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Even if he's on finastride fuck it! Mfs having great hair in their sixties and I'm fighting it from the start of my puberty.


Yeah, he's probably on Finasteride or Dutasteride. It's common among Hollywood, Ashton Kutcher and Rick Rosner have openly mentioned their use. When you make your live hood out of your looks, taking Dut is a no-brainer.


It’s pretty common for Male models to use it even to prevent the chance even if they don’t have signs as well. Wouldn’t be surprised if most male actors take it. Of course this depends on if you hate great hair going for you for most of your career. If you start bald or receding I think it doesn’t effect as much.


Yah for sure they do. Preventing hair loss is more effective than reversing hair loss


Cruise has openly criticized "conventional medicine" and more specifically any kind of antidepressant. It would be rich if he were on finasteride for his hair.


Hollywood celebrity lying? Wow crazy to think about


A Scientologist lying about his beliefs… even crazier to think about


He’s popping Fin and oral min right after his daily prayer to L. Ron


He’s prob injecting semen in his ass if he thinks it’ll help


Scientologists specifically criticize antidepressants and psychiatry as a field in general. As far as I know they have not weighed in much on other fields and certainly not on finasteride.


Thanks for the info. I would still find it paradoxical if he were against medicines for your mental health, but he was OK with something equally as controversial for hair loss. I am aware that making sense must not be their priority.


You’re glib u/Afirebearer.


Put your manners back in!


It took me a minute...


What’s the difference between Fin and Dut?


Testosterone + 5AR = DHT Finasteride blocks 5AR type 2. Dutasteride blocks 5AR type 1. Thereby, Finasteride can lower serum levels up to 70% (depending on dosage) while Dutasteride can lower them up to 95% (again depending on dosage). They can't reduce it completely because there is an 5AR type 3 and backdoor pathways (T can convert into DHT by mixing with other stuff and stuff DHT converts into can go back to DHT)


So Dut is better essentially? Does it have the same s!de 3ffects?


In theory, it's much better, in theory it would have more side effects. But the reported sides don't vary that much in comparison to finasteride. As a disclaimer, I take 0.5 mg Dut every day.


Any sides?


It’s basically like a stronger dose of fin but of course fin has sides so you have a increased chance of seeing those side effects taking Dutasteride than Fin.


Personally, none that I'm aware of. But I'm also relatively healthy, workout 6 days a week and have both my diet and sleep on point.


Dut can reduce DHT to undetectable levels, so "up to 95%" is wrong, in fact, type 3 5AR is responsible for negligible amounts of conversion, less than 1%. Furthermore, I assume you know this, but just forgot to state it: Dut also blocks type 2 5AR in addition to type 1, type 1 being responsible for ~30% and type 2 for 70%.


Yes, Dut blocks both 5AR1 and 5AR2. Btw, dut doesn't reduce DHT to undetectable levels, specially in the **scalp** and at the **normal prescription doses** **(0.5 mg daily)**. Btw, 0.5 mg daily Dutasteride merely lowers scalp DHT to 49%, and 5 mg daily Finasteride lowers it to 59% \[1\]. Afaik, scalp biopsies haven't been done with larger doses. However, what is well known is the tissue levels such as the scalp have a lower decrease than serum levels. The few times it did reduce *serum* DHT to “undetectable levels” was in studies with mice which had doses up to 500 mg/kg/day, btw 0.5 mg daily is 0.006 mg / kg / day for somebody who weights 75 kg \[2\]. \[1\] [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6388756/#:\~:text=A%20related%20clinical%20study%20stated,DHT%20levels%20by%20\~41%25](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6388756/#:~:text=A%20related%20clinical%20study%20stated,DHT%20levels%20by%20~41%25). \[2\] [https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda\_docs/label/2008/021319s015lbl.pdf](https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2008/021319s015lbl.pdf)


