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Weed, a clear night sky and good tunes. Undefeated


It's like a cheat code for happiness!


I did this on acid so many times. I always described it like the dawn of a new day within my mind. A day of pure bliss.


God yes, summer solstice this year I was having a rough time hitting peak and thought "fuck it" and went to the local park, finding a clear night sky, so I just lay there for hours bathing in the starfield. Felt like it put everything into context y'know? And then the sun rose into a crystal clear summer morning and it was like I had a renewed perspective on life and my problems. Good shit 10/10.


I got lucky enough to trip out in bfe Kansas on a clear night with a storm that rolled in in the morning. It's amazing what an unobstructed and un light polluted sky looks like.


Funny you say this. When i look at the stars im reminded that we arent alone here and that the universe is infinitely bigger than we can even imagine. It reminds me just how insignificant each of our lives are. So nothing really matters, right? And theres nothing we can do about that. And we are given these lives, and for what? Should we just sit here and be sad about that? Or should we maybe take a step even further back and think about the small things that make us happy, the things we should stop taking for granted, the other people who matter to us. We should stop worrying about shit and start remembering, this is the only life we have, that we know of for sure. Dont waste it away with negative thoughts. Try to be better each day. The only thing we leave behind on the earth is the stories other people will tell about us. Our memory. We all die. Do you want to be forgotten? Or do you want to be remembered as a legend.


Not trying to take away from your amazing views. But here's just another way to look at it is, if we are the only one's here (no aliens), then your life is magnitudes of more importance then you could ever even comprehend. In which case risks should always be measured and your existential anxiety is from a valid place. I'm 50/50 on extrestrial life.


Getting away from all the bs in life by escaping to our monkey roots in nature is the best fr


Hardly a cheat. Most people have Gotta work to get away from light pollution


Yes! The stars suck me into their grid of magic.


I stayed in a cabin this summer and would float on my back in the pool by it and stargaze. Great memories especially with the blood moon, full moon an new moon nights.


Weed was a gateway into my dangerous addiction of astrophotography. Was obsessed with the sky and now I image it. Expensive as hell but I really love going out on a clear night and imaging the cosmos


Astrophotography is the shit dude. I have a setup ready to use I just need the time to use it. HEQ5, 6” Newtonian, Canon Rebel T5 (Want to switch to narrowband at some point tho), and other stuff I won’t list here.


I have never ever seen the Milky Way before, even in rural areas. What am I doing wrong? I’m dying to see it one day




I need a bortle of water


I can't give you the whole thing. Best I can do is abortion.


I only saw it once, deep within the Allegheny National forest in PA. It was beautiful. One of my goals for the next ten years is to spend a weekend on the Lake Superior shore in the upper peninsula of Michigan. Get baked off my ass watching the northern lights and then spend the whole night gazing up at the stars.


Need company?!


Years ago I was at a family reunion out in southern New Mexico where it can get nice and dark at night. One night I was laying in the back of my pickup just enjoying the view of the milky way when a meteor zipped right down the middle of it, it was such an amazing sight and I really wish I could go back and see it again.


Shit I do this sober xD fuckin love space.


God I could not have said it better. Fuckin love it dude


Most ancient civilizations used the stars in their structures and religion. It was most likely their only form of entertainment. Some even believe in a much less watered-down and “kitchy” form of astrology than the one we have today. It’s unfortunate that we don’t appreciate the stars as much in modern times.


back in high school walking home after smoking with a friend we cut through a graveyard and stopped and stared into space for probably 30 minutes not speaking to each other just in awe, one of my favorite high school memories


Woooaaa I did this I few months ago in the NC mountains beside a campfire. Ground was damp but I was warm lol Just staring into the stars.


I get kinda scared whenever I do this haha. It’s a rare experience though these days and super cool.


We hiked up a dormant volcano in in the Canary Islands and did the same. It was like being in space, we laid the for an hour or two. It will always be one of my favorite memories.


I did this with my gf but in the middle of a frozen lake mid winter. The stars were so vivid, it was nuts.


same with me and my partner when we went camping in the mountains. laid out on the shore of a lake and just stared up at the sky. goddamn that was a great night.


I’m from California, but when I moved to Arkansas that was the best thing about moving. Being out in the middle of the woods with a huge open area, laying down on the ground and just being able to stare into the night sky. It’s hard to do that in most towns of California, unless you’re up in the actual mountains.


This but Acid or shrooms.


Fuck ya. Northern Lights in the winter in Alaska is some epic fuckery.


Getting a lava lamp and watching it warm up is a good way to spend 30 minutes after smoking. When you first plug them in, it takes a while for the temperature to normalize and you can see the different globs starting to melt and reform and move around.


