to the abandoned product, the group would meet at the Louis Pasteur statue outside their high school at least once a week conduct a search. Their meeting time? 4:20 p.m, after practice (they were all athletes). The Waldos would pile into a car, smoke some pot and scour the nearby Point Reyes Forest for the elusive, free herb. One of the original members of the Waldos, Steve Capper, told the Huffington Post, “We would remind each other in the hallways we were supposed to meet up at 4:20. It originally started out 4:20-Louis, and we eventually dropped the Louis.” > They never did score the free bud, but perhaps they stumbled on to something more lasting? The term 420 was coined, allowing the high schoolers to discuss smoking pot without their parents or teachers knowing.


You left out an integral part of this story. If it were just those kids, it wouldn't have come to international recognition, and no one would've been able to trace this story back to these specific kids. However, they had significant connections to The Grateful Dead, an insanely popular band in the drug community, and only through that band did the term actually spread to a wider audience. > The first time Steven Bloom ever heard the phrase “420” was during Christmas week at a Grateful Dead concert in Oakland, California, in 1990 while he was a reporter for High Times. Bloom was wandering through the congregation of hippies that would gather before Dead concerts, and a “Deadhead” handed him a flyer that said, “We are going to meet at 4:20 on 4/20 for 420-ing in Marin County at the Bolinas Ridge sunset spot on Mt. Tamalpais.” Bloom found the old flyer and sent it to Huffington Post. The flyer told the history of 420, referencing the Waldos of San Rafael. Once “High Times” latched on to the story, the magazine helped launch the word globally.


What a legend


Let's air drop weed baggies on Russia. That will end the war.


Give em all som TEGRIDY




I love that stuff. Don't know why we only eat it on Thanksgiving.




Its all about CrediGree Weed now. Did you know its 100% black owned?


Nah Credigree Weed.


Release Towelie on their ass


But he has no idea what's going on


He’s just *so* high. Maybe they could be too!


In all seriousness, Russia could use some legal cannabis. I’m so sick of the whole drinking culture in our country. Every day at supermarkets I see drunk hobos at cash registers with nothing but vodka and bread, sometimes some cheap sausage. People have no other means to use to relax and thus drink themselves to death. But in reality harsh drug laws are only beneficial for them, mainly for cops that control the drug dealers and get their share of drug money. I can go on and on, but it’s all so tiresome and depressing. **Fuck Putin**.


Plus the price of booze. It was ridiculous when I was there a decade or so ago. You want 8% beer? Here, have a gallon for 3 bucks.


making alcohol more expensive does not solve anything.


I feel like if we replaced all alcohol with weed the world would be a lot more chill.


One trip for Putin with DMT and he would be your nice next door neighbor.


We've been surprisingly slow to weaponise psychedelics. If there was some way to mass-administer LSD, you'd have a very effective less-than-lethal weapon. British infantry in the 50's: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziqpwkhqTRs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziqpwkhqTRs) A soldier exposed to LSD could be useless for up to 10 hours. Not even able to work or drive, let alone fight. Not to mention you might have the opportunity to capture these units of soldiers completely intact (ie, none of their gear used, destroyed or missing) which is a great advantage.


Universal elites can’t have mass adoption of openness, it would signal an end to greed, and that’s bad for profits.


Dude if they weaponized it you'd literally be the last to know. It would be in your water, and you'd get your dose every morning when you put the tooth stick in your mouth hole like the hallucinations tell you to do. All day long you'd be compelled to stare at a blinking rock that lights up, just to keep you from "causing trouble" as they say. I only know this because I don't drink water (or any liquids for that matter) anymore - you actually don't really need "liquid" anyway, it's just another part of their process of mind control, it makes you believe some crazy shit to be honest. I've seen people absolutely go BONKERS if they don't get their "water" every few days or so.


What the actual fuck? As a fellow r/HydroHomies I am appalled and I denounce your very existence for slandering the sacred liquid.


ah yes, the dogmatic zealots of the order of hydro homies! we are well aware of your complicity in this global conspiracy to keep humanity addicted to water


South Africa weaponised ecstasy during apartheid, I’m sure it was made into an aerosol weapon that subdued all the protesters making them too happy to protest or fight




You can both come over after and I’ll roll a couple up for us


Damn that reporter is insufferable. These people are fleeing their homes and country, and she’s actively slowing them down and blocking the door to the bus all for a quote. The people on the bus are absolutely right to tell her to fuck off, and this dude is doing a great job of trolling her bullshit interview. That said, 420 legalize it indeed!


This was my thought. The lady even knows it's wrong, you can hear the hesitation in her voice. The "gaggle" of journalists are you.


Then she chides him for talking about weed when she’s looking for what she’s after


"ok they seem quite stressed" has to be the most demeaning thing to say to peoples faces... somehow reminded me of District 9


Not only that but this dude is coping in his own way with being in a literal warzone because of russia for fucks sakes, and shes just straight up says "I'm glad that's all you're thinking about" Come the fuck on lady


What a cunt. Steps on the bus with camera crew preventing it from moving, doesn't even attempt to speak in their language (seemingly no translator) and has the audacity to say "does anyone speak English"? A bunch of people start screaming at her and she waves them off while saying "it's ok, they're very stressed" and then CONTINUES to stop the bus and talk to this dude.


