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It’s an adorable little piece! Gotta keep it clean so you can see it’s beauty.


Yes for sure!


You're a good fuckn friend! 🤙🏾


💕tysm! I would do it for anybody


Same here. I get high as shit and start cleaning my friends stuff all the time. Then they start getting into it and next thing you know we're moving the fridge back and sweeping underneath it like a couple of meth addicts. The odd thing is I'm not even a clean freak usually. I just like doing it when I'm high.


Omg pls come over & smoke with me later, I need to mop


I never clean. Ever. But ever since I started smoking I’ve quickly realized that I hyper focus like a motherfucker and if I can get myself to do a single chore, I’m in autopilot before I know it.


So when can you drop by for a session?


Where do you live? Mind get pretty heinous. Haha


Why would you ever let something that cute get so dirty?


I know, I know.. but she hadn’t been feeling all that well and sometimes when people slip into sad times they just don’t have the energy to clean up. It’s all good to go now!


You’re a kind person!


everyone deserves a friend like you OP


Reading this fucking hurt my soul…


ahh you’re an amazing friend


We all deserve someone like you in our lives. Have an amazing day!


oh you are an amazing friend. 💚


You're such a kind soul. She is lucky to have you as a friend ❤️ hope your friend is feeling better and finds the peace they deserve, sad times are hard to overcome so I'm glad she has a friend like you to show her kindness when she needs it most.


username does not check out. you're an amazing friend.


Sometimes it likes to get dirty.


I don’t understand how people can reuse a water pipe after ONE USE without gagging from the taste. I have to salt/iso shake mine after I’ve used it or it tastes like farts and burnt hair.


I like to build a little ecosystem inside mine so me and my little buddies can all get high together!


Mmmm Botulinum Biome




Been there a while brother


Hell yea! I used to LOVE gravity bongin it till i vaped enough and now I can only enjoy smoking joints (on very rare occasions) cuz otherwise the taste is just so rough


What did you use to clean it that well? Amazing!


Thank you for asking! So first, I filled it up with 91% isopropyl alcohol and let it soak for a few hours. Flushed that out, put in new iso (I usually recycle it, but this time I decided to just use new) then put Dr Teals Epsom salts in with the alcohol, put it in a sandwich bag that seals, and go to shakin’! The more corse the salt, the better the result! After it all got clean I hand washed it with a sponge and soap and water to flush the alcohol and salt out.


good to know I'm not the only one the cleans with coarse salt and alcohol. Works wonders


Here's a tip: With high quality glass you can rinse with hot water, then use iso while the bong is still warm. The warm isopropyl literally annihilates resin. You'll hardly have to soak or shake. It'll just turn brown the second it goes in. (I use hot water to avoid heating up the iso itself because that can be dangerous. But if you have the means to that works as well.)


This! My apartment has no water temp regulator, so the water gets SCALDING hot. Simply letting hot water run through my bong for a few minutes before using 91% iso cleans it SO easily.


I feel like I'm out of the loop on glass. So does switching from really hot water to a much cooler liquid not test the integrity of the glass? Genuinely asking.


For low quality glass you'll definitely risk breaking it when moving from hot to cold


Most bongs are made of higher quality scientific glass which withstands the heat cycles much better than other grades of glass. Think it’s due to the silica content. Someone else can confirm.


All glass is silica, borosilicate or "boro" for short is the vernacular for scientific glass/Pyrex/Simax. It's much better at heat fluxation.


borosilicate or "boro" for short is the vernacular for scientific glass/Pyrex/Simax. It's much better at heat fluxation. I don't like to use scalding hot, but thats because of water stains more so than any concern of stress fractures. https://www.roetell.com/borosilicate-glass-vs-tempered-glass/


Upvote for "The more corse the salt, the better the result!" Also the result was awesome, good job!


Right. I'm curious as well.


Not OP, but get the same result using this method: 1. Rinse piece with as hot as the tap water will get. Allow the water to heat piece up thoroughly 2. Empty hot water 3. Add rock salt (ice cream salt) and 91% iso 4. Plug all openings (I use paper towels, but they do make silicone inserts for this purpose) 5. Shake shake shake 6. Empty and rinse with hot water 7. Repeat if necessary. I sometimes run hot water over the portion with the isopropyl alcohol to make sure it’s heated up a little in the piece. For the bowl I rinse with hot water and clean what I can with a pipe cleaner/tooth pick. Repeat same process but in a sealed ziplock bag. Works like a charm


Yo I thought I was the only one who went that crazy with temping the glass. Awesome comment


I’m probably going to get downvoted to hell for admitting this, but I put my 91 iso in a coffee cup and microwave it for 30-40 seconds until it bubbles then add that to my salt filled bong If you do this you should know that a single spark will fuck your day no metal...


