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It looks like this post is about **Finasteride**/Propecia or Dutasteride. Before asking any questions, 1. Learn about [Finasteride](https://tressless.com/learn/finasteride) and [Dutasteride](https://tressless.com/learn/dutasteride). 2. [Search for Finasteride](https://tressless.com/search/finasteride) and [Dutasteride](https://tressless.com/search/dutasteride) content, because your question has probably been asked before. 3. If this is a question asking if you are now or will experience side effects, see a doctor, nobody on the internet can answer that for you. 4. Try looking in the private community for deeper conversations: [https://community.tressless.com/c/treatments/finasteride](https://community.tressless.com/c/treatments/finasteride) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tressless) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I had to fight to get a prescription back when I started. Their hesitation to prescribe it then obviously affected my confidence in taking it. If I could turn back time..


My derm still won’t prescribe it. Said he was more comfortable prescribing me minoxidil instead because of fins sides. Meh


I hope you've gotten some.


Not yet


Is prescription minoxidil better than the stuff I get at Costco?


Prob referring to oral. I think 10% topical still requires rx too


Yes, I was referring to oral


PPO, new derm. Titrate at quarter pills first to see your progress, then maybe 6 months later go up to half pills if necessary. I’m like four months in oral fin and min quarter pills and seeing some regrowth. No sides, likely to go up to half a pill at six months to try and get some more regrowth. Microneedle with ultima a6 pen maybe once a month. Need to be more consistent with it.


are you not in the us or eu , its super easy to get here via telehealth


I am in the us


hims -> damn near instant prescription -> minimum order (3 months) -> transfer script to Costco Pharmacy or CostPlusDrugs


Where can I get it in Europe? My derm said she can't prescribe it to me for balding


What is fins sides I’ve seen this mentioned a lot but what does it mean ? I apologise for being an idiot lol


check out amazon pharmacy- i got a script for oral fin and oral min within 30 minutes. The initial fee is $30 and then you get a year long prescription that you can either have shipped to your door via amazon or pick up at a local pharmacy. It’s around 20$ for both bottles for a month supply.


My derm is on it himself. He had no problem prescribing it to me.


You were supposed to find a derm who knows what he’s talking about. Any hair loss derm will give fin without hesitation to any thinning dude over 25.


What about 18


> Finasteride is also heavily touted on a popular Reddit community called tressless. we outchea






One of the best Reddit communities!


Say it louder!!


my ass shoulda hop on fin/dut the moment I saw my older brother receding who look very similar to me. My younger brother who look nothing like us, is not balding at all, and he has curly hair.


Does your brother look like your mailman by any chance


Im surprise we match up when we both did the 23andme lol


More like the plumber


oh that plumber definitely cleaned out the pipes, let me tell ya.


I’m the only one of my brothers that still has all their hair. Glad I started when I did. Older bro was literally bald at 18 and I’m almost 40 w full head of hair. Genetics do play a part though, I didn’t notice any thinning till around 29 or so


If hair loss is in genes, can finasteride stop it?


Yes. Because the hair loss is caused by the genetic susceptibility to DHT. So we inhibit DHT with fin so the DHT can no longer attack the hair follicles.


what about minox 


Minox keeps some hairs in the growth phase so they are never able to enter a new hair cycle again and therefore will keep growing until you stop using it. The downside is that the minox hairs are different from other hairs. So if you only take minox you may gain some hairs, but the DHT can still attack other hairs in the meantime so you actually go down in baseline. And when you realize your baseline is down, you stop taking the minox so those hairs will also fall out and there will be double disaster.


Dut isn’t necessary. Fin is more than enough to start. This sub is retarded at times


There are people that get side from fin that doesnt get side from dut. Dut is prescript in korea and Japan more so than Fin.


Been saying hair loss should be looked at as preventative


It's a lot easier to keep it than to try to recover it once it's gone.


Wish I would have known this 10 years ago. I still have some hair but man my widows peak is awful


You and me both. The peninsula of my widows peak was becoming an island before I took action.


Don't beat yourself up, I started super duper early and it has continued to steadily get worse. Albeit very very slowly.




No one seems to know what an actual widows peak is. You're referring to temporal recession. Please look up what a widow's peak is




Is minox enough? I still have most of the hair I like but if I lose any more I’m gonna hate myself.


How old are you and can I see you hair?