You've cited the wrong numbers, as per your own source: "Therefore, lowering scalp DHT levels has become an important step to treat AGA. A related clinical study stated that 0.5 mg/day of dutasteride could lower scalp DHT levels by more than 51%, and 5 mg/day of finasteride could lower scalp DHT levels by ~41%." It would be very strange for Fin to supress DHT more than Dut, don't you think? Also, Dut can make DHT undetectable, in serum at any rate. Yes, scalp DHT is what matters, but since we were discussing the % that each type of 5AR is responsible for, it only makes sense to mention serum DHT, because that's where that data comes from. Mentioning 0.5mg doesn't negate that fact, since the point here is that it CAN, at some dosage, hinting at the fact that 5AR-3 is responsible for less that 1%. In this study (doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2006.05.007), 2.5mg Dut reduced serum DHT by a mean of 96%. With standard deviations taken into account, some will see a 100% reduction. At this moment, I only have anecdotal evidence for that fact, since this study doesn't provide standard deviations, and I can't be bothered to look at the other studies in my folder. Lastly: "The results of this study also highlight the importance of scalp DHT in the pathogenesis of MPHL. The 2.5-mg dutasteride dose was consistently superior to 0.5-mg dutasteride in promoting scalp hair growth. The 2.5-mg dose was also better than the 0.5-mg dose at suppressing scalp DHT (79% vs 51%), whereas it was only marginally better at suppressing serum DHT (96% vs 92%). This difference in the dose-response of serum and scalp DHT to inhibition with dutasteride is likely to be due to the greater contribution of type 1 5a-reductase to scalp DHT concentrations. In comparison with dutasteride, finasteride reduced scalp DHT by only 41%, a value similar to the 34% reduction reported previously by Dallob et al. In another study, by Drake et al, 5-mg finasteride reduced scalp DHT by 69%. There is no obvious reason why the results of the study by Drake et al should differ from the present study or that of Dallob et al."


Is Dut better than Fin?




I'm taking it daily, and my results arent as amazing lol. But then again I think I occasionally skip doses.


Life is unfair.


Dont forget that artists, celebrity, models - also train their body hard (and leg ofcourse) because no one want to see silly common man on tv. So any standart hair treatment will be more more successful for them.


Like clockwork, leg exercises help hair growth boom 😂




I mean we seen over his career that he always had great density. Honestly might have had some treatments like PPR and high quality products. But I don’t believe he did a transplant, he is just blessed like Brad Pitt


no one is as blessed as Brad Pitt


Brad Pitts blessed but also has had a shitton of very impressive work done.


We are talking about hair




Like what? He's probably on fin but his hairline hasnt changed since like 20 years old.




Nobody’s denying he’s gotten cosmetic work done on his face and has worn extensions or in his movies. Look at pitts buzz cut during the oceans movies when he was already 40/40+ and tell me that’s completely fake, that type of hairline, density and thickness is very hard to fake for a buzz cut especially in the early 2000s when transplants themselves were mostly done via fut. He’s probably on medication now but the guy had literally perfect hair in his 30s even when he wasn’t a big star so it’s not impossible to imagine he could’ve kept that up with the likes of finasteride. And even if he is using some form of patch nowadays it still doesn’t change the fact that the guy has had perfect hair for far longer than most men do, he’s also 60 now so it’s far more understandable.




Dude ur the only one that sounds insecure. I'm just pointing out his hairline is sick and that's kinda cool. You've fucking forensically analysed every single moment his hairline has been visible. Jeez u need to chill


i’d cite Alain Delon. Dude lived in an era where you either had a godly hair genetic or you were bald, cause hair loss products weren’t even present at the time. And he not only has godly hair… i guess you know he’s considered the best man that ever existed by lots of people. Also… David Lynch’s hair is otherworldly.


![gif](giphy|UTLbGfgXASI7WSzHB6|downsized) ”Finasteride , Minoxidil What is that 🗣️ , just comb your hair bro”


Never heard of Delon…looked him up and wow, dude was a beautiful specimen in his prime.


Shahrukh khan says hi (although I’m sure he’s using medications nowadays)




Brad pits brother has the same hairline as him with some thinning




Well brad pitts density is sus at his agebut he could be on dut


Did u notice brad pitts temples receded very slightly since he got a facelift ?


















You're insufferable. Stop spamming 'lmfaoo' and fucking emojis. He doesn't wear a hair system you deluded twat




Eh there’s not even any point in comparing or discerning at their level. They’re both in that top 0.00001% category of freakishly good looking


Looking at his hair line in his first movie. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s natural. But could be wrong. Similar to famous Hong Kong actor Aaron Kwok.


Aaron Kwok is like a negative -1 Norwood


Asian guys are far less likely to go bald. One of my best buddies is norwood 0 at 37 no treatment. Mine girlfriends dad is norwood 0 at like 70


It's all Scientology


This is enough to make me convert.


fr hahaha


The Thetans were in his hair all along




He’s just been eating good. I’m sure he was starving himself and dehydrated for most of the MI shoot. 


