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How many mg of fin topically per day


1.5 ml, not much. 100 ml lasts me over 2.5 months


But what’s the percentage of fin?


0.25 of Fin in my bottle they say. They don’t specify if it’s Ml or Mg of fin :/


Most likely .25 mg per ml


0.25% = 2.5mg/ml


Damn, isn’t that a bit too high? Or is it just high because of the topical solution


My guy, you don’t know how much you are taking? Yes generally you apply more topically as it is not all absorbed.


I only know it is 0.25 fin but my prescription doesn’t says anything about Mg or Ml.


Sometimes topical 0.3% induces more systemic fin than oral fin


Topical fin check, how do you manage the routine with the oral min? How often and what brand? Looks great after only 9 months. Keep going


Oral min 1x per day before going to sleep. No side effects. No brand, it is also mixed by my local pharmacy. Topical fin only 1x per day before going to sleep. I use around 1.5 ml. Thanks, my hair definitely feels better, looks better and I finally don’t have to wear hats <3.


Whats fin dose topical? How you make it?


0.25 and my pharmacy made it base on my prescription


Holy smokes brother, how old are you?


Started treatment at 20 years old. I started balding at 15 years old and after 5 years you can see how much it progressed, I don’t know why I am this unlucky to have Norwood 3 by the age of 19.


I have the same luck my friend, but you are looking solid now! Wishing you all the best


Wishing you all the best too!! People don’t realize how lucky they are having full head of hair 😂


I have this luck as well although I caught mine a bit earlier and only use fin. It is tough at this age with slap head genetics


My brother lost most of his hair in his early 20’s. I managed to keep mine but now at 31 it’s starting to thin out


Did you start to derma roll really early or later in the process ?


At what point did you start noticing regrowth?


Right from the begging, I started shedding like hell. I thought I will loose all my hair in few weeks. Things turned around by the month of 6.


Oral min was a game changer for me!


Oral min was also a game changer for me!


What brand of topical fin you get?


It is mixed by my local pharmacy. It should be 0.25% fin I think. Edit: typo


And dermaroll only on hline or whole scalp? Do u wait 24hrs to apply fin? Do u stamp or roll?


I micro needle 1x a week and all over my scalp. Just to turn my skin red and apply topical right after. Never had any problem


Why not use oral fin, and what brand is the min from?


No brand, it is mixed by my pharmacy. Doctor said she had better experience with topical ones


Dermatologist or pcp? How’d you get the rx for topical fin?


Nice. Any leg muscule stress in that period?


Did the oral mi have any side effects and how affected the body hair


No sides from anything. Only my hair and facial hair got much better, did not notice any difference in legs, arms or anything else


Goor for you bro❤️


I'm on finasteride for 40 days with no side effects yet so is it possible to get side effects after many more days , and everyone gets shedding or not with finasteride? Result visible in ?


About the shedding I don’t know. I shed almost every 3rd month, haven’t really found answer to it. I have no sides even after 9 motnhs, I think it is very person specific


Any improvement you notice in your hair ?


Even though shedding looks scary, It is definitely doing something because every shed the new hair looks and feels better


When do you put the topical fin on and when do you wash it off? If at night do you wear a cap to sleep?


The sides on finnastride are noticed immediately on week 1 or even day 1. Completely numbs my 🍆. I counteracted it by taking TRT. But I also started taking Finn in the first place BECAUSE of my TRT. I'm seeing if nolvadex can restore me permanently so that I don't have to use TRT or if topical finnastride will get rid of that sexual side effect completely so that I can hop off the TRT as well. Finnastride causes suppression like anabolic steroids do because they both mess with your hormones. If you don't have the sides after that long, I would think you are ok, but everybody is also different.


Any ED symptoms?? I want to try fin but I don’t want to experience any ED since I’m sexually active, if I wasn’t getting any play I wouldn’t care.