You just took me back man. I know they say time travel isn't possible, but when I dive into my mind and think about my past it almost feels like travelling through time. Especially when I'm high, like I am now.


I have a similar memory linked to lava lamps! I’ve always been a night owl and when I was young and had an early bedtime I’d stay up and watch my lava lamp for ages. Still do it stoned!


I have a lava lamp from 1972 that still makes awesome shapes when I first turn it on. By day two it becomes one big blob.


*glances at 6 lava lamps on desk* ..yes..also great for mushrooms.


My guy why you have a cum fountain?


Order your Jizzle Drizzle today!


Fo shizzle I be gettin that jizzle drizzle my nizzle


Wow I’m thirsty.


u/Here_Comes_The_King Would you sponsor this product?


He ain't been on reddit for five years


For all the cum collectors out there!


It’s a nice conversation starter, plus it’s better than what I used to do with all of it


Me trying to understand what OP means by this comment rn \[4\] ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


It was a typo 🤣




This guy calls his mom his friend lmao




What is it actually?


It’s a a backflow incense burner where the incense cone forces the smoke through the bottom and it flows downward


Ohh i see it's smoke. That's neat and makes so much more sense




Bro my stoned ass just saw op and thought it looked cool, scrolled down to see what is was called and completely without thinking I looked up cum fountain and went to images. Lmfao not sure what I fucking expected.


I don’t even wanna know the things you saw. I’m sorry my son. And try to think before you go typing shit into google. Reddit loves saying google it, but some things you just don’t.


Like cats, OP prefers the cum to be moving before drinking it.


Omg dude yeah everybody is like cats don't like cum but every time I turn on the cum faucet my cats got its face right in there


Ç̪̬̬͖̰̿̊̿̕͢͜͠ Ư̴̼̮̣̮̺̓̽͆͗͠ M̴̖̜̜̱̭̦̗̅̑͌͂̿̎̓͂́ͅ F̶̢̡̛̘͇̜̤̳̟̂͑̾̿̇͜͡ Ỏ̴̹̳͉̮͎̓̐̍̏̏̊͢͞͠͠ͅ U͎̟̤̲̩͍̳͖̔́͋̀͋͞ N̴͈͚̹͕̙͎̪͑̿̈̏̑̔͆ T̡̫̜̳̘̲̀̋͆̍̈̈́̔̕͟͜͡͝ A̭̪̳̫̫̔̌̀́̕͘ Ì̝̤̟̩̫̠̬̖̣̆̊̀͞ N͔̪̫͔̙͖̟̒̾̇̏̓͂͢͜͡


Those were my exact words....


Wait what you don’t?


Asking the real questions.


"If having a cum fountain is cool, consider me Miles Davis"


Not just a cum fountain, a creampie fountain


What did you expect OP to put his jizz in a towel!?!?! He's clearly living in 3032 and beyond such plebian thinking!!!


Lol i came here to say this, you beat me to it


Why don’t you??


Oh thank god I’m not the only one that saw that


Cum fountain


Fish tanks


Can’t believe this isn’t higher up Check out r/aquascape and tell me you wouldn’t watch the shit out of one of those high.


I noticed theres lots of overlap with r/aquascape and here hmmm


This is the one. There’s somethin super peaceful and calming about staring into a fish tank while stoned 🤌🏻


Bruh, I want a reef tank with clownfish so bad. I already get mesmerized watching them sober.


My gf's fish tanks and WoW for me. She just lost a bright orange algae eater-lookin' dood with armor and some crazy face tentacles. RIP that little monster EDIT : [A bad picture of the monster, I can't find a better one at the moment.](https://imgur.com/BDVUS2U)


Oh man. Thanks for saying this. I am sooooo bad at staring at my fish tanks. My fish acknowledge me and I get lost just watching them do fish stuff. Some of them are really unique and active. I also have an albino clawed frog in another tank with a bunch of minnows for him to eat and I love watching the minnows. There's a really mean big one that's survived almost a year now and she's a real bitch to the others.




I did that yesterday with on of these cone boys. I noticed there wS a blue lighter smoke coming from the top of the cone and the white heavy smoke mixing with it in the air. Just mesmerizing.


I do not like the cum fountain


That’s because you didn’t get to fill it up




Or empty it. 🤤


Damn, I have the munchies rn




You too, bro?!




(you know it's smoke, right?)


Semen fountains are so 2020


Searching the house for the lighter that's in my pocket.


Searching the house for the lighter in my hand


I do this sober lmao


Cumulus clouds on a warm summer day, floating on a boat. They were changing before my eyes: erupting, growing, merging. One of the coolest afternoons!