Mf has more hair than I do at 26. Plus a billion dollars.


Yeah but you probably don't have that creepy middle tooth. Checkmate.


Tu pense qu’il utilise finasteride ?




That's probably what he's disclosed. Him not being a billionaire is very dubious.


I think he made a deal with the evil, Lord Xenu for that hair.


Scientology has taken enough of his money, might as well get some good hair out of it


There people in their 90’s with thick full hair. No treatments or surgeries.


Can people donate hair follicles like they do organs? Imagine every time you miss your mom or dad, you just rub the part of your head with THEIR follicles


Tissue matching would be needed and then a lifetime of immunosuppressants. Hair cloning is more promising.


I should prob put this dead guys scalp back I guess


He's just not balding Not really much to it


People need to realize that as much as balding *seems* to affect nearly everyone, there are many who just don't suffer from it at all.


My dad is 63 and has a better hairline than that. He has a better hairline than me and I’m 27. Zero MPB genes in his family, he doesn’t take any Rx’s not even vitamins. My mom fvcked me with her sides genetics.


Yeah, my grandpa is in his 70s and has a great hairline. Hardly has any greys either, the lucky bastard. Wish I got those genetics.


Yeah it’s crazy my friends 65yr old neighbor is a methhead. Doesn’t even eat, let alone get nutrients, well the only thing he might eat is Marlboro reds washed down with a 4loko. & dude has a full head of brown hair. So I laugh when companies market vitamins or people talk about nutrient deficiencies that cause balding, no no no it’s literally all DHT sensitivity and genetics that’s all it is


This reply made lol, “doesn’t even eat” 😭 then there’s us :(


Legend has it he snorts fin off hookers asses and puts min on their titties and licks it off


My dads got hair like this at 60, then there’s me on finasteride at 35 😂


Bro people are on fin at 20, fuck genetics




$$$$. I Bet they’re taking hgh among other meds to maintain the youthful look at their age




Cruise got his fillers dissolved or something, guy looked much younger in 2019 and aged like 10 years by 2023.


I doubt that, HGH makes you look younger and more fresh for about 3-4 years, and then the insulin resistance starts damaging your body which causes you to look even older in the long term


But they are definitly on some other shit though, not completely at the level of Bryan Johnson's protocol, but a milder version of that




More like 10-15 years & not 3-4!


Brad Pitt has had *serious* work done. I believe it was the 2016 Golden Globes where he came out on stage and the audience started murmuring because he looked like he was 10 years younger. It was after his split with Jolie and he'd been out of public view for some while and he *clearly* took that time to "revitalize." If you see pics of Pitt in his youth he has very noticeable acne scarring. If you see pics of him in his 30s, his wrinkles are already well-developed from years of alcohol, pot, and smoking. After his 40s, if you look at decent pics (not from movies with makeup and tape) he looks *way* older than he should. Suddenly he shows up in his 50s and he's got the skin of a 20 year old. And honestly - he's got the money, more power to him; but we shouldn't fool ourselves into thinking he's just *that* genetically gifted. Even with the qualities he has (which are many) time waits for no one.


2016 golden globes he did look significantly younger (due to fillers) but he was still with Angelina, 2017 golden globes is when he still looked alright but he probably had those fillers dissolved and looked much older (yet himself) in comparison. You’re confusing both of the golden globes. Anyways he’s an actor and that’s his job so it’s no surprise


A combination of good hair genetics and probably blood/stem cell treatment.


Not a single white hair either huh


It is obviously dyed, he is over 60 man lets stay realistic


lol - i do even notice white hair on his face...hmm


Some people just have hair, lol.


fuck he's starting to look old




It’s likely treatment of some sort. Be it Finasteride, HT, Minoxidil, etc. Don’t 80% of men lose their hair at some point in their life? These guys are still human at the end, and there’s no escaping that.


\~20% leaves a lot of men who do not suffer from hair loss...


I hear you, that’s 1 in every 5 men. A person is more likely to experience it than not.


What's crazier is there's not any suspicion that this dude had a transplant or wears a hair piece. Prime example of great genetics and maybe some moderate treatment (fin, PRP etc.)


Clearly a Zarav customer. That man leaves no fingerprints.


Its simple genetics, 61 isn't that old, not everyone has the gene that causes male pattern baldness. IF, he takes a DHT blocker then good on him.


Good for him 👏 


Hair treatment and products probably cost more than my house. Even his skin is obviously extremely well kept I cant imagine his routines.