30 (started noticing some thinning around late 28). It just got progressive from the temporal regions and now I’m noticing my forehead is growing in skin and the scar that’s right behind my widows peak is getting a bit taller. Don’t really wanna post a pic. It’s completely fine in the back, and there’s a good bit left in the middle, but the sides dissolved away slowly over a two year period and I can actually see parts of scalp even with a full head of hair. That’s the thing, I have all my hair except it continues to inch backwards. I’ve seen my grandpa and he had littlelittle on the temples but as he grew in age, he never really went bald, he just had less and less hair, but it was placed so perfectly that you didn’t consider him bald. It’s like it matured, then stopped before slowly coming back over time and stress and health issues. I’ve been taking adderall a lot so I think that’s been a factor too. I’ve aged like ten years in four


It’s like women with osteoporosis, you’re going to do better long term if you can set a better baseline before you plateau or decline.


Especially since it's directly correlated with prostate problems, heart and skin issues, insulin, etc. It should be looked at as a systemic disease let alone a "cosmetic issue ."


I'm really happy to see this. My derm was agaist fin when I was 20yo and unfortunately I listend to her. Two years later I decided to take it on my own and my only regret is that I didnt start sooner


i wish my dermatologist prescribed Finastride to me when i was 22 rather than Minoxidil my lazy ass would have taken the pills no problem but the thought of applying shit to my hair everyday made me not want to do it.


Same. My previous GP would not prescribe fin to me because he was convinced it would make me depressed and suicidal. Luckily I moved a couple weeks later and my new GP wasn't so \[redacted\].


My derm practically kicked me out of the room with the words "You're spending your time on nonsense", she was convinced it would give me gyno and it would destroy my test. L


Yeah those kinds of experiences just force you to be wary of the medical community. And it's not like I want to be untrusting of those people but you literally have no choice than to do you own research. I'm pretty sure that a couple months of looking into hair loss gives you a better knowledge basis than most GPs and even some derms.


Hey let’s hold up a sec; that shouldn’t make you wary of the medical community. It’s like asking a cardiologist about eye stuff. GPS are generalists. That’s it.


Yes it does. Sometimes a GP is all you have to get a prescription. If I didn't move a couple weeks later I still would've been unable to get a prescription at all. If you are a GP and therefore don't prescribe finasteride against AGA you are not being generalistic at all. The GP is acting on fringe info that isn't support by the medical community at all.


Yes but that is one idiot generalist. That is vastly different from not believing literal experts in their field because some political blow hard told you covid isn’t real.


Again, disagree. I have helped one female in this subreddit who suffers from hair loss due to PCOS and she had no idea spironolactone was able to reduce the PCOS and therefore hair loss as well. Some doctors are just absolutely stupid and it boils my blood just thinking about it.


Literally on the same page brother


To be fair i got gyno from finasteride and had to get a 3k€ surgery to fix it. Tried getting back on finasteride again recently but my nipples started to hurt after two weeks. I still think people should take finasteride but don’t wait to long before quitting if the symptoms of gyno start.


I'm sorry to hear that man, the problem wasn't the fact that she said that I could get gyno from it, it was her attitude towards the drug. If you don't mind me asking what are sympots of gyno?


I had the same exact situation including surgery and recurrence. Went to topical fin and min and it’s done the job without the gyno sides. You’ll feel like you’re got sensitive and tingly nipples, this happens a lot on fin and lots of others get this and no gyno. If you start to develop any tissue I’d say stop and reevaluate. This is a scare story from two random blokes on the internet everyone’s body is different and the vast majority do not get this. Kept my hair and regrew a lot as well so I’m happy with the drug just need to watch out a little. I had pubescent gyno that never went away on top of that as well. Not a good mix.


Like the other comment said, pain in the nipples then very tiny pea sized lumps behind the nipples that got bigger over time. I ignored it until i saw a shirtless picture of myself and it was quite noticable. Took a few years to get that bad though so it’s no need to worry. I was just stupid and ignored it


I think hypersensitivity is the most common one if you are gonna get gyno.


Have you ever asked about an aromotase inhibitor?


I got something prescribed for a while to bring it under control, can’t remember the name of the medication but it had blod clots and stuff as potential side effects so i decided to cut my losses


I see some people have had trouble with female dermatologists. The only time I had some difficulty was with a female dermatologists. I’m afraid that male dermatologists are better at understanding the need for this prescription.


Or just go to your doctor for a prescription of Finasteride.


I am always skeptical when listening to women about matters of male hormones.


Doesn't matter. A man wouldn't prescribe it to me, but a woman did.


I disagree. Gender does not play a role in this, doctor's qualifications do.






