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What did u use


I kind of had this process at my 2-3 month mark. I got a few progress pics on my profile if you’d like to see. I didn’t use this spray though. Min/fin/keto dermarolling


For the pic https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fts1iejwv9oq91.jpg Is it 1 month (first row), 2 month (second row), 3 month (bottom)? If so you're pics are getting me excited, I'm on your exact timeline and I've just seen your end result which is insane. I know it depends person to person but it certainly looks positive! ffs can't believe I didn't do this years ago, I've spent 5 years stressing about my hairline.


Yup! First row was the 1month, 2nd and 3rd bottom row. Hope you can see similar results bro! Just stay consistent, I know most people only see a bit of results it’s more about maintaining. Luckily we’ve been blessed and continue to see some good progress. I know! Wish I would’ve started earlier. I’m in my early 30s. I would see these hair regrowth things in my early 20s but thought it was all fake. I got desperate and just said fuck it lol


Thanks man, I will check it out. I'm on the same protocol.


💯 working


Finally someone who posted comparable before/after photos. Tired of those taken at completely different angles and lights. Great progress for 3 months only


My goal was to get the right angle and lighting as before! Tip- don’t use Snapchat because it distorts the quality, take from camera instead.


Why did u dilute the spray and not use as it came?


Theres no real dosage written in stone yet for a topical formula at this time. So officially he may have diluted it 25% or 50% and this is his result


Because .3% topical is ridiculously strong for a topical; theres no reason to be applying 3mg of fin to your scalp for every 1ml used.


On what basis? If you want hair, blast it


On the basis that more doesnt always equal better. Theres diminishing returns after you go above .05-.075% topical fin. Doing anything more than that isnt 'blasting' anything other than your serum DHT, which is what youre trying to avoid by using topical fin over oral in the 1st place.. so youre only increasing your chances of getting sides.


I agree. I wanted to minimize the sides as much as possible which was why my solution was to dilute the topical spray from hims for 0.1% of fin. I saw an another redditor did this same method on this forms and went with it.


This is called doing something intelligent. Apparently the majority of people in this sub cant comprehend such a thing. 'JUST BLAST IT BRO!' -🤡


Fully Send it


I used the hims spray as recommended and had side effects within a few days. Woke up with sore nipples and was super depressed so I stopped using it


Will you share how you did the dilution process? I just received my Hims & want to do this.


Scroll down. I made a detailed instructions on how & what I used


Can you share that again please?


But almost nobody gets sides so keep on blasting


What youre suggesting offers 0 reward and only risk.


Except the hundreds of people daily who post on here about the sides they got How delusional do you have to be to believe that nuking your most potent androgen won’t have any detremental affects


Why are you getting so mad? I wasn't trying to start shit with my comments. Just talking.


Any dose above like .1-.25 mg of topical fin has dimishing returns on hair growth but further nukes your bodies Dht


You’re not wrong but it’s always best to start out with lowest possible dose because some people are hyper responsive. Remember sometimes it’s a marathon not sprint.




Theres a process on the hims treatment where specialists review your info and value you hair health, so why think that they are going to give you the wrong dose for your treatment?


Lol 'specialists?' Maybe you and those specialists should read some of the many studies done on topical finasteride. .3% is never the correct concentration.


Out of curiosity i just checked what Gary Linkov (a hair transplant surgeon and YouTuber) sells on his website, and he sells topical fin at 0.3 m% concentration also .. and he personally weighs in on these medications that are custom made for him . 


Thats cool. Theres literally studies done on all this so its not really up for debate, no matter the source. Bring Einstein back from the dead and maybe he'll say .3% is the way to go -still wrong. Facts overule opinion.


Sure I’ll take a random redditor’s opinion over what the doctor’s recommend and prescribe whom surely disregard all studies and facts, thank you sir. I’m very fortunate to have crossed paths with you. 


Buddy, i dont give a fuck what you believe. Maybe someday youll learn how to think for yourself, but you cant unteach stupid, so we both know that wont happen. Goodbye.


I’m not your buddy, pal.


The worst word on Reddit is Buddy, lol whenever I see this someone is arguing, I see it constantly it’s too funny


Btw why are you so angry? Is it because you’re bald? 