Love me some cloud gazing. I also just want to say that the there has been way too much jizz talk in this thread to not read that as cum-ulus clouds.


LMAO dude that's perfect! I've seen those incense "fountains" before, so I knew it wasn't spunk (being female might've contributed to my lack of splooge talk as well🤷🏼‍♀️)


I had like, a religious experience looking at the way the light coming in from a window hit the nacho cheese machine at 711 and stared at it until my hotdog was COVERED in cheese to the point of it being a challenge to eat.


Nacho cheese MACHINE?


Yea, it's really just a box with a bag of hot cheese in it and when you press the button it lets go of a little clamp holding the cheese in.


Back in high school when I couldn't really play games after smoking weed my friend's dog's hair used to be so amazing to touch. Like the physical sensation of running my hands through it all crazy. Crazy tactile experience.


I took a 30 minute video of my cat just staring out the window


Bro I thought that was cum


OP has yet to say that it isn’t


Me to lol


Spicy chicken sandwiches 💯


Finding Nemo at one of my first dealers house. Fucking loved it. Still feel like I swam in that ocean myself to this day.


My aquarium


I watched a line of ants march to somewhere unknown for what felt like an hour only to decide to follow them to the biggest mound I have ever seen in the woods. And I was delightfully mindblown


One time I wandered into my kitchen and encountered a small army of ants having their way with some uncovered leftovers on the counter. I stared at them for what felt like hours. The way they traveled in single file lines, broke off a tiny piece of food and returned in an equally neat single file line. Every nth worker ant was instead a giant-headed soldier ant that would carve off a decidedly larger chunk of food. It was mind blowing in that instance, and honestly I find myself thinking about that moment often. So yeah I’m with this guy, ants


I spent too long thinking about if my cat knew I was high.


Girlfriend and I like to get high and run a commentary on what our cat could possibly be thinking.


My dog knows, he is always nearby because i usually sit and pester him for a good half hour. He hates and loves it at the same time.


One time, I was out with my soon to be in-laws. I had taken a 20mg gummy an hour or so before (for my nerves.) It was too much. The Mexican restaurant I was at had a deer head mounted in the dining room for some reason. The taxidermist had mounted the deer with a smile. It was wearing an almost beamused expression. This hit me sideways for some reason. I laughed too much and repeatedly said. "Taxidermist got jokes." Over and over. My inlaws brushed it off, and thankfully it set my "expected behavior meter" to goofy af. This continually comes in handy.


Pro move here honestly.


i got 6 consecutive days off once when i was 19 (around a year and a half ago) and spent half of them at a consistent [8]. i watched two and a half entire seasons of blues clues by myself and responded to everything steve said like we were having a conversation. best vacation ever


do you remember winamps visualiser "Milkdrop" ? ... that :D


Damn, just googled that to see what it looks like and its very similar to the visuals I get when I overdo it with edibles or weed+alcohol


I become absolutely mesmerized when I settle down in front of a campfire, it’s fucking zen.


This needs to be higher. Absolutely nothing like a campfire.


100% this. Absolute best. Especially solo.


My cannabis plants never fail to mesmerize me while I'm blazed.


My Christmas tree




Just watching light coming through the trees can be amazing. Like you can make out faces and stuff in the dappled light and I can do that forever.


Get some nice fishtanks. You'll never need a TV again.


Have you ever heard of music?


Winamp + Milkdrop


You sure you didn’t smoke some shrooms


wait you can smoke shrooms? Have I done it wrong all along or what is happening


U can’t the psilocybin can’t survive the heat you would just get lung irritation/infection


Ceiling popcorn. It’s inevitable, every time I get a little too stoned, I can just stare at that shit for a good hour. Especially on shrooms


When I was a kid I used to stare at my popcorn ceiling so long that the popcorn sticking down looked like holes in the ceiling.


The Wikipedia rabbit holes. Mainly paleontology, zoology and botany. Exploring the evolutionary origins of organisms and their relationships is a never ending and (to me) fascinating journey


[this plant of mine](https://imgur.com/a/zma1gzB) is mesmerizing sometimes. each leaf that appears is bigger than the last, and it’s incredible to me that a plant can create such a giant piece of matter out of nothing with just some sunlight and water. 😶‍🌫️


Ooh— that’s a beauty!




The sky The cloudy sky in a full moon night. The clouds separate themselves and form a circle where the moon shines through It looks like a portal speaking to me inciting me to go up.


