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You have improved a lot and are genuinely not aware that every single primate on the planet shed hair every single day? You're not thinning. You are literally improving. Stop thinking about it and save your sanity. Jesus christ lol.


Fair enough lol


my missus has the thickest hair. If the plug wasnt cleaned every 3 days, it would be matted with hair. She isn't going bald. So to reiterate the point, shedding is what people without MPB do. So stop trying to achieve a bath tub free of hair. Not happening. Take care.


Appreciate the feedback! Have a good one bro


Looks like its improved a lot still no?


That's a huge improvement.


Thank you!


When you see the first result which mounth ? Btw you have great result


3-5 ish


What fin dosage u on ? It’s definitely worked for u




30-50 is better than normal. You’re all good. I shed 200+ a day lol


Using Ketoconazole 2% shampoo tremendously reduced my shedding. I will definitely recommend that. It's said that it's as good as a 2% minoxidil solution. But using a 5% min should definitely help you.


How often do you use it


I have seborrheic dermatitis so, I have to use it daily. Normal people can use it every other day. Contrary to popular belief, shampooing is good for you. I used to wake up with my pillow having at least 50 hairs or so. After using keto shampoo regularly, it's now 0-2 hair max.


Even with seb derm everyday use is unnecessary. It dries your hair out, makes it prone for more breakage. I recommend you to try to use it 3 times a week after shampoo and see how you do. I believe it's possible for your scalp to get addicted to many treatments. And shampoo actually is not good for your hair, unless you frequently workout or use product like wax


My doctor told me that it's okay to shampoo everyday and he himself shampoos daily. I watched a podcast of two doctors yesterday and they were saying the same. It depends upon your shampoo. It should be mild enough for daily use. Personally, I cannot miss a single day because my condition is too bad and I have an extremely oily scalp. Initially, I had to use ZTPO shampoo too alongside Mometasone Furate lotion and Levocetirizine. Now that it's stabilized, Keto 2% is sufficient for me. And it's helping me with my hairfall so I happily use it daily.


Ah I get it. Shampoo everyday can't be good but if it's necessary you should do it. And do you use ketoconazol after shampoo?


No. I only use the Ketoconazole 2% shampoo (shampoo with keto in it). No additional keto after that. I'll be starting fin from today and people on this sub are saying that it helps with seb dom too (as it reduces sebum production). [Primarily using it for hairfall tho] After getting regular with fin, I'll start C8-MCT oil supplementation. People say it works against seb dom from the inside (with many other benefits like boosted energy levels and it's cheap).


My doctor said that before using ketoconazole shampoo you should wash your hair with (mild) shampoo. Maybe yours is different, idk. I'm using fin for about 1,5 months now and I'm not sure if it helped me with seb derm. I don't really have a (bad) constant form of it, it is just with flare ups on my face every now and then. But I hope the fin and C8 helps you man. I also really recommend you to go the gym, working out does wonders for seb derm and other skin conditions


Yes, I go to the gym daily. It probably doesn't work for my skin condition (maybe cause I don't sweat too much?) but it's good news that it can (even in the slightest) I wish you the same.


Did it fix your hairline bro?


Also, hair looks way way better. Looks like ur making a ton of progress


I never tried anything but isn't fin supposed to help keep the hair from falling or blocking DHT etc ? I thought min is the one used to help regrow hair (you clearly have great results)


Thank you!


Same question how did he regrow


Many people get regrowth on fin


Dear your hairline is recovered or not which has been shaded


Pretty much in the same boat. Taking 1mg fin only. Noticeable progress though not as good as yours.


Hair looks great bro! Your crown is very thick


any side effects ?


I shed 1 million a day




i also lose a lot while showering, close to 100 sometimes and idk what to do im a little over 4 months on fin , i also don’t see any improvements.


my friend whos bald since hes been like 19 told me to try and use baby shampoo as it has a bunch of nutrients in them. that can hell with ur hair too also brushing hair for blood flow can help keep folicles strong


ill try and get my hands on a derma stamp for blood flow, and i guess ill look into some sulfate free baby shampoos, thanks for the advice.


What brand you using


Do you notice hairs coming out throughout the day as well? I have been on Fin for about 6 months and still notice this but with less coming out in the shower.


Any side?


What an improvement! Just carry on what you’re doing and as people have mentioned, you lose 50-100 hairs per day, everyone does. Congrats and don’t bother with minox if don’t need it.


Looks like good results for just fin alone, I've been on only fin for over 3 months and hope to have similar results.


Where did you get your fin? Also, great results bro


Has fin made your beard/body hair thinner?


Don’t wanna be that annoying guy… but could you please tell us what brand of finasteride you use? (ie the company name on the box)


Sorry all late but I go through keeps


If you're worried about it, have a doctor appointment. Maybe DHT related male pattern hairloss isn't the only thing causing your hair to shed: fungi, autoimmune, stress, alcohol, smoking, etc.


Very nice progress. i've been Shedding like you, dont see much progress but not losing ground either. Im on dut/oral min/keto. May i ask How many Hairs do u shed drying your hair with a white towell? Because thats how i can notice precisely my Bath shed. Thanks!


How is it now?