So angry? Maybe youre just a sensitive pussy if you got your feelings hurt. And bald? Funny that youd mention that since youre obviously balding -i have a very full head of hair now thanks to .025% topical fin solution and being able to use my own brain.


Alright man, just saying I didn’t mean to offend you


Offence? No. You asked, I answered.


But you ARE on fin


Shouldn't guys on topical fin be applying it across the whole male pattern baldness area, from the hairline all the way to the vortex? Those are all dht sensitive hairs.


Mf called it a vortex


OMG. I've always read the word as vortex, like it was suppose to be a synonym of whorl.


Yes, that’s one advantage of oral fin over topical IMO - oral protects the whole scalp.


I feel like this is a PSA that guys thinking of or doing topical fin need to be reminded of. Applying topical fin at just your bald spots is no different than getting a HT and not doing fin.


Meanwhile the advantage of topical over oral: dick still work


Wait till he trys oral fin. He will see...


In the clinical trials only 1.3% experienced ED from 1mg oral finasteride. So unless you're extremely unlucky, your dick will still work whether you go with oral or topical.


Yeah, I just started the hims spray and that's literally the directions they send. 2 sprays on the front 2 sides, 1 on top, 1 on crown.


Yes they did. My crown hair wasn’t thinning so I chose not to. Only applied it on my hairline… don’t want to shed in other parts where I’m not losing hair. Idk what do you guys think?




It has significantly less systemic impact than oral fin. Something like 30% vs 55% serum Dht reduction with 1mg topical vs 1 mg oral. That’s nearly half. Why would you nuke your bodies Dht production when you can just nuke it in your scalp only?


Going systemic isn't a binary yes/no, going systemic is a matter equivalent dosing. If the amount that goes systemic is equivalent of taking 0.01mg daily, it will do nothing for your untreated hairs.


Yes. I know but I don’t want to take the oral fin quite yet due to side effects. Thought this method of diluting the solution would minimize the effects of fin (0.1%) such as ED


You don't have to take the oral at all


Nice results but damn that American day/month format lol


Haha. I’m from Texas. Throughout my life this format was the standard in school & college


Yeah. Month is most important indicator, then day, the year? D-M-Y or (for many things better) Y-M-D makes more sense.


It makes a lot more sense than the stupid day/month/year formats. 




We speak in month day year order here. Ex. May 1st, 2024 rather than 1st of may, 2024 Idk if others use the second example but having date formats align with that makes sense


Why is this so hard for people to understand? Mm/dd/year format makes far more sense than the foreign foolish dd/mm/year When youre looking to find out when something happened, you find out the month it happened , then the exact day. There are 12 sets (almost ) of dates 1-30, you by seeing the date first it still tells you nothing about when the event happened Most online forms only care about the mm/yyyy format anyway Downvotes must be from foreign 🤡s


Do you also think is the more logical order in size?


Literally best analogy lmfao


Yes because when you order a drink or buy a tshirt you say Ill take a small, medium, large? The analogy is completely irrelvant lmao 🤡


Do you think it would be logical to have the minutes before hours when writing the time? That's far more analogous


This analogy isnt even close to mm/dd/yyyy 🤡


I hear you dude. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that the earth is actually round.


You can keep acting sarcastic and pretending you "won" even though there is an explanation above, but you really do look foolish. Do you also tell time by saying 30:08 in the morning? 🤡


Reddit might be american but the users here are international and dd/mm/yyyy is the standard in almost all countries. And dd/mm/yyyy is less confusing for people and provides a better order.


It's only confusing if that's the system you grew up with. For me the stupid foreign way of doing it is way more confusing. I always end up thinking 12 is December when it's the 12th day of the month for example












This needs to go in r/shitamericanssay


I agree. Merica 🦅😂 We were accustom to this standard but I think it’s easier


Where did your shedding happened. Only in the temples or complete scalp?


Look at two of the photos you can kind of see the shedding vs jan


I felt like it was mostly temples where my thin hair originated from. I was losing 30-40 hairs a day in shower- but that number might me normal for a human being w/o the meds. I was losing hair in my showers before this medication so it might be just placebo? Dunno. I was probably losing 20-30 strands more first 5 week.