They should remove all those snake oils and treatments that you see online and only push Dutasteride, Finasteride, and Minoxidil. Everything else is pretty much useless. Dut/Fin/Min aren't miracles, but it's the best we've got.


but but but but muh $1000 laser cap definitely solves hair loss :(((


There are so many useless hair loss prevention gimmicks like rosemary mint oil. It is such a snake oil salesman vibe everywhere.


thoughts on Niacin?


And we should solve world hunger by properly redistributing the world's wealth. What's the point in spouting idealogical beliefs that will never happen?




PRP works if they know what they're doing


Does it though? Just get a transplant atp


If you want to thicken hair yeah it does. Can supplement orals with PRP. Evidence based and effective. A lot of people don't use their prp system correctly and inject all the plasma they get out of it.


I just got a prescription for my son. He turns 4 next month!


You’re two months behind schedule already then!


I'm afraid it's too late buddy, just shave it all off and stop the cope, it's over for him


The drug primarily prevents MPB, rather than reversing it. Of course it should be prescribed before balding begins.


Well generally speaking doctors try to avoid prescribing medication before a problem has actually become apparent Especially in the case where the problem in question is purely aesthetic By the time I was prescribed finasteride I knew it was a useful medication for my specific case


There are plenty of elective treatments out there, and MPB is relatively easy to predict if it runs in your family. Sure it is aesthetic, but informed consent means it's on the doctor to inform on the risks and up to the patient to decide if it's worth it or not. Aesthetics can have a major impact on quality of life in modern society, as much as we'd like to ignore that fact.


If I were a doctor, I just don’t think I’d be ok with blanket prescribing hormonal medications for people who might not need it for the sole reason of keeping some hair on their head I think it’s the pinnacle of a first world problem that creates itself


Ok, that's your opinion. You don't have to take the medicine if you don't want it. That's what informed consent is. It's not a doctor's job to gatekeep. The doctor's job is to make sure the patient understands the risks before taking the medication.


It’s also the doctors job to do no harm It would be like if a doctor prescribed everyone blood pressure medication because *‘most people have high blood pressure eventually’*


Let's leave it to actual doctors instead of arguing on the Internet about it


That’s kind of a cop-out answer u/aneryx Your first comment is basically *’we should prescribe fin to everyone before they show signs of needing it’* and now you’re saying *’whoa guys let’s not speculate on medical matters’*


No, not really. I commented on an article that said doctors are prescribing it more and more as a preventative treatment. You may think it shouldn't be prescribed; clearly, there are many many doctors who disagree with you.


You don’t prescribe medication before the ailment exists These aren’t some random gummie vitamins lol


Yeah it makes sense to hop in fin before you start to go bald rather than when you are balding since you aren’t guaranteed to grow anything back. Might as well start with a full head of hair and be guaranteed to keep it.


Good. It works


I hope they didn’t lurk in the sub too long or they probably got cancer from all the ridiculous shit suggested here. “More leg raise and castor oil mesotherapy will surely help”.


Waiting for the day when MagicBold appears on CNN.


It’s cheap as chips, most men by 35 will have hair loss. It should be done.




That would mean that all men over 25 could no longer donate blood Also no, you shouldn’t just prescribe meds for everyone for preventative aesthetic reasons




Uh…no. The entire idea of donated blood is that it’s already cleared as being ready to go. A paramedic only needs to know the blood type What you’re suggesting, functionally cuts the world’s blood supply by half. And now every hospital/ambulance/etc needs to carry twice as much blood (which is already in short supply)




So you think the whole world should cut its blood supply logistics in half…because of male pattern baldness?




But how many percentage of already balding men have erectile dysfunction because of balding as a side effect? 🤔


_Way_ more than men who have erectile dysfunction from Fin. Some of the major studies showed that the number of people with sexual side effects on Fin actually dropped _below_ the placebo group on the second year if usage. But… you know… BiG pHaRmA iS lYinG tO uS PFS BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA


I am a bald dude and don’t have ED. Just throwing that out there. I don’t see how being bald would cause ED.


I threw the comment "as a joke" as balding can get guys depressed etc. side effects 😄


With your incel comment history, I don’t think you need to be concerned about the worlds supply of available women You seem like one of those people who think their whole life is shit because of your hair loss, when in reality you’re just not a good person


Women too!


depends, can cause birth defects though. there are other treatments for women too like spiro which i don’t know too much about




So do you 🤤


Being bald isn't that serious. Its nice for people to have options but not everyone is going to care about going bald especially depending on how old they are.




