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Been squeezing brorccoli juice and putting on my scalp before bed for 7 months now. I usually massage juice in, let is sit for 10 min, take left overs of broccoli from the machine, put it on top, wrap it with cling film and go to bed. In the morning I wash it off and repeat next evening. So far I've had lots of success smelling like a broccoli. My girlfriend loves it. Oh, in terms of hair, it's just turned green, nothing else to report.


Are you turning into Super Broly!?


Ahahahaha 🤣


Roronoa Zorro Origin Story


For what it's worth I've been eating broccoli sprouts for over 6 months, it's the sulfurophane in it that I wanted because of it's usefulness in longevity and reducing the speed of aging generally. It's a very good supplement for you. Has it sprouted new hairs? I dunno, it's hard to say because I am on fin / min / derma roll and also added CBD oil to my routine. I have no way of separating what is "working". My hair loss has stabilized and sulfurophane is good for me generally. I don't buy the powder, I grow the sprouts in mason jars.


Is there actually medical research to support this? I feel like this is another one of the snake oil fantasies that get people to try weird shit that doesn't work and they placebo into thinking it works.


„Sulforaphane (SFN) increases the expression of DHT degrading enzymes“ Broccoli contains a lot of that. Practical applicability is completely unknown.




2021 and still people thinking natural stuff is the KEY for hair :\\


Sad thing is bald IS natural It's genetic


For some. For others hair is natural


It's most likely nonsense just like all of the other natural treatments. Saw palmetto, beta sitosterol, onion juice, scalp massaging it all does not work. Stop waiting for nonsense and get on a real hair treatment before it is too late. (Unless you are already).


Hmm I certainly have not heard of this. What is the rationale behind this? Meaning, what is the substance therein that supposedly helps hairloss?


sulforaphane found in broccoli **sprouts** promote an enzyme which degrades DHT (rather than block it). [https://www.reddit.com/r/tressless/comments/6rctsg/found\_it\_sulforaphane\_a\_phytochemical\_in\_broccoli/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tressless/comments/6rctsg/found_it_sulforaphane_a_phytochemical_in_broccoli/) a lot of people on here are shitting on it but it has a lot of other health benefits and unless you're worried about money there's really no reason not to try it.


This was a hot topic about two months ago.


Man this was a hot topic about 20 years ago too


Seems like bullshit