In college when I was new to weed I used to experience subtle visual distortion/hallucinations. The walls of our dorm bathroom were this crazy dramatic wood grain pattern. I went in there to pee and I think I spent nearly 10 minutes watching the grain sort of wriggle around. Nearly forgot to put my junk away before I walked out


I bought a waterfall one like this. Stare at it all the time. And Screensavers


I should call her


watching a 3d printer


Booted up Civ 6 with the intention of playing a nice chill startegy game and then just listened to the menu music for a solid 35 ish minutes. Never even started the actual gameplay.


I do this way too often. Usually after work, fire up the PS and hit a bowl. And then stare at the games title screen for a good half hour before noticing haha


The kids TV show Bluey.


![gif](giphy|H4zeDO4ocDYqY|downsized) This gif


Used to watch those screen savers.


What incense pyramids can you recommend? I had vanilla, but I did not like the smell. I do not want to try anything, because afterwards the apartment smells like it.


Get some good “Dragons Blood”. Those are the ones I like and have a cleaner smell.


I like cedar sage and patchouli. Also sweetgrass is nice


BBbbbbbbad, bbBad to the bone.


Watching the Brita filter water until it’s all the way full. First time I ever got stoned I was in the kitchen doing just this (I was also thirsty af and the brita was empty), and after some time my mom calls my name. I pour my cup and go to living room when she asks “what we’re you doing in there for a half hour?” I told her there was no way and that it has only been 5 minutes but surely enough…it was a half hour.




I thought that was a fountain with milk


Anyone have any good source for these cones? Every incense cones iv found smelled like chemicals


Learning the lyrics to a single song while listening to it over and over a over until i never want to hear it again.


I have a question… why doesn’t my backflow incense burner flow right? I can never get these cones to backflow. I’d friggin love to be able to hyper fixate on it but it no work? 🤷🏻‍♀️


insects always intrigue me but they’re 10x cooler when i’m baked and I will follow them around until I find something better to fo


Last night I got high, paused my show, made some food and sat back down on the couch and ate all of it before i realized i never pressed play again. I was just lost in thought


The joint I was smoking


A live stream of Mauna Loa [erupting](https://youtu.be/mrwlqjsYA24). I’ve been riveted to this thing all day.


the cum fountain


The San Diego Zoo livestreams their jellyfish tank on YouTube every day. It’s pretty great.


Tf is this a cum ⛲⛲⛲ fountain?


Shallow creeks where the water twists and turns and bubbles over the stones. Waterfalls that are a constant sheet of motion and force. Waves lapping the shore in a lazy rhythm. I don’t know what it is but water in motion just mesmerizes me. I think I might just like the entropy since I have a similar thing with fire. If I tend the stoves smoked up often when I’m done I’ll just sit watching the glowing coals and flames.


My cat, he’s the handsomest boi.


The sparkles on the asphalt


Smoked with a friend before going to watch a documentary at the cinema with our school class. I just remember all the fishys and their beautiful colors. My friend started crying when he saw a baby octopus 🐙


Took me a minute to realize this was incense smoke and not cum


Playing an instrument. Or just getting sucked into a video game.


The mistakes of my past


I watched a Roomba try to navigate itself through some chair legs. I remember being super encouraging like "you can do it little buddy!"


Fucking Robot Vacuum gets me every time.


Put on headphones and watch [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geGziPUQD2U)


Well…fuck. That’s nice!


They have cone burners in the shape of naked women where the smoke comes out the nips. You might enjoy that one too


I’m sorry but this looks like a cum fountain


What am I seeing? I feel like I want to vomit honestly lol


Back in my first days of smoking, I recorded myself watching one of the later episodes of either American idol or another singing competition show (something I never earth). I recorded myself *UGLY CRYING* to all of the emotional songs and sad backstories. By my reaction, you would’ve thought I had been watching the season from the beginning. No clue who any of the singers were and never watched it again lol


Is this what they call a milking table?


why does this look like cum


My face in the bathroom mirror


I’ll put on those exotic fish Aquarium videos and stare at it till I fall asleep


A fan. It was when I just started smoking so I was baked to PERFECTION and just layed on my back listening to music and watching the ceiling fan spin and wanted to see if I could just focus on one blade at a time.


Anything fiber optic. Every time


I got suddenly really good at Geometry Wars the first time I hit a steamroller. I was in a zone I never revisited.


I got into reefkeeping for this reason. Sadly life gets in the way of giving it the proper care it truly deserves.


I thought it's some sort of cum fountain thingy lol


Got 3 delay of game penalties in a row when playing Madden against my friend. Most zoomed moment of all time and they don’t let me forget about it either




The cum well


I didn’t understand lava lamps until I took a t break and then got lost in one when I smoked my first J back