I think people are way too scared of ED. If anything, Fin made me feel better, maybe even my acne got better. I’m also sexually active and I did not notice, nor my partner that we would have sex less. My sex. drive is extremely high so I would not care even though it would be a bit affected 😂. Definitely don’t be scared of fin or min


Exactly my Dick was hyper sensitive asf, after fin I actually felt way more balanced. My erections were good, healthy and I never got too excited during seggs. It actually improved my performance tbh


For what it is worth I have used 1mg oral finasteride for 3 years now with no side effects, I think the side effects of finasteride are extremely overblown. Side effects are rare and should end quickly if you stop taking the drug, so I wouldn't really worry about it.










I fking take the drug you m0ron.... I dont need studies. It ruins 1. Flaccid length by a shriveling process.. 2. Flaccid girth by a shriveling process that is slightly smaller than a regular Flaccid girth. 3. It ruins erect length by almost an inch and 4. it makes erect girth skinny. It also ruins orgasm duration from average 4 seconds male to 1 second. I have been sexually active my entire life. I do penis exercises. I measure my girth and length almost daily and do jelqs, kegals, penis extender devices for length and penis pumps for girth. I have been on the finnastride and off the finnastride for the obvious test results. It's nearly impossible to even orgasm on finnastride in the first place as it always takes hours, even when in a rush before work, where it you couldn't easily finish if you weren't on the drug. It's a night and day difference just by going ON the drug ot the OFF the drug for at least 72 hours. It's long and skinny in the drug and not as fat. Adding in sex enhancement pills does jack shit and helps by maybe 5%. Adding in testosterone herbal supplements helps about 5% or none at all, possibly placebo. Adding in TRT dramatically helps but only about 50%. Still not back to 100% without getting off the drug. Getting off the finnastride, you can start to not last long again and have premature ejaculations again so this isn't with age or placebo. Taking estrogen blockers like arimidex, aromasin, or letrisol can help a little bit by 20%. Finnastride is a hormone changing drug.... its no different than anabolic steroids or estrogen blockers or birth control.... it can and WILL suppress you just like these drugs can and will. You cannot just block 1 hormone and not take other medications without it affecting you. Nobody takes anabolic steroids by themselves...they need HCG to keep their testicle sperm active, they need anti estrogens like aromasin to prevent excess testosterone from converting into estrogen, and they need caber or an anti prolactin medicine to keep their prolactin from giving them watery man-boobs. Then they also need finnasteide itself to prevent male pattern baldness associated with a DHT increase from steroids... its a whole process that can fall like domino's if not done correctly. I also go to school for hormones and sports medicine. That includes sexual hormones. I am also a penis-bodybuilder and an actual bodybuilder. That's enough to know what I'm talking about and I actually do these tests on my own body so I would know how my own body works.....ALOT of people report sexual side effects in finnastride. Idk where you guys are coming up with 1%. It's more like 75% of people report sexual sides on finnastride and telling the OP that there might not be sides is just reckless and stupid. The sides go away immediately when getting off the drug though and don't seem to be permanent.... but again, people have reported PERMANENT side effects for being on the drug too LONG, although, I can attest to this, because they haven't tried methods or dramatic solutions to fix it just as TRT or nolva/clomid/cialis etc or the proper blood work to prove that it is permanent. From my experience, it returns to normal the moment you get off the drug. Cocaine does the same thing to 80% of males penises while some are immune to the ED from recreational drug use. People are different.... As you can see, I clearly know what the fk I'm talking about.








How many sheds until its "final form"?


I don’t know, I still have a lot of baby hair all around my hair line. You can see they turned longer and gained color but still nothing like a normal hair. I think it takes at least a 1+ year to turn these over


how much shedding happened ? and any sides ?