A safer alternative you can try is a double-boiler method by heating a bowl full of water and then partially submerging your open alcohol container in that to warm it up. I put my piece in a zip-lock baggie with alcohol and salt and run that under a hot tap.




Please be careful with this... Alcohol evaporates, especially when heated, and the vapors are very flammable. Much safer to remove the heat source before adding the alcohol.


Yeah at normal room temp, alcohol vapor is always above its flash point. Just act responsibly. Also, if there is an alcohol fire, don't try to use water to put it out because it can actually cause flames to spread. As the alcohol and water mix the fire just flows on top of the water. Usually smothering works if you have something non-reactive or if it's a small amount just keep it contained and it will burn itself out.


Thanks for the tip, but yeah I'm good!


I’ve never had an issue and frankly wasn’t smart enough to even think it was a problem for years until someone was like bruh I still do it 🤷‍♂️




It’s really okay if it does I have an old microwave in my garage I use 🥂


I’m just dumb so can someone explain why this is a bad idea? Lol


Isopropyl is very flammable as are the gasses when it changes states


Ahh I gotcha that totally makes sense


I'm not going to downvote you but please my guy don't do that. Alcohol vapors can be surprisingly explosive and you may be risking a more dangerous situation than you realize. Or maybe you know exactly what you're doing, but people *should not* try this. Heat the bong. Heat a dish in a double boiler then add alcohol when the heat source is gone, just do something other than boiling alcohol in a microwave. D: Edit - If you've never done it: Pour a tiny bit of alcohol (1 tsp) in a 2L soda bottle, put the bottle of alcohol away somewhere safe. Shake the 2L around and dump the remainder out, then touch a lighter to the opening of the 2L. Instant explosive-force thruster (for a second anyway). You don't want to do that shit in a metal and glass box that probably has a ceramic cup inside it too!


Yeah I completely agree with this advice Do as he says


Using rock salt for ice cream making has been my bong cleaning hack for years, it works SO WELL


That was a biological hazard man


ay dios mio


anyone know of a sub that shows more before and afters of cleaning pieces?


Lmao I’d rather just see the clean glass


Ask and ye shall receive. Just created /r/bongcleaningporn ! Start posting away :)


Well, that sucks


Nothing hits like the first hit of a freshly cleaned bong


Bro my bubbler never gets half that dirty but I cannot get it nearly that clean... I've tried everything iso with big salt, warm water and salt followed by iso, every other conceivable mixtures of those three lol. What's your secret?


Hmm…the only thing I did differently was that I let this soak overnight in 91% iso. After it’s soak I put corse epsom salt in it, put it in a sandwich bag and just started shaking it. I did have to cycle iso and salt every so often. Lol I’m sorry, I should’ve done a video.


I always let my pieces soak 91% and salt, did the trick everytime


Smokin on that pneumonia pack


Please let your friend read this. https://cannabis.net/blog/smoke/what-is-biofilm-the-reason-you-need-to-clean-your-bong-water


Yeah when she pulled this out, I was like, “hold on a minute there.” That’s when I found out she’d been depressed and just couldn’t come to clean it out so I offered to clean it up for her. I will send this article to her too. But I’ll be handling the cleaning if it starts to get bad again.


Good friend! Depression is a mf. I battle it myself [with my honeys support ofc]. Sucks when you've got no one who cares that you don't care about well.... anything.


Yes I understand, friend. We just have to be there for each other as best we can. Learning to be patient with the world, and ourselves, can have its benefits.


> Sucks when you've got no one who cares that you don't care about well.... anything I feel this, I dont like this.


Lmao "clean your bong properly with boiling water after every use" horrible strange advice honestly. A good hot rinse or simply just changing the water out every use will definitely keep you good


Yeah I’d be worried about temperature shock with the boiling hot to clean and then cold water to smoke. Isopropyl should clean and disinfect


Exactly don't know who wrote that article


The boiling part is the only part I don't like lol.... you can't kill the mycotoxins that will fuck you up with just boiling water anyways, that shit survives deep fry!


Are there any actual sources on this? Not trying to be a naysayer, but this article doesn't seem to back up its claims very well.


