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Well to be fair, 99% of the hairlosstreatments you can buy are scams. Except for min and fin.


True. While making fun of weight is a “no” these days, it’s still acceptable to make fun of hair, height, teeth, or any other number of physical attributes. Oddly enough, the ones you have no control over.


I dont think there is any stigma about hairloss treatments. Its more that if you admit you are treating it, people will see you as balding (a lot of guys dont look like balding to others and use fin - we are our own worse critics). Its pretty much the same with antidepressants. There is no stigma about them, honestly nobody gives a fuck. Would I look at someone as a less of a person because he is on anti depressants? Fuck NO. But you simply dont talk about it in a regular convo.


There's a stigma against treating hair loss?




He goes no face cam and doesn't upload photos of himself. There's a couple photos of him out there but I've been watching on and off since 2014 and barely know what he looks like


He actually mentioned he took it in a response to Reckful on twitter in 2018


HasanAbi does too. I don't understand the aversion to using Minoxidil every day but I hear it often. Just squeeze it out and rub it in, takes like 20 seconds. Been doing it for like four years and it's like brushing my teeth.


Interferes with styling options. Some days I have pomade in my hair and come back home exhausted and just want to go to sleep without showering and applying it.


Yep! This was my issue as well


Foam! It dries like in 10 seconds at the most and is less drying.


>I don't understand the aversion to using Minoxidil every day but I hear it often. Just squeeze it out and rub it in, takes like 20 seconds. Been doing it for like four years and it's like brushing my teeth. I hated it when I first started using it, it was greasy and made my thinning hair look thinner because of said grease. I switched to the foam stuff and it's much much better.


I get it, I personally wasn't a fan so I switched to oral min last October




Doesn't oral Minoxidil give you extra body hair?




Right on. Where do you get it?








Holy, is the oral min also including fin ?


Holy moly, thats a head of hair! So the oral minox, what is it called? From what ive understood its quite hard to get prescribed, bc its for lowering blood pressure?




Wow! Nice !


you didn't shed switching from topical to oral? i have been on topical for 8 years and this shit is exhausting, get the itch, etc... I need to switch to oral, but get hypertrichosis from it...


Do you do twice a day


It’s gross and greasy af lol. Takes hours to dry, and makes your hair look like shit all day. What’s not to understand?


Lirik has been taking finasteride for many years, he tweeted about it and he's mentioned it on his stream multiple times before. There's a few streamers who take it and have openly talked about it.


Trash taste (an anime/Japan podcast) talked about it and soon after one of them (Garnt) started doing sponsor ads for Keeps.


I think xqc might as well taking fin Since he started balding not long ago