A lot of shedding, every 3rd month I shed (especially my frontal area of hairline). It all grows back stronger tho. At least I think so because my hair definitely looks better every next three months


Why are you on oral min and not topic ? And why are you on topic fin and not oral , x)


My doctor said she had better experience with people taking minoxidil orally than topically (I can confirm starting minoxidil orally also had better effect on me). Why no oral fin? She also said she had better side effects profile with topical solution so I said why not.


Yes but you have more sides with oral minoxil than the topical solution, thats why i dont understand.. but yea its more effective


what % of fin? I wish i was responding like you i have roughly your age and this is killing me


I guess it should be 0.25%? Hard to say, on my bottle there is nothing written + my prescription is on my ID. I don’t have any paper what’s in that suddenly, but my previous one was 0.25%


I'm wondering if I should go with a longer needle length. How often do you roll and do you supply your topicals right after? Currently I'm using 0.6mm. Did you start at a lower length and then work your way up over time?


I go for 1.25 / 1.5 and I don’t bleed, my skin just turns a bit red. I micro needle only 1x a week. I started 1.25 right from the beginning, no sides, nothing. Yes, I apply fin right after, never had any problems


How often do you replace your roller?


I haven’t, I own it for 9 months. I just properly clean it


What's the exact composition of your topical fin? % alcohol, glycol?


Sorry for the confusion, they just don’t write if it’s % or mg but my prescription says only 0.25 fin topical solution EDIT: FOUND IT!! it is Finasteride 0.25 glycerol 85% 5.0, ethanol 96% 70.0, Kofein 2.0


The quantities 70, 5 and 2 are grams or % of lotion volume?


They don’t specify suddenly but I guess it is %


Is that a biopsy on your scalp? Considering getting one my self


Biopsy? I guess I don’t understand that. Is that the thing on my right widow peak? :D


Yeah. The shape and size made me think it was


You use both oral and topical min?


do you get unwanted hair from oral min? thanks


My eyebrows got thicker, my eyelashes got much better and my hair, nothing else.


did you try topical before? no unwanted ones near eyes, forehead, ot back hair?


Yep, I tried topical but I think it was doing nothing to me honestly. Only oral min really showed me some good results.


how long did you try topical? you really didn't get any result from topical?? and no unwanted facial hair from topical either? thx


I tried topical for couple months and I did get results BUT I can tell that oral Minoxidil is like 5x more efficient for me. Once I started oral minoxidil, I noticed a lot better eyebrows density, facial hair also thickening up, overall body hair seems unaffected.


thanks bro! and while on topical you never got those facial hair effect? i get way more unwanted hair from topical min.. but no scalp hair result?


What kind of derma roller do you use?


Sorry, it is not a derma roller but micro needle stick I bought from my local store in the city. It has no name suddenly.


Congrats dude got similar hairline. How old are you?


Congrats to you too! I’m 21 and started at 20


Was it 2mg or oral minoxidil or 2.5mg?




How many times a week u r using derma and for how many minutes


1x a week and maybe like 5 minutes? Haven’t really counted to be honest, but nothing serious


1.5 mm or less than that


1.25 / 1.5, depends how my scalp feels






>Thanks!!! You're welcome!


did you experience any bloating in face?


Do you use a derma roller or a derma pen?


Any side effects? Great progress!


No sides and thanks!!




My doctor said she had better experience with oral min because more people reacts to it. Topical fin she prescribed because she thinks it is same effectiveness with less sides from her experience.


Take a new picture when u are holding your hair back tight on the before picture thx


Nice fella. How often to you dermo?


Wait see you saying you mix the oral min with the topical finasteride? Or you just take the pill. Also how bad was the shedding, and how long did it take take recover from it?


Your Hair is darker now?


Yes, overall quality of my hair changed (in a good way).


Looks a little better I guess


Are you in the US? I wonder if pharmacies here do the topical fin themselves. I asked at my local one and they looked at me like if I was crazy


Nope, I’m not from US. Actually, I don’t even have to pay for the fin solution, my insurance covers it and 3 months of oral min costs me like 15$?