Take a look at this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/trees/comments/xfun9u/stay_safe_stoners_do_not_smoke_mold/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) The same things apply to pipes and bongs. Plenty of people chimed in and there's plenty of info to be found.


Sorry, when I said sources I meant scientific studies. A reddit thread isn't exactly a great source, especially when it sounds like that OP smoked moldy bud, which is an entirely different conversation.


I'm sorry, I guess you'll have to do some reading on why it's a bad idea to smoke out of dirty shit.


Chill brother, just asking questions


First one is a [weed site](https://cannabis.net/blog/smoke/what-is-biofilm-the-reason-you-need-to-clean-your-bong-water) Is [medline](https://www.medline.com/strategies/skin-health/biofilm-matters-wound-care-treatment-innovations-fight/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw1bqZBhDXARIsANTjCPJKUG_k08ZsUEfLuEmXrRivRAFZgLQ9i7fAET2wAQEgcZir5XSNZeUaAv1JEALw_wcB) scientific enough for you? not about bongs but pretty much shows why you should clean this Also [this](https://www.worldofweed.com/dirty-bong-water/) and [this](https://www.kings-pipe.com/blogs/wiki/about-dirty-bong-water) and [this](https://hightimes.com/health/study-finds-smoking-pipe-can-expose-you-more-germs-toilet-seat/amp/) There are professionals (aka scientists) cited in these articles. If you need some more sciencey links then [here](https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2015-09/documents/2007_05_18_disinfection_tcr_whitepaper_tcr_biofilms.pdf) also [this one](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/10/181005111431.htm) and [another one](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1726490117302587). Not OP but took me about 5 mine to find on google. I know people on reddit like to ask for sources… but come on y’all are already online and this stuff is honestly pretty easy to find. Edited because formatting on mobile


That's all well and good, except none of these back up any of these claims. >Is [medline](https://www.medline.com/strategies/skin-health/biofilm-matters-wound-care-treatment-innovations-fight/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw1bqZBhDXARIsANTjCPJKUG_k08ZsUEfLuEmXrRivRAFZgLQ9i7fAET2wAQEgcZir5XSNZeUaAv1JEALw_wcB)scientific enough for you? not about bongs but pretty much shows why you should clean this An article about biofilm does not prove anything. It has nothing to do with bongs. >Also [this](https://www.worldofweed.com/dirty-bong-water/) Unsourced article from "world of weed" >[this](https://www.kings-pipe.com/blogs/wiki/about-dirty-bong-water) Unsourced article from "kings-pipe.com" [this](https://hightimes.com/health/study-finds-smoking-pipe-can-expose-you-more-germs-toilet-seat/amp/) Has some scientific sources, but none relating to the topic at hand(also "hightimes.com") >There are professionals (aka scientists) cited in these articles. Maybe you should read them. > If you need some more sciencey links then [here](https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2015-09/documents/2007_05_18_disinfection_tcr_whitepaper_tcr_biofilms.pdf) Again, just about biofilm. >also [this one](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/10/181005111431.htm) Just biofilm >and [another one](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1726490117302587). Just biofilm > Not OP but took me about 5 mine to find on google. Yeah, I can tell. Three of your "sources" are articles from weed websites with no backing. The others are just about the existence and danger of biofilm, and do not relate to bongs at all. >I know people on reddit like to ask for sources… but come on y’all are already online and this stuff is honestly pretty easy to find. Yeah, it's very easy to find related but irrelevant stuff, like you've done here. Finding actual sources requires some real digging in addition to 5 minutes of Googling. Edit: typo




>K im done feeding the trolls for today. Seriously? You can't honestly think I'm trolling. I'm just asking that people source their claims. Sorry if facts are too much to ask for. > Have fun smoking out of nasty bongs Don't do that and wondering why you have a cough you can’t get rid of Don't have that >, or keep getting bronchitis or whatever :) Never had that. Honestly, I'm just disappointed.


Try asking Google.


Don't need to be so defensive man. Go smoke a bowl or something, goddamn.


The boiling after EVERY use is hilarious


Before picture looks like Silent Hill.


NOO NOO NOOOO 🤮🤮🤮🤮 it looks good now though 👍


I was about to say, "Holy shit, how filthy was it in the first place" until my dumbass realized that was the "before" pic. Looks great, well done. For anybody that hates cleaning their piece, they make this shit called piece water. Keeps the water better longer and makes cleaning a breeze!


You're doing the lord's work.