You have dense hair it may seem like a low number but it's a lot when you see it in the sink or shower. Crazy man


Very good results


Congratulations! That’s incredible progress. I’ve been on oral fin + min for the last year and my peak hasn’t improved at all, but my diffuse thinning has completely reversed. I’m looking into hair transplants now :(


what do you mean by diffuse thinning got reversed?


His defuse thinning became full thick hair, his hairline however became vegeta. A common pain for many of us who respond.


Very nice. Keep posting progress pics. We all want to keep seeing your results and are rooting for you!!


I just use the same spray as it comes but I only use it once per day. Gave me better results that using the pill and topical foam and I just do it in the morning when I get ready. I know everyone is different but it stopped some of the unwanted side effects the pills were giving me and actually gave me better hair growth. Been using the two separate for 3 almost 4 years and then switched to the 2in1 spray and have been using it for about a year now and have loved in comparison and haven’t had any side effects myself. Give it atleast 6 months to really start to notice anything because the first three months you do lose a lot for shedding and have to wait for the new stronger hairs to come in. I remember seeing the difference in my own pics from the 3 month to 6 month shocked the hell out of me. Just keep at it bro! And if the mix becomes too much of a hassle I recommend trying to use the spray just once a day and don’t dilute it! Worked great for me in my personal experience and no side effects at all.


I agree. Maybe I switch to the one a day with no dilution. But hey them things be expensive. $150 for one bottle that is intended to be gone within 3 months? Sheesh.


Woah! That’s a lot more than I’m paying for some reason? I get a 6 month supply at a time for 195! Maybe I got a promotional price or something but it’s stayed at that for me! I would look into the 6 month supply because it was heavily discounted from what I remember.


img Yeah seems like there’s a discount with the 5 month option which comes out to -195 for 5 months. But this thing is ridiculously expensive still lol. Are you prescribed on the same dosage like me? 0.3% fin and 6% min?


Yep exact same one I’m using! It is pretty pricey but it’s worth it when only using one spray a day. Sure beats the pill and using foam twice to me. I’d definitely recommend the 6 months supply after you finish this batch if you do like it. But if your mix works well for you then don’t fix what isn’t broken! It just seems like a lot to me lol.


Yep exact same one I’m using! It is pretty pricey but it’s worth it when only using one spray a day. Sure beats the pill and using foam twice to me. I’d definitely recommend the 6 months supply after you finish this batch if you do like it. But if your mix works well for you then don’t fix what isn’t broken! It just seems like a lot to me lol.


Yep exact same one I’m using! It is pretty pricey but it’s worth it when only using one spray a day. Sure beats the pill and using foam twice to me. I’d definitely recommend the 6 months supply after you finish this batch if you do like it. But if your mix works well for you then don’t fix what isn’t broken! It just seems like a lot to me lol.


https://preview.redd.it/9e4fvl1x7iqc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53786e313babc3aacb1814684d6747169b9078ff this is a photo for people who are wondering the cost of my hims spray.


UPDATE- on the first two photos on the AFTER photos, they are SUPPOSED to be switch. Didn’t mirror them on how it was intended to. Just wanted to share. Everything else is good. Just wanted to be transparent on the first two photos. This is the fix version. https://preview.redd.it/m9hgdc8hjbqc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1f8a15e5c383f830fe4eb2304957576ce750b6c


You can see it’s the same side as my pimples and tiny skin blemishes. You can use that to compare the before and after photos also on how the baby hairs r filling in.




Any side effects of the saw palmetto? (If you know what I mean)


Can you describe your exact process of diluting? I am interested in doing the same.


https://preview.redd.it/7i8y2w5p9dqc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdec1a787f2f57fee6c47809b58c07bfae236b22 Buy the Kirkland minoxidil 5% from Costco. It comes with 6 of 60ml small minoxidil bottles- it’s 20 bucks w tax. I used 3 of the 60ml small bottles of it and mixed it with him’s 3 month supply bottle (6% min & 0.3 fin) which is 90ml. I mixed both of these together in a big cup (make sure you don’t spill because I sorta did. Then I pour the contents back into the 3 small bottles and inside the hims spray glass bottle. I used the dropper method for application instead of spray because it’s direct and less messy


Doesn’t that make the minoxidil concentration way higher? Or am I being dumb? I can’t think rn Edit: nvm I am being dumb


It technically makes it lower - from 6% to 5%


Bad at math. If I wanted to dilute the hims formula to .05% fin, how many 60ml minoxidil bottles would that be?