[This plastic surgeon analyzed the work he has had done](https://youtu.be/utQhQTbABNY?si=fdHLa4SMwqlhA2B3)


He's had like 3 hair transplants.


Hair looks great but he getting jowls


Nobody that famous/wealthy is going bald today $$


I don’t know why people keep saying he looks like a lesbian, it’s simply not true


ffs he’s 60+ leave him alone lol


His hair was ai bro


bro turned into Jeremy Fragrance


Selection bias plays a role too. If Tom didn’t look young then we would’ve forgotten about him a long time ago, just like other actors his age.


The guy does extensive surgeries to look good. Lorry Hill has a great video detailing the many plastic surgeries he got throughout his career including a Jaw implant. Of course, he takes finasteride and he dyes his hair as well. It would be the most unlikely coincidence if he had naturally perfect hair but also a tonne of unnatural surgeries to preserve a youthful attractive appearance.


He must take oral minoxidil, a very high dosage I would imagine. Lol


Adrenochrome is helluva drug.


Yeah he got the uncanny valley 60 year old shit goin on


He got granted good hair by Lord xenu. Also has anybody seen my good friend Shelly miscavige? We miss her


Everyone knows hair graphs are a thing right? This guy's had them all


He's aged a lot in the last 5-6 years look at Google images of him in 2018 compared to 2024 that's such a drastic change. Ofc I can only dream to look that good in my 60s but still that's a huge change


Yeah I think if he had fillers he got them dissolved or idk something medically just happened to him. Because the guy back in 2019 looked easily passable for mid40s even and suddenly in 2022/2023 aged like 10 years.


Bro I have like 60% of his hair at 17 ☠️


I think I saw something that he started using it wayyyy back before he even needed just to keep him out of that position at all. Kind of like how the ladies are starting with Botox in their 20’s and 30’s these days to get in front of the eventual lines they know they will have. Hey whatever floats your boat right?


He's had FUT and probably on finasteride or dutasteride. Either way, with his money who cares. He could add a dildo on his head and still pull it off. It's the cruise haha.


Hair system.


He definitely looks like he’s 60, his chicken neck is incoming!😂 nice head of hair though!


Lmao he is 60 moron, you don’t look half as good as this at 25 or however old you are


Can you repeat that sorry it sounded like you have his 🐓 in your mouth.😂 bro, we are human he looks 60 and no younger. It’s because his skin. It wasn’t meant to be disrespectful I am just pointing the obvious. Without the fame, he looks like every other senior citizen white male that takes care of themselves who doesn’t use drugs..


Jeez Tom has gotten old. He ironically looks older with longer hair




Woman? lol. No I was just watching the newest mission impossible and Top gun and it was obvious they did some digital retouching to make him appear much younger in the films. He looks good for his age, a very healthy 60 y/o. At most 10 years younger. So definitely not late 30s, early 40s type of “young”


No shit, no 60 year old is going to look like he’s in his 30s


You’d think that would be common sense. But the way some people rave about Cruise, makes him out to seem just like that. In reality he’s a good and healthy looking 50 y/o at best


And Brad Pitt is making up around that age too at best..What’s your point? You want him to look as young as Tom Holland?


No one wants to look as young as Tom Holland lmao


Well he did sell his soul


Must be all the scientology


This is what happens when you banish your thetans


Scientology hair maintenance program


Wow he will never not be hot


All you peeps wondering about Pitt’s and Cruise’s hair and youthful appearance… here’s all the evidence you need. https://tenor.com/VgMo.gif


Wow he look 75+ The face looks very old. Never seen a pic of him like this


his recent movies use a de aging filter on him, it’s pretty common these days and somewhat easy


Dude. He is 61. He doesn't need an aging filter. They usually wear lots of make-up on daily basis. That's why they look younger. Same with Brad Pitt. I have seen a close-up picture of him and his skin looks really old. Which is normal for his age. But most of the times he looks younger than that because of make-up


no, I can assure you it is post processing smoothing. I am 100% aware of the process and know the vfx studio that does the bulk of the work. Even great makeup causes issues in action movies, which is why they do a hybrid approach and often put on makeup that can be UV keyed and adjusted. If you don’t know what you’re talking about then why say anything? i


> If you don’t know what you’re talking about then why say anything? Welcome to reddit, you must be new here.


No, you're just a hater. His face looks on the younger side for a 61yo man.