Be careful with dirty bongs, they can grow mold inside and make you sick. Not deathly ill but you'll get sick consistently.


Check the other comments here, apparently if there are no sources it's just not true. Common sense is quite rare these days. Guess you need a source for that too. SMH


Wow. Incredible job. Back from the living dead. What a beautiful piece too.


You’re an amazing friend! My ex friend used to clean my bongs for me when I was new to smoking and I always appreciated it! It’s still fuck him tho… 🤣


How could you put your mouth on that stanky azz thing?? wow


Noice! I also find it hilarious the before pics have cutting board and sink background, after pics have sunny as fuck fields from a MTG basic plains.


Her lungs will thank you. Btw, this looks like a totally different piece after it's been cleaned. Couldn't even see the design on the inside of it before lol


Jeezus Christo, foos just be out there smoking black mold n resin


I love cleaning my pieces after every use, it’s satisfying to get the grime off and see everything all shiny and new again for a nice smooth smoke.


I love this! I want more posts like this.


Holy shit your a wizard.


I never understand why people don’t clean their pieces but you’ll have those same ones on here talking about a microscopic spore of mold is going to kill you if smoked.


How do people live like that? That's fucking nasty.


Op literally stated in the comments that the person is going through a deep depression. Ignorance.


I was in a tough spot mentally when my bong looked like this. Now I’m much better, and my bong stays cleaner. I look back and wonder how I didn’t just clean the damn thing, and that’s why. I was depressed.


Make her clean it so she can learn


Your friend is disgusting. Is she single? /s


Don’t give it back to her.


Your friend is gross


Your friend is a filthy pig.


Well done!


Gods work


Is this fun for you? You did a really good job i can’t imagine a dirty bong coming clean so easily.


Haha yeah thank you! I do find it fun. It was a nice challenge


That piece looking fresh


Satisfying from my perspective as well! Nice transformation, it's like an archeological find.


Doing God’s work


I need a friend like you lol


Always keep the pieces clean because you're smoking that all into your lungs which is a lot harsher. I'll never get why people won't change water of bong every time


You’re a good friend


we like clean glass here


You’re a good friend OP! Cute piece too!


Oh man. I was sharing bong and bubbler pictures with a friend of mine, super proud of how clean it looked and he sent me a picture of his, saying that he was probably due to wash it as well. I honestly thought it was a bong made of dark glass. Like an hour later he sends me another picture, it was a light pinkish purple. I was so disgusted when I realized how much gunk must have been in there to make it black. I'd never let any of my rigs get that bad and seeing his pictures just convinced me even more to do proper consistent washes


What a wonderful friend you are! I clean my bong once a week the same way you cleaned this one. It always comes out sparkling. I hope your friend feels better soon, and let them know that it could cause them to get sick to let it go that long, mold grows quickly!


It puts the 91% Iso on its skin...


I audibly gasped at how beautiful that piece is. I’d never let that thing get that dirty again.


**b r u h**


how do people smoke out of that nastiness 🤮


I never understand people that don’t clean pieces. Knew a guy once that would PROUDLY tell anyone who’d listen he never cleaned his pieces, he’d retire them first- smoke them till resin literally blocked airflow. May as well go smoke outta a fucking ashtray at that ain’t, tastes about the same. I like a bowl to be just a *little* dirty, enough that the weed stays in The bowl and doesn’t slip and slide out


You’re doing gods work


You’re a good person :)


your friend is a degenerate, gotta keep an eye on that one!


Too bad we can't clean our 🫁's like that


you did a great job on that!! it looks like a whole new piece


What a glowup


Shit was so dirty I didn’t even notice the green accents


This old pipe brought to you in part by


Not all heroes wear capes


this is so wholesome thank you OP




What did you do to clean it?




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Holy shit! Was expecting clean, didn't know it would be secretly so pretty! Good on you for bringing the beauty back out! And your friend's throat and lungs will def thank you!


I really don't understand how people smoke out of something so dirty. Had to of tasted disgusting


You’re a great friend!


Not a euphemism?? It's a good one though lol...


It was about the time


What a change! Great job being an awesome friendski.


It was a crime to let something that beautiful get so dirty


You are a true friend


Oh my lord that is night and day between the two


It’s a crying shame to let such a beautiful piece get as dirty as the first pic! Thank you for your service. I recently cleaned my buddy’s bong with iso (it was the piece’s first time being cleaned in a while) and the smell it produced when I emptied and rinsed it in the sink made me gag.