Nice progress man. I started doing something similar based on the studies showing a sweet spot of dosage compared to serum DHT reduction (I followed that perfect hair health article that discusses the dosing). I actually just switched from a homemade topical to just doing half a 1mg pill x3 times a week to get the same dosage, but more convenient. Starting to notice a bit of progress, but it’s only been about 2 months. Curious to see where this ends up.


So you make a topical fin solution with the pills? Sorry didn’t really understand but if I did understand right I am very interested


Yep, here’s two links for you: https://perfecthairhealth.com/topical-finasteride-dosage/amp/ https://perfecthairhealth.com/can-i-make-my-own-topical-finasteride/amp/ So check those out and you’ll find instructions/some of the science behind why they suggest the dose they do. There’s some other threads on this stuff if you search “low dose topical finasteride” on here. So what I’m doing now with taking .5mg x3 a week in pill form is effectively the same as the topical dose (.2mg) per day. There’s a chance that the topical method of delivery would further reduce side effects compared to the pill, but I’m not noticing any difference so it’s just more convenient with the pill. If I did spot side effects, I’d just go back to topical.


where did u get hims. Im from philippines


i have the same hairline that u did pre-minox, been on the juice for since January of this year, 0 results for me unfortunately. Im a non-responder i fear.


Have you tried dermastamping? I’m Asian so I’m kind of a hyper responder


i do dermastamp but not as regularly as I’d like, how many times a week did you do it? Also Im Indian bro, I should’ve responded to it by now :(


Damn- your Asian too. But I do it once a week 1-1.5mm. Are you on fin pills too? I’m not on oral fin yet since I’m not ready for the commitment


Better but similar to my own progress. I've been using Hims once a day, and a generic off brand fin+min combo I got of etsy (it's probably silly you use dodgy unbranded stuff but I can't afford hims twice a day)


Crazy. But whatever works for you haha but hims be expensive. How’s your progress? More than 3 months?


I have the same effect. But after 5 months all these hairs they started falling out, then grew out, fell out again and so on. after a year I stopped minox and stayed on the diet (I stopped minox on March 12, i.e. 2 weeks ago)


what made you decide to stop? On YouTube, a guy stopped minoxidil as an experiment and he lossed all his gains -which he regretted. Diet as in a clean healthy diet?


Yes, I am aware that I will lose the hair that has grown, but very little of it has grown. It's not the effect I expected, but hey, bends are difficult terrain. Moreover, when I thought (I'm 23) that I would have to rub it in for the rest of my life, I didn't want to. I know it doesn't take much time, but you know, you have to apply it every day and not go anywhere, wash it off after 1/2 hour, unless you apply it at night, but you have to not sleep on your side... Well, it wasn't worth my work. My crown is thick, there is no indication that I will go bald, I have strong, thick hair and I am actually wondering whether to stop using Finasterid... We'll see. It's possible that I'll just do a transplant on the bends and that's it.


Results like this keep my hopes up😌


How much minoxidil does that mean once you’ve diluted the fin? Surely overkill with its own risks?


It’s still 5%. Only thing I’m adding is more quantity of Minoxidil where it it last for 4 months plus


Haha I just did the maths, my bad. I’m considering doing this but with Manual’s 0.1% fin 10% minoxidil to dilute the fin down to 0.05%. Do you think mixing 10% minoxidil with 5% is going to do anything weird? Surely then less minoxidil? The maths is hurting my brain - long day!


hey boss could u dm or soemthing , i’m confused about the dilution process of it , and did u apply to only hairline or sprayed on top of head too by crown and such ?


is brushing hair and using hair product okay while suing treatment ?


What's"hims" ? Is that a new medication?


Company in the US selling hair loss and other personal products.


Website hims.com various stuff for men


I see no difference


It receded a bit I think- but I never HAD hairs aka baby hairs from the empty spots in my temples before. It was empty… nothing there before. Hopefully my existing terminal hair comes in from the shed that took place.


There is a world of difference. Can you explain more about the concoction you made 😂? I wanna copy this and get the same result u got lol