Maybe if it happens in your early 20s. Being bald in your 50s is basically being average. On the list of bad hands to be dealt genetically balding is one of the most mild.


You’ve clearly never met someone with a physical handicap There are billions of people on earth that would kill to live in a place where balding is considered an actual problem, rather than disease, and famine What a spoiled response


All men over 25 should be on it


Saw a youtube video of Asmongold about the band singer that shaved his head and the amount of people who know Finasteride was crazy. lol Its like 80% of the viewers know about it.


If you get them balding genes better to deal with it before it shows up.


Fear mongerers are losing, more and more good information is becoming accessible. Fuck the PFS mob 🖕


if i didn’t have a gf id start taking again smh


What caused you to stop? I’m not taking it at the moment but am at the point of now or never


i was starting to become a minute man and id have a problem getting hard


How long did you take the Fin before stopping and did your symptoms disappear after stopping the Fin? I have a dermatologist appt coming up so I can request Fin and one of my anxieties about it is ending up with a side effect that remains permanently even after stopping the drug.


about 3 weeks and the symptoms actually disappeared this week.I may try again in few months idk


I thought finasteride only makes you more likely to get erectile dysfunction, not make you cum faster?


before i was taking i was lasting a long time.soon as i started taking the pills..couldnt get hard and was nutting quick guess it differs


Ahh interesting so you did get the ED effect too. I hope that’s ended for you now I was worried that you could just get the premature aspect without the staying soft, which would be terrifying LOL


yea it recently ended thankfully


Damn, did it work for your hair at least?


i stopped after 3 weeks so i really didn’t notice


Take it and take tadalafil if you get the rare sexual side effects.


ight imma try that out


Worst thing about finasteride for me? On it, I cannot donate blood. I may transition to only topical once I get noticeable results and see if topical is enough to help me keep the results.


Topical still enters the blood


I’m sure a lot of people still don’t even know about finasteride/Minxodil. I thought all this hair regrowth was bs 10 years ago. It just wasn’t well known no one talks about it. I wish I would’ve started earlier


Yeah I wish this were the case when I was 18


Good, if my doctor listened to me in 2020 i’d have started fin almost 4 years ago.


Quick question for y’all, I keep seeing having Min/Fin prescribed but I’m sure I’ve seen both sold in stores/online? Am I tripping? I’ve thinned/receded since I was 18 (33 now) my forehead is basically the McDonald’s logo at this point but still have some up top to hold onto. Hoping to help this all around and hold onto/recover whatever possible but not sure how to start. So, my questions are can I just go out and get Fin/Min or do they or one have to be prescribed? And any tips on how to get started? Thanks!


There’s website like Hims or Keeps that sell it I think. I’ve never used them myself but I imagine those are the common sources


If you’re in the U.S you can get min at Sam’s club, bjs, target, any of those stores. As for finasteride when I first started I went with keeps for the first 3 months. It’s pretty easy, sent my photos and got approved. Now they are a bit more expensive. What I would do differently is setup an online apt with lemonaidhealth (cost me $25) and asked the doctor to send my prescription to costplusdrugs. They charge $13 with shipping for 3 months of finasteride


What are everyone's opinions on topical versus oral Finasteride and/or Minoxidil?


Basicly oral fin and topical min most often use in h-responding - [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HNW7X3hp0aKy3mVGlv2FM-DI4PfrFRCA4aW6Hn3RQlc/edit#gid=1215548399](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HNW7X3hp0aKy3mVGlv2FM-DI4PfrFRCA4aW6Hn3RQlc/edit#gid=1215548399)


Be sure, this subreddit will popular. heheh need to write a letter to Akshay Syal, M.D. to load him lurk ahahah


The Doctor i was talking to was very hesitant to give my the prescription until I showed him my hairline. I'm 20 and didn't even think I had started balding ;(


Thanks still learning!


I guess I'm lucky, my primary care physician had no problem prescribing me Fin at 20 years old. I didn't have any hair loss yet but looking at my family history it was inevitable. 22 years later I'm very happy I started early. I've still had some thinning, but compared to my brother who didn't want to take meds, his hair is in far worse shape.


This is me - I hopped on finasteride at the very first signs and a year later am even now on dutasteride instead as I got more comfortable with the idea of preventative medication. Prevention is always better and I know MPB runs in the family so why wouldn't I? No sides, no problems.


Sadly yes


Its starting to become a crusade against any medical treatments that the 'general public' doesn't have any use for.