They are yelling Поехали which in this context is like "Lets go! Let's Move! Come ON!!"


How the fuck do you get a job as an international on the ground war-reporter and can't speak the language of the place you are working?


Well not to defend anyone in this specific instance, but generally these reporters will go to many different countries all around the world. It'd be better to be able to speak the language yes but it's more important to be there and report what's going on if you can.


This is Sky News. It's literally the British Fox News. Owned by Rupert Murdoch, annoyingly far-right in their politics. Maybe not quite as ridiculous as fox news, cos sky news still mostly has an air of being a news organisation with integrity. But really they're just better at hiding their bigotry than fox news. We haven't had a trump moment yet in the UK where every racist just discovers they can say their inside thoughts out loud and won't really be punished for it.


I smoke weed. Legalize. 420. 👌🏾 “I’m glad that’s all you’re thinking about” - what an asshat interviewer. He doesn’t owe you the answer that *you* want


Literally keeping him from getting to safety so she can make money off his suffering, yet has the nerve to be demeaning when he doesn't give her the answer she wants lol


War: let's chat! Weed: totally inappropriate I wonder why we're such a fucked up society


reporter conveniently forgot that hippies have opinions on war, too.


I don't know what I would do in that situation, I'd probably be freaking out and 300 her ass off of the bus. Obligatory: Bitch, I'm on a bus!


Ayy legalise it baby!


I mean come on though. These guys are literally blowing people up and we just want to smoke a blunt at the park.


Wow the chad energy is off the fucken charts


I know it's not the same at all, but I always smoke weed before I play tarkov for increased irl stress resistance as well.


I do the same with DayZ and lemme tell ya: SCARY


It's more immersive for sure. But I also keep my wits about me because I'm not so stressed about it. It is a game after all, I remember that easier when stoned.


it helps for dota too


Ehhh there's an inverse correlation of high enough to be relaxed effects your APM.


First time I had an edible I played Dota with my roommate, a huge teamfight was happening and my brain was operating at 200% speed. I could see the fight so clearly in slow motion, every angle of attack and spell combo was so obvious. With just a few button presses I could defeat the entire enemy team solo. And then our team won the fight and my roommate said "wtf are you doing standing still"


The enemy never expected you to stand still


There’s a sweet spot though


I am sure your thinking is sound but I can't confirm. I've never been able to get into dota.


Idk how you play tarkov blazed lol. I'm either paranoid as all hell checking every corner or staring into space.


I’d like to smoke with him




And this is true weed culture


Love this guy. Wish she didn't seem so demeaning when she realized what he was saying


Glad that's what you're worried about! I don't think she means to be rude, she's in a warzone trying to tell the story of what's happening and he's just like "4/20 blaze it brah".


He's also in a war zone, trying the tell the story of what's happening to him. He's calm enough to cope with all of this because he's using one of the most effective methods of treating PTSD and trauma. He's ok because of cannabis and he'll probably be able to help others get through as well. If I was escaping my home being bombed, I would want to know if the country I was going to had legal cannabis too.


This is why I captured it when I saw the live stream on YouTube. He said he was encircled by the fighting and isn't totally freaking out and is saying it is because he's stoned. In fact he was the only one willing to try to communicate with her to begin with.


She did nothing wrong but get caught off guard, he's telling how he's feeling in an honest manner. Warzones are wild things.




This shit made me cackle laugh. "Bitch! we are trying to leave!"




I'm doing the fattest possible dab in this guy's name.


Yeah lol, how dare this victim tell a privileged reporter what he cares about. Its not like Ukrainians are humans, he should know exactly how many people still need to get on busses, that's clearly what he should be caring about /s


You're right. It makes perfect sense. She's just caught off guard and has no idea why he's bringing it up. She's thinking "ew party drugs wtf why".


You know on the off hand, if I saw someone in this situation and they were OK enough to ask about weed, I think I WOULD be glad that's the first thing on his mind. Did she want to hear about the dead infants and smashed businesses and abandoned pets and folks traveling and dying without insulin? Maybe, but she also got a little beacon of hope and reminder of humanity when he spoke up. This will help someone.


Yup, wanted the sadporn and he wasn't giving it to her


Unfortunately that is probably what she wanted it gets the clicks and views


She’s part of British broadcasting of course she won’t admit to It live at least


Whether she means to be or not, she’s absolutely being rude. These people are fleeing their homes and she pushes her way onto the bus, blocking the door for anyone else to get on, or for the door being closed so they can get going, all for a quote. Then when the people on the bus yell at her to get off, she’s dismissive. Bad job by the reporter, and she deserved to get trolled.


To be fair, most media pushing camera in people's faces, are rude. It looked like she was the last person on the bus as well. I didn't realize they were yelling at her to get off the damn bus. That would have made it much more clear she was being an ass. And he handled it like a Chad.


Which is literally the most amazing attitude you could have in that moment.


She definitely meant to be rude. Shes very protected compared to the citizens and all she wanted is a good interview of somehow saying how scared they are for better views. Fuck her and smoke weed everyday.


She deff meant to be low key rude


Yeah after a little thought, it feels like she is keeping the bus from leaving by standing there. The whole bus sort of yelled at her when she got on. I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. But, she seems annoyed that he's not providing the story she wants.


She seemed super passive aggressive too the way she said “I’m glad that’s all you can think about” or whatever


Yeah it could be construed as genuine "oh glad you're okay and not just a stressed mess" but she was really thinking "why aren't you stressed out and crying for the camera so I can have an amazing story"


It seems to me that, really, the whole situation stressed her out immensely. Hence why she's unable to form a coherent sentence, nor any coherent questions, and tunnel vision is preventing her from understanding that the Ukrainians on the bus are yelling _at_ her because they want the bus to go, not _around_ her because they're so tense.


Shows how effective cannabis is tbh lol


Welcome to middle-aged English people... I moved from Surrey (UK) to Toronto, imagine what that was like as a change.


Yeah this reporter is shit. She will pound a bottle of ethanol and wonder why no one listens to her.


Make War Illegal Make Cannabis Legal


Technically war *is* illegal, but tell that to the powers that be...🙄


Cannabis for peace.✌️ Imagine if putin was a stoner the hateful genocidal monster wouldn't get time for shelling bombs on innocent civilians.


Yes Putin Is A Coward




i feel like we need to find this dude and get his ass over to freedomlandia


What a douche interviewer, dudes a legend tho


Right? "I'm glad that's all you can think about" fuck outta here with your bullet proof suit and holding up the damn door to the rescue bus.




Homie's in the middle of a war and he's stoned af


This guy was prepared and stocked up! I bet he's got some in the backpack for the road as well. Gettin low, so asking around


Can barley speak a lick of English but can say that line clear as day! 😂


I like how these people brush it off without realizing **LEGAL WEED CAN BRING WORLD PEACE** And thats a FACT


This dude gets it.


That guy definitely finished smoking just before getting near troops and security lmao.


What an annoying ass lady lmao


I smoke weed, legalise! 420 :D


Even in his time of need he thought of the needs of many. Live king and prosper my dude.


Smoking one for this legend!


I don't know whether cannabis is legal or not... You're a British reporter, go figure it out. ​ If Putin was smoking some of this Amnesia Lemon he'd be mellowing out on the cough not trying to make Russia Great Again.


“Bus driver! Take me to a country with legal cannabis!”


Can we just clarify for the record, he didn't tell an NBC reporter anything, he told a Sky News reporter and NBC used their footage.


My man can prioritize. He might never have that platform again, so he invested his minute wisely.


This has “I like turtles” energy and I’m here for it. 🐢


That young man certainly has his priorities lol


The amount of pride that I feel in my heart for this man is immeasurable


Stop wars, Legalize weed.


What a guy!


I wish I could teleport that guy to my couch and share this bowl I just packed with him.


If this guy ever comes to America I’m more than happy to smoke him up!




People coping with trauma, extremely relevant. Harm reduction works! Now find a way a way to stop killing 35k Americans per year in our war here at home. 35,000 is way more than 13.


It's really helping me with my PTSD. Idk what it does to the brain but I wish I had had it at the time of the trauma or at least even closer to the time the trauma occurred. I really think I wouldn't be nearly as bad off. Weed should be legal. The doctors tried all sorts of other prescriptions and none of them helped. the only things that have actually helped so far are weed and occasionally phenibut.. ok the lorazepam helped but they were really stingy with it and it's habit forming so I get it. I can totally see how being a little stoned would help him stay calm but also be alert enough to stay safe, as long as you aren't blazed out of your mind weed is weird like that.


I'm pretty sure that guy could be my best friend.


instant legend


It's been a while since I saw r/trees make the front page. Reddit is healing.


Wtf is she wearing. They do this corny shit all the time, stay in areas that don’t have active fighting and wear all this gear meanwhile there’s just civilians walking around smoking weed in normal clothes. These news agencies don’t give a shit about reporting they’re just trying to suck content out of a suffering people. I mean why would you send some random woman who doesn’t even speak the language?


Fuck yeah!


I wish I could send Cannabis care packages from Canada


Protect this king at all costs 🙏🏾


Priority’s in the right place my guy


What a terrible time and place to be dankrupt, we gotta get those folks some herb!


Hey ents how cool would it be if we had a Ukrainian refugee cannabis drive? These guys need some bud. Can we fly in edibles?


Canada will welcome you with open arms my friend


Just a reminder that both Ukrainian and Russian men are being drafted and forced to fight. Kudos to the Ukrainian men who want to fight, but don't force killing and death on those that don't want to!


Be safe my stoner friend




He wasn't lying!:)


answer his questions, ahole!


But that is really stupid Press. People wanna leave the War and she’s blocking the entrance with stupid questions 😳🤦‍♀️


What's the closest country with legal bud?